The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 18, 1959, Section One, Image 3

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    lA^omen J
She Social
Kastem .Star
Pr.'sbyterian Circle 1, Mrs L.
F. Beckonhauer. 2 30 p.m.. Circle
II, Mrs R. V. Parker, 2:30 p.m
Friday, June 10
Hntanta,. Jmmr m
Woman’s Bridge, Country Club,
2 pm
h|Kh«. June E|
OMmtry Club Women’s luneh
e«n. 1 p.m., Bridge following
Tw^alav Jane ES
O’Neill Better Ways. Mrs Bud
Merrimyx, Mrs Fred Robertson
MNO picnic
HinrHdHy, June ES
Presbyterian Circle 111, Mrs.
M G. Trupp, 7:30 p.m
Starlight Flitrmion
Mrs. Gladys Cunningham was
hostess Monday night to memliers
of Starlight Flxtentiun. Flight mem
bers and one guest, Mrs. Clara
Johnson, were present.
Mrs. Charles Beilin gave the
demonstration on “Skillet Meals.”
Plans were made for a family j
picnic June 28 at Ford Park.
Memliers and their guests are in
A baby gift was given to Mrs.
Marvin Strong in honor of her new
baby daughter Next meeting will
be in September.
Ann High Bridge
Members of the Aces High
bridge cub met June 10 at the
home of Mrs. Dermott Errington
Winners were Mrs. Dan Sutton
and Mrs. Lee Hastrciter. Next
meeting will be with Mrs. Lyle
Friendly Neighbors Extension
Mrs. Herbert Gydcsen was hos
tess Tuesday evening to members
of Friendly Neighbors Extension
club. Mrs Frank Eppenbach
served and gave the lesson on
"Line and Design.
The next meeting will be a fam
ily picnic at Ford Park, July 21.
Each memlier is to bring chicken
and a covered dish.
Wesleyan Service Guild
Members of Wesleyan Service
Guild met Monday night at the
home of Mrs. Don Maw. Mrs. Har
old Seger was eo-hostess.
Guests were Mrs. Wayne Raleigh
and Mrs. Helmut Arnold Mrs.
William Cousins gave the lesson.
Lois Nelson presented a report
of her trip last summer through
the southwestern United States
visiting Methodist sponsored mis
sions She was one of four stu
dents from this district to take
the trip.
Next meeting will be a picnic
in August.
Lutheran Laities Aid
Lutheran Ladies Aid met at the
Church June 11 for their monthly
meeting. Rev. G. S. Gedwillo spoke
on the topic, "The Church and
Churches. '
Roll call was answered with it
ems for the kitchen. Mrs. Joe
McLeish and Mrs. Duane McKay
were co-hostesses.
Catholic Daughters
O'Neill Catholic Daughters met
Tuesday night at Ford Park for
a picnic as their monthly social
meeting. About 60 members were
Following the pot luck picnic,
some members played cards and
some went on a treasure hunt.
Mrs. Herman Janzing was chair
Women's Events Are
Part of Golf Tourney
Several women's events are
planned this weekend as part of
the ai>en golf tournament and the
O'Neill Country Club.
Saturday at 2 p m, there will lie
bridge ai the country club with
Mrs. Bud Cole and Mrs William
Artus hostesses. Sunday there will
be a one p.m. luncheon in O'Neill
with bridge following at the coun
try club. Sunday hostesses are
Mrs. John Watson. Mrs, Lee Rey
noldson and Mrs. Richard Nelson.
Baby Shower Given
Thirty ladies of the Assembly of
God church honored Mrs. Russell
Woeppel and Mrs. Allen Walters
Sunday afternoon with a baby
Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Mrs. Fritz
Brockman, Mrs. Robert Paul and
Mrs. Delbert Rouse served refresh
Plan Picnic
Miss Bonnie Burinal was honor
ed with a pot holder shower at
Lhe June meeting of the victory
Homemaker’s club, held at he Ray
Conway home. Roll call was an
swered with advice to the future
bride Visitors were Mrs. John
"deary Mrs. John .barren Mrs.
Robert Gallagher, M s. Jim Can
,vay and Miss Burn ■ I
Plans weie made for a club
Mrv and Mrs. I^onard J. Troshynski, Guthrie Center, la. The
bride is the former Leona M. Schmit of Atkinson The couple were
married Saturday, June 6. at St Joseph's Catholic Church in Atkinson.
