The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 02, 1959, Image 6

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    W. Womens Pa$e
O'Neill Women To Attend
Page WSCS District Meet
About 15 O'Neill Methodist wo
men plan to attend the annual
district meeting at Page to
aBrrow. The meeting will open at
§!*.fn. with a coffee at the Page
•rthodist church.
Highlights of the meeting will
4r an officers’ clinic and a mem
tership march Featured speaker
■dl be Nebraska missionary, Eli
■dteth Johannaber who is home on
flpfough from Harris Memorial
Ithooi. Manilla, Phitlipine Islands.
' — - — • • - - - -
ttvtday, April 2
Presbyterian Women's Associa
Joedi, Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka.
PHdav, April 3
WSCS District meeting, Page
Rebekah Lodge
tasduy. April 7
Catholic Daughter’s business
VaAiOMduy, April 3
*Sratten Farmerettes, Mrs. Mel
vin Klause
Wednesday Afternoon bridge
Merrimyx, Mrs. K. G. Kruse
Wkarsday, April »
Eastern Star
Eight RSS club members met
flhrch 25 at the Mrs. John Gooch
Mtone Mrs. Katie Yantzie was a
Mrs Ben Gillespie was hostess
Munch 25 to the 9FF club meeting.
Wer dinner at the Town House,
Midge winners were Mrs. Harold I
Weier and Mrs. E. Verzal.
Merrimyx members met Tuesday
■tarnoon at the home of Mrs. J.
O. Osenbaugh. Winners were Mrs.
§L F. Moses and Mrs. Harold Lind
•erg Next meeting will be Wed
aesdav with Mrs. H. G. Kruse.
Mrs Harold Lindberg was hos
Tuesday evening to MM club.
Winners were Mrs. H. G. Kruse and
(Mrs Esther Harris. Next meeting
roll be April 14 with Mrs. D. C.
... —
MNO Extension club met Tues
dsy at the home of Mrs. Richard
MtLatn with Mrs. Bernard Sch
«ntz as co-hostess.
Seventeen members answered
the roll call. Guests were Mrs.
Bob Forwood and Mrs. Phillip
Haverkamp. Mrs. Forwood later
jxncd the club.
The lesson concerning color was
jfivcn by Mrs. Joe Tennis and Mrs.
Bernard Schmitz. Mrs. Amott Bux
ton, who is moving to Norfolk,
rots surprised with a handkerchief
Mower by the club.
The next meeting will lie April
W at die home of Mrs. Leonard
Ohvis with Mrs. Beha as co-hostess.
Thors. Apr .2
Family Night
“The Black Orchid’’
Sophia Loren, Anthony Quinn,
tea Balin, Jimmie Baird, Mark
This movie owes a little to
«art\ and a lot to the amzing
aMarm of Anthony Quinn who
jtky* a widower with an about-to
ite-married daughter flna Balin).
temamed daughter (Tna Balm),
tea was perfectly content to think
af marrying Mark Richman and
Moving to Atlantic City with him
Ar owned a shop on the board
walk) until Pop got a twinkle in
to eye over widow Sophia Loren.
That awful woman! shouts Ina.
teapf How could you! Whtreupon
tee locks herself in her room, com
teg out only to set the table.
Family admitted for two adult
•tbb—Adults 50c, children 15c.
ft* A Sat. Apr 8-4
“The Trap”
Hidden among the brooding hills.
m invisible menace tightening
•* grop around thes four—closer,
dfaspT*. closer!
Wchard Widmark into it. Lee ,T.
Abb. who triggered it Tina Louise
•teo played “bait for it. Earl Hol
fknan who tried to buy out of it.
to* Carl Benton Reid, Chuck Was
Idtn; Adults 50c, Children 15c.
AH children unless In arms must
have tickets.
toafav. Monday. Apr.
H Tuesday 5-6-7
“The Inn Of The Sixth
®nemascope Color by DeLuxe
* ffiKtdv Adler Production star
ring Ingrid Bergman, Curt Jurg
ens. Robert T>onat.
