Rock Falls News By Mr*. IJoyd John*on Through ail the snow and slush we're back again. A little child asked it’s mother. ‘Mommy, 1 thought they said spring was here And so we ail did lor a short time anyway, but it was surely pushed into the background as Olu Man Winter came buck with snow and more snow bringing badly needed moisture. Highway conditions were haz ardous and there were numerous accidents over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pride ol Omaha visited Wednesday till Fri day at the home ol her parents, Mr. and Mi's Albert Sterns Miss Evelyn Sterns spent last week with her brother, Edwards family near Atkinson. Mr, amt Mrs. John Schultz and girls were uftemoon visitors at the home of Alden Bremer anil sons on April 12. Vincent Ernst watched the fights over TV with Mr. and Mrs. Orville Thorson on Friday evening. Lots of excitement during the show. Fred Ernst anil Mike Bauer pur chased some milk cows at Clear water last Thursday . Mrs Delia Ernst accompanied Mrs. Fred Ernst to town on April 14 and spent the day with her old friend and neighbor, Mrs. Tess Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bauer and Jamily spent April 14 evening at the Fred Ernst home. Wednesday evening visitors at the James Curran home were Mrs dames Fred, Fanny and Delia Fi nst. The latter stayed there until On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James Curran unit Aniell accompanied Mrs. Delia Ernst to her home in ArMr*aand Mrs. John Schultz and girls were last Thursday evening visitors at the Bob Gallagher liomp. i Mrs. Kathryn Yantzi ana god daughter, Debbie had dinner.with the James Curran family April 14. On Aprd 14 Mrs. Kathryn Yan Ui and Debbie, Mrs James Curran and Mrs. Floyd Johnson attended a parly at the home of Mrs. Neil *''Ivlrs Yantzi and Debbie weie supper and evening guests at the Floyd Johnson home on Apnl 14. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson and Linua were Sunday guests at he Dale Taylors. Mrs. Gordon John son was an afternoon caller. Messrs and Mesdames Art O; Neill, Lyle Vequist, Francis Cui ran and Jim McNulty were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Miller on the evening of April 14, honoring the couples wedding anniversary also Mrs. Miller s birthday. Kita Janice and Tommy Vequist spent the evening at the home of their grandmother, Mrs. Celia Grutsch in O’Neill. . Kita Vequist accompanied the Albert Widtfeldl family to O Neill on Friday evening to attend the music contest. Jimmy Widtfeldt spent the night with Terry Brown. Norma Widtfeldt visited Satur day afternoon and had supper with Peggy Hakes and Yvonne Steele. Dan Rakes recently moved to the place formerly occupied by the late Charley Vequist. Mrs. Henry Vequist took time out from shopping on Saturday and had dinner with her brother, John Turner ttnd family. Orville Morrow and Duane San ders helped shell corn at the Hen ry Vequist home on Friday. ‘ Jimmy Widtfeldt accompanied Terry and Cindy Brown with Mrs. Brown to the Ma and Pa Kettle show on last Wednesday evening. r—--1 , I I I ask yourself j these questions | store you j buy a stsel building bOES IT GO UP FAST AND EAST? Don't waste time and money on costly lured help for a week or more when you build .. . with the new -SIOUX- Steel Building you’ll do the job yourself with only two-on-the-farm helpers in a fraction of the time. -SIOUX ia fast, easy and practical. S IT BIG ENOUGH FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS? -SIOUX- is . . . with room to spare. A full 20 ft. high ... 