Amelia News Surprise Party for Birthday By Florence IJndsry Miss Janette Clemens, daugnter of Mr. ami Mrs. Milton Clemens was surprised with a party honor ing her 16th birthday anniversary Friday evening at the home of her parents. Mr*. Glenn White baked and an gel fmxi cage and decorated it like a doll. Janette did not let them cut the cake at the party, but took it to show to her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jungman the next day. Other refreshments of sand wiches, cake, ice cream bars, cof fee and koolaid were served. Glenn White and Glen Ilallagh showed films during the evening. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clemens, Mr. and Mrs. Clif ford Clemens and family. Mrs Edgar Jungman, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White and Venita, H. S. White, Mr. and Mrs Paul Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Dary Carr and Debra, Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Svatos and David. Mrs. Ltzzie , I tester, Edward Coolidge, Clayton I Burge. Mr. and Mrs Clyde Burge. Robert, Joyce and Bruce, Mrs M. H. Madsen and Neal, Mr and Mrs. Anton Svatos, Mr. and Mrs. lztuis Burgett and Wayne. Mr and Mrs (jerry Dickerson and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Ballagh and Barham Joyce Burge was presented the door prize. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce called on Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coo lidge Sunday afternoon. On their return home Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leber of Atkinson came to visit them. Tommie Doolittles visited at Jim lii 1st tens Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. liamp Smith and Ruth and Rosanne Blake were din ; ner guests Sunday at Joe Stoeck i ers. Will Dierks visited at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Gene Thomp son over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle land family visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom I toolittle Friday i evening and watched the fight on |1V' . Mrs. Stella Sparks and Mrs. Ger tie Adair spent Sunday evening at ! Frank Pierces. They had a card game with Gertie and Frank iteing the victors. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dickerson were tendered a farewell party April 29 at the home of Mrs. Dick erson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge. The following fami lies were present Darrel Carr, lz>vv Burgett, IzHvnard Svatos. Art Kai ser, Paul Fisher, Bud Clemen, and GU iui White also Clayton Burge. Mrs. Bessie Burge, Harold, Clay ton and June of O'Neill were din ner guests Sunday at Clyde Bur ! getts. Mr. arid Mrs. Wdiiam Fry rear and Mr and Mrs. Orland Fryrear were guests Sunday at a Turkey dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gruenberg and girls near Stuart. Mr. and Mrs Jerry Dickerson went to Edmonds, Okla., the early part of the week. Mr, Dickerson nao been employed at the Glenn [ Whites, but was not able to con tinue his work because of ill health He was discharged from the ser vice last fall because of the same tilment. Mrs. Rosa Snelson of Atkinson came Saturday to \ isit her daugh ter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Ijolbert Edwards and family. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Blake and Mr. and Mrs Milton Clemens at tended the 4-H banquet in Atkin son Monday evening. Both couples ; are club leaders. Mr. and Mrs. Will Fryrear re ceived word from her daughter, Mrs. John i Arlene i Cearns that I she had returned home Saturday ! from the Scottsbluff hospital. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn White and IVenita and Harry White were i quests Sunday at a fish dinner at j the S. C. Barnetts. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lichty of Brunswick, old ! neighbors of the Barnette, also vis ited there in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and family accompanied by Cathy and Joyce Doolittle went to U>ng Pine Sunday to visit the Alvin Alberts family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rees were Norfolk callers Friday. Mrs. Tommie Doolittle and Mrs. Gertie Adair helped Mrs. Eldon Ballagh wall paper Saturday. Mrs. Effie Withers and her daughter, Mrs. Blossom Butler were in Atkinson Friday where Mrs. Withers went for a medical Checkup. She is feeling quite im proved for her recent illness. They were supped guests that evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. De Dance Withers. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus went to Orchard Sunday to visit Mrs. Backhaus’ brother, Bill Vroo man and family. Joe Stoecker received word of the death of his sister at Ashland. He atended her funeral there on Sunday. , , Cvnthia Dierking celebrated her birthday on Tuesday, April 28 with a party at school in the afternoon. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ilarlan Dierking. