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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 16, 1959)
Tomlinson 'Eyes' Top Shot Mark Highly geared Larry Tomlinson of St. Mary's Academy excited sports fans throughout the state Tuesday when he threw the 12 fxaind shot 55 feet and 4 inches The St. Mary senior just miss ed the state record of 57 feet and 4 inches as he led his team to victory at the Sand Hills relays in Bassett. The heave broke the previous Relays record of 51 feet 1 in ches set in 1949 by George Whit tier who was on the St. Joe of At kinson track squad. Coach Don Templemeyer told a Frontier reporter that he ex pected Tomlinson to break (he state record before the season was ov er. “If conditions are right, I see no reason why he couldn't," he said. Last week Templemeyer pointed out that each time Tomlinson has lieen in competition he has better ed his own mark by at least a foot. Area and state sports writers have also predicted that Tomlinson would soon hold the state shot put record for high school athletes. For a complete report of sports news in the area turn to the sports page Sale Dates Claimed April 18 To settle the estate of the late Charles Sobotka, all real and personal property will be of fered at auction at. the west edge of Inman by heirs of the estate. Col. Ed Thorin of O'Neill, licensed real estate broker and auctioneer and George Colman of Inman auc tioneer. April 18 Over 20,000 feet of material consisting of lumber, posts, wire etc., at public auction at the O’Neill speedway. Wally O'Connell, auctioneer and Ed Mur phy. clerk. (Details in next issue.) On April 17, the estate sale of Henry Cook, selling 160 Acre im proved farm and all personal pro perty. located 1 Mile West of O’ Neill Drive In Theatre and approx imately 2*5 Miles North. Watch next weeks issue for large sale bill. Ed. T. Campbell, Admin istrators Col. Wallace O'Connell, Auctioneer. April 25 Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kern Complete household goods, j and restuarant equipment. Sale starts at 1 p.m. at 115 North First Street, O’Neill. (Me block east of the Bowling Alley) Col. Wally O’ Connell. auctioneer. Strong Rites Set The funeral of Earl Harold Strong, 50. who died recently at the Methodist hospital in Omaha will lie at 2 p.m Friday at the Methodist church in O'Neill. Burial will be at Prospect Hill cemetery’. Survivors include his wife, eight children, six sisters and one bro ther. Announce Winners Of Spelling Contest The Holt county spelling con test winners have been announced as follows by the county superin tendent: The winner of the eighth grade competition was Rosemary Ma honey. District 5; Shirley Skrdla, District 169, seventh grade; Judy Syfie. District 53, sixth grade; Mary Peterson, District 249. fifth grade; Harold Morgan, District 69, fourth grade and Fred Johring, District 92. third grade. _ Auto and Equipment Fair Here Thursday Every’ auto and equipment deal- j in O'Neill will participate in the auto and equipment fair today | (Thursday!. On the inside of today's Frontier you will find the bargains of par ticipating merchants with coupon advertisements The coupons will be good for three days, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. An area on 4th street will again I* roped off where the dealers will show and demonstrate their equipment. Two Minors Charged With 'Possession' Two local minors were charged in county court April 4 with pos session of alcoholic liquor by a minor. George R Coventry, 20, Inman was fined $25 and costs. Bernard R. Allen, 19, of O’Neill was fined $45 and costs for poss ession of alcoholic liquor and $25 for night speeding and costs. Officer E. M. Hastreiter was the arresting officer. O'Neill Methodists At District Conference in Creighton Friday O'Neill Methodists attending the Northeast District Spring Confer ence of the Nebraska Methodist church in Creighton Friday were Rev. and Mrs. Robert Embree, Rev, and Mrs. Glenn Kennicott and Mrs. R. R. Herley. Rev. Embree, superintendent of the Northeast District, presided over the all day session which in cluded reports from representa tives of Methodist Hospital, Om aha and Corwell Memorial Home, Blair. Commitee directors. including Rev. Kennicott, reported on chil dren's, youth and adult work in the district. Deans of the Summer Youth Camps presented the camping pro gram to be held this year at Ponca State Park June 1-6 and June 22 27. Plan Norfolk Trip For 40 Cub Scouts Nearly 40 boys of Cub Scout Pack 210 in O'Neill will tour the Meadow Gold plant at Norfolk Thursday as part of their "Down on the Farm” program. The boys will have a picnic in the