The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 02, 1959, Image 10

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    75th Anneversary
of Baptist Church
Celebrated Sunday
CHAMBERS The 75th anniver
sary of the Memorial Baptist
church was celebrated Sunday as
over 250 guests attended.
Mrs. Edith McClenahan, 85. was
the oldest guest present, the Rev.
Earl F. Schwenk reported.
Mr. ‘and Mrs. Norman Rening
er, of Columbus. Ohio traveieu
farthest for the celebration.
The church was founded in 1884
by R. C. Wry a school teacher,
T. V. Norvill a doctor and J, L.
Coppoc a Baptist minister. There
were 12 members in the first con
gregation and the church was then
known as the Palmer Baptist
The first service was held in
the doctor’s home, an unfinished
sod house. One year later the con
gregation began attending servi
ces in a building in Chambers.
A new building was built in 1886
and the name was changed to the
First Baptist Church in 1887.
The present brick building was
constructed in 1950 and the name i
was changed again to the Memor
ial Baptist church in memory of
Jennie Adams, a missionary mar- I
tyr in the Phiilipines in 1943.
Services were held Saturday
night with special music, dedica
tion of new song txx>ks, remini
scences of the past 75 years and
short messages by former mem
bers of the church, who ure now
pastors in other places
Sunday services included a his
tory of the Sunday School given
duling the Sunday School hour.
Former Pastor L. M. McElheran
spoke at the morning service, A
fellowship dinner was held at the
church. The Sunday afternoon
service included special music by
a pastor's quartet, a brief history
of the church, introduction of vis
iting guests, and a message by
Former Pastor A. P. Sengpiehl.
Letters from former ministers and
friends were read at the evening
lynch New»
Methodist Women
Elect Officers
By Mrs. Peter Mnlliair
Wesleyan Methodist Women's
Society met with Mrs. Gerald Lee
Thursday afternoon. Election of of
ficers was held with results as
follows: Mrs. Willard Lloyd, presi
dent; Mrs. Elmo Barnes, vice
president; Mrs. Lloyd Spencer,
treasurer, and Mrs. Glen Davy,
Mary Dahlberg from Spencer
spent a few days at the Vernon
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg
and children were Thursday eve
ning guests at the Delbert ude
Mrs. Belle Martz, Howard and
Marlin Lewis were to Hartington
and Coleridge Sunday.
Russel Moffett was in Spencer
and Butte Friday on business.
Herb Flavored Butter
Sauce Gives Added Taste
An herb flavored butter sauce
can make an everyday vegetable
taste superb. Though this sauce
was created for carrots, use it al
so on broccoli, Brussels sprouts,
beets or green beans, suggests
Wayne Harmon, local salesman of
the Meadow Gold Company.
It's the finely chopped onion,
parsley and whisk of thyme that
makes the dressing different, says
Beatrice Cooke, director of the test
kitchens in Chicago, who dev eloped
the recipe.
Herb Butttered Carrot*
8 whole cooked carrots
% cup finely chopped onion
*4 cup butter
2 tablespoons chopped parsley
li tablespoon lemon juice
*2 teaspoon thyme
1 teaspoon salt
*4 teaspoon paprika
Cook onion in butter until ten
der. Add remaining ingredients
and pour over hot cooked carrots.
Wallace Moffett, Harry and Rus
sel were to the Tom Donlin place
at Randall V’alley Thursday.
Mrs. Vernon Dahlberg was in
Si>encer Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carsten
were to Butte Friday on business.
They went on to Bonesteel and
were dinner guests of Mrs Irene
Glen Hull went to Omaha Mon
day, June 22, on business.
Mrs. Don Kayl and children were
callers at the Merle Sieler home.
Glen Hull went to Sioux City
June 24 on business.
Tuesday afternoon and evening
callers at Glen Hull's were Mr.
and Mrs. Neil Bjomsen and chil
dren from El Monte, Calif , Mrs.
