The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 09, 1959, Image 11

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    pr on 9
Women 3
.— -- — _
5L Social
Thursday, July 8
lajtheran Ladies Aid
Friday, July 10
Come Double C’A's, Mrs. Allen
Walters home.
Monday, July 13
Hospital Auxiliary
Tuesday, July 14
Elkhom Project
What' Not Extension
Club Notes
Mrs. George Carstens entertain
ed O'Monde members with lunch
eon and bridge June 30. Bridge
winners were Mrs. 1! D. Gilder
sleeve, Mrs. Carstens and Mrs.
Chuck Fox. A guest was Mrs. Ted
MM met June 30 at the home of
Mrs Paul Shierk. Bridge winners
were Mrs. L, A Burgess and Mrs.
K L Van Voorhis. Mrs. Van Voor
his was also a guest.
Rebekah l»dge No. 41 met Fri
day evening for a regular session
at 8 p.m. Mrs. Marlen Luber was
in charge of the luncheon commit
O'Neill Better Ways
Mrs. E E. Cleveland Jr. was
hostess last Tuesday to eight mem
lx>rs of the O'Neill Better Ways
Extension club Mrs. Richard Ho
vey presented the lesson on "Skill
et Meals ” A luncheon was served
following the meeting.
Next meeting will lie with Mrs
Dick Strube.
.Methodist Adult
Fellowship Meets
Forty families of the Methodist
Adult Fellowship met June 28 for
a picnic at Ford park in O'Neill.
Following a picnic supper there
were games and singing around a
Assembly of God Group
Holds Watermelon Feed
The C'A's of the Assembly of
God church sponsored a watermel
on feed for the young people of
the church Tuesday night at 8
p m. at Ford Park
Cub Scouts To Hold
Hake Sale Saturday
O'Neill cub scouts are sponsor
ing a hake sa'e Saturday, July 11
at Shelhamers Jack anti Jill food
Peggy O'Boyle Honored
With Bridal Shower
Mrs. Stanley Holly was hostess
at a bridal shower Friday in her
home given for Peggy O'Bovle.
Miss O'Boyle is engaged to marry
Jack Carney.
Games were played with Mrs
Tony O'Donnell, Mrs. Norb Uhl,
Mrs Fred Heermann and Mrs. Don
Becker winners. Lunch was serv
ed by the hostess.
Out-of-town guests were Mrs.
Fritz Dostal, Council Bluffs, la.;
Mrs. Hank Mangan and daughter,
Rosamond;- and Mrs Pat Hickey
Jr., Omaha, and Mrs. James Car
ney, Burwell.
Mrs L. A Becker entertained
in her home last Thursday after
noon at a coffee in honor of her
daughter, Mrs. John Curry, who
has l>een visiting here.
The following women were at
Mrs. Becker's home: Mrs. Ben
Grady, Mrs. Bill McIntosh, Mrs.
John Stuift>ergen, Mrs. Don Beck
er, Mrs. Jerry Petsche, Mrs. Rex
Wilson, Mrs. Mac Simonson and
Mrs. Bill Petsche.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays !
Barbara McCarthy
Weds B. F. Pruss
At a 10 a.m. nuptial mass at St.
Patrick's Catholic church July 1,
Miss Barbara Jeanne McCarthy,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George
McCarthy, became the bride of
Bernard Francis Pruss, Omaha,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton J.
Pruss, Orchard.
The Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan
performed the ceremony before an
altar decorated with white gla
diolas, fern and red roses. Approx
imately 200 guests were there.
The bride was escorted to the al
tar by her father wearing a ball
erina gown of all-over lace The
snug bodice featured a boat neck
line, short sleeves and an Eliza
bethan waistline. A full lace over
taffeta skirt was caught with a
taffeta bow in back and ruffles
of net made a back trim.
The tierred illusion veil was
caught with a jeweled hat with
three dimension pearl embroid
ery. She carried a bouquet of white
gladtolas nested in lily of the val
Beverly McCarthy, Omaha, was
her sister’s maid of honor. Bride
maids were Kathryn McCarthy,
sister of the bride, O'Neill, and
Audrey Hawn, Dunlap, la. They
wore identical ballerina gowns of
blue organza'with white val lace
trimming the snug bodices. The
matching blue hats were set with
halo veil. Each carried a bouquet
of white carnations featured with
Best man was James Pruss, San
Francisco, brother of the bride
groom. Groomsmen were Edward
McCarthy, Columbus and Robert
Burival. O'Neill. Tony Pruss Jr.,
Orchard, and Gene Harris, Omaha
were ushers.