park at noon and will visit the new mus eum later in the day. Making the trip with the lx>ys will be cubmaster, Bill MacKinley and den mothers, Mrs. Elroy Lieb, Mrs. Joe Sivesind, Mrs. Walt Ly ons, Mrs. Tom Anderson, Mrs. Her bert Gydeson, and Mrs. Roy Hum rich. Star Family Leaves For South America C.W.O Earl Slattery and wife, the former Bema Dean Miller of the Star Community and their four small children left for New York April 5 and from there they sailed for Ecudor, South America, where they will make their home for the next two years. C.W.O. Slattery is connected with an Army mission tour. He has attended a language school in St. Louis since December during which time his family stay at the home of Mrs. Slattery’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Miller. While at the Miller home, Julie Ann, a beginner, attended school at district No. 49. C.W.O. and Mrs. Slattery and the two oldest children spent a few years in Germany where he was stationed. Dean's Honor Roll John T. Head, a junior at Creigh ton University and the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Head, has been placed on the dean’s honor roll. Students must maintain an aver age of at least 3.5 to be included on the coveted list. Two O'Neill Boys Are Honored Two O'Neill FFA boys have re-[ ceived one of the highest awards j that can l>e given at the state meet held recently at Lincoln. Merle Pease, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pease and George Ful ler, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller, were told this week they, among 109 boys in Nebraska, that they have been presented with the State Farmer award. The O’Neill team, under the guidance of Vernon Carpenter, j instructor, was awarded a su- j perlor rating for the year 1959 at the meet. A total of 12 boys from O’Neill participated in the goup and indivi dual events. The results are as follows: Demonstration—Nick Hammerlun j Larry Rugge and Ted Jareske | placed sixth as a team. Livestock—Carl Summers, Nick Hammerlun and Merle Pease were awarded a blue ribbon for team effort and Carl Summers placed j in the blue ribbon an in dividual. Dairy cattle Fred Rosenkrans, Carl Summers, and Jerry Bailey were awarded a red ribbon for team efforts. Fred Rosenkrans placed in the red ribbon class in dividually. ’ * Dairy Products—Fred Rosen krans, Jerry Bailey and Don Skopec were awarded a white team ribbon. Dairy Management— George Fuller. Gerald Kaczor were the second team in the state. Fuller won the top blue ribbon and Kac zor won a blue ribbon.* Poultry—Merle Pease, Veldon Tomlinson, Don Skopec were blue ribbon team winners and Don Sko pec won a individual blue ribbon. Farm management—George Ful ler, Gerald Kaczor were winners of a red team ribtxin and Kaczor won a blue ribbon individually. State Farmers Here are a couple of young O’Neill men—the pride of our ranch and agricultural area—Merle Pease and Oeorge Fuller. Both boys were presented with State Farmer awards in Lincoln. The Frontier Photo. Pages •von MO "The Voice of the Beef Empire" Volume 78—Number 51 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, April 16, 1959 Seven Cents O'Neill TV Booster Will Get Added Time; FCC Announces September 30th Extension And He's Bored With It All For a kid who is getting the kind of attention that Richard Lee Davis is, it’s surprising that he’s just like the other eight babies in the Atkinson Memorial hospital. But to the mother, nuns, nurses and Aklnson businessmen, Richard Lee Is special. He Is the 1,000th baby born in the hospital. He weighs seven pounds and seven ounces, Is 21 inches long, wrlll have hazel eyes, and is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davis of Stuart. This Is the Davis’ fifth child and fourth son. All of the cnnuren were Dorn at tne Atkinson Hospital, tne maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Pete Walnofer of Atkinson and the paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Marion Davis of Stuart. Sister M. Antonita O.S.F. and Sister M. Clare O.S.F., are just as excited as Mom. The first baby bom at the hospital, before the actual opening on Feb 1, 1952, came to Mr. and Mrs. Ellsborry of Atkinson. 