The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 02, 1959, Image 1

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The l»ard of directors of the
O'Neill Rodeo Association have re
ported a total of 72 family mem
berships for the year as prepara
tions are benig made to increase
the seating capacity.
The board voted to build six
new bleacher* to handle the ex
pected Increase In rodeo fans.
In earlier meetings the board
contracted with Fred Wolf for ro
deo stock.
The members of the hoard were
very pleased with the response
shown to date.
Committees have been formed
for entertainment, promotion and
membership sales.
The rodeo, a planned three day
event in O’Neill, will be held on
Friday, Saturday and Sunday,
June 19 20 21.
An entire day was added to the
show this year to make it possible
for more to attend.
Watch your coming editions of
The Frontier for a complete news
Tomlinson Will Enter
Nebraska University
LINCOLN—Larry Tomlinson, end
on the O'Neill St. Mary's high
school football team, will enroll
at the University of Nebraska next
fall, Coach BiU Jennings announced
Tomlinson was named on the
all-state selections and had a big
hand in helping St. Mary's to top
ranking in the eight-man football
ratings Larry is 6-2 and weighs
195 pounds.
Bristow Farmer Hurt
In Power Accident
A Bristow farmer was rushed
to St. Anthony's hospital Tuesday
with a broken arm and shoulder
William Glocke got his arm
caught in a power take-off and was
rushed to the hospital by a Spen
cer ambulance.
He is reported in good condition
at the hospital.
Plan Initiation
The regular business meeting of
the Knights of Columbus will be
held tonight at 8 p.m. instead of
April 9 as planned.
Initiation of new’ candidates in
the first and second degrees will
take place at the Knights’ Hall.
Two Storage Plants
To Be Constructed
O'Neill will be the site for two
large storage plants of the Farm
ers and Ranchers Cooperative As
Under construction at the pre
sent time is a 22,000 gallon nitro
gen solution tank in the southern
section of O'Neill. In a short time
a 20,000 gallon propane storage
plant will tie constructed in the ci
A victory rally of the onc-day
finance drive of the association to
establish the propane plant will be
held Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the
courthouse annex.
Albert Schramm, general man
ager of the ssociation in W innei,
S D. will be the featured speaker.
Earl Loganbill, organization
staffman for Consumers C oopera
ti ve Association, said the two
plants would employ a total of
five men._
. jm
Raymond J. Donohoe, 20, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. John E.
Donohoe of O'Neill, recently was
promoted to specialist 4 in Ger
many, where he Is a clerk-ty
pist In the artillery section of the
Seventh U. S. Army’s headquar
ters. Specialist Donohoe entered
the Army in September 4957,
completed basic training at Fort
Carson, Colo., and arrived in
Europe in February 1958. He is
a 196*3 graduate of St. Mary’s
Academy, O’Neill, and attended
Norfolk Junior college.
hi lo prec
Thursday, March 26 37 29 .60
44 27
Saturday - 46 24
Sunday 50 34 T
Monday 48 25 T
Tuesday _ 48 17 .01
Wednesday —.— 68 26
Class Play Postponed
The junior class play of the O’
Neill high school has been post
poned from Tuesday to Friday to
avoid a conflict with the American
Legion program.
They are presenting "The Skel
etin Walks" in the school audi
torium. The cast is Larry Oetter,
Dick Laursen, Gary Gillespie,
Kathleen Brady, Joan Wilson, Mar
ge Marcellus, Janet Krugman, Nan
cy Wray, Paula Reed and Gerald
Crippled Children Clinic
Scheduled in Ainsworth
The next extension clinic to be
held for crippled children of this
area will be at the elementary
grade school in Ainsworth, April
11. Clinic registration begins at 7
a.m. and all registrations should
be completed by noon.
Examining physicians will be
Dr. Louis S. Campbell, orthopedist,
of Omaha, and Dr. Gilbert C. Sch
reiner, pediatrician of Grand Is
Children who are not now re
ceiving services under the program
may be admitted to the clinic when
referred by their doctor. Children
who are already receiving treat
ment under the services for cripp
led children will be seen for check
up and after-care services.