40 ft. wide . .. and lengtha to fit any need. (It even enlarges in •actions for expansion). • THE COST LOW? With the new -SIOUX- Steel Building you'll • tore more, pay less. Sire, ■trength, long-life with a price tag that will surprise vnu. CAN IT BE FINANCED? Sioux can . . . approved by A.S.C. for grain storage loans, with 20% down and 5 years to pay. In many cases the building can pay for itself in storage benefits alone. S IT FAMOUS -S.OUX- QUALITY? Only the new -SIOUX- steel building gives unmatched -SIOUX- quality in a farm build ing From •wall to wall, from sdl to ventilators materials and de af* are perfect examples of the queht\ that has m rked -SIOUX Steel equipment for nearly 40 year*. Ml Bit. STB FNGTH. IONO ll'f AND AST Of BUILDING INS T ON .SIOUX flUanwtcufwEvn of Hu* Vail Wanted Corn Crib in Airjfka «wrfb#r advo-cwnt *• farmim; (o' vcm, WM. KROTTER CO. SIOLA STEEI. DISTRIBUTORS O’Neill, Nebr. Mrs. John Schultz ami daugh ters, Gwenda, Trudy and Debbie were escorted to the same show by their sister and aunt, Linda Johnson. Mrs Fred Ernst and Mrs Louis Vitt \ isited at the George Schnebcl home in Norfolk last Thursday. The John Schultz family were Sunday aftednoon visitors at Sam l >e rick son home John Schultz stopped by to offer an item, saying one of his Holstein cows had presented him twin cal He and wife, Lorraine, had din ner and spent the most of the day at the home of her parents Mr. ami Mrs. Floyd Johnson, on Mon day. Amelia News My Florence Umlsey Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sladek and family enteramed at a dinner April 12 in honor of Airman 3c Don ald Sladek, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sladek of Atkinson, who is home on a twenty nay furlough Also for the birthday of his grand mother, Mrs. Julia Sladek, who was observing her 76th anniversary on that day and her great grand son, Danny Schmit s 1st birthday which was April 8th. Present besides the honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Sladek and family, Mr. and Mrs. John G. Peter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peter and Colleen of O'Neill, George Sladek of Cham • m 1 h * __ t * . . v C/i It Itt l t Wt'iS, ±vil. aiiu mio. . of McLean anil Mi-s. Helen Po korny and Donald. AMELIA PROGRESSIVE CLUB The Amelia Progressive Project club met April 15th, at the home of Mrs. Julia White in Atkinson. There were ten members and two visitors present. Mrs. Vern Sages er, vice-president, had charge of the business meeting, as the pres ident, Mrs. Elmer Collidge was absent because of illness. Mrs. Paul Fisher and Mrs. Glenn White presented the lesson on “Lines and Designs”. Mrs. White served a delicious luncheon of sandwiches, salad, pickles, ctxik ies and coffee. Our May meeting will be with Mrs. M. L. Sageser and the les son will be on breads. AMELIA Pine Grove Hustlers 4-H club met at the home of Jacky and Hilly Doolittle Friday evening. The president called the meeting to order by all repeating the 4-H pledge. Eleven members answered roll call by naming a grass or a seam. There were 4 guests. Next meeting will be May 8 with Venita White. Cathy Doolittle won the guessing game. For project work we did an ex periment on commercial feed and discussed feed grains, roughage and commercial feeds for live stock. Grasses we had samples of the different root systems. Boys Continued making knots in the rope division. Yeast Breads looked over ba king utensils and named different kinds of rolls. Sewing girls studied propor tion in clothing and made three dif ferent kinds of seams. ■ n — i - - At the close of the meeting Mrs Doolittle served a lunch of sand wiches, pickles, cup cakes, cocoa and coffee, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Milton of Denver, Colo , came Friday bring ing her father, H. S. White, to his home here. He had been visiting in Denver since Christmas Mr. and Mrs. Verrt Sugeser. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson were O'Neill callers Friday. Mrs Eva Backhous and Caro i line of Atkinson were visiting in Amelia April 15. Mrs. Bernard Blackmore, Mrs. ! B. W Waldo and Mrs. Link Sa geser attended a Reljekah lodge meeting in O'Neill Friday evening Mrs. John t eams of Scottshluft came Wednesday and stayed se veral days with her parents Mr. and .Mrs. Will Fry rear. Mrs. Fry rear has heen ill and under the doctors care. Mr. ami Mrs. Glen Lytle and Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Edwards, I Arlis and Zane, of Amelia, went to Rockfoni, Wash.. Thursday to attend the funeral of George Cut ler. Mrs. Cutler is the former Hazel Snelson and a sister to Mrs. Ed wards Charlie Edward of Nevis, Minn, joined the Delbert Edwards fam ily at Atkinson and accompanied them to attend the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Clemens, Jeanette ana t K>n were ainner guests at S.C. Barnetts. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge, Ro bert, Joyce and Bruce went to Omaha Friday afternoon and v isi ted over the weekend with then daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Nielsen and with Mr Burge's brother. Dean Burge and J family. Rev. Charles Cox, pastor of the A m e 1 i a-C h a m b e rs Methodist Churches recieved word of the death of his sister at Sioux Falls, S.D. He planned to go there for the funeral. Farmer Withers of Omaha, vi sited his aunt, Mrs. Effie Withers land Mrs. Blossom Buttler Mondaj afternoon and evening. Mr. and Mrs. S.C. Barnett visi ' ted Mr. and Mrs. John Shipman at ! their new home in Chambers Fri day afternoon. I baby of Burwelt were dinner guests | on April 12 at the Tenus Madsen home. The Lytles planned to move to Hayes Center that week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce cal led at William Fry rears on April 15. Mrs. Floyd Adams and Mrs. Blake Ott were O’Neill callers Sat urday. Mrs. Lew Backhaus, Mrs. Edith Andersen and Mrs. Blossom Butler were shopping in O’Neill Friday. Dannie Sparks visited Jim and I Dennie Doolittle at Stuart over the l weekend. Joe Stoecker went to Grand Is j land Thursday to attend the horse j races. He returned home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. August Pospichal, and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peterson attended the chuck-wagon feed in Burwell Thursday evening, j Pfe. Richard Baker, stationed j in Maryland has been visiting his ! mother, Mrs. Doris Baker and his sister and brother-in-uaw. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Fix and family. MaaVjHU-a.. MC'l |H ll Ml ■ WlfclWlf I—1 Kenneth Baekhaus. son of Mr. ! and Mrs. Hoy Baekhaus. who is in the armed service, has been sta tioned in Alaska. He went on Fri day of last week by plane. Pfc. Hale Kennedy arrived home Sunday morning tor a ten day I leave Mrs. Leonard Svatos and David ! were dinner guests on Tuesday ot Mr. and Mrs. Dary Carr and lie bra. Mrs. IHdia Krnst taint' home Sunday alter several weeks visit with relatives anti friend North ot O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. James Curran and Arvlell brought her home. Mrs. Milton Clemens attended a 4-H leaders' meeting in O’Neill Wednesday. Mrs. Levi Clemens ac companied her and spent the after noon with her daughter, Mrs. Hai - j old Humnch and family. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemens took some Atkinson glee club girls lo O Neill Thursday to the music contest. Celia News By .Mrs. Mark . Hendricks Bobby Hendricks is really puffed j up these days but not with pride. ] He woke up Thursday morning with the mumps, on both sides. It's tough on a guy just moved to the farm and anxious to explore and drive that Ford tractor for daddy. Harold Frickel spent the night with his cousins, the Hoffman boys, April 14, and Roger Hoffman re turned the favor by spending Wed nesday night with the Frickel lxiys. Mr. and Mrs. George Mintle and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mintle