The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 18, 1959, Section One, Image 5

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    Page News
'55 Class Mothers
Honor Bride to Be
By Mrs. Evelyn <in»y
A bridal shower, honoring Miss
Marian Heisa was sponsored by
the class mothers of the class of
The program consisted of num
bers by a girl s quartet, namely.
Misses Faye Rutherford, Lurann
and Sharon Crumley and Dixie
Nissen; a, solo by Miss Aleatiia
Rutherford. “Those Wedding Bells
are Breaking up that Old Gang of
Mine”; Mrs. Marvin Stauffer read
an original poem composed for the
honored guest.
The class mothers served seventy
to a dainty luncheon.
Miss Bonnie Heiss hrad charge of
her sister’s gift book.
Mrs. Hart, a> .t of Miss Heiss.
and her daught ,'s CJetia and Becky
of Tilden we .• out-of-town guests.
The H .(-Bovd Cbunty Rural
Mail Ca, ,‘iers were guests of car
rier Cordes Walker and family on
Thursday evening, June 11th at a
no-host supper in the Page Im
provement club building.
Alfred Marshall, state secretary
and family of Verdigre and Bill
Loukota, district committeeman
of Bristow were present. Other
towns represented wet; Ewing, In
man and Butte.
The next meeting will lie in Sep
tember with Mr. apd Mrs. Gus
Sieler of Butte.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Goddard of
Gresham, Ore., were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart, and
Mr and Mrs. Robert Gray, Mon
day 'and Tuesday, June S-9. Mrs.
Goddard is a sister of Mrs Stew
art and Mrs Gray. The Goddards
left Wednesday for Chambers to
visit her brother and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Miller.
The Royal Neighbors Kensington
met -at the home of Mrs. Ethel
Waring June 10 with nine mem
bers present. After the business
meeting and social hour, a cover
ed-dish luncheon was served. The
next meeting will lie with Mrs
Frieda Asher June 24th.
Mr. anti Mrs. Bryan Finch of
Orchard were visitors at the Clar
ence Finch home Thursday eve
ning, June 11.
Mrs, Glen Harris and daughters
went to Pierre, S I)., to spend the
weekend with Mr. Harris, who is
employed there.
Mrs. Elsie Cork, who has been
living with her daughter, Mrs. Viv
ian Steinberg moved to her home
in Page Thursday, June 11.
Among those attending Eastern
Star chapter in O'Neill Thursday,
June 11, were Mrs. George Whett
lauffer, Mrs. L. F. Knudsen, Mrs.
Merwyn French jr. and Mrs. Eve
lyn Gray.
Mrs. Frieda Asher, Mrs. Lloyd
Fusselman and daughter, Vickie
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher
spent Thursday evening in the
Jerry Asher home celebrating the
birthday of Mrs. Jerry Asher.
Mr. and Ms. J. W. Finch and
Mrs. Alta Finch made a business
trip to Neligh last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Dorr and
family of Lapeer. Mich., arrived
Saturday to spend a few days in
the homes of their respective par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dorr
and Mr. and Mrs. M. G. French sr.
They expect lo spend several weeks
on the west coast, returning about
the middle of August.
Lonna Haynes of O'Neill spent
last week in the home of her grand
parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Nis
sen and Le Ellen Haynes spent the
week with Susan Freemeyer Their
mother. Mrs. LawTence Haynes
came for a visit with her sister.
Mrs. Harold Freemeyer and her
daughters returned to O’Neill with
Lionel Ickes arrived home Thurs
day from Ft. Collins where he has
completed his 3rd year in college
of veterinary medicine. Sunday he
will meet Mr. and Mrs. Junior
Sorensen in the home of his par
ents. Mr and Mrs. N. Ickes.
Miss Grace Merrimon had 57
callers Thursday. June 11. to help
her celebrate her 90th birthday.
Among the guests w'ere Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Braddock of Fullerton
and Mr. and Mrs. Asa Harvey of
Madera. Calif.
