Ewing News Hjf >lrs. Ilrtruld Harris Mr. and Mr*, Roliert Tama *r . were honored Sunday at their home when friend* and relative* arrived about noon with well filled baskets for a picnic dinner to join them in celebrating their silver wedding anniversary. The children of the family pre sent'd them a television set They also received a collection of sil ver dollars and many other gifts. Luneh was also served during the afternoon. In attendance were Mr. and Mrs, Fred Tams of Clearwater, Mi and Mrs Wendell Barton, Mr and Mrs. Dale Pettijohn, all of Bruns wick, Mr. and .Mrs. Dans Seger und lamily of Norfolk, Kenneth Robertson of Springview, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Mareellus and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Marecllus and family of O'Neill, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robertson of Dong line, Air and Mrs, Jed Robertson of Valley, Mr. and Mrs Kelt h Schweigert and family of Dallas, S.D., Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Abney and two grandchildren of Inman, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wilson and family of Valley, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Horn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Horn and Allen of Page, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Peter son imd daughter of Neligh, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. liarriaomd daugh ter of Ewing and Miss Brenda Morrise of Omaha. Mrs. James Eurley of Madison was a guest for a few days last week ut the home of Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Snyder and other relatives in Ewing Holiday weekend guests at the home of Mrs. Pauline Noflko were her daughter anti husband, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Cronin and sons of Pierre, S.D. Other guests on Memorial day were Airs. Elmer Owens, Judy and Frank, Mrs. Stanley Raymond and son, all of Norfolk. Mrs. Pauline Noffke, her guests, Air. and Mrs, Vernon Cronin and sons of Pierre, S. IX and Mrs. El mer Owens and family, Mrs. Stan ley Raymond and son, all of Nor folk visited at the Henry Lange home Saturday afternoon, then all Thursday, June 4, Buck Night "KING CREOLE" With Elvis Presley, Carolyn Jones, Dean Jagger. Two Cartoons for the Kiddies Friday,-Saturday, June 5-6 Vincent Price, Carol Ohmart "House on the Haunted Hill" Plus "Gulliver's Travels" Mickey Mouse Cartoon 8un.-Mon.-Tues., June 7-8-9 Geo. Montgomery, Dian Brewster "King of the Wild Stallions" In DeLuxe Color Cartoon—M ashing ton, D.C. - Wed-Tliurs., June 10-11 Buck Nights Spencer Tracy, Claire Trevor and Robert Wagner "THE MOUNTAIN" In Color Two Cartoons r— I I ask yourself j these questions j you | buy a steel building .. ►Of* IT GO UP FAST AND [ASTt Don't wnxtc time end money on costly hired help for a week or more when you build .. . with the new -SIOUX- Steel Building you'll do the job voureelf with only two-on-the-farm helper* in a fraction of the time. -SIOUX «a faxt. easy and practical. S nr BIG ENOUGH FOR ALL YOU* NEEDSt -SIOUX- is . . . with room to spare. A full 20 ft high ... 40 ft. wide . . . and lengths la it any need. (It even enlarges la asetiorva for expansion). ■ THE COST LOWT With th* new -SIOUX- Sted Building voull stor* mors, pay leas. Site, strength. 1< ng-life with a price lag that will surprise you. CAN IT BE FINANCED? Sioux can . . . approved by A.S.C. for grain storage loans, with 20% down and 5 years to pay. In many cases the building can pay for itself in storage benefits alone. • IV FAMOUS -SlOUlf- OUAUTYY a farm build - Mg. From wall to wall, from dl la ventilator* luateriets and de mgn ars perfect examples oi urn gmfity that has marked -SIOUX* Steel equipment fur nearly SO M m mrwarx iono in asm amt OF MmoiNO insist on now. Mawfoctwon of Ito Moil Cow Oik to Aownw I WM. KROnER CO. SIOUX STEEL DISTRIBUTORS O’Neill. Nebr. were six o'clock dinner guests at the home of Nfr and Mrs. Gene Koenig. Mi and Mrs. John A Wood sjient I Memorial Day at Norfolk w ith te» j 1 lativ es. Mr. ami Mrs. Roliert Dunaway j and family ol Hastings v (sited dur I ing the holiday weekend at the ' [parental homes of Mr and Mrs. I Karl Billings ami Mr, and Mrs. ! Hoy IXinaway. Mrs. \S aldo Davis and Marie decorated graves of relatives at Tilden, Mitulim Grove ami Key •M on Memorial day, .Mr, Davis >|»ni the