O'Neill Photo Co. Photo, The Frontier Engraving.
Leona Schmit Wed
In Atkinson Rite
Miss Leona M. Schmit of Omaha
and Leonard ,T. Troshynski of Gu
thrie Center, la., Ixith formerly of
Atkinson, were married Saturday
morning, June 6, at St. Joseph’s
Catholic church >n Atkinson.
The men's choir sang, accompa
nied by Miss Leona Kilmurry.
The bride is the daughter of Nick
G, Schmit Mr. and Mrs. August
Troshynski are the parents of the
bridegroom. All are from Atkinson.
For'her wedding the bride chose
a floor length gown of pure silk
taffeta and imported Chantilly
lace. The fitted bodice featured a
portrait neckline, accented with an
overlay of jeweled lace. A puffed
panel shape butterfly, which ta
pered from the back of the waist
into the flowing train, was also of
pure silk taffeta.
The bouffant skirt was sprinkled
with jeweled applisues of the im
ported lace and extended into an
aisle-wide train. Her fingertip
veil of imported illusion was held
in place by a jeweled crown. She
carried a loose cascade of steph
anotis and an orchid on a lace
covered prayerbook. Mr. Schmit
escorted his daughter to the altar.
Mrs. Bernard Troshynski. Lin
coln, was matron of honor. Miss
Catherine Schmit, sister of the
bride, was maid of honor. Brides
maids were Misses Eleanor Schmit
sister of the bride, and Carol
Faust, Omaha, and Lorene Ziska
Pueblo. Colo.
Each wore a sheath dress of
lavender satin embossed cotton
The lavender tulle overskirts fea
picnic to he held June 28th at
Ford's Park in O'Neill
No meetings will be held during
July and August The September
meeting will be with Mrs. Joe Go
kie for a twelve o’clock dinner
Mystery sisters will be revealed
at roll call.
PASCOE The Stewart Pascoes,
O'Neill, daughter, Lisa Mary, 9
pounds, 3la ounces, June 12.
BREWER The Ronald Brewers,
O'Neill, son, Ronald Eugene, jr.,
7 pounds. 8 ounces, June 10.
COO LODGE The C a 1 v i n Coo
lidges, O'Neill, son, Gary Joseph.
7 pounds, 14 ounces. June 15.
SCATOS The Waite r Sextos,
Verdel, son, 8 pounds, June 13.
COURTNEY The Robert Court
neys, Lynch, daughter, 6 pounds,
10 ounces. June 15.
SLAY MAKER The Walter Slay
makers. Atkinson, son. Rick y
Craig. 8 pounds, 6 ounces, June 11.
KAPLAN—The John Kaplans,
Stuart, daughter, Bonnie Kay. 10
pounds, 11 ounces, June 11.
SNYDER The Dan Snyders, At
kinson, son, Thomas Ray, 9
pounds, 10 ounces, June 13
ER& The Arvid Erbs, Africa,
daughter, Marie Renee, 6 pounds,
ti ounces, May 29. The couple are
in Africa where Mr. Erb is stat
tioned in the Armed Forces. Mrs.
Erb is tile former Renita Mott of
Verdigre and O'Neill. Mr. ond Mrs.
Arthur Erb of Orchard and Mr.
and Mrs. George Mott of Verdigre
are the grandparents. Mr. and
Mrs. Reed Risinger are the great
MAAS The Ralph Maas', Cham
bers, daughter, 6 pounds. 14 oun
ces. June 13. at the Antelope Mem
orial hospital in Neligh. This is
the couples first child. The mother
is the former Ardell Edwards. The
paternal grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Maas.
HAAKE The Ronald Ilaake's,
Chambers, daughter, Jolene Marie.
7 pounds, 8 ounces, June 11. at
he Antelope Memorial hospital in
Neligh. This is their second daugh
ter The grandparents are Mr. and
Mrs. William Ermer and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Haake ol Chambers.
HABA The Barney Habas,
iVausa, daughter. Kari Kao 9
sounds, 15 ounces, June 12.
schmeckpapers, Creighton, daugh
ter, 7 ponds, lp ounces, June 14.
Try The Frontier Want
Ads — It Pays !
Phone 788
ured a bow of the same my ter-1
al. Their crowns were made of I
avender carnations.