Don Kayl and children, Mrs. Leon
ard Havranek and children, Mrs.
Bill Silencer and family, Mrs. Dick
Hull and baby, Mrs. Guy Hull,
Mrs. Gay Hull and children. Mrs.
Peter Mulhair, Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Hull from Niobrara. It was
Mrs. Neil Bjomsen s birthday.
Harold Gene was a Wednesday,
June 24, evening guest at Frank
Mrs. Don Kayl and children were
callers in Bristow and Spencer
Mr and Mrs. Frank Mulhair and
Loren were Monday evening, June
22, guests at Fred Dunkak's at
Bonesteel, S.D.
Mrs. Ernest Sixta and Mrs. Mac
Brockmeier and son were guests
at Phyllis Mulhair home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder and
M'.irgene were to Plainview Sunday
for the Weeder family reunion
Bonnie Flanders, Carol Tonner,
Betty Miller, Eleanor Barnes and
Luella Stroh, Harlene and Joyce
Holz, who attend school at Wayne
came home for the alumni banquet
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Bjomsen and
children from El Monte, Calif.,
Mrs. lion Kayl and children, Mrs.
I.eo Kalkowski and Kevin, Mrs.
Glen Hull and Danny lluvranek
had a wiener roast at the Lynch
park Thursday afternoon. June 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart
and girls from California were
Thursday night and Friday guests
at the Don Stewart home.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Bjomsen and
children from El Monte, Calif.,
Mrs. Don Kayl and children, Mr.
and Mrs. Leonard Havranek and |
children. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kal
kowski and Kevin, Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Spencer and children, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Hull and baby, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Hull and Jerry, Mr. and
Mrs. Glen Rihanek and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hull, Mr. and
Mrs. Gay Hull and children were
to the Niobrara park to the Elmer
I lull reunion on Sunday.
The Lions club had a barbecue
supper at the Lynch park for their
families last Thursday evening.
Mrs. Edward Streit and son, Mrs.
Frank Weeder and Margene were
to Creighton June 25.
Mrs. Frank MulVrair and Loren
Acre Thursday evening, June 25,
quests at the Leslie Stewart home.
Wallace Moffetts are driving a
new 1959 car.
Herman Heiser took Mrs. Mar
vin Schindler and Mary Ellen and
Mrs. Robert Wilson to Omaha Fri
day. Mary Ellen went to see the
doctor and Mrs. Robert Wilson to
see her father as he is in the hos
pital there.
Mrs John Levi is staying this
week with Frank Reisers.
Herman Heiser visited in Spencer
Thursday with Floyd Haun.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder
were Friday evening guests at the
Peter Mulhair home.
Mrs. Willard Lloyd went to Lin
coln to help care for their new
granddaughter, Kimbler Sue,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry:
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Schissler from
Sioux City were Saturday night and |
Sunday guests at the Veldon Pink-1
ernran horn*'.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Connelly and
son from Lincoln spent a few days
at the Martin Jehorek home last,
Lawrence Kalkowski from Lin
coln spent the weekend with Al
bert Kalkowski.
Harlene und Joyce Holz and
Eleanor Barnes were Wednesday
evening. June 24. supper guests at
the Kenneth Fry home in Wayne.
Mrs. Chris McGinn of O'Neill
Sponsored by Neligh's Veterans Organizations
Afternoon Program
1:00—Flag Raising Ceremony
1:05 to 2:00 Band Concert by Neligh High School Band
2:00 to 4:00—Free Acts by Michrael Show
Evening Program
6:00 to 7:00—Band Concert
7:00 to 8:0fr—Free Acts by Michael Show
8:00 to 9:30—Wrestling
9:30 p.m.—2 Hours of Fireworks Will Start
10:00—Dance, Music by The Esquires from Norfolk
All Star Wrestling Events—Vern Gagne vs. Mltsu Arakawa
and Midgets—Cowboy Bradley vs. Lord Mttlebrook
Grandstand Varieties both afternoon and evening featuring Cycling
Lou Morgan, sensational cycling star in a combination of great
cycling acts, and Hazel Louis & Her Pets, a delightfully trained
animal act, with a remarkable troupe of wire-walking, basketball
playing, tumbling and balancing canine stars.
