Celi* N«w* By Mm. Mark Hi mlrlt'kt CELIA One oi the oldest land- , marks in this community is mu\ mg to a new location. What is known as the Alex For syth home, owned by Charley iiav-; ens, was constructed 4d years ago. Some of the renters wiio lived there were Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone, now living in O Neill, Mr. J and Mrs. Ralph Hies, now living south of Atkinson and the late Alex Forsyth. Mr. Forsyth moved to the farm IB years 0 and operated it in partnership with Mr. Bill Gross. Later the partnership was dissol ved and Mr. Forsyth continued U) live there alone. He died about a year ago and the property was purchased by Duane Beck ol tiie Celia community in December Mr. Beck sold the house to Mr. Bernard Brown of Morrili, Nebr., and it is being moved to its new iocaUon, two miles south and j three miles east of its original lo cation to the Frank Sicheneder home place now owned by Mr. ; Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Merril Anderson were Sunday April 19th dinner guests at the Hernia Meyers home, i Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Anderson of Martin, S.D., visited with ins brother, Merril Andeison Tuesday and Wednesday April 21-22. On Wednesday Merrill and Ralph vi sited their father. Art Anderson at Albion. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sicheneder | Visited at tiie Harold Joldluss home , last week. David Frickel spent Saturday p m at the Jim Sicheneder home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sicheneder j were supper guests at tiie home ot j their son. the Jim Sicheneders on : April 12. Air. and Mrs. Jim Sicheneder ] called on the Eddie Walnofer's ■ on Sunday evening. Henry Hieser and Mr. Gakie were callers at the Mark Hendricks j home on Tuesday. . , Mr. and Mrs. Find Colfack visit- j cd at tiie Mark Hendricks home on j Tuesday evening. Mrs. Duke Hoffman, and son, I Roger visited at the Robert Hen dricks home Wednesday evening. | Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sicheneder vi- I sited at tiie John Sicheneder home | o.i r nutt> eu iuiifc. Jesse Mellor were all day visitors ot Mrs. Russel Hipke on Thurs- j day Mrs. Chaffin and Mrs. Hip ke are daughters of Mrs. Mellor. The men of our community did their spring house denning oil our telephone line oil I* rillay and (Saturday. They set a number ol new poles and tightened the wires and various other jobs. Maybe it will save our line man, Mr.’ Hoffman, having to run and IU the line every time the wind blows a little. Richard Hustan spent last week- | end with Charles Chaffin. Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beck and daughters, Sheryl and Sandra, vi siteu at the Frank Kiiniurry home Sunday evening. Mr and Mrs. Milton Mckathine visited at the Ralph Arnold home bumlay evening. Mr and Mrs. l>waine Lackmon ol Stuart had a family dinner Sun day in honor of their guests, Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Tuigley of Omaha. The following were dinner guests Mr. and Mrs. George Beck, Mis. Bibby Miinar, Mr. and Mrs. Cnai les Miinar Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith ana family, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miinar and Mr. and Mrs. Dua ne Beck and girls, ail of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Johnson and Mrs. Jim Botonhorsl and dau ghter, Lynnette of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lockfon of Stuart. Mr. George Beck visited at his son, Duane Beck's home on Wed nesday while Mrs. Beck attended club. Kay McKathvie was an over night visitor of her grandmother, Mrs. Emma Mckathine in Atkin son on Fri night. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson, John Sickeneder and daughter, Gail drove to Norfolk April 19 to visit Mrs, John Sicheneder and her new son. Mr. Sicheneder brought Mrs. Sicheneder and son home on Mr. and Mi's. 1 rank bichenedet and girls visited at the John Sic heneder home on April 23. Charley Morsett of Royal and Miss Lovonne Marsett of Norfolk were Friday evening supper guests at the John Sicheneder home. Mrs. Fern Marsett of Royal is helping with the home work at the John Sicheneder home for a few days. Mrs. Milton Mckathine visited the John Sicheneders, April 23. Mrs. Emma Mckathine was also a visitor. Flu lias couglit up with a num- | her of our neighbors again. The Alex Frlckel family have ail been ill, Mr. Freekel being very sick with it. Peggy Arnold and Mrs. Duke llolfman have also had their turns now. Mr. and Mrs. Byrl Bock ana family and Mrs. Inez Hayes of Atkinson called at the Alex Fric- | kel home Sunday afternoon. Harold and Garold Frickel help ed with chores at the Alex Frickel home on Tuesday and Wednesday. Cerne and John Albricht hayed cattle for Mr. Fricked on Tuesday. The Frickels say they are very ap preciative of such good neighbors. Jim and Laverne Sicheneder vi- | sited at the Ralph Arnold home Sunday afternoon. NOTICE OF HEARING ON SCHOOL BOUNDARY CHANGE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY SUP ERINTENDENT, O'Neill, Nebras ka. In accordance with the School Laws of Nebraska, we have been petitioned to make the following described change in district bound aries. Detach the E*2 Section 15, Township 28. Range 9 from Dist. No. 110 and attach it to Dist. No. 88. A hearing of said matter will be held in the Assembly Room at the Court House in O'Neill, Nebraska on May 11, 1959, 2 p.m. when all interested may appear and be heard. „ __ ALICE L. FRENCH, County Superintendent. KENNETH WARING. , County Clerk. J. ED HANCOCK, County Treasurer. l-2c I THURSDAY THRU MONDAY - APRIL 30 THRU MAY 4 - ANOTHER "BIG" Jack & Jill "EXTRA" nus Sale YOU WILL RECEIVE EXTRA BONUS IN AS MUCH AS S&H GREEN STAMPS X8'W *2 - O'NEILL - BUTTE OR BONESTEELBY SHOPPING YOUR FRIENDLY JACK & JILL STORES AT EITHER ENJOY TRIPLE SAVINGS 1-LOW, LOW PRICES 2- ONE STOP SHOPPING CENTER 3—NATIONALLY FAMOU S S&H GREEN STAMPS [H Jack & Jill Bonus Sale With the Purchase of Any One of the Following Items — CHDI Jack & Jill Bonus Sale HiK2 FREE $1000 EXTRA I _ "««.oo rxtra bonus in mhgreen stamps I FREE $1000 EXTRA f In S&H Green Stamps When Purchasing 8 CATSUP, 5 14 oz. btls. 95c APPLE BUTTER . . 3 jars $1.00 In S&H Green Stamps When Purchasing 4 100 watt LIGHT BULBS for 92c § ~ PEAS.5 pkg, 95c «.«, $1.001 Jj™ BEANS - 6 303 cans 95c | _I Offer Exxpires May 4th *20.00 fxtka in sah green stamps—When Pureha.MnR ah or Above items fVlMI Offer Exxpires May 4th MSM9 Seafteofttu BinA-anlSOVt ,,11111 . 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Valley Home White Tur—Dark Sweet BLUE PLUMS . near gal. 69c CHERRIES . near gal. 99c Valley Home Valley Home—Royal Anne PEACHES, halves .... near gal. 99c CHERRIES . near gal. 99c Our Family—Halves or Sliced Marshmallow PEACHES .t. 2 - 303 cans 49c PEANUTS . 2 pkgs. 49c CRACKERS. kv„v,„.v_2-lb.box 38c I I I.. ^ HH Jack & Jill Bonus Sale Wmiu \ FREE $1P EXTRA | I VEGETABLE SOUP I | 7 tall tins for_$100 | I FREE $1P EXTRA I j In S&H Green Stamps When Purchasing S iVan I la—( hoeolate—Strawberry in JACK & JILL ICE CREAM I 2 Half Gallons for_$150 I “TrTT$1000 EXTRA I In S&H Green Stamps When Purchasing 4 GOLDEN VALLEY SPAGHETTI | 7 No, 300 cans _$100 | I