Approximately 12,000 acres of the SAULTS RANCH to be held TUESDAY, APRIL 28, 1959 111:00 A. M. Central Standard Time At the Old Courthouse I I ! VALENTINE, NEBRASKA Land located about 40 miles Southeast of Gordon, or 30 miles South of Merriman, in Cherry County r 4: k * 1 : 4 * ‘ * l | i | Land will be offered in tracts to suit bidders and as a whole. Highest totals for all land from highest bidder or bidders will determine buyers, sub ject to confirmation by District Court. Terms: 15% down on sale date, balance on confirmation. Possession i on confirmation. 1958 taxes paid. For further information inquire of: J.C. Coupland Referee Box 67, Phone 123 Valentine, Nebraska • 9 I ♦ J ' Sale includes most of the wet hay meadow and majority of the range land on this 20,000 acre balanced Sandhill ranch. Well watered by mills and streams, REA. TWO SETS OF BUILDINGS: Main set on SW’A, Sec. 14, Twp. 29, R. 37, (In Arkansas Valley) com pletely adequate, includes 4 bedroom modern house, 2 bedroom frame cook j house, 3 bedroom frame bunkhouse, barn, granary, steel quonset shop, 2 garages, galvanized steel cake house, coal house, metal calving shed, and adequate yards and corrals. Second set: House, barn, small buildings and corrals on SE!4, Sec. 21, Twp. 29, R. 37, (In James Valley). More than 2,000 acres of wet hay in the Arkansas, James and Gordon Creek Valleys, plus other hay ground produces over 2500 tons annually. Good protection from high ranges of well covered hills between valleys running East and West approximately every mile for the 10 miles from the Snake River on the North to the Gordon Valley on the South. The three wet j hay valleys in the South and Southwest part of the land mapped below: School house located at main Ranch Buildings.