Central States Shows on the Midway
ADMISSION: Afternoon, Gate 50c, Grandstand Free; Evening,
Gate 50c, Grandstand 50c, Bleachers S5c, Box Seats $1:00
Nebraska's Largest Fireworks Display at 9:30 PM
Beautiful Park - Swimming - Ample Parking
By the time these youngsters grow up aud get married they will
he worshiping In a church 100 years old. They are the children of
Memorial Baptist church congregation in Chambers. The 75th an
niversary of the founding of the church was celebrated Sunday. The
Rev. Earl F. Sehwenk, pastor. Is shown among the children.
The Frontier Photo and Engraving.
and Mr. and Mrs. Lew Howard of
California were Monday guests yt
the Bub and Frank Carsten
Mrs. Mary Tomlinson and Larry
of O’Neill attended the alumni
dance Saturday.
Mario Johnson and children from
Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Kal
kowski were Sunday guests at
Phyllis Mulhair's.
Mrs. Dick Courtney of Califor
nia, Mrs. Dwight Micanek and
Mrs. Bob Courtney were Yankton
shoppers Thursday. Little Sherry
Sue Courtney stayed with her
grandma, Mrs. Edward May while
they were gone.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Courtney
and children were supper guests
June 24 at Bob Courtney’s.
Marlene S t r e i t and Margene
Weeder were overnight guests
Wednesday at the Jake Birmeier
Mrs. Joe Roberts, Mrs. Denny
Roberts and Douglas of Omaha are
spending a few days with Mrs.
Faye Pinkerman.
Mr. and Mrs. Velden Pinker
man and Veldeen were in O'Neill
Thursday, June 25.
Jan Micanek, Bonnie Thomson
and Janice McGill, who are going
to school in Omaha came home
with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weeder
and all attended the Alumni Ban
quet Saturday night.
Harlene and Joyce Holz spent
last weekend at Norfolk with their
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Mrs. Albert Carson and June
went to Hastings on business Wed
nesday, June 24 and returned home
on Thursday.
Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Cuatt, Nel
da and Russell Garwood of Spen
cer, were Sunday dinner guests
in the Hylas Farrier home.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Taylor and
family returned last week from a
fishing trip in Minnesota.
Mr. and Mrs. Rovert Sander
son and family of Stanton are-here
to visit their parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ray Sanderson and Mr. and Mrs.
Nels Mikkelson and also to at
tend the wedding of Bonnie Peter
son and Clarence Sanderson and
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Mikkelson and
also to attend the wedding of Bon
nie Peterson and Clarence Sander
Mrs. Clifford Campl>ell and chil
dren left with Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Campbell for Seattle Saturday.
Mrs. Campbell will be in Seattle
one week after which she will be
.joined by her husband, Clifford
Campbell. They will spend another
week there before coming home.
Vernon Campbell of Seattle is
a guest in the Clifford Campbell
home until Friday night when Mr.
Campbell and Vernon will leave
for Seattle.
Valley Center Extension Club
The Valley Center Extension
club met at the home of Mi's.
Raymond Beed on June 19. Mrs.
G. H. Grimes had charge of the
business meeting. Twelve mem
bers and -1 children were present.
A thank you letter was read from
Norfolk Opportunity Center in Nor
We voted fcr each member to
give SI.00 to the Childrens Memor
ial hospital in Omaha.
Mrs. G. H. Grimes read the
council rejxjrt.
We voted for each member to
give one dollar toward the Halsey
camp fund.
Mrs. Raymond Beed and Mrs.
Glen Grimes gave the lesson on
bread baking. The next meeting
will be with Mrs. George Thom
son on September 18. Lunch was
served by the hostess. Lunch mon
ey came to three dollars.
