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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1959)
Ewing News Miss Row ana Rotherham spent the weekend with iter parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Charles Rothbrham and family. Mr. and Mrs Charles Rothor ti a m entertained t h e following guests at a breakfast Sunday mor ning in honor of their daughter Lynn, who was one of the first communicants at St. Peter’s Church; Mr. and Mrs. William Lof' quest and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rotherham and”Rutch” and Uanny Gragert, the Misses Fran ces and Lucile Rothenham. Mrs. Ed Urban was honored at her home Sunday at a family din ner, the occasion to celebrate her birthday anniversary. Present were Mr and Mrs. Victor BoUwitt and family, Mr and Mrs. Fred Boll witt and son, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Kaczor and family, all of Ew ing and Mr. and Mrs. Richard BoUwitt and family of Neligh. Mr and Mrs. Everett Murphy of Omaha were overnight guests Saturday at the J. L, Pruden home. | Mrs Pruden accomi>anied them home Sunday and was their guest until Tuesday when she returned home with her son and wife, Mr and Mrs. John Pruden. 1 .Robert1 Tams and Mrs. J. ruden made a business trip to Wayne on Wednesday. P ° Mr. and Mrs. Earl of Mesa Aru are guests at the home of his brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs Floyd Lee. Mr Lee plans to main for a longer visit while Mrs Lee left for home on Monday. 2 ivH °n Sund®y at the rloyd Lee home were Mr. and r 1 *•*<♦» j I ask yourself j these questions j yoo i buy a steel building KM* IT DO Or PAST AND lASVt Don't waate tima and atomy m aoaUy hind holy far a waak ar ■aora whan you build ... with tea ■aw -SIOUX- Steal ~ "" ■ you It da tea jab yomaalf wttfc aody tao-M-Uw-bm hdpaa h a (taetioa mi tea tteaa. StOUX h turn, aaay aOd r — - I I 1 i < i i i i ] 1 i i I ( WM. KROTTER CO. SIOUX STEEL niSTBIBUTORS 1 O’Neill, Nebr. I il i Mrs. Cecil Lee of Orchard, j Janet and Bobbie Sanders of laurel are guests this week at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kloy d l*ec and Mrs. Car oline Sanders Mrs. Alvara Schilousky Brown of Lincoln was the honored guest at a misceilanous shower held Sat urday evening at the parlors of the First Methodist Church. Contest games provided amusement for a time, them Mrs Bnnvn was taken to the girt table centered with a blue ruffled umbrella. Bows and steamers of blue also decorated the table. She received may useful and lovely articles for her new home. The refreshment tabic also car ried out the theme in its decora tions. A bouquet of iris and daisies centered the table flanked by can delabra Hostesses were Mrs. John A Wood, Judy Cloyd. J a n ell Hobbs, Virginia McDonald assisted by Mrs. Mrs Irvin Cloyd, Mrs. Dewitt Hoke, Mrs. Watson Mc Donald. Inman News Mrs. Emma Lindsey and daugh ter, Florence, Mrs. Anton Svatos 1 and Mrs. Delia Ernst of Amelia visited Mrs. Violet Stewart Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ely and grandsons of Amelia spent Monday aftormxyi visiting Mrs. Violet Ste wart. The Royal Neighbor lodge met Wednesday afternoon with Mrs Earl Miller. After the meeting the host< js served a lovely lunch. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry spent Tuesday in Norfolk attending an insurance meeting and visiting their daughter, Mrs. G. E. Harti gan and family. Ralph Sholes, who is employed with the Bell Telephone Co. is spending a weeks vacation here with his mother, Mrs. Violet Sholes. Chambers News Mrs. E. K. Carpenter A most appreciative audience attended the final exercises of the Vacation Bible School in the Metho dist Church. The school was in session each day from June 1-5 un der the leadership of Mrs. Dick Bead. The total enrollment was 51 with 32 having a perfect atten dence. Pre-school children were in charge of Mrs. Don Green assisted by Ruthie Smith, Karen Ermer, Kay Tangeman, and Arliss Wright. Mrs. Earl David presided over the nursery class assisted by Patty 3rubb. Mrs. Clarence Damme as sisted by Karen Farrier was teach er of the primary department. Mrs. Bruce Grimes assisted by Madeline Cook took care of the iuniors I Reverend Cox had the interme liate class. The theme for the year was "Fol- I owing Jesus." Doreen Gieed led he singing with Judy Beed, pian- | st. Mrs. Lavem Hoerle was is harge of craft and handiwork. | The Memorial Baptist Church dosed a week of Bible school with | i program Friday evening. The average attendence was | ibout 75 with the following teach ers, Reverend Schwenk, Mrs , jloyd Wintermote, Mis. William lubel; Beverly Platt, Mrs. Ralph jarwood Mrs. Zane Rowse, Mrs. Vlvin Blair, Mrs. Vernon Smith, Mrs. Betty Moody, Mrs. Leo Ad orns and Mis. Leonard Swanson Reverend and Mrs Ward Smith if Shelton spent Monday night and | ruesday with his mother, Mis. ^ordia Smith. Mr. and Mrs. William Jutte were Sunday, June 7 dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Kiltz. Mrs. Steve Shavlik took her laughter. Pam to Clearwater Sun lay, June 7 wiiere she will spend he week with uncle and aunt, Mr. ind Mrs. Lyle Switzer. Steve Shavilik. Vern Sageser lim Gibson and E. A. Medcalf Irove to Yankton, S. D., Sunday, lune 7 on business and also attend 'd the rodeo. The teachers at the Daily 'aca_ ion Bible school at St. Pauls Luth eran Church were Mrs J. W.Malt r. Bonnie Peterson, Irene Brown, | Jrs. William Ritterbush. Mrs lorlin Grossnicklaus, Mrs Cart lanson. Mrs. Lloyd Hoerle and j WHAT j HOT SPRAY The All New Heated Paint applied by j the Spray Method WHY Greater Coverage — Better Quality — Longer Life — Greater Savings 25% Material Savings, Better Finish, Reduction of Runs, Better Film Continuity 300% Longer Life WHERE North Central Nebraska WHO I I Electro Paint Service Phone 643 or Write 116 E. Fremont St., 1 O'Neill, Nebr. I FOR TOlU PAINTING REQUBEMEXTS ■ CONTRACT SPRAY PAINTING I Mrs. John Burhlman. There was an average attendence of about 40 A program was held at the i church Friday evening, June 5. Ci u a i % Wmtermote took his daughter, Carolyn back to Omaha Monday, June 7 to resume tier du ties as student nurse at the Em manuel lAitheran hospital. She had spent a few weeks with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harley and family returned Monday eve ning form a weeks vacation in Texas, where they visited Rever end William Roth at Wharton, They also visited a former Chambers pastor, Reverend Dale at Wichita. Kans., and attended baccalaureate services at St. John's college in Winfield, Kans Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Phone 788 AT THE COURTHOUSE DISTRICT <X>1 KT A Petition for a Declaratory Judgment was filed in District Court on June 9. The case of W P Dailey, Executor of the Estate of William R. Tenborg, deceased vs. William R Tenborg. Jr., etal. | Norman Gonderinger is the artor-1 ney. COI NTY COI'RT State vs David M. Ulrey, Yel lowstone Park, Wyo, speeding night, fined $10. and $-1 costs; of ficer E. M. Hastrieter, June 4. State vs. John Van Leewen, dri vei for Vogel Paint and Wax Co., Orange City, la., no reciprocity, fu'cni S10 and costs; officer Ixmald F. Richardson, June 5. State \S. Walter Pratt, Sioux Ci ty. Ia., overweight on axle, fined a”d 54 lt>STS: Officer Donald r Richardson, June 5. vs Marten G. Luber, O’ Neill, overload on axle, fined $50 and Si