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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1959)
Chambers News By Mrs. C. K. Corprntrr The American legion auxiliary post 320 met Thursday evening, June 4 at the legion hall with Mrs. L. O. Lenz and Mrs. Del he Fau quier. There were 18 members and three visitors present. The presi dent, Mrs. J. W. Waiter, presided. Mrs. L. O. Lenz and Mrs. Don Dankert were elected delegates to the state meeting with Mrs. Anna Albers and Mrs. Steve Shavlek al ternates. The following officers were elec ted: Mrs Ed Coday, president; Mis. Eddie Writer, first vice pres ident, and Mrs Ernest Thonn, sec ond vice president. Mrs. Kenneth LaKue gave an in teresting report and showed slides of a recent visit to the United Na tions. A going away gift was presented to Mrs. Lenz, who is leaving soon to live in Lincoln. Lunch was served by the host esses. Keller club met Wednesday, June 3rd, at the home of Mrs. Gen evieve Bell with Mrs. Hattie Tib betts as co-hostess. Ten members, one guest and one child were pres ent. Roll call was answered by naming the tavonte ice cream and the concensus of opinion was that the flavor made little difference. just so it was ice cream. Singing of hymns and the min utes of the previous meeting were given due attention. The treasur er's report was read. Door prizes were awarded to Mrs. Genevieve bell and Mrs. Shirley Svatos. A friendship card was signed by all present to lie sent to Mrs. Ed Eisenhouer. As part of the pro gram, Mrs. Lela Grubb conducted a quiz game, "Who am I?" Mrs. Shirley Svatos conducted one along historical lines. Mrs. Clyde Kiltz read an article concerning Fath er's Day; Mrs. Louis llarley on "Noisy Neighbors". Informal visiting was enjoyed, also a lunch. Next meeting, the last of the summer, will be June 17 at the Guais Wintermote home, M r s. Clyde Kiltz being co-hostess. Mr. and Mrs. Guais Wintermote and Carolyn and Mrs. John Winter mote drove to Rapid City, S.D. to viBit the former's niece and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Rath bun and family. While there they called at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Harry My ers and lamily and report that David, 4-year-old son of the My ers, had fallen and broken his jaw bone. The other three children had gone to Bloomfield to visit their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. St. Onge and family. The Myers were formerly of Chambers where he was pastor of the Methodist church. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson drove to Grand Island Sunday, June 7 to visit in the John Harley home and to do some fishing. They returned Tuesday. A letter received by friends at Chambers from Reverend and Mrs. Harold Bonath of McGregor, la., stated that he had fallen re cently on the stairs breaking a bone in his leg. He is wearing *a walking cast. Reverend Bonath was formerly pastor of the Methodist church here. Robert Rozelle, etymologist from the state university, and Mr. Neil Dawes, Holt county agricultural •agent, were in Chambers Thursday June 4 to conduct a meeting on mole and gopher extermination. The meeting, sponsored by the Beautiful Valley Garden club, was well attended. Several being pres ent from Atkinson and Bartlett. Mm. L. W. Taggart and son, Thomas, of Diuuiebrog were Thursday night, June 4, guests In the Duane Carson home. Mr. and Mrs. John Harley of Grand Island left Tuesday, June 2, after visiting several nays with her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. •and Mrs. Duane Carson. Gayle Standage of Atkinson spent a few days last week with his cousin, Danny Coday. Tilden defeated the Chambers baseball team 10 to 7 in a 10 in ning game played Sunday, June 7, at Chambers. Mrs. J. W. Walter and Mrs. Don ald Hoffman left Sunday, June 7, for Seward for several days at a music training school. Hugh Anderson and granddaugh ter, Judy, of Spencer were Sunday, June 7, guests of his brother-in-law and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Damme and family. Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Ruebeck and Kathryn drove to Columbus Satur day where they were overnight guasts of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Ott. Sunday they went to Nebraska City where Katheryn remained for two weeks at Camp Rogers. Mr. anti Mrs. 1- O. Lenz held a farm sale Saturday, June 6, at their farm north of town. They plan to move this week to Lin coln where Mr. Lenz has employ ment. Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Genevieve Bell and Mis. Hattie Tibbets were Mrs. Walter Martin of Park Rapids, Minn.; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wyant of O Neill i and Mrs. Esther Wood of Cham- i bers. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Scholz came Friday from Columbus, S.C., where they have been attending Colum bia Bible college. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Porter ar rived home Saturday from Green ville, S.C., where they have been attending Bob Jones university. Miss Deanna Porter, wno has been visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reninger at Columbus, O., accom panied them home. 1 I Try the Frontier Want Ads. For quick results phone 788 ~DANCE at Ash Grove Hall Saturday, June 13 MUSIC BY BUD VAN FLEET and his SANDHILLS TROUBADOURS ADMISSION: 50c Oeloit News By .Mrs. Henry Reimer Mr and Mrs. Howard Man son of O'Neil] and Mrs. Sidney Anderson were Sunday, May 31st dinner guests at the Henry Reimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray and 2 daughters, and four friends from Omaha spent the weekend at the Ralph Tom jack home. Shelia Her tel accompanied them to Omaha and will spend the summer at the Ray home. Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier, Rus sell and Judy Cloyd were Sunday dinner guests at the Glenn Harp ster home. Reverend and Mrs. Jim Conway and two daughters of Newton, Kans.. called at the Henry Reim er home on June 2 enroute to the Carl Christon home in Denver. Mrs. G. A. Bauer called at the Fred Hanpster’s on Thursday. Mrs. Paul Funk was injured in a fall at O'Neill last week ami has been hospitalized in Norfolk. The Deloit Pinochle club met June 2 at the Frank Bohn home. Mrs. Sisson received high score, Mrs. Edith Pofahl the low and Ma ry McDonald the traveling prize. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Born of Plainview spent the weekend at the H. Reimer home. Several from here attended the wedding for Patricia Squire, and Gordon Anderson of Stromsburg at the Park Center Church on Satur day. Mrs Alice Lodge was honored guest Thursday evening at the L. L. Bartak home in honor of her birthday anniversary. Other guests were Mrs. Myrtle Koinzan, Mrs. Carrie Woods. Mrs. Vonnie Paul and Larry, all of Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Lodge and family spent Sunday, May 31 at tne L. L. Bartak's. Jim Caton of Norfolk called in this community on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak and son's visited Sunday at the Wilmer Mosel’s. Stanley Bartak celebrated Ills birthday anniversary at his home on June 2. His family were all present except Jack, who Is in service in California. He called Ids father ini that day. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gibbs attend ed a shower at Norfolk on Satur day evening. The Harpster boys and the Kruntroud children attended Bible school in Ewing last week. Mr. and Mrs. L. L Bartak at tender a family reunion at Stant on on Sunday. Mrs. and Mrs. L. L. Larson vis ited her father, 8ti, who has been ill with pneumonia, in a Norfolk hospital. He is much impioved. Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Krookhuu^r Mrs. Vincent Jackson entertain ed the Help U club on Wednesday, June 3. Thirteen members were present. Mrs. Jacksor\ served a fried chicken dinner at noon. Walnut meats were picked out during the afternoon. Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser was the winner of door prize. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Francis Boelter June 17. Mrs. Ora Caskey called at the Cecil Moser home Tuesday, June 2 Paul Mitchell, son of Mr. and Mi's. George Jeffrey left for Win ner June 1, where he is visiting with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Bice and family. Mr. and Mrs F'rancis Boeder and son were Verdigre visitors Tuesday, June 2. Many from this vicinity called at the Kehne and Rohrer farms west of Winnetoon where the Mem orial day tornado struck Mrs. Harold Kehne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William V room an of Venus. Mr. and Mrs. Russell lckler were Verdigre visitors Monday, June 1. Mrs. Mary Ruzicka, Grandma Ruzicka, Mrs. Dean Pierce and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser were among those who attended the bri dal shower for Rosie Edelman on Monday evening, June 1 at the Verdigre Z. C. B. J. hall. Miss Edelman will become the bride of Rayond Ruz.icka on Sun day, June 14 at Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Race and family of Tilden visited at the Dean Pierce home May 31. Mr. Race is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Race of Buhl, Idaho, former residents of this community. Thirty years ago they lived where Mr. and Mrs. Pierce now live. Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pitchier and family of Norfolk were Memorial weekend visitors at the later’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Ruzicka called at tfie Ralph Brookhouser home Tuesday June 2. Wednesday, June 3 evening vis- j itors at the Emil Bartos home ! were Mr and Mrs. Larry L Brook houser. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser and Pfc. Jimmie Tomlin son. Mr. and Mrs. Larry L. Brook houser returned from a trip to the Dakotas on Wednesday. They visit ed until Monday at the Ralph Brookhouser home before return ing home. Pfc. Jim Tomlinson sjient Thurs day and Friday at the Brookhou ser home. The Caskey families enjoyed a v isit last week with their relatives, the Mark Stauffers of Portland, Ore. On. Sunday, May 31 A no host dinner was held in their honor at the Legion hall in Page. Relatives from Iowa, Oregon and South Da kota attended besides local fam ilies. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser were Sunday evening May 31. vis itors at the Bryan Finch home. Mr. and Mrs Clarence F'inch helped move Mr. and Mrs. Larry j Taylor from Wayne to Scottsbluff on Monday, June 1. Mr. Taylor has employment there. Mr. and Mrs. Finch will visit with the la ter's mother, Mrs. Clara Grehike of Big Springs before they return home. Memorial weekend guests at the Irvin Held home were Mrs. Held's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Woods and Karen Held, all of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fa ilha bcr of Springfield. 111., are visiting their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Goiter and fam ily. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD Wm. O’Connor to C E. Cav anaugh and wife, 5-26-59, $1500 Lots 9-10-11 & 12 block 5 Hazel ets Addition O'Neill. WD Mary F. Pruss to Marvin | Miller and wife 6-2-59, S900 Part of block 6 McCafferty's An- O' Neill. WD Ira H. Moss to Moore-Noble Lbr. A Coal Co. 4-29-59. $900 N lots 1-2 & 3 ami N. '2 of frVmt 15 ft. lot A. block 11 O'Neill and Hatrerty'g Addition O'Neill. i "The only freedom worth pos- i w sessing is that which gives en largement to a peoples energy, intellect, and enjoyment.’* — Charming. \ w a Good friend* like to get together NFBRASKA DIVISION 1 over cool, sparkling glasses of imiud Statn J beer. Beer is so refreshing and Hrtu tn 1 friendly. It is that festive touch VWffjF Foundation 3 PNf IMHHHBHHHiK ^ Friday, Saturday & Sunday I June 19, 20, 21 I THREE BIG DAYS THIS YEAR I At Carney Park Arena -- O’Neill, Nebr. I SCHEDULE FRIDAY, JUNE 19 6:00 p.m.—Parade through City; Sponsored by Lions Club; $200 in Prizes by Chamber of Com merce. The Antelope and Wheeler County Saddle Clubs will Participate! 8:00 p.m.—Rodeo Performance. SATURDAY, JUNE 20 8:00 p.m.—Rodeo Performance. 10:00 p.m.—Western Dance at Legion Club. SUNDAY, JUNE 21 2:00 p.m.—Rodeo Performance. *700 Purse ENTRY FEES ADDED HK 1100 Head of Top Rodeo Stock I NSRA Approved — Fred Wolf, Contractor and Producer LUNCH STAND ON GROUNDS I BUCKLES WILL BE GIVEN FOR EACH EVENT ALL AROUND COWBOY WILL RECEIVE A SPECIAL BUCKLE. I PROGRAM Event Entry Fee Purse SADDLE BRONC RIDING .$10.$125 BAREBACK BRONC RIDING .$10. $125 :alf roping.$20.$125 STEER WRESTLING .$15. $125 BRAHMA BULL RIDING .$10. $125 ADIES BARREL RACE .$10. $ 75 Cowboy Registration Deadline: Noon Friday, June 19 MAIL or PHONE ENTRIES to VIRGIL LAURSEN, O'NEILL, NEBR. I O’NEILL RODEO ASSIST. I I ADMISSION: Adults $1; Children 50c |