The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 14, 1959, Section One, Image 3

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    WD Otarles F. McKenna to
Hugh E, Coyne 10-27-1917 $400
West 15 ft lot 3 and All lot 4 Ulk
18- O'Neill
WD Joel Parker to Joe Musil
4-25-59-$8f*l0-134 acres in ihe SW14
REAL EST Ira H Moss to Ste
wart Joseph Pascoe & wf 4-21-59
$900- SI-2 lots 1-2-3 & So4 East 15
*J_lot 4 Blk H-O'Neill & Hagertys
a ^—1
Add- O N.
WD--Effie Kubart to Anna Jose
phine Kuban Kramer 6-11-51 $1
All lots 9 & 10 Blk 7- Atkinson.
QCl) Clare Ot1o Knoell to Anna
M. Ruther 4-25-59 S1-SE4SE4 31
SW'4SW4 32-Twp 28 Range 10
WD J. H. Patterson to Larry
Schaffer & wf 5-1-59 585 000-All Sec
9- S\V>4 10- W4-SE4 15- S4SW4
& W4SE4 14-28-13.
Why You Should Make
Rogers Feed Store
Your Headquarters for Veterinary Supplies
1. Low, Low Prices!
2. Top <)uulity Merchandise!
3. Convenient location!
4. Complete Stocks!
A sinffle shot of
TRI-RAC® Bacteria
triple vaccinates — SEE US FOR THE
£££?=& following
diseases at one time. PRODUCTS- |
Ask us for complete
^ information.
A. Triple Bacteria
B. “Double Blackleg"
C. Branding Fluid
D. Dehorning Paste
and Powder
E. Call Scour Remedies
F. Penicillin Products
A-l Feeds — Guaranteed Analysis
20% Lay Pellets . 3.70
40% Hog Supplement . 5.00
32% Dairy Concentrate ..4.00 cwt
32% Poultry Concentrate . 5.00
20% Chick Crumbles NF180 added 4.35 cwt
Chick Starter Mash, NF180 added.4.20 cwt
Buy and Save at
Rogers Products
North of Burlington Depot Phone “71
Jack Bailey, Mgr.
Venus News
Sunrise School Closes
With Picnic Supper
B> Mrs. Kalpli Brookhouscr
Mrs. Ora Caskey, who taught at
the Sunrise school, district 54 and
her pupils closed the school term
with a picnic supper at the school
on Friday evening. The parents
After the supper cards furnished
the entertainment Mrs. Dale Mit
ties and Fred Fosberg received the
high score prizes and low was
awarded to Dale Von Seggren and
Dale Mitties,
Lunch was served after the
| games.
Mrs. Arthur Sufficool and Craig
of Winnetoon visited her parents
on Wednesday, May 6.
Mrs. Merwin Strope jr., held a
get-together party at her home on
Thursday, May 7. Fifteen ladies
Games were played during the
afternoon. Mrs. Harry Caskey re
ceived the prize for the lucky
Mrs. Strope served refresh
ments. , , .
Mrs. Cecil Moser was helping
at the Venus store on May 6.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch mo
tored to Norfolk May b and were
! supper guests at the Lon Pitchier
Later they attended the wrest
ling match held at the Norfolk
Lloyd Zeruh of Denver spent the
weekend .with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs LaVem Held.
The little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Norma Rokahr is ill with the mea
sles. ..
Gordon Hamliton, Arvid New
haus, Dennis Tomlinson and Larry
! Brookhouser helped with the work
jat the Ralph Brookhouser farm
Saturday, May 2.
Grandma Held accompanied
Mrs. Ijivern Held to O’Neill !• ri
day, May 1. They ealed at the
Lavern Caskey home.
Mrs. Veldon Godel held a get
' together party at her home on Fri
day. Twelve ladies attended.
Mrs. Godel served refreshments.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hamliton
and sons were Friday, May 1 eve
Ining visitors at the home of her
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bel
ka. .
Mr. and Mrs. LaVern Caskey
and son were Sunday, May 3 vis
itors at the Harry Caskey home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
called at the Otto Ruzicka home
Sunday evening. ,
Bryan Finch was a visitor at
Ewing May 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Boelter and
Mrs. Harry Caskey were O’Neill
shoppers on Friday, May 1.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pitchier and
children of Norfolk were weekend
visitors at the latter’s parents. Mr.
and Mrs. Bryan Finch.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Finch
were visitors at the Clarence
Finch home May "•
Bernard Strope was a business
visitor at O'Neill Friday.