costs; officer iXmald F Richardson, June 6. State vs. Patrick J. Gokie, O’ Neill speeding night, fined $10 and $4 costs, officer E M Has treiter, June 9. State vs William R Kemnitz, La ( rete, Minn., over axle weight, fined $50. and $4. costs; officer Donald F. Richardson. June 10 State vs. Frank Kenaston, dri ver for flaun Implement Co., Spen cer. Nebr., overweight on capaci ty plate, $10 and $4 costs; officer IXmald F. Richardson. June 8. MARRIAGE LICENSES | Vernon Dean Blecher, 24, Ne tigh and Mary Ann Kallhoff, 21 I Ewing. June 4 Larry Dean Heiss. 21, Page, and Linda Lee cronk, i3, Page, June Harvey Sobotka, 28, O’Neill and Roseanna Underwood. 2a. O Neill, June 5, Donald L, Macke!, 21. Elgin and ixmha Mae Mlnarik, 21, Ewing, June 5. lx>an Calvin Anderson, 22, Tilden and Judith Juracek, 18, O'Neill, June 6. Edward Dixson. 20, Grand Junc tion, Colo , anil joetlen Kennedy, 22. Page. June 6. Robert Donald Tams, 21. Ew ing, and Brenda Kay Morlsse, 18, Omaha, June 6, Keith Neil Gibson, 21, Neligh and Elizabeth Jean Schindler, 16, Ew ing June 8 Gerald Dean Dozier, 22, Elgin and Patricia Ann Sehi, 18, Clear water. June 8. Lawrence Clintixi Tibbetts, 22, O'Neill and Sharlene Kay Hasenp flug, 16. CfcNeill, June 10. Q/Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith and family, Lincoln arrived Tuesday evening to spend a few days at the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs. Guy Cole. Mr. Smith recent ly graduated from the University of Nebraska. Ed Hancock and Bob Erwin left Sunday for a weeks fishing trip at Park Rapids. Mian They plan to return this weekend Mr. and Mrs. Albert Klingler returned Sunday from McAllen. Te.\„ where they visited Mrs Kiingler's brother, l>r B. H Pick ard a n <1 vv i f e The Pi c k ft r ds brought the Klinglers home. O'NEILL TREE SERVICE C. W. SNOWARDT Tree Trimming iuid Tree Removal ft 1U.KS. V SUNSET STATION O’Neill. Nebr. Money To Loan! Household Goods, Personal Property, Oars, Truck*, Tann Equipment HARRINGTON Loan and Investment Company U>W KATES I Flavors ICE CREAM * and KRAFT VANILLA FUDGE or CHOC. FUDGE ICE CREAM TOPPING, reg. price 29c_SAVE!! 39c DEPENDABLE BRAND PORK and BEANS 300 PEAS Can SPAGHETTI Mix-Em—Match-Em and Buy Em by the Case --- BUTTERNUT—The Coffee Delicious 1 .4V)* - LOG CABIN ELLIS CHARCOAL SYRUP. 36-oz. jug 69c CHIU, 3 300 cans $100 BRIQUETS, 5-lb. bag 49c STA FLO LIQUID OLD SOUTH—18-oat. Bottles HUNT'S—6oz Cans STARCH-qt. 19c Italian SAUCE, btl. 39c TOM. SAUCE can 10c RED DART LIMA BEANS 2 303 cans 25c CHEF BOY-AR DEE SPAGHETTI and MEAT BALLS No. 2 can 25c PLAIN QUEEN OLIVES 2 No. 7 jars 49c PRINCE DOG FOOD 12 No. 1 cans 98c »■■■■■! — COUPON - ™50 EXTRA TOP VALUE? ■ STAMPS FREE! §§ * With the Purchase of a B ■ Quart Bottle R-WAY m Dill or Sweet * ■ PICKLES m " COUPON " &■■■■□* CUP THIS COUPON f ■ COUPON _ *50 EXTRA TOP VALUE* ■ STAMPS FREE! | With the Purchase of a I 10 pounds H&G g " WHITING m I* COUPON * ■.__-« m m CUP THIS COUPON P ■"jl — COUPON m ■“50 EXTRA TOP VALUE® STAMPS FREE! | With the Purchase of I Pkg. ■ PK’ADILV circus cookies B I I or 1 Pkg. Johnson’s B | m KORETTE COOKIES ^ i S coupon ! l a I \m~M J } CLIP THIS COUPON 1 9 ■ ^ > _ COUPON « ( “50 EXTRA TOP VALUE® I | STAMPS FREE! | ■ With the Purchase of • ^ 2-lb. Box fl VELVEETA CHEESE Z ® COUPON ® i^B BAKRITE _ SHORTninG E c MY CHOICE | JUNIOBETTE I STARKIST I VATIVIB SALAD DRESSING MACARONI IONA APPLE PIE FILLING : Qnrt jar 49c | C«.pkg. IQc | J 6-m.cans $JOO | 4 N».2cans $|00 DUNCAN HINES—Chocolate II CUDAHY'S—Fancy Cryovac PICNIC H HAMS ! I t * i i iWIEIlEBS 2t B9 i I —» »»! OARUO I BANNER , MORRELLS HA" BOLOGNA BACON B'nsweigor 5-lb. box 79c | Lb. 39c | 11-ox. 39c 2 lbs. 98c Lb. 49c