I A real magic buy ... Lucerne, Grade-A | Cottage Cheese 1 _ « 12-oz. | Carton | 32-ci. Carton.. * 43c ? \ For a magic tasting spread.. • Coldbrook $ Margarine * i . 3 Cartons j * + j Quartered, colored ... a real budget stretcher | i % i |k magic treat for the whole family ... Snow Star ICECREAM | 1-Gal. _ Carton .,;■ Vanilla. Chocolate or Strawberry flavors BREAD 16*z;19< Skylark; Slender-Way, fresh.Loftf m M ^ JUICE ^39« FANCY PEAS A no.303 AO( Town House; Safeway guaranteed. .^F Cans ■ ~ CHUNK TUNA 3 .4* TOc Star-Kist; 3, 6Vi>-oz. 99c; Sea Trader Cans B M ^ SWEET PEAS A a- 29« Plymouth Maid Brand, delicious-Cans Mm M ^ | DETERGENT (Save 10c) 22-oz. £ j Scamper Liquid; makes dishes sparkle.Can M j ★ ★★★★★★★★★ I i Here's how to save on household products. ♦. use i White Magic ! DETERGENT Giant f Makes white things whiter, colors brighter. .Box STARCH %-gai. AQ# Liquid, concentrated, goes further.Jug “ 1 BLEACH ./2.ga, 20c $ Liquid, fresh, none better at any price.Jug MM Mr ^ 1 CLEANSER 2 *-«• lOc k With bleach-foaming action, instantly 4Hi Cans m JW ^ A refreshing thirst-quenching drink ... assorted KOOL-AID I 10 f Pkgs. _ | Just add water, chill and serve ... delicious! j It's magic on the budget... all-purpose Velkay |§ Shortening | 3B 3-lb. 1 Can | Pure, all white... try a can this 1 Stock your oupboard with toft, Oharmin §§ I Toilet Tissue ( | Packt | l Available in white, yellow, green, blue and pink p llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll^ SAFEWAYS grand eating savory, juicy FOR LESS I I __ _ , ~ Oh! acrumpUouBeating^^gafeway,s d°" Gl--79c | 6]|!lllllllllllli!llllllllll!llllll,'!!ll!!ll!llllllll!IIIIIIIIll!!’!IHII!HI!!lli!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllinillllllllillllll!lll'!"!!ll'illlimill^ 1 Be Sure ... Be Thrifty SAVE COLD BOND | Stamps from Safeway! | Puddings in delicious flavors 2 Pkgs. 21c 1 | Cranberry Sauce 27e I Waxed Paper ..V3S 23c Paper Towels strong, absorbent Roll 20c I lllllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllliiHIIHHIIMIliillUlINllNIHnilllfHNimWIIIliHIIUMIHIIllfllllHilllllillll —BIGHT BIIKI1VED TO LIMIT QUANTITIES kV9!V33TVm jyKUuUI Prices effective thru Saturday, June 27,