Gary Clemens, Lincoln, and J.
R. Timen of Neligh were Sunday
Friday-Saturday July 3-4
Alan Ladd ’and Ernest Borginine
in the
July 5 6-7
July 8-9
afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Lyle Clemens and family.
Keller club met June 17 in the
home of Mrs. Gaius Wintermote.
Mrs. Clyde Kilty being co-hostess.
Six members and one guest res
ponded to roll call by telling of
their wedding attire. Mrs. Ernest
Farrier was awarded the door
Cards were sent to Mrs. Ralph
Moss and Mrs. Louis Neilson. In
formal visiting took the place ol
the usual business session and pro
Following the serving of lunch,
the meeting was adjourned. The
next meeting will be September 2
with Mrs. Howard Beed.
The Woman’s Society of Chris
tian Service of the Methodist
church held their regular meeting
last Thursday at the church with
21 members responding to roll
call. The worship service was led
by Mrs. Sarah Adams followed by
the lesson from the book, “Un
derstanding other Cultures” which
was presented by Mrs. Lloyd
Gleed assisted by Mrs. Genevieve
Bell and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse.
The business session was pre
sided over by President Mrs. T.
E. Newhouse. Roll call was call
ed and the minutes of the last
meeting were read and accepted.
Several members worked at
cleaning the church during the
forenoon. Two women could not be
present at the meeting. Six mem
bers went to Ewing on I uesday
to an officers training class. The
president explained to us about
the scholarship plan to help girls
in the Nebraska conference who
plan to go into full time service.
The Memorial fund for Mrs. Hall
oway was presented to the WS
CS by her daughter, Mrs. lands
Neilson to be used any way de
sired. The meeting was closed
by repeating the laird's Prayer.
Iolnch was served by Mrs. Char
les Grimes and Mrs. B r u c e
Next meeting will be July
9 with Mrs. Genevieve Bell and
Mrs. Joe Daas as hostesses.
The Silver Star club held then
last meeting June 23 at the home
of Hylas Farrier with eight mem
bers and one visitor present.
Roll call was answered by nam
ing a favorite animal. After a
short business meeting the mem
bers went to their classes. Mr.
Farrier gave the boys a lesson in
R.E.A. The girls had a discussion
on clothing. , , , ,
Mrs. Farrier served a lunch ot
ice cream, cake and iced tea.
Dorsey News
By Mrs. Harold Osborn
Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam McWhorter
visited several days at the Edward
Carson and Carson sister's homes
before journeying on to the Yel
lowstone Park.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon lfarta and
Evelyn spent Sunday, June 21 at
the Ted Crawford home.
Mrs. Kedshaw spent the week
end, June 20-21 with her husband,
who is a student minister and is
holding services in the Dorsey
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alder and
family were Lynch shoppers Sat
urday evening, June 20.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Witherwax
moved their trailer house to
Creighton where he is employed.
The Lucky Clover 4-H Club held
their meeting at ihe Harold Hal
stead home Friday, June 19. .
David Oleson of Geddes, S. D.,
spent June 20-21 at the home
ot Mrs. Vernon Oleson and Neil.
They all attended the rodeo in O’
Neill Saturday evening.
Misses Barbara and Diane Sny
der spent June 18 with Ruth Os
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Schollmey
er and family of Crofton visited
with friends and relatives in this
community over the weekend, June
" Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham
and family and Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Graham spent Sunday June 7 vis
iting with Mrs. Graham's sister,
Mrs. Mary Dobrichovsky and also
with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hass in
Mr. and Mrs. John Derickson
called at the Lester Derickson
home, Wednesday evening, June
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brady en
tertained relatives June 21 evening
with a lawn supper.
