The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 02, 1959, Image 2

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    IPrairieland Talk
A Typesetter's Memory
By ROMAINE SAUNDERS, 4110 South 51st St., Lincoln 6, Nebr.
He will be 89-years old August 7. As a youth
to set type in the print shops in O’Neill, tooted a
tom in the band, and today his memories span the
ftors and reach across mountains and plains from
few tome two thousand miles away and writes me
Sat cherished sentiment lingers still in memory
af Jimmy Riggs and his classical and mechanically
gerfect newspaper-The Frontier And the memory
up the street to the basement room of the
ftat National bank liuilding and John McDonough’s
tWwne Riggs retired from The Frontier to he
roine postmaster and toss the mail bags uround.
McDonough walked away from the Tribune editorial
Sfk to take on a city job with tiie New York Sun
anf represented that great newspaper at Wounded
rnw S.D., where memories are of the last war be
tween the red man and palefaces. Riggs is gone
to* way of all men, niece of his, Mrs. McKenna, still
with us McDonough lies somewhere in the home of
■r dead. His Tribune is no more. Jimmy Riggs
Mwugh dead and gone, your Frontier is still rolling
■M the press. And friend Homer out at Seattle it
mil survive when both you and I are no more.
• • •
Your hand may pluck the
prairie rose 'and hold it to your
mow The Hand that adorned
■ui prairie rose with colors
■right will take your hand to
guide you along the way just
• • •
Miss Sharlene Shoemaker of
O'Neill writes to the engineer
at this department for sugges
(xxk, helpful in forming u dra
matic group that will inspire < - a
_ ... . Saunders
lie old town with culture and
tome talent entertainment. I, a hangover from the
0mst cultural and dramatic groups, may suggest
■tut those now interested in promoting such an
jrganization, search around for young men and
•omen of talent and culture who can stand before
■n audience unashamed ‘and fearless and deliver
■heir speech and perform their act well. Some
■mining should follow, eliminating superfluous ges
tores and stepping about, speak clearly, smile or
Mown as the act requires. Perhaps a public school
instructor in eloqution would gladly listen in, make
aaggestions, and point out when the actor should
tecome eloquent, when commonplace, when amus
to O’Neill has been the home in the past of dra
ssatic groups, of singers, of talented actors and
sgeakers No doubt there are such there today,
lam Belle Meals fascinated audiences with read
ings. Will Lowrie and Prairieland Talker frightened
same, amused others and had the admiration of
many doing the Shakespeare stuff. John Smoot did
■to negro act, and Bob Marsh, the comedy. Denny
Qurnn was the hero in historic settings, and Mrs.
■nbe Taylor would keep the witches’ caldron boiling.
• • *
The night is done, morning has come and we start
■to day traveling life’s highway. What win the gold
at sunset bring—a shade at sadness, a blush of
tome for life's blunders along the way, or smiles
with a song in the heart for another day of pleasure
along the way?
• • •
The 1960 primary election is eleven months from
ao» but we already have a candidate for the gov
emor's job. Mr. Laenemann. a tormer memner oi
the Lancaster County Board of Supervisors, has
entered his name to appear on the primary ballot
next May as candidate to secure the Republican
nomination for governor. . . . After six months in
session the state legislature adjourned at the end
of the week, June 27th. Another bunch of laws to
regulate your conduct and keep you going straight.
Senator Frank Nelson was not sure the last time
we met whether or not he would seek re-election.
. . . Following a hot and dry fortnight it rained about
all night in the Capital City, a night late in June.
The longest period of sunrise to sunset was Sunday,
June 21, and now daylight shrinks again.
* * »
They said theip name was and still is Atkinson,
an elderly couple from North Platte in the Capital
City for a day or two for the annual gathering of u
church group to which they adhere. She had served
as a missionary as a young woman in South African
countries. He, a life-long resident of the North
Platte country who knew Buffalo Bill, said the out
look for a bumper wheat crop out that way was
never so promising as it is this year. Memories of
Bill Cody astride his prancing white gelding! Wheat
fields taken over where Cody hunted buffalo. The
makings of loaves of bread now wave in fields of
ripening grain where our ancesters got their buffalo
robes. «.
