The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 11, 1959, Image 12
Hospital Notes HI. .Anthony’s ADMITTED: June 3 Mrs. Mar vin Strong of O Neill; ft, rs. Susan Kubichek of O'Neill. 4 Mr*. Ed Fuhrer of O'Neill; Mrs. Marvin Atkinson of O Neill. 5 Miss Evelyn Ernst of O'Neill; Mrs. Ronald Brewer of O'Neill; Carilyn Cadwal lader of Inman; Mrs. Richard Wil liams! >n of Ewing; Roger Tomp kins of Inman, b Mrs Ross Ridge way of O Neill; Charlene Hasenp flug of O'Neill; Mrs. Carlyle Was hecheck of O Neill; Sharon Murray of O'Neill. 7 Mrs. Calvin Coolidge of O'Neill; Mrs. William White of O’Neill; Terry Erwin of O'Neill; Mrs. Wallace O'Connell of O'Neill; Janice Robertson of Chambers; Joseph Jareske of O'Neill; Mrs. William Froelich of O'Neill. 8— Ray Hettinger of Emmet; Mrs. John Pruss of O'Neill; Mrs. Gil bert Fox of Emmet; Mrs. Don Martin of O'Neill; Mrs. Kenneth Moore of O'Neill; Robert Lewis Mueller of Stuart; Mrs. Robert Prill of Page. 9— Mr. James Mc Clung of Page; Mrs. Louis Vitt of O'Neill, lb -Mrs. Ronald Brew er of O'Neill. DISMISSED: June 3 Delores Mosel of Orchard; Nelrla Cuatt of Spencer; Carl Widtfeldt of O'Neill; LaDonna llaake of Chamiiers. 4 Mrs. Mentor Davis of O’Neill, 5 Forest Henderson of Orchard, b Carol Cadwallader of O'Neill; Mrs. Ed Fuhrer of O'Neill; Charlene Hasenpflug of O'Neill. 7 Mrs. Carlyle Washecheck of O’Neill; Mrs. Marvin Strong and baby girl of O'Neill. 8 Mrs. Calvin Coolidge of O'Neill; Mrs. Ronald Brewer of O’Neill; Mrs Richard Williamson and baby girl of Ewing; Ambrose Biglin of O'Neill; Mrs. Marvin At kinson of Butte; Ray Pettinger of Emmet 9 Mrs Kenneth Moore of O’Neill; Mrs. Robert Prill of Page; Mrs. Wallace O'Connell of j O'Neill; Mrs. Josephine Groeling of Orchard; Janice Robertson of Chambers; M. E Davis of O'Neill. 110 Roger Tompkins of tnman; Ro- i bert Lewis Mueller of Stuart. Swred Heart Hospital Lynch PRESENT: Mrs. Mary Classen j of Spencer; John Dickey of Spen- j cer; Mrs, Vincent Dvorak of Spen- j cer; Carl Kayl of Spencer; Mrs \ Anna Mashek of Spencer; Miss Mary Jane Meurrens of Spencer; Mrs, Bertha Ruff of Spencer; Mrs Ruth Talbert of Bristow; Mrs. John Vondracek of Spencer; Mrs. Dean Klinetobe of Spencer; Mrs Charles I Scott of Verdel. DISMISSED; June 3~ Mr. liar- I old Hargens of Spencer; Mrs. Or i ville Thorson of O'Neill; Mrs. Mar vin Jons of Bonesteel. 4- Mrs Ma ry Peterson of O'Neill; Dan Meur , rens of Spencer. 5- Mrs. John I-udemann of Spencer; Miss Minnie Herrmann of Butte; Mrs Mary Hull of Spencer; Mrs. Roscoe I Creekmur of Bonesteel. 7 Miss Marie Mahlendorf of Lunch; Emil Statsman of Butte; G. W. Baumei ster of Butte; Clarence Moody of Lynch. Page Team Wins By Alvin Cruraly The Page Midget ball team play ed Ewing Sunday. The score was 3-1’ in Page's favor The Pee Wee's beat the Emmet team Monday night with a score of 19-1. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Freemeyer entertained at supper Tuesday night Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Nis sen and family of Wilmington, N.C. A community pre-nuptial show er was held Saturday afternoon at Page for Joeiln Kennedy who was SPECIAL ... ONE WEEK ONLY! SPECIAL THIS WEEK I I 1 i TO INTRODUCE THE SENSATIONAL NEW with exclusive VlbraBeat CLEANING ACTION ' __ ^ AST ^— -wwr W\ ----vrrrrr- I BEATS • SWEEPS • SUCTION CLEANS CLEANS 3 TIMES FASTER For the first time in any vacuum cleaner- jowerful, air driven "Vibra-Beaters” dislodge embedued dirt! full ' horsepower suction and sweeping brushes do the dean* ving! Cleans 3 times faster than other cleaners. LOOK WHAT YOU GET! 10 PC. SET DELUXE CLEANING TOOLS 1 SPECIAL ... WHILE THEY LAST! TMS K>WMFUL-B*AND-NeW EU MODEL E05-B Powerful TA H. P. Motor Pfajlsi Dust Bog • Clip-On Tools Vinyl Swivel Hose Light • Quiet • Guaranteed ft* It** demonstration at our star* at *a«* *# PHONE 80 FOR lO DAY HOME TRIAL! Your Local Office Of Consumers Public Power District * married Sunday evening. Mrs. James Stewart was hostess at a party at her home Tuesday afternoon Those who called on Mr. ami Mrs. Lyndley Crumly in honor of their 20th wedding anniversary Wednesday evening were Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crumly