Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 14, 1959)
FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second call heifers. Arnold Thiele 24 miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12. tl FOR SALE Choice Holstein, Guernsey and Swiss heifer cal ves. stock calves. Calves on hand at most times. Gerald O'Connor; northeast comer df Atkinson. 2-4p FOR SALE: Team young draft m ires Sorrels, white tale and mane Full sisters coming 3 and 5 years. One green broke, one not broke. Herbert R. Hitz, Os mond. Nebr. 3-5c FOR SALE: Two registered Here ford bulls, 2 years old. Lincoln Hamilton. Stuart, Nebr. 2-4p FOR SALE: '-’(Ml pigs. Hampshire and Red Du roc cross. Leonard Juracek, O'Neill. 3c FOR SALE A 1952 International pickup George Winkler, O'Neill, phone 286, ltfc FOR SALE: F-14 Tractor, $85 Vernon Gorgen, East of Drive-In Theater. ltfc FOR SALE: Two C Allis Chalmers tractors: No. 22 Massey Harris tractor; plow and cultivator to fit C A-C tractor —K. C. Hunt, O’Neill 49tf FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire Boars ready for service. Reason ably priced. — Henry Stal ling and Son, 2 miles south and >4 west of Orchard. 3c FOR SALE: Red Clover and Cossock Alfalfa seed. Both state tested.—Leon Beckwith, Emmet, 52p-ltfc FOR SALE: A 1950 Buick, two door, new rubber, very clean, phone 34, Inman, Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins. tfc SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolis $16 50 a ton; American $20.50 a ton; white block 75c Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north of traffic lijht Everett Gorgan, Ph. 164. O’Neill. bid WISCONSIN’S FINEST Dairy Cat tie Shores Certified Fresh anc Springer 1300-lb. Holsteins, Guer nseys, Swiss, Ayrshires, Short horns, Jerseys. $2,000.00 in Shores Wisconsin Dairy Cattle bring! $400 00 cream monthly for Sand hill rancher. Calves $45.00 up Yearlings $100.00 up. Lepto Bang’s-shipping vaccinated. De livered. No sale barn or Nebras ka cattle. Travel expenses re funded. Harold P. Shores, Neligh, Nebraska. Phone Tu 7-4060. 46tf — $ALE Beautiful 1-horse trailer. Like new Guarantee road test. $300 00. Water tank, 2Vi ft. by 3Vi ft., 2 ft deep, galvanized cast iron. Lasl a lifetime. $17.50. Wood bunks, bolted construction 3 ft. by 6Vfe ft.. 22 inches deep Can be used for mineral, feed or water tanks, $10.00. Hickory sweep teeth in 8, 9 anc 10 ft. lengths, 4 and 6 in. butts Best of quality, $1.25 to $2.00. Machinery or utility trailer, neai new, 18 ft. Fiasco deck. New dual tires, 8:20x15. Extra wheel, $500 Shetland horse, conies, a few al $110.00 each. Also saddle horses for sale. HARVEY HANSON Phone 8201 — Atkinson 52-5c Bushels Alfalfa Seed FOR SALE Contact: J. F. Contois O'Neill Phone 368 TRACTORS— 1955 J-D Model 60 Model G J-D 1949 '48 A J-D •48 B J-D ’40 B J-D ’45 B J-D >11) ,*90 Oora Planter, good M&M 4-row Listed Com Cultivator J-D Tractor Cultivator IHC 250 Tractor Cultivator IHC 12-ft. Rake J-D No. 5 Mowers IHC No. 9 Mowers J-D 999 Planter J-D tractor spreader AC 15-ft. disc 730 J-D lister Farmhand Loader, complete Plows, all sizes 4-sec. Harrow with Evener. Harry R. Smith Imp. for John Deere tractor Phone 562 O'Neill RANGER ALFALFA SEED STATE TESTED 28c per lb. Werner Poessnecker Phone 6027, Atkinson • v * ■ \. •• ■ •* • .. MACHINERY New 560 tractors, farmall New 2 only 350 Diesel tractors New 4 row listers Planters new and used, 2 row and 4 row Used 2 row go digs, like new Manure spreader, ground drive and P.T.O. Several good used trucks and pickups New trucks and pickups USED TRACTORS 1948 John Deere G, fuel 1951 Allis Chalmers WD. like new 1952 Super M. Farmall 1944 M. Farmall tractor, like new 1948 Farmall H. very nice 1939 John Deere D, good. $195 00 2—1941 M Farmalls, good Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! PHONE Diamond 6-7185 BUR WELL NEBR. DAIRYMEN A cow' will only produce as much milk as her breeding allows. No j amount of feed will increase it.! CURTISS breeding will utilize your feeding to a better advant- j age. Duane Gray Call 470 O’Neill 45tf FOR SALE: Fryer chickens, alive or dressed. Phone 513-M. Norltert Clark. 