Ewing News Family Will Spend Three Years in France By Mrs. II. 1C. Harris S/sgt. and Mrs. Jack Charvat and four children left Monday to go to France. The trip will be made by plane from Omaha. Sar geant Charvat will be stationed • Mrs Charvat and children have stayed several weeks with her par T1 ents Mr. and Mi's John Steskal. The Steskals took them to Omaha and remain'd there until they left. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Koenig were vacationing at the Koenig home last week Mr. Koenig will attend the University of Nebraska this summer and will again Coach at a Stop & Shop Rogers Feed Store Where Your Dollar Buys More! I THIS WEEK SPECIALS: Hi Lass Cattle Fattner.ton $58.00 80% Corn Wafers . ton $58.00 Calf Manna . 50 lbs. $4.60 Suckle . 25 lbs. $4.60 Bran . 100 lbs. $2.60 Tankage . 100 lbs. $5.50 Meat Scraps . 100 lbs. $5.50 40% Hog Supplement. 100 lbs. $4.50 Buy and Save at Rogers Products WHEN BETTER FEEDS ARE MADE . . . ROGERS WILL MAKE ’EM ! North of Burlington Depot , Phono 771 OPEN SATI RDAY NIGHTS Jack Bailey, Mgr. Bennett, for the coming school | year- . , . . Sister Armella is visiting rela- > tives and friends in the communi- i ty. Open huse was held for her | at St John's on Sunday, June 7th. ; Mrs Lucile Bauer visited at the Rose Bauer home in Ewing i and her sister, Mrs. Adolph Koen- j ig and family. Her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth | Tomjack, who has been at the i Koenig home for the past three months will be at the Bauer home for an indefinite period. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Koenig at tended the Kallhofl- Blecher wed ding held Saturday, June 6 at St. Peter's Church. Recent guest at the home of Mrs. Harriet Welke was Mrs. Lu cy Linder, a former resident of the Ewing Community. She now lives at Dallas, Texas. Miss Vaukla Welke is attending the Wayne State Teachers College, working on her master's degree. Miss Vlanda Biddlecome and Miss Sharon Schmidt are also attending Wayne State Teachers college this summer. Louis Tanck of Norfolk spent several days visiting at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John A. Wood. Dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood were Mr. and Mrs. Wes ley Cook of Venus. Rev. Bessie Kline returned home Friday from Kearney where she had attended the state conven tion of the Nebraska Assembly of the Church of the Nazarene. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Norwood and Mrs. Edna Lofquest accom panied by friends attended the Elkorn Valley Association conven tion held at O’Neill last week. Jerry Dickson, who has spent the past week with his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim, returned to his home in Sioux Ci ty, la. on Monday. Expected guests at the Elmer Grim home on Tuesday were her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mis. William Heickel and children of Mansfield, Ohio. Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck entertained a numlier of friends a* an after noon party at her home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Mary Alys Dierks Sprout was honored guest at a miscellan eous shower held Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Max Wan ser. Games were played for enter tertainment before Mrs. Sprout opened the gift packages. Hostesses were the Mesdames Ivan Wright, Louis Vandersnick, Wayne Fry and Mrs. Dick Cun ningham of Page, Mrs. Russell Bredenkamp of York and Miss Bernadine Rotherham of Lincoln. Rodney Wright, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wright is a patient at the Antelope Memorial hospital suffering from respiratory trouble. Bob Eppenbach, who has been a patient at the veterans hospital at Grand Island was able to come home on Friday. Recent w'eekend guests at the Ray Funk home were his sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker of Omaha. Perry Saiser went to Omaha on Wednesday, June 10 to visit at the home of "his daughter, Mrs. Gor don Hoag and family and also his son, Raymond and family, He be came ill and was taken on Friday to the Province hospital at Lin coln where he suffered a severe heart attack. His address is Province Hospital Room 218 , 901 South 48th Street, Lincoln, Nebraska. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Eacker at tended the wedding of her cousin, Claire Cox to W. J. McPheeter at Cedar Rapids on June 4th. The couple will make their home at Inglewood, Calif. They made the trip by plane. Mr and Mrs. Russell Breden kamp of York were weekend guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker. Mrs. Don Ilassel and children of Dakota City are spending the week with her grandmother, Mrs. Rhoda Conner. Mr. and Mrs Roy Rotherham took their daughter, Bernadine back to Lincoln on Sunday. She had spent a few days at the par ental home. Mrs. Ralph Eacker and Mrs. Ro bert Tams sr. went to O’Neill on Wednesday where they viewed the art exhibit of the Holt County schools. Much of this work will be exhibited at the Holt County fair. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter of Odebolt, la. visited her mother, Mis. Anna Pollock on Sunday In the afteAoon they were guests at the home of Mi. and Mrs Don Kellner and family at O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. George Jefferies and Mrs. Roy Wright were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mrs. Wilma Daniels and family. Guests at the home of Mrs. Marlha Hill and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill are Mr. and Mrs Tom Durkee and their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs Paul Martin from Min nesota, Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Block sr. of North Platte, Miss Louise Block of Los Angeles, Calif, and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Block jr. of Anchorage, Alaska. A family gathering was held Sa turday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hill and family. A picnic supper was served fol lowed by an evening of visiting. Slides of Alaska were shown by Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Block jr. of Anchorage. Other guests were Mrs. Martha Hill of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Durkee, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Martin from Minnesota, i Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Block sr. of North Platte and Miss Louise Block of Los Angeles, Calif. Mr and Mrs. Richard Edwards and family spent#the weekend at Harlan and Irwin, la. \isiting re latives. Cathy and JoAnn remained for a two weeks visit with their grandparents. Mrs. Dora Shipp at Harlan and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Edwards at Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards and son returned to Ew ing Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs Leonard Knapp had as their guests Mr. and Mrs, Wallace Young of Rutland, Ver mont, who were enroute to Sun Valley, Ida. They are long time friends of Mrs Knapp Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Knapp were hosts at a family dinner on Sunday at their home. Present were Mr. and Mrs Jerry Tom jack and children. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw and Mr and Mrs. Lev.* Hint;1., all of Ewing and Bob Knapp of Brookings, S. 1)., who left Monday to go to Mitchell, S. I). where he has work for the sum mer months in a drug store, lie has just completed his third year of college at Brookings. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk made a business trip to Norfolk on Thursday. They also called at the home of In r brother, L>r. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Rotherham and children spent Sunday at Al bion ns guests of Mr. anti Mrs. Harold Gragert. Sharon Kay Gra gert accompanied them home and is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham and other re latives A report on the daily vacation Bible school June 1-7 was given by Mrs. Ray Sedlvy at the Wed nesday afternoon meeting of the Woman's Society of Christian Ser vice held at the parlors of the First Methodist Church. Forty children, who attend the Methodist church were enrolled. The refrigerator committee re ported the purchase and installa tion of a refrigerator in the church kitchen. June 24 was set for an officer's training meeting at the parlors of the church. Plans were made for the society to assist in the open house recept ion honoring Miss Elsie Chase on the evening of June 19, at the school house. Mrs. Anna Pollock, secretary of literature and publication was re quested to order a worship lx>ok let. Greeting cards were sent to Mrs. S. E. Borden, a former mem ber now at Rapid City, S.D.. Mrs Pauline Noffkc and Miss Anna Van Zandt, who are confined to their homes and Mrs. James Tinsley, past president of the Society con valescing at her home. Mrs. Willis Rockey, president conducted the business meeting Mrs. J. L. Pruden vice-president, opened the session with the read ing of "Other” by Charles D Meigs. The devotional Service was in charge of Mrs. Henry Fleming "A New Ambassador for Christ The Tourist” was the theme of the lesson presented by Mrs. Sis Ehbengaard, Mrs. Earl Billing, Mrs. Ray Sedivy and Mrs. Pollock Refreshment hostesses Mrs. Frank Schmidt and M r s. Earl Van Ostrand served lunch to 18 members and one guest, Mrs. Dora Townsend of Page. Deloi* News By Mrs. Henry Reimer Joe Bauer, 3 years old was bitten by a dog last week. Twelve stitches were required to close the wounds The dog is being tested to see if it has rabies. Joe is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Bauer. Little Paul Funk, 3, is still in the Norfolk hospital where skin graft ing will probably begin next we ek.He is one of the twin sons of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Funk. Paul was burned about the legs when his .je ans caught fire near a trash fire recently. His grandmother, Mrs Paul Funk is also hospitalized in Norfolk with injuries resulting from a fall. The H. E. O. Club met Thursday June 11 at the Henry Reimer home. A lesson on ‘‘Skillet Meals,” consisting of Italian spaghetti and skillet cookies was made by Mrs. Maynard Stearns and served for lunch by the hostess. The next meeting will be in Sept ember with Mary Steams. Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald, and Virginia spent Sunday at the home of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Angus and daughters in Lincoln. Mr and Mrs. Ewald Spuhn and Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Bollwitt took the Bollwitt's baby son to Omaha for a medical chock up on Thurs day. June 11. Richard McDonald and 5 year old daughter of Oakdale spent Thur sday, June 11 at the Watson Mc Donald home. Mrs. Bertha McDonald, 86 is being cured for in a rest home in Brunswick. Mrs. Carolyn Bauer. IT. of Georg ia visited her grandmother. Mrs. G. A. Bauer last week, Mrs. Melvin Rexine of Ewing •and Mrs. Echo Fisher of St Ed ward arrived home the first of Iasi week from their trip to Florida. Mr. and Mrs.L. L. Bartak spent Sunday at the Leo Murphy home in Columbus. Lawrence Scholl, 51, is seriou sly ill in the Neligh hospital, lie suffered a stroke. Mrs Leo Funk. Mrs. John Raster, and Mrs. Frank Bohn accompanied Reverend Kubart to Omaha Thur sday June 11, and attended a church meeting. Mrs. Clarence Funk and Betty Ann came home from the Neligh hospital on Thursday, June 11. Mrs. Kenney Zisku, Keith. Bonnie Joe, and Lou Ann of Atkinson s]x*nt Friday at Leo Funks. Patty Sehi, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sehi ‘and Jerry Dosler of Elgin were* married Tuesday, June 9, at 9:30 a m. at St John’s Catholic church. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer at tended a meeting at the Joe Con tois home in O’Neill on Thursday evening. June 11. Guy B- I>unning of Sutton was an overnight guest. Mr Dunning Iras retired from his duties as pastor at Oread and is doing missionary work. Mrs. Pat Burke and Merle Seht are attending summer school at Wayne Bill Bauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Bauer, a junior in Ewing high school is attending Boys state in Lincoln. Beverly Rartak, daughter of Mr. and Mrs diar ies Rartak attended A 11 Camp in Lincoln last week We’ve had no rain since May We could use some. The farmers are busy putting up alfalfa and going over the corn. Grasslioppers are making their appearance in great numbers. Mrs. Glen tlarpster celebrated her birthday anniversary. She and her family were guests of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Well Napier and Russell. 4-H Club Notes 1*1 NE-t« HOVE III STI.EKS Pine Grove Hustlers 4-iI club met at the home of Janette and Donald Clemens Friday evening. Roll call was answered by all members and one guest. The group divided for lessons. Livestock Showing and groom ing of calves was discussed and demonstrated R >pe Continued with making knots. Range Managment Discussed progress of the grass plots. Sewing Demonstration on Sew ing on buttons and making button holes. Yeast Dreads Picked out the best of each kind of rolls mafic. At the close of the meeting our , leader served linch. ! Nert meeting to be June X. O'NEILL TREE SERVICE C. W. SNOWARDT Tree Trimming and Tree Removal 5 BLKS. N. SUNSET STATION O’Neill, Nebr. Electric Motors Rewinding — Rebuilding Call 243-W — 84-h*. Service Northwest Electric O’Neill Ponton Insurance Insurance of All Kinds and Bonds FLORENCE PONTON, Prop. Phone 106 Golden Bldg. Alice’s Beauty Shop Vet. S doors west of Texace 185 East Douglas Phone 843 — O’Neill Unlimited Gc; J Taste On A Limited Budget!! At Meyers Midwest Furniture WEST O’NEILL Famous Shots FOLDING CHAIRS For Lawn & Porch $395 TstrViw: ™n1™e and SIROLLfcRS large „• DESk With 6 Drawers J| Starting at I only $795 only $2995 | Sliding Door Large 5 Drawer N,TE BOOK CHEST STAND CASE ON,Y $2125 jugs $1595 CARPETING We Specialize In a complete line of Carpeting from such famous mills as Gulistan, Downs, McGees and others. Stop In today and look over our lines of Quality carpeting or If you wish to see beautiful carpet samples In your own home at no obligation—just call 526. Check These Prices Today!! BROADLOOM—Rayon and Nylon Blend. Only $3.95 Sq. Yd. BROADLOOM-100% Extra Heavy Cotton .... Only $4.49 Sq. Yd. BROADLOOM—100% 3-ply Virgin Wool Only $6.95 Sq. Yd. BROADLOOM—Wool and Nylon Blend.Only $7.25 Sq. Yd. EXPERT INSTALLATION ON ALL CARPETING UP TO 36 MONTHS TO PAY ! ! Beautiful New Danish Modern DINING ROOM SUITE * Large 46” Glass Front China Huge 40x84” Drop Leaf Table 4 Danish Walnut Side Chairs AIL FOR ONLY (26950 STUDIO TO MAKE INTO A BED Lasting Style-Long-Wearing Cover only $4995 2-PC. STUDIO & CHAIR SET Lasting Style—Long-Wearing Cover CHOOSE FROM BROWN - BEIGE - GREEN Just A Few Left PLATFORM ROCKERS only $1695 Lane & Cavalier CEDAR CHESTS starting at $3895 .Mr. M. L. *TJnk” Sageser, 91, a rancher of Amelia, will be featured in the July issue of the Nebraska Cattleman with the help and cooperation of The Frontier. The Sagesers are some of the oldest members of the Nebraska Stock Growers Association. The couple (•debated their 60th wedding anniversary on April 6, 19;>8. WHY WAIT for CARLOAD SHIPMENTS? Just See SCOVIE'S for 15-ft. FREEZER . for only $198.88 NOW IN STOCK ! gasss^525 1 ANNIVERSARY £lAO Q© SPECIAL 15' 3 j TOtOC FREEZER Never before a freezer priced so low with so many deluxe features! 525 lb. capacity, lull guarantee, lock. Inside light, adjustable cold control, food protec tion plan. Quantities limited, HURRY ! SCOVIE’S WESTERN AUTO STORE... O’Neill I Gillette Razor _ p. Double - edge razor with 6 blades. In plus tic case. Shaving Mirror 59c One side is plain, one magnifying. 5 1 ^in. size. ■ Greeting Cards 5c to 25c Heart-warming messages for Dad in rich, full-color de signs! Matching envelopes. a Personal Cup 4-in. dlam. Dad will enjoy having a cup all his own! Handsome semi porcelain, gaily decorated. Auto Smoker .. Cigarette box, tray Gift Wrap Paper Father’s Day design Bean Bag Ash Tray Puppy, lK?ar designs 7Qa with aluminum trays f Leather Belts 98c Handsome tan or brown grained steer hide. 28-41. PATTON’S O’NEILL