of O' Neill were dinner guests ot the ' Milton MeKathnies on Sunday. Gary Hoffman missed schixil a couple of days this past week be cause of the flu bug. Sunday, April 12, guests at the Raymond Robey home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elder. Mrs. Edna Wood, Mrs. Robert Hendricks and children and Mrs. Mark Hendricks called on Mrs. Fullerton at the Robey home April 13. Mrs. Wood stayed to spend the entire day with her. Mrs. Omer Points spent the day at the Mark Hendricks home April 14. Francis Chaffin accompanied a group of home-economics girls and others to Lincoln to spend the day. Mrs. Robert Hendricks had din ner at the home of her cousin. Mrs. lone Wayman in O’Neill Thursday. Mrs. Mark Hendricks and Mrs. Leonard Chaffin drove cars to O' Neill to take students to the music contest Thursday. Reverend and Mrs. Walter j j Steinkamp were April 11 supper I guests at the Robert Hendricks j home. Mrs. Omer Points visited at the j Robey home April 11. Arlin Hendricks visited at his | grandparents home, the Omer ■ Points. Sunday until Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Perron of Long Pine were dinner guests of the George Mintles Wednesday. They are American S.S. mission aries. ' Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathr.ic and Mr. and Mrs. Duane Mintles of O'Neill were April 14 dinner guests at the George Mintle home. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson have been helping out at the Sich mr iiii iwi—r p m i w -**•* ti——————mm— Now . . . Introduced by GILLETTE DAIRY ■ah 11 THAI i » "X* WHOU »UKI \ TASTES tike wMV ** . DAIRY NAME ’ ' ;• hi* '°*wUlK | ffl \ PROTEIN FORTIFIED * \ SKIM MILK / *•. It's Proteinized! » ■ Gallon Ice Cream -FREE with the Purchase of each Pint of Ice Cream at ^ YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD GROCERY Thursday - Friday - Saturday This Store Is Closed on Sundays • |l Protein it the ttvff life i» mode ofl And P.f. Skim Milk if 10 ttrongly fortified with Grade A milk protein that it's octuolly 26% richer in protein than whole milkl GOOD to Drink...GOOD for Your Figure I At last, a skim milk with the delicious creamy taste of whole ^ milkl And P.F. Skim Milk is extra high in the health-building protein that battles weight by burning up carbohydrates in other foods. It’* a joy to keep slim with P.F. Skim Milkl One taste and you’ll order it AlWAYS! Get P. F. Skim Milk at your dairy counter or arronge for home delivery by phoning Gillette Dairy Phone 498 O'Neill J ^ircstoneJTV^j^^ Shelhamer Equipment _,.-•-•-'jif'l \ -kxUZA^- .JFJ MONDAY, APRIL 27, 5-9 P.M. Come in...'Briny Your family...Med Your friends I_ EXTRA SERVICE AT „ . , ,, NO EXTRA COST Pancakes for Evoryone - with the CHAMPION IT'S OPEN HOUSE GROUND GRIP • Stronger Cord IN EVERY DEPARTMENT . stronger Bead • Firestone Rubber-X for longer wear over _ _ the road and in the fietd SAVE MORE GUIDE GRIP FRONT • Two-Rib Design • Turns Easier • Cleans Better !• Wears Longer FOR --- UP TO TWICE THE WEAR THE FASTEST OF OLD-TYPE DESIGNS TRACTOR TIRE . service in TOWN LOWEST PRICES... ^ , EASIEST TERMS ON ; fir.:^STT?::a ' on-lhe-?arm tire - service is as near We have as your phone .• lneiJ,lr , Every Wheel *•••••••»••••••• that Rolls on the Farm Invites You To Visit Shelhamers Newly Remodeled Store On April 27, 5-9 p. m. ENJOY PANCAKES & COFFEE Get First Hand Information on Their Better Service and Better Deals! WASHERS - DRYERS - WASHER-DRYER COMBINATIONS FREEZERS - REFRIGERATORS - REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER COMBINATIONS VACUUM CLEANERS - KITCHENS - AIR CONDITIONERS RANGES - DISH WASHERS - DISPOSERS See the New Push-Button Washer See the New Moisture Minder Dryer 1 See the New Exclusive Featured Refrigerators I j SHELHAMER EQUIPMENT CQ. r ~