and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly and family, Mr and Mrs. George Clasey, Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kennedy, Lura i Grass, Ronald Grass, James Hart man and Eddie Walker. ^ The Nifty Needlers met at the legion hall at two o'clock with Car-! ol and Linda Thompson as host esses. The Let's Cook girls made sand wiches with vegetables as a fill ing; Let’s Begin Baking group brought baking powder biscuits to be judged; Work and Play girls and Skirt and Blouse girls worked on their projects. Homemaking girls finished their luncheon cloths and will paint a tray at the next meeting which will be held Friday, June 12. Peggy O’Brien, reporter Teaching and Studies Await St. Mary's Sisters During Summer Months The Sisters of St. Mary’s Aca demy have been conducting sum mer catechism classes since the close of school. Sister Laurita, Sister Joseph and Sister Michael are teaching at Ewing. Sister Florence, Sister Agnes and Sister Genevieve instruct the children at Burwell. Mother Ag i nesine, Sister Thoma and Sister Mildred teach the O'Neill child ren. Next week two sisters will journey to Mason City to instruct the children there. The following teachers from the Acedemy will attend summer courses and institutes. Mother Ag nesine will attend an Institute at Notre Dame, Indiana, in August. Siser Agnes and Sister Mildred will pursue further studies at Lo yola University in California. Sis ter Genevieve will attend a twelve weeks’ course at Regis College, Denver, Colo. Sister Fides and Sis ter Josephine will attend an eight weeks’ summer session in mathe matices and science at Creighton University, Omaha. Sister Mich ael and Sister Florence will at tend St. Bonaventure’s University in New York. Hynes Rites Tuesday; Son of Pioneers William A. Hynes, 56, died Fri day in Omaha. Funeral services were conducted Tuesday at 10 a.m. from St. Patrick's Catholic church in O'Neill. Rev. Timothy O'Sullivan offici ated. Burial was in Calvary ceme tery under the direction of Biglins. The rosary was recited Monday evening at the funeral home. Pallbearers were Terry, Bill and Don Hynes, Dale Nissen, Louis Genereux and O. W. Drueke. Mr. Hynes was born in northern Holt county the son of pioneers Austin and Catherine Kelly Hynes. He was reared there and attended high school in O’Neill. Among the survivors are broth ers, Matt and Bernard of O'Neill and numerous other relatives. 4-H State Honors Won by Inman Boy In Lincoln Tuesday Gary Fick, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walt Fick of Inman, was runner up in state 4-H public speaking contest in Lincoln Tuesday. Gary was also the runner-up in last year's competition. The contest was a part of 4-H club week at the University of Ne braska agriculture campus this week. Karen Bowers, of Butte, became the district winner of the junior division and received a red ribbon for her speech. Other 4-H members attending were Perry Dawes, Gary Gilles pie and Nancy Wray, all of O' Neill, Jerry Hotmajka of Chambers and Gary Fick of Inman. 50TH ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary Sunday, June 14, with open house observances at the Methodist church annex in Inman from 3 te 5 in the afternoon. OPEN HOUSE Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rilie Paxton, of Stuart, are invited to attend an open house at their home between the hours of 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Sunday June 21st in honor of their golden wedding anniversary. (Advertisement) Milk Cows Pay 33V3% to 50% More Since introducing a whole milk market in northern Nebraska 2 years ago our producers have shown increases in income from 1/3 to ‘above their present in come from cream. You as producers may have heard various things about the milk market—but why don’t you take just a few minutes and drop a card to Langle’s Dairy, Box 361, O’Neill, Nebr., and get THE STRAIGHT AND FULL DETAILS on selling whole milk on an up-to-date basis. Please note on your card the num ber of cows in your total milking herd. Writing this card can be nothing but an advantage to you, us we are very well informed on all