, * • •
Morning glories hang in clusters on the wall, pop
ies bloom beneath the trees grown tall. Life has
its morning glories and shades of night, smiles *and
tears as part of the great Eternal plan for the ulti
mate good of man!
• * •
We hide from the 98-degree mid-day sun in the
shade of a stately tree. Summer days, but half
run their course; what will the coming ones be? Sit
in the shade—just wait and see! Scorching days,
hot nights, as other summer days and nights, as
summer days and nights will ever be. So rest in
the shade until duty calls to the jobs that must be
done. When autumn days again have come adorned
in brilliant brown and nature's bountiful store is
gathered in—then you may have your fun!
* • •
Father -and son, just next door took off by air
from Omaha—a day In mid-June for Sweden, the
native country of the father, their name Carson
telling the story. The son had spent some time over
there after his army service ended while in Europe
and became fascinated with that peaceful land.
Father and son plan to spend the remainder of the
summer away from my neighborhood. Sweden, Den
mark, Norway—three small countries for ever at 1
peace with the world. Nebraska’s own Val Petersen '
ditched the Civil Defense, nation-wide setup, to don ,
the diplomatic robe and represent us at the state I
castle in Denmark. But Val will come home again 1
and tell us all about it if he takes over the Elgin |
newspaper again.
• • •
If they counted them all, the authorities tell us 1
there were 1,500 workers out of jobs by mid-June in
our Capital City. The manager of one business near ]
where I hole up who employes workers tells me R 1
is the incompetent ones that go first and others f
more competent take over. The competent and in- j
competent alike must live, be fed and clothed. Are 1
you a competent one? Lend a helping hand. ‘
_ s
—. 1
——— (
Where Does Law Begin?
It has been scarcely 100 years ago that Indians
slapping bare tallied mares with naked heels
and letting out whoops that would crack the black of
eight lake a whip-lash.
We called them uncouth when we settled down
herded them together to distant reservations.
Oar lawmakers in Lincoln wrote the law and included
m the law their belief that regimentation and -eivili
ralion would be good tor them.
And last week, we were forced to put out a news
gaper that reflected the chrfltautian as we know it
mm. and it wasn't exactly a pretty picture all the
A man was held tor investigation in the death of
* another man. a charge of statuatory rape was filed
mad another man was sentenced tor embezzlement.
|!*s then, is the civilization we would wish upon
either our red or white hretheren?
Ik this the product of independence, lack of it or
Ab we understand what independence is at all? Did
■fee Indian have independence? Do we have it now?
Where does independence end upd law begin7
H those men in the first Independence Day would
tave known what kind of "civilization” and freedom
■hey were conjuring up, what would they have
Everyone Influences
Robert Browning, the famous Victorian poet, il
feotrated in one of his most admired works “From
Pippa Passes,” his theory that even an obscure per
am may leave a lasting impression upon others
The dramatic poem oudars around a young fac
tory girl knowm as Pippa. who lives in a small Italian
town of Asolo.
As Pippa goes about her native village on her on
ff day off, her one holiday h» *** year, she sings. By
tar singing she unconsciously touches the lives of
furious people and turns them from evil to good, sav
ing them from despair or from sin.
Two persons touched toy the aoog of Pippa, ap
gmred outwardly happy, but in reality were guilty of
a very grave crime.
The simplicity and innocence of this little factory
girl's song brings these two persons to a realization
AT their guilt.
The philosophy illustrated in this 19th century
goera by Robert Browning in exemplified over and
aver in our outer-space era characterized by speed
end motivation.
How many of you are like little Pippa, uncon
aousiy in your everyday affaire, affecting many
Think back now. How many people have influ
mced you without being tae least bit aware that they
have produced some type of reaction- either positive j
or negative? <
_ 1
Knock-Down Fight
Dakota County Star
The 1960 Republican primary election has every
indication of being a knock-down dragout affair in
which the GOP can plainly strengthen its position in
Nebraska or just as easily, sink further.
