The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 26, 1959, SECTION TWO, Image 12

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    THE FRONTIER. O’Neill. Nebraska, Thursday. Marrh i«, 1#58
Ewing News
'Too Many Girls'
Given By Seniors
By Mr*. Harold Harris
"Too Many Girls” was the three
act comedy presented by the sen
a>r class of the Ewing high school,
Thursday evening at the school
auditorium under the direction of
Mrs. Amber Schlotman. A good
arowd was in attendance.
In the cast were Sherry Tuttle,
Roberta McDaniels, Janette Nof
Bce, Carolyn Tams, Lyle Larson,
Larry Rotherham, Gloria Schroo
Jer, Jerry Hahlbeck. Sharon
Cropp, Lorraine Bartos. Waunetta
The between act features were:
“Monkey Shines”, pantomine by
Sharon Kropp and Janette Noffke;
a vocal solo, "Bless This House"
by Sharon Johnston; Flute solo,
by LaRoyce Blunt; "Ambrose” a
pantom me by Carolyn Tams and
Ronnie Thoendel; Song, "Kentucky
Babe” by the boys quartet, Jerry
Jefferies, Lyle Larson, Douglas
Shrader and Bill Bauer; vocan so
lo “One Alone” by Supt. G. El
Ryan with Mrs Wilbur Spangler,
accompanist; "Pagan Love Song”
triple trio, Sharon Kropp, Carolyn
Tams, Coralee Schmiser, Catherine
Woslager, Sharon Johnston, Sher
ry Tuttle, Lois Kaczor, Gloria
Schroeder, Karen Mlnarik. Rober
ta McDaniels is the school accom
Committees were: students di
rectors, Donald Hawk and Ronnie
Thoendel; business manager,
Richard Woslager; stage. Duane
Saitz and Donald Wright; features
Gloria Schroeder and Waunetta
Wragge; advertising, Carolyn
Tams, Karen Tuttle, Sherry Tut
tle. Waunetta Wragge, Gloria
Schroeder, Sharon Kropp, Janette
Noffke. Lorraine Bartos, Richard
Woslager; programs, Karen Tut
tle, Gloria Schroeder, Waunetta
Wragge. Lorraine Bartos; tickets,
Duane Saitz and Donald Wright;
Curtain, Richard Woslager.
Jerry Halbeck on the behalf of
the senior class presented Mrs.
Schlotman a gift.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards
entertained the pitch club at their
home March 19 evening Guests
were Alvin Gibson of Neligh, Mr.
and Mrs. Allen Pollock, and Mr.
and Mrs. Elvin Hamilton, all of
Prizes for high score went to Mr.
Ralph Munn for the men and Mrs.
Pollock for the ladies while low
score went to Mr. Pollock and Mrs.
Jerry Tomjack. Traveling prize
went to Mr. Hamilton. Mrs. Tom
jack won the door prize.
Lunch was served by the hosts.
Rev. Merlin Adamson, mission
ary from Africa will be the guest
speaker at a district and mission
rally at the Riverside Free Meth
odist church, beginning Friday
evening and continuing through
Sunday. The Rev. D. V. Smith,
conference superintendent, will be
in charge.
Rev. Ivan Turner is the pastor
of the church.
Students out for track in the Ew
ing high school are: Ron Thoendel
__ J T\_■ Dnn
UIIU A-'Vi 1 " * -
Cloyd, Bill Bauer, Jerry Jeferies,
Garry Eacker, John Wanser and
Harold Parks, juniors; Freddie
Wright, Leon Wragge and Ron Bri
on, sophomores; Kenny Barlow,
Tom Finley, Don Hahlbeck, Har
lan Saltz, Tom Sisson, Jerry Tams
and Jurgen Verhune, freshmen.
Supt. G. D. Ryan has signed his
contract to return to the Ewing
public school for the coming year.
Others returning are: Miss Lena
Baker, Mrs. Amber Schlotman,
Thomas Hutton, in the high school;
Mrs. Helen Grim, Mrs. Ruth Han
sen, Mrs. Feme Rexine, Mrs. Ne
va Bergstrom and Mrs. Beulah
Black in the grades. Mrs. Hester
Timmons, who teaches home eco
nomics, will not return next year.