A lunch is being furnished with
out cost by the Elks Lodge to all
children and their parents who
have registered at the clinic.
Benefit Dance Held
By 'Academy Friends'
The Friends of St. Mary’s held
I a benefit dance Sunday night at
! the O'Neill American egion Audi
■ torium with the Aces of Rhythm
providing music for dancing. .
Proceeds of the dance are to be
used at St. Mary’s Academy. Co
chairmen for the dance were Mr.
and Mrs. Ben Grady and Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Lohaus.
Lots of Help
Help Ewing Presbyterians Rebuild
EWING Christian charity is not
lost in this community or in the
surrounding area. .
The Rev. William Ross, pastor of
the United Presbyterian church of
Ewing wall testify to that. j
A few- weeks ago, a fire destroy- j
ed a major portion of the frame
nnnex only seven years old.
Today, with the help of mem
bers of other congregations in Ew
ing as well as people from other
communities, a new addition is
well on its way to completion.
"We have received money con
tributions as well as labor time
from many people here, Rev. Ross
sa^ we are also fortunate to have
a carpenter, two electricians and
a woodworker in our congrega
Ton and this has helped keep down
the costs," he added.
The church will be dedicated on
May 10 when a special service will
be held at the church and a visiting
church dignitary will be present.
J. H. Davis Couple
Married 55 Years;
Honored by Family
Mr and Mrs. J. H. Davis were
honored Easter Sunday at a dm
* ner at their home to celebrate
' their 55th wedding anniversary. All
of their children and grandchild
ren were present for the occasion.
Present were Mr. and Mrs Ralph
Stowell, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Stowell and Gary, Mr. and Mrs.
Wade Davis. Marilyn and Larry
of Ewing, Mrs. James Schindler
and Dickie of Omaha, and Mr. and
Mrs. Rex Stowell and three child
ren, a brother of Mrs. Davis, Clint
Crosby of Ottumwa, la., and cou
sins, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Philma
lee of Loretta and Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Crosby of Grand Island.
Mrs. Laura Wright was an after
noon visitor.
Much of the labor necessary to rebuild the Ewing I’nited Pres
byterian church has been donated. Some of the men helping are
from left, in the foreground. Wilbur Bennett, Wilber Napier, the Rev.
William H. Ross, and in the background, from left, Dewitt Hoke,
Archie Johnston and Forrest Henderson. The Frontier Photo.
• •
• •* •
"The Voice of the Beef Empire"
Volume 78—Number 49 O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, Thursday, April 2, 1959 Seven Centi
Five O'Neill City Councilmen Will Be Fleeted Next Tuesday
Add Polling Place
For Additional Ward;
Polls Open 12 Hours
O'Neil] citizens will go to the
polls Tuesday of next week to elect
councilmen and two memlters of
the board of education.
With the creation of a new ward,
another polling place wall be open
from the hours of 8 a m. to 8 p.m.
The polling places are as fol
lows: First ward, the Holt coun
ty courthouse: second ward, the
Youth Center; third ward, the po
lice station; fourth ward, city
Dr. E. M. Gleeson will be on the
ballot for the fourth ward for a
two-year term
William Mattem will be on the
ballot for the one year term in the
fourth ward
A single councilman will, as in
the past years, be elected from
the first, second and third wards.
Men on the ballot Include Wil
liam McIntosh, for a two-year
term In the first ward; George
Janousek, a two-year term for
the second ward and Fred Heer
man, a two year term for the
third ward.
Names on the ballot for the board
rt/liioofinn innlnHn TI .1 I /ihlill*?
and Dr. Rex W. Wilson.
Red Cross Collections
For 27 Districts
Total $550 To Date
With 27 of approximately 125 ru
ral districts reporting complete sol
icitations, $550 has been turned in
to Howard Manson, county Red
Cross collections chairman. None
of the communities in the county
have turned in their collections to
The VFW Auxiliary is in charge
of collections in O’Neill. Rural do
nations are still being received by
, Mr. Manson.
A larger percentage of Red
I Cross funds will be used in Holt
county in 1959 with the addition of
the swimming program at the At
kinson pool.