The Page hand will begin its
summer practice Tuesday, June
23, under direction of Leonard
Mrs. Alta Finch and Mrs. Ethel
Waring drove to the Clarence
Finch farm hist Saturday to spend
the day with relatives.
The Rehekah lodge met Tuesday
evening in the IOOF hall with 13
members present. Lunch was serv
ed by Faye Taylor and Leona
Smith. Next meeting to be June 23.
Little Chuckio Asher was hon
ored on his 2nd birthday Thursday
afternoon with a picnic in the Page
park. Those present were Mrs.
Calvin Harvey and sons, his grand
mothers. Mrs. Hester Edmisten and
Mrs. Frieda Asher, -and his moth
er and three sisters.
Word has been received that Den
nis Cunningham had the misfor
tune to receive a wound in the
leg which required surgery. De
tails are lacking to the nature of
the aecident, or the full extent of
the injury. He Iras been stationed
at Ft. Lewis, Wash., and was out
on maneuvers.
miss Kay Nissen went 10 ian- >
coin Saturday to attend Girl’s
The W. Irl Todds were hosts Sun
day to a Waddington family get
together. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Floyd James and family
of St. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Waddington, Joyce and Bill of Ne
ligh; Mr. and Mrs. P. R- Wad
dington of Neligh; Mr. and Mrs.
Cloyd Kilpatrick of Neligh, and
Miss Syliva Wasson of Denver,
Colo. The day was spent at games,
visiting and swimming. Buffet
lunch was served at noon and in
the evening.
Mrs. Lloyd Powel and children.
Mary Jo and Larry of Alliance,
have spent the past week in the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Troshynski. Sunday her par
ents took them to Valentine where
Mr. Powel met them and they re
turned to Alliance.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Nissen of
Wellington, N.C., who have been
visiting relatives and friends in
Page the past two weeks, left for
home Sunday morning.
James McClung is spending a
few days in St. Anthony’s hospital
for a complete check up.
The Masons Pythagoras lodge
held a special meeting Friday eve
ning and conferred the 3rd degree
on a candidate. After lodge a social
hour was spent and lunch was
Nancy Todd returned to Neligh
with Joyce and Bill Waddington
Sunday evening to spend a few
days visiting and trying out the
new swimming pool there.
Mrs. Jerry Asher was hostess to
members of the Bid or Bye Bridge
club Wednesday afternoon, June
10. High score was earned by
Mrs. Dan Troshynski. Mrs. Harold
Asher was guest.
Larry Walker was an overnight
guest of Dick Hansen Friday.
Miss Kathleen Walker of Page
spent Wednesday and Thursday,
June 10-11. in O'Neill as a guest
in the home of Mary and Nancy
A large attendance met Sunday
evening in the Fellowship hall of
the Methodist church for a fare
well supper honoring Rev. and Mrs.
Mewmaw and family, who leave
in the near future for their new
home in Neligh.
Mrs. Vivian Steinberg left Sun
day for a two week vacation. She
will meet Mrs. Emma Dorr of Mil
waukee. Wis., in Columbus. They
will go to San Francisco, Calif., to
attend the wedding of Mrs. Dorr’s
son, Vernon Dorr.
They plan to visit in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. John Lamason, for
merly of Page, and call on other;
friends before returning home.
Mr. and Mrs William Neubauer
had as their dinner guests Thurs
day eening, Maude Martin, Elsie
Cork, Hester Edmisten and Vivian
Mrs. Leila Snell entertained the
SOS club at a wiener roast Friday
evening The evening was spent
with cards. Elsie Cork won the
mystery prize. Next meeting will
be with Ethel Waring June 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Braddock and
Mary of Fullerton were visitors in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alton
Braddock the past week. Mr. and
Mrs. Bob Stevison of Lincoln came
to spend the weekend with Mrs.
