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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1959)
Poeses Are New In City The only male member of a family of six is one way of describ ing one of O'Neill’s most recent newcomers. He is Gilbert Poese, manager of O’Neill radio station KBRX Although Mr. Poese has been here since early in March, his wife anil four daughters just arrived three weeks ago. They came from Maryville, Mo., where Gilbert was with a local radio station. He has been in radio work for about 11 j years. This is their first experience in j Nebraska living, says Mrs. Pi*>se, | known to her friends as Pat. They were originally from central Miss-1 ouri liefore moving to Muryville which is about 100 miles from Kan sas City. The biggest adjustment to make, Pat thinks, is getting ! 8 and 40 Marche Is Held in O'Neill Twenty-three partners of Madi son county Salon No. 410— Eight ami Forty attended the May Mar che held in O’Neill on Thursday evening. Pierce, Norfolk, Stanton, Oakdaie, Elgin ami Bassett part ners were in attendance. Hostesses for the 7 p.m. dinner held at the Town House were O’ Neill Partners Mesdames Vem Reynold son, Virgil Laursen, Robert Lowery. Melvin Ruzicka, Lester Riege and John I>avidson. The theme of the evening was a “kid party. Partners added to the fun by lieing attired as child ren table decorations were of bal loons and assorted toys, noise ma ker flavors and all-day suckers. After the dinner hour the group adjourned to the lix>gc of the le gion Club where William A. Miller office manager of the Holt County ASC committee, entertained the group with a lecture using a dis play of handwork of the cultural arts and a showing of colored sli des taken on his recent tour of the countries of South America, all of which was interesting and educa tional. The business session of the Mar- ] che was conducted by Chapeau 1 Clara Koch. Child welfare chair man, Ann Warner, reported send ing a shipment of scrap hooks and ^ SUNDAY - MONDAY - TUESDAY , • MAY 17 - U - 49 c \ t c l ( I V I t fl I k i: / E WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY '! MAY N - 11 e £;u.ul*s i i in iMBW TCCHWICDUR C i -----— ——• BAMBI ■ R ^ 9 Complete with tools—just $29.50 With the purchase of any Major Appliance FRISKIEST LITTLE CLEARER EVER TO DIG YOUR DIRf! Low, lightweight, lively, follows you anywhere—both clean er and nonle on wheels. Full-horsepower motor creates super-suction. Big throwaway bag needs changing less often. Dust-seal filter, adjustable wand, complete set of tools—so many top features at this low, low price! SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT Co. PHONE 570 O’NEILL • * . * • Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Poese have four daughters The girls are Patricia, 8, in the rear of the picture, and sitting side by side are Cynthia, 5, and Jana, 6*2. On mother’s lap is Nancy Jean. 2*2. The Frontier Photo and Engraving. accustomed to the distances be tween Nebraska towns and cities. Patricia, 8, Jana, 6%, Cynthia, 5, and Nancy Jean are the younger female meml)ers of the Poose family. Gilbert and Pat en joy family outings and are fans of most sports. They also enjoy I playing cards. Members of the Methodist church, Pat and Gil were tx>th ac | five in church work before moving. I Gilbert is a past president of the Methodist men and Pat was chair man of a church circle. Together they taught a nursery Sunday I i* iMMuaaaa ■ •.* School class. Busy with unpacking and getting settled Pat has still found time to meet a few O'Neill people und says she finds them very friendly. They are living in a house on East Benton street since Mrs. Poese and the girls arrived. Births ST. ANTIION VS CLEMENTS The Robert Cle ments, O'Neill, daughter, Pamela Sue, 7 pounds, 34 ounces. May 7. This is the couple s third child SCHUCHMAN The Raymond E. Schuchmans. O'Neill, son, Martin Eugene. 