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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1959)
' 1L Womens Pnge r Club Notes Mrirbuyt Mrs H. L Lindberg was hostess Tuesday afternoon to Merrim>x. Mrs Margaret Clauson was a guest Winners were Mrs. Paul Shierk and Mrs H. S. Moses Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs Fred Robertson. What Not Extension Members of tin? What Not Ex tension club had a family picnic at the city park Saturday for the members and their families A gdt was presented to Mrs Willard Solfermoser, who will tie leaving O’Neill. Tlnis^at the picnic were Mr. and Mrs Laval Freeburg and family, Mr and Mrs. Rudy Freeburg and family, Mr and Mrs. Duane Mil ler and family. Mr ami Mrs. Don ald Bunkers ami family, Mr. and Mrs William Edwards and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs Milton Baack and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kyster ami family and Mr. ami Mrs. Wil lard Solfermoser and family. Dome Doable (" A’n Six couples of the Come Double C'A’s of the Assembly of God church gathered Friday night at the home of Herman Meyers in Atkinson for a surprise house warming. The Meyers, who have been re cently married, were presented with a gift at the housewarming. fJbnch was served. Alpha (Hub Alpha Club members met at the Harry Lansworth home Wednesday afternoon for a tea. It was guest day for the club members ami Mrs. Russell Moler gave a book review. Kennedy-Dixon Vows Exchanged at Page Miss Joellen Kennedy, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kennedy, Page, became the unde of Edward Eugene Dixon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Dixon, Grand Junction, Colo , Sunday at 7 p.m. The Reverend Lisle E Mew maw officiated at the double ring ceremony at the First Methodist church in Page. Given in marriage by her fa ther, the bride wore a full length gown of imported lace over satin. The princess style bodice featured a scooped neckline and long sleeves tapered to bridal points at the wrists. A tiara of nylon, pearl and lace medalions matching the dtess held the double shoulder length veil. The bride carried a bouquet of white sweetheart roses with lilies of-the-valley. Her jewelry was a pean necklace and earrings. Becky Kennedy served her sister as maid of honor. Mrs. Shirley Hueflte, Unco In, also attended the bride. Both wore pink sheath dress es of nylon brocade and chiffon with matching shoes and head bands. They carried bouquets of pink daisies. Ed Saldecki, Denver, Col., bro ther-in-law of the bridegroom, was best man. Keith Kennedy, brother of the bride was also an attendant. Mrs. Leland Knutson at the or gan accompanied Mrs. Patricia French who sang "I Love You Tru ly,” "Whither Thou Goest,” and "The Wedding Prayer.” The mother of the bride wore | > ii __1 it____ , fi uiuc ui cm uuvt i of the bridegroom wore blue face Both wore red rose corsages. Following the ceremony, a re ception was hold in the church par lors. Waitresses were Misses Betty Spangler, Linda Cronk and Lois Salt/ The cake was cut -and ser ved by Mrs. Genevieve Mumford. Beatrice. Mrs. Keith Kennedy and Mrs. Anne Hoback, Burwell, pour ed. Mrs. Been Hansen was at the gift table and Mrs. Charles Bagby was in charge of the guest book. For her going away ensemble, the bride chose a grey sheath dress with matching walking suit topper and light green ’accessories. After a short wedding trip the couple will live in Alamosa, Colo. Out of town guests were from Grand Junction and Denver, and York, Ainsworth, Tekamah, Oma ha, Beatrice, Orchard and Plain view. Mary Ann Kallhoff Weds Vernon Blecher At Ewing Saturday EWING Miss Mary Ann Kalllioff daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Kallhoff