Section Two ♦ Pages 9 to 16 "The Voice of the Beef Empire" Vo me 79—Number 6 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, June 4, 1959 Seven Centi Mrs. Nora Hayes Ulrich, and Ed ('oiifal of Stuart were the man and woman members of the oldest classes represented at the St. Joseph, Atkinson, high school first alumni banquet. See story on page I. Photo and Engraving by The Frontier Try The Frontier Wantads ... It Pays ! .. vv.: •-■- --•■- mm * H Casual Lindie Pump m, For women and girls Carefree style combines with cool, comfort able fit. Cool poplin liody with two-tone elasticized throat for snug fit. Cushioned in sole. 5 to 9. X! I Men’s Canvas Oxford Sizes 6 to 11 Made of cool, sturdy slub poplin with vul canized kork outsole and full cushioned in sole. Rubber mudguard and sole welting. Brown, blue. Women’s Sandal Sizes 5-9 Chic sandal has multi-color braid vamp, elasticized in step strap. Durable ruhlier sole. Beige, black. Canvas Oxford Sizes 5-9 Fine quality oxford for women and girls. Crepe soles, full cushioned in sole. Leather Sandals Sizes 5-9 2*^ A flat, open sandal that’s smart for summer wear. Has cushioned insole, nuclear out sole. Adustable straps. Children’s Oxford Sizes 8-3 1*^ Cool play shoes of durable twill with arch-supporting inso]e. Crepe rubber sole. Red, black. Child’s Sandal Size 8y2-3 298 Light, airy sandal for little girls. Leather body with closed heel, open toe. Cushioned. Swivel Strap Pump Size 8|/2-3 Comfortable canvas pump in multi-colored or red and white stripe pattern. Bow and sock lining match. # m • * • * « *, ___*---— L . m m § . • • * „ * • . * * * * * s _ _ _ „_LJ_‘ _ Ewing News Nuns Conduct Bible Classes at St. Peter's Catholic Church By Mr*. Harold Harris Daily vacation hible school ix>- ; gan Monday morning for the chtl- I dren of St Peter's parish with a large enrollment. Teachers are I Sister Joseph, Sister Michael and ! Sister Laurita, all from St. Mary s Academy at O’Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Aldrich Thompson accompanied by Mrs. Anna lhomp son of O'Neill left Tuesday, May 26 to spend a few days at North Bend. They will return home after Memorial Day. Guests from Thursday to Satur ! day May 21-24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis were Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hayes of Los Angel es. Calif. . „ . Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis en tertained at dinner Monday eve 1 ning. May 25 Mr. and Mrs_ Earl I Pierson and their son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Pierson and daughters of Seattle, Wash., and Mrs. John A Wood of Ewing. , | , Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Tomjack and children were guests on Sunday, May 24 at the home of her parents, Mr.’ and Mrs. Everett Taylor a Oakdale. Misses Hazel Ruby and Elsie Chase left May 24 for Gillette, Wyo.. to spend two weeks visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Johansen of Plainvlew were guest* on Sun day, May 24 at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. Gail Boles. Other callers the same day at the Boles home were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Bohn and son, John of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Horde had as their guests on May 24 Mr. and , Mrs. Lionel Gunter, Mr. and Mrs. I Alfred Napier and children of Ew- ; ing and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Swit- I zer and family of Clearwater. Duane Horde w’as a weekend guest of his parents. Friday, May 22nd was a record breaker for fisherman Leo V an dersnick when he caught a 17 3/4 pound pickerel while fishing north of Bonesteel S. D. Mr. Vandersnick accompanied by Ed Urban and Henry Fleming, were having no luck on this day of fishing, intermittent showers con fined them to their car and the fish did not bite Mr. Vandersnick had tried all the lures of his tack le box with the exception of a new variety lure of the spinner type, purchased recently. As a last re sort he fastened it to his line, cast a few times, then thinking he had snagged a log and was trying to re cover his line when "the log'' took off for deeper water. Then the battle began, with Mr. Vandersnick coming out the winner. He brought home his trophy and had it on dis play at his snooker parlors where many of his friends viewed it. Carolyn Tams, Gloria Schroeder and Lorraine Bartos went to Ne ligh May 25 to attend the gradua tion of Tamzam Peterson, a for mer classmate at the Neligh pub lic school. They were guests over night at the home of Tamzam’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peter- i son. Mrs. Edna Lofquest went to Ve- j nus on May 23 to visit at the home of her cousin, Mrs. Dale Mitteis ; and husband. Chher guests at the Mitteis were Mrs. Lofguit’s uncle, Fred Fossburg of Minatare and | Mr. and Mrs. William Webster of J Hastings. j Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Meyers of j Neligh and their daughter, Mrs. Merle Meyer and son, Mark were guests on Monday, May 25. Mrs. Edna Lofquest was a din- i ner guest