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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1959)
\\\\ v\\\ h! •> to yV W. *// vW t* kl0Af ftln <$l MflE FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele Hi miles southwest of dear water, Phone 17 on 12. tf 7tf FOR SALE: A Pump Jack; pres sure well pump; heavy pressure water tank; 2%-in. r. 12-in. brass lined cylinder.—C. J. Sauser, 808 East Clay. _7c FOR SAI.E; large and small shin ers. frogs, worms, night crawlers, groceries, pop, candy, ice cream, motor boat oil and gas, ice and sporting Roods. -CORNER BAIT SHOP. Ed liUdemann. Fairfax, S D 11 miles north of Spencer. 4-11 c _ ___| FOR SALE; Red Clover and Cos sock Alfalfa seed. Both state tested.—Leon Beckwith, Emmet, 52p-ltfc FOR SALE: A 1950 Buick, two door, new rubber, very clean, phone 34, Inman, Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins _ tfc FOR SALE: Air Conditioner. Dank erts Service, O’Neil!. 7-8c FOR SALE: Washers und dryers Dankerts Service, O’Neill. 7-8c FOR SALE: One Surge vacuum pump, complete; 2 Surge bucket milkers: 8 ft- used electric re frigerator, $35.—Truman Ross anan, Atkinson._ ?-8p SALT FOR SALE: KanapoHs *18.50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 15c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 Mks. north cf traffic light. Everett Gorgan, Ph. 184. O’Neill. MU FOR SALE: Table saw with motor. —Inquire at Northwest Electric O’Neill. __ _ Stfc FOR SALE: A. C. Roto hay baler, excellen condition, all new belts. One half mice of new $750— Victor Jedllcka, Phone 38F2, Leigh. Nebr. *7c SPECIAL PRICES ! 10 2-row used go digs 1 used 4-row John Deere go dig New 4-row IHC go digs New 4-row cultivator* for 480 and 560 tractors 2 new 101 IHC combines 5 used side delivery rakes. IHC, David Bradty and John Deere 8 used 12-ft. rakes, IHC 1 used New Holland Baler, wire tie with motor Several used trucks and pickups Also some good used tractors Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! PHONE Diamond 8-7165 Blj K w &IJ, NEBR. RANCH LOANS.-See R. HL Park er, O'Neill. ®tf FOR SALE? A 1959 White Eg Zag Sewing Machine does not nerd attachments to sew an buttons, buttonholes and fancy designs. New guarantee, can be seen in Ibis area. Buy it for 6 payments ~ of $9 25 each.—Write Credit Manager, Box 123, Linooln, Ne braska. *7° FOR SALE: Singer Sewing ma chine 5 months old with a but tonholer. Buy it for 5 payments of $7.25 each or will discount tor Cash. Can be seen In this area— Write Credit Manager. Box IE, Lincoln, Nebraska. _*22 FOR SALE: DjMjy AIlf welders —See or write Can Wabs, O'Neill._ »‘7P for SALE: Registered Hereford bull 2 Vi yean oMU—Lavaine Hines 5V4 mllea north of Venus. Wp " FOR SALE Baler Twine—Guaranteed to be one of the best -IMS per bale. Gasoline, fuels, KrTJ*e*‘ Lowest prices in Nebraska. NEW DEAL OIL CO. West O’Neill USED MACHINERY John Deere A Tractor One Ford Tractor One Allis-Chalmers Tractor One John Deere Combine. One Wagon _ Two Hay Racks, 1HC W. H. DAVID Phone 2362 QiambOT I-9p FOR SALE: 130 bead York-Spotted cross feeder togs. Vaccinatedfor erysipelas.—Evan l*win, Spene er, phone 2864._ A Shores’ Wiwjcnton Dairy «ow produced 3S3UI kiwne in 1 year—at Royal. New loads of er Shores' Dairy Cattle Jm Nellgh. sey « Lawn Farina. Nilgk Ttt USED CARS ■» Mercury Monterey, plain *55 Plymouth. 4 dr. *55 Studebahar hardtop *53 Plymouth. 