Stevison's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Braddock, and get their little son,
Jimmy, who had spent a week
with his grandparents.
Miss Leona Mudloff had as her
guest. Miss Christena Connet of
Spencer. Miss Connet works for
Monte Taylor in Omaha, a former
Page resident.
The Get-to-Gether club met Fri
day at the home of Mrs. Nornrun
Saltz with ten memliers and two
guests, Mrs. Anna Rut her and Rose
Sholes, present. Plans were made
to tour O'Neill in the near future
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Kronock of
Brighton, Colo., came Wednesday
to visit in the Bernard Kronock
David Max spent the weekend
in the R. V. Crumly home while
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Max were out of town.
Connie Nissen spent Thursday
night and Friday with Nancy Todd
Mrs. Lee Taylor left Sunday to
attend Concordia college in Sew
Mr. and and Mrs. Sam Todd of
Clearwater spent Thursday night
at the W. Irl Todd home.
PAGE The Nifty Needlers 4-H
club met at the legion hall June
12th with Ellen and Peggy McCabe
and Susan Freemeyer as hostesses.
Peggy Crumly gave a demonstra
tion of how to make a cake.
Classes were held. “Lets Cook
Girls” arranged fresh vegetable
plates; “Beginning Baking Girls"
were urged to catch up if they
were behind on their baking;
“Home Making Girls” discussed
making table cloths; “Work and
Play Girls” and "Skirt and Blouse
Girls” worked on their projects.
Next meeting will be June 26 at
1:30 p.m. The girls will go swim
ming. Peggy O’Brien, reporter.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Lamason
left Sunday for Paramount, Calif.,
where they plan to spend some
time visiting relatives and helping
Mrs. Lamason’s parents celebrate
their golden wedding anniversary.
Mr and Mrs. Clarence Finch
had as their supper guests Satur
day evening Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Gentzley of Tilden, Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Waring of O'Neill and
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyley of
The American Legion auxiliary
met in the Legion hall Tuesday
evening, June 9, for regular ses
Officers for the coming year
were elected as follows; Elizabeth
Matschultat, president; Mary Jo
Scheinost, vice president; Ava
Fink, second vice president; Mar
garet Landreth, secretary; Lura
Grass, treasurer; Sarah Sorensen,
chaplairt; Alice Sukup and Doris
Nissen, color bearers, and Helen
Asher, historian.
Callers at Mrs. Alta Finch’s
home Sunday evening were Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Finch, Mr. and
Mrs. Clarence Finch and Mr. und
Mrs. Art Sufficool and son, Creig,
of Winnetoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring of
O'Neill and Mrs. Alta Finch went
to Omaha Monday, where Mrs.
Finch will receive medical treat
Mr. and Mrs. Willard Clyde and
son, Daniel of Auburn, Wash., vis
ited Mrs. Ella Blain at Middle
Branch. They also had visited in
Sioux City, la., Sioux Falls, S.D.,
and Tekamah. They were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. D.
Ickes. They plan to leave for
home Thursday.
The MYF honored Miss Ruth
Evelyn Mewmaw with a farewell
party Thursday evening, June 11.
Devotions were led by Vivian Rag
land. Kay Nissen and Donna Crum
ly. The theme was “God’s Little
They presented her a gift. A
dainty lunch was served.
The Page Pee Wee ball team
lost to Orchard 14 to 12. The win
ning pitcher was Manske, the los
ing pitcher was Shaw\
Mr. and Mrs George Hulver and
two children of Enid, Okla , were
visitors over the weekend in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mat
Mr. and Mi's Otto Matschullat
had as their guests Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. A1 Anthony and family of
Inman and his brother and family,
Clyde Anthony of Duran, Okla.
O'Neill Locals
Mrs. George Peterson sr. visited
friends in Monroe during the week
Mr. and Mrs. C. H Switzer were
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Schinck of Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Petersen left
Monday for Los Angeles, Calif ,
where they will make their home.
