The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 26, 1959, SECTION TWO, Image 11

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"The Voice of the Beef Empire"
Auxiliary; Members Entertain
For Legion's 40th Birthday
In honor of the American I re
gion's 40th birthday, O'Neill I-e
gionaires were* entertained Sunday
night at a pot luck supper hy the
Simonson Unit 93 American le
gion Auxiliary.
Following the 6 p m. supper at
the American Legion Hall, Com
mander Archie Bright welcomed
everyone present He then intro
ducer! four W. W. I veterans and
seven VV. W. I auxiliary members.
Auxiliary president, Mrs. Verne
Reynoldson then presented a birth
day cake to Commander Bright.
A skit was presented by four
auxiliary members, Mrs. Clifford
Harding, Mrs. John Hurrington,
Mrs. Itayph Walker and Mrs. Mar
lin Wichman. Sandhill Jack then
played several selections. The re
gular auxiliary meeting will be
April 1.
Tuesday, March 31
Merrimyx Mrs. J. D. Oson
MM, Mrs. Harold land berg
Monday, April t
Legion Auxilary meeting
Thursday, April 2
Presbyterian Women’s Associa
ton,- Presbyterian Church
Juedi Club, Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka
Legion Birthday Cake
The cutting of the cake in O'Neill Sunday night started the an
nual birthday party held by the joint memberships of the American
Legion and the Auxiliary. Mrs. Vern Reynoldson, auxiliary president,
cuts the cake as Commander Archie Bright looks on.
Z-* Women J
■■•^ ■• ■ ■> •-■-■ V.VJ—nnimnrf.-.w.v,...
Mr. and Mrs. William Vaughn of Atkinson. The bride is the
former Vivian Thurlow. The couple were married March 7 at the
Wesleyan Methodist church in Atkinson.
Womens Bowling Team
Entertain Husbands
The women’s bowling team spon
sored by Pinkerman Radio and TV
entertained their husbands at the
Town House Friday evening.
After dinner, the seven couples
played cards at the Reginald Pink
erman home.
Feasting on the prize money won
by the ladies during the season
were: Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nes
bitt, Mr. and Mrs. Joe MeLeish.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cronin, Mr.
and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Humrich, Mr.
and Mrs. John Laska and Mr. and
Mrs. Reginald Pinkerman.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar De Hart
of Chambers announce the en
gagement and approaching mar
riage of their daughter, Shirley,
to Gene Van Gerpen, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Walter Van Gerpen of
Fremont. The bride elect was
graduated from Chambers high
school in 1955, attended Wayne
State college and has taught in
rural schools for the past four
years. Mr. Van Gerpen graduated
from Fremont high school in 1956
and is now employed by Meese
Construction company.
May 23 has been set for the
wedding date.
Raleigh Family Arrives Here From York
This week's featured newcomers
in O'Neill are the Wayne Raleigh
family. Mr Raleigh, who is em
ployed by the Consumer Public
Power District, moved his family
here just two weeks ago from York.
Both Wayne and his wife, Verla,
went to high school in Litchfield.
Wayne is an electrical engineering
I graduate of the University of Ne-1
| braska and Verla graduated from [
Kearney State Teachers College.
Since completing college, the Ra
1 leighs have lived in several states
I before coming to York 15 months
The Raleighs spend most of their
spare time with their children,
Curtis, 17 months, and Cynthia,
five. Members of the Methodist
Church, they have always partic
ipated in church activities and hope
to continue this interest in O’Neill.
Wayne's special interest is in
amateur radio. Although he does
not have much spare time to de
vote to it, he has built a short
wave receiver.
The Raleigh’s are now living at
115 S. Sixth street.
Four World War I veterans were present at the annual American legion and Auxiliary birthday
party. Tlu* men arc, from left, William Ur aft v.ha ser.^U with the 4th division in France, Glenn Miller,
with the 61 th Coast Artillery In France, Dick Minton, with the 109th Engineering Division in England
and France and Dean Streeter, with the *9tli Division of the Field Artillery.
A group of friends surprised
Mrs. Carl Shenzel Wednesday mor
ning at her home with a birthday
coffee in honor of Mrs. Shenzel’s
birthday Coffee and rollls were
Friendly Neighbors Extension
A special eeting of the Friendly
Neighbors was held Monday night
at the Harold Mlinar home. The
12 members there made wood fi
ber flowers, including violets, ro
ses and carnations Next regular
Meeting will be April 21.
O’Neill Women's Club met Tues
day evening. Twenty members
were present, including several
guests. Members discussed groom
ing and gave grooming ideas. Re
freshments were served by hoses
ses. Mrs. C. E. Jones and Mrs.
Dean Reed.
• * *• •. ••
Lenten Bible Class
The last of a series of Lenten
Bible study classes met Wednesday
afternoon at the Methodist Church.
Attending the classes were mem
bers of the Weselyan Service Guild
and WSCS.
The six classes which began
April 22 included a study of the
book of Isaiah. Those attending
each participated by giving deco
tions or reports. Mrs. Glen Kenni
• * i * • *
cott was leader of the classes.
Chez-a-Mari members met Fri
day at the Mrs. Robert Devoy
home with a pink and blue shower
honoring Mrs. Robert Cole.