The chief fight will center around the post of gov
Del Lienemann, Lincoln accountant, has already
indicated he’ll run. He appears to be the first of
many. Mentioned already are Vic Anderson, Terry
Carpenter, John Cooper and Dick Spelts to name a
With a six or seven way race for the Republican
nomination it would appear that State Senator Terry
Carpenter of Scottsbluff would have a great opportun
ity. With votes widely split as different sections of
the state back their favorite candidate, Carpenter’s
general vote-getting ability might pay off with the
Carpenter is a man who failed miserably on a
previous attempt to be governor and one who has
masqueraded as a Republican after having been re
buked as a Democrat.
Carpenter has on too many occasions in affairs
of state, shown an affinity for matters which would
aid Carpenter.
Yet he looms as a big adversary of rival Republi
can gubernatorial candidates in 1960 and the Star
predicts there will be many of them.
This poses a question which we feel will cause
considerable debate.
Entered at the postoffice in O’Neill, Holt coun
ty, Nebraska, as second-class mail matter under the
Act of Congress of March 3, 1879. This newspaper is
a member of the Nebraska Press Association, Nation
al Editorial Association and the Audit Bureau of
Terms of Subscription: In Nebraska, $2.50 per
year; elsewhere in the United States, $3 per year;
rates abroad provided upon request. All subscriptions
payable in advance.
Archbishop Gerald T. Borgan.
Omaha, officiated at the ceremo
ny of the laying of the corner
stone for the St. Joseph's Catho
lic church. . . Miss Lorraine G.
Ernst received a bachelor of arts
degree in education from Wheat
on College, Wheaton, 111. . . Ben
Grady won over Jim Burke of
Ainsworth by one stroke at the
open golf tournament held here
. . . The O’Neill Junior Legion
team was downed by the Bassett
team 2-1 at Carney Park. . . .A
reunion of the eight children of
the late Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Mur
ray, pioneer Holt county settlers,
was held at the homes of Mr. and
Mrs. Clyde Streeter and Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Streeter. . . Weddings:
Miss Helen Ruth Kubitschek to
Harold R. Bishop; Miss Carol
Seger to Edwin Davis.
Deaths: Mrs. Harold Summers,
32, Page; William Monahan,
about 80, farmer living near At
kinson was fatally injured in a
tractor accident; Howard LcRoy
Stroh, 10, near Monowi drowned
while wading in the pond on the
Joe Kolar farm. Joseph Scholl
meyer, 88, O’Neill, father of 16
Plans were made by the city
for Saturday night parking area’s
behind Ben Franklin’s, Council
Oak, J. M McDonald Co., Pen
ny's and Saunto's to be graded
and amply lighted. . . .Campaign
for funds for the Atkinson Mem
orial hospital reached the two
third mark and approximately
516,000 has been pledged or con
tributed, . . .An all time record
crowd was in Stuart for the fire
works display and final festivities
in the three-day celebration and
rodeo. , .Seven hundred visitors
attended the opening of the Cbr
kle Farm Supply store here on
July 2. Visitors were served free
sandwiches and coffee. . St. An
thony's hospital fund continued
to increase. Less than 23 thou
sand dollars is needed before
actual construction can get un
derway. . .Deaths: Mrs. Addie B.
Kiltz, 89, Chambers, Holt county
resident for 63 years; Frank Ses
ler, 61, Atkinson, Mrs. Charles
Mlman, 62, Stuart, Mrs. Carrie
Washburn, 88. Stuart.
A- - Zjrt
The B i g 1 i n Brothers retired
rom the implement business and
is representatives of the Inter
lational Harvester company for
>ver a half century. . . Paul Ku
•itschek was medalist in the se
■ond annual caddies golf tourna
nent here. . . .The O’Neill Lions
Hub elected Ted McElhaney as
•resident for the ensuing year. .,
.Twenty-six guests were enter
ained at the home of Miss Kath
ryn McCarthy honoring Miss
/Iyrl Buige, who was married to
Edward Versal on July 1. . . .
larry Fox suffered from a pain
ul elbow. The doctors had not
letermined the cause of the trou
ile. . . .All students desiring free
ligh school privileges were in
truded to make application for
uch privileges at the office of
he County Superintendent on or
'efore Jidy 1. . . Deaths: Dr. M
’. Mcer, 54, of Valentine, former
VNeill resident; Mrs. Samuel G.
hoover, 68, of Page. - . .Mr. and
Jrs. H. J. Hall, Valentine,
noved to this city and are now
omfortable located in a home in
he- southeastern-part of the city.
