Cool Weather Doesn't Dampen Cupid's Ardor Linda Cronk Becomes June Bride of Larry Heiss in Page Linda Clunk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk, Pago, be came the bride of Larry Heiss, son of Mi and Mrs Harold Heisr, Page, Wednesday, June 24. The double nne ceremony w«* performed by lie*. Green, Nor folk. at tiie Page Methodist church at 7 30 p.m. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride wore a gown styled by her mother of floor-length ny lon tulle and net over hi atal satin. The sequin and lace trimmed lio dice featured a square neckline coming to a point in the back and short lace-trimmed deeyes. Lace panels circled the full skirt. Her trouquet was lily-of-the-val ley. centered with white gladioli .loan Kosmiche. Bridgeport, was maid of honor and Betty Fetro»*, O'Neill, was bridesmaid. Both are cousins of the bride. They wore matching blue and yellow dresses of lace over laffeta and carried bouquets of white daisies. Flower girls were Pamela Ash er, Powell, Wyo., and Loretta Fink, Lafette. Colo., both nieces of the bride. They wore blue and yel low flecked nylon dresses with head banrls of blue and yellow ro ses. /Mirmiun 11 it ui vvri t* Lyle lloiss best man. and Kddie Walker, groomsman. Ushers were Fred Crank, and Darrel lleiss. Lorene Lorenz and Susan Wort man, cousins of the bride, were candle lighters. The altar was decorated with a seven blanch' candelabra and baskets of white gladioli. The tra ditional wedding marches were played by Mrs. Howard Manson, O'Neill. Mrs. Merivyn French jr. sang “Because,” “Whither Thou Goest," and "The Lord's Prayer." The mother of the bride was at tired in linen and the mother of the bridegroom wore lace and lin en. Following the ceremony, a re ception was given by the bride’s parents in the fellowship hall of the church. Mrs. Sharon Crumly was in rharge of the guest liook. and Miss Bea Linquist, O'Neill, and Miss Becky Kennedy, Lincoln, were at the gift table. Marilyn Fetrow cut the wedding Mrs Larry Heiss nee Linda Cronk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cronk of Page The couple were married at the Page Methodist churcn on June 24. cihp which was baked by the bride's mother. Miss Marie Heiss and Mrs. Warren Crarik poured. Servers were the Misses Kathleen Walker, Lura Ann Cfcutmly, Vi vian Ragland and Mrs Robert Prill. The bride chose for her going away attire a white cotton dress with orchid polka dots and a largo orchid sash, white and orchid ac cessories and a white carnation corsage. Out-of-town guests were from Wyoming. Colorado, California, Lincoln, Inman. Omaha. Hastings, Fremont, Norfolk, Neliegh, O' Neill, Hershey and Bridgeport. Mr. 'and Mrs. Richard D. Perry. They were united in marriage June 27 at the Methodist church in Inman The bride is the former Lu Ella Watson of Inman. Lu Ella Watson, Richard D. Perry Wed In Inman Miss Lu Ella Watson became the bride of Richard D. Perry at 8 o'clock Saturday evening, June 27, in a ceremony performed in the Methodist church ut Inman. The Rev. Rotiert Embree, district sup erintendent. officiated at the double ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl L Watson of Inman and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Perry of Man hattan. Kans. White satin bows decorated the pews of the church and the altar was beautiful with lighted white candles in two seven-branch oan delabra and baskets of white glad ioli. Mrs. Edwin Langley, cousin of the bride, played appropriate mu sic while the guests were lie mg seated and the traditional wedding marches. She also accompanied Mr Ralph Gray of Blue Hill as he sang "Because'' and "O Promise Me" before the ceremony, and "The Lord's Prayer” at the close. Cupdlelighters were Bonnie Dee and Jacqueline Lee Tomlinson, nieces of the bride. Carol Ann Kirkpatrick, niece of the bride groom, was the flower girl. The girls wore identical dresses of flocked orchid nylon over taffeta The bride, given in marriage by her father, appeared in a gown of silk organza and imported Chantil ly lace. Natural scallops of the lace embroidered with pearls 'and se quins fashioned the- sabrina neck line of the smoothly molded Ixxlice which was designed with long sleeves tapering to bridal points. The extremely bouffant organza