The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 02, 1959, Image 4

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    Hull stones the aise oi Urge marbles could still be found on the
Henry Meyer farm north nf Ctaarwater a week ago Monday after
no«n, 24 hours after it fell. Mr. and Mrs. Meyer (shown here) un
cover a large pile of pi times near their farm home. Over two Inches
fell during the storm last week. Photo courtesy of Clearwater Record.
Inman News
Inman School Band
Gives Concert Friday
By Mrs. James McMahan
The Inman school band under
the direction of Ijeonard Sawyer
will present its first out door con
cert of the season an Friday eve
ning at 8:00 o'clock, on the cor
ner by the telephone office.
Miss Brenda Oilman, who is
employed with Mutual at Omaha,
came Thursday to spend a week’s
vacation with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George L. Oilman. She
was accompanied home by Miss
Bernice Oilman and Ruth Ann
Hansen, who had been her house
guests in Omaha for a week.
I Km Kelley, who attends sum
mer school at Wayne, spent the
weekend visiting his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. E. Kelley and fam
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd DeLong
spent the weekend in Sioux City,
Iowa visiting their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ba
ker and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Keyes re
turned Friday evening from the
Black Hills where they had been
vacationing for a few days. The
Keyes’ children, Joyce and Scott
visited their grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs Henry Pruss while their par
ents were away.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Oiventry
and Joe of Norfolk spent the
weekend visiting in the home of
Ronald's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Coventry. They were ac
companied to Inman by Bob Cov
entry who had spent a week In Nor
folk visiting.
Mrs. Vaden Kivett and Miss
Margaret Pruss, who attend sum
mer school in Wayne, spent the
weekend in their homes here.
Mrs Kenneth Kesterholta left
Monday for Omaha where she win
have a medical check up.
Mr and Mrs. Bill McElvain of
Omaha came Fridayeverang to
spend a week in the home ol «rs
McElvain's parent*. M«v and Mrc^
James Coventry and with relatives
in O'Neill.
. m ft_lffiwliifin
Mr. ana -.
and family left Saturd^r for foejr
home in Rapid City. S- P- Mter
spending a week here visiting Mr.
Mors bach’s parents. Mr. and Mrs.
David Morsbach and Mary.
Elwin Smith and Fred SAaum
spent Wednesday in Norfolk on
business. ._
Mr and Mrs. Chester Toui^
returned Tuesday from
dence. Mo., where they vW®wi
their son and dai«hter-m-law. Mr.
and Mrs. Marvin Youngs and tam
Fred Crosser of Cherokee, Iowa
spent Friday and Saturday visit
ing in the Earl MUler home. Mr.
Crosser is a son of Mrs. lauier.
Mr and Mrs. David
and Mary and Mr. and M«
Ian Morsbach and family spent
Wednesday evening in Atkinson
visiting Mrs. George J- R«s Jr.,
and daughter. _
Mr and Mrs- Melvin Michaehs
and Sharon. Bliss BarbaraKeil
and Mr and Mrs. Eugene Sobotka
returned Friday eventag from ®
weeks vacation through theKiacK
Hills. Glacier National Park and
parts of Canada. ,
Mr and Mrs. John Mattson and
Mrs. James McMahan were din
ner guests Wednesday evemng in
the home of Mr. and fjh^ Vem
Wrede and family of ONej^ The
occasion was the 6th birmdayan
niversary of Miss Holhce Wrede.
Mrs. Clarence Wrede of O Neiu
was also a gueai._
Miss Mary Morsbach was a Sin
day evening dinner
a Neil Dawes home ai O'Neill.
mV and Mrs. OK- Hwlign
and family of No*ft* caaae yt
urday to spend a weeks
in the homes of Mr. a*M M*m
James Coventry and BiH ami
Mary Hartigan.
Mr. and Mrs. Max
and family of Tefcamaft. *- .
ing a weeks vacation “
the homes of Bfr.^and Mrx. Ernrat
Brunckhorst and Mr. and Mr*. Ia»
Mossman. — _
Mr and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Ha»lig*n _ __
Mr and Mrs. LeRay Moan
Monday for MlnneaMa wftwe mey
spend a couple of day* vacation
Mr. and Mrs. Lcvi_ Morsbach
and son of Neligh —* **• /
beth Morsbach were Was ■ «e
home of Mr. and Mrs. David Mors
bach on Thursday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morsbach
and Mary attended church servi
ces at the Clearwater R. L. D. S.
