The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 09, 1959, Section Two, Image 9

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    • Venus News
Improvement Shown
By Accident Victim
B> .Mrs. Ralph Browkhouaer
Arthur Monaco of Tacoma,
W'ash., was injured on March 18,
when a truck accidently backed
over him. He is row slowly im
proving but^ several bones which
were broken have not been set as
his condition has iieen serious.
Ho is the husband of the former,
Silvia Block, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs Emil Block who lived near
Verdigre anti O'Neill before mov
ing to Washington.
Mrs. Irvin Held entertained the
Help U Club at her home on April
L. Thirteen members and two vi
sitors, Mrs. Veldon Gode! and Mrs.
Arthur Goiter were prpsent. The
hostess served a dinner at noon
Needle work was done in the after
i noon.
The club donated $2 to the can
cer fund. A white elephant grab
hug was held after the business
meeting. Mrs. Francis Boelter re
:cieved the door prize.
Mrs. Clarence Finch will have
MiT and Mrs Donald Kinnison
and family spent Saturday ev ening
with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cihlar
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cihlar
.'Only free people can hold pur
pose and their honor steady to
a common end, and prefer the
interest of mankind to any
narrow interests of their own.”
— Woodrow Wilson _
I One of the friendliest ways to NEBRASKA DIVISION
1 say welcome to your guests is by v . , -
* serving frosty glasses of golden ; Breu en
1 beer. It is the congenial bever- ’ Voundation
| age always in good taste. Enjoy Tj'ou'*%'
1 it often I 812 First Nad Bank Bldg,, Lincoln
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"
land Sherri.
Lt. Joseph and Mrs. Zapotacky
of Topeka, Kuns., arrived at the
Cihlar home Saturday to spend
their Easter vacation. Mrs. Za
potiteky is the former Barbara
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Finch
| and son entertained at dinner
[Easter Sunday at their
home. Those present were
Mr. and Mrs Gordon Gentzler of
jTilden, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Suf
|ficool and Craige of Winnetoon,
j Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch and fam
ily, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring
of O'Neill, Mrs. Alta Finch and
Mrs. Ethel Waring of Page and
Jeannie Dwmell of Brunswick.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boeder
and Loren spent Easter Sunday
with their daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Lavem Warriner and
son of Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Pitchier ami
family were Easter Sunday guests
of the later’s parent, Mr. and Mrs.
Bryan Finch.
The Russell and Gerald Icklers
and son and Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Uhlir and son attended the FFA
banquet at the Berdigre high
school on March 24.
Jimmie Podany and son, Clay
ton attended the livestock sale at
Verdigre sale barn March 30.
Orville and Richard Cook were
Verdigre visitors Monday.
Several from the Venus vicinity
attended the funeral of Mrs. Marie
Tikalsky, 80, of Verdigre.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Caskey
and Suellyn and John spent Easter
Sunday with the later’s mother,
Mrs. Bennett near Winnetoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Uhlir, Fran
klyn and Annette spent Easter
Sunday with Mrs. Uhlir's sister
and family, Mr. and Mrs. James
Frank, of Sparta.
The Donald Caskey family were
Easter Sunday guests at the Harry
Caskey home.
Mr. and Mis. Ralph Brookhou
ser were Sunday evening visitors
at the Emil Bartos home. Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bartos sr., and Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Bartos jr., and
family were also visitors.
Bette Sukup came March 28
from Omaha to spend Easter
vacation with her father, Elmer
Sukup and brother, Jimmie, and
her grandmother. Bette is em
ployed at Omaha. She visited at
Verdlgre and Creighton on Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Caskey were
Neligh visitors March 27.
Mr. and Mrs Willis Boelter and
Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Boelter of
Creighton visited Easter Sunday
at the home of their mother, Mrs
Edna Boelter.
Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser was
admitted to a Norfolk hospital
April 1. She is a medical patient
Mr. and Mrs. Gerold Ickler and
family and Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Ickler and family and Mr. and Mrs
Vincent Jackson and family were
Easter Sunday guests at the
Charles Thelander home at Or
Eugene Moser, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Moser underwent a ma
jor operation at a Norfolk hospital
on April 1. His mother is staying
with him. Visiting with them or
Thursday were Mr. Moser and
Marion and Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Tyler. ... ...
Mrs. Ora Caskey was ill with
strep throat and influenza the fore
part of the week and unable tc
teach school.
As I have leased my Ranch, I will sell the following described personal property at public auction at
my ranch, known as the Golden Valley Ranch, located 4 miles north of Ewing, Nebraska on highway
275 on . . .
Wed., April 15th
58 Head of Cattle-58
Farmall H-1950 Heavy duty square turn
Farmall F-20 Cabling rake
Farmall A Winch to fit H or M
1948 VAC Case McC-D. hay baler, excellent condition
John Deere B B and N sickle grinder
Allis Chalmers B with sweep Sickle grinder
12-3 rake hitch, IHC Surge milker, 2 single units, like new
12 John Deere rake No. 35 IHC electric cream separator
No. 24 HM Power Mower Wagon rack
No. 5. John Deere power mower New Idea Manure Spreader
Slide stacker with cage Cattle Oiler and oil
Nearly new motor
with 5th wheel and air brakes
TERMS: Cash—or See Your Banker
• •• I,
High school track records in Bur
well fell almost as fast as frenzied
officials could look them up.
