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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1959)
<Published May 14, 19591 NOTH E art OF O'NFILl., NEBRASKA Ordinance .No. 3,'I A AN ORDINANCE CREATING PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 30 IN THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NE BRASKA. DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES .AND PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET I M P R O V E M E N T S THEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O'NEILL, NEBRAS KA: Section 1. The Mayor and City Council of the City of O'Neill, Ne braska liereby find and determine: A Petition has been filed with the City Clerk ami presented to the City Council petitioning for the cre ation of a paving district for the improvement of Clay Street from the West line of First Street to the West line of Second Street in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. As determined by the records in the office of the County Clerk and Register of Deeds of said County j there are 14 resident owners own ing property directly abutting up on the street projxised to be im proved and 9 of said resident own ers owning property directly abut ting upon the street to lx? improv ed have signed said petition. The j lietition is sufficient in form and, signed by the required numlier of j said resident owners. Section 2. There is hereby creat-1 ed within said City Paving District I Numlier 30 which shall include all i the area within the following outer boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at the mid-point on the East side of Block "D” of the O'Neill and Haggerty's Addition to the City of O’Neill, Nebraska; thence East to the mid-point in the East Side of Block 7 of the Original Town of O’Neill, Nebraska; Thence South to the mid-point on the East side of Block 18 of the Original Town of O’Neill; thence West to the mid-point on die East side of Block C of the O’Neill and Haggerty's Addi uon; mence otonn 10 me pumi of beginning. The street to lie improved is Clay Street from the West line of First Street to the West Line of Second Street in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. Section 3. The part of the street included in Paving District Number 30 is ordered improved by paving, curbing and guttering and such work as may Ik* incidental thereto at public cost but the City shall levy special assessments on the property specially benefited by 9aid improvements proportionate to benefits as provided by law to reimburse the City. PASSED AND APPROVED this 12th day of May, 1959. D. C. Schaffer, Mayor. ATTEST: O. D. French, City Clerk. (SEAL) 3c (First pub. May 14, 1959) Elven A Butterfield, attorney NOTICE OF HEARINCi OF PE TITION FOR FINAL SETTLE MENT OF ACCOUNT. No. 4.800 COUNTY OOinlT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA ESTATE OF FRED V STEARNS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition hiiN been filed for flual settlement herein, deternifnaUbh of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will Ik* for hearing in this court on June 3, 1959, at 10 oclock, A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 3-5c notice of hearing ON DISSOLUTION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 14fl OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O’Neill, Ne braska. In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska. I am required to dissolve Dist. No. 145 of Holt County and attach the territory thereof to other school districts for the reason that said Dist. No. 145 has contracted for instruction with neighboring districts for a period of five years or more. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room at (tie Court House in O’Neill, Nebras ka on Monday, May 18, 2:00 p.m. ALICE L. FRENCH, County Superintendent. l-2-3c .. .. " "■ f ' NOTICE OF HEARING ON DISSOLUTION OF SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. 181 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUPERINTENDENT, O’Neill, Ne brssk& In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, I am required to dissolve Dist. No. 181 of Holt County and attach the territory thereof to other school districts for the reason that said Dist. No. 181 has contracted for instruction with neighboring districts for a period of five years or more. A hearing of said matter will lie held in the Assembly Room at the Court House in O’Neill, Nebras ka on Monday, May 18, 2:30 p.m. ALICE L FRENCH, County Superintendent. l-2-3c NOTICE CITY OF O’NEILL. NEBRASKA Ordinance No. 322-A AN ORDINANCE CREATING PAVING DISTRICT NUMBER 28 IN THE CITY OF O’NEILL. NE BRASKA, DEFINING THE BOUN DARIES AND PROVIDNG FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF STREET 1MPRO VEMENTS THEREIN. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MA YOR AND CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF O’NEILL. NEBRA SKA: Section 1. The Mayor and City Council of the City of O’Neill. Ne- | braska, hereby find and determine: A Petition has been filed with the | City Clerk and presented to the ' City’ Council petitioning for the i creation of a paving district for l the improvement of / Seventh Street from the north \ line of Douglas Street to the . north line of Adams Street in | the City of O'Neill. Nebraska. As determined by the record in I the office of the County Clerk and , ' Register of Deeds of said County j j there are 11 resident owners own- I 1 *ng property directly shut ting upon the '•life? proposed to he unproved and 7 of said resi dent owners owning property di rectly abutting upon the street to lie improved have signed said pe tition. The petition is sufficient in form and signed hy the required number of said resident owners. Section 2. There h> hereby cre ated within .