Ed Hrbek was a business caller
in Lynch Saturday evening, June
20. ,
The Scottville Extension club
met with Mrs. Guy Hull Tuesday
evening, June 16.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscock
were June 18 O'Neill shoppers.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays I
Ewing News
Carpenter Bruised
in Fall from Scaffold
By Mrs. H. R. Harris
Gerald Snyder, a carpenter work
ing on the new service station
1 building of Gail Boies was injured
one day lust week, when a large
double door on which he was work
ing, went up, knocking him off the
scaffold No tones were broken in
the fall but Mr. Snyder was badly
bruised. He was taken to Norfolk
for a checkup.
Although not able to work, he
was back at the building project
Miss Dorothy Harlan spent Wed
nesday in Ewing, a guest of her
grandmother, Mrs. Caroline San
ders and her aunt and uncle, Mr.
and Mrs Lester Bergstrom and
family. Miss Harlan is a student at
St. Francis School of Anesthesia at
Peoria., 111. During her vacation
Miss Harlan and her mother, Mrs.
Bernice Harlan of Tilden, plan to
fly to San Francisco, Calif., to
spend some time with their son and
brother, Charles, who is completing
his course as a mortician, taking
his examinations June 29 and 30.
Mrs. Harlan and her family will
make the trip by car hack to their
home at Tilden.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McNabb and
family of Omaha were weekend
guests at the Charles Rotherham
home. The two families enjoyed a
fishing trip to western Nebraska
returning to Ewing Tuesday.
Lynne Rotherham accompanied
the McNabbs home for a few days
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbam were
guests Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Allan Pollock.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Urban are va
cationing on the west coast, visit
ing at the homes of relatives. They
plan to be gone about a month.
Mrs. S. M. Burtwistle and her
mother, Mrs. J. L. Pruden return
ed home June 25 from Milwaukee,
Wise., where they attended the
50th annual meeting of the Amer
ican Home Economics Association.
The Wednesday evening program
included a talk by Mrs. Eleanor
Roosevelt who spoke on “Russia
The Country and the People as I
Saw Them".
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Koss
returned home Saturday from a trip
to Kansas. At Weber, they were
overnight guests of a friend on
Tuesday, then went on to Sterling
where they visited Mrs. Ross’ sis
ter, Miss Jennie Wedde until Sat
urday. I
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Schrad
and family of Omaha were recent
weekend guests of his parents, Mr.
and Mr*. Frank Schrad. They also
■attended the wedding of Mrs.
Schrad's sister at Raeville.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke and
family and his mother, Mrs. Paul
ine Noffke enjoyed a trip to Picks
town Sunday.
Mrs. Vernon Cronin und sons re
turned to their home at Pierre, S.
D., Saturday after spending a few
days with her mother, Mrs. Pauline
Noffke and also at the home of
Mr and Mrs. Frank Noffke and
Many of the Stay-at-home holiday
weekend families are making plans
for family parties with picnic din
ners for a Fourth of July celebra
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Taylor of
Oakdale were guests Sunday at the
home of their daughter and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack
Cathy and Steve who had spent
a few days at the home of their
grandparents, returned home with
them. „ , ,
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Eppenbach
■and two sons of Los Angeles, Calif.,
are guests at the home of his moth
er, Mrs. Eula Eppenbach and other
relatives. . . .
Tuesday, June 23, overnight
guests at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ben Larsen were Rudy Ed
wards 'and son of Winner, S.D.
Mr. and Mrs Will Conner were
pleasantly surprised Saturday eve
ning when friends arrived to join
Mr. Conner in celebrating his 80th
birthday anniversary. The self in
vited guests served ‘a six o'clock
supper and remained for an in
formal evening.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Larsen, Mr and Mrs. Louis Sojka
sr.. Mrs. Ella Zeims and Mrs. Eva
Mrs. Edna Lofquest was a din
ner guest Sunday at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and fam
ily. In the afternoon she went to
Neligh to attend the Hoke family
reunion held at the Riverside park
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Van Conet
and children were guests Sunday
at the home of Miss Claire Tom
jack ‘and mother, Mrs. Anton Tom
jack Other guests were Mr. and
Mrs. E. Reichert and Mrs. Arthur
Berg of Long Prairie, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw went
to O'Neill Sunday where they at
tended a picnic dinner of the Don
ohoe family.