What is the “Sixth Happiness"?
tocft of us must find it in our own
ftnirts (
Love and Faith that touched
tormr with its being Earth
with its miracle!
A woman’s story as monumen
«te as "A Man Called Peter”, as
Mntaring as "I’d Climb The High
est Mountain”.
Adm; Adults 50c Children 15c.
AH Children nnless In arms must
Have ticket. —
Mrs. Bill Kelly was hostess to
O'Monde club members Tuesday
evening. Winners were Mrs. G.
R. Cook, Mrs. Lou Reimer, jr.,
and Mrs. Harry Gildersleeve
Guests were Mrs. George Carstens
and Mrs. Bob Cole. Next meeting
will be April 14 with Mrs. Bofc
Wednesday Afternoon Bridge
Mrs. James Rooney was hostess
March 25 to the Wednesday After
noon Bridge club. Mrs. L A. Bur
gess and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn were
winners at bridge, following a
noon luncheon. Mrs. Robert Evans
was a guest. Next meeting wili
be April 8.
Supper Club at Coles'
Supper club members were en
tertained at the Mrs. Bud Cok
home March 28 in honor of Mr
and Mrs. John Baker, Omaha
Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Lou
Reimer, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Don Bec
ker, Dr. and Mrs. Harry Gilder
sleeve and Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Smith, Lincoln.
Seventy Youth Attend
Easter Sunrise Service
Approximately 70 Presbyterian
and Methodist young people gath
ered at the Presbyterian church
Sunday morning at 6 a.m. for an
Easter Sunrise service and break
The breakfast was prepared and
served by women of the two
The Small Fry
BECK-The Duane Becks, At
kinson, daughter, Sandra LaDean,
7 pounds, 10 ounces, March 30.
WILSON—The Rex Wilsons, O’
Neill, son, 10 pounds, 6 ounces,
March 30. This is the Wilson’s
fourth child.
FRERICHS—The Fred Frerichs,
O’Neill, son, Paul Roy, 8 pounds,
ounces, March 31.
WATSON—The John C. Watsons,
O’Neill, son, 7 pounds, 5 ounces,
March 31. The Watsons now have
two toys and two girls.
LUBER—The Marlen Lubers, O’
Neill, son, Mark Lynn, 7 pounds,
5 ounces, March 27.
SCIIILOUSKY—The Alfred Schil
ouskys, Ewing, have named their
son Eugene Clifton. He was born
March 25.
Clanahans, O’Neill, daughter. Joan
Evelyn, 7 pounds, 8 ounces, March
~ IJVWRENCE—The Albert Law
rences, jr., Atkinson, son, 8 pounds,
1 ounce, April 1.
DENNIS—The Jerry Dennis’,
Bristow, daughter, 7 pounds, 11
ounces March 26
MYER The Donald Myers, Om
ha, son, Merle Edward, March 27
in an Omaha hospital. Mrs. Myer
i is the former Rita DeLong, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Merle DeLong
PEDEN The Warren Pedens
Lincoln, daughter, Gail Eileen
I March 24, 7 pounds, 9 ounces
: Mrs. Peden is the former Evelyi
Ruroede, Ewing. Mr. Peden wa:
assistant County Agent of Hoi
County before moving to Lincoln
iYndberg memorial
Winkelmanns, Niobrara, daughter
Judy Kay, 7 pounds, 7 ounces
| March 28.
MACH—The Wesley Machs, Cen
; ter, son, 7 pounds, 10 ounces
March 30.
COKE The Earl Cokes, Bloom
field, son, 10 pounds, 14 ounces
April 1.
Hospital Notes
Admitted: March 25—Mrs. Alfret
Schilousky, Danny Lee Nekolite
Mrs. Gertrude Howard, Mrs. Ann;
Sorensen, Page. 26—William Shoe
maker. Miss Ardith Jackson, 27
Merlin Wiseman, Page; Mr. Let
Babutzke, Mrs. Marlen Luber, Mrs
Arthur Ennen. 28— Mr. Oliver Hill
Mrs. K. t>. soutn, mman; Mrs
Lyle P. Dierks, Ewing; Mr. Marlir
Wichman, Mr. Charles Snowardt
29^ Mr. Axel Borg, Mr. F. E. Went
worth, Long Pine. 30— Mrs. Duane
Beck, Atkinson; Cynthia Walton
Mr. Albert H. Keuch, Howells;
Mrs. Rex Wilson, Mark Douglas
Wiseman, Page. 31—Mrs. Fred
Frerichs, Mrs. Nettie Widtfeldt,
Mr. Wiliam Glocke, Spencer; Mrs
John C. Watson, Mr. Thomas E
McGuire, Stuart.
