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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1959)
Church Notes ! _ } I •IEHO\ MI'S WITNESSES 137 S. 4th Street Friday — Theocratic ministry school. 7:% (, m., subject, "Wit nesses of God in the Strange Lane of Babylon,' service meeting. 8 3< p m , theme "Upholding Your Ded ication." Sunday Watchtower Study 6 p m., subject "Break Free to Do the Complete Will of God." Tuesday Bible Book Study. 8 p m , subject "The Abominatior That Makes Desolate" Mat. 24:15 CENTER I MON CHURCH Itev. t». r. Turner, minister Sunday Sunday school, 10 a.m. preaching service. 11 a.m.; young people’s meeting, 8 o'clock; preach ing service following. Wednesday Prayer meeting and Bible study will lie in the home of Mr and Mrs. John Dick, 8 p m. ASSEMBLY OF C.OD CHURCH 704 E. Clay St. Robert A. Paul, pastor Sunday Sunday school, 10 a.m. Sunday, June 14. is children’s day; morning worship, 11 a.m. The morning message will lie deliver ed by the pastor; youth services, 7:15 p.m. Wednesday Special business meeting Thursday. June 18 Fellowship meeting at Burton. UNITKlf PRESBYTERIAN Ewing VYMtiiun II. Ross, Pastor Friday Forum in Annex, 8 p.m. Sunday Bible school, 10 a.m.; morning worship, 11 a.m.; youth rt'llmvship. 7 p.m.; junior mission ary society, 7 p.m.; Singspiration and sermon, 8 p.m. Monday Session. 8 p.m.; choir pracitce, 8 p.m. Wednesday Prayer and Study of Westminster shorter catechism, 8 p m. Thursday. June 18 W.M.S., 2 p.m VTI8LKYAN METHODIST O’Neill Rev. Dm V. Olmsted, pastor Friday A convention of the Elk hom Valley llolesen Association, 8 p.m .Services will carry over o Saturday and Sundav, 10 30 a m r 2 00 pm and 8:00 p.m Bask. dinner will be served Saturda 1 noon and Sunday evening. 1 The service Sundav afternoon i ■ to he a youth rally. Wednesday: June 17—Annii; election of officers with Rev C. A Phipps in charge, 8 p.m ----- OIKIST LITHEKAN Seventh and Clay Streets Kev A. ,'i. (iedvt illo, pastor Thursday Ladies' Aid meetim: 8 p m. Pastor Gedwillo will pre sent the topic: ''The Church am Churches '' Sunday Divine worship 9am Sunday school. 10:15 a.m. \X Fricke, supt. IMMANUEL LTTIIEBAN Atkinson Kev. A. S. (iedvvillo, pastor Sunday Sunday school, 9:45 a m S. H. Brauer, supt., divine vvor ship, 11 a.m. Tuesday Lutheran VV o rn e n': Missionary league meeting, 8 p.m METHODIST CHURCH O’Neill Kev. Glenn Kennicott, minister Thursday (today t Prayer circle 10:00 a.m. at Claude Bates' home W’SCS dessert luncheon and meet ing 2:00 p.m. at the church. Friday—Dorcas. 2:00 p.m. at the church. Saturday—Junior Choir, 10:30 u m. Sunday—Church school. 9:45 a. m.; church service, 11:00 a m. June 15-26 — Vacation Church school, 9:00-11:30 a.m. Monday—Wesleyan service guild, 8:00 p.m. Wednesday Choir practice, 7:15 pm. Thursday—Prayer circle, 10:00 a.m. at Claude Bates’ home; Dor cas, 2:00 p.m. at the church METHODIST CHI Kill Emmet Bev, Glenn Kennicott, minister Sunday Morning worship and children’s Sunday school, 9:30 a.m. Thursday—WSCS at Guy Beck with’s home. Dorsey News B» -Mrs. Harold Osborn Clarunnu Carson was given two bridal showers One June 1. at the Dorsey church and one at the home of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Rex Car son on June 5. Neighbors and friends gathered on the afternoon of June 1st at the Dorsey Church to present their gifts to Miss Carson. Before the opening of the gifts Mrs. R. Wil son jr., had