Mrs. Joe Stutz and children are
spending this week in Petersburg
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. J. Oik.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Paulsen re
turned last Sunday from a week’s
vacation spent visiting friends and
relatives in the itate.
Stewart Paseoe and family and
Mrs. Adeline Paseoe of Grand Is
land were in Arcadia Sunday at
the home of Jerome Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Voor
his of Albion spent a few days last
week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. K. L. Van Voorhis.
Harry Smith and his mother,
Mrs. E. J. Smith, attended the
funeral of a friend in Akron, la.,
Glen Van Every of Columbus,
Mont., came Monday from Lincoln
to visit at the home of his brother
and family, Mr. and Mrs. George
Van Every.
Mr. and Mrs. George Peterson
jr. were in Genoa and St. Edw'ard
for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Van Vleck and
family left Wednesday for a vaca
tion in Yellow’stone and Glacier
National Parks.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkinson
returned Monday from a four day
visit with their son and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Parkinson in
Roseann Schaffer and Eunice
Thurs. Juno 18
... and time was running out
through hullet holes at Rio Bravo!
Howard Hawks
Technicolor from Warner Bros.
John Wayne the hig guy with
the battered hat.
Dean Martin the woman-wreck
ed castoff called Dude!
Ricky Nelson the rackin’ baby
faced Gunfisted Kid.
And the girl they all cull “Feath
ers ’’.
Co-starring Angie Dickinson,
Walter Brennan, Ward Bond, John
"Lawman" Russel, with Pedro
Gonzalez, Estelita Rodriguez.
Adm.: Adults 50c, Children 15c.
All children unless in arms must
have tickets. Matinee Sun., 2:30.
Fri.-Sat. June 19-20
Just time enough ... to change
his name . . . his clothes and his
Only a few desperate moments
away from springing the death-trap
... on Himself!
Fred MacMurray, Co-starring
Lin McCarthy, Dorothy Green.
Eastman Color
Adm.: Adults 50c, Children 15c.
All children unless in arms must
have tickets. Matinee Sat., 2:30.
Sun. Mon.-Tues. June 21-22-23
of two teenagers to commit the
perfect crime! They thought they
would never get caught.
They were out for kicks . . .
looking for thrills . . . and finding
them. They vowed to leave no
human experience unexplored!
District Attorney vs. Attorney
... in the hlood battle for life or
Starring Orson Welles. Diane
Varsi, Dean Stockwell, Bradford
Dillman, co-starring Martin Mil
Adm.: Adults 50c, Children 15c.
All children unless in arms must
have tickets. Matinee Sun., 2:30.
VanHom were home (or the week
end from Sacred Heart School of
Nursing in Yankton, S D.
Fred Creamer of Waverly spent
the weekend here visiting his cous
in. Ralph Young, and other rela
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ollendick at
tended a Dempster family reunion
at Riverside Park in Neligh Sun
Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every
and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller and
lxivs of Norfolk returned Sunday
from a nine day trip to Yellowstone
Park and Columbus, Mont., where
they visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. Bern
ard Van Every.
Mrs. Lydia Wetzler and Lola
Mae of Herrick, S. D., were Frida>
guests at the Fred Wells home.
Mrs. E. J. Smith attended the
wedding Sunday of her niece, Shar
on Sorensen, to Roy Shoecraft at
the Whitfield Methodist church in
Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Thorin were in
Orchard Sunday evening at the
Vernon Schleusener home and in
Clearwater for the Orchard-Cleur
wate baseball game.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Younie and
children returned last week from
a two week vacation witli her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Musfeldt
of Manning, la., and visiting friends
ami relatives in Jefferson, 'Ianilia
and Missouri Willey, la., and Lin
Robert Lee Walker of 1 ineoJbn
was here Thursday evening with
his uncles J. O. and Ralph and
Mr. and Mrs Paul Raker ol
Omaha were weekend guests of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Paul
ha her. Constance "Nonnie" Zast
invv retumixl with them to Omaha
for two weeks.