4 dr. 1362 GMC % ton pfafcup 1948 Chev. 1 T. Pickup SMITH MOTOR CO. Phone 568 (PIMM. Mrtr. MACHINERY TRACTORS— 1955 J-D Model 60 Model G J-D 1949 48 A J-D 48 B J-D 40 B J-D 45 B J-D J-D Mountings power mower, unit complete, Leo Kramer make. J-D 290 Com Planter, good M&M 4-row Listed Com Cultivator J-D Tractor Cultivator EHC 250 Tractor Cultivator IHC 12-ft. Rake J-D No. 5 Mowers mC No. 9 Mowers J-D 999 Planter AC 15-ft disc 730 J-D lister Farmhand leader, complete Plows, all sizes Funks’ Seed Corn DDT Chemicals Harry R. Smith Imp. for John Deere tractor Phone 562 O'Neill FDR SALE. Good used screens, screen doors, combination doors, other doors and windows. — Ralph Beckwith O’Neill 4-6pd. FDR SALE: Large and small shin ers, frogs, worms, night crawlers, groceries, pop, cundy, ice cream, motor boat oil and gas, ice and sporting goods.—CORNER BAIT SHOP, Ed Ludeniann. Fairfax, SJ>., 11 miles north of Spencer. 4- llc FDR SALE: Sweet Potato Plants Four varities. Red Bermuda— Bush Porto Rican—Nancy Hall, and the New Allgold. 20c per doz., $1.50 per 100- H. E. Smith. Inmiui. 7p35 FDR SALE: One two-year old re gistered Hereford bull. 2mi. west of Drive In theater, Neiwohner Nay.— see Ed Campbell, First Nat’l Bank, O’Neill. 7-8p60 FDR SALE: Windmill and tower, in good condition.—Charlie Sim mons, Page. 7p YOU HAVE LESS LABOR, no waxing, so tell your neighbor about Glaxo linoleum coating.— Cbyne Hardware, O’Neill. 7c FOR SALE at Bargain Prces! 1— used Model 80 New Holland bal er, very good: 1—new PTO 87 model New Holland baler, same wire twist as model 80 —Gambles PUrm Store, Viborg, S.D. 7-8p FDR SALE: Model 65 John-Deere combine, 12-ft., with motor.— John P. Conway, O'Neill. 6-8p !-, FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire Boars, big, rugged and ready for service. —Henry Stelling and Sbn. Orchard, Nebr. 6tfc FOR SALE 1951 C Farmall_- $550.00 1952 Staper C_$625.00 1M7 C Allis _$325.00 12-ft. Me Hay Rake -_$50.00 New J-D Mower No. 8 _ $340 00 1W». Truck Box, new_ $350.00 HOERLE'S SERVTCE Ph. Chambers 2642 5- 7p FDR SALE: Well established Re tail farm supply business handling well-known products. Small cap ital needed.—Write box TH, c/o The Frontier. 5tf FDR SALE: Angus bulls. Service able age.—Musil Brothers, O’ Neill. 5-lOp FOR SALE: Allis-Chalmers roto baler. Good as new. Used three seasons. — Leonard Robinson, Randolph, Nebr. 7-8c FDR SALE: No. 25 International mower. Selling parts or complete. -Ray Orsbom, 825 E. Benton, O’Neill. 7-8p FOR SALE: Three bedroom semi- j modern home in northeast Ew ing. Includes approximately one acre of land.—West Lbr. & Coal Co., Ewing, Nebr.7tfc FDR SALE: Good set of young Holstein milk cows, also J-D power binder, sweep head ‘and rake.—Jake Braun, Atkinson. 7-9p FDR SALE: Twenty-six weaned pigs.—Marcus Snyder, Ewing. _ 7c Bushels Alfalfa Seed FOR SALE Contact: J. F. Contois O'Neill Phone 368 FOR SALE: 1968 Singer blonde console sewing machine. Sews toward and reverse, complete with buttonholer, and zig zag attachments. To reliable party in this are Cor 8 payments of $7.96. New guarantee. Will discount for cash.—Write CREDIT MANAG ER, Box 250, North Platte. Ne braska. 6-7c DAIRYMEN A cow will only produce as much milk as her breeding allows. No amount of feed will increase it CURTISS breeding will utilize your feeding to a better advant age. Duane Gray Call 470 O'Neill 45tf FOR SALE: Registered polled Hereford bulls. Everett Van Dover. 2V4 miles east of old Op portunity or 22 mi. west of Ver digre or 16 south of Lynch. 7-9c MACHINERY HM 238 cultivator HM 229 cultivator John Deere cultivator No. 9 trail mower Trail hitch. H&M Rotary hoe Homdraulic loader with hayhead IHC one way 12-ft. IHC rake 14-ft. IHC rake 24-ft. automatic rake two-rake hitch 48 Oliver 70 40 Farmall H 51 Farmall M 49 Farmall M Farmall regular Farmall 20 RC Allis M&M RTU APPLIANCES Maytag wringer washer. $30 Maytag automatic washer, $25 Norge gas range, 2-bottles and reg ulator, $30 12-ft. mC freezer, $140 New RCA Whirlpool Appliances We Trade for Farm Equipment on appliances SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEILL, NEBR. me — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool SEE THE FINEST IN MOBILE HOMES AT MILLERS “Where Honesty & Fair Dealing Count’’. See the new 52’ ten wide decorated in Early American. Large stock New & Used. New Travel Trailers, $595. We trade, finance, deliver anywhere Open Sundays & Evenings. MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Office phone EX5-2170 Residence phone EX5-2236 7tf BRIGHT FUTURE FOR QUALIFIED men or women in coin merchandise machine field. If you have references, ability to supervise your own time, car -and cash capital of at least $800.00. 