7 pounds, 3 4ounces. May 9. RICHARDSON The Donald Ri chardsons. O'Neill, daughter, Su san Elaine, 7 pounds, 114 ounces. May 10. NELSON The Oliver Nelsons, Bristow, daughter, Vickie Jo, 7 pounds, 1 \ ounces, May 11. PLESSEL The John Flessels, O'Neill, son Kevin Eugene. 5 pounds. 11 ounces, May 9. ATKINSON MEMORIAL KAUP The Victor Kaups, Stu art, son. Douglas Andrew, 8 pounds. 124 ounces, May 1 HIGGINS The George Higgins. Naper, daughter, Mary Estella, 8 Pounds. 1 ounce, May 8, SHAW The Wayne Shaws, Bas sett, daughter, Jackie Lynn, 7 I pounds. 3 ounces. May 9. | NEKUDA The Richard Neku ! das, Newport, son, Tommy Lee, 17 pounds, 6 ounces May 13. DOBIAS The Raymond Dobias, Atkinson, son, Calvin Ray, 7 pounds, 12 ounces, May 13. Friendly Neighbors Extension Merrimyx, Mrs. H. S. Moses. Catholic Daughters, social meet ing Thursday . May 31: Eastern Star. Altar Society Members of the Altar Society will meet Friday at St. Mary's Gym at 8 p.m for their monthly meet ing. In 'addition to the usual pro gram there will be a variety show by members followed by a crown ing of a queen and her attendants. Mrs. Frank Shefl and Mrs. Charles Mahoney are co-chairmen. There will also lie a luncheon. MM Esther Harris entertained mem bers of MM Club in her home Tuesday evening. Winners were Mrs. H. L. Lindlierg and Mrs. Arlo Hiatt. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Hiatt. Elkhorn Project Elkhorn Project extension club met with Mrs. Hattie Kindland Tuesday night at 6:30 for a pot luck dinner followed by the reg ilar meeting. After the business meeting, the esson on '‘Breadmaking” was giv ■n by Mrs Kindland and Mrs. Pres on Jones. Methods of baking six rinds of bread were demonstrated, rite breads had lieen made pre ciously and were served at the tinner. In addition, members who tad attended the skillet demon stration tea on Monday reviewed his demonstration. The guessing game was won by VIrs. Mark Schelkopf. It was voted 0 have a club picnic for the June 1 meeting. Mlts. HART ENTERTAINS Mrs. John Hart entertained Pres-, lyterian women from the Martha ommunity at the parsonage Tues lay afternoon. MARRIAGE LICENSES Michael L. Henery 19, of Nor 'olk and Marilyn Kieckhafer 17, if Norfolk, May 11. 86th Milestone A birthday card shower has lieen ilanned for Emma Bass, whoso | naiden name was Emma Benash This little old lady will he 86 cars old May 21st. She weighs inly 68 pounds, is active and does lousework. She has made her home with ler nephew and family, Mr. and drs. Clarence Berrash for twenty ears. Friends or relatives wishing o send her a card may send it to 5mma Bass, 620 Shugart St., Boa rice. TO MEET FOR BREAKFAST PAGE The Page Improvement lub elected the following officers t their meeting recently. Mrs. Harry Harper, president; /Irs. Anton Nissen, vice-president; Trs. Melvin Smith, secretary, and Irs. Alta Finch, treasurer. The new officers will he installed t a breakfast meeting in the Page ark on June 1. Plans were made to clean the heater and the city park. CXH-NTY CO.I'KT State vs. Vernon Strong, O'Neill, failure tu slop at stop sign, fined $U). and $4 costs; officer Chris McGinn, May 6 State vs- Roland Wade Comstock. Omaha, speeding city limits day, fined $10. and $4 eists; officer Chris McGinn, May 7. State vs. Ed Chudomelka, In man, seining for mi nows in re stricted area, fined $10,. and $1. costs; officer Harry A. Spall. May 8. ., State vs. Joseph L. Fritz, O - Neill, speeding nite, fined $10. and $4. costs; officer E M. Hastrei ter. May 8. State vs. Frank W. Phillips, Spruce Pine, North C a ro 1 i n a, speeding day, fined $10. ami $4 costs: officer E. M. Hastreiter. May U. State vs. Harry Keslenholtz, In man, faulty brakes, fined $5. and $4. costs; officer E. M Hastreittr, May 12. State vs. William Hruntz, dri ver for H. L. Stewart, tiering. Nebr., overweight, fined $50. and $4. costs; officer Clifford L. Kiz zire, May 13. Hospital Notes ST. ANTHONY’S ADMISSIONS: May 6 Fred Holsclaw of O'Neill; Mrs. Paul Moseman of O'Neill; Mrs Jennie Crosser of Inman. 