2-3p FOR SALE: Service station, gar age, store and modern home with 1 acre of land. Lawn, shrubs, fruit and shade trees On hwy. 281 north of O'Neil, known as Midway store. Must ko to warm er climate. - -Write or see. Divid Jansen, O’Neill. 2-4p FOR SALE r Regular t armau trac tor converted to hay sweep with a new sweep. Vernon Gorgen, just east of Drive In Theater. 2c USED CARS '55 Mercury Monerey, plain '55 Plymouth, 4 dr. '55 Studebaker hardtop ’53 Plymouth, 4 dr. 1952 GMC % ton pickup 1948 Chev. 1 T. Pickup SMITH MOTOR CO. Phone 562 O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE 1 John Deere stationary hay ba ler with engine 1 tractor sweep 1 D D hay stacker with steel ca bles. 1 John Deere side delivery rake 1 Booster buck with regular Farm all mountings. All in good shape. Frank W. Fiala Spencer R'2. Nebraska 3pd. FOR SALE :Spring fryers, 3 lbs. and over, $1 each Discount on large orders. 2 mi. west of In man. Eugene L. Sobotka, rte. 1, O’Neill. 3-5pd FOR SALE: Used steel mill tower. 6-ft. new Aeromotor Mill, 10 ft., tanks.—Cliff Sobotka. ph. 435, Inman. 3-4 c FOR SALE: 1950 W Allis Chalmers Tractor Used 1948 Chev. Truck. 2 ton, with almost new 13rack. Three Farmalls, A, C and H 1957 Ford C600 Truck with 2 speed axle, 5 speed transmission, 9.00 x 20 tires KEATING IMPLEMENT International Truck Sales and Service Atkinson, Nebraska MACHINERY Oliver pull lister Dempster pull lister M&M semi-mount lister IHC No. 8 2-14 plow on rubber New Idea 10A spreader AC 15-ft. disc Rotary hoe Lister for Farmall C HIC No. 15 side rake IHC No. 5 side rake HM 288 cultivator HM 229 cultivator $50 HM 24 mower J-D No. 5 mower Mower for B Farmall SEE US FOR Valley rakes Morrill rakes VVindpower wagons Gehl harvesting Peerless mills APPLIANCES SPECIAL ONE ONLY Maytag wringer washer $30 New Whirlpool sweeper only $29.50 with purchase of major appliance STOP IN — SEE RCA WHIRLPOOL'S 1959 LINE ! SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CO. O'NEILL. NEBR IHC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool MOBILE HOMES BARGAIN DAY EVERY DAY Why not stop renting and start the low price way of living ? You will won own your home Large stock on hand—13' to 52', 8 & 10' wide, 1. 2 & 3 bedroom WE TRADE FOR ANYTHING ! See us for the best deal. OPEN EVENINGS & SUNDAYS MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Office phone EX5-2170 Residence phone EX5-2236 * ' » * ' Real Estate for Sale •'OR SALE: Three liedroom home, ! close to school Garage —Phone 654. O'Neill. 51tfc ) FOR SALE: Two choice building lots.~J F Contois, Phone 368. O'Neill. 51tf FOR SALE: Building lot. Desirable lor at ion Call Phone 574J, O' Neill. 52tf iioUSE FOR SALE: New 2 bed room home with full basement. *i block off paving. Located 2 Vi blocks south of Texaco filling station Phone 201-W. 3c FOR RF.NT FOR RENT- Modem apartment. A F Bowen. 705 E. Douglas. O’Neill, phone 51.r. 12tf FOR RENT: A nice modern brick store building, good location. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 3tf BIDS WANTED: We will accept bids until May 20 for rental of 56 acres of alfalfa land at the O'Neill Airport-Contact H. G. Kruse. 3c FOR RENT Furnished apartment, automatic washer and dryer, heat and hot water Mrs. Marie Crook, 129 E. Clav St., O’Neill 3-6pd WAIN 1 E.U WANTED TO RENT: At least two bedroom, all modem home with basement, by the first of June Contact Jack Trant at Dale’s Tavern, O’Neill. 52tfc SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes. 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone: Contois Motor Co., Neltgh. 30tf WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph 3741. tf AT STUD: Permanent registered quarter horse Stallion. Reason able service fee.—C. E. McVay, Phone 585J13, O’Neill. 51tf EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W — O’NEILL — for Any Job 25ti WOULD IJKE to have lawns tc mow. Have own mower.