32 Sponsor Athletic Banquet Tuesday A total of 32 individuals and bus inesses helped make the joint O’ Neill high school and St. Mary’s Academy athletic banquet a suc cess Tuesday. The men and businesses inclu ded the O’Neill Production Cre dit Assoc., Dr. Wm. F. Finley, Moore Noble Lumber and Coal Co., Fred Appleby, Western Auto (Sco vie). The Frontier, The O’Neill National Bank, D. A. Kersenbrock, Saunto’s, Coast to Coast (Dale and Jo Wilson), Gillespie’s Appliance, the Holt County Independent, J. C Pennv Co.. Helen’s Flower and Gift Shop, Murray Liquor Store, M. and M. Bakery and Cafe, Mc Carvilles Clothing, the Rev. John Hart, Coyne Hardware, Motor Parts Inc., Eby Conoco, American Gear, KBRX Radio, Jerry Petsche, Dick Tomlinson, Fourth Street Garage, Johnson Jewelry, First National Bank, J. M. McDonald Co., Patton Ben Franklin, Morgan Ward and Pinkerman’s TV. O'Neill Women Give $93 To Library Representatives of the O’Neill Women’s Club turned over a 593 check to librarian Bernadette Brennan Wednesday. The funds were donated by the women to supply more books for the library in connection with Na tional Library week. Each year the women sponsor a fund raising event for the bene fit of the library. This year the project was a hobby show. At the present time there are 30 members of the club. Mrs. D. C. Schaffer and Mrs. Harrison Bridge represented all the women at the check presenta tion. Letterman's Banquet The Holt county letterman’s ban quet will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday evening at the Catholic parish hall in Ewing. Keith Gardner, ace University of Nebraska sprinter, will be a guest speaker at the banquet. Tic kets will be available from local coaches. Mrs. Stewart Returns Mrs. Cal Stewart and children returned home last week from a six week vacation which took them ! through 21 states and 10 state capi I tols. The Stewarts visited at the homes I of her sisters in Miami, Fla., and Stauton, Virginia, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph O’Mara in Millburn, N.J. They also stopped at the homes of many friends along the way. ; Mr. Stewart remained in the East | and will return later. — ■ ■ a ■ bnoemaner t»eis Awara Students in the upper group of the mathematics class at St. Mary’s Academy participated in a contest in April sponsored by the Nebras ka section of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. Bill Shoemaker has won a medal of award for the highest score in the group. Bill is a junior and a second year algebra student. Assessment Schedule Bill Wefso, county assessor, said 40 percent of the personal assess ment schedules were still out in the city of O’Neill. Almost all of the county pre cincts are in at the present time. Wefso said personal property holders in the county will have un til April 20 to file their schedules at his office. 1959 Cancer Crusade The Cancer Crusade for 1959 will be held in Holt county beginning on April 20th to 26th, according to Mrs. Otto Herre, chairman. Holt county unit of the American Can cer society. The theme for the 1959 Crusade is ‘‘Guard Your Family. Fight Cancer with a checkup and a check.” Because of the growing amount of research and the in creasing need for information ab out Cancer and the fact that it can be cured, the crusade will com bine an intensive education cam paign along with the drive for funds. Sedlacek Funeral Is Held Saturday James V. Sedlacek, the son of Mike and Anna Chapek Sedlacek was born September 28, 1876 in Czechoslovakia. He died April 8 at Norfolk. Funeral services were held Sat urday at 2 p.m. at the United Lu theran church in Spencer with Rev. Hugh Dowler officiating. Burial was in the WMFA ceme tery. Pallbearers were Dr. J. M. Puce lik, Anton Soukup, Charles Zidko, Frank Zidko, Edward M. Krbel and Joe Jamber. EN ASSOCIATION ' Shari and Norm Klasna, O’Neill, have been elected to membership in the American Angus Association at St. Joseph, Mo., announces Frank Richards, secretary._ Mrs. Josie Scheinost Funeral Is Scheduled Funeral services for Mrs. Josie Scheinost of Spencer, who died Tuesday in the Sacred Heart hos pital at Lynch, will be held Friday at 2 p.m. from the Methodist church in Spencer with Rev. Har old Jensen officiating. Burial will be in the WBFA cemetery. Mrs. Scheinost was bom August 5, 1889, in Saunders county. She was preceded in death by her husband, who died nine years ago the same date as her death. One son also preceded his mother in death. Survivors include six sons, Al l>ert. Lewis and Fred, all of Spen cer; Ladimer of Bristow; William of Page and Charles of Inman; Daughter, Mrs. Emil (Agnes) Pro kop of Spencer and 23 grand chil dren. Consider Satellite At *125,000 Cost As plans were being made in the O'Neill region to make arrange ments for a satellite television sta tion, the Federal Communications Commission extended their dead line to September 30. Representative Don McGinley was notified by the FCC that tele vision booster stations would l>e given until September 30 to con vert from very high frequency channels to ultra high frequency channels. On December 30, the O'Neill