The county Red Cross chapter
will continue its past service to
the county including swimming in
structions at the O’Neill pool, em
I ergency loans to servicemen and
home services work.
Last summer 350 young people
received swimming instructions at
the O’Neill pool with the help of
the Red Cross. Many people were
given food and shelter through
the county Red Cross chapter
home service program directed by
Mr. Hessey.
In charge of loans to servicemen
is Ben Grady. He reports that this
Red Cross service provides emer
gency loans to servicemen and
sends telegrams to inform service
men of family emergencies.
Sale Date Planned
The Holt County Hereford Breed
ers Association met Monday even
ing. It was decided to sponsor the
stocker-feeder sale this fall. The
Tentative date for the pure bred
I sale has been set for October 31.
Liquor License Controversy Expected;
Petition For Councilmen Cooperation
______... —-I
Mother Alma Here
For School Planning
Father Timothy O'Sullivan, pas
tor of St. Patricks Catholic church
said he expected the Mother Su
perior of the Sisters of St. Francis
to arrive in O’Neill today to dis
cuss the possibility of a new school
and convent.
Father O'Sullivan said no de
finite plans had been made and
that a meeting of the congregation
would follow the meeting with
Mother Superior Alma.
Father O’Sullivan said the meet
with the Mother Superior grew out
of a State Fire Marshall s repoi i
which told of hazardous conditions
in the school and convent.
Sand Hills Artist
To Have Exhibition
In Atkinson Library
A group of sand hills paintings
by Dwight Kirsch will be shown
Wednesday at the Atkinson public
library, sponsored by the Womens
Society of Christian Service.
Kirsch, formerly with the Uni
versity of Nebraska, and recently
with the Des Moines Art Intsitute
is well known for his paintings of
the mid west and west.
During the month of March, a
retrospective exhibition of his work
was shown in the galleries at Iowa
State College, Ames, la.
Mrs. Roberts Funeral
Funeral services for Mrs. Esther
Roberts, 77, of Santa Ana, Calif.,
who died at her home following a
brief illness were held March 18
at 2 p.m. in the Smith and Tuthill
Mortuary chapel at Santa Ana.
A native of Harlan, la., Mrs.
j Roberts went to California over
50 years ago. She lived in Santa
Ana for 10 years and was a mem
! ber of the First Congregational
church. Her late husband, Rev.
Arthur B. Roberts was pastor of
the church. Mrs. Roberts leaves
a son, Paul C. ot Santa Ana; two
sisters, Mrs. Carrie Borg, O’Neill,
and Mrs. Gertrude Hoyer of New
1 Plymouth, Ida., and two brothers,
George Hansen of O’Neill, and
Joseph Hansen of Pomona, Calif.
Neil Dawes was in Ainsworth
Tuesday and Wednesday where he
attended an agriculture 4-H train
ing conference. Mr. Dawes is the
Holt county extension agent.
Mrs. Corrigan Rites
Funeral services for Mrs. Frank
I Corrigan who died March 25 in
Loveland, Colo., were held Monday
from St. Cecelia’s Church in Hast
ings followed by burial in Park
view cemetery in Hastongs.
Mrs. Corrigan, the former Mary
Margaret Hiber, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Hiber of Hastings,
was bom July 17, 1915 at 9 Neill.
Mr. Hiber operated a jewelry
store here.
Survivors include the husband
and five children of Loveland Colo,
the parents and brother, John jr.,
of Hastings. _
County Supervisors
Decline Help From
Federal Government
The Holt County board of super
visors turned down over 5130 thou
sand of federal funds for the im
provement of secondary roads at
lUCil 1UOI iuvv»**-o
The resolution unanimously pas
sed by the board indicated that
no matching funds would be used
to obtain the. federal option.
The money was re-allocated to
the state in order that the money
could be used on the state highway
portion of he federal and secondary
In other board proceedings, the
I supervisors accepted the bid of
$679.35 for county vehicle insurance
submitted by the Hawkeye Insur
ance Co.
The board also instructed the
County Clerk to make arrange
i ments to survey a road site one
half mile running west from the
county road between the southeast
quarter of Section 15, Township
27 and the northeast quarter of
Section 22, Township 27, range 14.