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen of Omaha visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and family over the weekend. Mrs. Edgar Peterson drove to Spencer Monday to consult the eye doctor. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Durre have named their baby boy, Mark. Janies. He was born April 27. Mrs. Durre is the farmer Patty Carson and tiiey now have 3 sons. Mr. and Mrs. Vem Sageser, Mrs. Link Sageser and Mrs. Lew Backhaus were in O'Neill Friday to attend the rural electrification meeting. The eighth graders went to Chambers Friday to take the ex- I ams, Cathy Doolittle, Roger Wal do, Robert Burge ami Donnie Sparks from the Amelia school and Mention Lierman, Sharon Watson and Shelia Kaiser from the school taught by Mrs. Harold Ful lerton. Richard Pospichal, Neal Madsen and Donald Clemens are other 8th graders from this vicinity. The Methodist youth fellowship j members had a ear w ash at Aniel- j 1a Saturday. It was such a windy, dusty day, they did not work in the afternoon. Mrs. Hienie Frahm and family | spent Thursday with Mrs. Gene ; Thompson and children. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence were j business callers in O'Neill Tues day. April 28. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gartner, Sha- j rol and Charles Dean of South j Sioux City visited from Wednesday evening unlit Friday with Mrs. Gaitner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Art Doolittle. I Mrs. Ralph Rees and Mrs. Link ; Sageser went to Atkinson Tuesday to get the club lesson for the I Amelia Progressive club. The club will meet with Mrs. Sageser on ; Mav 20. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Briggs and ; family visited Wednesday evening ; at the Hienie Frahm home. Mr. | Briggs was observing his birthday anniversary and the families were celebrating the occasion. Mrs. Frank Pierce and her daughter, Mrs. Charles Bligh and | granddaughter, Mrs. Dick Brau, : I Kith of Omaha went to Grand Is land Tuesday of last week to at tend the races. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Robertson of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gart ner and family of South Souix City, Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle and Mr and Mrs. Bob Adair and fam ily spent April 29 evening at Edgar Petersons. Mr. and Mrs. Cody Medlin of Hastings have recently adopted a one year old baby boy. Cody is well known here and is a grand son of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Doolittle. Mrs. Margie Sammons spent the day on Friday with Mrs. Blake Ott. Deloit News By Mrs. Henry Beiiner Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson visited Mrs. Larson's father in the hospital on Wednesday. He lives near StantoiV Don Larson of O'Neill spent Thursday night at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn were in Omaha on Wednesday. Little Steve and Mike Bartak, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bar tak are both hospitalized in Ne ligh suffering with the flu. Their mother is staying n Neligh with them. Mrs. Bill Gibbs and family were Norfolk visitors on Friday. Several from here attended the wedding in O'Neill at the Catholic Church on Saturday morning for Ellen Donohoe of O’Neill and Gro ver Shaw of Ewing. Grover is the son of Mrs. Leonard Knapp. The temperature climbed to 93 degrees on Friday, May -1st. A number of farmers and ranchers are sowing grass seed. Mr. and Mrs. Jewell Tomjack and two sons of Hastings spent April 25 -26 at the Ralph Tomjack home. Mr. and Mrs. Ewald Spahn called Friday evening at the-L. L. Bartak home. Mrs. Mary Stearns spent from Wednesday until Saturday at the Homer Stearns home in Norfolk. She called at the Rudy Bartak home while in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stearns and Mrs. Mary Steams called at the Sam my Stearns home on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Horn of Plainview spent Sunday at the Henry Keimer home. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Hillings and son of Orchard were Sunday dot tier guests at the Fred Harpster home. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth 1 ee and and two children of Sioux City, la., spent the weekend at the home of his mother, Anita Lee and Virtus. Mrs. Sidney Anderson has been a guest at the Howard Manaon home in O’Neill for about two weeks. She has I'em ill with the flu. Several from this community at tended the taint sale at the Galen Maben farm on Thursday. The Fred and Glenn Harpster, Mike Born and Henry Keimer and families did some work at the family cemetery last weekend. We had a light shower of rain Saturday afternoon and again on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson of Anchorage, Alaska, write that the temperature was 60 degrees there on Sunday, April 26. O'Neill Locals Mrs. Clay Johnson jr. and Mrs. Julia Blackmore, Amelia, attended