7 Barbara Berigan of O'Neill 8 Linda Shill/ of Page; Mrs. Ray Sehuehman of O'Neill; Charlene Hasenpflug of O'Neill; Mrs Elroy Anderson of Bristow; Paul Sullivan of O'Neill. 9—Mrs. John Plessel of O'Neill; Mrs. Jerry Kayl of S|>oneor; Mrs. Keith Kennedy of Page; Mr. Alvin Vorce of O'Neill. 10 Sharon Mur- I lay of O'Neill; Mrs. Donald Ri chardson of O'Neill; Mr. Arnie Mace, Sr. of Chambers; Steven Kokahr of Page; Mrs, Patrick Cassidy of Lynch; Mrs Oliver Nelson of Bristow 11 Mrs l.isle Mew-maw of Page 12 Mr John Kersenbrock of O'Neill; Mrs Al ton (» Braddock of Page; Mrs. Henry Winkler of O'Neill; Mrs Boss M Ridgeway of O'Neill; Ev erett Uasenpfktg of San Pablo, Calif; Felix Sullivan of 0 Neill. 13 Mollit; Reinke of Ewing EXPIRED: May ti Willard Fits ricks of Page. 12 Paul Sullivan of O'Neill. Mrs. Henrv Tomlinson of O Neill I HE - 'Bp school annual Junior-Senior prom. Standing in the rear, from left, are Elaine Miller, Carolyn Sch mieehel, Willard Solfermoser, prineipal. M. J. Baaek, superintendent, Allen Reynoldson and Ronnie Smith. Seated in the renter is the king ( ! and queen, | are from left, Connie Nelson, Chert Holsrlaw. Jim Farrier and Carla Behrens. The Frontier Photo and Engraving. • ] lsed nylons to the Kearney TB lospital. In lieu of a fund-raising project or the month, each partner brought i suitable toy for hospitalized chil Iren and it was decided that these ihould be divded between the Cearney TB hospital and the Na ional Jewish hospital at Denver, or children hospitalized with tu berculosis. The care and treatment f tuberculosis—juvenile type, be ng the working project of the light and Forty Salons through ut the nation. Mrs. Ruby Gilded of Norfolk was ccepted as a partner by the Sa on. The program closed with a con est of correctly matching baby lictures of the partners with the idults dressed as a child. First irize for the greatest number of correct matchings went to Bernice lussman and second prize to Clara foung, both of Norfolk. The next Marche will be held n June 4th with Stanton partners is hostesses. PROOFING ERROR Through an error at The Frontier ast week the Do nohoe-Straw wed ling story was not proof read. We roulrl like to extend an apology 3 the family and friends. CORRECTION Mrs. William McIntosh gave a offee for Mrs. Barbara Curry, Kansas City Mo., on April 23. Mrs. lurry is the daughter of Mr. and frs. L. A. Becker. Seven guests 'ere at the coffee. Area Women Honored Three women from the O’Neill rea were honored last week at Recognition Day for rural Nebras a, Iowa and Kansas homemakers i Omaha. They were Mrs. Roland Swanson, .melia, Mrs. A. T. Crumly, Page, nd Mrs. Charles Rartak, Ewing, ■hey were among 116 women chos n for recognition as rural home aakers. Skillet Meals Subject Of Demonstration Tea Extension club members fur tier observed annual Home Dem nstration Week Monday with the nnual O’Neill Center Tea at the Knights of Columbus hall. Catherine Indra, Holt County Home Demonstration Agent, Pre sented the program on "Skillet Meals.” The demonstration con sisted of everything from desserts to a full course meal. The tea table was arranged by members of the What Not Exten sion club and MNO members were in charge of the coffee. May Day Is Theme Of Church Breakfast About 120 women attended the annual all-protestant church wom en’s breakfast at the Lutheran church last Thursday. The break fast was centered around a May Day theme. Each of the women was given a small corsage with ribbons match ing the colors on the Maypole cen terpiece. The breakfast was serv ed by the Lutheran Ladies Aid members with Mrs. Richard Nel son and Mrs. l3on Younie in charge. A program of entertainment consisted of singing, dancing and a reading. Sharon Hartronft sang ‘‘Mother’ and Bill Fricke sang "Old 'Man River.” Elaine Krug man presented a reading, “An Evening at the Theater.” Six members of the O’Neill third