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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1959)
|-Legal Notices— | (First pub. March 5, 1959) William W Gnffin, attorney NOTICE K(IK PETITION FOB ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 4321 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. MARCH 2. 1959. IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHARLES C. AP PLEBY, DECEASED Notice is hereby given to all! persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in ■aid Court for the appointment of Harry Appleby as Administrator of ■aid estate, and will be heard March 26, 1959 at 10 o'clock A M., at the County Court Room in O' Neill. Nebraska. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) LOUIS W REIMER, County Judge 45- 47c (First pub. March 12, 1959) Julius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE OK HEARING OF PETITION FOR FINAL 8ETTIJCM ENT OF ACCOUNT. No. 4261 COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. ESTATE OF EDWARD S. EAR LEY. a/k/ EDWARD S. EARLY, DECEASED. THE STMLE OF NEBRASKA, TO ALL CONCERNED: Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed for final set tlement herein, determiniation of heirship, inheritance taxes, fees and commissions, distribution of estate and approval of final ac count and discharge, which will be for hearing in this court on April 1, 1959, at 10 o’clock, A.M. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) IjOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. 46- 48e (FMrst pub. March 12, 1959) NOTICE OF INCORPORATION Notice is hereby given of the incorporation of S & S Farm Sup ply, Inc. 1. The name of the corporation is S & S Farm Supply, Inc. 2. The principal place of busi ness shall be O'Neill, Nebraska. 3. The general nature of the bus iness of the corporation is: (1) To carry on a general mercantile and merchandise business, and to purchase, sell and deal in such goods, supplies and merchandise as are or may be sold in com merce; to lease, buy, and otherwise acquire real estate, and to lease, sell and dispose of the same; and to do all other things subsidiary, nec essary or convenient for car rying out and into effect the main purposes and objects of the organization of the cor poration. (2) To buy, sell, and deal in machinery, appliances, and personal property of every na ture, kind and description whatsoever. (3) To buy, sell, and deal in all types of building material. (4) In genera], to carry on any other lawful business whatsoever in connection with the foregoing or which is cal culated, directly or indirectly, to promote the interest of the corporation or to enhance the value ot its properties. 15) Said business may be carried on at O'Neill, Holt County, Nebraska and at such branches and places within the State of Nebarska as the Board of Directors may direct. 4. The amount of the authorized capital stock of the corporauon is $100,000 00, divided into 1000 shares of the par value of $100.00 each, at least $20,000.00 of which shall be fully paid at the commencement ot the business. 5. The corporation shall be in existence on the 5th day of March, 1959, and its existence shall be perpetual. S * S FARM SUPPLY, INC. 46-4SC (First pub. March 19, 1959) William W. Griffin, attorney ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA IN THE MATTER OF THE AP PLICATION OF WILLIAM Wr. GRIFFIN, GUARDIAN OF RALPH M. CAREY, AN INCOMPETENT, FOR LICENSE TO SELL REAL ESTATE. Now on this 14th day of March, 1959, this cause coming on to be heard before the undersigned D. R. Mounts. Judge ot the Fifteenth Judicial District in and for the County of Holt and State of Nebraska, upon the petition of William W. Griffin, Guardian of the estate of Ralph M. Carey, an incompetent person, praying for a license to sell the undivided 2/54ths right, title and interest of Ralph M. Carey in and to the Southwest (Quarter of Section 21 in Township 29 North, Range 11, West of the 6th P.M., for the reason that it would be for the benefit of said incompetent and his estate tbat his interest in said real estate be sold, ami the proceeds thereof put out at interest or invested. Upon