Retiring from the faculty after
thirty years of service will be Miss
Elsie Chase, who is the commer
cial instructor. These two vacan
cies are to be filled. The board of
education also will try to secure
a science instructor for the coming
"Called by the. Spirit” was the
theme of the lesson of the Wom
ens Missionary Society of the
United Presbyterian Church at
their meeting held March 19 af
ternoon at the Willie Shrader
home. Mrs. Dale Napier was the
leader, assisted by Mesdames
Archie Johnston, Richard Nap
ier, Wayne Shrader, Leo Miller
and Webb Napier.
Mrs. Lionel Gunter led in the
prayer cycle.
A financial report on the ban
quet of the Order of the Eastern
Slar was given at the business
meeting conducted by Mrs. Wilbur
Bennett, president. A box of cloth
ing was also packed to be given
to Miss Laura McLachlan home on
leave from Pakistan.
The Society also made plans for
a covered dish dinner and a social
meeting held Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. Robert McLachlan, honor
ng her daughter, Laura, who will
return to her missionary work in
Pakistan in May.
Fifteen members and one guest,
Mrs. G. D. Ryan, were served
lunch by the hostess.
Mrs. Laura Spittler, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Funk and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Regan and children,
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Bartak were
entertained Tuesday evening at
dinner at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Bartak. The occasion
in honor of their son, Gregg’s sec
ond birthday which is Friday and
also Mr. Regan's birthday today
The Past Matron's Club and Star
Kensington were entertained Fri
day afternoon at the home of Mrs
1 Grace Briggs. Out-of-town mem
j hers in attendance were Mrs. Wil
jliam Spence of O'Neill. Mrs Maud
Brion and Mrs. Hales of Neligh.
and Mrs. Alfred Conner of Orch
Routine business was discussed
at the business meeting conducted
by Mrs. John A. Wood, president.
A luncheon was served by Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Wood,
Mrs. Waldo Davis and Marie were
Saturday O'Neill visitors.
The girl* of the third and
fourth grade* were entertained
Thursday afternoon from four to
six o’clock at the home of Mr.
and Mr*. Ray Funk in the honor
of their daughter, Shirley, who
W'a* celebrating her birthday.
Out door games were played,
i then contest game* with prize*
In the house, after which Shirley
opened her gift packages to find
many articles to make a small
girl happy.
The refreshments served by her
mother, included a decorated cake
in pink and green, with ten light
ed candles.
A large number of people attend
ed the special sale at the Ewing
pavilion held Saturday afternoon.
Miss Doris Lou Gunter, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Gunter
of Odebolt, la. well known in Ew
ing, has accepted a position in a
Norfolk high school as commercial
teacher for the 195&-60 term.
A graduate of the Orchard high
school, Miss Gunter will be grad
uated this spring from the Univer
sity of Nebraska. She is a mem
ber of the Methodist Church.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Gunter and
Mrs. Anna Pollock of Ewing are
Mr. and Mrs. George Jeffries
entertained the following guests
at Sunday dinner, Mr. and Mrs.
Mark Maben, Mrs. Emma Wulf,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maben, of
Clearwater; and Miss Minnie Neid
erheide. Mr. and Mrs. B. Cratty
of Neligh. Afternoon callers were
Mrs. Lorraine Wright and niece,
Miss Bethyl Daniels, of O’Neill.
Jan and Kim Ruby of Sioux City,
la. accompanied their grandfather,
Ralph Eacker, home from a busi
ness trip Friday and spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ever
ett Ruby. Miss Hazel Ruby took
them home Sunday and visited at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Gene Ruby.
Expected holiday weekend
guests at the Lyle Dierks home
are their son and daughter-in
law, Mr. and Mrs. Merton
Dierks, of Manhattan, Kans.
Mrs. J. L. Pruden spent a few
days at the home of her daughter
and husband. Mr. and Mrs. S. M.
Burtwistle, returning home Fri
Mrs. Alta Meyers and Mrs. Bar
ber and daughter were Friday
guests at the home of Mrs. Edna
Lofquest. Mrs. Dale Metters of
Orchard was also a caller at the
Lofquist home the same day.
Weekend guests at the home of
Mrs. Edna Lofquest were Mr. and
Mrs. Fay Doty of O’Neill and Mrs.