several interesting games which were played by all. A very tasty lunch was served by Mrs. Wilson and her njgthcr, Mrs. Lloyd Tueh Miss CarstWs wedding date has been set for June 13. On June 5 the classmates of Miss Carson along with a few other friends planned a shower. The aftem<x>n was spent in play ing games and opening gifts. Mrs Rex Carson served ice cream and c.ike to the guests, af ter Miss Carson had displayed her many useful gifts. lievere®d Redshaw of Iowa has come to spend the summer months at Uvsey and work In this comm irmly. Church services are and wilt be held at 10:30 every Sunday morning during the summer. Mrs. John Derickson spent a week at Plainview helping at her daughter's home, while Mrs Scran ton taught Bible school. She re turned home Sunday May 30. Miss Helen Halstead has been hired as a waitress in the Speltz cafe at Lynch. Miss Halstead gra duated this spring from Lynch high school. T. J. Graham received word June 3 of the death of his cousin. Mrs. T. A. Drayton of Orchard. She died in a Sioux City hospital of a heart attack. Services were held June 5 at Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Graham, Mr. and Mrs T. J. Graham and Mrs. Harold Osborn attended. Mrs. William Pickering returned home June 3 from Keswick, la., where she had attended the ser vices held for her son-in-law, Ho ward Churchill, who was killed when a cement tmek ran over him. Vic Pickering, a graduate of the class of 59, is employed with a construction crew in Iowa. Mrs. Harry Johnson returned Sunday, June 7 from Lincoln, where she had been visiting her daughter and family. Mrs. Vernon Oleson and Neil and Mrs. Harold Osborn called at the Carson sister’s home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barta and Evelyn visited at the William Kalal home in Verdigre Friday evening. Miss Jo Anne Aim spent a few days visiting relatives in Iowa and O'Neill the past w'eek. Mrs. Roger Rosenkruns has been teaching Bible school in O’Neill the past week. FREE WHILE THEY LAST Toy Cap Pistols, Spurs and Batons With Every Purchase of CHILDREN’S BOOTS Sizes 8*4 to 4 We Also Have A Full Line of MEN’S BOOTS * A and M SHOE STORE O'Neill Phone 139 ■ ■ 1 . - 1 — i MW v. |«RW S ..JHHHfl_HHB Mis. .Ann Timmerman, one of O’Neill’s bettor women bowlers, was awarded two trophies at tiie recent bowling banquet. In addi tion to a team trophy, she was also awarded a trophy for doubles competition. Warranty Deeds WD -Sylvia M. Primmer to Gail & Odolia Boies 6-3-59. $350 lot 18, block 9 Ewing. WD Anna Asimus to Tony Asi ans 6-5-59. $1 S. 52 4 ft. lots 16 & 16. bl**ck 37, Riggs Addition O' Neill. WD Margaret Nightengale to John Erwin Galiigan 3-5-59 S3 NW>, Sec. 7-29-14. U D Maty C. Hanley to Homer Lee Jackson and wife 5-11-59. $6. 300 W4 lot 2 and all lot 3 block 12 O'Neill WI) Julia Shaw, et al. to Dor othy Pribil 12-18-58. $6300 Lot 5 block 2 O'Neill. WD—Joe B. Pribil. et. al, to Lawrence Pribil and wf 4-28-59 $8,00Q-NWVi 14-Twp 27-Range 12. WD Joe B. Pribil, et al, to Law rence Pribil 4-28-59, $14,500 SEV4 14. W4 13-27-12. WD -Lawrence Pribil to John G. & Harry Peter 6-1-59, $6900 W Vi 13-27-12. WD LeRoy A Burgess to Lydia H. Mullendore 6-1-59. $12,500 Lots 9 & 10. block 18—O’Neill. WD -Wood Jarman to W. A. & Florence Smith 3-27-59, $3400 20 acres in NEV4 3 0-26-12. WD Boyd Carey, et al, to Ralph Carey 12-29-58 $1 W4 23-29-11. WD Leola L. Wilkinson to Ralph Carey 1-3-59, $1 -W4 