consideration whereof, and it appearing from said petition that it is necessary and would lie bene ficial to said incompetent that his interest in and to the real proper ty above described be sold, and the proceeds thereof put out at in terest or invested, TT IS ORDERED that the next of kin of said incompetent, and all persons interested in his said es tate, appear before the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 6th day of April, 1959, in the Court Room in the Court House in the City of O’Neill, Holt Coun ty, Nebraska, at the hour of ten o'clock A.M., then and there to show cause why a license should not be granted for the sale of said incompetent’s right, title and in terest in and to all of said real estate in accord with the prayer of said petition. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that copy hereof be published three successive weeks before said day of hearing in The Frontier, a week ly newspaper, printed, published and of general circulation in Holt County, Nebraska for said period. D. R. MOUNTS, District Judge. 47-19c Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! . ... when a Bath just can’t wait YOU NEED AN ALL NEW A. O. SMITH Permaglas glass lined water heater Trode Now and Save » • , . . Because right now your Kansas-Nebraska ■tore will give you more in trade for your present heating equipment. This giant allow ance, plus K-N’s famous easy terms, lets you own a new Permaglas Water Heater for only pennies a day. TERMS TO FIT ANY BUDGET Make your easy payments right on your ga« bill. Get all the clean, hot water you’ll ever Reed ... every time you turn on the tap. Can’t rust , . . because it’s glass-lined. Get all the Clean Hot Water you’ll ever need every time Warranty Protected for 10 Long Years TMs same appliance may also bo purchased from yoer favorite local gas appliance dealer. wfvfv«YirnTnT7V JHfluSttDHZiQZQUuBi For Dependable GAS Service • •** ’*«* 1 * Chambers News Mrs. Lidgett Receives Severe Head Cuts By Mn*. E. H. Carpenter Mrs. Emma Lidgett fell on the ice early Monday cut a severe gash in her heau. She was taken to O’Neill for doctors care. Rev. Charles Cox took Mrs. Cox to Spalding Monday for a medical check-up. Mis. Irene Nutcher of Santa Cruz, Calif, came Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. John Cox, nieces, Hazel Coxand Mrs. Edgar DeHart ana other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Harvard Beed drove to Lincoln to attend the basketball tournament tak ing some of the Inman High school students with them. Their baby daughter, Elizabeth, stayed with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Beed. Mr. and Mrs. John Blair of O’Neill were Sunday guests of their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Blair and daugh ter. Mrs. Anna Carson of Redbird spent the past weekend with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Carson and granddaughter, Mrs. Ernest Durre, anil family. She was re turning from a visit with a broth er at Gordon. The following ladies who’s birth day’s occur in January, Febuary and March, were shown special recognition at the meeting of the Woman’s Society at the Methodist Church March 12. Mrs. James Grimes, Mrs. Eugene Halsey, Mrs. Vernon Whitaker, Mrs. John Kel lar, Mrs. Lavern Hoerle, Mrs. Glen Adams, Mrs. Lloyd Gleed, Mrs. John Honeywell and Mrs. Fred El mer. Following the lesson, devo tional and business session, the group were seated to-gether at a nicely decorated table on vv inch was placed a birthday cake deco rated in pink and white. Mrs. Newhouse read an appropriate rea dirrg and the birthday song was sung for the group. Ruth Ann Damme returned Fri day to her duties as a student at Bryon Memorial hospital at Lin coln following a months vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Damme, and family. Mrs. Clara Kirkland of Atkin son spent Sunday with her par ents Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Walter. Mrs. Chris Haussler of Hol brook, and daughters, Mrs. Helen Gehring and Mrs. Leona Schif felbein, of Araphoe and Mrs. Wil ma Taylor, who has recently re turned from Ethiopia, Africa came Thursday to visit the formers fa ther, Mr. John Walter, sr; sister, Mrs. A1 Deirking, and other rela tives. They returned home Friday. Mrs. Taylor is a secretary in civil service work and has completed two years in Africa. She is now being sent to South America for a two year period. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jarman and family and a friend of Ft. Collins, Colo, came Saturday to spend the weekend with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wood Jarman, and brother, Richard, and family. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Grimes en tertained her brother and sister in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Adams, to dinner Sunday the occa sion being Mr. Adam’s birthday. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith en tertained at a supper in honor of Mrs. Smith’s grandfather, Grover Shaw, of O'Neill Saturday. Other guests were Mr. Shaws son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Shaw, also of O’Neill. Sharon Porter returned to her work at Omaha Monday after a weeks visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Porter and fam ily. Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell and Mrs. Erna Tucker were supper guests of Mrs. Cordia Smith Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. William Jutte, Mrs. Esther Wo; I. Mrs. Ola Er mer, Mrs. Ema Tucker and Mrs. Charlotte Honeywell were supper guests in the John Honeywell home | March 10. .Mr. and Mrs. Elwln Kubeek and Kathy were supper guests March 12 In the John Honeywell home, the occasion being Mr. Ku- j beck’s birthday. Friends who gathered at the j John Honeywell home Sunday e\ e ning in honor of Mrs. Honeywell's birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shavlik and Pam, Mrs. Anna Al bers, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hubbard, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Adams, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf, and Mrs. Ema Tucker. About 16 of the Page Methodist young adults met Sunday evening at 8. at the Methodist church with the Chambers young adults. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grimes were hosts. The devotionals were led by Mrs. LaVern Hoerle. Duane Miller showed slides,, then the group en joyed games followed by lunch. James Gibson entered St. An thony’s hospitai March 11 with a very serious second attack of in fluenza. Word has been received of the illness of Mrs. Hattie Tibbets, who is spending the winter in Tucson, Ariz. Mrs. Cordia Smith was taken to St. Anthony’s hospital in O' Neill Saturday for medical care. Dick Porter entered the Atkin son Memorial hospital Sunday for medical care. The Womans Society of Chris !ian Service met Thursday at the Methodist church with Mrs. Glen Adams and Mrs. Loyd Gleed hos tesses. Nineteen members and two I visitors, Mrs. Vernon Whitaker and Mrs. G. H. Grimes w’ere pre sent. Mrs. Steve Shavlik led the devotionals. Mrs. Glen Grimes gave the lesson. ’’One in Christ— Progress in Ecumenicity" The business session was conducted by the President Mrs. T. E. New' house who opened the meeting with a poem. “Don’t blame the children.” She also read a letter from the district president Mrs. Sandall about the district meeting at Page on April 3rd three cars of ladies plan to attend. Mrs. Ray Beed and Mrs. Glen Grimes plan to attend the state meeting of the W.S.C.S. at Lincoln March. 17-18-19. as delegates. Mrs. Beed gave a short report an Chris tian Social Relations. It was voted to serve a dinner at the church April 2nd for the rural firemen. Following the meeting, lunch was served by the hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Grimes and Patty drove to Lincoln Thurs day on businees. O'Neill Locals Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Allyn and girls of Stuart were March 12 af ternoon visitors at the Dwayne Philbrick home. Rev. and Mrs. Sidney McCaig, Lincoln were present Sunday for an evaluation session, to which the members of the O’Neill Methodist church were invited. Rev. and Mrs. McCaig specialize in the field of Christian education for the Con ference Interboard Council. The Pinochle Club met Sunday evening at the George Hansen home. A covered dish dinner was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Bill Claussen, high; Mr. Cecil Grenier, low and Mr. Bill Claussen, traveling. I Mr. and Mrs. John Vitt and fam ! ily were Sunday dinner guests of j Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dendinger and ! Marcella. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Gleeson and Mr. and Mrs. Roller! De ! voy spent Sunday in Sioux City, visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Contois and Mrs. Howard Manson attended the Nehraska Christian College Con-' vention in Norfolk March 11-13. L>r. and Mrs. E. M Gleeson at tended the testimonial banquet March 12 honoring Dr. J. M. Puc-1 ?Uk at Spencer. They also visited! at the Robert Krutter home that I evening. Mrs. Peter Morey ami Nancy of ' sioux City, arrived Saturday to! visit at the home of her sister, j Mrs. Dale Perry. L A. Becker and D. J. Becker at-! tended the Hamm's Beer Conven-j tion Friday thru Sunday at St. Paul. Minn. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson journeyed to Lincoln Sunday to visit their daughter, Carole. Linda Haynes and Lorna Marcellus, who had been visiting, in O'Neill ac-1 compamed the Johnsons back to j Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs, Johnson planned to visit Omaha on business before returning home Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Lech of Atkinson were Sunday dinner guests at the Henry Kuhfahl home. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements and Mr .and Mrs. Bob Clements journeyed to Pilger Sunday to visit at the Ed and Charles Psotta homes. Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr. and son and Clay Johnson, sr. were dinner guests Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Eppenbach and family. The Boat Show held in the Oma ha City Auditorium was attended by Mr. and Mrs. Duane McKay Saturday and Sunday. Ellen and Ronnie McKay visited their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Har ley, at Chambers while their par ents were gone. Guests at the Guy Beckwith home Sunday evening were Mr. and Mrs. Daryl Beckwith and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Krugman and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell left Sunday for Rochester, Minn., to visit the Mayo Clinic. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Peacock and boys were Sunday dinner guests at the Neil Dawes home. Riverside News Mrs. Hoke Entertains at Home By Mrs. Lionel Gunter Mrs. Lyle Switzer and Mrs. Lio nel Gunter assisted Mrs.Dewitt Hoke in entertaining the Jolly Workers Club March 12th after noon. The ladies embroderied tea towels. Twenty members were pre sent. Mrs. Will Shrader and Mrs. Fred Wiegands received birthday gifts from their mystery pals. Mrs. Robert McDaniel was appointed to send a case of eggs to Nebra ska Childrens Home in Omaha be fore Easter. . Mr. and Mrs. Z. H. Fry were March 12 morning Neligh visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton were March 9supper guests at the Lynn Fry home. Steve Miller was an overnight guest of Terry and Billy Lofquist March 12th and a overnight of Tommy Switzer Friday night. Glenda, Leroy and Dennis Napier spent March 12-13 at the R. A. Hord home in Ewing. The Hubert Montgomery and Lorraine Montgomery families are to be dinner guests Sunday at the George Montgomery home. Mr. and Mrs. Da\e Pollock were O'Neill visitors Friday. Mrs. Rudy Aiders and Rozella attended Edna Shriber furniture sale March 11 in Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery called on Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Mahood March 8 evening. The Robert Montgomery family visited March 10 afternoon at the Lorraine Montgomery home. Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hoke and Clayton entertained the following >« * ’ Nu UI KiiiS i;A;S HUGS THE HIGHWAY WIDE-TRACK PONTIAC! AMERICA’S NUMBER ® ROAD CAR » , I Wheels are 5 Inches farther apart. This widens the stance, not the car. Gives you a steadier, balanced, road-hugging ride. m SEE YOUR LOCAL AUTHORIZED PONTIAC DEALER WM. KROTTER COMPANY * 305 W. Douglas, O'Neill guests Sunday evening for supper Mr. and Mrs R. A. Hord. Mr. ami Mrs. George Montgomery. Mr. and Mrs Alvin Nelson and Jim my, Mr and Mrs. Lionel Gunter and Paul, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family. The supper was in honor of Clay ton’s birthday and Mr. and Mrs. Dewitt Hokes vveduing anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bennett ol O'Neill were Sunday dinner guests at the Wilbur Bennett home Other callers were Edaie Shrader, Paul Gunter and the Ralph Shra der family. Lionel Gunter accompanied Kol Hord to Norfolk Saturday mor ning to meet .Mike Cronin, who came by bus from Denver, Colo. Mike purchased a ear in Neligh and drove hack to !>en\ er Sun day. He was an overnight guest at the Kol Hord home Saturday. Evening callers were Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Napier and family and Mr. and Mrs. Monel Gunter and Paul. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink visited, March 12th at the Lee Fink home near Page. The Kenneth Pollock and Art Busshardt families of Neligh were dinner guests Sunday at the Dave Pollock home. Mr. and Mrs. George Montgom ery spent March 10-11 in Norfolk. Mrs. Alfred Napier attended a meeting Saturday of the Tops Clubs in Grand Island. Jerome Miller was an overnight guest March 9th of Frances Berg strom. Mr. and Mrs. /,. 11. Fry and Mrs. Kitty Fry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke in Inman March Stli afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry took Julie back to Norfork Friday for another check up. Mrs. Wilbur Bennett and Mrs. Maynard Morrow were in Norfolk March 9th. Susan Napier visited her aunt, Betty Napier, March 10, while her mother and Mr. and Mrs. Web Napier were in Norfolk. The Bill Lofquist family were guest Sunday evening at the Don Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Schlottman called at the R. A. Hord home Friday evening. EMMET SCHOOL NEWS Upper Grade Room The golden Keys Club was called to order by Derold Perry for roll call. We answered with a safety rule at school. Our program was on outside games. Several people sold cams last week to make mon ey for the school. The records which we ordered have arrived. Our next monthly party will tie held next week, Wayne Foxes, Skopecs. Bud Cole and Newtons will serve. Jim Newton received his reward for reading ten iiooks. Grade seven and eight had a current Events test. Grade four, five, six had a reading compre hension test. We want to thank Donna Cole for the treats that she gave us for remembering her with Baby Congratulation Cards. We also want to thank Chip Cole for the birthday treats. The boys have been playing ball. Lower grade room Scott Miller visited our room on Monday. Jackie Cole treated the school to ice cream bars in honor of his new sister. We wish to thank Jackie. Pat Cole visited our room on Wednesday. Barbara Fox visited the dentist on Wednesday. We make get will cards this week for Bobby Perry, who is in the St. Vincents Hospital. Chipper Cole treated our room to ice cream bars on Friday. The occasion being Chippers seventh hirthday. The second and , third grades have been writing stories about spring for Language. Junior Grothe News Reporter Church Notes \\ ESLEY AN METHODIST Rev, lktn Y'. OIiiisUhI, 1‘astor Saturday The Miltonvale Col lege A Cappela choir presents a concert at the local church. Time. 8 p.m. Sunday, 10 a.m. Sunday school, 11 Morning worship, 7:30 p.m. Children's service anti youth ser vice, 8 Evening worship. Wednesday 8 p.m.—The mid week prayer hour. UNITED PRESBYTERIAN Rev. John Pastor, Pastor Sunday Church School, 9:45 a.m. Morning Worship, 11. Monday Bible Study, 3 p.m. Tuesday Sr. Hi Communicant Class, 7 p.m., Jr. Hi fellowship, 7 p.m. Wednesday Choir Practice, 7 p.m., Session Meeting. 8 p.m. Thursday Sr Hi fellowship. 