Miss Alvara Ramm. Stuart, was
organist, accompuning Bonnie
Burival singing "Ava Maria",
"Oh Lord I Am Not Worthy,”
"Mother Beloved.” and "Oh Moth
er, Will It Always Be?”
The mother of the bride chose
a lace dress of dusty rose with
white accessories and a white car
nation corsage The mother of the
bridegroom wore a silk print dress
with white accessories and a white
carnation corsage.
A breakfast was held preceding
the ceremony for the wedding
party and family and a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
parents from 2 to 4 p.m. For the
wedding trip the bride chose a cin
namon brown sheath with white
accessories. She also wore a cor
sage of white carnations.
Mrs. Pruss is a graduate of St.
Mary's Academy and St. Cather
ine's Hospital School of Nursing
in Omaha. At present she is a sen
ior student nurse. Mr. Pruss is a
graduate of Orchard High School
and has attended the University of
Nebraska and Creighton Universi
ty. He is presently employed with
the Omaha Postal Department.
Following a wedding trip to the
Black Hills the couple are at home
in Omaha.
Out-of-town guests included the
following: Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Pruss, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Anton
Pruss, Jr , and family, and Mr.
and Mrs. Gordon Drayton, all of
Orchard: Mr. and Mrs. Mel He
l>ert and family. Wichita. Kans.,
Mr. and Mrs. Warren G Harris,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert llocak and
family, Mr. and Mrs. A1 Albrachts
and family, Mr and Mrs John
McCarthy and family and Mr. and
Mrs. William McElvain, all of
Omaha: Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc
Carthy and family, Boise, Ida.;
Mr. and Mrs Roy Goree, Long
Pine; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Ondrac
ek, and Miss Anne Ondracek, all of
Miss Kathryn McCar.hy, Atkin
son; Mrs. Jerry Bari, Kimball;
Miss Alvara Ramm, Stuart; Mr.
and Mrs Joseph Pruss and Mr.
and Mrs. Bernard Rayer, all of
Creighton; Mr. and Mrs. All ert
Pruss, Fremont; Mr. and Mrs
Henry Bauer, Plainview; Mr. and
Mrs. James Pruss, Dodge; and
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Gribble of
Mr. and Mm. Bernard Prust. —O’Neill Photo Co. Photo J
Amy Kersenbrock Wins
O'Neill Honors in Golf
At Women's Tourney
Mrs. Alma Kersenbrock and Mrs
Vi Sullivan. Albion, emerged as
low score winners of the Ladies
Open Golf Tournament in O'Neill
last Tuesday, following sudden
death play-offs for the O'Neill and
out-of-town medalist winners.
Mrs. Kersenbrock broke a tie
with Mrs. Sue Deaver with a play
off on one hole and Mrs. Sullivan
defe »ted Mrs Bea Meade. Ains
worth. following a tie for out-of
town low' honors
Seven towns were represented
as 49 golfers played in the tourna
ment. Other winners included the
following: Least number of putts
for nine holes, Bea Meade. Ains
worth; longest drive on the ninth,
Jane Gentzler. Plainview; longest
putt on the fifth, Barbara Curry,
Kansas City; closest to the pin in
three strokes on the first, Arlene
Kuhl, Plainview; closest to the
pin in one stroke on the fourth.
Marie Kelly, O'Neill; high score
from out-of-town, Millie Whitney,
Ainsworth; high score in O'Neill,
Lois Fox, O'Neill; and average
score. Alice Develon. Albion.
A total of 75 women were at the
O'Neill Country Club Wednesday
for the bridge and golf events.
Cocktails and a luncheon followed
the breakfast and golf and bridge
was played in the afternoon
Bridge winners were: high
scores. Alice Gabelman, Neligh.
and Alice Develon, Albion: low
SCO e, Mrs Gien Faunce, O'Neill:
and traveling prize. Mary Biglin.