Flower girls were Sharon Os
borne of Atkinson and Julie Tro
■shynski of Omaha, nieces of the
bride and bridegroom, respective
ly. Patrick Troshynski, Omaha
nephew of the bridegroom, was
Bernard Troshynski. Lincoln, ser
ved as liest man for his bro
ther. Groomsmen were Clarence
Schmit, brother of the bride: Ger
ald Troshynski, brother of the
bridegroom, and Robert Gutchew
sky. the bridegrooms brother-in
law. all of Omaha, ynd Donald
Schaaf. Atkinson. Raymond Schmit
of Osmond, the bride's brother, and
Edward Rome, Omaha.
A dinner was held after the
ceremony for 125 guests and y re
ception for 400. They were held at
the Knights of Columbus Hall. Both
were supervised by Mrs. Ruth
Barnes, Mrs. Melvin Meals and
Mrs. Marvin Meals. Mrs. Joseph
Distrhaup and Mrs. Owen Gal
ligan assisted.
Others assisting were Mesdames
Milo Meyer, Frank J. Mancuso,
Clarence Schmit, Raymond Sch
mit, Ben Schmit, Robert Gutchew
sky, Richard Osborne, jr., Frank
Kilmurry, Edward Troshynski, Ri
chard Schmit and Edward Rome.
The couple were graduated from
St. Joseph’s Hall, Atkinson. The
bride has been employed as a
dental assistant by Dr L. E. My
ers at Omaha. The bridegroom is
employed by Wilson’s Meat Co.
He has served two years in the
U. S. Army.
After a wedding trip the couple
wall reside at Guthrie Center
There will be about cattle today at the O’Neill livestock
Market iadaibg IM to 200 llgght cattle; there will be 75 head
of vnuiloc cattle and la addition we have one conHiffnrnent of
13 head of 5-year-old heavy Hereford springers; there will he 250
feeder pi)gH aad the hog; Hale will gt undr way at about 12:30 p.m.
Vern A Irigb Reynoldson
Don’t forget Dad on His day-Sun., June 21
A Gift for DAD from Gilligan REXALL Drug
Is One That Is SURE to Please!
Stag CIGARS (Father’s Day Wrap)
Revlon « PIPES
America's I^irgest-SellinR Vitamin-Mineral Product. 11 Vitamins,
12 Minerals, with B12, Iron, and Liver in one daily tablet.
NOW, Save $2.00 over the large size on the new
FAMILY SIZE-288 Tablets-$ 13.90
\I*SO: 144 TabletH—$1.95; 72 Tablets—Si.79 : 36 Tablets—92.59
For the children, try Super Plenamins. Jr. or Super Plenamins
THRU ... Get THRU to the Pain!
This Pain Killing action begins where ordinary surface rubs stop
because THRU actually goes thru the skin. Isotope-Tracer
Tests prove THRU penetrates deep into the very source of the
pain. USE THRU TO EASE . . •
Muscular Ache*; Itching of Insect Rib's Agony of Sunburn; Hot.
hurting feet.
LIQUID OR JEL: 2-oz.—$1.49 6-oz.—$2.98
_Relief from Headache and Add Indigestion Is as close as
a glass of water.
Don’t forget a good Fly Spray for your Dairy and Beef Cattle.
W,. carry several types of Cattle Fly 8pr»y-to enable you to
keep you stock free from three potto.
Have your next pemertptioo filled at Gilligan REXAIX Drug
hy oae of our
Gilligan’s Bexall Drug
prescription specialists
Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy
Phone 87 - O'Neill
Mr, and Mrs. Mark Hendricks,
Atkinson, announce the engage
ment of their daughter, Markita
La Rae, to Richard Klingler,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Klingler, Atkinson. A late sum
mer wedding is being planned.
Miss Rose Ann Schaffer,
daughter of Mrs. Clara Sch'affer,
O'Neill, was recently graduated
from nurses training at the Sac
red Heart School of Nursing at
Yankton, S.D. The forepart of
this year, Miss Schaffer was
awarded a scholarship from Doc
tors Clinic at Yankton.
O'Neill Locals
Rev. and Mrs. LaVerne Jay, for
mer northeast district superinten
dent of the the Methodist church
and his wife, were here Thursday
and Friday from Tecumseh.
Barbara McCarthy of Omaha
was here for the weekend with
her parents.
Dinner guests Sunday at the
Arthur Aim home were Mr. and
Mrs. Don Maw and Lorraine and
Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Aim and Jo
Ann of Lynch.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney
were in Lincoln during the week
end at the homo of their son and
family, the Bruce McElhaneys.