4r. Hall took over the agency
or the International Harvester
ompany here and has rented the
tyan buildjyig on Douglas street.
Roy Warner, 12 miles northwest
I of O'Neill, had his nose broken by
I a baseball while watching a game
at Emmet.A Greek section
laborer was shot and killed at
Stuart by section foreman Pearl
Young The verdict of self defense
was rendered by the jury. . . The
high school ball team went to Roy
al and defeated the ball team that
represented that town by a score
of 7 to 3.Mrs. H. N. Davis
of Venus was in the city visiting
at the home of her sister, Mrs. L.
G. Gillespie. . . Twelve seniors
graduated at the tenth annual com
mencement exercises of St. Mary's
Academy held at the Knights of
Columbus hall . . .William Joyce,
O'Neill, one of the early pioneers
of this county visited m Atkinson
with his niece. Mrs. W. T. Hayes
.. . .Frank Howard spent a couple
weeks in Denver, Colo, visiting re
latives. . Mr. and Mrs. Gustav
Weinrich made plans to spend the
Fourth in Osmund visiting rela
tives. . . .
Crowded Out Last Week’s News
O'Neill Locals
Kay Christensen of Monowi and
Eddie Krugman of Redbird were
supper guests Friday evening at
the Reginald Pinkerman home.
Mrs. C. E. Jones returned
Monday from a three week visit
with her daughter and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Anderson, in
Vinton, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lampman,
Miss Norma Kotrous and Mrs.
Bernard Schmitz -and Tommie were
in Butte Father’s Day at the Ar
den Anderson home to honor Henry
_ r\ yt _ c n; .. /re / _
mi j. i-o/n iiuovi wi kjiwu.x VMJ
spent the weekend with her mother,
Mrs. George Peterson sr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Robertson
were in Sioux City Wednesday.
Spending the summer months at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. J. L.
Sherbahn is her mother, Mrs. Ger
trude McCallum of Wauneta.
Mr. and Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman
and Veldeen and Mr. and Mrs.
Guy Pinkerman and boys of Red
bird were Sunday guests at the
Reg Pinkerman home.
William P. Kelley of Omaha was
a weekend guest at the Bill Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perry re
turned recently from a week’s va
cation with her sister and family,
Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maxey, in
Bayard, another sister and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes in
Scottsbluff and his brother and
family, Mr. and Mrs. Les Perry in
Bird City, Kans.
Dinner guests June 16 at the
Dwayne Philbrick home were Sgt.
and Mrs. Alvin Lofquist und fam
ily of Fort Walton, Fla., Mrs. Lot
tie Lofquest and Mrs. Vina Munson
The Orville Sindelar family and
Judy Booth were in Norfolk and
Columbus Saturday. Danny Sind
efar son of the Milton Sindelars
of Norfolk, returned with them to
spend a week.
Martha Sdukup returned to her
home in Sheridan, Wyo., Wednes
day from a three week visit here
with the Dean and Clyde Streeter
famines. Enroote she visited with
her brother, George Murray, in
Lead, S.D.
Harry DeWolfe of Gordon was a
guest Monday evening at the Alan
Jaszkowiak home.
Guests Sunday of Harry Smith
and Mrs. E. J Smith were Mr. and
Mrs. Dewey Klein of Burke, S.D.,
Mr. and Mrs Darrel Smith of West
field, la, and Mr. and Mrs. Ward
Smith and children.
Mrs. Charles Green and children
>f Seattle, Washington, came
last week for a two week visit
with her parents, the D. N Loys.
Mrs. Howard Holloday and chil
dren of Grand Island, another
daughter of the Loys, left
Thursday after a two day visit.
Mary Lou Uhl, Edith Gallagher
and Mary Elizabeth Gatz left last}
Monday to enroll in a six weeks i
summer session at College of St.