Dismissed: March 25— Donald
Lee Vanderbeek, Mr. Thad E
Saunders, Mrs. Virgil Laursen,
Mr. James Gibson, Chambers;
Mrs. Millie Forester, Sioux City;
Mrs. Thomas Cooper, Mr. Wayne
Smith, Chambers; Carmen Ten
borg. 26—Miss Darlene Collins,
Casper, Wyo.; Mrs. Pauline Ma
lena, Amelia. 27—William Shoema
ker, Mr. Herbert Morey, Sioux Ci
ty; Helen Dusatko, Emmet. 28—
Mrs. Jerome Allen, Page; Mr.
Alfred Schilousky, & Son; Mrs,
Dale Revell, Danny Lee Nekolite,
Joan Claire French, Mrs. Lyle
Dierks, Ewing. 29—Miss Ardith
Jackson. 30—Mrs. C. A. VanVal
kenborg, Ewing. 31—Mrs. Marlen
& Son, Mr. A. V. Virgin. April 1
Mr. Marlin Wichman, Mr. Axel
Sacred Heart
Present—Mrs.Frank Bata, Spen
cer; William Blitzkie, Spencer;
Lawerence Bowers, Bristow; Fee
Brady, Lynch; Mrs. Bertha Bright,
Butte; Mrs. Mary Classen, Spen
cer; Mrs. Jerry Dennis and Baby,
Bristow; Mrs." Harold Dickey,
Spencer; Edmund Engelhaupe,
Butte; Floyd France, Lynch; Baby
Kerry Jons, Bonesteel; William
Langan, O'Neill; John Miller Spen
cer; John Smith, Herrick; Mrs.
Josie Scheinost, Spencer; Mrs.
Ruth Talbert, Bristow: Debbie
Walker, Bonesteel; Mrs. Ray Fuh
rer, Jamison; Mrs. Otto Holm
berg, Bristow.
Dismissed March 24 Hrs. Mar
tin Renner, Fairfax; Miss Gaylene
Hoffman, Butte. 26- Mrs. Laurence
Ahlers, Naper; Fred Kraft, Bris
tow; Mrs. Eliza Jackson, Fairfax.
27—Hugh Anderson, Spencer; Ward
Barnes, Naper; Ed Goettsch, Spen
cer. Leonard Vlcan, Monowi; Miss
Janet Cassidy, Bristow. 29—Char
les Greeno, Butte.
Atkinson Memorial
Admitted: March 23—Dick Keid
el of Stuart, medical; Mrs. Nel
lie Simons of Atkinson, medical;
Raymond Kramer of Stuart; sur
gical; Harold Gill of Stuart, sur
gical; Norman Medcalf of Atkin
son, medical; Vicky Wallinger of
Stuart, medical; Mrs. August Kra
mer of Stuart, medical; Milo Gor
gen of Inman, surgical and Mrs.
City-Wide Clearance
3 BIG Days —April 2, 3, 4
Junior Missey & Half Sizes i / |* •
Were 5.8 to 18.98—NOW 'L
300 - 500 - 700 «■ XS.X.iHKAR
- Hosiery
SKIRTS -sagSl2es
Were 5.98 to 7.98—NOW 6 FORMALS I
298 - 498 700
BLOUSES w,r'1698
149 to 298 joo _ 200
All Sales Final
Thompson Sisters
Married In Ord
, Miss Shirley Thompson, daugh
| ter of Mr and Mrs. Leon Thomp
son, Amelia, became the bride of
I Arthur De Wolf, Kimball, son of;
! Mr. and Mrs. Harold Turner,!
j North Platte, at 1:30 p.m,, March
128, at the Methodist church in Ord
Rev. Martin performed the dou
1 ble ring ceremony in the presence 1
| of the immediate families.