Mrs. Dick Tomlinson spent Sun
day at the Garold Rothehild home
in Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Schaffer re
turned Friday from a three day
convention in Lincoln of the Ne
tiaska Stockgrower’s Association.
Mrs Mike Smith and Mary Kroe
lich were in Omaha Monday and
Beauty Salon
Phone Milt for appointment
located across street from
bakery. Closed every Monday
,o. J FARM
borrow with confidence
• Consolidate Debts
• Bey a Form or lands
• Modernise Building*
• Buy Equipment
• Buy Livestock
• Any Constructive Porp«*e
Per fafl Information seated!
Rational Farm Loan Ar**i
Phone 91, O’NeUl
(TW'tm.naTW'i'w/V'T June 26tk ftnd 27tk- thp P^P1* wko know
1 Kr,l\l\ KY ^ the bargains you ask for pick out dozens
of super-specials you won’t want to miss.
Associates Days Bargains
r~>s !
Gay, easy-eare plastic!
Hold man-sized portions!
Get -1 each: nine-inch
plates, eiKhr ounce cups,
serrated knives, forks,
spoons; 8 salt ’n peppers.
2 f«r $1
men's sisees 36 to 16
Soft, absorbent T-shirts
hrave nylon reinforced
crew neck collar, taped
seam construction. White.
Durene«i Athletic shirts
and briefs ... 2 tor $i
men's sizes sml, mod. Ige
There'll never be a better
time to buy all the breeze
light shirts you need for
summer! No-iron embos
sed cottons. Open weaves!
Easy-care fabrics, too!
ft . iES* *W—Jl
Mr. and Mrs. B. \V. Ammerman, Scotia, Nebraska:
“Electric heat is the homemaker's dream. No dirt
or no noise. We are warmer with the thermostat
a at 70" than we were with other typos of heat at
78 or 80
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Beebe,
Scottsbluff, Nebraska
We recommend electric heat to
anyone. It saved us money on
installation costs compared to
other type systems. We are
completely satisfied with our
electric heat.
Mr. and Mrs Durad Moore,
Columbus, Nebraska
The first thing we noticed was
the even temperature between
the floor and ceiling, and the
absence of cold drafts. Electric
heat is safe for the children.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thompson,
Lincoln, Nebraska
Every room in the house is
warm for the first time. It is
very clean. The operating cost
is comparable to other types
of fuel. We recommend it.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Major,
Grand Island, Nebraska
More comfortable than any
other heat. It did away with
the noise and drafts we had
from our forced air system. We
now have positive control of
the temperature in our home.
The electricity you use for heating is measured by
the same meter that measures the electricity you
use for lighting and appliances. Thus, you re
ceive the benefit of rn accumulated lower rate on
all the power you uie.
See your electrical mi,c
contractor or Consumers I f /TO \ f f/|//f> ff \ nm
heating representative! v vli v i/IrlLII V WJfWCf
Water Level Control Unit
For Stock Watering Tanks
■' *
S 1
For one thing, there’*
never a worry about th*
way you look. Massagic’*
smart styling put* you
pares ahead. And, for
another, their cushion
ri goft sponge rubber i*
comfort come true,
whatever you do.
Moccasin Toe
5-Eye Tie in
Tan Calf
& Black
■» storm wen
Air Celled Moc Toe with
Kubbei Steel Shanl
Cushion In St/enjtb, Sturdy ran
hi Comfort
- $16.95
In The Lark by Studebaker! They let you
stop when—and where—you want. Large
brake drums dissipate heat quickly, allow
brakes to cool rapidly for more efficient,
safer stops.
Other Lark features are: two great
economy engines — the six and V-8, high
fashion interiors, comfortable ride, solid
construction, and reclining seats.
__ ft
Come in and Jun drive The LARK at
228 E. Douglas O'Neil
• OK