day with his mother, Mrs. Gertrude llavis at Orchard, who accompanied the family home (or over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler of j Iancoln attended the aldmni han i ijuet May Jtt and v isite-d at the ' home of her sister. Miss Vina Wood and other relatives in Kwing. Sunday guests at the home of j Mr. and Mrs. William Hobbs were ! her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John i Sehitfbauer sr., of Norfolk, Mr. and Mrtj. John Sehiffbauer jr,( and | family of Sidney and George Schiff bauer of Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. William II. Ross I were afternoon and dinner guests at the home of Mr. Robert Mc Laehlan at Atkinson Tuesday. Mrs. Ross also s[>ent the evening there while l>i Ross addressed the youth group at Camp Cleveland. The daily vacation Bible School I opened Monday morning for the children of the First Methodist and j the United Presbyterian churches. | Eighty-nine youngsters answered to roll call. A devotional period opens die session at 9:00 a m. and at the United Presbyterian Church in charge of Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Mrs. Ray Sedivy. Classes are dis missed each day at 3:30 p in. with the exception oj' the nursery class which is dismissed at 11:30 a.m. A picnic dinner on the lawn ol the United Presbyterian church will lie held Friday noon. On Sunday evening a program and exhibition of the work done during the week will lie held at the First Methodist Church. An offering to cover expense of the scIkjoI will be taken at this ser Parents and friends are cordial ly invited to attend. Reverend and Mrs. Cecil Green and daughter, Tammy were lion ored Sunday at die First Metho dist Church, alter the worship service and Sunday school hour, at a icUowslup covered dlsli din ner. The Greens were also pre- I seated a gilt ot money from the congregation by Aubrey Wood, chairman oi the ein.^ti board with which to purchase some ar ticle tor their new home which they recently moved into at Nor folk. Reverend Green has been the supply minister lor the First ivlein ouisi Cilurch since the lust ot the year, when the pastor, Rev. Lee jbridgen accepted anotner cnarge. Reverend Green is also an in structor m me Norlolk Junior Col lege. Rev. and Mrs. Green and daugh ter ieit Monday lor a vacation flip to lexas where they wiu visit at tile home of his parents. Mi-, and Mrs. Fred King oi Portianu, ure., arrived Monday to visit at the home ot her brother ana wile, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Serf ot Clearwater and also their niece, Mrs. James Minarrk and lainiiy at Ewing. Monday evening dinner guests at me James Mlnank home were ilei parents, Ml’, and Mrs. t reu Seri' oi Clearwater and tneir guests Mr. anu Mrs. r 10yd King ot Port land, Ure., Mr. and Mrs. Dvvigm ; Schroeaer and children ol kwuig. ivii . and mi s. James Mlnank nan as men' guests on inursday eve ning Don Mackel ot Elgin, Miss ixwina iViinarik and Gene Moms ot isehgn and Mr. and Mrs. Dwignt schroeder and 1 amity of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd King ot Portland, ure., anu Mr. and Mrs. Uvvight Scnroeder and cnilcnen were dinner guests ol Mrs. Senroe der s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James MinariK anu iamily. in tne alter noon an went lor a nae 10 isigin. n e u n e S U It y evening, alls. James Alhiank accompanied by Airs, Floyd King ol I’orilanu, uie., attended a pre-nupiial snower ueid ai the home oi Air. and atrs. U. A. i'ayne home near r.tgui, Honoring airs, ainiarik s dangnter, Aliss Donna, who will ue a J Unc unde. ivu'. anu airs. George Jelteries nau as meir guests on aunuay, an. anu ans. Mam iViun oi c iveni, an. anu ..ns. Henry aieycrs oi Ciearwatei anu Mr. ana ans. Clin ton Miner oi Ainsworth. air. anu ans. Maurice Archer anu tanuiy spent uie noiiaay weea enu wiui ms inouier, airs, jonn me no i. ans. aiauu cower ol iNe ngn was uiso a sl\ o ciock uinner guest at Uie Arcner nome aaturuay evening. ' ans. Dorothy Vaugnn ol umana spent me nouuay weeKenu wiui ner mouier, airs, dace nnggs, nouuay vveeaena guests at uie nome oi air. anu ans. .