Bob Pruden went to Paxton to
spend the weekend with his friend,
Stanley Allen and his parents, Mr.
and Mis. Clyde Allen.
Weekend guests at the home of
Mrs. Rhoda Conner were Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Belmer and family of
Winner, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Sam
Conner and family, who returned
home to Dakota City Monday and
Mr. and Mrs. James Mechaley
and family of Neligh.
The Mechaleys recently adopted
a little girl, who celebrated her
third birthday Sunday at the home
of her grandmother.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmer and
family moved Friday to the resi
dence in east Ewing recently va
cated by the Loyd West jr., fam
ily, who went to Creighton.
Mrs. Rhoda Conner plans to
spend the Fourth of July with rel
atives *at Dakota pity.
The baseball game with Cham
bers was cancelled here Sunday.
However the Ewing boys did not
let the spectators down, who had
gathered for u game. The group
was divided into teams and they
put on a good exhibition of prac
tice work.
Next Sunday’s game is scheduled
with Stuart, to be played at Ewing.
Couch Dean Pofahl and the I toys
will be looking for you at the
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter ac-1
companied Mr. and Mrs. Rolam
Horde to Neligh Sunday when
they joined relatives for a picnii
dinner at Riverside iwrk
Mr and Mrs. Roland Horde am
Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Dewit
Gunter were entertained Thursday
June 25. at the home of Mr. ant
Mrs. Dewitt Hoke Other guest:
were Mr. Hoke's sister and hus
band. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Penning
ton of Napier, 111.
Guests Friday evening at th<
Dewitt Gunter home were Mr. a nr
Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and his sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs
Jack Pennington of Napier, 111.
Mr. and Mrs Mux Graver, David
and Linda of New Wins dor. 111., ar
rived Monday for a visit at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dewitt Gunter.
Guests at the home of Mr. and
j Mrs. George Thayer the past week
| were Mr. and Mrs. T. Hanoi- of
I Portland, Ore., and Mr. and Mrs
Raleigh Davis of Sepulveda, Calif.
A miscellaneous shower was
{ held Saturday evening at the par
i loi-s of the Methodsit Church hon
oring Mrs. Kenneth Hightower, a
I recent bride.
Miss Carolyn Tams vv a s in
charge of the entertainment con
sisting of contest games with pri
zes. Miss Tams and Leonora Tuttle
assisted Mrs. Hightower at gift
table. Miss Karen Filsinger of
Clearwater was in charge of the
gift book.
Dainty refreshmen ts were
served by the following hostesses,
Mrs. Robert Tams aud Carolyn,
Mrs. Archie Tuttle of Ewing and
Mrs. Lonnie Miller of Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hightow
er of Manhattan, Kans„ were
weekend guests of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Hahlbeck
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield,
jr., returned home Friday from a
vacation trip to Denver, Colo. Since
arriving home the Butterfields
heard there were several feet of
snow in one of the parks they vis
ted in the mountains. During their
parents absence Brenda was the
guest of her grandparents, Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield, sr.,
at Atkinson ami Terri and Pamela
were guests of an uncle and aunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Don Butterfield at
A guest this week at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield,
jr., is her sister, Miss Mickey Ro
berts of Atkinson.
Sixteen ladies were invited
guests at the home of Mrs. Joe
Tomjack on Thursday afternoon.
Several received prizes in the con
test games played for amusement.
Dainty refreshments were served
by the hostess.
Mrs. Ralph Eacker and grand
daughter, Roxanne Ruby of Sioux
City, Iowa returned home Wednes
day from Grand Island where they
had spent a few days at the home
of Me. and Mrs. Jerome Fuller
and family.
Mrs. Thomas Eacker and chil
dren spent several days visiting
relatives at York, Grand Island
and Genoa.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and
Marie went to Fort Randall on
Sunday where they joined mem
bers of the Beal family for a re
union and a picnic dinner.
