Chamber* Ntwi a* *** E. R. < arpenwrr ^an^ypung received word fror nis aj '^W'todwjg officer that h woul^lw allowed * 3Q day sion bel wedding on Saturday. 1 Mr and Mrs. A. E. Harris were overnight guests at the home of his brother. H. R. Harris and fami ; ily on Saturday They returned • to Fremont on Sunday. ' Dr H. F. Eby, dentist of St. Paul has opened a dental office in Ewing Dr. Eby. who has been in St. Paul for seven years, has practic ed dentistry in both Nebraska and South Dakota. Deloit News By Mrs. Henry Reimer Mrs. Ruday Funk is a patient in the Antelope Memorial hospital , in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Steams and Mrs Mary Stearns attended the senior class play in Elgin Fri day evening. Madine Stearns, who is a junior was in the play. The H E O club met at the Ewald Spahn home on April 9. Mrs. Spahn, vice-president was in charge of the business meeting in , the absence of the presdidenr Mrs Lambert Baruk Mrs Werfcmeister and Mrs Ma ry Steams presented the lessor on "Line and Design in Clothing.' Only 7 rnemoers were present Some were ill. Several from here attended a shower for Mrs Jack Jones, form erly Neta Lee Maben, at the Clear water Methodist church basement on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs John Wulf visited Mr and Mrs. Carl Wulf and family in Tilden on April 5th. Mrs. Bill Gibbs was hospitalized in Norfolk last week, the three I children were at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Bartak. Mrs Myrtle Jewell of Dallas, ,S.D.. has spent the past two weeks visiting at the home of her daugh ters, Mrs Ralph Tomjack and Mrs. Johnny Bauer. Mrs. Mike Bom of Plainview spent Saturday at the Henry Rei mer home. Several from here attended the singspiration sponsored by the Qiurch of Christ in Elgin on Sun day Mrs. Howard Manson was pi anist. % Mr and Mrs Henry Reimer at tended the athletic banguet in In man Saturday evening They were i also guests in the Harvey Tomp kins home. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack and Mrs. Jewell spent Sunday af ternoon at the Johnny Hauer home Most of the farmers are sow ing oats, several have been saw ing lumber. Sidney Anderson spent most of last week at the Howard Manson I home in O'Neill Mrs. Alice Lodge was hospital | it'd in Neligh for the past two weeks Peg came from Ogallala on Monday to visit her mother f. tk ' »’ * F , EwakJ Spahn was to and onto surgery on his knot* in Omaha this w«*k, Try Tha Frontiar Want Ad* — It Pay* I CERTIFIED j Hybrid Seed Corn Go to SCOVIE'S for HARTZ Seed Corn i ME HAVE A REPLANTIN4J AGREEMENT ALL EARLY HYBRIDS: i s * IOWA SIW — low A 4?4» — low A 42!*7 — HARTZ 22 { HARTZ 44 SCOVIE'S ! WESTERN AUTO STORE . O’NEILL I I _ ___ _ I On Addition to the Usual Stamps With 1 I jLi^CJb JL XVa* Your Purchase) f Top Value STAMPS/i and FOOD VAIUES [M'\ IBM coupon BBT MM coupon ■■■ This Coupon good for This Coupon good for 100 EXTRA 100 EXTRA T-V STAMPS T-V STAMPS With The Purchase of With The Purchase of 2 Pkgs. 5 Pkgs. 16 oz. BOOTH Frozen 8PARETIME Frozen STRAWBERRIES MEAT PIES 1MB coupon Mft! MM coupon BM ■MB coupon BIB MB coupon Bl I This Coupon good for This Coupon good for 100 EXTRA 100 EXTRA T-V STAMPS T-V STAMPS With The Purchase of i With The Purchase of 4 Lbs. 5 Pkgs. MORRELL S LARD GARDEN SEEDS MB coupon Mk in coupon BM BBB coupon BB RB coupon BB9 This Coupon good for This Coupon good for 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA T-V STAMPS T-V STAMPS With Thp Purchase of With The Purchase of Of Frozen 1-lb. 5 6-OZ. Cans 1 Pkg. WHOLE SUN Frozen WHITING FILLETS ORANGE JUICE M coupon BB MM coupon BM MM coupon BB EMM coupon BB This Coupon good for This Coupon good for 50 EXTRA 50 EXTRA T-V STAMPS T-V STAMPS With The Purchase of With The Purchase of | 2 Boxes 4 No. 2 Cans t«0 count CHARMIN Of STURGEON BAY FACIAL TISSUE CHERRIES MB coupon ^mS MM coupon MB BM coupon MM coupon ^BM T, . - .. This Coupon good for This Coupon good fo. K » iaa rvTDA 1D0 EXTRA ! 100 fcXlKA TV CTAMDO T V CTAMDO * ul AlWlu T-V STAMPS „ With The Purchase of I 59c Size Pkg. 1 1 LIBERTY BROOM S|MI coupon MB ^M1 coupon bbJL Butter Nut Frozen—Full 18-oz. Brookland Kills—18-oz. Cans Straw. Short Cake. 45c PLUMS, Near Gal. _ 59c CHILE_300 Baker’s—12-oz. Pkg. I.ibby’s—Cream or WK—303 Cans Staley's Waffle Choc. Chips, pkg. _ 49c LORN ... 2/39c SYRUP, 24-oz. jar 39c Blue Bonnet ' Hunt’s—300 Cans Holland Dutch OLEO, lb.. 27c TOMATOES. .. 2 35c Ice Cream, I gal... 69c — — — — — — — — — j * — — — — — 7l.s7Gov'7Graded Good Beef C . 49c | HAM S* 39c Jf_ 49c 79c U Ends and Pieces Wilson’s End Cut ■ 1 BACON, 5 lbs.. 89c Wieners, 2 lbs. 79c P’K CHOPS, lb. 39c I ■ I>ean Meaty Perfect for Sandwiches I^-an Slab V lb. 29c | B’nsweiger, lb. 45c | BACON, lb_ 99c ( HHH COUPON Cohlen Ripe This Coupon Good For BcUKHUlS. 2 lbs. 29^ . Fresh Pak—Cello 200 EXTRA Carrots, bag. 10c T-V STAMPS e "'T 7aa ZTZ Spuds, 100 lbs $149 With The Purchase of ————— | Extra Fancy Wlnesap 50lbs Apples, 4 lb bp 4Qc JERSEY CREAM FLOUR __* " WE HAVE A FULL SELEC ■■I COUPON ■■ TION OF" SEED POTATOES.