on May 24 at the home ; of Mrs. Waunita Miller and sons, j Mrs. Mamie Grady was an ov ernight guest May 23 at the home of the Misses Anna and Theresa Bauer. She was enroute to Den ver, Colo., from Columbus. School in district 46 came to a i 1* sea kVk close with a picnic on Sunday, Ma\ 25 attended by all the parents and J other relatives and friends. The I ladies of the group enjoyed visit ing while the men played horse shoe and the youngsters hail a ball | game. Mrs. Rachel Van Conet has i signed to return for next year. I Mrs. Funk, who also taught here j this past year will not return. Miss Theresa Bauer went to Ne- I ligh for a checkup on Saturday. | May 23 and her doctor advised ; hospital care. She is in the Ante- j lo|ie Memorial hospital. Cathy Burk, daughter of Mr. ! and Mrs. Dave Burk is staying at j the home of her aunt and uncle. Mr. and Mrs. Martin VanConet and attending vacation Bible school ai j St. Peter’s Church. — War Dead Honored In Ewing Exercises On Memorial Day By .Mrs. II. |{. Harris Memorial day services in Ewing were held Saturday morning a. ten o’clock at the auditorium of the Ewing public school, sponsor ed by the American Legion and Auxiliary of Sanders post No. 214. The stage featuring the memorial poppy was decorated by Auxiliary members Mesdames Alfred Na pier, Loyd Wtst, Eula Eppenbach and C. C. Hahlbeck. Colors were presen'.ed for the Legion by Loyd West and Harold Bennett, for the Aurilary by Mrs. Frank Hawk and Mrs. C. C. Hahl beck. Color guards were Lester Bergstrom and Alfred Napier. Ralph Munn was master of cere monies. Rev. Francis E. Kubart of St. John's Church gave the address. The invocation and benediction was given by Dr. William H. Ross, Miss Lois Jean Kaczor, 1959 girl stater gave a reading "In Plun der's Field” and Bill Bauer, the 1959 boy stater gave "The Gettys burg Address". Vocal solos were sung by Douglas Shrader and Shar on Johnston. The audience sang “T h e Star Spangled Banner”. Miss Sandra Shrader was the pi anist. Services honoring those w h o gave their life in the U.S. Navy were conducted at the Elkhorn River bridge north of Ewing. The miniature boat made by Miss Vena Wood was lowered by Wayne Shra der and John Napier. Ceremonies were also conducted at St. Peter’s and Ewing ceme teries, where a memorial poppy wreath was placed on the grave of the unknown soldier by Carolyn Bergstrom and Glenda Napier. The firing squad gave a salute at each place followed by taps played by Paul Gunter. Members of the squad were Jerry Bother Mrs. Jo Ann Wecker walked away with three first places this year for her bowling prowess. She won the O’Neill women s champ ionship, the O’Neill women’s city tournament and the doubles high. Photo and Engraving by The Frontier ham, Ivan Wright, Louts Yander snit'k, James Botes,* Jot' John Thoendel, Leo Hawk, LtHtis Hanna and Otar Its Spangler. Roger Ben nett was in command. The Auxiliary placed memorial poppy wreaths on the graves of four deceased members. The Le gion placed a flag on the grave of all veterans. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Norwood and family left Monday to return „o their home ai Midwest, Wyo., after sending the holiday week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood. Mrs. Amy Jacobsen had as her dinner guests on Sunday, her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Norwood and their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Nor wood and family of Midwest. Wyo. and Miss Karen Tuttle of Ewing. Mr. anti Mrs. Elmer Grim were gues:s of their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Telford Grim at Veidigre on Memorial day. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Grim and his mother, Mrs. Lizzie Grim were Sunday dinner guests at the Harry Buttertield home at Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hunter attended a family gathering at the Lionel Hunter h o in e on Memorial Day. Mrs. Lyle Speii cer and daughters from Neligh were callers Monday al (he De witt Hunter home. Mrs. Spen eer and daughters were going to Columbus, where they would leave for a vacation trip to Cali fornia, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shrader cel ebrated their 25th wedding anni versary on Sunday, May 31. In ho nor of the occasion open house was held from two until five in the afternoon at Their home for rela tives. The anniversary cake was baked and decorated by Mrs. Wilbur Ben nett. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Luzio and family, Mr. and Mrs. Einer Jorgensen and daugh ter of Emerson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Napier and family and Charles Morset or Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bearinger of Clear water, Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Morrow and children, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Wettlaufer and family or U INeill, Mr. ana ivus. i*. oiud der and son of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thomas and son of Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shrader and family. Mr. and Mrs. Archie Johnston and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Shrader, Alice and Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Shra der and children, Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett, Miss Ina Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaczor Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaczor, Mr. and all of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hahlbeck had as their guests on Memorial day Mr. and Mrs. Clifford llahl beck and family and Mrs. Maud Boies, all of Ewing and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hightower of Oma ha. Guests on May 30 at the Lester Bergstrom home were her mother, Mrs. Caroline Sanders of Ewing, Mrs Ethel Trumbull of Allen, S.D., and Mrs. Bernice Harlan of Til den. A family gathering was held Sunday at the home of Mrs. Caro line Sanders. Present were Mr. and Lester Bergstrom and family of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. San ders of Laurel, Mrs. Ethel Trum bull, Mr. and Mrs. John Trumbull and family of Allen, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Loyd West and family went to Omaha for the holiday weekend, attending the ball game between the Cardinals and Denver Bears on Sunday and also visited places of amusement and interest to their daughters. Mrs. Weldon Alexander and family of Plainview were guests recently at the home of .\Ir. and Mrs. Loyd West and family. A picnic dinner was enjoyed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn on Memorial day. The af ternoon hours were spent inform ally. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bishop of Plainview, Pat Bergstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bergstrom of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom and Kay of Ewing, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Itoewe of Wisner. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bittner of Royal, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bittner and family of Fre mont. Mary Sharon, Monica, Pat and Mike spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier. The school auditorium was filled t o capacity Thursday evening, May 21 for the annual commence ment exercises of the Ewing high school. Mis Roberta Jean McDaniels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert McDaniels was announced as val These smiling howlers were just presented tliHr trophys for winning the women's city team championship. They are. from left, Mrs. Dorothy Mlinar, Mrs. Sarah Krugman, Mrs. Marlene Me Nichols, Mrs. Patricia Cleveland, Mrs. Elaine Bourne. They are all members of the I-eaguettes. Thoto and Engraving by The Frontier ■ . • • . • ■>«’*< * *•■ • , —_____________ I edictorian of the class of seven teen seniors. Miss Carolyn Tams, daughter of Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Tams was salutatonan. Each gave an address. The commencement address was presented by Dr. D G. Merriman, dean of students of Wayne State Teachers College, llis topic "Se paration of Adults from the chil dren." Scholarships were presented by Supt. G. 1>. Ryan. They were. Wayne State Teachers College, .Miss McDaniels; the Norfolk Junior College of Norfolk, Miss ITams. Sharon Kropp, third highest in the class did not accept the c It u r eh schoiorship b e c a u s e she could not use it so this was presented to Larry Rotherham fourth in the class. The processional and recession al was played by Mrs. Wilbur Spangler. James Catron, minister of the Ewing Church of Christ gave the invocation and benediction Musical selections were solos “If I Could Tell You" by Sharon Kropp and "On The Road to Mandalay” by Lyle Larson. Mrs. Spangler was accompanist. Alfred Napier, president of the board of education, presented high school diplomas to the class, who wore grey gowns and caps. The girls wore carnation corsages and the toys white carnation button ieres, their class flower. Members of the class are Lx>r raine Bartos, Jerry Hahlbeck, Donald Hawk, Sharon Kropp, Lyle Larson, Robterta Jean McDaniels, Janette Noffke, Larry Rotherham, Gloria Schroeder, Duane Salt/, Carolyn Ann Tams, Ronald Thoen del, Karen Tuttle, Sherry Tuttle, Richard Woslager, Waunelta Wragge and Donald Wright. Mrs. Floyd Black, presented the class of eighth graders to Supt. Ryan, who presented each a di ploma. '11*ey were Jeiry Hauer, Kay Rergstrom, Clayton Hoke, Lari-y Juracck, Jack Kropp, Vir lus l.oe, Myra Rotherham, Jim rams, Jerry Spangler, Ronnie Wei ke and Ronnie Turtle. Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! Phone 788 ISMI motorola CAR RADIOS To Kit Every Oir SHE US A SAVE MONEY PINKERMAN’S RADIO & TV O’NEILL Do Your Shopping at the SAFEWAY STORE Saturday, June 0—10 a-ra.-8 pjna AND HEAR PAUL COOPER I’lay and Demonstrate the Hammond Organ DIAMONDS Sought Cautiously ... Purchase Carefully . . . Result: An Excellent Investment McIntosh jewelry ♦07 E. Douglas Pbooe 1«« A Trusted Jeweler Is Your Best Advisor - - •. • ... •: *• • • . •* ” ■ * . «* • • * * * * * « ° o . # • • •> • *• •