Belle Mott of Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lofquest
and family of Fremont were Mon
day night guests of his mother,
Mrs. Edna Lofquest.
Miss Vivian Wright of Wayne
spent the weekend with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wright.
Sunday guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson were
their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs.
Merwin Olson and family of Clear
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Zimmerman
attended a family gathering Sun
day at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Zimmerman
at Battle Creek.
Herbert Ruroede and G. W. i
Brown, both from Stanton, also I
former residents of the commun
ity were in town Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Kortje and
family of Norfolk were Sunday
guests at the John Steskal, sr.
Mrs. Gladys Steskal and daugh
ter, Donna, returned Sunday from
Omaha where Donna had been hos
pitalized for a week due to an in
jury while at school. She is report
ed as doing well.
Mrs. John Steskal, sr and daugh
ter, Mrs. Jack Charvat. and chil
dren %vere callers Sunday at the
John Steskal, jr home.
| The Youth Fellowship of the
First Methodist Church and sev
eral invited guests held a roller
skating party “t the Neligh Roller
Rink, Monday evening. Providing
transportation were Mr. and Mrs.
Waldo Davis, Jerald Snyder, Mrs.
Dewitt Hoke, Emmet Wright, Mrs.
Willis Hockey, Lynn Hahlbeck and
Ron Brion.
Miss Ethle Kline, who is a
nurse's aid at St. Joseph's Hospi
tal, spent the weekend with her
mother. Rev. Bessie Kline in Ew
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Pruden en
ertained at a family dinner party
on St. Patrick's day, green was
the predominating color in the
menu and table decorations. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Burtwi
stle, Mr. and Mrs. John Pruden
and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Larson.
Mr. mid Mrs. Waldo Davis and
Marie are making plans to spend
Easter Sunday with her sister
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wal
ter Austin and family. Other
members of her family will be
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis took
his brother, Kenneth Davis, to
Columbus March 19 where he left
by train for Oregon.
Mrs. J. F. Taylor arrived from
Washington Monday for a few days
with her mother and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Wilson. Monday
afternoon they visited Mr. Wilson,
who is a patient at St. Anthony's
hospital in O’Neill.
Workmen are busy this week at
the new resident of William Hobbs
in north Ewing, laying sidewalk.,
and doing some work on the yard.
Mrs. Eula Eppenbach was a re
cent weekend visitor of relatives
in O'Neill.
“Church of the Lutheran Hour"
Seventh and Clay streets
The Rev. A. S. Oedvvillo. Pastor
Friday: 7:30 p.m., Good Friday
worsliip and Holy Communion. An
nouncements by registration.
Sunday: 9 a.m., Easter Day di
vine worship. Easter music by the
I youth choir. 10:15 a.m., Sunday
school. W. Fricke, Supt. 4 p.m.,
“The Lutheran Hour'' on WJAG.
Monday: 7 p.m., Adult member
ship class.
Wednesday: 4:15 p.m.. Confir
mation classes meet. 7 p.m., Wal
ther League youth meeting.
Thursday: 8 p.m., Men's Club
“Church of the Lutheran Hour”
Atkinson, Nebraska
The Rev. A. S. Gedwlllo, Pastor
Thursday: 8 p.m., Maundy
Thursday worship and Holy Com
munion. Announcements are by
Sundays 9:45 a.m., Sunday
School, S. H. Brauer, Supt. 11 a.m.
Easter Day divine worship. 4 p.m.,
“The Lutheran Hour" on WJAG.
Tuesday: 4:30 p.m., Confirma
tion class.
The Friendly Church
Wm. H. Ross, Minister
Sunday—Bible School, 10 a.m.
Infant Baptisms, 11 a.m. Sermon,
“Our Living Savior,” 11 a.m. Dra
matic Easter Cantata, “The Strang
er”, 8 p.m.
Monday—D.V.B.S. Joint Com
mittee with Methodists, 8 p.m
Wednesday Prayer and Study of
| Romans 14, Mr. Bennett, leader,
8 p.m.
April 3—Forum, 8 p.m.
A cordial invitation is extended
to the public to these meetings.
Kev. Donald Olmstead, pastor
Sunday Sunday school, 10 am.