grade sang and danced the "May pole Dance”. They were LuAnn Miller, Sherry Kipple, Delores Spangler, Georgia Bird, Nancy Mlinar and Gloria Jenkins. All the musical numbers were accompan ied by Jenaette Krugman. Social Calander and Club News Thursday, May 14: What Not Extension, Mrs. Don ald Bunkers. , Juedi, Mrs. L. R. Sutcliffe. WSCS, executive, 1:30 p.m.; gen- , eral, 2 p.m. Lutheran Ladies Aid £ Friday, May 15 j Rebekah. St. Patricks Altar Society. t Monday, May 18: Methodist Wesleyan Service | Guild, Mrs. William Cousins. Starlight Extension, Mrs. Frank McKinney. Friendly Neighbors Extension, Mrs. Clay Johnson Jr. Tuesday, May 19: - - Why Wait!... Until Your Old Refrigerator or Freezer Gives Out in the HOT MONTHS AHEAD! TRADE THEM IN NOW ON A 5-YEAR GUARANTEED HOTPOINT We Have a Complete Stock to Choose From TOP QUALITY-OUTSTANDING IN EVERY DETAIL! I LOOK FOR THESE FEATURES: • High Grade Smooth Exterior Finish • Beautifully Designed Cabinets • All-Porcelain Interior—Easy to Clean ! • Quiet Operating 5-year Guaranteed Unit • May Be Moved Out From the Wall with ease, as they have rubber rollers with brake to lock in place. STOP IN AND COMPARE THE QUALITY OF THESE ! (Payment Plan Available) SEE DANKERT'S SERVICE i • 0 ERIC DANKERT RALPH SEGER at Chambers at O'Neill EWING Alumni Banquet Ewing Public School Tuesday, May 26 6:30 pm—Tickets $1.50 Deadline—Sut. Night. May tS Contact Virginia Bennett Mor row in O'Neill Area. 19.19 MOTOllOl.A CAR RADIOS To Fit Every Oar SEE US & SAVE MONEY RADIO & TV O'NEll.l. Referee’s Sale 1 will sell at Public Auction at the Court House in Hassell. Nebraska, on— MONDAY, MAY 25th At 2:00 P.M. THE BESSIE WENZ RANCH Consisting of 3,080 acres, which are well balanced as to hay and pasture. 2,080 acres lay about 6 miles southwest of Bassett within j one-half ndle of oiled Highway No. 183. Has good improvements, fences and wells, with part being pasture and Hie balance Is ex cellent sub-irrigated hay land. Brown County unit is 4.000 acres, laying about 1 miles southwest of Ixmft Pine, being good pasture land, with fences and wells. This is one of the best medium sized ranches in the sandhi Us, and is being sold to settle the Wenz Estate. The land will be soW as a whole or in tracts. TERMS OF SALK: 20% on sale date and balance on confirmation which is expected by June 4th, 1059, when |M»ssessiow to be given Abstracts may be inspected at Clerk’s office in Ainsworth, Ne braska. 1958 and prior taxes to be paid by sellers, ARTHUR A. WEBER, Referee Bassett, Nebraska j ^B|IBBII8B8pBBBw ji \ ^ It,: l ^1 . V" 1 **l l^J R*’Ur" »»' '* and , d *■ k \ ' \ UiiM '5c ,«onno I I ■ * *«»" Of Wo|. / 1^1 A*<< 'or ,i„ A oufomoHv# da. ^_ I - I ~ A Split Mote ; G.E. MOTOR r Jlegaforlv SI7.75 | ' Ideal for grindori, buf 7 fart, etc. W H P., 60 jj cycle. 1725 RPM. IIS r Volf. * i ■ ■—■ - ■ ■ ■ ■ Roomy, Auto UTTER BASKET Regularly SSe 4§* Moulded glottic on brocket. Bije, pink, green or yellow. Frotoet Your Car Finish Auto Masterwax Compare at S2.S0 CT'sont end polishes in one easy *. lo tion. No c!: _ j com pound needtd. ELECTRIC SANDER & POLISHER | ‘I3W & Valu, Fully Guaranteed R High speed, cool oper- ^ nflrg motor. Full 13Vi C incii landing area V# ■ on./ 2’j pounds. C " Fold-Away CAMP STOOL Regularly SI.24 87< Ideal far camping, picnics or parades. Oak frame covered in durable bright stripe. 9 I ! * « I * it * .<* /nch li sp Foot Harvester £ LAWN HOSE S * $#9t I Two sections. Mode of ji ^ selected Western Hem- , .. . , .... . LL . All plastic Moxivol* lock. Equipped with 2 . _ ^ . , „ , .... ume couplir.j Gieeis fl guides Painted hard* , ... r ,, • ^ color. We»a. r, 5'/a lbs. >* ware, flare bottom. « r i * 4 h V C t r 4 N V I SA GARDEN SET Spa da, rahi and haa. 20 gaapa bladai, ihiny tin plotad matol parti. 90 inchat a v a r a 11 Unptk. I 52 OviicY HANOI- a CANTER i * Hermetic eaal-tira cap “ •• air tight. Far mix- ' ing and daring juicac. . E JO & DALE WILSON, Owners