Church Sunday morning.
Mrs. Merle DeLong, who at
! tends summer school at Blair
j spent the weekend with her fam
ily here.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller and
Fred Crosser were Saturday din
ner guests in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fay Brittell and girls
at Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Watson of
Rapid City, S. D. came Friday to
spend a week visiting Mr, Wat
son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Watson and with relatives in O'Neill
and also to attend the Watson
Perry wedding Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Banks
and family of Lincoln left Sunday
for their home after spending a
week visiting Mr. Banks’ parents,
Mr. and Mrs. James Banks and
with relatives at Chambers.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Banks
and family of Lincoln, Mr. and
Mrs. W. E. Rickard and Shari of
Chambers and Mr. and Mrs.
James Banks and Roger of In
man spent Saurday fishing at the
Silencer dam
Ralph Tomlinson and daughter,
Catherine of West Point were Wed
nesday callers in the home of Mr.
and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill.
The following attended t h e
Banks-Buhlman wedding Friday
evening at the Lutheran Church
at Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Morsbach and Mary, Mr. and
Mrs. James Sobotka, Helen and
Mary, Mrs. Lewis Kopecky sr.,
Mrs. Harry McGraw, Mrs. Sadie
Conger, Mrs. A1 Anthony and Gay
lene, Mrs. W. E. Kelley and Kay,
Ann and Ned, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Gruhn, the Misses Brenda and
Bernice Colman, Sam Watson, Ro
land Hansen and Mr. and Mrs.
Clifford Sawyer and Micky.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watson and
family of Omaha spent the week
end in the homes of Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Watson and Mr and Mrs.
Casper Pribil and also attended
the Watson-Perry Wedding.
Mrs. Verna Warner of Omaha
spent the weekend visiting in the
home of her brother and sister-in
law. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Watson and
attending the Watson-Perry wed
W- _I a
of Norfolk spent the weekend in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Watson. They attended the Wat
son-Perry wedding Saturday eve
Out of town guests for the wed
ding of Miss Lu Ella Watson and
Richard Perry were Mr. and Mrs.
Harold C. Perry and Earl Her
ick of Manhattan, Kansas; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert L. Kirkpatrick and
daughters, Carol Ann and Linda
Jean of Wichita, Kansas; Mrs. R.
D. Gillahan of Lawerence, Kansas;
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Langley of
Lincoln; Mrs. Vema Warner and
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watson and
family of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs.
Stuart Hartigan of Norfolk; Ron
ald Showalter of WLnnetka, Illi
nois; Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gray of
Blue Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Ba
nahan of Beatrice; Mr. and Mrs.
Max Mossman of Tekamah; Mr.
and Mrs. Tom Watson of Rapid
City, So. Dak.; Mrs. Lena Butler
of Independence, Missouri; Mrs.
Tess Murray. Mrs. Norbert Clark,
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson
and girls, Mr and Mrs. John C.
Watson and girls, Rev. and Mrs.
R. L. Embree and Mr. and Mrs.
James Gallagher and Mr. and Mrs.
Casper Pribil all of O'Neill.
Miss Marilyn Siders was a din
ner guest Sunday in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods at Plain
Mrs. Ray Siders attended the
wedding of Miss Joyce Dobrovolny
and Robert Beelart Sunday after
noon at the Methodist, church in
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Langley re
turned to their home Monday af
ter ^pending the weekend visiting
Mrs. Langley's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ira Watson and Sam.
Mrs. Charles Russell and daugh
ter, Debra of Lincoln spent last
week visiting her mother. Mrs.
Ray Siders and with other rela
tives in and around Page.
Mr. and Mrs Vernon Green and
son of Sioux City, Iowa are vis
iting in the home of Mrs. Green's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hut
*°Mr. and Mrs. Vern Wrede and
family of O'Neill were Monday
callers in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Gannon.
T. M. chib met Sunday evening
in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom
(fatten. Dinner was served by Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs Melvin Lorenz,
Loren and Lorene attended the
Cronk-Heiss wedding Wednesday
evening, June 24 at the Methodist
church at Page.