23-29-11. WD- Beriha E. Ramsey to Ralph Carey 1-3-59, $1 W4 23-29-11. QCD Frances S. Decker to Ron ald R. Decker and Neale H. Mor row 543-59. $1 -V4 interest in SW4 and S4SE4 3-28-10—Subject to ilfe estate of grantor. WD Nettie F. Widtfeldt to Ma ry A Halbur 10-2-8-58 $7000- Ix>t 26 Blk A-Goldens Subdivision-O' Neill. WD Dorris Hynes to Donald A Hynes 5-26-59 S79.200-N4- SWV4 Sec 1- All 2-31-13 NW'4NEV4-S4 NE4-NW4- NEV4SWV4- N4SE4 6-31-12 SE'i- W12 3;-32-12 SEV4 34- 33-13 and SW* I-E4NE V4-SEV4 35- 32-13. Phone Your News To The Frontier— |-Legal Notices-1 (First Pub. May 14, 1959' Richards. Yost & Schafersman, Attys. Fremont. Nebraska NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue o! an Order of sale issued by the District Court of Holt Coun ty. Nebraska, in an action pending therein wherein George F. McGin nis and LoRena M. McGinnis are plaintiffs and Jane E. McGinnis et a! are defendants (Case No.15308', directing me as referee to sell the following described real estate, to wit: The East Half; the East Half of the West Half; the North west Quarter ntf the Northwest Quarter; the Southwest Quar ter of the Southwest Quarter; all in Section 1, The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11, All of Section 12, Tlie Northwest Quarter of Sec tion 13, The Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 14, All in Township 26, North Range 14, West of the 6th P. M. in Holt County, Nebraska, and, The West Half; the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quar ter, all in Section 6, The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; the North half cf the Northwest Q’arter, all n~. Spctv-m 7, The North Half at »t*e Forth half of Section is, The East half of Section jo, All in Township 26, North Range 13, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska. I will offer said real estate for sale at public auction on June 19th. 1959, at 1:00 o’clock P.M. at the front door of the Holt County Courthouse O’Neill, Nebraska. Terms of sale 15% cash at the time of sal» and the balance of the purchase price to be paid on con firmation. JULIUS D. CRONIN, Referee , 3-7c (First pub. May 28, 1959) Ralph M. Kryger, attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4333 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, MAY 99 IQ^Q IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CARRIE A. BARN HARDT, DECEASED. Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Edna Lofquest as Administratrix of said ROYAL THEATER THIRS. JUNE 11 “LONELYHEARTS” Why is it that Motion Pictures which deal with life as it really is . . . are called shocking. Montgomery Clift, Robert Ryan, Myma Loy, Dolores Hart, with Jackie Coogan. FAYULY NIGHT Family admitted for two adult tickets—Adults 50c, children 15c FRI.-SAT. JUNE 12-13 Big Double Bill “THE LAST BLITZKRIEG” Never before revealed—Hitler's Do or Die Haymaker! Terror and traitors behind our lines . . . and spreading destruction in the last desperate days of the war! Starring Van Johnson —also— “NO NAME ON THE BULLET” Audie Murphy, Joan Evans and Charles Drake with Virginia Grey, Warren Stevens, R. G. Armstrong. Cinemascope in Eastman Color Adm.: Adults 50c, Children 15c. All children unless In arms must have tickets. Matinee Sat., 8:30. SUN.-MON.-TUE8.