Out-of-town women were from
Plainview, Albion, Neligh, New
man Grove, Bassett and Ains
O'Neill Locals
Guests at the Larry Schaffer
home Saturday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. K. M DeLashmutt and
children. Burwell.
Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Kennicott
are vacationing in Minnesota
While there they will visit Mrs
Kenntcott's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar at- j
tended a Larson family reunion at i
Piokstmvn. S. D., Saturday.
Mrs. Rosa Bowers. Mrs. Minnie
Higgins and Mrs. Ruby Waymar
attended the Damero funeral in
Atkinson Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Person
and Mr. and Mrs Dick Silver and
Chris of Oakland were weekend
guests of Mrs. Pearl Grutsch
John Baker of Omaha was here
Friday with his parents Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Lohaus.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Anson and
Mr. and Mrs Orland Anson of At
kinson were guests Saturday at
the Leland Anson home. Mr. and
Mrs. Dewayne Anson and girls
were guests Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Loy and fam
ily of Kearney were here for th.
' ' 10 Clay Johnson sr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Grew'e and
family of Lincoln were here Sun
day at the Helmut Arnold homo.
\ n g e 1 i c a Grewe stayed for a
week's visit.
Mrs. Joe Price nee Miss Marian Heiss, Page. The wedding look
place June 27 at the Page Methodist church. The couple will reside
in Lincoln.—O’Neill Photo Co. photo.
Miss Marian Heiss,
Joe Price, Lincoln,
Married at Page
The Page Methodist church was
decorated with baskets of white
chrysanthemums and tinted blue
carnations accented with sprays of
frosted woodwardia and huckle
berry for the 3 p.m June 27 wed
ding ceremony of Miss Marian
Heiss, daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Ivan Heiss, Page, and Joe Price,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Price,
The Rev. I. Lester Hart, Tilden.
uncle of the bride, performed the
doublering ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a gown of em
broidered nylon organza A gleam
ing satin band ending in a bow and
streamers in the back gave the
Empire look to the fitted bodice
with its Sabrina neckline and brief
scalloped sleeves. The voluminous
•intermissioh length skirt, edged
in scallops, whirled into a sweep
A crown of lace scallops accent
ed by tulle flowers centered with
pearls held her fingertip v#il of
pure silk bridal illusion.
ane Cctintfu a vosuaut? ui wiiiitr
roses accented with stephanotis
and blue ribbon streamers.
Her only jewelry was a single
cultured pearl on a silver chain,
a gift from the bridegroom. She
carried out the tradition of some
thing old. new, borrowed, blue and
a penny in her shoe.
The maid-of-honor Miss Myma
Heiss. sister of the bride, appear
ed in a sheath dress of white em
broidered satin cotton with a V
neckline. Her headpiece was a
white velvet headband with a
white eye length veil, the velvet
matching the belt of the dress.
She carried a white lace fan with
white carnations with touches of
blue arranged on it. White nylon
gloves completed her outfit. Miss
Janet Philippi. Lincoln, was brides
maid and the junior bridesmaid
was Miss Bonnie Heiss. youngest
sister of the bride. All three were
identically dressed.
Larry Price. Lincoln, was best
man for his brother. Groomsmen
were Lyle Heiss. Page, brother of
the bride, and Ronald Livingston.
Lincoln Head usher was Merwyn
French, jr., Page. Other ushers
were Dave Fullis and Norvan
Holverson, both of Lincoln. All
the male attendants and ushers
wore white dinner jackets and
tuxedo trousers.
The ring bearer was Tommy
Hart. Tilden. Candlelighters were
Cletia and Becky Hart, Tilden.
They wore dresses of scalloped
white reembroidered nylon with i
underskirts of white nylon organ
za. They wore white headbands
with ruffled net veils and nylon
Flower girls were Pamela and
Debra Price. Lincoln. They wore
dresses identical to those of candle
lighters. They carried baskets of
white chrysanthemum petals.
For her daughter’s wedding, the
bride's mother chose a light blue
sheath of reembroidered lace fea
turing a large shawl collar. She
wore a red rose corsage and white
The bridegroom’s mother wore
a blue and white linen sheath dress
with accents of blue embroidery
and a white lace jacket. She also
wore white accessories.