of Ewing, became the bride of Vernon D. Blecher, Audu bon, Iowa, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Blecher of Neligh, on June 6, at St. Peter’s church in Ewing. The Rev. Peter Burke officiated ' at the 10 a.m. double ring ceremo-1 ny and nuptial muss. Mrs. Kermit Jefferies was organ-, ist. Mrs. Grover Shaw, soloist, sang "On This Day O Beautiful Mother" j "O Lord I Am Not Worthy" and "Fanis Angelicus.'' The 'altar was decorated with white gladoli and daisies with candelabra The bride, escorted to the altar by her father, wore a floor length gown of Rose point lace and nylon tulle. The fitted bodice of Rose point was designed with a sabrina neckline, edged with hand clipped flowers centered with tiny pearls and sequins. The long sleeves came to u bridal point. The scalloped lace extended into the full gathered skirt, featuring a wide lace insertion from which a full gathered flounce extended to the floor. The double veil of French illusion was caught by a headpiece trimmed in pearls and sequins. She carried a cascade of white dai sies. Ime Kaezor, Ewing, was maid of honor. She wore a street length gown of Nile green nylon chiffon, with matching cap with a sequin and pearl trimmed veil. Her bou quet was also of white daisies with nylon tulle. Richrard Kallhoff, brother of the bride, was iiest man. Ushers were Louis Jones and James McKillip. lioth of Clearwater. Sheila Kallhoff niece of the bride, was flower girl. Robert Lewis, nephew of the bridegroom, was ring bearer. Tiie bride's mother chose for her daughters wedding a light blue dress with white accessories. The bridegroom's mother wore a dress of navy blue with white accessor ies. Both wore white carnation cor sages. Following the ceremony, a recep tion was held at St. Dominic's Hall by the parents of the bride. A hun dred and thirty guests were pre sent. The three tier square wed ding cake featured Nile green, ai sle flower trimmed, which led to the miniature bride and groom at the top. The cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Walter Wester house. Elgin. Mrs. Don Jensen cut and served the wedding cake. Miss Linnie Langdon, O'Neill, poured. Mrs. Richard Kallhoff, Ewing, Miss Jean Fisher and Miss Ardel Ow ens, both of Tilden, arranged the gifts. Misa Judy Cloyd was in charge of the guest book. Ladies assisting with the reception were Mesdames Ralph Munn, John Bollwitt, Janies Rotherham, Arthur Kropp, Frank H'awk and James Mlnarik. Waitres ses were Misses Clara Mlnarik, Be thyl and Vera Del Daniels, and Mrs. Janies McKillip. After a short wedding trip the couple will rrrake their home at Council Bluffs. The bride is a graduate of the Ewing high school. She has been employed at O’Neill in the ASC office. The bridegroom has served a three year enlistment in the U. S. Army and since his discharge has tieen employed as a mechanic in Audubon, Iowa. ***!!§4 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Marcellus have announced the engagement ment of their daughter, Loma Lea to Mr. Gord in Fox. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox. Miss Marcellus is now employ ed in Lincoln. The couple plan a fall wed ding. Hospital Notes ATKINSON ADMITTED: June 1 Mrs. Fran es Knapp of Atkinson; Quintin ’.amold of Atkinson; Sharon Gertes f Atkinson. 2 Steve Cieslak of . tuart. 3—Mrs. Ronald Watson of tkinson; Betty Lou Sladek of At nson; Mrs. Harry Hood of Stuart; oy Woodruff of Atkinson; Mrs. . ola Stewart of Inman. 4- Mrs. C rnrad Straka of Stuart. 5—Mrs. ' iton Weichman of Atkinson: Her in Schrader or Atkinson. & El i.-yr Schaffer of Atkinson, Mrs R iymond Estes of Stuart. 7— Mrs Allred Martens of Atkinson; Mi h'el S*ra’:a of Atkinson; Mrs. Clarence Focken of Stuart; Mrs. Virgil Morrow of Inman. 