-WED.THUR. JUNE J4-15-16-17-18 • . . and time was running out through bullet holes at Rio Bravo! Howard Hawks "RIA BRAVO" Technicolor from Warner Bros. John Wayne—the big guy with the battered hat. Dean Martin — the voman - wrecked castoff called Dude! Ricky Nelson—die rockin’ baby-faced Gunfisted Kid. And the firl they all call "Feathers ”. Co-starring Angie Dickinson, [Valter Brennan, Ward Bond, John ^Lawman" Russel, with Pedro aonzaiez, Estelita Rodriguez. Adm.: Adults 56c, Children lAe. U1 children unless In arms nuut »ve tickets. Matinee Son., 2:M. | estate, and will tie heard June 18 1959 at 10 o'clock A M., at the County Court. Room in O'Neill Ne braska. LOUIS VV REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEALi 5-7c ' First pub. June 4. 1959) John R. Gallagher, attomev NOTIC E ok hearing of PETITION FOR FINAL SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT No. 4190 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUN TY. NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF WALTER TRUS SELL, DECEASED THE STATE i OF NEBRASKA. TO ALL CON CERNED : Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final settlement herein, determination of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on June 24, 1959. at 10 o'clock. A M. LOUIS W REIMER, County Judge 1 (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 6-8c __ ! NOTICE.OF CHANGE IN S( IIOOL DISTRICT BOUNDARY OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUP- | ERINTENDENT. O'NEILL. NE BRASKA, JUNE 10. 1959. In accordance with the School | Laws of the State of Nebraska, we | 'are required to make the following j change in boundary: To dissolve Districts No. 96 and i 1127 and the territory thereof to l>e | j annexed to Dist. No. 60. A new! school board to be elected. A hearing of said matter will be i held in the Assembly Room of the | 'ourt House on June 22, 1959 at 8; p m. when all interested may ap pear and be heard. ALICE L. FRENCH. Sec., Holt Co. Reorganization Comm. 7-8c CITY B1 IMifCT Kstinutte of Y:\pens4-s of the t'U> of O'Neill The following is an estimate of the expenses of the Cit.v of OtNeill, Nebraska, for the fiscal year com mencing the first Tuesday in May, 1959 and ending the first' Tuesday m May. 1960. Wages and Salaries as provided by Ordin ance $ 11,000.00 .Maintenance of Police Department 13.000.00 Maintenance of Water Works 6,000.00 Operation of W a t e r Works 8,000.00 j improvement of Water Works 35.000.00 Street Lighting 7,000 00 j Street Maintenance, con struction and repairs of sidewalks und cross ings 17,500.00 S e w e r Improvement Bonds, principal and interest 9,000 00 W a ter Improvement Bonds, principal and interest 10,000.001 Maintenance of Fire De partment 5.000.00 Maintenance of Sewer System 500 oo Improvement of Sewer System 5,000.00 Support of Band 1,000.00 Municipal Publicity 1,000.00 Parks and Grounds 4,000.00 Support of Airport 4,000.00 Miscellaneous 10,000.00 Park Improvement Bonds and Interest 3,000.00 Street Improvement Bonds, Prineinal and interest 15,000.00 TOTAL $169,500.00 Kntire receipts of revenue for the fiscal year ending the first Tuesday in May, 1959, were as follows: Water Collection $ 30,000.00 Holt County Treasurer 55.000.00 Licenses, Occupation Tax es, etc. 5,000.00 Other resources 40,000.00 TOTAL $130,000.00 D. C. SCHAFFER, Mayor i ATTEST: O. LX FRENCH. , Cits Clerk O'Neill Locals Mr and Mrs. John Osenhaugh and children of Osceola were here I Sunday at the J. D. Osenhaugh I home to help Mrs. Osebaugh eele- ' brate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Klinotobe, I