Mrs. Esther Price, Lincoln, sang
"Because”, “I I^ove Thee”, and
"The Lord's Prayer”. Accompany
ing her at the organ was Mrs. Lois
Johnson. Lincoln.
A reception in the church par
lors was held immediately follow
ing the ceremony Mrs. Lester
Brady, Lincoln, aunt of the bride,
cut the wedding cake. The cake
had been transported to Page from
Lincoln. Lt featured a miniature
bride and bridegroom on a two
tier four layer cake.
Misses Colette Crow and Marcia
Johnson. Iincoln. served the wed
ding cake. Miss Barbara Griess,
Lincoln, served the punch. Aunts
of the bride, Mrs. Florence French,
sr . and Miss Marie Heiss, poured
coffee. Misses Lois Salta and Don
na Crumly served the bride's
table. Mrs. Bette Frells was host
ess at the reception. Mrs. Flor
ence Hart, Tilden, had charge of
the guest book
For going away, the bride wore
a light pink sheath of dacron and
nylon with a bolero jacket. She
wore a white hat and white acces
sories, and a corsage of white
roses and stephanotis, die same as
her wedding bouquet.
The couple left immediately af
ter the reception on a week and a
half wedding trip to Chicago, Ni
agara Falls. Buffalo and New York
City. They will be at home after
July 11 at 810 Northborough Lane
in Lincoln in the new home they :
have purchased.
Mrs. Price was a 1955 graduate
of the Page high school. She at
tended Nebraska Wesleyan Uni
versity where she is a member of
Alpha Gamma Delta Sorority She
will graduate from the Bryan
Memorial school of nursing in
Lincoln in August.
Mr. Price is a graduate of
Northeast high in Lincoln. He
spent 3 years in the Marines and
attended Nebraska Wesleyan Uni
versity. He is presendy the man
ager of a King’s Drive In restaur
ant in Lincoln.
Mr and Mrs. Randy Johnson, Ree Heights, S D. The bride was
formerly Miss Sharon Fry of Burwell. The marriage took place
June 30 at the Chambers Methodist church.
O'Neill Photo Co. Photo, The Frontier Engraving.
i “c methoard church in Cham
bers was the scene of the 2 p.m
louble ring ceremony on June 30
uniting in marriage Miss Sharon
Fry and Randy Johnston.
The Rev. Charles Cox, paslor,
The parents are Mr. and Mrs.
Veil Fry, Burwell, and Mr and
Mrs. Stanley Johnston, Ree Heights
3. D.
The bride was given in marria
ge by her father. She appeared in
i floor length gown with a foam
bf French Chantilly lace ruffles
bver net and taffeta, featuring
i smooth fitting lace Ixbdice with
i Sabrina neckline and long slee
ves coming to points over the
She wore a coronet of lace embro
dered with pearls and sequins and
i cloud of nylon illusion veiling
n ballerina length Her jewelry
vas a double strand pearl neck
ace and earinigs, a gift from the
bridegroom. She carried a white
3ible and pink roses with white
streamers tipped with pink rose
Miss Jerilyn Coday, Chambers,
:ousin of the bride, was maid-of
lonor. She wore a waltz length
?own of pink net over taffeta
vith pink accessories. The brides
maid, Miss Carole Smith, Taylor,
core a waltz length gown of white
bet over pink taffeta, with a pink
:oummerbund and white accessor
ies. She and the maid-of-honor
carried bouquets of pink and white
Jim McDonald. Highmore, S. D ,
was bestman. Ushers were Chuck
Fry, Burweli, brother of the bride
and Edward, Coday, Chambers,
uncle of the bride.
Before an altar banked with
baskets of white gladioli, pink ros
es and 12 white candelabra, Mrs.
Loyd Milligan sang "Because”, “I
love You Truly" and “The Lord's
Prayer", accompanied at the or
gan hy Mrs. C. Robertson
For her daughter’s wedding Mrs.
Fry chose a beige lace suit with
pink accessories.
The bridegroom's mother wore
a blue flowered dress with white
accessories. They both wore white
feathered caration corsages.