Waldo Davis has been carrying
mail for Charles Rotherham, who
I, is on a vacation trip with his fam
• ily .
■ | Rev. and Mrs. Wendell Elliot
and daughter, Sandra were six
I o'clock dinner guests at the Waldo
Davis homo Tuesday evening,
j Their household goods arrived in
1 j Ewing the same day.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis and
| Marie made a busines trip to Oma
I ha on Monday returning home
! Tuesday.
The Waldo Davis' are making
I plans to spend the fourth of July
I weekend at the Niobrara state
j park. They will tie accompanied
his mother, Mrs Gertrude Davis
j and her mother, Mrs. Louise Real
Sand Mr. and Mrs. Homer Barton,
| all of Orchard. They plan to re*
; turn home Monday
The Happy Hollow 4-H club met
June 23 evening at the home of
Mr and Mrs, Melvin Scheer. There
was a good attendance.
Mary Bergstrom and Vicki Mill
er gave a demonstration on table
setting Miss Faye Scheer gave a
demonstration lecture on bread
leaders are Mrs. Lionel Gunter,
gardening; Mrs. John Miller, sew
ing, and Paul Gunter, dairying.
Lunch was served.
Mrs. John Wunner Iras sold her
property to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Wright and will give possession
August 1. Mrs Wunner will move
to Stanton where she has rented
an apartment.
Rev. and Mrs. Wendell Elliot and
daughter, Sandra arrived in Ewing
from Pender with their household
goods Tuesday, June 23, and are
getting settled in the parsonage
of the First Mediodist church.
Rev. Elliot conducted his first
worship Sunday with a good at
tendance of memliers and friends.
Mrs. Arthur Billings returned to
her homo June 24 after visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drewlow
of Stanton were Monday guests at
the home of tier sister, Mrs. John
Training Session Held
An officers training session for
the Woman’s Society of (Tiristian
Service was held Tuesday after
noon, June 23, at the parlors of the
First Methodist church with the
following district officials presid
ing: Mrs Robert Embree of O'
Neill, Mrs. Anna Spence of Atkin
son and Mrs. Marion Wendler of
Work of each official was ex
plained in detail omd materials
given to each pertaining to her
special office.
Memliers present from the Clpdr
vvater Methodist church society
were Mrs. Lyle Switzer, Mrs. John
Middleton and Mrs. Mark Maben.
From the Chambers society were
Mrs. Thomas Newhouse, Mrs. Ray
mond Shoemaker, Mrs, Darrell
Gillette, Mrs. Ned Alderson, Mrs.
Glen Grimes and Mrs. Ray Beed.
Also in attendance were Mrs. Wil
lis Rockcy, Mrs. Henry Fleming,
Mrs. L. A. Hobbs, Mrs. Anna Pol
lock. Mrs. 11. R Harris, Mrs. Flor
ence Hoke, Mrs Ray Sedivy, Mrs.
Sis Ebbengaard, Mrs. Harry Van
Horn, Mrs. Frank Schmidt.
Lunch was served by the Ewing
The Fenske reunion was held at
Norfolk Saturday, June 20. Attend
ing from Ewing were Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Fleming and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Belmar and children and
Mrs. Dora Townsend of Page.
I have completed the purchase of Ben Gilligan’s interest
in the Gilligan Rexall Drug Store and will continue the
business under the name of Devoy Rexall Drug.
Serving the people of this community for the past four
years in pharmacy has been a pleasure and I hope to
continue to be of service to you in the future.
- -- . - . —-—_————————————- -»
Thank You !!
I have sold my interest in Gilligan Rexall Drug to Robert
Devoy, who will continue to operate the business as
Devoy Rexall Drug. I wish to take this opportunity to
thank all of you for your patronage during my eleven
years in business in O'Neill.
Proscription Specialists Veterinary Supplies
Phone 87 - O'Neill