The Liquor Petition
Dick Tomlinson, one of the holders of an on and off sale liquor
license looks over the petition and names asking the city council to
maintain its present policy limiting the number of licenses. The
Frotler Photo.
If You Were On Council
Whot Would You Do?
As councilmen face the decision to grant or refuse another
liquor license in O’Neill, several important factors will be considered.
What would you do?
If you were a councilman when the decision time comes around,
these are just a few of the Implications that you would be talking
and thinking about:
1. You might ask yourself if you believed O'Neill could ade
quately support four on and off liquor establishments. Would another
such business make a hardship on the present three?
2. Another important consideration would be that of the money
received by the city and the schools. Is the license worth more or
less than $500 or should the city also change the amount?
3. Some of the present holders of licenses complain that when
they bought the establishments they also bought the licenses along
with good will at an increased price. Should precedence, then, have
anything to do with whether another license is granted?
4. How many liquor licenses should a city have for the number
of citizens? What would a healthy ratio for a city be? Some towns
half the size of O’Neill in Nebraska have four licenses and some
cities (Omaha) have one-fifth the number in ratio to the population.
5. Does the number of licenses alone have anything to do with
the moral and physical health of the city? In other words, would
the unwise kind of drinking increase with the number of establish
6. As a group of freedom loving people, we believe that we
should have the same rights and privileges as our neighbors. Would
the refusal of the grant of another license be, in effect, a restraint
of the freedom of enterprise?
Not before the city council considers these factors and others
too long and involved to mention here, will the decision be made.
If you were a councilman, what would you do?
Members of the Grattan Hustlers
4-H club met at the C. R. Hill home
March 20 to reorganize for the
coming year.
There are 12 members of which
eight are new. Bob Hill was elect-1
ed as club leader. Other officers
are: Keith Krugman, president;
Bob McKay, vice-president; Rich
! ard Hill, secretary-treasurer;
I Steve Peterson, news reporter.
The members chose their project
and then played games. Refresh
ments were served by the hostess,
Mrs. Hill.
Next meeting will be April 12 at
Steve Peterson, reporter. I
Venus News
Joe Sladek, a farmer living west
of Verdigre, received a badly man
gled thumb on his right hand in a
corn shelling accident on March
21. He was taken to Creighton
where he received medical atten
tion. An attempt was made to save
the thumb but finally a part had
to be amputated. He is improving
after remaining at the Creighton
hospital for a few days.
Several neighbors helped to shell
' and grind the corn.
Holt County Clubs
Hold Speech Contest
Saturday in Annex
Holt county 4-H clubs will hold
a Timely Topices public speaking
contest Saturday in the basement
of the court house annex. All Holt
county 4-H club members are el
igible to participate and the public
is invited to the contest which will
begin at 9:30 a.m.
Club members 14 years and un
der will be entered in the junior
division and older members in the
senior division. Boy and girl win
ners will be chosen from both di
visions and these four Holt coun
ty young people will compete in a
district contest to be held later in
Bassett. District winners will then
compete in a state-wide 4-H public
speaking contest.
All speechs are to be based on
some phase of the 4-H program.
The Frontier
Has a New Phone
Number — 788
Hearing Expected
At Next Meeting
Approximately 500 names are
Itelieved to be on petitions placed
in O’Neill liquor stores and tav
vems objecting to the granting of
more liquor licenses in O'Neill.
The petitions have grown out of
the formal application of the Town
House for a license to sell mixed
The council could hold 11 hear
ing as early tvs Wednesday, the
day following the election, on the
At the present time, a totnl of
seven beer licenses have been gran
ted by the city council, on off-sale
and three combination on and off
sale licenses.
Dale French, city clerk, explain
ed that the council had passed a
resolution in the past limiting the
number of licenses to the present
number. He saia me cny couiu
change the resolution at any time.
At the present time the on and
off-sale licenses, if granted, are
issued for $500, half of which goes
into a local school fund and half
of which goes into city coffers.
The same division is made with
the beer licenses which are issued
for $150.
Tlie strictly of sale license In
O’Neill Is Issued for $300, half of
which stays with the city and the
other half goes into the state
school treasury.