Crowded Out Iji't Week’s News
Mrs. Arthur Renash and four
children ot Beatrice came Mon
day afternoon to spend a couple
of weeks in the home of her moth
er, Mrs. Kay Siders and Marilyn
Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander
spent the weekend at Waterbury
visiting in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Noe and family Miss
Gayle Noe, who had spent the
past three weeks in the Alexander
home returned to Waterbury at
this time.
Mrs. Violet Sholes is enjoying
a two week vacation from her
duties at the Seger Cafe in O'Neill.
Mr. amt Mr*. Marvin Sobotka
amt family of Danville, III., are
visiting in the home of Mr. Sob
otka’s parents, Mr. and Mr*,
lewi* Sobotka and boys.
Mrs. J. H. Reimers returned
home Monday from St. Anthony's
hospital in O'Neill where she had
been a medical patient for several
days. i ,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Sobotka
entertained Mr. and Mrs. Carvin
Sobotka and family of Danville,
111., Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Whaley
of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Lew
is Sobotka and sons at fathers
day dinner at their home west of
Inman. ,
Miss Mildred Keyes, Mrs. Karl
Keyes and Mrs. Blanche Rouse
t<x)k Miss Mertle Clute to Norfolk
Monday where she continued on
to Wausa to visit friends. Miss
Clute had been visiting in the
Mildred Keyes home here.
Mrs. M. L. Harkins and daugh
ters Hildred and Mrs. H. E. Smith
spent Tuesday in Norfolk shopping.
Mrs. Robert Gillahan and daugh
ters of Lawrence, Kansas came
Monday evening to spend a few
days in the home of Mrs. Gillahan’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Moss
Mrs. Wayne Sanders entered St.
Anthony’s hospital Monday as a
medical patient.
Several from Inman attended the
Rodeo last weekend at ONeilll.
Mr. and Mrs. Loyd Simmons
and daughters of Hastings were
callers Sunday afternoon In the
home of John Sobotka.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Goodin and
family of Okmulgee, Oklahoma
spent a couple of days last week
in the home of Mrs. Goodin’s
brother-in-law and sister Dr. and
Mrs. C. W. Alexander.
Mr. ahd Mrs. Harry Snyder, Mr.
and Mrs. Lewis F. Kopecky and
son. Dicky and Mrs. Lewis Ko
pecky Sr. visited Mr. and Mrs. Art
Schwarz and family at Archer,
Nebraska, Sunday.
4-H Club Notes
Happy Helpers Picnic July 15
On June 8 the Happy Helpers
4-H club met at the court house
annex. Connie Johnson called the
meeting to order in the absence of
president, Marietta Perry. Roll
call was answered with the name
of a tree.
Mrs. Clay Johnson, general lead
er, appointed committees for work
ing on the float for the rodeo par
ade and gave the members a les
son in parlimentary procedure
Mrs. Eppenbach led a safety ques
A show-me demonstration on
hand hemming was given by Mar
garet Conway.
All the members participated in
singing and judging skirts. The
sewing project members gave their
reasons for placing the skirts as
they did.
Lunch was served by Sharon
Next meeting will be a picnic Ju
ly 15 at Johnson’s. The project
meetings will be as follows: Se%v
ing, July 1 at Kathy Farrier's;
Cooking, July 2 at Linda Hunt’s.
Connie Johnson, reporter
Demonstrations Given
Goose Lake 4-H club met at the
home of Leanna Tomjack Friday
evening, June 12. For roll call we
named something that we should
eat every day. All members ex
cept Donna and Patricia Hubei
were present.
We decided to have our picnic at
Goose Lake Sunday, July 12.
Cheri Summerer and Doretta
Butterfield had a demonstration on
ambrosia. Janet and Jonell Hark
ins Shirley La Rue and Leanna
Tomjack demonstrated how to
make a vegetable plate. Norma
and Darrell Brewster, Billy Tom
jack and John Summerer had a
demonstration on cookies.
Next meeting will be at Goose
Lake Sunday, July 12.
Leanna Tomjack, reporter
Wiliowdale 4-H club met at the
Sorensen home June 22. Six mem
bers were present.
Kathy Snyder resigned as vice
president, Freddie Miller was elect
VVe received our flags and caps.
A' picnic was planned for August
The next meeting will be July
12 at Slattery’s.
