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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1959)
|-Legal Notices-1 (First pub. April 2, 19591 William W. Griffin. Attorney NOTICE OF SITT TO: George Laney; The Heirs. 1 Devisees, Legatees, Personal Re- : presentatives and all other persons 1 interested In the Estate of George ' Laney, Deceased, real names un- '• known; Mary Laney; The Heirs, ' Devisees, Legatees, personal re- * presentatives, and all other persons * Interested in the Estate of Mary 1 unknown, wife of Joe* Laney; Elizabeth Ticknor, John * unknown, husband of Elizabeth Ticknor; and All Persons having * or claiming any interest in All that part of Outlot B in the Village of Inman, Holt County, Nebraska, 1 bounded as follows: On the North 1 by the extended South line of Se- 1 cond Street; on the East by a line ' parallel with and distant 277.3 feet ( from the West line of said Outlot; ' pn the South by a line parallel < and distant South 157 feet from i said South line of Second Street ; ; and on the West by the West line < of said Outlot as laid down and I described on the plat of said Out- < lot. to said town as recorded in the I office of the County Clerk of said i County, real names unknown. ] You and each of you are hereby , notified that on the 27 day of 1 March, 1959, the County Board of 1 Supervisors of Holt County Nebras- 1 ka, as ex officio Board of Public 1 Welfare of said County, as plain tiff, filed a petition and commen ced an action against you and each of you in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, the ob ject and prayer of which is to 1 have plaintiff and the County of Holt deoreed to be the holder of a lien for old age assistance granted under the laws of the State of Ne braska to George Laney, totaling the sum of $7670.64, and to have said lien impressed upon the real estate above described, and to have said lien adjudged and decreed to be a first, paramount and prior ■* 1 — -- Vu\/1 rWArMIOAD 11V. I • upvrtt »v»v* I** against the interests, rights or ti tle of any and all of the defendants herein, and to have the Court or der said real estate sold at judi cial sale for the satisfaction of said lien, interest and court costs; that each and all of the defendants herein be found and decreed to have no right, title or interest in or to said described real estate, paramount to the said lien of the plaintiff, and to subject the inter est of all of said defendants to the satisfaction and payment of said lien upon said real estate, and tar such other relief as may be re quired for the satisfaction of the Hen . . , You are therefore required to answer said petition on or before the Uth day of May, 1959, or a judgment will be rendered against you accordingly. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPER VISORS OF HOLT COUNTY, NE BRASKA, EX OFFICIO COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE, PLAINTIFF. co 49- 52c (First pub. April 2, 1959) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE OF SUIT To: Elizabeth Angus; The Heirs, devisees, legatees, personal re presentatives and all other per sons interested in the Estate of Elizabeth Angus, Deceased, real names unknown; John Angus, first and real true name unknown, hus band of Elizabeth Angus; Lester Angus, Mary Angus, first and real true name unknown, wife of Lester Angus, Lloyd Angus, Mary Angus, first and real true name unknown, wife of Lloyd Angus; Ray Angus. Mary Angus, first and real true name unknown, wife of Ray Angus; John Angus, Mary Angus, first and real true name unknown wife of John Angus; Mary Snyder, first and real true name unknown, wife of Marcus Snyder; Mary Furley, first and real true name unknown, wife of Jim Furley, Jim Furley; cand. All Persons having or claiming any interest in the real estate described as Lot 10 in Block 32 in Subdivision of Outlots and B of Pioneer Townsite Company s Addition to the Town of Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska, real names unknown. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 27th day of March, 1959, the County Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebra ska, as ex officio Board of Pubnc Welfare of said County, as plaintiff, filed a petition and commenced an action against you and each of you in the uisinci uiuu ^ — ty Nebraska, the object and prayer of’ which is to have plaintiff and the County of Holt decreed to be the holder of a lien for old age assistance granted under the taws of the State of Nebraska to Eliza beth Angus, totaling the sum of $5731.74. and to have said lien im pressed upon the real estate above described, and to have said lien adjudged and decreed to be a first, paramount and prior lien upon said described premises, against the in terests, rights or title of any and all of the defendants herein and to have the Court order said real estate sold at judicial sale for the satisfaction of said lien, inter est and court costs; that each and all of the defendants herein lie found and decreed to have no rieht title or interest in or to saia described real estate, parfrTlt^]lt to the said lien of the and to subject the interest of aU of said defendants to the satislac tion and payment of said lien upon said real estate, and for such oth er relief as may be required for the satisfaction of the lien. You are therefore required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of May, 1958. °r ® judgment will be rendered against ^uoty’&ard ok super VISORS OF HOLT COUNTY, NE mtASKA EX OFFICIO COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE. PIAINTIFF._ (First pub. April 2, 1959' William W. Griffin. Attorney NOTICE OF SllT To: John T. other P e r S °#n,L„ T hS rr1 %££**£* sen; Mary Hansen; first and real true name unknown, wife of Lewis Hansen; Mary Zahnter, tint and real true name unknown, wife of lames Zahnter; James Zahnter; Mels Hansen. Mary Hansen, first j ind real true name unknown, wife >f Nels Hansen; Louise Harsh, Ro- I jert Harsh; Mary Misoner. first ind real true name unknown, wife ! >f Eldon Misoner; Eldon Misoner: i d&ry Misoner, first and real true lame unknown, wife of Don Mison *r; Don Misoner; and, All Per ons having or claiming any inter est in the real estate described as; I jots 16 and 17 in Block F of Me- I lafferty's Second Addition to the •aney. Deceased, real names un nown; Joe Laney; Mary Laney. i r s t and real true name 'own of O'Neill, Holt County, Ne iraska. real names unknown. You and each of you are hereby totified that on the 27th day of riarch, 1959, the County Board of dr. and Mrs. Erwin Schultz of iupervisors of Holt County, Nebra ka, as ex officio Board of Public Velfare of said County, as plain iff, filed a petition and commenced in action against you and each of rou in the District Court of Holt bounty, Nebraska, the object and >rayer of which is to have plaintiff tnd the County of Holt decreed to >e the holder of a lien for old age issistance granted under the laws >f the State of Nebraska, to John f. Hansen, totaling the sum of 11752.89, and to have said lien im iressed upon the real estate above lescribed, and to have said lien idjudged and decreed to be a first, >aramount and prior lien upon (aid described premises, agaist the nterests, rights or title of any and ill of the defendants herein, and o have the Court order said real •state sold at judicial sale for the .atisfaction of said lien, interest ind court costs; that each and all if the defendants herein be found ind decreed to have no right, title >r interest in or to said described -eai estate, paramount to the said ien of the plaintiff, and to subject the interest of all of said defen lants to the satisfaction and pay tnent of said lien upon said real ?state, and for such other relief is may be required for the satis faction of the lien. You are therefore required to answer said petition on or before the 11th day of May. 1959, or a iudgment will be rendered against you accordingly. COUNTY BOARD OF SUPER VISORS OF HOLT COUNTY. NE BRASKA. EX OFFICIO COUNTY BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE. PLAINTIFF. 49 -52c (First pub. April 2. 1959) William W. Griffin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4321 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF COUNTY, NEBRASKA. MARCH 26, 1959. IN THE MATTER OF CHARIES C. APPLEBY, DE CEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims agaist jaid estate is July 23, 1959, and for the payment of debts is March 26, 1960 and that on April 23, 1969, and on July 24. 