9 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent returns, full time more. Company is establishing routes in area. Only persons with the above qualifications write P. O. Box 156, Rochester, Minn., giving particulars and phone for personal interview. 7p Real Estate for Sale FOR SALE: Three bedroom house. Full basement with one finished room. All modern. Automatic oil heat. Garage, corner lot.—Gene Wolfe, Phone 671-W, O’Neill. 5tfc FOR SALE: Three bedroom home, close to school. Garage —Phone 654, O’Neill. _51tfc FOR SALE: Two choice building lots.—J. F. Contois, Phone 368, O’Neill. Sltf FOR SALE: Building lot. Desirable location.—Call Phone 574J, O’ Neill. _ 52tf HOUSES FOR SALE 4 Bedroom home on 630 E. Benton St., well located, and terms may be had. Enright property. 2 Bedroom home, 1 block south New Deal Oil. 3 Bedroom home, Vz block aouth of NuWay Cafe. 4 room and full basement close to hospital. For rent: 4 bedroom home. VIRGIL L. LAURSEN REALTOR Insurance - Real Estate * Loans O’Neill, Nebr. 7c FOR RENT FOR RENT: Modem apartment —A. E. Bowen, 706 E. Douglas, O’Neill, phone 515. 13d t FOR RENT: Modem two bedroom apartment, with living room, kitchen and bath. Close in.— Elmer Hagensick, phone 538-R, O'Neill.6tf FOR RENT: Two 2-bedroom mod ern houses.—Call Annabell Aai mus, phone 210, O'Neill. FOR RENT O'NEILL HOTEL 17 ROOMS 20 BEDS All furnished, including modem laundry equipment. Modern and air conditioned. Apartment to live in if wanted. Reasonable rent. Ready to open. Married couple preferred TONY ASIMUS Phone 510 O'Neill, Nebr. 7-8c FOR RENT: 22 inch power lawn mower. 22 inch garden tiller and a floor sander and edger. Rent it at the Coast-to-Coast store in O'Neill. _7-8c WANTED WANTED: Kitchen help at the M and M Cafe and Bakery, O'Neill. 7c WANTED: Man wants job mowing hay. Write Joseph Reichert, Fair fax, S. D. 7-9p WANTED: Custom hay baling with roto baler, ll2 mi. north of Sun set Lodge.—Gary Beckwith, ph. 587-R11, O’Neill. 7-10p WANTED: Morning cook, dish washers, two waitresses.—Spare time Cafe or contact Dwight C. Hill at Golden Hotel. 7-10c WANTED TO RENT: A three bed room modem home.—Contact Dwight C. Hill at Sparetime Cafe or Golden Hotel. 7-10c WANTED: Truck driver to drive diesel 3 days per week, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Work out of O’Neill. Must be experienced •and reliable.—Write Box BB, c/o The Frontier for interview. 7-9c MALE HELP WANTED: 2 men at once to sell Nationally Advertis ed Watkins Products. No invest ment necessary. Free Life Insur ance. Income according to effort. For further information write or call Marvin Greenland, Arcadia, Nebr. Phone 2491. 5-7c SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 i,;onths to pay. Write or phone: Cbniois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph. 3741. tf AT STUD: Permanent registered quarter horse Stallion. Reason able service fee.—C. E. McVay, Phone 585J13, O’Neill. 51tf EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and' Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O’NEILL - for Any Job 25tf WANTED: Reliable party to as sume 9 payments of $7.93 on 1958 White zig zag sewing machine. This machine makes buttonholes, sews on buttons, dams, mono grams, and embroideries without attachments. New guarantee. Will discount for cash.