A reception was held following
the ceremony at the church Ar
deth Coday, aunt of the bride,
baked and cut the pink and white
three tier cake topped with the
bridal couple with bells filled with
pink roses and greenery around
the base. Arlene Garwood presid
ed at the guest hook, Alberta
Miles was at the gift book, Rober
ta Klabanes was in charge of the
gifts, Mrs. Less Miles and Mrs.
Chuck Schmidt poured and Rose
Miles served punch.
Following a two week trip to
the Black Hills the couple will
he at home at Ree Heights, S. D
The Clarence Sandersons of Chambers The double-ring candle
light ceremony was held June 28 at St. Paul’s Lutheran church in
Chambers. The bride was Miss Bonnie Peterson before her mar
riage.—O'Neill Photo Co. photo.
Miss Bonnie Lee Peterson,
laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Peterson of Chambers and Clar
;nce Eugene Sanderson, son of
Vlr. and Mrs. Ray Sanderson,
Chambers were united June 28 at
in 8 p.m. candlelight ceremony,
it St. Paul's Lutheran church in
Reverend Roten, pastor, offici
ated at the double-ring rites.
The bride, given in marriage by
ler father, carried out the tradi
tion of something old, new, bor
rowed and blue and a penny in
ler shoe. Her gown was white or
janza over taffeta, featuring a
ace bodice, long sleeves and low
-.eckline embroidered with se
quins. The full skirt had a lace
canel front and the back ended in
i chapel train. The veil had a
Juliet effect obtained with a unique
Mending of pleated illusion. The
Chantilly lace was outlined with
seed pearls and a pearl teardrop,
rhe bride’s jewelry was a single
strand pearl necklace, a gift from
the bridegroom Her bouquet was
a white satin fan with lace trim,
svith a white sweetheart rose cor
sage, with white and blue net and
blue shower ribbons.
The maid-of-honor, Miss Na
Vonne Schmidt, Chambers, was
dressed in a blue brocaded dacron
sheath with a blue net over skirt
Her bouquet was a large ring of
steraphone with French carnations
with satin and pink shower ribbon.
J udy Thompson and Patty
Grubb, candlelighters, were dress
ed in blue dresses with pink wrist
Donald Mikkleson, Chambers,
was bestman. Wayne Peterson and
Robert Sanderson, brothers of the
bride and bridegroom, were ush
The bridegroom and bestmar
were dressed ift dark suits with
white carnation boutonnieres
Both the bride's and bride
groom’s mothers wore navy blue
dresses with white accessories
and white mum corsages.
Following the ceremony a recep
tion was held for 150 guests in the
church basement. The tables were
decorated with white lace table
cloths, flowers and candles. The
serving table was decorated with
a four-tier wedding cake baked
by the bride's mother and decor
ated by Mrs. Ralph Rees, Amelia,
and served by Mrs. Duke Reed
Mrs Bernice Platt and Mrs. Peg
gy Smith served cake and ice
cream and Mrs. Fred Tucker and
Mrs. Ola Ermer poured coffee and
punch. Karen Farrier, Jeanette
Urban and Joyce Mikkleson hac
charge of the gifts and Karen Er
mer presided at the guest book
The servers were Elaine Walters
Rose Ann Blake, Kay Tracy and
Judy Smith.
Many out-of-town guests wen
After a short wedding trip tc
South Dakota the couple will bf
at home at Chambers, where Mr
Sanderson is employed by Everet
For traveling the bride chose i
pink brocaded sheath with whitt
O'Neill Locals
Mr and Mrs. George Hector,
M lrysville. Wash, have arrived
it tl>e home of Mr and Mrs D C
Schaffer to spend a month's vaea
vn Mrs Rector and Mrs. Schaffer
are sisters.
Mr and Mrs Jerry Wheeler and
daughter and Mr. and Mrs Ed
ward Kirkpatrick were at For
Randall on July *1
Mr and Mrs. Richard Hovey
and Hob an.i Mr and Miss Nobert
Clark spent Saturday in Stuart
While there they visited at the
home of Mr Hovey's parents. Mr.
and Mrs Harrison Hovey.
Elizabeth Schaffer, daughter of
Mr and Mrs I). C Schaffer, was
in Kearney during the weekend.