skirt was banded by a wide band of lace lx?neath which an organza ruffle swirled to a brush train. A crown of lace, pearl and sequin ac cented, held her veil of pure silk bridal illusion. She carried a bou quet of a white orchid encircled with feathered carnations. Her jewelry, a gift from the bridegroom, was a single strand of baby pearls and matching earrings. Mrs Virgil Tomlinson, matron of honor, and her sister’s only attend ant, wore a waltz length gown of white over orchid taffeta which was accented by an orchid satin sash. She carried a cascade bou quet of white carnations. Robert Kirkpatrick of Wichita, Kans., was best man for his bro ther-in-law. Thomas Watson, bro ther of the bride, and Virgil Tom linson, her brother-in-law served as ushers. The men of the wedding party were attired in white dinner jackets and black trousers. They wore white carnation boutonnieres. The bride’s mother chose a dusty rose lace dress with white acces sories for her daughter’s wedding. The bridegroom’s mother wore a dress of mauve embroidered linen with white accessories. Each wore a philaenopsis corsage. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held in the church an nex with Mrs. Ira L. Watson, aunt of the bride, acting as hostess. A three-tier wedding cake decorated all in white and topped with a min iature bride and bridegroom cen tered the table which was covered with a beautiful lace cloth. Cam bride Arms with white candles anti floating white coses provided fur-; ther decoration. The wedding cake was cut by | Mrs. Stuart llartigan, aunt of the; bride, and Mrs. Lena Butler. The j bride's sister-in-law, Mrs. Thomas Watson, served the punch. Mrs Norbert Clark presided at the guest book and the bride's cousin, Mrs. Max Mossman. and Mrs. John Mattson attended the gift table, j Assisting with the serving were Ruth Ann Hansen. Marilyn Siders,' Bernice Coleman, and Mary Mors bach. For her wedding trip through the northwestern states, the bride chose a navy blue linen sheath dress and matching coat with white accessories She used the orchid from her bridal bouquet for her corsage. The bride was graduated from the ' Inman High School and Wayne State Teachers College. Last surn-w mer she ohtaincd her Masters De gree at the University of Wyoming and for the past year was the busi ness education teacher at Perry ton, Tex. The bridegroom received his bachelor of science in mechanical engineering and a bachelor of science in business administration from tiie Kansas State College in Manhattan. He is presently em ployed as a maintenance engineer by the Phillips Chemical Company j at Borger, Tex. The couple will re side at Borger. -- -- j Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker wish to announce the engage ment and approaching marriage of their daughter, DiAnn to Ken neth E. Hendrix, son of Mr. and Mrs Charles H. Hendrix of Au rora, Colo. Miss DeBacker is a graduate of St. Mary's Academy of 1953, attended Briar Cliff College of Sioux City, Iowa and is presently employed by the Colorado De partment of Highways. Hendrix is a graduate of La- i favette high school, St. Joeseph. , Missouri and is presently attend ing Denver University. August 22 has been set for the wedding date. Former O'Neill Boy Weds. Denny Lockmon. son of Mr. and t Mrs. IX>rlin Lockmon of Norfolk ; a former teacher in the O'Neill Public school, was wed June 14 to Miss Janice JoAnn Porsch in ■ the Emmanuel Lutheran church at ' I^ake View. Iowa. i Denny is a graduate of Norfolk i High school and attended the Uni versity of Nebraska. He is cm- i ployed by the New England Mutual Life Insurance Co at Omaha. Eliza Johnson Weds Donald Rzeszotarski The Methodist Church in Ains worth was the scene of the June 21st wedding of Eliza Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Hans Johnson, Ainsworth, and Donald Rzeszotarski, son of Mr and Mrs. Gaines Rzeszotarski. Emmet. The Rev. Joseph Roe offieated the 3 ccremoncy. Mrs. Mur ry Mellor, Atkinson, sister of the bride, played the wedding march and accompanied Mrs. William Schom, Atkinson, who sang. ’ Be cause," and “The Lord's Prayer.” The altar was decorated w.r baskets of pink and white gladiete and other garden tl veers. Given in marriage by her fath er, the bride wore a dress ol white