Leland Caskey returned to his
studies at Omaha after spending
the weekend with his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ora Caskey, and Ihe
twins. _ .. u
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter
spent Sunday al the home of his
mother, Mrs. Edna Boelter.
Mrs. Paul Baker and daughter
Susan returned to their home at
Omaha on Monday, May 4 after
spending the weekend with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs, Sidney Faui
haber, Mrs. Baker attended the
alumm banquet at O Neill Sunday,
May 3.
Uene Zimmerman of Ewing was
a Wednesday, May b lorenoon \isi
tor at the Jet trey Bros. nome.
Du.uu Boeder recleved a bad
cut on his head recently when he
fell and lilt a lariu iinpleiiieui.
The out required 3 sb tenon to
close It.
Duane spent the weekend with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. WUUs
Boeder, lie returned m Fairbtiry
Sunday where he is helping wilu
the work at the Floyd Hue lariu.
Mr. Klee is quite ill and is a
INitlent in a hospital there.
Mr. anu Mrs. Vincent jackson
were Wednesday evening visitors at
the home of the former's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson of
Junior Finch recieved an injured
finger when a call kicked him.
Bob Tarnish is helping ai the
Norman Rokahr farm with the
work this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Jackson
held a family dinner at their home
Sunday, May 3. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Jasper of San
Diego, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. John
Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. Virgil
Jackson and daughter, all of
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Porter were
pleasantly surprised on their 43th.
Wedding anniversary Sunday. April
Upon returning from church that
day, they found their two daugh
ters and families with dinner wai
ting for them. Those present were
Mr and Mi's Ora Caskey, Larry
, and Gary and Mr. and Mrs Verlyn
Gibbs. Randy and Terry.
Mrs. Clarence Finch enter
tained the Help U club at her home
on Wednesday, May 6. Fourteen
members and one visitor. Mrs.
Arthur Sufficool of Winnetoon were
The hostess served dinner at
noon. The afternoon was spent in
doing needle work.
Mrs. Vincent Jackson guessed
the most misplaced articles about
the house. She was awarded the
door prize.
The next meeting will lie with
Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber.
O'Neill Locals
last Week News
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Timmerman
and and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Don F'ocken on a
ranch north of Newport.
Bob Beckenbauer was here from
Omaha for the weekend at the
home of his jiarents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. F. Beckenhauer.
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker were
in St. Helena Monday and Tues
day for the funeral Tuesday of
Mrs. Claude Becker, sister-in-law
of Mr. Becker.
Guests Friday at the Dick Tom
linson home were Mrs. Ijzzie Dex
ter, Edward Coolidge and Mr. and
Mrs. Raymond Bly, Amelia. Jer
ry Dexter returned with them to
sjiend the weekend at the Raymon,)
Bly home.
Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn returned
Friday from a week’s visit with
her mother, Mrs. McCallum of
Mrs. E. J. Smith and Mr. and
Mrs. Waixi Smith Ronnie and Ju
dy were in Akron, la., Saturday
for the funeral of Mi's. Hattie
Smith. Mrs. E. J. Smith returned
Monday from Akron with Mr. and
Mi's. John W’. Smith, Mr. Jim
Buryanek and Mrs. Dewey Kline
of Burke, S. D.t who also attended
the funeral.
Mr. and Mrs. Alliert Pederson,
Ashland, Ore., visited this week
end at the Oscar Sprague and
Glen Sprague homes.
Dinner guests Sunday at the Al
\ in Ott home were Mr. amt Mrs. 1
Earl Bauld sr., Mr. and Mrs. Ro
bert McNichols and Steve and I
, Mrs. LX»ra Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. :
[ Francis Curran and Mary Jo and 1
Mr and Mrs. L. A On called ut
' the afternoon.
[ Mrs Ivan 1’niss was in Norfolk j
Thursday on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Pinkerman |
;.uid Mrs. Fay e Pinkerman of Red-1
1 bird were Saturday dinner and
! supper guests at the Reginald Pmk
erman home. Wesley Pink
i ei man went home with them and
[spent Saturday night at the Guy
; Pinkerman home.