Mary's in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. John Baker of
Omaha and Mr. and Mrs "Doc"
Johnson of Lincoln, here for the
golf tournament, were weekend
houseguests at the H J. Lohaus
D. N. Loy and Mrs. Cal Stewart
attended the funeral Wednesday
morning of a relative. Jennie
Stewart. Allen.
Mr and Mrs. C. J Gats were
in Omaha Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Otho “Russ" John
son and children are here from
Boston. Massachusetts, with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd John
Mrs. Don McClellan and Char
leen, Mrs John Pinnt of Oiadron,
Mrs Gordon Johnson and Russie
and Dorothy Pinnt were in Fair
bault, Minnesota, for a weekend
for the 50th wedding anniversary
c e 1 e b r a t i on of Mrs. Johnson’s
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Guests at the George McCarthy
and Norman Gonderinger homes
last week were Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert McCarthy and children, whe
came from Boise, Idaho.
Ed Gatz and Jeannie Gurnett
spent the weekend here at the
C. J. Gatz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward O'Donnell
of Wichita, Kansas were here last
weekend for the golf tournament.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Donohoe
of Detroit, Michigan, arrived last
Wednesday for a visit here with
the H. J. Lohaus and C. J. Gutz
families. Mrs. Margaret Agnes and
Mrs. Eliabeth Grady came from
Norfolk to visit with them. The
Donohoes, Mrs. Mary MacLeod and
Jeannie Lohaus are in the Black
Hills this week for the annual pas
sion play.
Mrs. Charles Fox, Gordon and
Carol were in Siloam Springs. Ar
kansas. Thursday and Friday. Mrs.
Myrta Fox returned with them af
ter a visit with her daughter and
family', Mr. and Mrs Walter Wood.
Mrs. Fox is now at the M. D. Fox
home in Hastings.
Guests of Mrs Simon Bosn last
week were her children, Mrs. A. J.
Gallagher of Wilmington, Dele
ware. and Mrs. Paul Blomstrom
of Winner, S. D., who came last
week and Mr. and Mrs. James
Harty and children of Denver,
Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lucero
and children of Denver and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Cook and children
of Cheyene, Wyoming who came
Guests of Mrs. Genevieve Harty
last week was her son and family
Mr. and Mrs. James Harty, Mike
and Mary Pat.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Krugman at
tended the second annual alumni
oanquet at Creighton Sunday eve
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gydesen,
Mrs. Minnie Crosby of Bartlett and
lerry Crosby of Spalding were din
ler guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
red Bloomquist at Spalding.
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Larson and
Starts JULY7
3:00 Weekdays
2:30 Saturdays
Daily Double
8 Races Weekdays
9 Races Saturdays
Iponiortd by Midison County
Agriculturil Society
sons arrived Thursday from North
brook. Illinois, for a visit with her
parents, the Ed Gallaghers.
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haynes
attended a reunion of the Pete Nis
sen family at Page Sunday.
Mrs. Roy Johnson of York was
here last week to get her son, Mil
ton, who had spent the week at
the Clay Johnson jr. home. Clay
Johnson! sr. returned with them for
an extended visit.
Mr. ami Mi's. Ted Lindtierg, who
came from Minneapolis, Minn., for
the golf tournament, were here last
week with his parents, the H. L
Limihergs. Guests at the Lindhcrg
home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
Rod Wilmoth of Lincoln.
Electric Motors
Rewinding — Rebuilding
CtaUl MS-W — M h». Sendee
Northwest Electric
,o. RM
borrow with confidence
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Rational Farm Laaa An*i
Phone 91, O’Neill
Be Wise
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Save 10%
Aa4 before September first ... as a pre
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1 The Model 388 upflow forced j
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Just 10% down—take up to 3 years to pay
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The standard of the world in
The moment a Cadillac comes into view it begins to say
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craftsmanship the creed. In the lexicon of motordom
— Cadillac is the world's best synonym for quality!
A. MARCELLUS CHEVROLET CO.. 127 No. 4th St., O’Neill, Nebr.