1 ’’SMISSED; June M i 1 o Hupp of Atkinson: Mrs. Ed Albrecht of Atkinson; Madonna Mikseh of Stuart;Donald llamik of Aikinson; Mrs. Willi un Thompson of A‘kin «:a. 2 Lewis Vaughn of Creigh •i ■ Mrs. Harold Givens of Stuart. 3—Mrs. Frances Knapp of Atk'n 'on 4 l4»la Garwood of Atkinson; Quintin Ramold of Atkinson. S— • *ov i>o.i Sladek of Atkinson; Roy Woodruff of Atkinson. Mis. FJmer Schaffer m AtKinson; Mrs. Ham Hood of Stuart; Mary Ellen Farley of Columbus; Mrs. Viola Stewart of Inman. 7—Mrs. Ronlad Watson of Atkinson. EXPIRED: Juno 3—Mrs. Fan nie Chaney of Stuart. LI’NDBERG MEMORIAL Creighton May 30-June 6 ADMITTED: Albert Halvorsen of Winnetoon; Mrs. Jack Brockman <>f Center; Mrs. Anna Winchell of Verdigre; Mrs. Frank Koenig of Center; Dean Vesely of Verdigre; Teddy Schultz of Bloomfield; STRONG The Marvin Strongs, O'Neill, daughter, Cynthia ixiu, 7 jKjunds, 13 ounces, June 3. WILLIAMSON The Rimini Williamsons. Ewing, daughter, Ju lie Ann. 7 pounds, 1 ounces, June 5. FOX The Gilbert Foxes, Em met, daughter, 8 pounds, 4 ounces, June 8 This is the eounle's third child. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox of O'Neill are the paternal grand parents. Lundberg Memorial BROCKMAN The Jack Brock mans. Center, Lave named their daughter Jacqueline Ann HENGSTLER The William R. Hengstlers, son, William Scott, 7 pounds. 9 ounces, June 4. BORGMAN The Rolvert Borg manns. son, 8 pounds, 2 ounces. June 6. Atkinson Memorial ESTES The Raymond Estes, Stuart, daughter, Patricia Rae, 7 pounds. 12 ounces. June ti. MORROW The Virgil M - Inman, son. 7 jxiunds, 13 ounces, June 7. EVERETT The Charles Ever etts, Atkinson, son. 6 pounds, June 9. Sacred Heart VON DR ACER The John Vond raceks. Spencer, daughter, 9 [xtunds, June 6. WADE - Tin- IVlbert Wades, Lynch, son. 9 pounds. 10 ounces, June 9. ELSEWHERE SUCHA The Dr. Merlin Suchas Schuyler, son, Greg, 6 pounds, 13 ounces, Mvty 30. This is the couple’s second child. Dr. Sucha practiced medicine in O'Neill in association w ith Dr. Rex Wilson. \tklllson Soldier Completes School ATKINSON Army P\ t. Allan L. Mitchell, whose wife. Carrol, lives in Ruffe completed the automotive maintenance helper course May 28 at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo Mitchell was trained to perform organizational, field and depot maintenance on automotive vehi cles and to evacuate and recover al types of automotive material. He entered the Army last Janu ary and completed basic training at Fort Riley, Kan. The 18-year-old soldier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry A Mitchell, Route 4, Atkinson, is a 1958 gradu ate of Butte High School. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Phone 78S wmsmm swBwmmBS&iiU&.iii: tmamaassEssm: i Mrs. Ida M. Williamson celebrated her »lst birthday Saturday at the home of her daughter and son-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Ashby. Mrs. Williamson has lived In the O’Neill area since IHON when she moved to Lynch. In 4M2 she moved to O'Neill. Mrs. Wil liamson has six living children: Mrs. Roy (Faye) Ritchey of Ritch ey. Mont.; Mrs. Archie (Itonnle) Ashby, O’Neill; Mrs. Karl (Rva) Fox, O’Neill; LaVern (Bud) Williamson and Virgil Williamson, both living In Falliornia; and Wayne, Burlington, la. Mrs. Williamson also has 13 grandchildren. 