the JJth session of Rebekah Dis trict JO at Ainsworth Monday. Dr. and Mrs. Merlin Sucha, for merly of O'Neill ami now living in Schuyler, were weekend guests at the D. F. Templemeyer home. Mrs. Leo Dowd of Schuyler was here Sunday to attend the St. Mary's Alumni banquet. Mrs. Laurence O’Malley, Cham bers, spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Edna Coyne. Lee Crosby, Ottumwa, Iowa, spent Sunday’ with his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Davis. Mr anti Mrs. Raymond Stowell were in Omaha for the weekend at the home of their daughter and family. Mr and Mrs. Jim Schindler and N icky. Spending the weekend in Colum bus with their son, Dan DeBacker and family, were Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker. Mrs Etta Brittell left Sunday for a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs Manuel Crosser. Tekamah. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Larson, Clearwater, were guests at the Harold Mlinar home Saturday. Arnie Mace sr. of Chambers is spending a few days this week al the Arnie Mace jr. home. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Lower were in Platte Center Sunday when they visited with Mrs. Julia Groe ger. Miss Bernadette Hynes returned to New York Sunday after spend ing several weeks with her moth er, Mrs. Leona Hynes, at St. Jo I seph s hospital in Sioux City. Mrs. Hynes is reportedly improving. >lr. and .Mrs. Robert ttltnn sunt daughter of Norfolk s|>ent the weekend with his sister, Mrs. John Stutfbergen. Mr. unci Mrs. Frank Wilson, Stuart, were guest* Sunday. Steven Svatka, Ralston, brother in-law of the John Laska's spent Monday afternoon at their home enroute to South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Elroy lieb and family were in Omaha Tuesday and Wednesday last week where Mr. lieb attended a parts manag er's meeting. While in Omaha, the Liebs visited at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Boyd, Mr. ami Mrs. Lvie Lieb and Mr. and Mrs. Lou White. Larry Lieb spent the weekend at the Arden Laursen home Mr. and Mrs. John Laska were guests Saturday evening at the Ed Paulsen home. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar were Sunday guests at the John Schultz, ranch. Mrs. John L. McCarville sr. and Mrs. John H. McCarv ille and Mary ! Kay plan to go to Norfolk today i (Thursday) Guests at the Duane McKay home Sunday were his sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Cav anaugh and son of Atlantc, Iowa. Rev. and Mrs. Glenn Kenneott attend a sub-district ministers meeting at the Page Methodist ehnreh Monday. . Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cuba, Geona, spent Sunday at the Jim Rother ham home. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Eymann re turned his mother, Mrs. Hattie Eymann, to her home in Oakdale Sunday. Mrs. Eymann had been visiting here for a week, Mrs. D. J. Erington and children were in Burwell Sunday visiting relatives. Guests Wednesday evening at the Jim Rotherham home were Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Smith and Mrs. Agnes Altig. North Platte Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sivesind and1 family were Sunday afternoon; guests at the Herbert Gydesenj home. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hurley ami children visited friends in Ravenna Monday. The Hurley children vis ited the Ravenna school where! they were once students. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich plan to spend this weekend with their daughter and family. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Wanser, Holly Springs ' Mrs. Ivod Janousek left Sunday i for North Platte where she will! v isit her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beckwith. Mr. nd Mrs. Wilbert Wld helm amt Susan »l t erdtgre spent | Tuesday at the Bruce Johnson home. Mrs. Marvin Johnson spent the weekend in Lincoln with her daugh i ter. Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pollock. Ne- j ligh, and Mrs. Anna Pollock, Ew ing were guests Sunday at the i Don Kellner home. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Krugman were in Atkinson Sunday where they called at the Art Hurnpal and Hob Gaylor homes. Mr. and Mrs. Flora Knight plan j to go to Norfolk Thursday to care for their grandson while his par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Knight take their younger son to Lincoln for an operation. Mr ami Mrs. Arnie Mare jr. were supper guests Sunday evening at the F. F. Brittell home, Atkin son, Mr. and Mrs Keith SchWt igart, Pallas. S !