phases of the situation and are the originators of the Milk Market in this entire section of the state. Dr. John P. Murphy, Native Doctor, Dies Dr. John Patrick Murphy, native of this community, died in St Louis Tuesday after a year-long illness. Dr. Murphy was an ear. nose anti throat specialist and practiced in St. Louis for many years. D r. Murphy is survived by two daughter. Mrs. Frank McCrary of Clarksville, Missouri, and Mrs. William Grant of Wichita, Kansas, and five grandchildren' His wife preceded him in death in 1953. Miss Hilda Gallagher, of O'Neill, a cousin, will lease Thursday for St. Louis to attend the funeral. ON t'.S.S. COOK CAMP PENDLETON Robert M Freed, yeoman third class. USN son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Ereed of Atkinson, is now serving aboard the high speed transport USS Cook. a1——1 \ irgil Needham, left, Safeway stores’ new divisional manager, will replace Frank <i. Pringle, right, who Is retiring. Needham, now of Omaha, will head the company’s I»0 midwestern stores. The O'Neill store is one of the large organization. Phone Your News To The Frontier— PRES BY YOCTH CAMP Junior high school Presbyterian youth (wm Aikmson, Stuart, O' Neill and Cleveland are meeting i" "" 1 1 - 1 at Cleveland (his week for a church camp. Rev. John Mart of the local church is attending as a camp leader. 300 Head of Cattle Today j There will be 300 head of cattle at the O'Neill Livestock Market today—'100 of these will be light yearlings and calves, 75 will be yearlings, both heifers and steers. The balance of the stock will be slaughter cows and small calves. There w ill also be *00 250 head of feeder pigs. That hog sale begins at r* :30 p.ttt, at the O'Neill |j\ estock Market. O'NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 Vctii A Leigh Kevnohlson wmmmmmmim. ^ +#* * m iw—im m a rmBmmttxmm’mmmm Save MONEY for ijour vacation r,™ !Z Z',Z Z WJ]\iMl 11 Tfi the stamp plan I I ! I I I i ^ II111 | j J ^ ]-guaranteed by LUujJJ JklJJUj J COOP HOUSEKEEPING \ SupA&mz. IHere's pureBeefL All Beef.-f I ^ I INNAMON nothin^bntBeef// # <™ A/ BEANS 29c PhllChW* 2- 29c # wlf ^ ’UiuUi-Mrttflaertful'" Dole FROZEN JUICES MWorn or Motch'em • Try All Thren i 1 ;.oz. TINS With leant Big 40-0*. 1 C r Dubuque .Tin *rJ MIXED VEGETABLES ttr.... 3H?i.’”33c CHILI SAUCE b,..”*19' QUAKER OATS SSr.£39' $olcbuL ORANGE DRINK "The Family Drink" GRAPE JUICE .“ft 29' ICE TEA BLEND S£T..J?39c Oux, Ramify. rANCY FLAKE • Trices COCOANDT Good Thurs., Fri. f. I™ Sat, ■ //|C June 11-12-13 • Idilhon Bhand, CHOPPED BEEF “BIF”.”“43: CHOPPED PORK “MOR".5£/d)£AL Syrac/’* ... * »K 51c STRAINED HASH60 ,EEF 1 BABY FOOD VIENNA SAUSAGE in* SOAP THAT AGREES WITH YOUK SKIN * ^ «* % 1 0% ' 1, SW’THEART 3-29'3-39' <*ok \ BLUES WHILE YOU WASH Of ' BLU-WHITE.-10' - 27' | Dancer Fashions DISH WASHING SUDS _+ _ TREND-.2X59' rJ^ng BEADS O’ BLEACH X43' Modess. liquid bleach ! * ’ PUREX.-59' i —— . . ii ».J89c: TRENDS.X49'—— t Family Treat! BANANA MARSHMALLOW PIC Xratt Miniature Marshmallows, 10’/a Ot. Pkg. 29c Jell-O Instant Vanilla Padding.2 Pkgs. 23c Betty Crocker Pie Crust Mix.13 Oi.Pkg. 20« "MIX EM-OR MATCH EM" O.F. PEAS OR CORN 6-303 cans $1.00 GOLDEN VALLEY PORK & BEANS 3 No. 300 cans. 33c 6 300 cans.59c 3 No. 2^ cans . 59c 6 No. 2*/2 cans . $1.00 0. F. PEACHES, halves or sliced 2 303 cans 49c OUR FAMILY APPLE SAUCE _ _ 28-oz jar 33c GOLDEN VALLEY CATSUP. - 4 12-oz. btls. 69c Fresh Tender FRYERS, l%-2 lb: avg_ea. 59c Wimmers All Meat WIENERS_2-lb. pkg. 05c "MIX EM-OR MATCH EM" Somerdale Frozen PEAS or CORN5 pkgs $9C O.F. PINEAPPLE-ORANGE, GRAPE OR PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT DRINK 3 tall 32 oz tins.$1.00 6 tall 32 oz tins.$1.95 Our Family APPLE BUTTER ... 28 oz jar 33c Del Monte TOMATO JUICE .3 No. 2 cans 40c G. Valley VEGETABLE SOUP_4 tall rins 49c Armour’s Star Sliced BACON, lb. 59c 2-lbs. $| 09 Jack & Jill ICE CRE£M, van., choc., stby. i gal §9C __. FREE - $5.00 EXTRA IN S&H GREEN STAMPS - WITH THE PURCHASE OF THE FOLLOWING PICNICS, 5-lb. average.._..eachONLY $169 Fairest FACIAL TISSUE. 4 boxes. 400 count 97c $10.00 EXTRA - GREEN STAMPS Will BE GIVEN IF BOTH ITEMS ARE PURCHASED