t f Dads Day Tourney: Complete Results Here are the complete results of the Dad’s Day open tournament In O'Neill over (he weekend. Editor's Note: Because no com plete record of forfeited matches are available the use of the word "over'' either means a defeat or a forfeited match. ChainpionHhlp Flight First Round: Max Golden over G. Millnitz; VV. Hopkins over B. Grady: Cal Hedelson over Kerm Mortenson sr ; Bill Fox over Ted Lindberg; K. Mortenson jr. over A R. Jaszkowiak, Bob Carroll over Frank Solane; D. Johnson over George Lightner; H. Story over Jim Snyder. Second Round: Hop kins over Golden; Fox over Hedel son; Carroll over Mortenson; Story over Johnson Third Round: Fox over Hopkins and Story over Car roll. Finals: Fox defeated Story for the championship. Lindy defeated Jaszkowiak for the consolation trophy. First Flight First Round: G. Whitney over Jim Clifton; Ed Campbell jr., over Del Olson; Gus Cadwell over Tom Liddy; H Lohaus over Glen Faunce; I. Kaiser over L. Haynes; Shorty Richardson over Q- Whe lan; H. Fowler over Sid Solsman and John Baker over Marvin John son. Second round: Whitney over Campbell, Lohaus over Cadwell, Kaiser over Richardson and Fow ler over John Baker. Third round: Whitney over Lohaus and Fowler over Kaiser. Whitney defeated Fowler for the championship. Liddy defeated Whelan for the consola tion trophy. Second Flight First round: Bill Cauoert over H. Gildersleeve, Jr. Cleveland over D. French, H. Scnieusener over led Kyster, Mike Burney over John VA/Jiciiu, i/. lYciatnuivuv \j v ci ouwi i Hunt, U, Hrayton over W. Mar ceilus, A1 Carroll over L. Reimer jr., R. Wilson over Tom llarty. Second round: Cleveland over Cao bert, Burney over Schleusener, Hrayton over Kersenbrock and Carroll over Wilson; Third Round: Burney over Cleveland and Hray ton over Carroll. Burney deleated Hrayton for the championship. Con ard deleated Reimer tor the con solation trophy. Third Flight First Round: H. nunker over B. Mead; J. Auston over K. Werner, D. Horson over G. Buker, G. Mar celius over G. Hammond, K. Glee son over Bill Arnhoit, Vein Reyn oldson over B. Nelson, 1. Pruss over Schitflemiller, H. Kupperman over mF. YanHi; Seconu round: Bunker over Auston, Batson over Marcellus, Iteynoldson over Glee son, liapperman over Pruss. Bunk er deleated Iteynoldson lor tlie championship. Nelson deleated Hammond lor the consolation trophy. Fourth Flight First Round: A. Cramer over B. KurU, R. Carlson over J. l'honal la, H. Conhers over B. Nelson, H. Nelson over J. Champion, • W. Hutchinson over Shorty Miles, L. McCoy over L. Zastrow, H. Tem plemeyer over B. Miller and Ben Gillespie over R. Snover. Second Round: Cramer over Carlson, Nel son over Connors, McCoy over Hutchinson, Templemeyer over Gillespie. Third Round: Nelson over Cramer and McCoy over Templemeyer. Nelson defeated Mc Coy lor die championship. Snover deleated Cl tampion for the conso Double A d MARKET REPORT Atkinson, Tuesday, June 23rd Auction: Cattle and hog receipts totaled 628 head, with a very good run (or this time of year, stock cattle sold very well. 400 lb. Heller calves bringing $34.25 &iid the Steer mates selling for $36.40. 800-lb. feeding heifers sold for $22.50 and all other stock Cattle finding ready tak ers. Cows are taking their sea sonal slow down but selling at attractive prices and inducing mny to cash in on their cut cat tle. (iood Cows sold from $17.00 to $18-75 with canners & cutters $14.75 to $16.00. Regular Sale Next Tuesday, June 30th. Remember for most Net Dollars—Consign your Stock to your Local Market at the DOUBLE A AUCTIONS ! Atkinson Livestock Market lation trophy. Firth night First Round: R. Francis over B. Artus, J. Watson over J. Harty, F. Appleby over B. Cole, B McIntosh over J. Petsehe, M. Baack over Jim Earley, E. Mahler oxer S. Elkins, L. Gillespie over C. Fox and B Kelly over G. Whitney. Sec ond round: Francis over Watson, Appleby over McIntosh, Mahler over Baack and Gillespie over Kelly Third Round: Appleby oxer Francis and Gillespie oxer Mahler, for the championship. Whitney de feated Artus for the consolation trophy. Sixth Flight First Round: B. Brennan over G. Head, R. Clifton over B. Pruss, G. Gillespie over D. Becker, Bill Mer ritt, Bye. Second Round: Brennan over Clifton and Gillespie, Bye. B. Brennan defeated Gillespie for the championship. Pruss defeated D. Becker for the consolation trophy. j -Legal Notices (First, pub. June 25, 1959) .NOTH E Ol SPECIAL ELECTION OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O'NEILL, NEBRASKA. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby gix' en that at a special election to be held on the 6tn day ol July, 1959, there will be submitted lo tne legal xoters ot School Districts numbered a7, IIU, 9i, 138 and 2, ot Boil coun ty, Nebraska, the following ques tion: ‘‘Shall the present territories comprising School Districts num bered 57, ilO, 97, 138 and 2, ol the County of Holt, ‘and State of Ne braska, be reorganized and con solidated to comprise and consti tute one School District, to be known as School District No. 2, of said county, according to a pro posed plan ot reorganization of School Districts, as formulated and advanced by me non County Com mittee tor there organization ol School Districts.” For sairi renrvnniyatinn r>k.n i i Against said reorganization plan ( ) The polls for voting at said election will remain open from 8 o clock A M. to 8 o clock P.M. of said day, and the voting place as follows: Page Town Hail. Voters desiring to vote in favor of said proposition and for said re organization plan, will mark an X in ihe square lollowing the words: "For said Reorganization Plan”; voters desiring to vote against saiu proposition, will mark an X in the square following the words, "Against said Reorganization Plan.” This special election has been called for the purpose of affording the electors of School Districts num bered 57, 110, 97, 158 and 2 an op portunity to approved or reject tne plan of the organization, adopted py the Holt County Comijiittee for the reorganization ol Scnool Dis tricts, under which plan it is pro posed to consolidate all of the ibove mentioned School Districts nto one School District, to be known qs„ .School District Number 2 of Holt County, Nebraska. That said proposed plan of re organization contemplates that said reorganized and consolidated Dis trict, shall have the legal outer boundaries, described as follows: 1. Commencing at the Northwest corner of Section 23, in Township 28 North, Range 10, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebras ka, running thence two miles south, thence four miles east, thence one half mile north, thence one half mile east, thence one half mile _*L. a I... U..lf IIWI Ul, 111' IIVW wuv *» v»»*> thence one half mile north, thence one mile east, theriee one half mile north, thence one lialf mile west thence one half mile north, thence one half mile east, thence one half mile south, thence three fourths mile east, thence one half mile south, thence three fourths mile east, thence one fourth mile north, thence one half mile east, thence ane fourth mile north to Northeast corner of Section 24, Township 28, Range 9, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, running thence two and one half miles north, thence three miles west, thence one half mile north, thence six miles west, thence two miles south, thence three fourths mile east, thence one half mile south, thence one fourth mile east, thence one half mile south to the place of beginning. 2. Reasons for the change in boundaries is to prov ide more ade quate educational advantages for the children in the four Class I Districts and the Class II District. 3, The said plan of reorganization proposes the adjustment of proper ty debts, and liabilities of the pro posed District as follows: a. All of the assets and pro perty of the districts included in this plan as of July 1, 1959. shall become the property of the proposed School District No. 2. b. All of the bonded indebted ness existing -against any of said districts is to be assumed and paid by the orginal Dis trict No. 2, that is District No. 2 as it existed prior to such re organization and consolidation. c. All other School Districts debts, if any, of said Districts, as of July 1, 1959, are to be as sumed and paid by the pro posed School District No. 2. d. The utilization of existing school houses and school pro perty is to be determined by the legal voters of the proposed School District No. 2, in the event such reorganization be comes effective, however this shall pertain to school houses and school grounds only. 4. The present school building of District No. 2 is adequate with the remodeling of one elementary room as one additional elementary teacher will be hired. Legal school electors only re siding within the enumerated dis tricts shall be permitted to vote at said election, and the legal elec tors residing in school district No. 2, shall be entitled to vote as a separate unit at said election. Any electors or other interested persons, may secure additional in formation concerning the details of said proposed plan of reorganiza tion at the office of the County Superintendent of Schools in O - Neill, Nebraska. ALICE L. FRENCH, Secretary, Holt County Committee for the Reorganization of School Dists. 9-10c (First publication June 25, 4925) Julius D. Cronin, attorney N <> T I <’ K O F HEAKINL O F F E T 1 T 1 O N F O It FIN AL SETTLEMENT O F ACCOUNT. No. 4119 COUNTY COURT OF HO L T COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF CYLDE MCKEN ZIE, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on Ju ly 15, 1959, at 10 o'clock, A M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 9-llc (First pub. June 18, 1959) Kryger and Kryger, Attorneys NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4333 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, JUNE 18, 1959. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CARRIE A. BARN HARDT. DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims against said estate is October 16, 1959, and for the payment of debts is June 18 1960 and that on July 16, 1959, and on October 17. 