She returned home with a friend
The Donald Fullertons, Inglewood, Calif. The couple were mar
ried June 20 in California. The bridegroom was formerly of Amelia.
k k • I r' I I . hrtHairmAm
mibb v-druiyn ouiwdnui
Marries Don Fullerton
Miss Carolyn Janet Schwandt
was married June 20 In the Meth
odist church in Lancaster, Calif,
to Donald Martin Fullerton.
The bride is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Rudy Schwandt of Lan
caster and the bridegroom is the
son of Mr and Mrs. George Fuller
ton of Amelia.
Performing the double ring rites
before a bower of white gladioli
and carnations in altar baskets
and arrangements and white ta
pers flickering in seven branched
candefbra, was the bridegroom’s
uncle, the Rev. Clinton Swengel of
Yuma, Ariz.
Marking the pews of the white
covered center aisle were pillars
adorned with smaller arrange
ments of the white carnations.
Given in marriage by her father,
the bride was gowned in a white
satin princess creation wth three
quarter sleeves and a skirt made
bouflant by the addition of a hoop.
The scooped neckline was edged
in heavy Alencon lace which was
repeated in appliqued panels, front
and back. The skirt ended in a
cathedral train.
Her fingertip veil of illusion was
held by an alencon lace coronet
and she carried a bouquet of white
cymbidium orchids laid on a white
prayer book
Mrs. John Urrea was her sister’s
matron of honor.
Bridesmaids were Mrs. Bill Wan
amaker, Miss Sally Dunbar and
Miss Phyllis Fullerton, sister of
Miss Sandra McMillen, cousin
of the bridegroom was flower girl.
Lighting the candles were Miss
Ann Markham anil Miss Elaine
Spath, another cousin of the bride
Serving as hestman was Rollie
Bitterman of Barstow and seating
the guests were Ramon V. Swan
son, Eugene R Dusablon and Er
ick Knoppawaki, fraternity bro
thers of the bridegroom.
Playing traditional background
music as well as the wedding mar
ches was organist Barbara Ball
ard. She also accompanied the
soloist, Mrs. Alma Bertrand
Following the ceremony a recep
tion was held in Exposition Hall at
the Fairgrounds. More than 900
guests attended.
The new Mrs. Fullerton received
her early schooling in Lancaster
and holds a national office in the
Order of Rainbow girls. She is
currently majoring in education
at the University of Southern Calif
Mr Fullerton is an aeronautical
engineering student at the Ingle
wood Northrop Engineering College
and is employed at the school part
time He will graduate in Octo
For their wedding trip the cou
ple journeyed to Nebraska to visit
more of his relatives. They are at
home at 916 South Oak St. Ingle
wood, Calif.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton
and Phyllis, parents aral sister of
the bridegroom, Amelia; and Mr.
and Mrs. Duane Grossnicklaus and
daughter, Linda, and Karen, Bar
tlett, attended the wedding.
Clayton Burge, Amelia
Weds Missouri Girl
Mr and Mrs. Henry Freeland,
Carthage, Mo., announce the mar
riage of their daughter, Lewellyn
to Clayton Burge, Amelia.
The couple were united in mar
riage June 30th at 8 p.m. at the
High Hill Union Church, Carthage.
The bride’s brother, Rev. Eldon
Freeland, pastor of the Methodist
Church in Ozark, Ark., read the
marriage vows.
The bride was given in marriage
by her father, and her mother
played the wedding march. She
wore a white, lace trimmed street
length dress with white accessor
ies and carried a bouquet of pink
oaby roses on a white Bible.
Shirley Freeland was her sisters
maid of honor and Herbert Hoover
was best man. Miss Freeland wore
a powder blue nylon dress with
white accessories and carried pink
Bill L«wn was usher. Mrs
Woody Southard and Mrs. Herbert
Hoover sang “Whither Thou Go
est", with Juanita Hoover as ac
A reception was held in the
church basement immediately fol
lowing the wedding. The wedding
cake. “The Stairway to Happi
ness”, was baked by Mrs. Eldon
Freeland and Mrs. Wilbur Hill
and was brought from Ozark. Ark.
Mr. and Mrs. Burge will be at
home near Amelia after July 30.