The petition, although not hav
ing a direct effect of changing oi
maintaining present policies, wil
be presented to the council in the
hopes that the number of name?
will influence the council in limit
ing the number of licenses.
‘‘If a petition or application is
made to the council, a hearing
must be held,” French said.
Sale Dates
April 4—Trailer court, dwelling
and real estate sale of Mrs. H. W
Tomlinson. Located in O’Neill 1
block south of the New Deal Oi
Co. Col. Vern Reynoldson, licensee
real estate auctioneer and Col
Wally O’Connell, auctioneers. Ec
Murphy, clerk.
April 15- Mr. and Mrs. Georgt
Wright machinery, livestock, clean
up sale. Ranch located 4 mile!
northwest of Ewing on Highway
275 (Golden Valley Ranch.) Col
Wally O’Connell, auctioneer.
April 18—To settle the estate o:
I the late Charles Sobotka, all rea
and personal property will be of
fered at auction at the west edge
of Inman by heirs of the estate
Col. Ed Thorin of O’Neill, licensee
real estate broker and auctioned
and George Oolman of Inman auc
tioneer. Sale to be conducted bj
the Ed Thorin auction service oi
O’Neill. Details next week in Fron
Basketball Certificate
Tim Gilligan the son of Mr
and Mrs. Ben Gilligan of O’Neill
has been awarded a tenth grad<
varsity basketball squadman cer
tificate at Kemper Military school
Boonville, Mo., for outstanding per
formance on his team this season
He was given high recognition foi
his ability by his coach.
The main structure of the new Fetrow building is nearly com
plete, as workmen put the finishing touches to the cement walls. The
Frontier Photo.
George Fuller, the son oT M»
and Mr*. Levi Fuller of O'Ne®
ha* been honored with a $D
cheek from Ak-Sar-Ben for being
in the "top twenty KhnlR*tlra%
in vocational agriculture In tt»
state. The money will help J*
fray expense* when he goes l»
the State convention in l.ineola
Ills teacher I* Vernon Carpenter
a member of the O’Neill till**
sehool faculty.
Memorial Services
In Atkinson Planned
Douglas Chapman of Mobridgg
S. D., died Tuesday. He was th*
son of Mrs. Effie Withers of An*
The funeral will he held in Mo
bridge Thursday.
The remains will be brought to
Atkinson for a memorial serviar
at 2 p.m. Friday, at the Sega*
Funeral home.
He is survived by his wife, »
daughter, Janet, and two song,
Douglas, jr., and James and a si*
ter, Mrs. Blossom Butler and hi*
mother, Mrs. Effie Withers.
He was raised in Amelia as «
boy and later moved to South D»
Mrs. Catherine Indra, Holt cca*
ty home extension agent, attend*®
a home economics 4-H trainn®
conference in Wayne Monday aifc
Midget, Legion Teams
To Meet on Sunday
A meeting will be held SundQ
at 2:30 p.m. at the American Le
gion club room for all boys inter
rested in playing baseball. Haiti
midget and junior legion team*
are planned.
Boys in the junior group mu*:
not have reached their 18th bir8v
day before Sept. 1, 1959 and for
those playing with the midge*
teams, the age limit is 16 by Sej*
PeeWees will meet at the auditor
ium at 2 p.m. Sunday.
Hold Career Day
The annual O’Neill high school
Career Day is l>eing held today
Speakers include representative*
, from the Nebraska State Empkjv
ment Service and the armed fane*
. in the morning.
The afternoon program will be
gin at 1 p.m. and will be devoteH
to colleges and business institu
County School Events
For April and May
The following Halt county sthafc
events were anounced by the Cum*
ty superintendent.
Aprilll County arithmalit am
test at the O’Neill public sebokt
April 13—Music festival at t/»
O’Neill public school auditorium
April 23—Holt county rural teac*
, ers Association meeting 6:30 p.m
• at the Town House.
May 1—Eighth grade examine
, tions at Atkinson, Chambers adt
■ O’Neill.
May 13—Eighth grade promr<u«
• exercises at 1:30 p.m. at the 'O'
Neill Public School Auditorium