The bride wore an embroidered
! lavander street length dress with
j lavander and white accessories. .
■ | Her corsage was of red roses.
i Miss Evelyn Thompson, sister of
j the bride, was bridesmaid. She ;
j wore a yellow' street length dress j,
| with a corsage of red roses.
i The bridegroom wore a gray
t business suit. Gerden Fischer, j
North Platte, was best man.
, The bride’s mother was attired
in a gray dress trimmed in white
with white accessories and a cor
sage of white carnations.
The bride is now a teacher in the
■ rural schools of Valley Co. The
bridegroom has recently served in
’ the army and is now employed in
■ Kimball. After a short wedding
trip, the bride will continue teach
ing. The couple will be at home in
Donald Dilsaver of Rose, obstetr
ical. March 24- Mrs. Pete Kelly
I of Newport, medical; Carrol Voss
oi iunswuiui, uieuivai; turn mis.
i Murray Mellor of Atkinson, obstet
rical. March 25—Mrs. Mary Web
er of Atkinson, medical and Mrs.
Catherine Seger of Atkinson, med
ical. March 26—Mrs. Malinda
Siebkin of Stuart, surgical. Mar
ch 27—John Nelson of Stuart, med- ,
ical; Albert Straka of Gordon,
medical and Judge John E. Ray
of Hastings, medical. March 29—
Mrs. Earl McClanahan of O'Neill,
Dismissed: March 23—Charles
Tyler of Newport; Jim Savage of
Newport; Mrs. Conrad Straka of
Stuart; Norman Medcalf of Atkin- |
son. March 24—Jerry Gerke of
Chambers; Michele Cole of Em
met; Frank Kaup of Stuart; Mrs.
Harold Dobrovolny and son of
Stuart. March 25 -Mrs. Lyle Fix
and daughter of Atkinson; Carrol
Vos of Ainsworth; Milo Gordon of
Inman; Dick Keidel of Stuart;
Mrs. Bernie Wilson, Atkinson;
Master William Walton, Atkinson;
27—Vickie Wallinger, Stuart; Mrs.
Nellie Simmons, Atkinson; Mrs.
Don Dilsaver, Rose; Mrs. Arthur
Tibbetts, O’Neill; Mrs. Pete Kelly,
Newport; Mrs. Catherine Seger,
Medical, Atkinson; Mrs. Ronald
Shonka, and daughter, OB Atkin
The New
Phone No.
788 ^
United in marriage on March
28, 2:30 p.m., in the Methodist
church in Ord were Miss Evelyn
Thompson, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Thompson, Amelia, and
James J. Holmes, Arcadia, son of
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Holmes, Olym
pia, Washington
The single ring ceremony was
performed by Rev’. Martin.
The bride wore a beige lace
street length dress with white ac
cessories. Her corsage was of red
Mrs. Arthur DeWolf was her
sister's matron of honor. She wore
an embroidered lavander street
dress with lavander and white ac
cessories and a corsage of red
Best man was Gerald Eingshar,
Arcadia, friend of the bridegroom
The bridegroom wore a navy blue
business suit.
The bride’s mother wore a gray
dress trimmed in white with white
accessories and a corsage of white
The bride is a teacher in the
rural schools of Valley Co. and the
bridebroom has been engaged in
farming since serving in the army.
They will make their home on a
farm west of Arcadia after a short
wedding trip.
j son; Mrs. Roy Farr, Medical, New
Marriage License
Patrick Frank Murphy, 22, of
Stuart and Miss Bonnie Kay Lear,
18, of Springview on April 1.