1959, at 10 o’clock AM., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 49-51c (First pub. April 9, 1959) William W. Griffin, attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND HEIRS: No. 4325 COUNY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF BLANCHE A. EDWARDS, DECEASED. THE STATE OF NEBRASKA, to all concerned: Notice is hereby given that Edyth V. Thorin has filed a petition alleging that said deceased died intestate on the 25th day of December, 1956, a resident of Holt County, seized .of: A tract beginning at a point 313 Vi feet North of a point 42 feet northeast of the northeast comer of Block “D" in Village uf Chambers, Holt County, Ne braska, thence running East 132 feet, thence South 65 feet, thence West 132 feet, thence North 65 feet to the point of beginning, being a part of the Southwest quarter of Section 20, in Township 26, North, Range 12, West of the 6th P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska, in which petitioner has derived an interest by way of inheritance from deceased, prayng for a de termination fo the time of death, tnat sne uitru uucaiait, u.v- r j degree of kinship and right of de scent of real property, of the de ceased, which petition wall be for hfearing in this court on April -9, 1959 at ten o'clock a m. LOUIS W. REIMER. County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEALi ^ (First pub.. April 16,1959' William W. Griffin attorney NOTICE OF GUARDIAN’S SALE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. In the Matter of the Application of William W. Griffin. Guardian of the Estate of Ralph M. Carey Incompetent, for License to Sell Real Estate. , . NOTICE is hereby given that nursuant to an order by the Honor able D. R. Mounts. Judge of the District Court of Holt County Neb raska, made on the 6th day of Api il 1959, for the sale of the real es tate hereinafter described, there will be sold at public auction tc the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Court House in the City of O'Neill Holt County, Nebraska on the 11th day of May 1959, at one o’clock P.M.. the fol lowing described real estate, towit An undivided 2/54ths right, title and interest in and to the South west Quarter of Section 21 in Town ship 29 North, Range 11 West ol the 6th PM. in Holt County, Ne Said sale will remain open one Dated this 8th day of April, 1959 WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN Guardi ar 51-52-1 RivrsicU N»w» By Mrs. Lionel Cuntcr Crowded Out l^st Week The Lou Vandersnick children stayed at the Wayne Fry home Saturday while Lou and Marcia attended the Don Vandersnick wed ding. Mrs Wilbur Bennett, Mrs. Ralph Shrader, Mrs. Archie Johnston and Mrs. Keith Biddlecome called at the Lionel Gunter home Friday afternoon. Mrs. Alfred Napier and Dennis, Mrs. R. A. Hord and Mrs. Lionel hunter went to Clearwater Friday to hear the Norfolk Junior college j spring musical. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. i and Mrs. Don Larson, and Lynn 1 Fry, Wayne Fry, R i c h a rd Napier, Wendell Sw itzer and Bill Lofquest families | were guests Saturday evening at . the Robert McDaniel home. Larry Larson and Russel Napier : are home this week for their spring i vacation. They both attend college in Sterling, Kansas. The Riverside Free Methodist women s missionary society met last Thursday afternoon with Mrs. I V>n I rsiin Mr and Mrs. Z.H. Fry, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Napier, Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery and family and the Lynn Fry family were din ner guests Sunday at the Floyd Napier home. The dinner was in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Lorraine Montgomery's wedding annivers ary. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller, Mrs. Howard Miller, Mrs. Grant Mott, Mrs. Bert Fink, and Rever end and Mrs. Ivan Turner attended a revival meeting at the Weslyan Methodist church in Page Thursday evening. Mrs. Walter Miller and Mrs. Gr ant Mott and Reverend and Mrs. Ivan Turner attended prayer con ference Friday at Bethany. Ernest Trowbridge of Inman visited at the Howard Miller home from Monday through Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Miller and the I mi Miller familv were suDDer guests April 1 at the Walter Miller home. Dave Pollock had a serious nose bleed Friday evening and was tak en to the hospital in Neligh. His nose bleed had quit by Saturday but he was weak. He planned to come home on Sunday. Bert Fink and Ora Switzer plow ed the ground and Wendell Switzer planted oats Saturday. The Bill Lofquist family visited Tuesday evening at the Leo Miller home. The Gerald Wetlauffer family of O'Neill called Sunday evening at the Will Shrader home, taking Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrader home with them for a couple of days visit. On Tuesday evening, Eddy and Alice Shrader went to O’Neill and brought Mr. and Mrs. Will Shrader home with them. The Archie Johnston and Willie Sharder families visited Thursday evening at the Willie Shrader home. Sheil Fry stayed with Mrs. Kit ty Fry while her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry were in Norfolk April 1. Mrs. Keith Biddlecome took Vlanda Biddlecome back to Colum bus Monday evening to her school duties. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Bennett were O’Neill visitors April 2. Mrs. Alfred Napier afternoon in honor of Leroys birthday anniver sary. On Wednesday evening Jerome Miller entertained Leroy Napier, Francis Bergstrom and Richard Kropp to a theatre party in honor of his birthday. The John Napier family visited at the Ed Walters home in Cham bers on Thursday evening. Mrs. Ralph Shrader attended fun {eral service* in Lincoln April 2 for i a cousin. William Hoasick Anna Miller was a dinner guest last Sunday at the John Miller ho me. Mrs. Dale Napier and Mrs Z H Fry were Neligh visitors Saturday 1 aftenoon Mrs Wilbur Bennett stayed with j the Harold Bennett Children Friday evening while the Bennetts attend- j ed forum. Mrs and Mrs George Montgom ery' visited Sunday evening at the Lorraine Montgomery home. They were visitors on Tuesday evening at the Henry Wehenkel home in Orchard. j The Archie Johnston family, called on Ralph Johnston in Neligh hospital Wednesday evening. Ral ph had a heart attack while fight ing a fire at his home last week. Levon D. Gunter of Odebolt, Iowa, visited relatives at Ewing Sunday. Celia Newt By Mrs. Mark Hendricks Crowded Out last Week Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Kilmurry's parents, the Au gust Troshynski’s. Pat Kilmurry visited at the Frank Kilmurry home April 2. Mrs. Blanche Rouse of O'Neill was a visitor at the Milton Mc Kathnie home from March 30 till April 1. Mrs. Emma McKathnie was also there Sunday and Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pease visited at the Victor Frickel home March 28. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Armold vis ited in the Jim Sicheneder home April 3. Reverend and Mrs. William Mil er and family of Wayne visited at the home of his mother. Mrs. Cla ude Miller. He is helping her with some work. Mrs. Violet Armold accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickel to Nor folk on business April 1. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Armold and Peggy were visitors at the Victor Frickel home, where they help the Frickel boys assemble a new sad dle. Mrs. Alvin Heiser visited her si ster, Mrs. Lois Beck at the Atkin son Memorial hospital on Monday and became acquainted with her niece. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwlndt and Vanita were Friday evening call ers at the Alex Frickel home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laible visited with their daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickel. Other call ers were Mr. and Mrs. George Ra ndal of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil bur Lange and sons and Ed Hof fman. They tried their luck at fis hing but with no success. Group four consisting of distri cts 147, 232,159, 74, 246 and 40 held their grade school arithmatic cont est at district 147 last Friday. It consisted of students from the 3rd through 8th grades. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Johnson visited at their ranch Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Sicheneder were Easter Sunday dinner guests of the Jim Sicheneders. Other gu ests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sicheneder, Mr. and Mrs. John Wonderchek, Jean and Carolyn. Carolyn accompanied Miss. Gail Sicheneder to her home where she visited until March 31. Albert Johnson of Lyons, and Rick Kruse of Omaha were Friday afternoon callers at the John Sich eneder home. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Frocken were Easter Sunday evening visitors at the Clarence Focken home. Bill and Paul Focken returned to Hastings and school duties Apr il 5. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Focken and family called on the Duke Ho- . ffmans on April 1. Mr and Mrs Duke Hoffman and sons, Mrs Mary Johnson, Mr and Mrs Jim Beck and Inez Hayes ! were Easter Sunday dinner guests j at the Byrl Beck home Denny Beck spent his Easter ■ vacation at home with his folks the | Byrl Becks Denny is a student at \ the Nebraska school for the deaf i n Omaha Mr and Mrs. Walter Miller vis- ' ted home folks the Rahns of Dus- * tin community and Mrs. Claude 1 Wilier on Friday They returned to 1 S’orfolk early Saturday morning Miss Uniola Adams, a furlough- ! Hi missionary form Africa, has : j ieen visiting her brother and sis ers Yulan, David, Vesta and Mab- 1 si. She will return to Africa after j i season of studies in the east. Velma and Orville Orr and son ] irove to Norfolk Friday morning :o visit the Walter Millers, who * vithout knowing of the visitors, had »me to visit them among other I 'elatives at Atkinson. j Several friends visited at the Bill Meusch home and help them :elebrate their 32nd wedding ann- 1 versary. Those present were Mr. 1 ind Mi's. Emil Colfack and son, ; Wr. and Mrs. Adrian Mitchell, Mr. ind Mrs Vincent Obermire, and Evelyn, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wefso ind John Obermire. Pvt. Allan Mitchell, son of Mr. 1 ind Mrs. Harry Mitchell of Dus- ’ in community, was home on fur- 1 ough and while here was married o Miss Carol Ann Cahay of Butte, i rhey left for his new station at 1 Et Leonard Wood, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. George Mintle vi- : iited at the Rudolph Poessnecker i lome Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Lorenz of i D'Neill and Mr. Fred Lorenz of Inman were Sunday afternoon at die Robert and Mark Hendricks i lomes. The Lorenz' are aunt, and mcles of Mrs. Robert Hendricks. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Don Carey of Ban croft visited at the Connie Frickle come Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Frickel and family, Mr. and Mrs. Felix Laible . C O i. ,kifn nns-1 A1 IT CVftH White and Garold of Schyler, were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Laible at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hendricks and children moved to their new home on the Joe Hendricks ranch Saturday. The Hendricks have lived in McPherson, Kans. the past 3 years. Dr. and Mrs. F. L. Wilson of Sioux City, la., came March 30 to spend two weeks at their ranch. They had been vacationing in Cor pus Christi for two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Wilson of O'Neill, visited his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson at the Wilson ranch Friday Night. Mrs. Omer Points visited her daughter, Mrs. Mark Hendricks Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. George Beck spent the week at their sons home taking care of Duane and little Sheryl while Mrs. Beck was in the hospi tal with little Miss Sandra. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kilmurry called at the Duane Beck home on April 2. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hieser and children were Easter Sunday din ner guests of the Duane Becks. Miss Dorothy Scott had supper with the Duane Becks on Friday evening. ...... Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hendncks called on the Lloyd McDowells in Atkinson on April 3. Mr. and Mrs. Milton McKathnie visited with the George Mintles on Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Claire Anderson of Long Pine and Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson of Ainsworth drove to Albion on Tuesday where they visited friends. Mrs. Merrill Anderson called on Mrs. Mattie Lange Saturday after noon. Mrs. Lyle Anderson of Bassett CONSUMERS... Continuously Alert to Warn of Storms and Repair Storm 4:5||%-pamaae ~^a Newest “weapons” in Consumers “arsenal” against storms are two 300-kilowatt mobile power generating units. , Strategically based, the units can