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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1959)
Hospital Not— Swrtd Heart, Lj neb ADMITTED George Baumeister of Butte; Mrs. Damai Chambers of Lynch; Baby Alice Marie Cassidy of Lynch; Mrs Mary Cassen o1 Spencer; Miss Glerma Courtney of Lynch, Baby Audrey Kay Dopheide of Butte; Edmund Kngelhaupt of Butle; Wilham Farrand of Dorsey; Mrs. Eliza May Jackson of Fair fax; John Miller ol Spencer; Mrs. Josie Schemost of Spencer; Mrs. Ruth Talbert ol Bristow; Mrs. John Tarr of Butte. DISMISSED . April 6 William BliUkie ol Spen cer; Mrs. Bertha Breight of Butte; by Sandra King of Spencer. 7— William Langan of O'Neill; Mrs. Rollin Hiatt of Lynch. Rev. Hither Karaber of Lynch S Baby Terry Fredrickson of Spencer. ID- Frank Prokop of Spencer 11 Baby Ka thleen Anderson of Bristow; Mas ter liodney Anderson of Naper; Miss Domne Mohr of Butte; Mrs. Jerome Dopheide of Butte. 11’ Mrs. Frank Thomson of Lynch; Mrs. Junior Raymond of Bone steel; Mrs. Minnie Coitran of An oka. ATKINSON MEMORIAE ADMITTED March 6 Mrs. Lyman Park of Page, Mrs. Agnes Schmit, Atkin son; Joan Curry, Atkinson; Mrs. Linden Mulford Stuart; Roy Carr, Atkinson; Mary Lee Harvey of Chambers. 7 Donald Sladek ol At kinson; Sandru Schaaf, of Atkin son; Henry Murphy, Stuart; Har old Bauman, Stuart. S Mrs. Ado lph Mlinar, Atkinson; Eldons Sa geser of Chambers; 11 Mrs. Ro bert Welier ol Stuart Mrs. Jess Benton Mellor of Atkinson. 12— Lyle Addison of Atkinson; Mrs. Claude Raymer of Atkinson; Mrs. Davis of Stuart; Raphael Pettin ger of Emmet; Mrs Louis Peter of O'Neill; 13 Mrs. Paul Jacquet of Long Pine; Mrs. Darel Bright of Atkinson; Leslie Porter of At kinson. DISMISSED March t> Mrs. John Kenny ol Atkinson;Mrs. Ed Schmuecker At kinson; Mrs. Delbert Addison of Stuart; Joan Curry of Atkinson; 7- Herman Sctunman of Cham bers; Mary Lee"farvey,of Cham bers; Mrs. Mike Schaaf, of Atkin son; Mrs. George Payne of Atkin son; 8 Donald Sladek of Atkinson; Sandra Schaaf of Atkinson; Mrs. Raymond Olson and son of New port 10 Tarold Bauman of Stuart; Mis. Edith Syfie, of O’Neill; Mrs. Lyman Park of Page; Gerry Lee Schaaf of Atkinson; 11 Roy Carr of Atkinson; Mrs. Linden Mulford Stuart; Judges John E. Ray of Hastings. 12 Henry Murphy of Stuart. St. Anthony’s AMITTED April 8— Miss Carol Johnson of Kilgore; Rickie Tucker of Ewing; Ambrose Biglin of O’Neill. 9— George Sedlacek of Spencer; Irene Papstien of Bristow; Mrs. LaVern Caskey of O’Neill. 10— Mrs. Henry Kuhfahl of O'Neill; Mrs. Lyman L. Covey of Chambers. 11—Clar Quick refresher! ■—_ DOURLE FEATURE PROGRAM FRIDAY and SATURDAY April I7th and lHth DOWDIEST, LUSTIEST AFFAIR EVtR SEEN! B3T MADISON riicada FLEMING CmtiMScort COLOW — PLUS — SUNDAY, MONDAY, TUESDAY April 10, 30 and 31 A Million Excitements I_Wide... _ Ratal | Sira Sirm\ WEDNESDAY ami THI'RSDAY APRIL 33nd and 33rd BUCK NIGHTS ence Whaley of O'NeiU; Patricia Arnold of Nenzel; Mrs. James So botka of Inman; Miss Anna Sohot ka of Inman 12 -Mrs. C. A Van Valkenburg of Ewing.. IS—. Mar garet Wertz of O’NeiU; Peter Lar son of O'Neill. 14— Guy LeRoy Reynolds af Inman. 