1959, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will lie at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine,-'hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 9-llc Page News By Mrs. Evelyn Cray Mr. and Mrs. Owen Parks re turned Saturday evening from a 7,000 mile trip through ten of the Western states. They spent a week with thpir daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn BlezeK ana i son -at Apple Valley, Calif. Lois Jean Parks from San Diego, Calif., was also a guest in the Blezek home. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brownell in Paramount, Calif. Mr. Parks' sisters in Klamath halls and Manning, Ore., also Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cole and family. Mr. and Mrs. Davis Williams and Mr and Mrs. Ray Williams at Salem, Ore., and with Mr. and Mrs G. W. Durkee and Mr and Mrs. Harley Fox at Auburn, Ore. Places of interest visited were the Grand Canyon. Knotts Berry Farm The Red Woods, Portland, Ore., where they saw the Rose Parade and Tacoma, Wash., ana Grand Coulee Dam. In Garland, Wyo., they visited Mr. Parks’ brother, Roy Parks. Mrs. Gwen Morrison of Royal accompanied them as far as Santa Ana, Calif. The Page Pee Wees defeated the Ewing team 3-2 at the latter’s dia mond on a double by Mick Stew art. Shaw was the winning pitcher, Krapp was the loser. Rick Allen played an outstand ing defensive game. Mr and Mrs. William Ragland and family attended Sunday school at Amelia Sunday morning and vis ited Mrs. Ragland s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge, the rest of the day. Present also in the Coolidge home were Mr. and Mrs. We Will Close MONDAY, JUNE 29, AND WILL REOPEN SATURDAY, JULY 25 < ' • \ V.;k * Thank yon for your patronage. We hope to see you when we reopen. • . Ten Pin Lanes # ■ i Charles Coolidge and family, bro ther of Mrs Ragland, also a cous in, Harry Humphrey, of Willow Springs. Mo , and Julius and Mar lin Belew and Mary Negley of Nor folk. Loran Parks of Elm Creek, son of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Parks, ar rived home for a visit with rela tives and friends. Mr and Mrs. Harry Tegeler and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks and son Loran, and daughter, Valjean. were picnicking Sunday at Ponca. Rev. and Mrs. Walt Cole and family of Salem, Ore., came June 17 for an extended visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Fred Nas lund and relatives of Page, and Mr. Cole's parents of O'Neill, Mrs. Charlie Russel came Sun day bringing her mother, Mrs. Stella Russel and two grand daughters. the children of Mr and Mrs Duane Sukup to their homes. She plans to visit relatives and friends for a few days Mr. and Mrs. John Sorensen and sons, Lloyd and Floyd, drove to Columbus Sunday to visit their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Stewart. Mrs. Theresa Hunter of Osage. Wyo., stopped in Page Monday for a short visit with her brother-in faw. Vemie Hunter and family She was accompaied by her grand daughter, Patti Burkett. tXH'NTY (XH RT State vs. Marten G. Luber. O' Neill. overload on axle, fined $50 and $4 costs; officer Donald F. Richardson, June 6. State vs. Donald Lee Braun. ! driver for Valentine Motors, Val entine, Nebr . overweight on ca pacity plate, fined $25 and $4 costs, officer Donald F Richardson. June 18. State vs. LeRov Peter Castello, Sacramento, Calif., overweight on interior group of axles, fined $60 and $4 costs; officer Clifford L. Kizzire. June 18. State vs. Randall D. Kruse. Hos kins, non-payment of license fee. fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Clif ford L Kizzire, June 18. State vs. Richard D. Bogue, At kinson, possession of alcoholic liquor by minor, fined $25 and $4 costs; officer Sgt. R. R. Shorney, June 19. State vs. Earl L. Tooker, Atkin son. possession of alcoholic liquor by minor, lined 125 and $4 costs; officer Sgt. R. R. Sbomey, June 19. State vs Gerald D Strovich, driver for General Wholesale. Nor folk, overgross weight, fined 550 and $4 costs; officer Donald F. Richardson. June 20. State vs. Gerald F. Reiman.! Butte, speeding night, fined $10 and j $4 costs; officer E. M. Hastreiter, I June 20 State vs. Dewey D. Brittell, Chamtiers, faultv brakes, fined $5 and $4 costs; officer E. M. Has treiter, June 20. State vs. Leroy K. Lyons, O' Neill. overweight on capacity plate, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer Don ald F Richardson, June 20. State vs. Francis L. Heying, Win ner, S. D., allowing minor to oper ate motor vehicle, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer E. M- Hastreiter, June 22. State \s George J. Kopccky, driver for Haun Implement Co., Spencer. overweight on capacity plate, fined $10 and $4 costs; of ficer Clifford L. Kizzire, June 22 State \ s. Hay C. Butler, Ewing, expired license plate, fined $10 and $4 costs; officer E M. Hastreiter June 22 State vs. Claud Neal. O'Neill, fictitious number plates, lined $15 and $4 costs; officer E. M. Has treiter. June 22. State vs Richard Davidson, O' Neill. No. I expired intransit plates and No. 2 operating a mo tor vehicle without driver’s li cense. fined No. 1. $10 No 2, $5 and $4 costs, officer E. M Has treiter. June 24. SWiHiiH ^^F I GuomnUtt tS-rformomm J J~ * <>f A merica'9 J ; “"I tv GOOD HOUSEKEEPING I ANGEL FOOD .”£47‘Qg PEANUTS ES-.'£i* \ WELCH CRAPE JELLY.. Sg$.'\" \ KRAFT JELLY SSSJ-.’