be moved quickly to any \ area in the state to provide emergency power until normal ' service can be restored. When tornadoes or severe thunderstorms are spotted, Consumers Public Power District’s state-wide warning system goes into action. Communities in the path of danger are alerted through local Civil Defense and law enforcement agencies. When a storm strikes, Consumers crews move at once, by day or night, into the affected area to restore electric service and assist in every other possible way. Men and machines, mobilized from the entire state, if necessary, work around the clock until service is restored. CONSUME!Kffi Hobnsh'l Soft- Supporting, Efficiently-Managed Source ot Spendable, Low-Cost Electricity 1 _I visited with the Merrill Andersons ; Friday. Sandra and Ricky Huston spent the weekend with the Chaffin ehil Iren. O'Neill Locals Crowded Out last Week Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bazelman. md Mr. and Mrs. R. R Reed of Orchard returned April 7 from a hree week trip through the sihi- | hern states. They visited Mr. and Mrs. Karl j Crauss in Cincinnati, O., Mr. and ■ drs. I. F. Reed m Auburn, Ala., j md SP-t and Mrs. Jack Hollenbeck n Clarksville Tenn Their trip also ncluded a tour of Ft. Campbell, Cy. where SP4 Hollenbeck is sta ioned; Montgomery, Ala., Colum ns, Ga., Benning, Ga., and mac aber interesting places. Ail their return trip they stopped it Lincoln and visited Mr. and Mrs. ■’rank Reed and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Proase. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reed of Or •hard, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bazel nan of O'Neill and SP4 and Mrs lack Hollenbeck of Clarkville Penn., spent Easter with Mr. and | drs. I. F. Reed in Auburn, Ala. Mrs. Clyde Streeter left April 5 or Wichita, Kan., where she will ipend two weeks with her daught er and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. larold Hubert, and family. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Patton and Mr ind Mrs D. H. Clauson drove to Jmaha on April 5 to attend the co-capades. While there the Clau ;ons were house guests of Rev. md Mrs. H. H. Beers. The Pattons visited friends Mrs. Bernice Butts ind Mr. and Mrs. Louis Springer, rhey returned home on Monday Mrs. John Hickey and daughter, Jlare, Miss Kathleen Warnke and VIrs. John Shoemaker went to Jmaha on April 5. They attended he ice-capades and returned home in Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stanton and laughter, Mrs. Rex Stowell and children spent the weekend of April P5 in Sioux Falls, S.D. where they visited the Stantons son-in-law and laughter, Mr. and Mrs. John Cud iy, and their son, Gene Stanton md family. Mrs. Mickey Stewart attended state day at the Sigma Kappa so rority house in Lincoln on April 5. She was accompanied by Mr. Stewart and children. Mrs. Ro bert Newman of Chappell joined the group there. Mrs. Stewart is the former Betty Storjohann and Mrs. Newman was Deloris Storjohann, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. John Storjohann. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen drove to Norfolk April 8 and from there they went to Winside and visited with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr anti Mrs John Bowen They returned home that night Sixty-one relative* and friends gathered at the James McNulty home on April 5 to honor Mr. and Mrs. McNulty on their Silver wed ding anniversary. They received many beautiful j gifts. Coffee, cake and ice cream were j served. | -Obituaries- | Mrs. Anna Sorenson Mrs. Anna Sorensen, 71, daugh er of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Sondors was born at Pierce. May 26, 1887 ind died April 4, after a ton day llness. As a small child she moved with ler parents to Verdigre. On April 17, 1912, she was mar ried to Chris Sorensen at Verdigre. ro this union was bom four sons ind one daughter. In 1934 they moved from a farm north of Pago to a farm near Neligh, where they lived till 1946 They then bought a home In Page where she has since made her home As a young woman she was uni ted with the Methodist Church and was a member at the time of her death She was a member of the Page legion auxiliary and was a 3old Star Mother. She was preceded in death by tier