7 p. m. Circles 1 and 11, 2:30 p.m. Circle 111, 7:30 p.m. Friday Jr. Hi Communicant Class, 4 :15 p.m. BETHANY ( III IU II Bethany Church Ewing Nebr. Rev. John Hart, Pastor Sunday Morning Worship, 9:30 Church School, 11. ! - Center Union C. P. Turner Pastor Sunday School at 10 a.m. Prea ching and Worship Service at 11 a.m. Meeting at 7.30 p.m. Preaching Service following Y.P meeting, Prayer Meeting and Bible Study will lie in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Iven Wayman Wednesday evening at 8. You are cordihlly invited to at tend all or any of these services. Christ Lutheran (O’Neill) Seventh and Clay Streets The Rev. A. S. tiedwillo, Pastor Sunday: 9 a.m.. Palm Sunuay divine worship. 10:15 a.m., Sun day school. W. Frieke, Supt. 4 p. m., "The Lutheran Hour" on WJAG. 7 p.m., Adult membership class. Monday; 7 p.m., Adult memlier sliip class. Wednesday: 4:15 p.m., Confir mation classes meet. (Note: Lenten vespers will lie held on Friday of I Holy Week instead of Wednesday). Pastor Gedwillo will conduct the "Daily Devotions" on KBRX dur ing Holy Week, each morning at 9:15. Methodist (Page — Inman) Lisie E. Mewinaxv, Pastor Page Thursday (TODAY) Woman's Society of Christian Service all-day meeting with cooperative dinner at noon. Saturday MYF corn pick-up project, lieginning at 9 a.m. Din ner will he served for the group at noon at the church. Palm Sunday—Sunday School, 10 a.m., Morning Worship, 11 with Baptismal Service and Reception of New Members: MYF, 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, 25 Chancel Choir practice, 8 p.m. Good Friday Quiet Day Service, noon till 3 p.m.. Candlelight Com munion Service, 8 p.m. Everyone is cordially invited and urged to attend both Services! Inman Palm Sunday Morning Worship, 9:45 a.m. with Baptismal Service and Reception of New Memligrs; Sunday School, 10:45. Wednesday Choir practice, 7:30 p.m. and MYF. Maunday, Thursday Woman’s Society of Christian Service Quiet Day observance with cooperative dinner at noon; Candlelight Com munion Service, 8 p.m. Plan to attend! Wednesuay Mid-week Prayer Hour, 9 a.m. Head John IS 28-40 March 29 Communion Ser\ ice, 5: la a m. in Page Church followed by Easter Sunrise Service and an nual Easter Breakfast tor the MYF’ers. Immanuel Lutheran (Atkinson) Kev. A. S. Gcdwlllo, Pastor Thursday : 7 rp.m., Confirmation class. 8 pin.. Lenten vesper ser vice. Sunday: 9:45 a.m., Sunday school S H. Brauer, Supt.,11 am., Palm Sunday divine worship; I p. m , “ i'he L u t h e r a n Hour" on WJAG. Thursday: 8 p.m., Maundy Thurs day worship and Holy Communion. ASSEMBLY OF GOD CHI RCH 702 E. Clay St. O’Neill, Nebr. Robert A. Paul, |»astor Sunday School 10 a.m., Reuben Redlinger, Supt. Classes for all ages. Morning Worship 11 a.m. The Rev. Roseoe Leach will preach the morning service. Youth Services Sunday 7:15 p. m. Rev. Leach will be ministering to the youth. Evangelistic Service Sunday at 8 p.m. Rev. Loach will preach the evening message. Monuments ot lasting beauty from the factory to the eon hunter.—Kminet Crftbb, O’Neill, made by skilled craftsmen of the J. F. Bloom Co. . . . monument* BEAUTYLAND Beauty Salon I i Phone 565 for ap|Hilntiucut Located across street trom bakery. Closed every Monday morning. KOYAL THEATER Till Its. MAR. Itt It’s a Crime if you Miss ”A NICE LITTLE BANK THAT SHOULD BE ROBBED” Cinemascope Tom Ewell, Mickey Rooney, Mickey Shaughnessy, and lovely Dina Merrill. Family admitted for two adult tickets—Adults 50c, children 15c. FBI. & SAT. MAR. 20-21 “THESE THOUSAND HILLS” Color by DeLuxe, Cinemascope Don Murray, dramatic sensation of "Hatful of Rain”. Richard Egan, dynamic star of "The Hunters”. Lee Remick, Patricia Owens and Stuart Whitman. The Mighty story of a land im passioned with all the explosive emotional dramas. Adm. Adults 50c. Children 15c. All children unless In arms must have tickets. SUN.-MON.-TUES. MAR. 22 23-24 Another emotional shocker from the passion-dipped pen of Robert Wilder, author of "Written on the Wind”! ‘•STRANGER IN MY ARMS” Cinemascope Universal-International Presents June Allyson, Jeff Chandler, co I starring Sandra Dee, Charles Co I burn, Mary Aslor, Peter Graves, Conrad Nagel. Adm.: Adults 50c, Children 15c. i All children unless in arras must have tickets. Exciting New Tropical Flavor Fragrant with fresh-banana flavor—with moist, fresh coconut added—all yours in a new smooth-frozen Meadow Gold Ice Cream! Look for the colorful special half-gallon package today! BEATRICE FOODS CO. O'Neill, Nebr.