O'Neill Locals
Mrs. Christine Williams spent
the Easter weekend with her son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold McNally and family of
Easter weekend guests at the
home of Mrs. Guy Young were
her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Young of Rochester, Minn
Other guests for dinner on Sunday
were Mr. and Mrs. Carol Summer
er and three children of Ewing
Kenneth Rosedahl of Minneapolis,
Minn., an army buddy of Ivan
Kaiser, arrived March 25 by plane
to visit him at the home of his
parent’s, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Kaiser. He returned to Minneapolis
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weyhrieh
and family of South Sioux City and
Mr, and Airs. Paul Thompson and
son, Bruce, of Hinton. Ia., spent
the Easter weekend at the home
of Rolland's parents, Mr. ami Mrs.
Emil Weyhrieh.
Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clauson
spent Easter Sunday with her
niece, Mrs. Guy Haszard and hus
band at Bassett. They also visited
with other relatives.
S-Sgt. and Mrs. Wallace Wim
iner and son, Russell of St. Crook
at Omaha spent Easter with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice
/ ’_l_
Mrs. Marion Woidneck had a
birthday party for her mother,
Mrs. Rosa Bowers, Friday evening
at her home. Those attending
were: Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Hull,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Klasna of
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ludvig
of Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Woidneck, Levi Hull and Mrs. Viv
ian Martin. Thursday evening
guests of Mrs. Rosa Bowers to
help her celebrate her birthday
were Miss Abby Hanley, Mrs. Jim
O’Connor, Mrs. Ruby Rayman and
Mrs. Vivian Martin.
Mrs. Robert Parks and children,
Dennis and Linda, came Friday
evening from Gering and spent the
weekend with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Leon Sargent, and her sister
and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Scott. She returned home
Monday with her brother-in-law
and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Parks of Albuquerque, N.M., who
were also here for the weekend.
Coming this week to visit at the
Stewart Pascoe home are Mr. and
Mrs. Bill Agnew and sons, Chica
go and Mrs. Adeline Pascoe, Grand
Here for the weekend from Lin
coln where they are employed were
Lorna Marcellus and Carol John
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McNichols
and Stephen, Omaha and Mr. and
Mrs. L. A. Ott were dinner guests
Sunday at the Alvin Ott home.
^Special Offer:
! Free Wash Job
We will give your car a FREE WASH JOB with our
newly installed car washing equipment when you service
your car with the following:
Mrs. McNichols, who spent the past
week at the home of her sister,
Mrs. Alvin Ott. returned with her
family to Omaha.
Home for the weekend with their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dominick
Bohn, were John, teaching in Ixntp
City and Richard, n parole officer
m Lincoln.
Attending a family gathering »t
the V. II. Magwtre home, Tilden,
held Easier Sunday were Mr.
and Mrs. Edwin Paulsen.
Money To Loan!
Household Goods, Personal
Property, Oars. Trucks.
r»nti Equipment
Loan and Investment
...- --"
Paul Shierk
Insurance of All
- -
Northeast Comer
of 4th A iKnigUs
-*h. 1H7 — Office hr*. e to a
rtftlUttleO — I.IHMHS
M I tiru .Hsturilajr
Closed Wednesday
Saunto s Special
Priced Up to $7.95
Clearance at $495
Most sizes and most sleeve lengths
Phone 197-W O’Neill, Nebraska
: “ •
Please send me the prospectus-booklet describing Investors |
Stock Fund, Inc.
| NAME __
I Wall ts i
wide: sale j Wall!
—\ OUR ^5dD^ \ ^ | ^ Take Advantage
iMf r of These Savings Today
BIG 88' BUYS Our Space Will Not Allow |
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_ . .„.A„ mAI,rni - GENERAL ELECTRIC
CANNON TOWELS AiwiMATir ri ankft m'"” Pm' r-'"n‘Alk'rsi"
_ , nIBrDTiMMIM< 24*50 Aborted color, AU 1 OMA I It BLAINKt 1 Kc,»l»r 0.44
I Ah r LAIYllN Regular 99c Dual Control. Blue
1 HULL tii-ilTlK V Each Regular 29.88 4% A A
Regular 4.98 _ I
288 I 77c 2488 °®
C ^ CC 7-inch %» Chuck. 18-pc. Repair Kit
*P JL Regular 59c Regular 49c lb. Regular $27.77 Regul ir 419 88
TfK 2 cans 88c 3 lbs. 88c $2488 $1288
— ■■ IMM