Following a buffet supper, games
were played. Mrs. Larry Schaffer
was a guest.
Mrs. D. A. Kersenbrock was hos
tess March 19 to Juedi club. Mrs.
Melvin Ruzicka and Mrs. Ben
Grady were winners. Next meet
ing will be April 2 with Mrs. Mel
vin Ruzicka.
Jeri Coday, 16 year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Coday
i of Chambers, was chosen at the
1959 Girls State Candidate, spon
sored by the American Legion
Auxiliary of Post 320. The Auxil
liary president, Mrs. J. \V. Wal
ter received word of her accep
tance to Girls State at Lincoln
in June.
Jeri is a junior at Chambers
high school with a high scholas
tic standing. She is active in
sports, being a member of the
undefeated volleyl ball team and
of the [)ep club. She took part
in the Junior play, she is a mem
ber of St. Josephs Choir and
organist at the Amelia Catholic
Church. La Rue Weller, daughter
of Supt. and Mrs. Kenneth Wel
ler was chosen alternate.
• , t ' ,
RHOADES The Willard
Rhoades, Milburn, daughter, Julia
Gale, 6 ixmnds 8Vi ounces, March
Kell The Ralph Kellys, Burnell,
son. Michael Ross, 7 pounds, 15
ounces, March 20.
LIERMAN—The Bill Liermans,
son, March 17. The paternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ira Lier
man of Amelia.
STORJOHANN -The W i 11 i a m
Storjohanns, O'Neill, son Darlys
William, 5 pounds 6‘a ounces,
March 20.
ilouskys, Ewing, 7 pounds 3Vi oun
ces, March 25.
WHEELER—The Jerry Wheel
ers have named their daughter
Jeri Jo. We announced her hirth
in last week’s issue.
.llhlllMMI iUClIUM iai
brovolnys, Atkinson, son, Richard
Dean, 9 pounds xk ounce, March
FIX The Lyle Fixs, Atkinson,
daughter. Cathy Lee, 7 pounds, 1U
ounces, March 21. The couple have
two sons, Rodney and Scott. Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Fix are the pater
nal grandparents.
SHONKA—The Ronald Shonkas,
Atkinson, daughter, Michele Lynn,
7 pounds, 12 ounces, March 21.
DELFAVOR—'The Don Delflav
ors, Rose, son. Robert Lee, 4
pounds, 14 ounces, March 24.
MELLOR—The Murray Mellors,
Atkinson, daughter, 9 pounds, 4
ounces, March 24.
Lundberg Memorial
GUENTHER—The Francis Gu
enthers, Niobrara, twin daughters,
Sall> Rae, 4 pounds, 3 ounces ana
Susan Kay, 4 pounds, 7 ounces,
March 18.
SED1VY—The Rollin Sedivys,
Verdigre son, Paul Lee, 8 pounds
11 ounces. MJarch 19.
Gartner- The Ray Gartners,
South Sioux City, son, March 17,
Mrs. Gartnet is the former Delor
es Doolittle, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. At Doolitvle. The Gartners
have a daughter
LOGGOR The Duane Logcors,
New Ulm, Minn., daughter, Kerry
Lee, February 24. Mrs. Longcor
is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Leonard Young.
WREDE—The Don Wredes. Gre-s
ham. Ore., son, Randall Scott,
9 pounds, 2V£ ounces, March 12.
Mrs. Wrede is the former Vivian
Bauld of O'Neill. This is the cou
ples’ fifth child. Mrs. John Wrede
of Van Cover, Wasn., formerly of
O'Neill is the paternal grandmo
ther. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld of
O'Neill are the maternal grandpar
Phone Your News To
The Frontier—
Seating Plans Are Made
For Rebekah Officers
Kden Rebekah lodge met in re
gular session Friday with 18 mem
bers and one visitor, Mrs. Kdith
Thorin, of the Chambers lodge
Plans were made for seating of
the officers at the district meeting
in Page on June 5th hy the O'Neill
After the meeting a bake auc
tion was held among the lodge sis
Lunch was served by Mrs. Mae
Fetrow and Mrs Loretta De Groff.
Miss Carolyn Wintermote of
Chambers was among the <3
student nurses receiving her cap
February 8, in an Impressive
candlelight service in Bloom llaR
at the Immanuel IVaeoness In
stitute School of Nursing. Oma
ha As a part of the ceremony*
the students were also presented
their scarlet-lined navy cape*,
traditionally worn at the school
of nursing.
The New
Phone No.
Mr. R. D. Vavrina of Rovenna
announce the engagement of his
daughter, LuEllla, to Maurice S.
Schindler, son of Mr. and Mrs
Joseph Schindler of Ewing. Mr.
Schindler is employed as a Sales
Manager by the North Side Insur
ance Agency in Omaha. Miss Vav
rina is employed by Briggs Pump
Company of Omaha.
A spring wedding is planned.
Friends of St. Marys
Easter Sunday, March 29
American Legion Auditorium
r- '
Aces of Rhythm Orchestra
Admission: $1.00
_ I
Watch For
c - T7"*
ISJ KCt^: -V
Freezer &
Coming Soon
Dankert’s Gas & Appliance I
* * • ’ • * . , . * • • .
• • • , t , ♦ * t • * * ..*•****