O'Neill Locals Mrs. Geraldine Schoenle and family of Kansas City. Kans, bfjent from Tuesday until Saturday with Mrs. Henry Benze, They came to attend the funeral for Mr. Benze. Mr. and Mrs. James Harding and family of Loves Park, 111., have !»een visiting here with her mother, Mrs, Bertha Bellar and other reta ti\es They returned home Wednes day accompanied by Mrs. Bellar, who will visit them for a month. Allen and Emily Fuhs of Evans ton. ni., were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs Joe Sivesind. Mr. Sivesind and Mr. Fuhs were school chums. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson return ed Monday from Spending the weekend in Denver with their daughter, Mary Louise. Miss Wil son expects to arrive about July 8 and will remain here for the sum mer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka at tended funeral services for Mr. Ruzicka's father in Clarkson Tues day Mrs John Claussen returned Sun day from Withee, Wise., where she had spent the past four weeks with her son and daughter-in-law. Mr and Mrs. Willard Claussen and helped to care for her grandson Charles Willard, who was bom May 30 The Claussens have two daugh ters, Nancy, 14, and Betty, 9. Mr and Mrs. F. G. Haas and family of St. Izruis, Mo., arrived Sunday to spend their vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valla. Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Pongratz and family were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ri chards and family. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mullen and family, Mrs. Jess Wills and Art, Bill Shoemaker, Jim Rense. Skip Versal, Ed Gal lagher, Oliver and Homer Maring, Mr and Mrs Jim Harding and family, Mrs. Rose Harding, Mrs. Bertha Beller, Mr. and Mrs Wes Riffey and ramily, Mrs. Celia Grutsch and Mike Grutsch The afternoon was spent playing hall. The following were in -attendance at a family picnic in Fremont Sun day: Mr. and Mrs. John Stor johann; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Stor johann and family; Mr. and Mrs Herman Storjohann and family; Mr and Mrs. Don Storjohann and family; Mrs. Charles Thies and family; Mrs. Minnie Higgins and friend, and Josie Anderson of Spencef. Ewing News By Mrs. Harold Harris Robert L. Kreizlger has enlisted for four years in the United States Navy and is taking his boot train ing at San Diago. Calif. His par ents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Krei ziger, sr., of Ewing. Friends may write to him at the following uddess: Robert L. Krei ziger, SR 5374588, Company num Iier 286, U S. Naval Training Cen ter, San Diego, 33, California. The Past Fatrons club and Star Kensington met Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Alfred Conner. Eight memliers were in attendan ce Mrs. G. D. Ryan was a guest. Mrs. Aubrey Wood, president, conducted the husiness session. The afternoon was spent informally. A lunch was served by the hos tess . . Guests on Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schueth were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nemic and daughter accompaned by his mother, Mrs Nemie. all of Dodge, Nebraska. Mr Nemic attended the sale in Ewing in the afternoon. A family gathering is planned at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham for the fourth. Expec ted guests from out-of-town are Miss Bemadine Rotherham, Mr. and Mrs Lester Wood and family of Lincoln, Miss Sharon Rotherham and Mr. -and Mrs. Arnold Gragert and family, allof Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Janies Rother ham went to (irand Island Mon day to spend a few days. Dur ing their absence, his mother. Mrs. Roy Rotherham, is in char ge of the tJreen lantern Cafe. Mr and Mrs. Merle Angus and daughter, Myra I-ee, were week end guests of his parents. Mr. and Mrs Ixiyd Angus. Mr Angus re turned home to Lincoln on Sun day while Mrs. Angus ami Myra Lee remained to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wat son McDonald. Neighbors gathered at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett for a corn plowing bee on Friday. June 26th. Equipment was brought by the workers and by the end of the day, 170 acres of corn had been elied Taking part in this neighborly act were Ralph Shrader, Gordon Shrader. John Nupier, Richard Na pier. W. M. Napier. Russel Napier Willie Shrader, Eddy Shrader, Dou glas Shrader, Dewitt Hoke, Lewis Shrader, Rudy Ahlers, Harold Ben nett. and Roger Bennett The ladies who helped prepare and serve the dinner were Mrs Lola Shrader. Mrs Relva Shra der and Diana. Mrs. Shirley Ben nett and Mrs. Bessie Napier. Oth ers donating food were Mrs. Wil