Morning worship, 11. Youth ser
vice and children's service, 7 30
p m. Evening service, 8.
Tuesday Begins the special re
vival services with Rev. Nick Su
suras as evangelist. Services at 8
p.m. each evening. The public is
inv ited to attend.
Household Goods Sale
( will sell my personal household goods at public auction at the
home located i*/a blocks north of Basel man's Filling Station in
O'Neill on . . .
Saturday, March 28
Sale Starts at 1 p.m.
The following described property will be sold:
Coronado electric stove; Kelvtnator electric refrigerator; dinette
and 4 chairs, like new; drop leaf table; rhllds high chair; steel
cabinet; davenport (makes Into bed) and chair; dining room
round table and 4 chairs; 2 end tables; buffet, 21-Inch Zenith
television, like new; antenna and rotary; rocking chairs; bed
stead and springs; table lamps; 2 variety lamps; roll-a-way bed
and innerspring mattress, like new; dresser; vantly dresser and
bench; clothes hamper; large floor fan; 4 pieced quilt tops;
dishes; electric coffee pot; electric toaster; cafe dishes; 19
divided plates; electric washing machine, no wringer; 2 oil
beaters; (tower lawn mower, good condition; garden tools; tools
and wrenches; livestock syringe and bloat tap; veterinary vac
cination needle; davenport and chair; easy chair; what-not
frame; lamp shades; 12 guage pump shot gun, 30.06 deer rifle,
Hke new; deep freeze freezer; 42 by RO dining room table and 6
chairs with 18” leaf; white enameled kitchen table, one leaf;
Phllco radio phonograph console, very good condition; and other
Items too numerous to mentln.
Col. Wally O'Connell, Auct. Ed Murphy, Clerk
Ruth Barry
!t §
Beautiful Spring Shades
Seamed or Seamless
Exquisite Ruth Barry nylon hosiery . . . luxuriously sheer, per
fectly proportioned! Snag resistant, long wearing. Every style,
lovely shades, 8Vk-ll.
Full-fashioned 51-gauge, 15-denler . 79c
Full-fashioned 90 gauge gossamer sheers.89c
Seamless, stretch or colored-heel styles. 98c
Full-fashioned 99-gauge Ty twist sheers .1.15
r Gift-Boxed Nylons
Doubly nice for
Easter giving! 3 vO/M
pairs in gift folder. *r4a***
\ I 7.
■ • ■, ,■'••• ■ -
Everybody loves Pangburn's Chocolates!
This Easter give the gift of pure enjoy
ment—Pangburn's Milk and Honey Choco
lates, the original Ruff-Dip milk chocolates.
Gilligan’s Rexall Drug
Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy
Phone 87 — O’Neill
• •
v wm
Here’s where you find the
leading fashions in dresses!
Styles perfect for all tastes!
Prices for all budgets
At McDonald’s you’ll find Radiant, Richly-hued
dresses that are destined to lead the Easter Parade
for 1959. They’re designed in top-fashion fabrics.
Junior, Misses, and half Sizes.
Easter Parade Winners „
"? .T 2
for Girls!
Sizes 3-6X
19$ to 595
Sizes 1-14
29$ to 595 i
A multitude of gay
styles . . . duster
and dress ensem
bles, pert plaid cot
tons, jacket styles
, . . smart, fashion
wise detailing.
• * *
The Final Touch...
Your New Hat!
Styles for all ages
199 to 499
Here are favorite styles for ladies
of all ages, from little toddlers to
grandmothers. Make your choice
Legion Party
Tuesday, April 7
8 p.m. at the
O’Neill Legion Auditorium
This great floor show will feature Charlie Rankin, as master of
ceremonies; comedy wltli Lydia Kune; Manhattan's Dance Star,
Gerry Kenny and his famous trio and singer, Dennis O’Neill.
This is a four act show with the Gerry Kenny trio furnishing music
afterwards for dancing.
Don't forget April 7 at the Legion Auditorium
A Luxurious New Short Coat of
Wool and Cashmere Suede for Women!
Choice of vibrant red,
jet black, pale beige
Charming clutch style short coat
is embellished with fashionable
buckle back, a large collar, and two
pockets. Attractive 26” length,
Beautiful full lining. 8 to 16.