32 great grandchildren and 3 great-great grandchildren. Mrs. Williamson celebrated the event h.v visiting with friends and relatives. BIBI.E SCHOOL HELD Vacation School at the Meth<xiist ! Church is scheduled to begin Mon day, according to Mrs. Glenn Gen- I nicott. Hie school will run front i Juno 15 through the 2(5. The sclnxtl will he from 9 to J1:30 j a.m each day and all children who have completed Kindergarten throught the 8th grade are invited .o enroll ATTENDS YOI Til CAMP Two O'Neill youth attended the Methodist senior youth camyi at Ponca State Park June 1 to f> They were Ruth Ann Walker and Karen Dates. Rev. and Mrs Glenn train coll accompanied the girls and assisted in camp work. Rev. Glenn Kennicott and Mrs. Louis Reimer sr., are attending the annual comference of the Methodist church at Grand Island this week. Mrs. Reimer is attend ing as the lay delegate. Mrs. Kennicott left O'Neill Wed nesday to join her husband in Grand Island. They will all re turn on Friday. . —I Thursday, Jane It Lutheran I Julies Aid. WSCS. Sunday, June 14 Family dinner, O’Neill Gountry Club, 6 p.m. Monday, June IA Starlight Extension. Wesleyan Service Guild, Mrs. Donald Maw Tuesday, June 14 Friendly Neighbors Extension, Mrs Velda Gydeson. MM, Mrs. Margaret Clausen. Catholic Daughters annual picnic. Thurnday, June IS Eastern Star. COFFEE FOR OMAHA WOMAN Mrs. Dale French, Mrs. Rot)ert Devoy and Mrs. E. M. Gleeson were hostess at a coffee Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gleeson. The coffee was in honor of Mrs. Jim Hollander, Omaha, a house guest at the Gleeson I tome. MR. AND MRS. HARVEY SOBOTKA Roseanna Underwood Weds Harvey Sobotka . At 10 a m. on June 6 Miss Rose anna Underwood, daughter of Mrs. Henrietta Underwood, O'Neill, be came the bride of Harvey J. Sobot ka. son of John Sobotka. Inman. Rev. Robert Duffy performed the double ring ceremony at St. Pat rick s church in O’Neill before 60 guests. . t Escorted to the altar by her bro ther Herbert Underwood, the bride wore a floor length white nylon dress with tiers of lace dropping from the fitted bodice. She also wore a lace packet with long sleeves. Her veil was held by v pearl headband. Leona Underwood, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid. She wore a pink net over taffeta ballerina length gown with uecemorfcs to match. Best man was Harold So botka. Inman, brother of (he bride groom. Elaine and Eugene McDermott. Osmond, niece and nephew of the bride were flower girl and ling bearer. Francis McDermott, Os mond, was usher. A dinner and reception followed the ceremony at the home of Mrs. Underwood. The tahles and rooms were decorated in pink and while with large bouquets or the bride's table. The cake was baKed by Ben ny Hertford and decorated with pink roses with a bride and groom on top. A wedding dance was also held Monday night. Mrs. Sobotka is a graduate of St. Mary’s Academy and has been employed at St. Anthony's hospital as a nurses aid. Mr. Sobotka is a graduate of Inman High school and is engaged in farming. For her traveling attire, the bride chose a gold dress with a matching coat and accessories. Fol lowing a wedding trip to the eas tern part of the state, the couple is at home at Creighton. Mary Ann Dierks, Ewing, became the bride of Gene Sprout, Iowa Falls, la., in a June 6 ceremony at the Christ the King church in Cmaha The couple will live in Omaha where he is employed. Mary Alys Dierks Weds Iowa Man EWING Christ the King church in Omaha Saturday afternoon was the scene of the wedding of Miss Mai y A'vs Dierks, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks of Ew ing, and Gene G. Sprout, son of Mr. and Mrs. Vem G. Sprout, Iowa Falls, Iowa. The Rev. Robert Hupp of Orrrajia officiated. Mr. Dierks gave his daughter >n maringe. She choose a floor length gown of candlelight Italian silk for her wedding. It was fashion ed with full length sleeves and a deep scooped neckline, edged with a single row of seed pearls. Her elbow- length veil of silk il lusion was held in place with a clouehe-type headpiece edged in pearls. She carried a casc-ade ar rangement consisting of a white | orchid and