Rodney Hibbs, reporter
Show Calf t. rooming
Eagle Hustlers 4-H club beef di
vision held their meeting June 23
at the Leubcke home. The meeting
was called to order by vice pre
sident, Tommy Melcher. Roll call
was answered by each member
naming a beef breed.
After the business meeting our
leader gave a demonstration on
how to get a calf ready to show.
A delicious lunch was served by
Mrs. Leubeeke.
Next meeting will be held July
21 at the Beeleart home.
Eagle hustlers 4-H club will hold
a beef judging overall meeting
Summerlaiid- Ewing
Gene Biermann
Jimmie Hauf
the Frank Beeleart home,
James MeJcher. reporter
,Saturday, July 11 at 1:00 pm at;
O'Neill Locals
The Dale Wilson family will leave j
Thursday for a week's vacation at
CoffeyviHe. Kans.
Marilyn Fetrow left Sunday after
a week's vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs- Dale Fetrow
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk were
in Nuper Sunday at the John Stahl-1
ecker home
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lindberg left I
Friday for Omaha enroute to their |
home in Minneapolis. They spent
a week here with his parents, the ,
H. L. Lindbergs.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Spitzenberg
er and Kathleen attended the Bone
steel, S.D., aimuni banquet Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Nelson
of Omaha are at the Louis Reimer
sr. home for several day's vaca
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reed were
in York Monday to get their daugh
ter, Paula, who has been on a
Mission Tour for Methodist youth
through the southern states.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hixson of
Crookston were at the home of her
sister, Mr. and Mrs. C H. Switzer.
Sunday enroute to Omaha with
their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Arden
Hixson and children of Miami, Fla.
The Arden Hixsons recently re
turned from five year's residence
in Buenos Aires, Brazil.
Mr. and Mrs J. B. Reynoldson
of Albion were weekend guests of
the Leigh Reynoldsons.
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Pecaut of
Los Angeles, Calif., plan to arrive
Thursday at the Harry Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Harty left
Friday for their home in Neenah,
Wise., after a visit with his moth
er, Mrs. Pat Harty.
Betty Fetrow’s college room
mate. Lois Berglund of Hartington,
spent last week here at the Dale
Fetrow home.
Carolyn and Ralph Lindberg,
daughter and son of the H. L. Lind
bergs, were in Blair and Omaha
1UI lilt? Wft'hcnu,
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Campbell
and son returned Saturday to
Green Bay, Wise.
Mr. and Mrs. Don West of
Scottsbluff were weekend guests at
the K. L VanVoorhis home.
Mr. and Mrs. M. P. Popp are
here from Laramie, Wyo, for a
week at the J. F. Contois home.
Dinner guests Sunday at the
Dean Streeter home were Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Smith and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Baker of Brunswick.
Guests Sunday at the Harold
Mlinar home were her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson of
A family picnic was held Tues
day evening at the Ed Krugman
home to honor their grandson,
Archie Sonder of Verdigre, who is
home on leave from the service.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie
were guests Sunday at the Alfred
Ehrhardt farm near Lynch.
Doris and Russell Krugman
spent several days last week at
the Bud Krugman home while
Larry Krugman was at the Harold
Krugman farm.
Mr and Mrs. Herman Renze re
turned recently from California
where they visited their son, John
and family at Gardena and Mr.
Renze’s brother, Fred and family
of Whittier.
- Miss Chase Honored
A crowd of friends and former
students honored Miss Elsie Chase
at the open house observance held
in the auditorium of the Ewing
public school Friday evening from
8 to 10 o’clock. She also received
many cards and notes of congrat
ulation from former students, who
were not able to attend.
Musical numbers on the program
were songs by the male guartet,
Leo Miller, William Lofquest, Lyle
Switzer and Walter Miller. Miss
Pat Hobbs played a piano solo.
Sandra Shrader and Douglas Shra
der sang a duet with Sharon John
ston, pianist. Mrs. Wilbur Spang
ler was accompanist for other
numbers. She also played a piano
Alfred Napier, president of the
board of education expressed ap
preciation for the many years of
faithful service in the Ewing high
achool and commended Miss Chase
for the good work among the youth
of the community. Mr. Napier pre
sented Miss Chase a gift check.