Ixxister along with all others were given 90 days to convert. A privately owned and oper ated satellite television station in the O’Neill area could cost $125,000 according to Frank J. Brady, chairman of the north central Television Association. The association, a recently or ganized group of men, with head quarters in Atkinson, is behind a move to help introduce snow-free TV reception in this area. “Although I do not know just how we would raise the money as yet, a corporation would probably have to be formed and a private business started,” he said. The plans to either Introduce a satellite privately or interest other TV stations in operating it in the O’Neill area has grown out of the FCC order to stop the TV l>ooster station in O'Neill. Other alternatives are l>eing looked into by the association and men from WOW in Omaha and KTIV in Sioux City have been con tacted. Brady said KTIV had "just been contacted” but that there was "a possibility they might introduce and operate the satellite them selves.” Brady said he was informed that $5,000 In commercial reven ue per month In the area could make the station pay for Itself. If the booster stations are con verted to UHF, it would require expensive changes in television receivers in their broadcasting area to receive the new transmis sions. The satellite station possibility, which is most strongly considered in this area, would receive a pro gram from a mother station and rebroadcast it on a different VHF channel. COACH MIIJ.KK . . . principal post Principal Post Goes to Miller The O’Neill board ol educatr* ms announced that O’Neill coat® Miller has accepted the print* palhip and job of athletic dim* tor of the O'Neill public school for the coming year. Superintendent M. J. Baar® said Miller would replace Willai# Solfermoser. He said anothei eoner would bo hired to take the clutw of football and track coach. Miller, with his family of thr* boys, has lived in O’Neill for thr past 11 years. The coach said he will kaw for the University of Nebraska M the end of the school year to act® on his master's degree. He is a graduate of Peru State Teachers College. Superintendent Daack said urn other teachers have been dffrtte® contracts for the oomwif yew. They include Mr* Nora Beckwflte and Mrs. Wayne Spelts. 33 Extension Clubs Represented in O’Neil1 For Council Meet Thirty-three home ex ten si* clubs were represented at : am spring meeting of the Holt oot» ty Extension Council in ONe# Tuesday. Mrs A. T. Crurnly of the Tag# Council presided. Mrs EcJgJB Stauffer, also of Page, reporter that 496 county members tww paid their dues. Plans were made for the sons on bread making which w® be given in all centers later thte month and for the spring rew which will feature the demonstra tion of skillet meals. The council members were divi» ed into four groups to list tie* for future programs. If They're Happy With Less Than You Think... Whoopee! Take any little O’Neill kid with a patch in the middle of his pants and a gleam in the middle of his eye. Let the weather be fair—a cool 70 degrees will do—and give him a beat-up baseball bat ana a broken-down glove his brother wore out three years ago. Slap down three gunny sacks and the end of a crate. Ru tele up an old ball—so what if the, cover’s oL Cry the cry of Yankee Stadium or any little sand lot square in any little village from Lynch to Los Angeles. When you holler “play ball!” make like you mean it. When you tell the kid he’s out, make like you mean that too. And when you’ve done it, you’ve done more than the building of a child’s character. You’ve done more than the reflecting of and adding to the wealth of America. You’ve done more, perhaps, than the starting of another Ty Cobb. You’ve done more than the keeping of a kid out of trouble. You’ve done more than the building of a better future C1 Neill citizen. <■ Here’s what you have done: You’ve made ihJu patched pants kid happy. You know it when he leaps high in the air a he*, his team just scores so what if the run wa!k«lr in. You know it when he throws his glove bigt . n the air just after his buddy hits a home-run-** what if it was really the shortstop’s error You know it the way he drags his way nonw after a defeat—or a win- and say’s “Mum I** tired.” You know it the way he shows up the netft day win or lose—and says. “Coach, how about iettin* me pitch today?” And if you don’t believe it, just ask a few of the* O'Neill men who coach the little league and pee wee teams: Joe Ollendick, manager of the midgets and Jure ior Legion teams, Fred Appleby, Jerry SchmxJt, Clyde McKenzie, Father Duffy, Francis Gilg an* Jim Holsclaw, managers of the Pee Wees.