I At the Behind Anson home tor
dinner Sunday were Mr. and Mrs.
1 K’llvort Anson of Page anu Mr.
| and Mrs. 1 Van Magwide ot Elgin.
Mr. and Mrs. .Melvin Ruzicka
| drove to Omaha Sunday to spend
: a few days at the home of ills sis
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Jerone Petr. Miss Elizabeth O'Mal
ley accompanied the Ruzickas to
Omaha and is v isiting at the home
of her sister, Mrs. Nora Quilty.
Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman
and boys of Winner. S. D,, were
i guests Sunday at the home ol her
(parents. Mr. and Mi's. Claude
j Bates. The Foremans also v isited
[relatives at Emmet Sunday.
Mrs. Faye Pinkerman will stay
at the Reginald Pinkerman home
Monday and Tuesday while Mi*s.
Pinkedman and Mrs. Phil Haver
kamp are in Norfolk.
Mrs. Edwin Engler, Stuart, spent
Friday at the home of her daugh
ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld sr. are
visiting here from Drummond,
Montana, at the home of their
daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvin Ott.
Mr. and Mi’s. Stewart Pas coo
were in Grand Island Sunday at
the home of his mother, Mrs.
Adeline Pascoe.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Perry Pierre,
S. D., here for the funeral of Bob
Perry were guests at the Bill Per
ry home Thursday and Finlay.
Mrs. John Pruss, Mrs. Ivan
Pruss and Mrs. George Hies drove
to Omaha Wednesday.
Monday evening dinner guests
at the Gun Gale homo wore Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Smith and Mr,
and Mrs, Jason Smith, Caldwell,
Idaho, and Mr, ami Mrs. MUo
Smith, Lyons,
l .eon Sargent and Clarence Ben
son. Norfolk, returned Saturday
Emm Wall, S. D., where they at
tended the funeral of Mr, SargetMH
sister, Mrs Ed l»arit
t<nests tit the Ohra I'.irkinran
homo Sunday wore her j».t rental.
Mr, ttnti Mrs C, K. Ptiiisitmny
Kdjreniont, S. I*., her sister ud
f a m I I y, Mr. and Mrs. W. P,
Himes, Ravenna and (trother,
Melvin Punsntore, \itsloy.
to UP your psvver supply
Huge earth-moving and excavation machines are
figging deep into Nebraska's good earth near Hallam.
This teeming activity is the initial major construction
pn Consumers Public Power District’s 100,000
( yiowatt Sheldon Station and Hallam Nuclear Power
Work is progressing on schedule. All excavation and
related work for the sub-structure of buildings
will be completed this year; the building “shells” will
be completed by January, 1960; and the conven
tional steam turbo-generator is scheduled to go “on
the line” by spring of 1961.
Nebraska's Self-Supporting, Efficiently-Managed
Source of Dependable, Low-Cost Electricityj
2-Cycle Power Products Engine
°niy 29.95
9 pair Capacity Jv Jjg .
All Wire Construction WWMM Cr
Bright Plated •
Barbecue GRILL
Merry for thlc grid—Crank type grHI 6"
Rubber tired wheel* ad|u*ttnent
tweedette covered
Big Choir Luxury
Fishing outfit complete $4.95
3-Pc. Rocket Tripper LUGGAGE
(weekender Pullman train ease)
“Out of this World’ goes the first Rocket Tripper by Luce
PDn? (while supply lasts)
A If AjiLo Gift for the ladies
FDFF PIN WHEELS (while supply
A If JjIj lasts) for the Kiddies when j
accompanied by an adult.
2 hangan to pakago Mm/
Easier than hanging a picture
Makes shelves up to 12" wide
Guaranteed All Purpose
GALLON *1.99
No finer paint for the money j
| ! 9
4-Speed Portable
Bacratlfal Carrying Com J<e —m mm mm
Sal* Prlca | # MM
Tt*a Palm Baach 11
Western & Mountain
Linen Type Print
i ’ , ••
Eleven Position AdjvstoUt
Ironing table—fingertip
•dfwstment Non slip fee* 1