|uues xvouieruaui were men' uaugmer ana nusuana, air. anu ans. oonn nronscnnauei oi annueapons, anim. non ivouteinuui oi cnicom spent ltiursuay anu rnuay at uie pai entai nome. aliss neveriy ivouiei noin letumeu to Dnicoin on aiou uay anei sptnaiug a tew uays wiui ner parents. cues is at uie nome ox Miss ma ut'.iiieu ,ast weeK were an. anu ans. jonn c Dea, neo ana ivacuer anu ans. iveu nagiei ana sou, an oi Uuuinwu, d. D. air. anu ans. nil Groan were guests u.i aieinoimi uuy at uie name at air. anu airs, i tea Don Wu. anu son. an. unu ans. t,a croan accom panied uj ner uuugne.r, ans. ito uert r'tuuen ana cimuren weie ouiiuay uinner guests at uie home ol an. anu ans. Victor nbnwut unu luinny. ,ui. iuiu Airs. Husseli Bretlen kanip reidrued to men iiuiue in lurh ou lTiuay. airs, oiedeii kunip nau spent a lew nays with tier patents, air. anu ans. liuipu mcer mu also uiteuutu uie aiumm Oiuniuei AUesuay evening, nils. AnUlOW Cl sen ie till lieu , notne aaiaiauy troui a trip id wasiungton siute wneiv sue visiteu nei aaugnter ana iaiuny. air. anu an s. Dew is Carter spent uie nouuay weeaenu at cuauiou , with relatives. m Mm mm WMPfswL'* mmk Army Pvt. Ia*o J. Dean, '.’0, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard I.. Dean, Stuart, reeently eompleted advaneed individual tminini; with the 2d Armored Dl\ tsion at Fort Hood, Tex. Dean entered the \r my last Jloveinbcr, Phone Your News To The Frontier— Hospital Notes Sm ml Heart Lynch PRESENT; Mrs. Marlin Car stens and Bn by Mark Jeffrey Ca r stens of Naper; Mrs. Mary Classen of Spencer; John . Dickey of Silen cer; Baby K , ,-r Ray Ilaun of Spencer; Baly Ki lly Mitchell of Butte; Mrs. .■ itha Ruff of S|**n cer; Mrs. Ruin Ialbert of Bristow Harold I large is ul Spencer; Duane Cassidy of Lynch. Dismissed: May IS Mrs. Theiv dore Wright of \ordd; Mrs. Hen ry Hull of \ cruel; Mrs. Kennis Hansen of O Neill. 1B Miss Mar garet Storjoh nn of Spencer; Mrs Ce< ilia Liewtr of Butte 20 Baby Rocky De Sp ft « 1 • f Bonesteel, S D. 21 Mrs. Kitn'i i Elmer) of Bonesteel, S. D.; Iliss liliu Nor wood of Lyni i; Sirs. Adolph Scdl vy of Bristow; Otto Bentzen of j Naper; Mrs. j furry Delfs of Clear- j field, S, D. 2. Bernard Tun ink ol Butte. 23 Mirs KatlJeen Boeder of Fairfax, S. D : Mi :. Mary Sieler of Butte; Bitty M . nael B. Speiilel of Bonesteel, S,D. O'Neill Locals Mr. and firs. Charles Melena and Mr. and Mrs, Woody Melena ere in Nu>t>rnra Memorial Day Mr and Mrs M B, Mnreellus, Mr. and Mrs Billie Mnreellus Mr and Mr* D, H Marcellos of Stuart and P, E, Marccilus of Greeley. Colorado were Rucsts Saturday at the Sam Marcellos home in Stuart Clara Aim had dinner Saturday I for Mr. and Mr* Arthur Aim, Mr t and Mrs, Herman Pimnutf of Pam and Mr and Mrs H V Rouen* krans of Redbud You are on the inside of a concrete hog house looking out. \ ' t irnado struck the building and although did little other damage to the farm it tore the concrete side out of the building on the Kren Howard farm seven miles north of Orelmnl. For the lull weathei story during the past week see page 1. Photo and Kiigruvlng In The kr-nntlet Sec Safetvay*s big assortment of cheeses Swiss Gouda Cheddar Limburger Brick American Longhorn Old English ■MMCVOWMiOaO ■ * A Daisy of a Dairy-Season Salad! ... . Cottage Cheese and Pears: Lucerne — Small or large curd Town House — Bartlett, halved, Choice * 12-ox. Carton ! 32-ox. Carton 19< 43* 3"L.: $100i i w a. ■ ■ nO'OQiauarOnn tmtOMro nioo ■moho ocaua.n .n-o.*. Cheese Spread „ ..A Sc Pasteurized, Processed — Kraft’s Velveeta, 2-lb. Ctn. 79c 2-lb. Ctn. ^0 Canned Milk 7- $1 Cherub Brand, 7 Tall Cans 95c Pet or Carnation Cans ® Cream Cheese ^ J Kraft’s Philadelphia — makes a delicious cheese dip ... uaJ>k& Lucerne Butter 63c Sweet cream, U.S. Grade A A, lightly salted...... .Carton Lucerne Ice Milk ^/LQc Choc. Marble, Strawberry Marble, Vanilla and other flavors ... .Carton ^^B Jm Herahey’s Chocolate Syrup.16-oa. Can 23c (>J PI Dutch Mill; Pimento, 8-o*. A A Sliced Lncese Swiss or American .. .Pkg. £ Cheddar Cheese chedda/ chunks muu,. 65c ■a_ 11*11 Lucerne Lac-Mix; really 12-qt 7ft Ury ItIIIK instant, just add water.Pkg. # pC ' Lucerne Milk vSSgtu. *h Coffee d«$1.41 Potato Snaks a different flavor .... Pkg. 35c p | • New Oreo ll^i-o*. AfV Nabisco vOOkieS Creme Sandwich Pkg. J7( P I • Sunshine; Orange Sandwich, 1-lb. IQ VOOKieS try this different flavor.Pkg. 4#( Crackers New, crisp and crunchy.Pkg. 29c Grapefruit Sections ' ", 2 N.» 35c T___* _ Lucky Whip; Try this 9'/j-oz. PA I Oppmq delicious dessert topping.Can J l\._ Gaines; a delicious & g 1-lb.