15 Mrs Nick Ramold of Stuart; Mrs Melvin Ruzicka of O’Neill; Pamela Strom; of O’NeiU. DISMISSED April 3—Julie Ox>nk of Page 3 Mrs. Glenn Miller of O'Neill; Helen Sobotka of Inman ; Earl Strong of O’Neill. 10 Mrs Nor man Rokahr and son of Page; Miss Carol Johnson of Kilgore; Mrs. Melvin Haselhorst and son of O'Neill; Mrs John Kaczor and son of Ewing. 11 Ambrose Bighn of O'Neill; George Sedlacek of Silen cer; Rickie Tucker of Ewing 12 Mrs. Lyman L. Covey of Cham liers. 13- Oynie J. Probart of Pick stown; Mrs Henry Kuhfahl of O' Neill. 14- Mrs. LaVern Caskey and son of O'Neill; diaries Lai ben of Inman: Mrs. C. A. Van Valkenhurg of Ewing 15—Patricia Arnold of Nenzel; Mrs. James Sobotka of Inman; Mrs Dave (Nettie) Widt felde of O'Neill: Irene Papstem of Bristow -. Mrs. Gertrude Howard of O'Neill; Guy Reynolds of Inman, ___ OOI'RT DOCKET State vs Robert J Plouse of Cas j per, Wyo., $45 and costs for spee ding. Officer R. R Shorney State vs Joe J. Pfeifer of Spen cer; $50 and costs, overweight ax State vs Bob F. Penn, Wakefield; lie; Officer C. L. Kizzire '$50 and costs for overweight axle Officer D. F. Richardson State vs Roland H. Miller, Ra pid City, S. D.; $10 and costs, ov er length. Officer C. L Kizzire. State vs Charles F. Benedict, ; Stanton: $10 and costs for speeding. I Officer E. M. Hastreiter. State vs George R Coventry, 20, Inman; $25 and costs for possession of alcoholic liquor by a minor. Of ficer E M Hastreiter. State vs Bernard R. Alien. 19, O'Neill, Count 1, $45 speeding night; count ?, possession of alco holic liquor by a minor, $25 and costs Officer E. M. Hastreiter. State vs Earl Finstro, Sioux Ci ty; $10 for speeding; Officer E M. Hastreiter. Page News By Alvin Crumley The Page MYF picked up com at the Hal Farnsworth farm east of Page. This is the second time they have picked up com this fall. The first time they had 40 bushels; the last time they had 30 bushels. The com is piled at the George Clasey farm where it will be shel led and the money will lie used to buy different items for the church Mrs. and Mrs William Ragland went to Ord Thursday to attod the funeral services of Mr. Ragland's brother-in-law. Charlie Day. Pat French and daughter went ; to Oakland Sunday with Mrs. William Sorensen and daughter. Mrs. French and her daughter stopped at Oakland to visit her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Orville Olson, while Mrs. Sorensen and her daughters went on to Tekam ah. They will return home Mon day. Mrs. Kagland and her daugh ters, Vivian and Juanita, were ac companied by James and Connie Nissen Saturday when they went shopping at Norfolk. j The Page track team went to Ainsworth April. 8. They left ear ly in the morning coming home early that evening bringing home one first won by Dennis Ickes, in pole paulting and a second in the half mile won by James Nissen. , All together they got 10 points, placing 4th in the C and D schools and 5th among all of the schools A large crowd attended the an nual spring concert presented by the Page school band under the direction of Leonard Sawyer, Thursday night at the school audi- | i torium. The Page Improvement club met for their regular meeting They discussed improvement and clean up of the park for the spring (picnics. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Asher en tertained tin' following Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family and Mr. ami (Mrs. Cal vin Harvey and family. Loren Stewart, son of Mr. and (Mrs. Arnold Stevvert. is home on a fifteen day leave. He arrived | home Saturday evening. Loren is serving in the Navy as a fireman aboard the USS Prairie AD-15. 700 CATTLE FOR SALE There will ho from Htm to 700 cattle for sale today at lhe O' Neill IJvestocl* Market. This sale will include one string of steer calves from too to 525 pounds (these are Hereford steer calves) and 30 head‘of mixed yearlings. Other consignments in dude 32 head of mixed yearling and heavy calves, 12 light fancy calves, IS steer calves from Kedhlrd. eighteen 400 pound Hereford heifer calves from Ewing. There will he a number oi other excellent consignments. HOC. SALE BEGINS AT 12:30 P.M.—CATTLE SALE AT 1:45 O'NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET PHONE 2 A’ern & Iadgh Reytioldson » I Thursday, Friday, Saturday — April 16, 17, 18 Open Nights Sundays JACK & JILL PORK SALE Lean—Meaty | PORK-ROAST Per ib-29c PORK-STEAK u*-39c Mulberry—Sliced BACON lb. pkg. 39c Pork SPARE RIBS l^ean—Meaty Lb. 29c Tender, Fresh Frying « CHICKENS ls/« to 2 lb. avg. 59c «• Just Right for Your Locker or Deep Freeee Snack Bar SPECIALS! Rich Creamy MALTED MILKS ea. 19c Puritan Fully Cooked—Ready-to-Eat HAMS Whole or Shank Ptn. per lb. 49c CENTER SLACES lb. 8»c Roberts Grade A BONUS-PAK MILK x/i gal. 43c Valley Home—Blue PLUMS near gal. tin 69c Our Family Tomato CATSUP 4 bottles 89c | Redeem Your Lever Proven ■'jP fiOrtn6rn A**9® .w.* KITCHEN TOWELS CORNSTARCH .™ 20c^CAe/'>v “‘15C LUX E?.2 5S 23' 2E? 31' X LIFEBUOY.2 & 25' 2 ET 35' \ <- “ fc E S E / DOVE BEAUTY BAR.2 V*39' \ TW°Tound *°x / RINSO BLUE »w„"«.rai* \ f Vk / HANDY ANDY cM,£::.,,73' \ #£ /w«f. WISK iSjwliur,..,.,,75' gloss \ ^ M. */ WAXED LUX LIQUID .” m71‘ starch \ £ / ^AP^ SURF iXST.*'£83' _33* \ “** / 23c RRFF7F *w*fp»“ cieat q if \ J*1 / r> DlltCLL Detergent . She OT PARSON'S \ / X ALL AeVomatlc Washers ..3|ai'71C SUDSY AMMONIA FLUFFY ALL..’£81' «-29' FREE~$50.00 “EXTRA BONUS” in S&H GREEN STAMPS witn ine rurcnase or tne following items— $10.00 EXTRA $10.00 EXTRA $10.00 EXTRA $10.00 EXTRA $10.00 EXTRA SAH GREEN STAMPS SAH GREEN STAMPS S*H GREEN STAMPS SAII GREEN STAMPS SAII GREEN STAMPS When Purchasing When Purchasing When Purchasing When Purchasing When Purchasing <5 No 2 cans j^.j Monte Rath—Fully Cooked Swansdmvn Cake Mix 12 Rolls Kim Tissue 89c 4—100-w Light Bulbs . $1.00 ..Tomato Juice . $1.00 PIckettes . lb. 49c White or Dark, 3 pkgs $1.00 Swift's Premium § bacon | lb pkg 59c Cudahy's LARD 2-Jb pkg 29c Jack S Jill ICE CREAM Three Delirious Flavors— \ null In, Chocolate, Strawberry Vz gal. 69c Snack Bar SPECIALS! | Very Tasty BANANA SPLITS ea- 23c Golden Valley PORK & BEANS 5 No. 2V2 Cans for $100 White Tag Dark—Sweet CHERRIES near gal. tin 99c Sather—Gem Cremes COOKIES 2 Mb pkgs 49c Swift's Oriole MINCED HAM Ik- 39c