stephanotis. Mrs. Paul Waters, Omaha, was ; matron of honor for her sister. She , wore a street length gown of white i lace over blue taffeta and a crown of white daisies. G. W. Drey of Des Moines was best man for his brother-in-law. Ushers were Alan Henry of Des Moines and Merton L. Dierks, Manhattan, Kan. A reception was held at the Blackstone Hotel for 100 guests. Miss Rena Sprout, Norfolk, presid ed at the guest book. Gifts were arranged by Mrs. Merton Dierks and Mrs. G. W. Drey. After a wedding trip through the southern states the couple wall re side in Omaha. The bride was graduated from St. Mary's Academy, O’Neill, and attended St. Catherine’s Hospital School of Nursing and Duchesne College. Omaha. She has been em ployed by the Norfolk State hos pital. The bridegroom received his high school education at Iowa Falls and attended Junior college. He was graduated from the University of Iowa and was affiliated with Sigma Nu Fraternity. He served as physical therapist instructor in the U. S. Army and is now employed by the Insurance Company of North American, Omaha. Charles Drvak of Verdol; Elaine Ra riling of Creighton: Nohle Rerg !und of Creighton; Ed«ard Wagner Sr of Creighton; Mrs. Emma Breckner of Creighton; Wil imm It- Hengstler of Creighton; C nnie Mauer of Plains iow: Randy Mauer of Plainviow ; Mrs. Robert 'kirgmann of Creighton DISMISSED: Robert Muller of Creighton, who was transferrer! t" a Sioux City hospital; Mrs Frank Koenig of Center; Horl ert Zuhlke of I'runSwir k; Teddy Schultz of Bkrmfield: lVan Vesely of Ver ,1-i-re ■ Charles In-yak of Verdel; Frederick Haskins of Creighton; Mrs. George J. Doerr of Creigh ton; Randv Mauer of Pkijnview; C nnie Mauer of Plainvic" ; Bert Clarence of Creighton; Mrs. Edith Ruerman of Crieghton. More Hospital Notes Page If. The James Coopers . . . The bride is the former Yvonne Stclling of Orchard. The couple were married Sunday, May 17, at Orcliurd. The Christ Lutheran church in O’Neill was the scene May 22 of a 2 pm. wedding ceremony uniting in marriage Donna Jean Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Weichum of Naper and Donald G. McNair, son of Mr. and Mrs. George McNair, O’Neill. The Rev. A. S. Gedwillo, pastor, officiated. The bride wore a beige waJtz-Iength dress with an empire l>odicc accented by a soft band of satin. The scooped neckline was etched with point Venice lace. She wore a pink rose corsage. Mrs. Gene McLaughlin, matron-of-honor was her niece’s only at tendant. She wore a waltz-length dress of deep pink eyelet and a white baby orchid corsage. K.ennetn iviciNair was ms nrotner s oestrrean. The bride attended Naper high school and graduated class of '50 and is attending Wayne State Teucners College. The bridegroom is a graduate of the Stuart high school, class of '48 and attended college in Denver and CommercraJ Art School in Omaha. Following a wedding trip, the couple will reside at 902 East Clay St. in O’Neill. FRESH BEEF or PORK UVER_lb. 29c TEN DERC ROWN FRESH FRYERS, 2-2*4 lb. avg., ea. 79° SKINLESS FRANKS. .. 2 Pounds 89c CUDAHY SLICED DRIED BEEF. 14 lb. pkg. 47c FAMOUS BRANDS CANDY BARS_10 5c bars 2&c KRAFT VELVEETA_2-pound box 75c KEEIXXiO CORN FLAKES_18-oz. pkg. 29c BKEADEI) PRE-COOKED FISH STICKS_package 29c STOK ELY’S FROZEN GREEN PEAS_2 10-°z. pkgs. 37c TASTY CHUCK ROAST.__pound 53c VINE RIPENED CANTALOUPE_pound "10c LARGE FANCY TOMATOES.. lb. 18c NEW FRESH CRISP I LARGE CARROTS_cello pkg. t()c /SUNSHINE CRACKERS_2-pound box 49c SWANSDOWN CAKE MIX_4 pk?s- 99c (FOR CONTROLLED SI DS) ALL_10-pound box 5234 i SOFLIN TOILET TISSUE_4 rolls 33c SANTA ROSA PINEAPPLE JUICE... 46-ox. can 29c Our Store Is Open On Sundays From 8 a. niik.: mtolljun. _ 4th Street Market Phone OS WE DELIVER O'Neill