—-Cali 154, Terry Tom jack. 3-4 MAN OR WOMAN WANTED to supply customers with famous, nationally advertised Watkins products in city of O’Neill, Nebr. No investment. Business esta blished. Weekly profits of $60 and up at start possible. Full or part time. Write J. R. Watkins Co., D-75 Winona, Minn. 3-4pd HELP WANTED: Woman or girl for kitchen help. Baber’s Cafe, Plainview, Nebr. 3-4c WANT TO MAKE 515 to 525 in a day? Many are donng it. Plea sant work for man or woman. No experience needed. Spare or full time. Will teach and finance you. Only applicants over 21 will lie considered. Write R. BER HENKE. 128 E. Clark St., Free port, 111. 3pd ARE YOU IN DIRECT SELLING? Earn $150 a week. Largest line of clothing for entire family. Call on our customers in your area. $1,000 actual samples furnished. No investment. — Northwestern Woolen Co., 403 Nicollet Ave., Minneapolis. Minnesota. 3c WANTED TO BUY 150 COW RANCH We have a responsible buyer for a good ranch in your area. Must be improved. IMMEDIATE AC TION. Call collect or write the— ACTION AGENCY 508 N. Jeffers, Ph. Le2-6320 North Platte, Nebr. Col. Rod Gillespie, Owner, Auctioneer ATTENTION: Don’t forget to see the “Display Trailer” on Main Street in O’ Neill, Thursday, May 14th. Widest array of typewriters-adding ma chines Western Typewriter & Office Supply, Norfolk, Nebr. 2-3c Money To Loan on ranches and town properties—See Virgil L. Laursen Agency, Phone 434, O’ Neill. 45 tf WANTED: Reliable married man for year round ranch work. — Write OD c/o The Frontier. 3c WANTED: RELIABLE PARTY INTERESTED IN A SPINET PIANO No money down. Take over small monthly payments start ing June. Write Credit Manager TOM'S MUSIC HOUSE Norfolk, Nebr. 2-3c L. Guthmiller Hall Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automotme, truck and tractor repair Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts tor Lawson — Keo —Clinton. WELL DRILLING For Farm and Domestic W’ells Call 721 or come to— Kelly's Well Service 5 Blks. south of the New Deal j Oil Station—O’Neill 50tf WANTED i DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctl WANTED: 200 yearling steers for 1959 pasture season.—Leo Ohri. Spencer, Phone 7328 Bristow. 47tf NOTICES ““ 11 AM BACK in my office again, and have Eastern Money to loan at 5 per cent and also Private Money to loan at 5 per cent in i terest. I loan Money on City homes, and store buildings, I loan Money on Ranches and I Farms. If you need some 5 per cent money, see me. R. H. Parker, O’Neill. ltfc NOTICE Dog licenses expire May 13, 1959. Please get your new license from the Inman Village Clerk. 2-4c A GAY TOUCH will help so much. Gleaming hi-lustre Glaxo for lin oleum ends waxing.—Coyne Hard ware, O’Neill. 3c STANDING AT STUD: Son-ell Shetland Harlan Kuburt, Amel ia, Nebr. 3-5c ATTENTION: Don’t forget to see the “Display Trailer” on Main Street in O' Neill, Thursday, May 14th. Widest array of typewriters-adding ma chines. Western Typewriter & Office Supply, Norfolk, Nebr. 2-3c MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING and wall and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL CO , O'Neill 3 blks W & 3Mj blks N stoplight ■ "" r ' ~ r AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private Listings and Phone 207 - O’Neill Auctions ED THOR1N See E. J. Shane ATKINSON for dragline work, sewer and water ditches and clam work. 50-22p IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf. ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O’NEILL, NEBR. — PH. 269 CASH LOANS SIGNATURE — AUTO - FURNITURE We have a plan to lit every need & budget. Strictly confi dential, friendly service. O'Neill Loan Company VIRGIL L. LAURSEN Phone 434 O’Neill, Nebr. __ 49c CARDS of THANKS I WISH TO thank all my friends, relatives, and neighbors who sent me cards, gifts and flowers during my recent stay in the hospital. A special thanks to Father Kucera, Drs. Wilson and Waters, the Sisters and the Nur ses for the wonderful care I re ceived. Your kindness will al ways be remembered. Mrs. Lou is Brown. 