(Mr. Napier is a former student
of Miss Chase).
me cream, ugnr ana aark cake,
coffee and ice tea were served by
the church organizations. Hostes
ses were Mrs. Eula Eppenbach,
Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck, Mrs. James
Rotherham and daughter, Kay,
Mrs. Lyle Mitteis, Mrs. Willis
Rockey and Miss Hazel Ruby. Mrs.
Gene Zimmerman and Mrs. Alfred
Napier poured. Mrs. Vearl Tuttle
was in charge of the guest book.
Guests from the greatest dist
ance were Miss Lucile Rotherham
of Gallup. New Mexico, Mrs.
Elaine Adrain Spencer of Wichita,
Kans.. and Mrs. Wilda Carr of
Holdrege. Others were present
from Clearwater, Neligh, O’Neill
Page, and many from Ewing.
Miss Chase, who has been a
teacher in the Ewing high school
for 31 years is retiring this year.
She has taught commercial sub
jects, including typing, shorthand,
general business, bookkeeping and
office practice courses. Many of
her students have gone on to good
positions in the business world and
others have entered business col
leges for further study.
Methodist Vacation Bible School
The Bristow Methodist Sunday
school held its vacation Bible
school from June 15 to June 19.
rhe theme was "Living For Jesus
n the Space Age."
A very pleasing closing program
vas given Friday evening to which
oarents and friends were invited.
Songs and a resume of some of the
class work was given by each class.
The audience was very much im
pressed with the scripture learned
ind the spirtual attitude of doe
Teachers for the sessions were
Nancy Lightfoot, Elsa Jensen, Boo
th Hiatt and the Rev Harold Jen
Mrs. Jensen and Mrs. Truman
substituted one day each.
Following the program the at
ractive hand work of the children
vas shown und a lunch served.
I l
Cotton knit. Double crotch. Preshrunk. S-M-L.
2 f®r $1
White quality cotton knit. Nylon reinforced collars. S-M-L.
2 for SI
Short sleeves. Cotton wash and wear. Prints, stripes and
checks. Assorted colors. S-M-L.
each 39c
White cotton broadcloth. Sanforized. Regular collar and
cuffs. Most all sizes 14% to 16.
each $199
Sanforized blue chambray shirts. Full cut. Sizes 14% to 17.
each 99c
Men’s all-leather gloves. Gunn cut. Strap adjustment.
Plenty of wear in these. S-M-L.
each pair $100
Men’s cotton knit anklets. Reinforced heel and toe. Ran
dom, white and grey. 10 to 13.
5 pairs $100
Men’s sturdy all-leather uppers. Long-wearing cord soles.
Seamless backs. 7 to 11.
pair $500
Durable metal cuff hangers. Adjustable. Buy several
sets. Six hangers to a set.
set 88c
Short Sleeve wash and wear cotton fabrics. Prints, checks
and stripes. Assorted colors. 6 to lfi.
each 88c
First quality absorbent cloths. Assorted plaids. Stock up
for summer use.
12 for $100
Lint free, fast color kitchen towels. Absorbent. Assorted
designs on white.
3 for $100
Ironing Board PAD and COVER Set
Scorch resistant. Silicone treated cover, resilent pad. Fits
all standard size boards.
set $100
Beautiful long-wearing dacron panels. 42”x81” size. Egg.
shell color only.
72”x72” durable heavy gauge plastic. Rust proof eyelets,
assorted colors and pattern's
Beautiful artificial flowers. Each arrangement in decor
ator bowl. Assorted.
FABRICS yard 33c
Fast color cotton fabrics. Plains and prints. Sew and save!
remnants > I
One large group of assorted fabrics. Hurry and |
look these over. |
reduced xk to xk I
New this season costume jewelry. Assorted 1
styles and colors. Tax included. j
each 55® I
Pretty nylon bouffants- Assorted colors. 7 to 14. 8
each $100 I
Blended fabric petticoats. Elastic waist, lace §
trimmed bottoms. White. S-M-L. 8
each 99® I
Ladies’ gay cotton print skirts. All washable.
Self-belts. Sizes 22 to 30.
each $299
Clearance of this season’s better dresses.
Ladies regular and half-sizes. Hurry for best ■
55 - 57 - 59
Women s and girls’. Blouses, shorts, pedal pushers,
etc. Ail of easy-to-care fabrics. Assorted plains and
your choice $100 each
One large group of odds and ends. One-of-a-kind.
Have fun looking this selection over. All items re
duced for clearance. j