Margie McElhaney. their daughter
from Denver, was also there.
Mrs. Joseph Calabro returned
to Omaha this week after spending
ten days with Mr. and Mrs Ira
M iss.
Marge McElvain, student nurse
at Si. Flizrbeth hospital in Lincoln,
spc nt the v. eekend here with her
Mrs. Paul Montgomery and her
daughter, Claire and Julie, are
here from Baker. Oregon, visit
ing Mrs. Montgomery’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. H. I). Grady and her
brother and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Grady.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Under
wood, Portland. Ore., Mrs. Hen
rietta and Leona Underwood and
Mr. and Mrs. William O’Connor
attended the Sobotka family pic
nic at Neligh Sunday. They also
visited Mr. and Mrs. Harvey So
botka at Creighton that same day.
Frank Shefi, student at St. Paul’s
Seminary in St. Paul. Minn , is
spending the summer months with
Double A Auction
NOW—Remember our first nice
run of the summer season will
be next Tuesday, June 23rd. In
cluded in the early listings are
100 head of Blackwhiteface mix
ed steer and heifer calves, wts.
375 to 100 lbs. Also listed are 3
carloads of feeding heifers, 750
to <S00 lbs. If you have cattle you
want listed fort his special sale
phone 5141, Atkinson, and list
them by Friday Noon.
ItS.—Also listed for next Tues
day’s Auction are 5 Registered
Angus Breeding bulls, coming 2
year old, proven sires.
Always an Auction Every Tues.
Tuesday, June 16th, Auction,
Cattle receipts were larkely fat
cows .however for the first time
some sprinkling of stock cattle
were included. Though prices
seemed a little easier on these
butcher cattle It was largely a
very favorable weighing condi
tion for the sellers which made
the difference. The warm weath
er, combined with some pure
Sandhill water put on some ter
rific fills, the kind you can’t get
anyplace but at your local
market. It’s the net dollars that
count! ! ! Best beef cows sold
from $18.25 to $20.00 with some
heiferettes to $21.50, canners and
low cutters $14.7.4 on the shelly
kinds to $18.00 cwt. Bulls $19-75
to $22.00 cwt. Some 550 just good
Angus fall calves sold at $33.95
cwt with the heifer mates go
ing at $30.00 cwt. Not enough
yearling weight cattle to test
j the market
Atkinson Livestock
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Shefl He accompanied a class
mate. Roland Peschel to Norfolk
from Minnesota,
Alice Young has enrolled for
the summer session at the Uni
versity ot Nebraska. She is the
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Walter
| Young.
S Sgt. and Mrs Lavorn Lynch
of Alaska stopped enroute to his
new assignment in Maine to \isit
his mother Mrs. Lloyd Brit tell and
Mr. Brittell Sergeant Lynch has
served 14 years in the air force
Also recent visitors were daugh
ters, Mrs. Joe Bellar and children,
Danny Joe and Kathy of Grove
land, Calif , and Mrs. Herb Kirs
chmer and daughters. Candy an
and Kathy of Derby, Kans , who
have spent three weeks here.
Guests Sunday at the Ray Den
dinger home were Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Neuhalfen and M and Mrs.
Ben Bolkhon of Coleridge.
Hie Reg Pink, i mans and Lo
v\ ell Nesbitts were supper guests
Sunday at the Lloyd Hiliigas home
in Chambers.
Father James Berigan O. P of
Oak Park, Illinois, is here for a
week with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. James Berigan of Atkinson,
and his brother and family, Mr.
and Mrs Bob Berigan.
Dr and Mrs. Keith Vincent of
Valejo. California, are visiting here
at the Bill and C. J Gat/ homes.
Mrs. J. L. MeManamy, Albu
quergue. N. M. arrived Tuesday
morning to spend some time with
her mother, Mrs. Susan Ktibiehek,
and her sisters. Mrs. Kieth Abaft,
Mis. J. Ed Hancock, Mrs. Jack
Haggerty and Bernice Frazeur
Other weekend guests at the Han
cock and Abart homes were Mr.
and Mrs. M J. Timlin and Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Haggerty, all of Casper,
Wyo. Mrs. Haggerty remained for
an extended visit.