lie Shrader. Mrs. Will Shrader, Mary and Loretta Napier. Mr. Bennett who was recently in jured while at work on his farm is convalescing from the five bro ken ribs and bruises at his home. It will be some time before he will lie able to resume his duties on his farm. Sunday guests at the Wilbur Bennett home were Mr. and Mrs. Clair Ctterback, of Norfolk, Miss Ina Bennett. Mr. and Mrs. liar j _ old Bennett and family of Ewing, Mr. and Mr*. Maynard Morrow and family of O’Neill and Jo Ann Luzin. A reception was held Monday evening, June 29 at the annex of the United Presbyterian church ! honomg a former pastor, Rev, Wil liam Bomer of Oklahoma City, ! who, with a group of young people which included Normar, the oldest son of the Bomers, were enroute home from a Bible Camp in the Black Hills. Supper was served at the manse on their arrival in Ewing. The evening was spent visiting. Rev. Bomer was pleased to see the improvement made in the rebuild ing of the sanctuary' as the result of a fire last year. Rev. Bomer stated that he had been assigned •as Chaplain at Fort Sill, Okla. He will attend a chaplain's school in New York for one month lie fore tie ginning his duties at Ft. Sill, where his family will join him'as soon as suitable housing can tie found. Richard Brion and sons. Ron and Kenneth enjoyed u week's vacation in Minnesota and found some good fishing near Rock Rapids. Mis. Brion, accompanied by Mrs. Reu lien Meyers and daughter, Beverly and Joanne Rabbis of Nehgh, spent the weekend at Lake Okoboji in Iowa Both parties returned home Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bollwitt and family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Pruden and family. Mr. and Mrs A. J. Sanders and family spent Sunday with relatives in Ewing. Returning home to Laur el with the family was Mike, who had tieen on vacation here. Sue and Bob remained as guests of rel atives for few days. Inman News ' The WSCS met Thursday 'after noon at the Maxcy Memorial aud itorium for their regular meeting with Mrs Elsie Keyes, president, in charge Twelve members were present. Miss Mildred Keyes had charge of the devotionals; Mrs. Chester Young and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins were 1 hostesses and ser ved refreshments to the group. The Inman community club met Monday evening at the assembly room of the High School. Karl Keyes presided. Following the re gular meeting the following officers were elected to serve the club for the coming year: Mrs. Clifford So botka, president; Harvey Tompkins, vice president; Louie Anthony, sec retary■; Anna Davis, treasurer; Di rectors Loran Libby, Eugene Clark and Walter Fick. Mr. and Mrs. Loran Libby were coffee hosts and all enjoyed lunch after the meeting. Rev. and Mrs. Cecil Greene and baby daughter were guests. There will be no meeting of the club in July. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family drove to Stromsburg on Saturday where they visited Mrs. Reynold's sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith of Moscow, Ida., who were at the Bright Newcomer home. Mr. and Mrs Lorin Reynolds and family of Sioux City came Monday for a visit in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sobotka of Osmond were callers Monday in the home of John Sobotka Mrs. Albert Reynolds and daugh ters Shrarlene and Nyla attended the Banks-Buhlmann wedding Fri day evening at Chambers. Joe Peters, who is employed at Norfolk spent a couple of days last week with his family. Ralph Sholes, who is employed at Ainsworth spent the weekend with his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Mrs. Mary Tomlinson, who is employed at Rose, came Friday to spend a few days here with rela tives and looking after business interests. Douglas M'dtchullal of Page spenl Friday visiting his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and family. CHURCH NOTES THE METHODIST CHURCHES O’Nelll-Emmet Rev. Girl in Kennlcott, minister O’NEILL Thursday- Prayer Circle. 10 a. m., Claude Bates home; Dorcas, 2:00 p.m., at the church Sunday—Morning oWrship, 8:30 a.m. and 11:00 Church school, 9:45 a.m. Wednesday, July 8—Choir prac tice, 7:15 p.m. EMMET Sunday—C h i 1 d r e n's Sunday 1 school and morning worship, 9:30 I a.m. ! CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH i ‘The Church of the Lutheran Hour' ! Seventh and Clay Streets, O’Neill The Rev. A. S. Gedwtllo, pastor Thursday: Men's club meeting. 8. p.m. Sunday: Divine worship 'and Ho ly Communion, 9 a.m. Announce ments are by registration. Sunday school, 10:15 a.m. W. Fricke, Supt. "The Lutheran Hour" 4 p.m. on WJAG. Monday: First briefing session for .PTR. 8 p.m. This includes all on the Central committee. Tuesday: Church council meet ing. 8 p.m. Wednesday. Walther League Youth meeting, 7 p m. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN CHURCH •The Church of the Lutheran Hour’ Atkinson FIREWORKS ON SALE INSIDE BUILDING AT CORNER BAIT SHOP ED LUDEMANN 11 miles north of Spencer on Hwy. 18 __ ^___________ Tlir Rt v. A. S. (ied*1Uo, pastor Sunday: Sunday school, 9 45. S. H. Brauer, Supt, Divine worship, and Holy Communion, 11 a m. An nouncements are by registration "The Lutheran Hour on WJAG, 4 pm. Monday: First briefing session j for PTR at O'Neill, 8 p.m. This in cludes all on the Central Commit- I tee. METHODIST CHURCH ( ham be rs- Am ella Oiarle* F. Cos, pastor Chambers Sunday—Sunday scjjool.10 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.; senior MYF. 8 p.m | Monday—Junior choir rehearsal, j 8 p.m.; Junior MYF, 8:30 p.m.;! Senior choir rehearsal, 8:30 p.m. Amelia Sunday—Mornng Worship, 8:30 a.m. and 11:00, Church school. 9 :45 Thursday—Choir rehearsal, J p.m ; MYF, 8:30 p.in. I’NITED PRESBYTERIAN Ewing William 11. Roms, pastor Saturday, July 4— Forum pic nic at noon. Sunday-Bible school 10 am.; Sermon- “Our Savior Alone" 11 a.m.; reception of members and the Lora's supper; youth mission ary society, 7 p.m.; junior fellow ship, 7 p.m,; singspiration and sermon, 8 p.m. Wednesday—Prayer and study of catechism, 8 p.m PLAN AIR CONDITIONING Something new will soon be ad ded to the Sacred Heart Hospital in Lynch. A collection drive is un der way there to add an aireon dittoing umt To date, over $600 has been collected. Bristow News Alfred Hagberg was a Sunday dinner guest at the E. L. Hagberg home. Pastor and Mrs. D. Elroy An derson and family left Thursday to attend the golden wedding an Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nyquist and Mr and Mrs. Paul Landholm , of Wausa attended the annual mid-summer picnic at the Rose dale Covenant Church on Wednes , day Mrs Dorothy Johnson and La vonne called on Mr. and Mrs. Dave Landholm Friday evening, niversary of his parents in Essex, Iowa Mrs. Carl Anderson and Karen called on' Mrs. Emil) Peterson Saturday afternoon. Thursday evening dinner guests at the E. A. Chore home wore Mr and Mrs William C. Stanton, sr , and Mrs. John Blair of Spen cer, Michelle Throne of Burke, and Linda Stanton of Herrick, S D. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hafsaas. Mr. and Mrs Glen Hafsaas and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harris and girls were Sunday supper guests of Mr Jim Slechta home in Verdal to help celebrate the birthday of Ea ry Slechta. Pastor and Mrs Benard Uel son and Lowell. Mrs. Tillie No vak. Mrs. Edith Truman. Mrs. Marvin Peterson, Mrs. Melvin. Johnson and Rosemary, Mrs. E L. Hagberg, Mrs. and Mrs. Harry Johnson. Mr and Mrs. Frank Bruegman, Mrs. L. W. Gibson, Mrs. E. A. Chore. Mrs. Thomas Bowers, Mrs. Oon Thorell, Sue Ann Landholm and Pam lowers called on Mrs J. T. Olson during the week. Mr. and Mrs C. L. Haselhorst wore Sunday super guests of Mr and Mrs. Lorie Micanek Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Ander son and Vance and Mr. and Mrs Howard Anderson and Mike were Monday evening dinner guests at FIREWORKS OPEN TIIX RSOAV A FRIDAY N Hi UTS A SAT. MOKNTNO Scovie's Western Auto O’Neill the Kd Prohor home. Mrs. Kmily Peterson has been on the siek list this past week. (Amtinned Page 1?. SEE ME FOR... New Pontiac s (lean I sod Cars Maytag Appliances Admiral Appliances DrUutl Separators and Milker* DON MARTIN Phone 531 or 648 1 100% GUARANTEED CALIFORNIA . RED RIPE WHITE I WATERMELON SPUDS I 10 LBS. C RED RIPE SOLID CRISP GOLDEN RIPE I TOMATOES... lb. 19c LETTUCE... lb. 10c BANANAS. 2 lbs. 25c —1——l—^—1^——I————la———1——M—1———h '■ ■ OPEN ALL DAY { the 1 4TH OF JULY ( TILL 9 P.M. I IkT ^ SEALTEST—All Flavor* I Ej ICE CREAM.... xk gal. 09c I Ml.1.I rVOO...fO* THe | &5.S0-~E*J1», ; | MINCED I_ IRED DOT POTATO C KRAFTS MY CHOICE BRAND, qt. 39c f MIR1CLE UJ|flP £ 49c I """1 — - M VAN CAMPS Pork&BeansB I DEPENDABLE BRAND _ A R-WAY A HI NOT® HOUSE PARTY HEAL GOLD ( DILL PICKLES I TUNA OLIVES ORANGE BASE B I qt. jar 25< 13 6-oz. cans 49c I 3 No. 7 jars 59c I 2 6-oz. cans 35c | PLASTIC LOCK-LIFT CAKE PAN and COVER $198 assorted colors PLUS—Giant 59c Angel Food Cake ABSOLUTLY FREE ! Reg. $2.57 Value - You Save 59c! COUNTRY GARDEN WAX BEANS, 2 No. 303 cans 39c HUNT'S PEARS.... 2 No. 2i/2 cans 79c SCOTKINS LUNCHEON NAPKINS, pkg. 19c ‘ 4 U NIORETTES MACARONI_6-oz. pkg. |0c WOODY'S BARBECUE SAUCE, 11-ozbH 49c BABBITS CLEANSER_14-oz. tube 10c BROOK MARSHMALLOWS, full lb. 29c -SS J