—Write CRED IT MANAGER, Box 250, North Matte, Nebraska. 6-7c L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in ail kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo -Clinton. WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic Wells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal Oil Station—O’Ne’ll 58tf WANTED I DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf WANTED: 200 yearling steers for 1959 pasture season.—Leo Ohri, Spencer, Phone 7328 Bristow. 4Ttf WANTED: Married man tor general ranch work; modem home.— Paul Hoefs, Woodlake, Nebr. tfc WANTED: Waitress for night shift and a part time waitress.—Candy BUl's Cafe, Q~NeUl.6tfc NOTICES SALESMAN: Headquarters out of O’NeiU, age 21-35. ExceUent sal ary and car allowance. Position available due to promotion. Send qualifications to Bax 686, O’Neill, c Nebr. 8-7 FARM LOANS. -See R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 6tf I LOAN Money on farms and ranches and city property.— Write to R. H. Parker, O’Neill. Nebr. 6tf NOTICE: Wrecking soon! Standard Station at comer of Douglas & 5th. Some used materials and concrete rubble.—Inquire at job site if interested. Gordon G. Greenamyre, contractor & Build er. 6-7c CITY LOANS. See R. H. Parker. O’Neill. 6tf I AM BACK in my office again and I have Eastern Money and Priv ate Money to loan on Farm land, Ranch land, and City Homes. If you need money see or write.— R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 6tf INSURANCE Farmers Mutual Insurance Co. of Nebr., having $6 million assets and over $3 million surplus funds will write your dwelling and farm insurance as follows: A 5 year dwelling policy, with no 550 deductable, $13.60 per thousand a perpetual farm policy, no renewal re quired, $7.70 per thousand first year and $3.50 each subsequent year.-See, write or phone L. G. Gillespie, Agent; Ph. 114 or 218, O’Neill, Nebr. 6-9c MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL GO., O'Neill 3 blks W & 314 blks N stoplight AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Phone 207 — O’Neill Auctions ED THOR1N See E. J. Shane ATKINSON for dragline work, sewer and water ditches and dam work. 50-22p IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr.34tf. ADLER Sewing Center Sales of new and used • sewing machines O’NEILL, NEBR. — PH. 269 CASH LOANS SIGNATURE — AUTO — O'Neill Loan Company VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill, Nebr. FURNITURE 49c LOST & FOUND FOUND; One tackle box on Ft. Ran<JWl Lake; owner may claim them from Bud Johnson, Spencer, Nebr,, by paying for this ad and identifying the two types of reels found inside. Phone 3768, Spen cer5-7p CARDS of THANKS WE WISH TO THANK our neigh bors, friends and relatives for their kind expressions of sympa thy, the mass offerings and all (her kindnesses shown us at the other kindnesses shown us at the time of the death of our lived one. Your thoughtfulness will be long remembered.—Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brennan, Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Murphy and family, Dan J. Murphy. 7p I WISH TO THANK my friends and neighbors for their kindness and remeraberance while I was in St. Anthony’s hospital.—Forest Henderson. 