Mrs. William Griffin, O'Neill anil
Frances Knapp, Concord, Calif.,
visited Friday with Mrs. William
Miss Abbie Hanley Ida O Con
nor and Mr. and Mi's William
; O'Connor drov e to Atkinson Sat
urday ami visited Robert Pore
Dinner guests Sunday of Mrs.
| Juliana Kampnaus were John,
I Carl, Mike and Bernard Kanip- ;
I bans of Bartlett and Anthony !
j Kanvphaus of Redbird,
Mrs. Ji>hn Hart and children re- j
turned Friday from a two week!
j visit with his parents. Mr. and ]
Mi's. John Hart sr. in Find. Ok la
i homa, and her parents, Mr. and :
Mrs. Koonigk of Morganville, Kan
sas. •
Mr and Mrs Reginald Pinker
man were in Sioux Falls. S. D.,
Monday for an Admiral TV Dealers
eom ent ion
Clear Golden of Cheshire. Con
nwitk'Ut. was here hist week with
his sister. Mi's K. J. Dishner
and brother M. J. Golden and
f a m * I y M r £. Dishner drove
him ti> Omaha Friday and
Saturday returned w i t h Mis
John Robinson of Hampton. Ionia
Mr. and Mrs Frank Gronk and
family of Page were dinner guests
Sunday at the Dale Feteow I tome
and later the two families went
to Fort Randall.
Hay & Ranch Equipment AUCTION
Having sold the ranch, we will si'll the personal property at the
ranch located 6 miles north and l*a east of Bartlett on
WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24-Starting at 11 A M
I—1958 Diesel Ford Major
tractor with enclosed cab,
1958 Dual I loader, new 1958
Farmall 90 tractor with winch
Farmall regular tractor
Allis Chalmers tractor, wide
Allis Chalmers tractor, narrow
Ford tractor with tracks,
Horn loader with fork
K 5 Caterpillar tractor with
1940 ,1.C, Cub airplane, com
pletely reconditioned
Some airplane matting
Tandem horse trailer In good
8—8-wheel trailers
4- wheel trailer
8—Manure spreaders
8 ton underslung
5- ton underslung
18-ton underslung, on springs
Nearly new slide stacker
with cage
Overshot stacker
•J—power sweeps
Sweep In-ad; 40-ft. rake
18 ft. AlctAirmlck rake
S—Power mowers
Italiug Kipiipment
H—Cars, trucks & trailers
Saddles, bridles, harness
Spru> outfit; dipping vat
tirinders; welders; shop tools
Many, many other Items
I., el. and O. el. Waltlit'i'M and Merlin Urnssnleklans, Auctioneers
IflJ* Shop 8-5:30 —Saturday 8:30-0 P'»
r G1FT,
_ ^Jk.
Special Selection
A gift Pop will really appre
ciate! Good-looking, long-,
sleeved styles in dressy rayon
Chromspun—preshrunk, guar
anteed washable; or Sanfor
ized foulard print broadcloth.
Stripes, patterns, plaids. Men's
sizes S-M-L. 1007421,2s
Short Sleeved Styles I49 I98
Broadcloths and embossed cottons; sizes S-M-L. | & I
100-All _
Men’s White Dress Shirts 098
Regular or French cuffs; sizes 14 Vi-17. Sanforized. 1
100-All _ _„_
Shadow Plaids
ONLY 595
Lightweight rayon jacket in
smart, dressy plaid. Easy, nat
ural cut; full rayon lining. Men's
sizes S-M-L-XL. •o-75*’
095 ,
Fine combed cotton twill re* M
verses to good-looking cot* W
ton fleck. Washable. 36-46.
[ 99-7424,29 1
I /
Polished Cotton
NOW! 3^*
Sharp new styling with tapered legs
and back flap pockets. Antelope, tan,
or light blue. Sizes 28-36.
M 9000
Arnel and Rayon
Handsome wash 'n wear blend.
Tan, blue. Sizes 28 to 32.
eo 9106
Dacron and Rayon
Dressy wash 'n wear blend in
medium grey or tan. 28 to 42.
Big selection of good-looking cot
ton argyles and neat-fitting, quick
drying nylon stretch,
lOO-sass. n7, 3S9S
NOW! $1
Sharp new summer patterns —
wide choice of fabric. Every tie
with wrinkle-resistant wool lining.
Handsome cowhide belts for
sports and dress wear. Narrow
and medium—black, brown, grey.
/ * _
« ' *
Men’s Oxfords
and Slip-ons
Choice! Good-looking moc-too
oxfords or easy-going slip-on
casuals with elasticized vamp.
Good quality leather uppers,
- ■