Eight old Wrangler Relay marks
were bettered as 37 Nebraska
teams stretched their tendons for I
the first time of the 1959 season.
Harry Tomlinson, a St. Mary's
Academy senior, won the shot put
with a heave of 50 feet and 10 in
Columbus won the relays this
year with a mark of 74 points. Bro
ken Bow was second with 34 and
Burwell, third, with 30.
Here is a complete rundown of
events and the first places with
the official times:
1. Distance medley—Burwell,
first with a time of 11:48. Richard
Foust of St. Joseph's of Atkinson
ran the mile portion of the re
lay in 4:47; St. Joe, second; Ord,
Third; Bassett, Fourth.
2. 280 yard high hurdle relay—
Burwell, first with a winning time
of 39:4 breaking the old record of
40:3; Ravenna, second; St. Mary's
Academy, third; O’Neill, fourth.
3. 440 yard relay —Columbus
with a winning time of 45:8 break
ing old time of 40:8; St. Mary’s
Academy, second; Broken Bow,
4. Two mile relay—Columbus
first with 8:59 breaking old record
time of 8:59 and 3/10; Ravenna,
second; Ord, third.
5. 480 yard low hurdles, Colum
bus first with winning time of 57:9
breaking old record of 60:1; Ra
venna, second; Ord, third; lay lor,
fourth; O’Neill fifth.
6. Mile relay—Columbus first
with winning time of 3:36 breaking
old time of 3:41; Ravenna, second;
Ord, third; Taylor, fourth; O’Neill,
— - _11_ f ret
I. oypiuii iuwuv/ ---* —
(no official time available.)
8. 880 yard relay—Columbus
first with time of 1:34 breaking old
record of 1:38. St. Mary’s Academy
was disqualified in this one for
going out of the exchange zone.
9. High jump—Bob Eby, of
O’Neill High tied for first place
with Humphry of Mullen -5 feet
8 inches.
10. Pole Vault—Bill Martin of
Ord broke the existing track re
cord in Burwell with a leap of 11
feet and 6 inches. The old record
was 11 feet and 7/8 inch.
II. Shot put—Larry Tomlinson
of St. Mary’s Academy put the 12
pound shot 50 feet and 10 inches to
take first place.
12. Broad Jump-Dick Goc of
Columbus jumped 20 feet and 11
inches for first place. Larry Oet
ter of O’Neill high jumped 20 feet
for second place.
13. Discus—Devish of Broken
Bow threw the discus 145 feet and
11 inches for a new record break
ing the old one of 141 and 5 inches.
Tomlinson of St. Mary’s also broke
the record at 141 and came in se
Here is the way the teams
placed: Columbus, 74; Broken Bow
34; Burwell, 30; Ravenna, 22 9/14
Ord, 22 6/14; St. Mary’s 19; O’Neill,
15 1/2; Taylor, 11; Mullen, 10 1/2;
Aurora, 9; St. Joe, 6; Bassett, 5;
Fullerton, 4; Stuart, 4; Spaulding,
3; Loup City, 2 and Erichson 3/14.
The remaining 16 teams failed to
score. ____
Splits ______29 10
Page Oilers __22% 16%
Methodist Men —--22 17
Farmers Store-20 19
Legion Blue --18 21
Heuiz 57 --- 17 22
Pepper Uppers-14 25
Fehrs TracL & Equipt. 13% 25%
HIG—Lloyd Waldo, Splits, 215.
HIS—Frank Polacek, Page Oil
ers, 554.
HTG—Splis, 874.
HTS -Splits, 2424.
Caterpillars --—-57 30
Ten Pin Lanes -52 35
Dick’s Bar ---—--j5 42
Town House- 45 42
J. M. McDonald- 43 44
Nite Owls -- 39 48
Hunt’s Plumbing- 35 52
Pin Pals - 32 55
HIG - Dona Harmon, Ten Pin
Lanes, 176.
HIS—Dona Harmon, Ten Pin
Lanes, 518.
HTG Caterpillar, 734.
HTS—Ten Pin Lanes, 2007.
Wrens ----—16 8
Meadow Larks---13% 10%
Blue Birds _—-12% 11%
Canarys___11% 12%
Jays---10 14
Robins _8% 15%
HIG—Dona Harmon, Meadow
Larks 189.
HIS—Harriet McKamy, Meadow
Larks, 469.
HTG—Meadow Larks, 718.
HTS—Meadow Larks, 1997.