>.. were here Sunday at the Billie Marcellus home. Mr. aixt Mrs, Don Maw w ere Sunday dinner guests at the Arth ur Aim home where they ho ped Mrs. Aim celebrate her birthday. Mrs. George McCarthy and Mrs. Francis Gilg are in Omaha this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MeCarville sr. were guests Sunday of the P. J. Kelley family. Albion Mr and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus were in Lincoln for the weekend where they visited her sisfrt and family, Mr and Mrs Harlan Mc Coy, and their daughter, Lorna Marcellus. Friday guests at the Harold Mllnar home were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlinar, Atkinson. Mrs. John Freaking came Friday from Omaha to spend the week with her sister, Mrs. John Melvin. Mrs. Emma Ijiwrence jent the weekend with her sister, Mrs. Fannie Ernst. SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT Co. PHONE 570 O’NEILL TO OUR OPEN HOUSE JL> SHOWING OF OUR WESTERN DISPLAY CAR Thursday, May 14th, On Main Street in O’Neill Complete Displays of - * . • PORTABLE TYPEWRITERS - Royal, Remington, Smith-Corona, World Famous Olympia Smith-Corona Electric Portables • BOOKKEEPING MACHINES • MIMEOGRAPHS • DESKS - CHAIRS - FILING CABINETS • ADDING MACHINES - PRINTING CALCULATORS PLUS—The Latest in Time Saving Equipment \ “sPEtM “GET*ACQUAINTED” OFFER I | This coupon redeemable for $10.00 on any new typewriter or 9 4 adding machine during our Open House Showing. Valid Thurs- ) I day, May 14th, only. ) < WESTERN TYPEWRITER & OFFICE SUPPLY J * NORFOLK, NEBR. | ^ ^ v 'W w w m - I I ! ask yourself j these questions j you! buy a steel building POES IT GO UF FAST AND EASY? Don't waste time and money on costly hired help for • week or more when you build . .. with the new -SIOUX- Steel Building you’ll do the job youraelf with only two-on-the-farm helpers in • fraction of the time. -SIOUX is fast, easy and practical S IT BIO ENOUGH FOR AU TOUR NEEDS? -SIOUX- ie . , . with room to spare. A full 20 ft. high ... 40 ft. wide . .. and lengths te At any need. (It even enlarges In sections for expansion). • THE COST lOWf With the new -SIOUX- Steel Building youT store more, pay lees. Sixe, strength, long-life with a price can . . . approved by A.S.C for grain storage loans, with 20% down and 5 years to pay In many cases the building can pay for itself in storage benefits alone. ■ m FAMOUS -SIOUX- OUAUm Only the new -SIOUX- atari building gives nnmatsbed -SIOUX- quality in a farm bufld sa am irtmom. town u»i asm am m suimno must on aoiai ■aeNdMwi el Ihe Meat WeataS Cm CHb te Aeata WM. KROTTER CO. 8IOUX STEEL DISTRIBUTORS O'Neill, Nebr. at t II! BONENBERGER FEED STORE—Atkinson CLARENCE HANSEN—Inman EDWARD J. FUNK—Ewing FRED LINDBERG—O'Neill ELWYN ROBERTSON—Chambers EDOAlt STACFFER—Page OKA YARGER—Stuart HARRY It. SMITH IMPLEMENT—O’Neill * ■■■ i ■■ i iw ■—inn mm i in— ^ppmwmmmm \ \ Popular colors .Many styles Hundreds of sizes' «§!p» Made by America's most experienced awning manufacturer Won’t rip, rust, nor rot! No yearly _ upkeep! " Check our _ low prices! "i"'. Free esti mate! ® JIM SESSIONS PHONE 409 EVENINGS Box 509 O'Neill -- j We Will Be Moving Soon tTo Our New Location ... In The Meantime.. . REMEMBER . .. Continues To Be Headquarters For The Finest in . . . CARPET From the two top quality carpet mills in the country Biglin's features Mohawk and Firth car peting and room size rugs. Biglin's guarantees the installation because they have the only instal lation department in all of north central Nebras ka and south central South Dakota, assuring you of satisfaction and beauty in your carpeting needs. Biglin's features the largest selection of patterns from which to choose. Over 500 of the latest creations are yours to look at and choose from. Qualified personnel who can tell you the right type of carpeting to suit every need. We measure, cut, bind, sew and completely in stall every piece of carpet that we sell, and the records prove that Biglin's is the leader in carpet ing for all of North Nebraska. The reason—satis faction. TILE Biglin's features Armstrong floor covering in tile and rolls. Vinyl Asbestos tile carried in stock for your convenience. Over 45 different colors to choose from. Goodyear Tile . . . Robbins . . . Kentile. VENETIAN BLINDS Not only will Biglin's measure and install all of your new Venetian blinds but they will also re pair your old blinds. Cord and lape carried in stock if you want to do it yourself. DRAPERIES Biglin's carries a complete line of drapery mater ial which can be made into tailormade drapes for your own project. Traverse rods of all sizes carried in stock. Hoover Vacuum Cleaners Biglin's carries both the upright styles and tank type vacuum cleaners in stock. Phone 38 for a j ten day in the home trial—because trial will prove : that Hoover is the best for it beats as it sweeps as it cleans. All Hoovers are repaired right here in O'Neill and accessories are carried in stock. You don't have to hunt for service on your Hoov er Vacuum, it's available at Biglin s. Until our new location is ready for occupancy we will be headquartering at our location on South Fourth Street. For the finest in Floor Coverings Joe Tennis — Gene Schmiechel — Leo Mullen — George Hammond