3p50 WE WISH to take this means of thanking our many friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral tributes, the memorials and for every act of kindness and expres sion of sympathy extended to us in our bereavement in the loss of our beloved husband, father and brother.—Mrs. Elsie Fre richs and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Frerichs and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Oestermeier and son, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Raahe and Mr. and Mrs. Delmar Raahe and family. 3p WE WISH to thank our friends and relatives for the nice cards, flowers and gifts which we re ceived during our stay in St. An thony’s hospital. We also wish to thank Father Kucera, Dr. Wilson and Waters. To the hospital staff and a special thanks to Mrs. Ernst and the fifth grade class.— Eileen and Mary Pribil. 3p NEED MONEY ? For your vacation or other worthy purposes? Obtain money on your car or household goods. To pay accumulated bills To buy needed things To meet emergencies To consolidate your accounts We offer many types of loan plans and you will find a plan here to meet your own individ ual requirements. OUR SERVICE IS SWIFT. COURTEOUS AND SIMPLE Repay in ust a few months or over a longer period as you prefer. CENTRAL FINANCE CORPORATION Phone 17-1 O'Neill Nebraska 3-tic NOTICE - MOVED I have moved my barber shop from West O’Neill to the Odd Fellow building north of the police sta tion and would appreciate the continuance of your patronage. Donra.ld McClellan, Don't Barber shop. 3c 4-H Club Notes TAGGING DAY MAY 23 Pine Grove Hustlers l-ll elul met at the home of Venita White Friday evening. Roll call was ans wered by 10 members. Plans were made for tagging day to be May 23 starting at Waldos at 9 a m. Livestock- discussion on diseases and pests and their cures, prevent tion and treatments Also watcher! a demonstration of an electric branding iron in use. Range management and the giv ing out of seed for grass plots anc discussion of plans for seeding anc requirements for this years work Rope— made wall knot wit! crown. Sewing learned Three ways tc straighten fabrics and four sources fabrics come from. Each one made a placket. Yeast breads judged and placed four groups of rolls and gave rea sons. After the song period Mrs. White served a delicious lunch of bar becues, potato chips, chocolate cake, koolade and coffee. Debra Waldo won the guessing prize. HAPPY HOLLOW 4 H CLUB The Happy Hollow 4-H club me with Tommy Schmidt on Frida; evening. May 8. All members wen present. We answered roll call b; naming our favorite project. Paul Gunter is our new assistan dairy leader. We wish to than! Mr. Scheer for his time and hel] as assistant leader the past tw years. Francis Bergstrom and Jerom Miller gave a demonstration oi "Making Change”. Sharon Mott gave a demonstra tion of "Facings.” their use, anc how to make them. Faye Scheer and Sharon Mot judged "Cinnamon Rolls”. After singing several songs wi adjourned to meet on June 19 witl Faye Scheer. Jerome Miller, news reporte TO MEET JUNE 1 The Pleasant Brook 4-H club hel< their 5th meeting at Vince Thiele': on May 4th. For roll call wi named a stitch. We are going to have a food sale to raise money for having the 4-1 camp moved to Halsey. Our next meeting will be at Lud wig Tagel’s on June 1 at 7:30 o’ clock. Lunch was served by the ladies CLEVELAND CLUB MEETS The Cleveland Community 4-1 club met the evening of Saturday May 6, at the Cleveland churcl basement. President Don Fuelberth presid ed. Roll call was answered by th< member’s favorite bird. ROYAL THEATUt FRI. SAT. MAY 15-11 Big Double Bill Allied Artists Presents “SABU AND THE MAGIC RING’ Based on stories from the Arab ian nights. The Elephant boy of Samarkand •and the Ring that Ruled the World Starring Sabu, William Marshall as the Genie, with Daria Massey, John Doucette, Peter Mamakos, Xladimar Sogoloff, —also— "THE YOUNG CAPTIVES” Starring Steven Mario, Luana Patten, Tom Selden. Two young