lace over a taffeta underskirt, featuring a st all ifx d neckline and sleeves tapering m bridal points at the wrists. Her bcuquet wan of pink roses. Ruth Johnson. Klameth Fails. Ore., was maid of ho lor for I t'* sister. Arlene Peterson. Hagler. and Karen Myers, Ftvmon;, were bridesmaids. Miss John n end Miss Peterson wore pink ballerin.i drosses and Miss Myers wore white with a pink sash. They car ried colonial bouquets of pink and white carnations. Karen Andrus and Michele Rzeszotarski, cousins of the bride groom were eandlelighters, wear ing pink dresses. Roxanne Rzes zotarski, was flower girl, wear ing a white dress fashioned after that of the bride. Ring hearer was Dale Mellor, sun of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mellor, Atkinson. Attending his cousin as best man was Ronnie Andrus, Valen tine Murray Mellor. Atkinson, and Chester Johnson, Ainsworth, were ushers. A reception for 125 guests fob lowed the ceremony in the church lusement- The ladies of the church c;tx !e served. The serving table was centered with a 4 tier cake decorated in pink and white. The bride wore a pink jersey dress with white accessories for her wedding trip to Colorado. Fol lowing the trip they will reside on a ranch south of Kmmet. Mrs. Rzesotarski is a graduate of Ainsworth high school and at tended McCook Junior College. She has bee 1 teaching at a rural school near Ainsworth. The bridegroom is a graduate of Atkinson High School and is en gaged in ranching. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rzeszotarski, were married June 21 in Ains worth at the Methodist church She is the former Eliza Johnson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs llans Johnson, Ainsworth. The John Buhlmanns, Bartlett. The bride is the former Bonnie Banks of Inman. The ceremony took place at St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Chambers. Miss Bonnie Banks, John W. Buhlmann, Exchange Vows St. Paul's Lutheran church in Chambers was (he 7:30 p.m. scene if the candle-light wedding of Miss 3onnie Banks and John W. Buhl nann, jr., June 26. Rev. Roten, castor of the church, .officiated at he doable ring ceremony. The bride, given in marriage jy her father, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James W. Banks of nman. The parents of the bride groom are Mr. and Mrs. John luhlmann, sr. of Bartlett. For her wedding the bride chose i gown of nylon tulle over taff *ta. The smoothly sculptured bo lice was designed with a sabrina teckline framed by bands of se iuin encrusted lace and featured )rief sleeves completed with elbow nitts. Scalloped chantilly band ace fashioned the redingote front md roses of lace dramatized the back of the voluminous skirt which fell to floor length. A cap of pearl trimmed lace held her veil of pure silk bridal illusion. She carried a spray of white roses on a white Bible, a gift of the bridegroom. Miss Banks also carried something old, some thing new, something borrowed and something blue. Mrs. Howard Banks, Lincoln, sister-in-law of the bride, served •as matron of honor. Miss Helen Sobotka, Inman, and Marilyn Buhl mann of Bartlett, sister of the bridegromm, served as junior bridesmaid. The brides attendants chose alike frocks in Chantilly type lace over mint green taffeta. The bodices were designed with scoop neck lines and cap sleeves. Narrow bands of satin tied in tiny bows at the front accented the slender w’aistlines above the full skirts circling to ballerina length. They wore matching head bands and carried nosegays. The bridegroom's attendants were Howard Banks, Lincoln, bro 11her of the bride, who was besi j man. Duane Pelster, Bartlett. ! groomsman and Roger Banks, bro ] ther of the bride, junior grooms I man. All attendants, including the _ ! father of the bride, wore white' I dinner jackets with pink carnation | boutonnieres. Roxanne Rzeszotarski, Emmet, j cousin of the bride served as flow jer girl and Kenneth Clouse, Bart | lett, served as ring bearer. Donald Brown and Lyle Race served us ushers and candlelighters. Darlene Harley, organist, ac companied Joe Felker who sang “The Wedding Player.” and "The Lord's Prayer.” The mother of the bride appear ed in a pale blue eyelet dacron dress with white accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore h blue lace dress with white accessories. Both mothers wore corsages of pink roses. Following the ceremony a recep tion was held in the church parlors for approximately 200 guests who were seated at tables decorated with rose buds. The four tier wed-, ding cake was decorated with a miniature bride and bridegroom. It was cut and served by Mrs. Lyle Hanna, Chambers, aunt of the bridegroom. Mrs. Gaines Rzeszot arski, Emmet, aunt of the bride, and Mi's. James Sobotka, Inman. I loured coffee and punch. Waitresses were Edith Grimes, Lois Strong, Kathy McConnell, M a r y Morsbach and Earleen Schrunk. Misses Carol Cadwalhtder and Brenda Colman, Inman, class mates of the bride were at the gift table; Miss Alyce Bulhmann, Oma jha. cousin of the bridegroom was in charge of the guest book Guests at the wedding were from Omaha, Grand Island, Kearney, Albion, Petersburg, Primrose, Lor etta, Norfolk, Kricson, Spalding, Si. Edward. Newman Grove, Ced ar Rapids, O'Neill, Atkinson. Em met, Bartlett, Inman, Ewing, Chambers and the state of Kansas. After u short wedding trip to the Black Hills the couple will make their home on a ranch north of Bartlett. The bride was graduated from the Inman high school in 1958 anti is presently employed at the North western Bell Telephone Co. in O' Neill. The bridegroom graduated from the Bartlett high school in 1957 and is in ranching. Ruth Ann Renze Marries Alfred Prince Ruth Anne Renze, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Renze, was married June 12 in Gardena Calif., to Alfred Prince, San Luis Obispo, at St. Anthony’s Church. Mr. and Mrs. Renze and son, Jim. attend ed the wedding from O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. John Renze, Gar dena, Calif., were attendants at the double ring ceremony. A re ception was held at the Polynesian Room in Wolterian, Calif., follow ing the ceremony. The bride was formerly em ployed in San Luis Obispo, Calif., as a legal stenographer and the bridegroom is graduate of Califor nia State Polytechnic College there. Following a wedding trip to Las Vegas, the couple will reside at 11207 Prairie Avenue, Inglewood, California. Miss Betty Schindler Weds Keith Gibson June 13 at Ewing EWING—Miss Betty Jean Schin dler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schihdler of Ewing, became the bride of Mr. Keith Gibson, son of Alvin Gibson of Neligh, on June 13 at 10 a.m. St. John's Catholic church south of Ewing was the scene with Fa ther Francis Kubart officiating Only the immediate families were in attendance. The bride, escorted to the al tar by her father, wore a streel lengh gown of pink crystalctte chiffon with matching headband and carried a nosegay of pink carnations. The bridesmaid, Darlene Schin dler, sister of the bride, wore beige and carried a bouquet sim ilar to that of the bride. The bridegroom and his atten dant, the bride's brother, Maurice \ Schindler of Omaha, wore dark suits, and had pink carnation bou'onnieres. Miss Carol Hoffman, church or ganist, played the organ as the bride entered and left the church. A reception for the immediate families followed at the home of the bride's parents. Thomas-Rager Nuptials At First Presbyterian The First Presbyterian Church at O'Neill was the setting for the wedding uniting Miss Helen Thom as, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Thomas of O'Neill, and Clark O. Rager, son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis R Rager of Gordon, at 2:00 p.m. on June 28th Rev. John Hart solemnized the double ring ceremony before an altar decorated with bouquets of flowers. Mrs. Harold Seger, organist, played the traditional wedding music and accompanied the soloist, Roy Lundgren of Madison, who sang Greig's, "I Love Thee,” and “The Lord’s Prayer.” The bride, given in marriage by her father, chose a gown of silk organza, cut with a basque waist nestled into a bouffant skirt; with a cascade of hack poufs above a chapel train The neckline featured appliqued Swiss embroidery sprink led with sequins. The shoulder length veil fell from a pearl and jeweled crown. She carried a cas cade bouquet of white roses, out lined with white feathered carna tions. Miss Vonda Thomas, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Ller street length dress was of powder blue dacron with matching taffeta cummerbund. She wore a match ing net headdress. The maid of honor carried a colonial bouquet of Mrs. Harold E Robinson nee Miss Carol Faust. Atkinson. The marriage took place at St. Joseph's Catholic church in Atkinson on June 27. Carol Faust Marries Creighton U. Student In Atkinson Saturday Carol Lynn Faust and Harold K. Robinson. Pueblo, Col., were mar ried Saturday at 10 a m. in the St. Joseph's Catholic Church at Atkin son. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. V. B. Faust, Atkin son, and the bridegroom the son of Mr. and Mrs. Claude Robinson, Pueblo. The Rev. Richard J. Parr per formed the ceremony. A reception was held at the American Legion Club in Atkinson. Sharon Kokes, Atkinson, was maid of honor and Mrs. V. B. Faust jr., Glenwood Springs, Col., was matron of honor. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Harold Broomhall, Mrs. Leonard Troshynski and Mar y Slattery. Best man was Joseph C'wna, Pueblo. Ushers were James Robin son, brother of the bridegroom, Victor Faust Jr., brother of the bride; Gleenwood Springs, Col.; Richard Faust, Atkinson, Charles Hunyada, Pueblo, Richard Albers, Humphrey, and Ix>uis De Giacomo Following the wedding trip the couple are at home in Omaha where Mr. Robinson is continuing his studies at the Creighton Uni versity school ol dentistry. Then address is 28X2 California Street. MARRIAGE LICENSES Clarence Eugene Sanderson, 21, Chambers and Bonnie l-ee Peter son, 17, Chambers, June 23. Harold Edward Robinson, 27, Pueblo, Colo., and Carol Lynne Faust, 21, Atkinson, June 21. I.imdhcrg Mt ..lorial Hospital Creighton ADMITTED; June 20 27 Frank Frank of Verdigre; ('indy Ada ins of Orchard; Mrs. George .1. Doerr of Creighton; Albert Halvosen of Winnetoon; Ms. Anna McKlhore I Creighton. DISMISSED: Dennis Bohren of Winnetoon; Mis. Garron Schmeck peper and daughter of Bloomfield; Frank Frank of Verdigri ; Mis. Kenneth Meinfs and daughter of Creighton; Mrs. Ray l.utke and son of Creighton; Mrs. Gc »rge J. Doerr of Creighton, who was transferred to an Omaha I ■ -p • Mrs. Emma Breckner of Cre gh ton. She was taken to Clarks Rest Home in Creighton. Mrs. Clark O. Rager, formerly Miss Helen Thomas, O’Neill. The ceremony was held at the First Presbyterian church in O'Neill on June 28. 1 blue shasta daisies. Miss Mabel Ann Thomas, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. Her dress and bouquet were identical to that of ihe maid of monor, ex cept in pink. Gordon Goranson, Gordon, was the liestman and Willard Kellinitz, of Rushville, was groomsman. Ushers were Robert Thomas of North Platte and Dwayne Devall of O'Neill. The bridegroom and his attendants wore dark business suits wi h white carnation boutonnieres. For her daughter’s wedding, Mrs. Thomas chose a dusty rose dress with white accessories The bride groom’s mother wore a silk fig ured dress with matching acces sories. Their corsages were pink carnations. Following the ceremony, a re ception was held for the guests in , the Fellowship Hall. The wedding , cake was baked by Mrs. Homer j Ernst and served by Mrs. Elmer ] Devall, aunt of the bride. Mrs Roy ; Lundgren of Madison, poured oof- \ fee and Mrs. Tom Dolan of Fol- ] som, Calif., served punch. I Presiding at the gift table were I the Misses Barbara Evert of Ft. ( Collins, Colo., and Colleen Baugous, 1 of Homer Mrs. Gordon Goranson, 1 sister of the bridegroom, had i charge of the guestbook. For going away the bride wore a powder-blue sheath with match ing jacket. She had white acces sories and wore a corsage of white roses. ' After a wedding trip to the west ern states the couple will reside in Gordon. Mrs. Clark Rager graduated from O’Neill High School and at tended Wayne State. She has been teaching at the Gordon Grade School Mr. Clark Rager graduated from Gordon High School and Chadron State. Out of town guests included: Mrs. rom Dolan Jr. and son Mike of Folsom. Oajif.; Mr. and Mrs. Rob ?rt Thomas of North Platte; Mr. md Mrs. Roy Lundgren and girls if Madison; Miss Barbara Evert )f Fort Collins, Colo.; Miss Colleen (iaugous from Homer; Mrs. J. W. 'lurke from New Mexico; Mr. and Vtrs Dick Haslaw, Chudron; Mr. md Mrs. Roger Wilson, Chadron; Vfr. and Mrs. Casper Winkler. At