Arleen and Merle of Rapid Cits . > S 1> are at the Hill Khnototv j home for a two w-«>. \ isi t Herniee Fruzcur, Albuquerque. | N.M. arrived Friday for an indi finite* visit at the homes of her sis ! tors. Mrs. Kieth Ahart and Mrs j Fd Hancock and families and her mother, Mrs Susan Kuhiehek Patrolman and Mrs. Eugene Ha streiter and family went to Hum phrey on Saturday to attend the wedding of Miss Margaret Ha itreiter to 1 >onald Urbka Janie Ha st reiter was the flower girl Mrs. Sofie Nekuda of Omaha ante Friday to attend the wedding Sunday of her granddaughter, Ju- I iy Juracek and Dean Anderson at 1 (he Methodist church Mrs George Ries and children >f Atkinson were guests at the Ivan Pruss home Sunday, Mrs. Ruth Hilderhoff and cliil Jren of Seneca anil Mrs. H. J. Cox ind children of Mullen were here it the J. D. Osenhaugh home Wed nesday. The Hilderhoff and Cox •hildren will s|pend the summer with their grandparents while theii mothers attend summer session at he University of Nebraska. Airman and Mrs Alv in Lofquest ind family of Fort Walton, Florida, ire visiting relatives in O'Neill, Stuart and Ainsworth. Mr. Lof juest will return next week and Mrs. Ixvfquest will remain for a onger visit. They were guests, - dong with Mrs. Lottie Lofquest ind Mrs. Vina Munson, at the i, Twayne Philbrick home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Petersen attended the Boehis alumni ban quet Sunday ev rnhig amt also v.n.ted at the tdla Petersen home. Mrs Jerry S|»ittler. Mrs. BUI Keli< y i l l James Kelley took die Spittler children to Norfolk when they celebrated Kerry Spitt k r s seventh birthday at Ta-Ha ZvHika park Carol laide and Mavine Knipa ehild, Inends of Marilyn Ketnnv in Omaha, were weekend guests at the I 'ale Ketnnv home Mrs. Fe trow drove the girls back Sunday and is visiting there for a w«ek. Air and Airs Jim Bridges of Omaha were guests Sunday eve ling at the home of his aunt and tnele, Mr. and All's. Guy Cole. Air and Airs William Kroelich if., returned Alunday to their home n Wichita, Kansas Air and Airs Claude Bates were n Wimier, S. D. last Tuesday at he home of Air and Airs. James foreman and hoys I “ < Thursday, June 11 HICK NUiUT Spencer Ti'acy, Claire Trevor and Robert Wagner "THE MOUNTAIN" n Color Two Cartoon* Krl., Sat., June 12-1S •Yed McMurry, S u s a n Hayward "Forest Rangers" In Otlor PLUS "The Hot Angel" lackie LouRhery, Mason Umehart CARTOON Sun., Mon., Tuck., June 14-lft-l* •'rank Sinatra, 1 Van Martin and Shirley MacLain SOME COME RUNNING' In Metro Color TOM AND ,1 KRRY CARTOON I i I Annual Shirt Sale! You Save When You Buy One. . . Save More on Two, And More Yet on Three! Choose Several to Give to Dad on His Day NEW COLORS NEW STYLES NEW PATTERNS / 2 for 3.75 2 for 5.75 2 for 7.75 3 for 5.50 3 for 8.50 3 for 11.50 Whether it he an unusual, eye-catching pattern or a distinguished all-over design, you’ll find the shirts he likes best in our big collection. They’re short sleeved . . . comfort-cut and breezy cool in summer fabrics challis, cottons, and new fiber blends. Snappy, Sparkling Styles for Active, Rough-'N Tumble Boys * Stock Up Now on Summer Sport Shirts for Boys! 169 189 ► These shirts were m-ade especially to please boys (and mom*, too). They're almost alive with color, and they're full cut for ac tion .. . all ready for a boy’s summer adventures. Fully washable . . . most need but a touch of the iron! ft-16. *¥• » •