rebels—and the terri fied teen-age girl they both want ed! Runaways running into trouble —on a wild dash for the eMxican border! Adults 50c; Children 15c SUN. MON. TI ES. MAY 17-18 18 "UP PERISCOPE” James ‘Maverick’ Gamer as a "Human Torpedo” in a story as big as the seas that rock with its glory. He's the secret underwater mar auder who hit like no man ever hit before! Co-starring Edmond O'Brien, with Andra Martin, Alan Hale. From Warner Bros. Technicolor. He had to pretend and so did she—except in a moment like this! Adults 50c; Children 15c WED. THURS. MAY 20 21 Family Night "THE GUN RUNNERS’* It explodes with the Heming way kind of Adventure. Based on a story by Ernest Hem ingway. Co-starring Audie Murphy. Ed die Albert, aPtricra. Owens, Ever ett Sloane. and introducing Gita Hall. Family Admitted for 2 Adult Tickets. Leader Linden Mulfard passed out last year s record books which had just Ix'en received from the county office. Neal Smith and Robert Fuellierth were awarded pins which were given by the Firestone Corporation for completing 0-10-2 forms in soil and water conservation. A yearbook committee was ap pointed to outline tentative meet ing dates for the future. On this' committee are Neal Smith, Roy Huike, Putty Newman, Charles Sweet arxi Janice Sweet. The next meeting will lx- held June 6 at the homo of Elmer Allyn ami roll call will bo answered by the favorite animal. After the business meeting John Sweet, associate waterfowl biolo gist for the Nebraska game com mission, told about his work and showed colored slides of some of the projects of the commission Lunch was served. Charles L» Sweet, reporter Grasses Planted President Keith Krugman called j the May third meeting of the Grattan Hustlers 4-H club to order at the Paul Krugman home. Mike Shefl joined the club and will take gardening Ways of raising money for the new camp at Halsey was discussed. The Ix'ginning baking class un der Mrs. Bob Hill judged muffins. The lx»ef project boys dehorned several calves using caustic ixiste, | and the range management clubs seeded a grass nursery. About fifteen different kinds of grasses were planted in rows fif ty feet long. The club will study the growth habits of the grasses this summer. Walter Fick is out range leader and showed us the different identifying characteristics of many grasses. Gary- Fick. reporter. Lunch and TV Enjoyed The Inman Victory Hoys and Girls 4-H l)eef club met Monday night, May 4 the Walter Fick home. Seven members were present, one al»sent, and Tom Gillogly was our guest. The lesson was review ing the parts of an animal, dis cussing selecting an individual, and rations. We also learned the different grades of beef steers. After the meeting we watched TV and enjoyed a lunch. Kathy Fick, reporter Hospital Notes ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ i LLNDBERC MEMORIAL ('relgliton ADMITTED-Mrs. Bertha Stock holm of Niobrara; Mrs. Anna Me Elhose of Creighton; Jerry Jirou sek of Verdigre; Mrs. Dale Niel sen of Brunswick; Mrs. Delmar Krupicka of Niobrara. DISMISSED—F red Frank of Verdigre; Frank Vavak of Verdi gre, trans to Sioux City hospital; Mrs. Merritt Warren and daugh ter of Creighton; Mrs. John Vogt and son of Creighton; Mrs. Bertha Stockholm of Niobrara; Mrs. Eller ; Sanders of Creighton; Mrs. Lydia Sedivy of Niobrara; Mrs. Delmai ' Krupicka and son of Niobrara; Mrs. Dale Nielsen of Brunswick; , Patricia Sue Nielsen of Brunswick . DEATHS—Jerry Jirousek o . Verdigre; Mrs. May Swihart o j Niobrara; William W. Marshall o Niobrara. ATKINSON MEMORIAL ADMITTED: May 4—Mrs. Vic . tor Kaup of Stuart; Mrs. Julu | Samples of Atkinson; Ronald Wat son of Atkinson. 5-—Merle Arm t strong of Stuart; Mrs. Edith Syfu of O’Neill; Mrs. Anton Jirak ol « O'Neill. 6- Mrs. George Higgins o i Naper. 7—Mrs. Raymond Pease ol Atkinson. 8—Leo Wabs of O'Neill ’ Mrs. Wayne Shaw of Bassett. 9— Clyde Ross of Inman; Mrs. Ray mond Schaaf of Atkinson. 11 Mrs I Michael of Atkinson. ; DISMISSED: May 4 Mrs. Ed . ward Albrecht of Atkinson; Torn Nightengale of Atkinson. 