Orchard Legion_. 26 13
Tomlinson's Winning Toss
Here is a powerful and winning heave of the 12 pound shot hy Ijvrry Tomlinson at fhe Wrangler
Relays in Kurwell. Tomlinson put the shot 30 feet and II Inches to win first place for St. Mary’s in that
event. Coach Don Tcmplemeyer had high praise for Tomlinson at the meet when he said: “l4irry ha*
never been in shot put competition but wliat he has not bettered his own record by at least a foot. He
is one of the finest competitors that I have seen or worked with.” Tomlinson also came In second In the
discus with a 141 foot toss. The Frontier Photo.
St. Mary's and O'Neill Both Hot;
Compete Against 37 State Teams
A Record Breaking Vault
One of the finest personal performances turned In at the Burwell
relays was caught by The Frontier photographer when he recorded
a record breaking pole vault by Bill Martin of Ord. Bill soared over
the bar placed at 11 feet, B Inches. He broke the existing Burwell
track record of J1 feet and 7/8ths of an Inch. The Frontier Photo.
O’Neill Cleaners _ 25 14
Drayton Elevator _ 21 Vi 17 Vi
Bright's Store _19 20
Legion Gold .—. 18 21
Old Home Bread.. 18 21
Johnson Jewelry __16 23
Coast-to-Coast 12 Vi 26 Vi
HIG—Gordon Drayton, Drayton
Elevator, 220.
HIS—Vem Gorgen, O’Neill Clean
ers 547.
ilTG—^O’Neill Cleaners, 919.
HTS—O’Neill Cleaners, 2567.
W I.
Ye Olde Farmers 57 36
Haymakers _53 Vi 39 Vi
Dick's Bar 51 42
New Outlaw ... 49 Vi 43 Vi
Bazelman Service 46 47
K of C Red . 46 47
Prouty Bros. .. 34Vi 58Vi
Shelhamer Oil 34Vi 58Vi
HIG—Fritz Gilg, K of C Red.
HIS Dwight Philbriek, New Out
law, 546.
HTG—Dick’s Bar, 814.
HTS—K of C Red, 2359.
Candy Bill’s Cafe_ 54 33
Pinkerman’s TV_ 49 38
O’Neill Auto Supply 44% 42%
Rollettes ____43% 43%
Chambers Chix 43% 44%
Melcina’s Powd. Puffs 42 44
Pin Quins _ 39 48
Hardings Creamery 33% 53%
HIG — Margie Polacek, Candy
Bill’s Cafe, 179.
HIS—JoAnn Wecker (sub.), Mel
cina’s Powder Puffs, 474.
HTG Candy Bill's Cafe, 716.
HTS Candy Bill’s Cafe, 1839.
Gas House Gang 55% 31%
Meadow Gold 48 39
Court House 47 40
Harding Creamery .. 43 44
Hoth u Neill nigh school track
teams and individuals were 00
their toes at the Wrangler He lays
in Burwell as two individual first
places and two second places were
St. Mary’s Academy led the
class B teams and won a troplty
for team effort. They came in sixth
while O'Neill high came in seventh.
(See complete team results on thj*
One of the finest displays of
throwing the 12 pound shot was
turned in by Larry Tomlinson, a
St. Mary’s senior.
Tomlinson threw the shot 50 feet
and 10 inches (see picture) as a
roar went up from the crowd.
Tomlinson also came in second in
the discus throw.
Coach Don Templemeyer had
high praise for Tomlinson when
he said:
“In competition, Larry has nev
er yet thrown the shot but what
he has beat his own mark by at
least a foot. He is one of the fin
est competitors I have ever seen.”
Sharing first place individual
honors was Bob Eby of O’Neill
who tied for first place in the high
jump with Humphry of Mullen.
Larry Oetter of O’Neill Higb
turned in a fine day at the broad
jumping pits with a leap of
feet to come in second.
Dodds Oil _ 41 46
Ewing Conoco _ 40% 46%
Post Office__ 39 48
Gambles _ 34 53
HIG—Willis Rockey, Ewing Ooo
oco, 235.
HIS—Willis Rockey, Ewing Qn»
oco 5^1
HTG - Ewing Conoco, 819.
HTS- Court House, 2274.
Earley Oil Co. _..._ 53 31
New Deal Oil Co. 47 4Tt
Page Oil Co. ___ 46 41
Lohaus Motors _ 42% 44%
Wick’s Body Shop _ 42 45
Sam’s Bar__ 42 45
O’Neill Auto Sup. _ 39% 47%
Foree Tire & Sup. _36 58
HIG—George Hansen, New Deal
Oil Co., 238.
HIS—George Hansen, New Deal
Oil Co., 581.
HTG- New Deal Oil Co., 891
HTS—New Deal Oil Co., 2601
K of C Green_ 57% 12%
Legion Post 86 _ 57% 32%
Dick’s Bar _ 51 39
Ideal Cleaners _ 46 44
Ten Pin I^anes 42 48
Fuller Gravel 41% 48%
Fox Bros. Hay Co 37 53
Cudahy Hams 27% 62%
HIG Merle Schleusener, Dick’s
Bar, 199.
HIS Merle Schleusener, Dick’s
Bar, 535.
HTG Dick’s Bar, 811.
HTS K of C Green, 2244.
Phone Your News To
The Frontier—