7p 4-H Chib Notes Constitution Signed The Cleveland 4-H club met June 6 at the home of Elmer Allyn. Roll call was answered by each member naming his favorite ani mal. We were reminded of 4-H camp July first to third. The constitution of our club was read as drawn up by the executive committee. Sixteen members signed the constitution. We decided not to enter a float in the Lions's dub parade in O' Neill June 19 for which the prizes will be $100 for first, $75 for se cond, and $25 for third. It was decided that we would try to raise some money for the Halsey 4-H camp which is being built. A committee was appointed to lode into possible ways to raise money. The next meeting will be held July 6 at the Merrill Smith home. After the business meeting die dif ferent project groups met. Lunch was served. Charles L. Sweet, reporter Camp Discussed Pleasant Brook 4-H club held their 6th meeting at Ludwig Tagels. For roll call we named the most enteresting lesson in our book. We sang a song at the beginning of the meeting. The 4-H camp was discussed. Elaine Funk and Jean Tagel gave a demonstration on how to baste. Janet Funic gave one on ironing. Next meeting will be at Harold Van Vlecks on July 6 at 8:00 p.m. The ladies served lunch after the meeting. Mary Ellen Parks, reporter Visit Garden Grattan Hustlers 4-H club met at the home of James McDonald on Sunday. May 31. Eleven mem bers were present. President. Keith Krugman opened the meeting by all repeating the 4-H pledge. Bar bara McVay joined the club. Her projects will be saddle club and beginning baking. Ways of raising money for the new camp at Halsey %vere dis cussed. A committee was appoint ed to contact other clubs and per sonnel. Next meeting is to be held at Rock Falls on June 14. The be ginning baking girls mixed and baked biscuits; the garden project meml>ers visited Stewart McDon ald's garden; Walter Fiek. range leader showed different identifica tion characteristics of grasses. On May 29 the stocker feeder group met at the home of Paul Krugman to work with calves. Charles Hill, repager. O'Neill locals Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Kruse will leave Saturday for Hackensack, Minnesota. Their daughter and fa mily, die E. L. Van Everys of Perry, Iowa, will meet them there for a week of fishing. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Storms of Winner, S. D. were guests Sunday at the Kenneth Curren home. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Contois were in Wymore Sunday for the Mar shall wedding. On Saturday they visited at the H. B. Taylor home in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson attended a family dinner at the Leland Clark home near Ewing Sunday. The dinner was for Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Irwin visiting here from Brunswick, Georgia. Mrs. Irwin is the former Joyce Finwall of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Frances Curran returned last week from a trip to Las Vegas where they visited their daughter and Mrs. Curran’s broth er and family, the Bob Otts. Their niece, Cathy Ott, returned with them for a month’s visit at the Curran home. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Anson and family, Mrs. Katherine Thiele and Jerry Thiele were in Ewing Sun day at the Dean Magwire home. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker and Roberta and Mr. and Mrs. Don Becker and Don were in Gavins Point Sunday for a Becker family reunion. Mrs. Leona Showmaker enrolled Monday for the summer session at Wayne State Teachers College. Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Maynard of Madras, Oregon, plan to leave Friday after a week’s visit at the Eldon Butterfield home. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burgess at tended a reception in Plainview Sunday evening for Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Fickling. Dr. Fickling was honored by the community for 50 years of service. Mr. and Mrs. Orland Anson of Atkinson were guests Monday eve ning at the Leland Anson home. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scheinost of Page and Mr. and Mrs. Marion Woidneck of Midway attended the Spencer alumni banquet Thursday evening. Steve and Jeannie Baker of At kinson are here for a week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Moler. Thirty guests at the George Men kens home near Emmet celebrated the 22nd birthday of Jim Menkens of Omaha Saturday evening. Mrs. Bill Klinetobe of Emmet. Connie Menkens of Norfolk and Mrs. Fred Wells helped serve refreshments to (he group. Mrs. Don Loy and family of Keamey were weekend guests at the Clay Johnson jr., home. Mr. and Mrs. John Storjohann returned Saturday from Chappel where they visited their so-in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Newman and family. Mrs. Grant Peacock enrolled Monday at Wayne State Teachers College for the summer session. Ann Marie Saunto returned June 2 after spending a few days in Omaha with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Little. While in Omaha. Ann attended com mencement at Boys Town. Miss Hilda l»auagn**r rewrneu last Wednesday from commence ment week activities at Loretta Heights College at Denver. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney plan to go to Lincoln Friday for the weekend with their daughter, Marjorie, and their new grand son, Richard Wayne, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McElhaney. Mrs. Marvin Anderson was in Sioux City Monday to see her mother, Mrs. Bertha Prescott, who is making excellent progress from a hip fracture suffered two weeks ago. Mrs. Day’s son, Harold, was in Sioux City and here at the home of his sister last week. Mrs. Pres cott will return home next week if her present rapid recovery con tinues. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney took their daughter, Jeannie, to Grand Island last Wednesday to meet a train for Yellowstone Park where she will work this summer. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Golden re turned Saturday evening to their home here after spending the win ter in Miami, Florida. On the re turn trip they visited at the homes of their daughters and families, Capt. and Mrs. J. T. Butcher in Smyrna, Tennessee, and Dr. and Mrs. R. L. Owens in Kansas City, Missouri. Dinner guests Sunday at the Roy Huxnrich home were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Runnels, Mrs. Elvira J. Smith and Mrs. C. O. Timmons, all of Stuart. Mrs. F. N. Cronin and Mrs. Pat Harty were in Sioux City Saturday and Sunday. Arriving June 1 at the Ed Gal lagher home were their daughter and grandson, Mrs. Anthony Ane walt and John Anthony of San Die go, California. Mr. Anewalt will be here later in the month for a \ isit after which the Anewalts will return home. Mr. and Mrs. George McCarthy and Jimmie were in Omaha Sun day and Monday where they visited their daughters. Barbara and Bev erly. and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Renze left Friday for California where they will visit their son and his family and their daughter who will be married later this month. Word was received by Mr. ami Mrs. Ted McElhaney that their daughter, Jeannine arrived in Yel lowstone Park and is working at the Cabin Camps near Fishing Bridge. Miss McElhaney recently finished a term at Wayne State Teachers College and plans to work in the Park until September 9. Mr. and Mrs. William O’Connor, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peregoy and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bud Van Flgel and family attended Memor ial services at O’Neill. Orchard, Royal and Neligh cemetery. They had dinner at Plalnview. They all attended a wedding at St. Patricks Cathode church on June 6. for Miss Roseanna Undewood and II a r vey Sotjotka. The Elkhorn project club fam ily picnic was held Sunday, June 7 in Ford's park. Dinner guests Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bowen were Mr. and Mrs. John Bowen of Win side and Larry Hansen. The occas ion was Mrs. Bowen's birthday. Mr. Charles Johnson and son, Chuckie arrived Thursday from Weaverville, Calif., to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McClellan. Enroute here they stopped to see and talk with members of the Wagon Train which is on its way to Oregon. Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Loy returned with their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Kennedy of Ainsworth, who was with them in Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Cleary and children of Sleepy Eye, Minn., came Tuesday to visit relatives in O’Neill and to attend the 50th wedding observance of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaup of Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cleary and children of Elgin called Tuesday evening on Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Sauser. Jim Bridges of O’Neill will be among 108 graduates when the University of Nebraska College of Medicine confers diplomas and certificates Saturday in Oma ha. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole, aunt and uncle of Mr. Bridges, will attend the ceremonies in Omaha. His wife is Imogene Davis Brid ges, formerly of Inman. Jim’s mother, Mrs. Alice Bridges, lived here until her death four years ago. FIELD TRAINING KOREA—CpI. Marvin B. Green, 30, whose wife, Betty, lives in O’ Neill, recently participated with the 1st Division’s 8th cavalry in u. field training exercise in Korea. STATE YOUTH CAM I* State Youth Camp of Assemblies af God is being held this week at Lexington Eleven young people from the local church are attend ing. NEW MEMBERS Six students of the communi cants class of the Presbyterian church were received into church membership in services Sunday. Fhey are: Linda Shelhamer, Jean Crabb, Janet Peterson, Tanya Lid ddy, Jim Humrich and Denny Drayton. GRADUATES AT BOVS TOWN Gene Paul George, born and ' raised in O’Neill, was one of 125 graduates Of Boys Town high school in exercises May 31. Gene’s father, rra George, for merly taught band in O’Neill and in own bandmaster at Boys Town. O'Neill Baseball Nine Play Atkinson Tonight O’Neill’s basball nine will play Atkinson tonight at 8:30 p.m. at Carney park. Last Thursday the O'Neill squad defeated Chambers 12 to 1. Larry Heiss was the winning pitcher, Jer ry Grimes the loser. Jerry McGinn led in the hitting department for the O'Neill crew with three. Orchard defeated O’Neill last week in a heart-breaker, 3-2 .Mer lyn Mettis was the winning hurler and Darrel Heiss, the loser. Junior Auxiliary Meets Wednesday at Hall The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary Simon son No. 93 was held Wednesday, June 3, at 8 p.m. in the legion Hall. Misses Jean and Janet Devoy, Gayle Murphy, and Patty McKen zie, junior auxiliary members, gave interesting reports on their trip to the Junior Conference held in North Platte on June 1. Mrs lister ltiege ivported she now has seven full gold bond stamp books for the benefit of the Unit in the gold bond stamp project, The American Legion and Aux iliary Department Convention will Ik* held at Lincoln on July 17,18 and 19. Several from our unit an* plan ning to attend. The following officers were elect ed for the coming your-1959-1960. Miss Mary Jurgensmeier, presi dent; Archie Bright, Is vieepresi dent; Mrs. A. Bright, 1st vlce-presl 2nd vice-president; Mrs. William Cousins, secretary; Mrs. Clifford Harding, treasurer; Mrs John Da vidson, historian; Mrs. Gladys Cun ningham chaplain; Mrs A1 11am ik, sgt at arms; Mrs. Hugh Lan gan. color bearer and Mrs. Vern Reynoldson; Mrs. Herald Graham and Mrs Melvin Ruzicka the exe cutive committee. Alice’s Beaoty Shop Sm. S doors west of Texaco 12S Bast Douglas Phone S«S — O'Neill | -■■■ ■■ ■«» ■»«■■■■ ..■—"» «'«■■ ' ’ i l I r ‘ •-—--—■——— - ' i UJ • " r- * -^ —■ f