5 Mrs I ii n n Jin. - - - - Gene Livings ton of Atkinson; Frank Weander of Stuart: Kill All* slmuse of Stuart t> Mrs Jix' Frit/ and sim of O'Neill: Mrs Agnes Schmit of Atkinson 7 Ronnie Watson of Atkinson Mrs Jerold Stewart and daughter of Newport: Mrs. Charles Peterson and daugh ter of Amelia. S Mrs Victor Kaup and soil of Stuart; Leo Waite of O'Neill.__ O'NKIU. UK'AM Mr and Mrs Hay IVndingcr were in I la rt my ton at tin* Patrick Jacques homo While in Harrington the ivndingers also attended the si her wedding onnn ersaty of Mr. and Mrs Harold lViutingcr, Hay 's brother. Nearly 1500 Hogs Sold . . . \t A erdlgre last Monday. Each week more new consignors from the t)'Neill Area. \erdigre llogs ha\e gained favor with Packers from lexas to Washington State. That is why each Monday there is strong competition (or all classes of butcher hogs. Feeders and Farmers like the quality of the pigs and breeding stock and help to make the reputation of our market. t'AKE \1>X XNTAtiF OF nils COMPETITION XNI) WHEN \DI ll\\K llOt.S TO SF1.E, KF MFMHKIi Ol It S.XI.F I X KIO MONDAY. Again last Monday X erdlgree had nearly I.*00 hogs with a top of Sir. 10. The No. I hogs sold from $16.05 to $17.00. Mixed No. I and j No. 2 hogs from $10.(Hi to $10.50. Heavier and fatter hogs front <11.5© to $16.00. Some .too pigs In the offering with a market that seemed to get stronger during the sale. Plenty of demand for all sires. The cattle run was light, however prices were steady. Ship Your livestock to Northeast Nebraska’s Fastest (.rowing •’WEF.KIA 1.IXESTOCK XI CIION" "A Nationally Certified Auction Market" VFRDIGRE LIVESTOCK MARKET RON JENSEN, Mgr. Hog Auction Monday—11:00 Cattle Sale Follow lug—1:S0 p m. SEE KROTTER’S FOR SEED Place orders now for Martin, Reliance, and Redblne MUX); Sweet, Piper, and Texas SUDAN; Atlas SORGO; Rancher, A Red CANE. NEW & USED IMPLEMENTS MM ‘8X' Harvester Combine MM Rotary Hoes (Any Size) Used MM Model E Shelter Used MM Model D Shelter Used John Deere Spreader (Good Condition) New Idea Spreaders New Idea 40’ A V Trail PTO Mowers New Idea and MM Side Rakes Used Case NCM Baler Used J-I) PTO Pickup Baler New Idea 2-Row Pickers (Buy now A Sate) New A Used Discs New A Used Plows NEW & USED CARS New Pontiacs on hand and In transit (Buy tomorrow’s car today) Used 1957 Pontiac 4-Dr. Super Chief (Clean). Used 1956 Pontiac 4-Dr. Chieftain H60 (Very Good). DE LAVAL SEPARATORS & MILKERS See us today for DeLaval Separators A Milkers. Do you know you can buy a 2-Unit Cow-to-Can Del .aval Milker for as little as $287.50, less than the price of many used milkers. | MAYTAG LAUNDRY APPLIANCES & DEEP FREEZERS Full line of Washers and Dryers, both new and used. New Maytag 17’ Chest Deep Freeze Sells for $399.95. But It at Krotter’s today for only $299.95. FORNEY ARC WELDING SUPPLIES SIOUX STEEL BUILDINGC AND STEEL TANKS WM. KROTTER CO ‘‘SERVING NORTH CENTRAL NEBRASKA SINCE 1891” West O’Neill Phone 581 I * ] I I i Meet 6 special cars for special people from America's station wagon specialists. No matter what you need in a wagon, Ford’s got the one that fits you best! hardtop STYLING! Beauty, anyone? Only Ford wagons give you Thunderbird elegance and hard Fordor Country Sedan top styling. OVER 13 CUBIC FEET MORE CARGO SPACE . . . room enough for even a 9-foot boat. EASIEST TO LOAD AND UNLOAD! Only Ford in its field lets you open and close the rear gates with one hand. All seats face forward! Only Ford wagons in their field let everybody look ahead. You don’t have to crawl over the tailgate to the third seat. 9 Passenger Country Sedan TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET, TOO! You start saving the minute you buy. Ford offers the lowest-priced wagon of the most popular three. 9-PASSENGER COUNTRY SQUIRE This handsome 4-door, 9-passenger wagon neatly fills any bill, from Sunday calling to Monday hauling. t LOHAUS MOTOR COMPANY FOURTH & FREMONT, O'NEILL, NEBR. U You’re Interested In so A-l USED OAR — Be Sore to Bee Your Ford Dealer