-Mid City Paving [di strict Number 28 which shall in clude all the area within the fol lowing outer boundaries, to-wit: Commencing at the mid-point on the south side of Block 13, of the Original Town of O'Neill, Nebraska; thence north to the mid-point on the south side of Block 48 of the McCafferty's Addition in the City of O'Neill; thenfe rut to the mid-point on the south side of Block H of the McCafferty’s Second addi tion in the City of O Neill; thence south to the mid-point on the south side of Bloek C of the Fahy's Second Addition in the City of O'Neill; thence west to the {joint of beginning The street to be improved is Seventh Street from the north line I of Douglas Street to the north line of Adams Street in the City of I O'Neill, Nebraska | Sett ion 3. The part of the street included in Paving District Num j ber 28 is ordered improved by pav j ing. curbing and guttering and isuch work as may be incidental ; thereto at public cost but the City shall levy special assessments on the property specially benefited by j said improxements proportionate to Ixenefits as provided by laxv to reimburse the City. PASSED AND APPROVED this 5th dax of May, 1959. D. C Schaffer Mayor ATTEST: O. D. French City Clerk (SEAL* 3c I i First Pub. May 14, 1959 > Richards. Yost & Schafersman, Attys Fremont, Nebraska NOTICE t>F REFEREE'S SALE Notice is hereby gixen that by xirtue of an Order of sale issued b> the District Court of Holt Coun ty,, Nebraska, in an action pending therein wherein George F McGin nis and LoRena M McGinnis are plaintiffs and Jane E McGinnis et al are defendants iCuse No.l5308>, lirecting me as referee to sell the following described teal estate, to mit: Tlie East Half; the East Half of the West Half; the North west Quarter of the Northwest Quarter; the Southwest Quar ter of the Southwest Quarter; all in Section 1. The East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 11. All of Section 12. The Northwest Quarter of Sec tion 13, The Northeast Quarter of Sec tion 14, All in Township 26. North Range 14, West of the 6th P. M in Holt County, Nebraska, and. The West Half; the South west Quarter of the Southeast Quar ter. all in Section 6, The Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; the North half of the Northwest Quarter, all in Section 7, The North Half of (he North half of Section 18. The East half of Section 30, All in Township 26. North Range 13. West of the 6th P M. in Holt County. Nebraska I will offer said real estate for sale at public auction on June 19th. mnnnniirU| 1959. at 1:00 o'clock P M. at the j front door of the Holt County Courtho use O'Neill, Nebraska j Terms of sale 15' < casfi at the time of sale ami the balance of the 1 purchase price to he paid on eoiv ! firmation. JULIUS D. CRONIN. Referee 3-7e O'Neill Locals Mr ami Mrs Kenneth Curren visited relatives in Valley Sunday , Mrs Bill Kelly. Mrs Ina Wolfe ;and Mrs Jerome Spdtler were in Norfolk Tuesday to meet Mrs '.lames Kelley on her return from three week's visit in Great Bend, I Kansas. Try Hii' FVonttrr Want Ads . MAY SPECIAL May 18 thru May 29 at Dona’s Beauty Shop SIU I’KHMANKM' ... f<»r S.H.M1 s:,Ml I'HiMAWNT .. tor SO.MI Mi rni rt’KM -\ NIK. NT .. tor S.VOO 1 ><IN \ t XKSON XliUiaRer Num y Forbr*. opo rotor Call tor appointment at v" Cambers or 1K3 at Amelia J [ g et Top Value stam ps FOR FREE GIFTS AT 1 1 7 BIG DAYS - THURS. TO WED. THE NEW Outlaw Fresh Iican .pi PORK ROAST... lb. 39c W Swift’s Premium MINCED HAM... lb. 39« > Swift's Sliced BACON 2 fc. 69c |M WIENERS_lb. 49c ill tfnrmel 2 % SAUSAGE. 1-lb bags 69c FRESH CUT UP ti *■ FRYERS * HORSE SHOE CONTEST* *! I Horse Shoe Contest on the West Side of the Outlaw Saturday ! I from 3 p.m. to 9 p m. Everyone is invited to Participate. A Prize | t to the Winner. Come on Out and Have Some Fun! ( ( DUPLICATE PRIZES IN CASE OF A TIE > 1 . I REAL LEMON DRINK _^ SHOWBOAT PINK ~ ramon MOTHER S BEST _ ILOUB ID 59c m Pure* First Call—M-ob. cans Good-N Rich Real Gold—6 oz. cans I BLEACH .... y2 gal. 33c TOM. JUICE .... 3/79c CAKE MIXES .. ea. 10c ORANGE BASE 4 /75c 50 extra Top Value Stamps FREE With the Following Purchases Chase and Sand. Instant COFFEE .. 6-oz jr. 89c Vets—1-lb. cans DOG FOOD .. 9/85c Morrel—1-lb. pkg. LARD . 4/69c Blue Bonnet OLEO.3 lbs. 83c Golden MACARONI .. 2/45c Charmin Facial 100 ct. TISSUE .. 4 boxes 89c R Way Dill PICKLES .. V2 gal. 59c Soft Weve TISSUE .... 6 rolls 87c Mtisselman’s Pie APPLES, 4 No. 2 98c Hunt’s—2 Vi cans Fr. Cocktail .. 2/89c Penlck Golden SYRUP, 5-lb. pail 63c . Sta-Flo 1 STARCH, l/2 gal. 39c I I I WF. RESERVE THE RIGHT ^ I TO LIMIT QUANTITIES. NO ^ I DEALERS PLEASE ! | I k Fresh Frozen WHITING FILLETS_lb. 19c Kparetime Chicken or Turkey FROZEN PIES. $ 10-oz. pies $100 Cal Treat Frozen STRAWBERRIES, 510-oz pks $100 Sealtest—All Flavors ICE CREAM_i/2 gal. 79c " ALL FLAVORS M _JELLO I 8 Pkgs. 69c I woaucer t Fresh Crisp ) ■ J CARROTS - -. 2 cello bags \ 9c | I I Medium Yellow I I Red Ripe ! TOMATOES " Fancy Wlnesap ! APPLES ___