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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1959)
Chamber* N«w* By Mm B. K. Uupeater CHAMBERS Mrs. Virglna Nei ■u of Charmbers and Robert Bftvt. of Forest City, la., were un ited in marriage at the Methodist church in Tilden the Fvemng of March 19, with Rev. 1 tester 1. Hart Officiating. The attendants were Mary Ann ftftrtschkc of Chambers, a friend of Use bride and Norris Olson at For est City, la., friend of the bride groom Mr. White is employed at For est City. Mrs. White will remain ad Chambers until the school term is over, then go to Forest Qty where they will moke there home A film ' King of Kinga, was shown at the Methodist Church the evening of Good Friday There sms a very good attendence. The ftfetnorial Baptist Church also showed film and had special mu sic. St. Paul's lutheran Church tod Holy Communion. On Faster Masday at the Methodist Church the junior choir of about 20 young people sang for part of the service. 11k senior choir presented the can tata "The First Faster". The Memorial Baptist church also pre ■swm at * * iuw-1 w— — / evening St. Paul's Lutheran Church held regular services Sun day Katie Nee man of Shelton apenl several days last week with Mr and Mrs. Robert White and family The Better Way* Extension Out aart at the home at Mrs. Roy Ful lerton March 24. with eight mem hen and one visitor present. Tin meeting was conducted by the president, Mrs. Duane Groasnick tnas- Two interesting lessons were presented, "Food Facts and Falla etas." by Mrs. Frank Tracy and “TCbncerning Color,’* by Mrs. N HL Crawford. Lunch was servec tqr the hostess. The next meeting will be Apr! 21 with Mrs. Grossnicklatn. Mrs Fred E finer accompaniec her friend, Mrs. Ben Martin at O’ Nail to Grand Rapids, Minn , Wed ■esday for a two wrecks visit wftt lbs. Martins father, Mr. Care) Janes. Mrs. Martin and Mr. Jonei well observe their birthday Anni versaries together as both fall or April 3rd. Him Beverfy Ptwtt. teacher la Me Cairo high ■aster weekead < Mr. and Mrs. Ja Gtoests on Easter Sunday o! lbs. Celia Christianson were Mr and Mrs. Jack Shindler and family mid Mr. and Mrs. William Hubei mid family of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Christianson and children at Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Lennie Chart of Ncligh, Morris Shindler •f Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Christianson and girls of Cham The Ray Hoffman and Donald Hoffman families of Chambers and Me Fred Fangman’s of York were aft the Bernard Hoffman home Sat urday evening to help Keven Hof fman celebrate his birthday anni versary. Icecream and Cake were served the guests. Shirley DeHart spent the Eastei weekend in the home of her fian ce, Gene Van Gerpen and his par ents at Fremont. Mrs. Irene Nutcher left Satur day for a visit in Omaha and Lin coin before departing for her home at Santa Cruz, Calif. Mrs. Nutch er has spent the past two weeks vi siting her sister, Mrs. John Cox niece, Hazel Cox and Mrs. Edgar DeHart and family. Mrs. Lloyd Gleed and daughter, Doreen, were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Adams in Atkinson Saturday. The occasion was the birthday anniversary of the twin brother and sister, Mr. Adams and Mrs. Gleed, who have always cel ebrated their anniversary together. Mr and Mrs. Charley Horton of Beatrice and Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Avard and Patty of Lincoln were Easter weekend guests in the E. H. Medcalf home and also visited Mrs. Will Medcalf. Mr. Horton be ing a nephew of the latter. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Albers and boys of Grand Island were Easter guests of his mother, Mrs. Anna Albers. About 16 friends and neighbors, called to help Eddie Jungbluth cel ebrate his 7 birthday anniversary Friday. Ice Cream cake and coffee were served to the guests. Easter Sunday dinner guests in the E. Carpenter home were Mr unit Mm Dean Stevens. Che rijyn and Terry of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and fam ily of Sioux City, and Patty Av ard of Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prill and family of the Star community near O’Neill visited Sunday in the Lloyd Gleed home. Kathleen Prill, who had spent the past week with her grandparents returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gleed and granddaughter, Kathleen Prill drove to Sioux City, la., March 25 to bring their daughter, Doreen, home for the Easter holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and family of Souix City, la., came Friday to spend the Easter week end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf and Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lubken and son, Michael, came Friday from Lincoln to visit over the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beed and sis ter, Judy. Jim Gibson came home March 25 from St. Anthony’s hospital in O'Neill, where he had been a pa tient for about two weeks. Terry Gerkie was a patient at the Atkinson Memorial hospital several days last week, having had a severe seige of influenza. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beed took her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Coppac to their home at Ser ward Friday following a weeks vi sit here. There was no school at Valley Center district 107. on Thursday and Friday of last week due to the storm and blocked roads. Many other districts were unable to hold school on Thursday. Among these were the Chambers town school. Wayne Smith returned home from St. Anthonys hospital in O' Neill March 25 where he had under gone surgery. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fangman of Specials for CITY-WIDE” CLEARANCE Thursday - Friday • Saturday One Rack Earfy HOSIERY Spring flPPCQliC By Hanes & Bershire 1/lUaXILU Values to $4.65 Silks, Prints, Rayuns Misses, Juniors, Vi aises Thursday - Friday - Saturday Values to Vikas ka AA *24.98 P7JI II Qp 1499 ^ One Fd TaUe National Brand I ODDS ft ENDS JACKETS „ BROKEN SIZES # Sweaters # UlMarfa P1*W and plain colors A e»«_ ♦ size 12’s; 1—14; 1—18 i W Wl-- and 1_20 # Blow* BROKEN am Values to 919.9S Come Eariy for These Bargains! 31 FAIL ad WINTER DRESSES Vakn* to $29.98 ' FINAL CLEARANCE ! •* I3M and $4^0 Broken Sizes The Apparel Shop O'Neill, Nebr. York were weekend guests of their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hoffman and family. Mr. and Mrs Dean Farrier and children of Winner S. D. spent the Easter weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A Farrier. Other guests on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Max Farrier and family of O'Neill and Mr. and Mrs. John Lee Farrier of Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin of Bartlett were Sunday guests of Rev. and Mrs. Charles Cox and their daughter, Kathleen Render and Sharal Ann. Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Shoemaker of Lincoln were Easter Sunday guests of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker. Mrs. Robert White and family, Mrs. Flossie Hanna, Mary Ann Metschke and Katie Neeman drove to Shelton Saturday and spent Easter with Mr. and Mrs. Ted Neeman. Page News Sunrise Services On Hill By Alvin Crumly The youth of the Page Methodist church, the Wesleyan Methodist church, and the Methodist church of Inman held sunrise services Easter Sunday morning on the hill south of Page. Breakfast was serv ed In the Page Methodist church after the services. Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Wettlaufer and family spent Easter Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schom berg at Pierce. Mr and Mrs. Harold Asher and family and Mr. and Mrs. Don Nis sen and family were Sunday dinner guests at the Fred Appleby home at O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs Robert Nissen en tertained the following at dinner Sunday: Mr. and Mrs Pete Nissen. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, and Bob Sorensen and Miss Nina Bur vial. Mr. and Mrs. William Ragland of Page were guests of the Elmer Coolidge home Sunday at Amelia. Walter Rutherford, son of Mr and Mrs. Homer Rutherford, spent Easter vacation at Page with his parents and sisters and brother. He has been formerly employed at the Lincoln Equipment company. Larry Parks of Page arrived home Wednesday evening to spend Easter vacation with his parents, JMr. and Mrs. Owen Parks of Page. I I^arry is going to school at Milton i vale. Kans. Mr. and Mrs. William Hawk | went to Norfolk to visit Mr. Hawks’ parents over Easter vacation. William Hawk is the principal of Page high school. Mr. Evert Mewmaw, father of the Rev. Lisle Mewmaw of Page, died Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Mewmaw and their oldest daughter left Monday to go to Robinson, 111., where Rev. Mew maw’s father was residing. The W. Irl Todd family were Sunday dinner guests at the home of the C. H. Hopkins family near Neligh. The Todds spent Friday night at the home of Mrs. Todd's parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Wad dington, in Neligh. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Schwager of Orchard were Sunday guests of the Harold Melcher family at Page. Janice Crumly, Leona Mudloff and Carol and Richard Harris, all from Page, were home for Easter vacation. They all attend the Com mercial Extension school at Oma ha. Mr and Mrs. Charles Switzer of O’Neill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family for Easter Sunday dinner. Lura and Ronald Grass were guests of the Lyndley Crumly fam ily for Easter dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French sr., Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French jr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Har old Heiss and Larry. Linda Cronk, Vivian Ragland. Mr and Mrs. Richard Heiss and Alvin, and Miss Marie Heiss were Easter dinner guests of the Ivan Heiss family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman and family and Mrs. Freida Asher were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Asher and family. Mrs. Evelyn Gray was a din ner guest at the Cordes Walker home. Knthleen and Eddie Walk er were home from Wayne State Teachers college for Easter din ner, too. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Crumly took Janice Crumly back to Omaha where she is attending school and soon will be employed at an in surance company. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Crumly were dinner guests at Mrs. Crum ly’s parents who are Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Baylan of Hill City, S.D., were Easter guests of the Thomas Goodart family at Page where Mr. Goodart teaches in the high school. Mr. and Mrs. William Shiltz went to North Platte to spend Eas ter vacation with Mr. Shiltz’ par ents. Mr. Shiltz teaches English at Page high school. O'Neill Locals Easter Sunday dinner guests at the Sylvester Zakrzewski home in cluded Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bowen and family, Hastings, Mr. and Mrs. William Podany and family, Butte, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Grib ! bel, Chambers, and Mrs. Rose Podany. 1 Spending the day in Norfolk last Wednesday were Mrs. Rosa Bow ers. Mrs. Marian Woidneck, Mrs. Paul Woidneck and Mrs. Loval Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cronin were weekend guests at the home of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Guy i Cronin, (Council Bluffs. Guests Sunday at the Neil Dawes home were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and family. Inman, anil Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock and family. I " Breakfast guests on Easter Sun day at the Ray Dendinger home were Mrs Fred Frit ton and Rob ert and Mrs. Pat Sullivan. Celebrating her birthday on Easter Sunday at the home of her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs Ray Eby. was Mrs Anton Nissen, Page. Other guests at the Eby home were Mr. Nissen. Mrs. Alma Eby, Ainsworth. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kelly, Valentine, Mr. and Mrs. Dabid Eby and daughter, and Mr. Harry Vaughan. South Dart mouth, Mass. Here fo rthe weekend at the Ray Eby home was Harry Vaughan, scientist on the staff at Massa chusetts Institute of Technology in South Dartmouth, Mass, Mr. Vaughan stopped here enmute to the University of Colorado campus at Boulder where he is to give a series of lectures this week. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse spent the weekend in Iowa with relatives and friends including their daugh ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Van Every, Perry and her mother, Mrs. Anna Dahl, Swea City._ CITY WIDE Clearance Specials Thursday — Friday — Saturday N _ __ 1 only—Sportsman Thorens WIND RAZOR, Reg. 17.95 NOW 4.95 1 only—SINGLE HEAD SCHICK, Reg. 19.95.NOW 7.95 MEN'S NYLON WATCH BANDS, Reg. 1.00. NOW 69c AN ASSORTMENT OF WHITE JEWELRY. 79c LADIES 14 CARAT GOLD WEDDING RINGS, up to 15.00 9.95 I LOT WEDDING RINGS, Reg. 1 LOT MEN'S WATCH BANDS.3.95 STAINLESS STEEL BANDS . 2.95 McIntosh Jewelry O'Neill, Nebraska .1 a (e ■ ' h f nr' r * • depend upon as an important part *of our service to vou We re featuring Nationally Famous Names and Locally Popular Brands * ! ^^g ggga to bring y°u added savings. Stock up with your favorites. • .2-lb. Can $1.87 . Mb .2‘,b- ^ $1,83 J U * . Soda Crackers.,tr.25«.“23* Libby's Tomato Juice 47^*1°° Hi-C Orange Drink3 r 79« Stokely s Green Beans sst-:... 2 7_*r 39c Stokely's Peas Hoiwy Pod; all ilia togothor. .3"ir49« Stokely s Golden Cornr~x..6"' *1°° l Bork and Bean$:ss„.„*_.3":r35c KemL-Ration Dog Food 6 - 89* Tide Detergent"rrr:.—:-.2^.55? Post Toasties -Am.Bw.beBrftor. rJE7 27c Orange Base 77.7^.2 £7 43« Mushrooms Roymi r.«at: .item. t«tr 17 41c Coffoe Cake Me Cheese Spreads 8S®S5e ~ 26c Bond Dill Pickles —.33c Protoia Broad ££*.'*7—. £7 Me JoB-0 Solatia .... 4 35c Town Pride Toppings. d.uc<m. n„ror,7H<7 Me leieages wto»««—...iJS— 29c Margarine2777^— .2d£.59« Hitts Dog Food<**,1-*..6 £7$1.00 Toilet Time STU —..... 2 — 29c Facial Tmae .2 *2? 39c Dog Tummies .5S Me I Spraee up for Spring I , I ' u. | -u,U houvcUanins aids from Safway! 8 pl„mf, .cmler; /oinS- /OT,alad,... Evergreen Brooms houaehoid need Ea. I Furniture Polish K.’iSf:.£w,33< I CHICKENS LETTUCE I Window OeonorESri.-—2S45. I ^ ^ I ^^furjlL^rr rrsijjjj E Trhoie, ^^B Cut Up Madium Stzo, I ^atA** —~-"^*3« I Lb. MTrCib.33c Head JF® I UQUIDIVOIIlr:::-—.I Spareribt SS—»—.«*39c Navel Oranges ulOc I ouzsoappowocft ..^ssc -^14 I Lunch MeotSSSSSi.u45c Tomotoes- I --— I SLICED BACONS-1589c 1 OYSTER SHELL I _ Safeway Qwes QOLD BOND STAMPS. ..