husband and daughter, Mrs. Ed (Gladys) Homick a son El irige, who lost his life while in the service at Leyte on October 23, 1944. Also an infant son, a grand son, (James Hornick, age. 2 years), her parents, two sisters, and one brother. She is survived by two sons, John of Page, and James of Lin coln, nine grandchildren, one sis ter, Mrs. Trena Nelson of Creigh ton. two brothers, Pete Sondors of Verdigre and John Sondors of Oma ha, and a son-in-law, Ed Homick of Hooper and a daughter-in-law, Mrs. Oral Clevel of Ewing. Douglas I. Chapman Douglas I Chapman, son of W. I. and Effie Chapman was bom July 3, 1910 at Atkinson, and departed this life March 31 at Mobridge. S.D., where he had made his home the past several years. Masonic rites were held April 2 at Mobridge, S.D. and the body was brought to Atkinson for ser vices and interment on April 3 with Rev. Charles Gates of Atkin son officiating. Mrs, Penn Fleming and Mrs. William Schom accompanied by Mrs Jay Jungman sang "In the Garden" and "Rock of Ages . His boyhood was spent in Atkin son until after the death of his fa ther in 1923, when they moved to a ranch near Amelia He was gra duated from Atkinson high school in 1929. anil then attended Uni versity of Nebraska for two years; and then Creighton university for two years. In 1939 he was married to Miss Jane Germain of McLaughlin. S.D. To this union were bom three chil dren a daughter, Janet, and two sons, James and Douglas, jr , who survive He was associated with his brother, George, in the theater business Presently they operated businesses in Linton, N P , and Mo bridge, S.P. They formerly owned businesses at Parker, S.P , Rush ville.and Lemon, S. P. After selling the business at I,emon S P the family moved to Eugene. Ore., for a time, liefore locating at Mo bridge, S.D. Pallbearers were AH>ert 1 ,t'm mer, PR. Davis, F. J. Brady, C. E Spence, J. K. Schultz and R.J. Kelly. Mr. Chapmans death was the result of a heart ailment. About two years ago he suffered a coro nary attack from which he recov ered. Other survivors are his mother, Mrs. Effie Withers of Amelia; brothers Harold O Chapman of Topeka, Kan., Leland (Jack) of Boise, Ida Wilbur of San Francis co, Calif., George W of IJnton, N. D. and Paul V. of Rapid City S. D. One sister. Mrs. Blossom But ler of Amelia. Those from a disfance attending the funeral rites in Atkinson were H. O. Chapman of Topeka, Kans., James Chapman of Santa Barbara, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. Geroge Chapman of Linton, N.P. and Mr. and Mrs Paul Chap man of Rapid City, S.D. HARRY PURDY INMAN-H. L. "Harry" Purdy of Otis was found dead in the field on March 30 by his wife. Death was apparently due to a heart at tack. Funeral services were held Thursday at the Otis Presbyterian church with Rev. George Kyncl officiating. He is surivied by his wife, Helen, two sons and two daughters. A son preceded him in death. Mr. Purdy has many relatives in this community. Phone your news to M» SCORES MOST MILES PER GALLON OF ALL V-8’s IN ALL CLASSES IN MOBILGAS ECONOMY RUN COMPETES IN SPECIAL COMPACT CAR CLASS AVERAGES 22.28 MILES PER GALLON Severe lest for miles-per-gallon performance proves outstanding economy of Studebaker Lark Kansas City, Mo. While com peting against the top Ameri can economy cars (all no” wheelbase or less), the Stude baker Lark proved its overall superior economical perform ance in the Mobilgas Economy Run. This event is the most ac curate test for miles-per-gallon performance a car can take. Each car is put through the most grueling paces—moun tains, deserts, country roads, highways, traffic —and the rule is: Ask no quarterl The result is now history! ■ See and compare The Lark, this completely new kind of car, and you’ll know why Stude* baker’s sales curve is the fastest rising in the industry. The Lark is America’s greatest—and fast est growing—value. Fun driac it today. I Discover what you’ll save at YOU R STUDEBAKER DEALER’S THIS WEEK at dealers’ displaying this sign! Take a fun drive in The Lark and get this gift! Exclusive RCA ^ Victor record: 4 hit songs by Pat Suzuki, star of "Flower ' Drum Song” PLUS: A chance to WIN a $i5o RCA Stereophonic Console, your new dimension in sound. Nothing to strings attached! SMITH MOTOR CO. 228 Blast Douglas St.