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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1959)
Lose weight fast with Kessamin— forget hunger pangs! Now—reducirg no longer meant agonizing hunger pangs. Kessamin lets you lose weight fast without "Re* ducing Torture.” What's the secret of the Kessomin Plan} Remarkable Kessamin Tablets. They help control your hunger. You stilt eat all your favorite foods— simply want less of them. Kessomin Is completely safe—protects your health with vitamins and iron. Ask your druggist today about the Kessamin Plan. All you can lose Is pounds you don't need. KESSAMIN BETTER.,, by McKesson Gilligan REXALL Drug BEN (.11.1.14iAN BOB IIEVOY Phone 87—O’Neill Amelia News Pioneer Expires In Burwell Hospital By Florence Lindsey Friends in this vicinity received word of the death of Hamilton Ballogh at Burwell Saturday morn ing. Mr. Hallagh was a pioneer of the Ballogh community and postmast er of the Hallagh post office until it was discontinued in the late -10's. Mr. and Mrs. Ballagh have been making their home in Burwell in late years. Mrs. Darrel Slaymaker, Lloyd and Dannie of Albion are staying with her father, Bernie Kennedy, and helping with the ctiores while Mrs. Kennedy and Harold are v is iting in California. Rev. Francis Price is driving a new car. It is one of the small foreign models. Mrs. Vem Sageser attended a garden club work shop at Ains worth Friday. Mrs. Bernard Blackmore and Mrs. Lank Sageser went to Page Friday to attend a Rebekah con vention. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton dressed chickens for the freezer Friday. Mr. and Mi's. Dick Doo little, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Doolittle helped them. Mrs. Edith Andersen called at Rees Sunday afternoon. Don Peterson visited his friend. ; Frank Patton, at Grand Island from Thursday until Sunday. Tom Doolittle has been feeling “under the weather" lately. Dixie Lee and Kandy Doo little of Hcottshluff visited their father, Clinton Doolittle, and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom ' Doolittle, recently. Bill Sammons. Bus Gilman 'and Stanley Thompson were fishing near Bonesteel one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Adair, Allen and Dickie were dinner guests Sunday at her brother’s, the Cyril Peter's family, near O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ott were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. : Gloria Landrum and Sally. Mrs. Anton Svatos, Everett Stewart. Mrs. Delia Ernst, Mrs. Lindsey and Florence visited Mrs. Vern Stewart at Inman Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Kay Joy and son, Donald, left Wednesday for their I home at Walla Walla, Wash. They | have been visiting her parents, the | Glenn Whites, and other relatives. Don Adams went to Blair Mon j day where he will attend Summer I school. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith t of Maxwell, Mrs. Hump Smith and Kuth visited at K. W. Wal do’s Saturday. Mrs. Russel Granday and a friend of North Platte visited ox'er Thursday and Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Del Kramer. Dav id. Danny and Diane visited over Sunday night with her mother, Mrs. Edith Andersen. Mrs. Bemie Kennedy and son, Harold, and Mrs. Delia Ernst plan to leave Grand Island Thursday morning (today) by train enroute to Riverside. Calif. Mrs. Kennedy and Harold will visit her son, Larry Kennedy, and family. Mrs. Ernst will visit her nieces, Mrs. Emmett Carr and Mrs. Leo Marcellus, who also live near there. Mrs. Lew Burgett’s parents, who live near Bassett, attended the horse sale at Charley Petersons and visited a few days 'at the Bur gett home. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Berry were fishing near Bonesteel, S.D., Wed nesday of last week. Miss Charlotte Berry is employ ed at the IGA store in Atkinson. Don Peterson, who attends school In Casper, W'yo., visited STOCK CAR RACES! Stuart. Nebr. Sunday, June 14 8:00 Enjoy top-notch stock car racing at the Pioneer Stock Car Track of North-Central Nebraska. "The Best-Paying Track in The Area" ADMISSION—Adults, $1.00; High School, 50c; Children, 12 and under—FREE Introductory Offer DIRECT COLOR PORTRIATURE (1 Individual Each Sitting) 6 Natural Color Portraits in Folder 1 Enlarged Color Portrait in Folder $4-95 JUNE 8-12. 1-5 P.M. JUNE 13.9 A.M. - 5 P.M. COMPLETE COLOR PROCESSING BY O'NEILL PHOTO CO. Phone 1 O'Neill _Water Level Control Unit For Stock Watering Tanks A KELLY WELL SERVICE O'NEILL PHONE 721 Two young ladies flew into O’Neill Saturday afternoon as a promotion for tin* Midwest Aviation Show staged at Omaha over the weekend. The two girls were on their way to Wayne and stopped here to encourage O'Neill residents to attend the Omaha show. On hand to greet them ut the airport were, from left. O’Neill Mayor Dewey Schaffer, Chamber of Commerce President Kay Eby, and Chamber Secretary Morgan Ward. The girls. Miss Sarah GoreHek and Miss Kose Stehno, in the middle, are both licensed pilots. Photo and Engraving by The Frontier his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson, the past week. He ex pects to return to Casper soon, where he has work for the sum mer. Mrs. Vein Stewart of Inman was a patient in the Atkinson hos pital last week. Her son, Marvin, is helping at the Raymond Bly ranch and Everett helped Anton Svatos with some painting for a few days. They formerly lived on the Harry Coolidge place. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton ar rived here Friday from Denver and visited until Tuesday at the home of her father, H. S. White, and brother, Glenn W’hite, and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce met their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bligh, and granddaughter, Mrs. Dick Brau, all of Omaha at Atkinson Saturday morning, June 2, and went to Val entine to spend the day visiting rel atives. The Blighs were taking their cousin, Jerd Dove, to his home near Valentine after he had under gone surgery at an Omaha hos pital. Mr Dove’s hand had been severely cut in a cement mixer ac cident about a year ago. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Adamson and family and David Adamson of McPherson, Kans., came Saturday; June 6, to visit at the Glenn White home. Merlin and David are neph ews of Mr. White. Mr. and Mrs. Adamson and fam ily are missionaries in Africa and plan to return there during the summer. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton and daughter, Phillis, left Tuesday. June 2, to go to Lancaster, Calif., to attend the wedding of their son, Don. They will also visit Mrs. I Fullerton’s brother and wife. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spath and Elaine and her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Keith McMillan, and daughters. Mrs. Floyd Adams and Don and Miss Cleta Murray of O’Neill were in Blair and Sioux City, la., Thurs day of last week. Miss Myrtle White arrived home Wednesday from Green ville, 111., where she attended college the past year. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia were in Lincoln a few days last week on business. Tom Fort and his son of DeWitt attended the apoaloosa horse sale at the Charley Peterson ranch Wednesday and then visited over night at the home of his cousin, William Fryrear. Mrs. Bob Blackmore, Luanne. Julie ‘and Susie of Cheyenne, Wyo., are visiting at the Bernard Black more and Asa Watson home. Mrs. Paul Moore and son, Jackie, of Rapid City, S.D., visited several days the past week with tier sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton and Phillis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce are driving a new Chevrolet. Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Hatch of ’ >rt Collins. Colo., came Friday and vis1 ted her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson. — Inman News By Mrs. James McMahon Mrs. Leonard I^eidy and son. Kent, and Mrs. Walter Jacox of Minturn, Colo., spent a few days last week visiting in the home of Mr and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Mrs. Earl L. Watson and daugh ter, LuElla returned Thursday eve ning from Omaha and Lincoln where they spent a couple of days shopping. Roger Tompkins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins, submit ted to major surgery' early Satur day morning at St. Anthony’s hos pital in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coventry and son, Joe, of Norfolk spent the weekend visiting in the home of Ronald’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry. Elmer Crosser of Sheldon, la,, came Thursday evening to visit in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Hairy McGraw. He returned to Sheldon Friday afternoon accompanied by Mrs Crosser und children, who had been visiting in the McGraw and Miller homes for a few days. Mrs. James Coventry' and Mrs. John Mattson spent Tuesday in Sioux City, la. They were accom panied home by Mrs. James Mc Mahan. who had spent the past two weeks in Sioux City. Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and Bill, Mrs. James McMahan and Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson were dinner guests Sunday In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Coventry to help them cel ebrate their 25th wedding an niversary. Mrs. Helen Sholes of Buhl, Ida., spent a few days last week in the Violet and Rufus Sholes home. About a dozen Rebekahs attend ed the District meeting at Page Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ubben, Mrs. Vaden Kivett and Miss Margaret Pruss left Sunday for Wayne where they will attend summer school. Mrs. Merle DeLong left Monday for Blair where she will attend summer school. Mr. ’and Mrs. John Mattson were supper guests Friday in the home I of Mr. and Mrs. Vem Wrede and family at O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hutton spent the weekend visiting their son and daughter-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hutton and daughter, at Table Rock. Harold Sobotka, who has been employed at Arapahoe, returned to his home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Sobotka and family of Columbus spent the weekend visiting Mr. Sobotka’s father, John Sobotka, and also to attend the I'nderwoodSobotka wedding In O’Neill Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Couch and son left Sunday for Wilbur where they are employed. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Sholes re turned to their home in Lexington Saturday after visiting a week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and with other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sholes ’and girls left Saturday for their home in Buhl, Ida., after visiting in the Rufus and Violet Sholes home here and with relatives in O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Matchullat of Lincoln and Edward Matchullat of Chicago, 111., were callers Saturday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Anthony and family. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanks of Lex ington are spending a few days vis iting Mrs. Charles Lul>en. Mrs. Violet Stewart returned Sunday from Atkinson Memorial hospital where she was a medical patient for a few days. Several from the Inman Com munity attended the horse sale at the Petrson ranch near Amelia Wednesday. Albert Reynolds spent last week in the Guy Hull home at Redbird helping with the new house the Hulls are building. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Morsbaeh and daughter of Clearwater spent Sunday visiting Mr. Morsbaeh's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Mors bach, and also the David Mors baeh family. Harvey A. Tompkins left Monday for Grand Island where he will at tend the Methodist church confer ence. Mrs. Lewis F. Kopecky and son, Dick, spent a few days last week m .«>■ JUST LOOK AT THE SOLID CONSTRUCTION of The Lark by Studebaker! Built by the, famed craftsmen of Studebaker. One of the j strongest structural forms known to engi* nee ring is employed in The Lark frame and^ body. Box-section construction resists! shocks, tension, and rattles. Easy access through all doors ... generous headroom and legroom... deep, vacation-sized trunk. Other Lark features are: two great economy engines—the "6” and V-8, oversize brakes, comfortable ride, high fashion int* riors, and reclining seats. BEFORE YOU BUY ANY CAR FIND OUT ABOUT theIAHK BYSTUDEBAKER Come in and fun drive The LARK at SMITH MOTOR COMPANY 228 E. Douglas O'Neil REFEREE’S SALE RANCH r*—rr-w psac* ‘ -•> 2500 Acres wet Improved Close to Highway Modern Home Contact: Electricity Julius D. Cronin, Referee, O’Neill, MCmt, Nek I KNOWN AS GEORGE McGINNIS RANCH AT AMELIA 2500 acres (approx.) of ranch land to be sold at public auction at the west front door of the Holt County Courthouse in O'Neill, Nebraska on Friday, June 19, 1959 at 1 o'clock P.M. Improvements include: Modern, electric, insulated home; double garage, corn crib and granary; barn; cattlebarn; new machine shed; chicken house; brooder house and others. There are 700 acres of hay land, 60 acres of alfalfa, 70 acres of farm land and 1670 acres of pasture (approx, figures) with 20 flowing wells and 2 wind mills. Terms of Sale: 15% on day of sale, balance on confirmation. Abstracts of title are available and will be extended and furnished to purchaser. For further information see or contact Julius D. Cronin, Referee, O'Neill, Nebraska or Richards, Yost & Schafersman, attorneys in Fremont, Nebraska. NOTE: Private owner will sell an additional 400 acres of nearby pasture land at the sale. visiting relatives und friends in l jncoln. Mr. ami Mrs. F.d Chudonielka spent Sunday at Schuy ler and Co lumbus visiting relatives. Miss Verna Truss attended the wedding of Mary Ann Kallhoff and Vernon BKicher at Ewing Saturday. June 6. Mrs James Banks and son. Rog er. left Snuday for the Horne ranch at Atkinson where they will attend the RLDS youth camp for a week Mrs Vein Wretie and Chuck and' Bcekj of O'Neill were Inman cull ers Friday afternoon. Paul Shierk IN3FRANCE AGENCY O'NEILL, NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds ^mmmmm——^^mmmwmmmmmmanhhm WASH, posal is f planting wheat—’ plus c lower out cro a • --- kin. aid is alsodes. _ ers from to marke iffi was par of the / 1940s. All tht the j an < of Th. tion velo,. •uggr, expa pilot hBEI quin ||^j| vate ^3 ing th necer ^ Thi^g^ domint^ir messag W The PT ers—an i pa.1me\ drafted I over tv | ment tc\ costs o. ] where i 1 course v t that mr / , programsX to urban cl The onljl In the ent 1 could cone # favor a gr» f smaller, fe » in farm p f President's | "using food 1 tration call q than an ech. i j DID IT!" ...he got me a new bedroom phoneli Thoughtful gift for a busy wife! A convenient phone in the bed*J room eaves her steps and stair] climbing . . . provides wanted privacy and a wonderful feeling of security. Handy phones In bed room, kitchen and laundry lights* the work and brighten the da/" for busy wives! Nine handsonW colors to choose from. Call the telephone business office to place your order. Northwestern Bell! Telephone Company. Happy wives have handy phone# (and thoughtful husband$l) j