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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1959)
Venus News Cleveland Farewell Party By Mr*. Ralph Hrookliousrr A farewell party was held on the evening of March 8ih at the Gnm ton school house for Mr. and Mrs. Archie Cleveland and sons, Dennis and Darrell by their neighbor*. Pitch was played at nine tables. Mrs. F. E. Pierce and Jimmie Podany captured the high awards and Mrs George Heggemeyer and Gary Hines received low prizes. The Clevelands were presented a gift. Lunch was served at a late hour. We wish him much luck in their new home. The Archie Cleveland family moved to a ranch they recently purchasd southwest of Ewing. They sold their farm at a sale March 6th. Arthur Von Leggren, Max Le Masters and La Vain Hines were those helping with the moving. Mr, and Mrs. Francis Latzel and Debbie of Creighton visited at the Dale and Herman Dorr home March 8th. Mr. and .Mrs. Bah* Dorr and daughters were weekend visitors at Sioux City. They visited the later’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Better Heaton. Mr a:.d Mrs. Gerhaidt Luelieke of Page end daughter visited at the George Heggemeyer home. Miss Villa Poep.’shi. entertain ed the Work and Fun Club at her home on March 11. Thirteen mem bers were present. Quilt tiea.g and embroiuery work was done in the attemoon for the hostess. Lueheon was served at the close of the afternoon. Mrs. Elmer Korina of Whine toon visited with her mother, Mrs. Edna Boelter Marer It. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Boelter and Loren visited at the Elmer Kocina home near Winnetoon on March 7th. Mr. and I kin Fritz and baby of of O'Neill are moving this week on the farm they purchased last week at the Cleveland farm sale. Mrs. Gerald Waring entertained the Help U Club members and families at her home March 11th. Pitch was played at six tables. High prize winners were Kenneth Waring and Mrs. Clarence Finch. Low prizes were awarded to Mrs. Vincent Jackson and Loren Boelter. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Francis Boelter and Mrs. Ralph Brook houser. Traveling prize winner was Mrs. Otto Matschullat, Sunday evening guests at the Ora Caskey home were Mrs. Paul Ba ker and Susan of Omaha and Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Faulhaber. Larry Caskey has been quite ill with an ear infection, and is under the doctors care. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser ser were Friday Norfolk visitors. Jim Breece of Creighton was a Sunday caller at the Donald Kin ntson home Friday evening visitors at the Mr. and Mrs Rulph Brookhouser home were Mr and Mrs, Ar\id Newt i aos . u a,id Mrs Max LeMasters and daughters visile., at the John Jenktnson home Mrs Harold Tyler was helping I'rii.av with the work at the Venus * t - . LeLand Caskey came home from )rnuha Friday evening to spend the weekena with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey and twins. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Butterfield spent Saturday with their son and family, Mr and Mrs. Bernard But terfield, of near Center Mi and Mrs Larry Brookhouser of Cotesfield visited at the Ralph Brookhouser home Sunday and at the Dick Tomlinson home at O'Neill. Mrs Paul Raker and daughter, Susan, of Omaha, are house guests at the house of Mrs. Baker s par ents Mr and Mrs Sidney Faul haber, while Mr. Baker is on a bus ness trip out of the city. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dorr were hosts at a supper Friday evening given in honor of their daughter, Cathy's birthday. Guests were Mr. and Mrs H. J~ Le Masters and Mr and Mrs. Max LeMasters and daughters Mr. and Mrs. Authur Von Seg gren visited at the Howard Tyler home Friday evening Mrs. Tyler returned to her home this week from a Norfolk hospital, where she underwent surgery. Mrs. Dale Dorr and Joanie visi ted Friday at the Ralph Brookhou ser home Friday. Mrs. Mrytle Wheeler and her daughter, Mrs. La Vain Hines, helped Mrs Archie Cleveland at her new home southwest of Ewing March 12. Phene Your News To The Frontier— O'Neill Locals The Reginald Pinkermans enter tained the Lowell Nesbitt family at dinner Sunday in their tome. Mr. ami Mrs. Brock Reynold son were dinner guests at the Leigh Ron noldson home Sunday to celebrate Brook Key noldson's birthday. Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Waring were guests Sunday at the home of I their daughter. Mrs Kenneth Heisr,, I Page. Grover M Shaw. Ewing, and i Ellen Donotoe were Sunday din | ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Grov ' or Shaw. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brookhou ser, Ooatsville, and Mr. and Mrs. j Jack Hawk and sons, Ewing, were guests Sunday evening at the Dick Tomlinson home. Mrs. Anna Donlin was honored at a hirthday celebration at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Mur ray, Spencer, this week Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rohde. Mrs. John Harrington, Mr. and Mrs. A F Stanton and Mr. and Mrs R. J. Rohde were in Spencer to share the celebration. Wesley Pinkerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Pinkerman, celebrated his fourth birthday Wednesday witli two parties, in the afternoon, playmates in cluding Mike and Pal Nesbitt, David Herschlser and Jan Hlll igas shared the fun with games and a birthday cake, Later in the evening, Mr. nd Mrs. VeUlon Pinkerman and Mrs. Faye Pink erman Redbird, honored Wesley at a dinner at his parent’s home. FOOD SALE The Presbyterian I-adies will hold a food sale at Shelhamers Jack and Jill store Saturday, March 21, beginning at 10 a m. mmmmmamm i Lohous Motor Co. Is cutting prices to make room j tor later model used cars turned in on new car purchases. Stop In Today for that second car or school car during this Ohler Car I'sed-Car Clearance. Priced From $75 $475 MODELS FROM ’48 TO '52 • FORD • MERCURY • CHEVROLET • PLYMOUTH • PONTIAC 2 DK. & 4 DR. MODELS STOP IN TODAY! NO REASONABLE OFFER REFt'SED! Lohous Motor Co. We Thank You For Your Patronage! REXALL 'Thank You' SALE In Progress Now Thru March 28 COME IN AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR MANY, MANY SPECIALS ! SAVE 40c—REXALL DeLUXE TOOTHBRUSHES Reg. 69c. Now 2 for 98c FREE! Yz Pint Mi-31 Antiseptic Mouthwash when You Buy REXALL AEROSOL TOOTHPASTE $1.52 Value.Just 98c SAVE i/2-CARA NOME "FAST" PERMANENTS 5 popular types Reg. $1.75 each .Now Just 87c plus tax Save 91 c—CARA NOME 'BRITE-SET' HAIR SPRAY Big 11-oz. btl. Reg. $1.89 ... Now 98c plus tax Save Over 1/3-CARA NOME SHAMPOOS Save 30c on "FAST" Dandruff Treatment Shampoo-Reg. 79c . Now Just 49c Save 81c on Liquid Cream or Cream Shampoo Reg. $2.00. Now Just $1.19 Save 49c—CHERROSOTE COUGH SYRUP Pint Bottle Reg. $1.98. Now Just $1.49 Save Yz~CARA NOME COLOR SHAMPOO Get TWO bottles for price of 1 .... 2 for $1.25 Save $1.00-REX RAY HAIR DRYER Plastic Hood Free, A $6.95 value .... just $5.95 Save 26c—CANCELLED CHECK CASE, Indexed Holds up to 3 years checks. A $1.95 Value. Now Just $1.69 Save $1.91 —BILLFOLDS—Ladies' & Men's Styles $3.79 Value . For Just $1.88 Those are just a few of the many bargains offered in this big sale event, t ome in now and take advantage of these wonderful spec ials while they are still available! NEW ALL-IN-ONE MYZON SWINE MEDICINE By the makers of Famous Myzon Products Quickly stops ANEMIA (Iron Deficiency), BAC TERIAL SCOURS (Necro, Diarrhea, Black & Bloody Scours), BACTERIAL PNEUMONIA (Bronchitis, Pleurisy, Thumps, Shipping Fever), VITAMIN DEFICIENCIES. Special Introductory Offer: Plastic Baby Pig Medicator FREE with purchase of MYZON SWINE MEDICINE Myzon Swine Medicine is available in and 1-lb. Containers. CANDY FOR EASTER With Easter just a little over a week away, eome In now and see our stock of Beautiful Easter Candies. One of our beautifully decorated boxes of PANGBI'RN’S Chocolates Is sure to be ap preciated and make a hit at Easter time. Remember Ciilllgan REXALL Orus for your Easter Candy! PRESCRIPTIONS Have your next prescription filled at Gilligan REXALL Drug by one of our . . . PRESCRIPTION SPECIALISTS. Gilligan’s Rexall Drug Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy Phone 87 — O Neill Mr. and Mrs K C Hunt and Mr. and Mrs Grover Shaw were Saturday evening dinner guests at the George Smith home. Chaml>ers [in honor of Mr Shaw s birthday, I >r and Mrs. F L. Wilson, Sioux City, were here for the weekend at the home of their son, Terry and Mrs Wilson. Mr. ami Mrs. Kenneth Waring were at the Clarence Finch home, I Page, Saturday evening. A former resident, Roy Wells, is here from Padroni, Colorado, at the Fred Wells borne Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells and Walter Wells, Bristow, returned Saturday from Padroni, Colorado. They were in Padroni for the fun eral of Walter's sister, Mrs, Estel Lake. Mr. Roy Wells returned with i them. CHURCH NOTES METHODIST CHURCHES Itev. (den Kennlcott, Pastor O’Neill Thursday, (today) — 10:00 a.m. Prayer Circle at Claude Bates home; Dorcas, 2 p.m. Saturday. — Men’s Breakfast, 7 a.m.; Youth Training Class. 9 30; Junior Choir, 10:30. Sunday — Church School, 9:45; Morning Worship, 11 (Baptismal Serv ice for children >. Monday. O’Neill Ministerial Association, S a.m.; Intermediate MYF. 7 pm. Tuesday Adult Fellowship, S Ip m Wednesday, WSCS Study . 30 pm : Combined Choirs. 7.30; Sen ior MYF, 8. March 26—10 a m. Prayer Cir cle; Dorcas 2 p.m,; Communion Service. 8. March 27 1'ion Good Friday Service, sponsored by Ministerial Association. 3:15 p.m., at The Methodist Church Easter Sunday Youth Sunrise Service and breakfast for young people of Methodist and Presby terian Churches, 6 a m., at The Presbyterian Church. First Wor ship Service, 8 a m Church School, 9:45 Second Worship Service, 11 am. EMMET Thursady, (today) — Woman's Society of Christian Service, 2:00 p m. at Elmer Alder home. Sunday, — Church School. 9:45: Morning Worship, 11. JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES 127 S 4th Street O’Neill Friday 7:30 p.m. Theocratic Ministry Sr bod. Subject, "Nehe mtah" S 30 Service Meeting, i Theme; Build One Another Up" (Ephesians 5:11. Sunday 6 pm. Watch tower Stu dy. Subject, "lad Ymn Will Come To Pass". Matthew 6:10, Monday, at 7:30 pm. Jehovah's People, Remnant and other sheep, will assemble as congregations Tuesday, S pm Bible Btiok Stu I dy. Subject, “The Lord's Evening Meal". UNITED PRESBYTERIAN (Ewing I Win. H. R*»ss. Pastor Sabeth March 22 Bible School 10 a m. Archie Johnston, Supt. Sermon "What Sort of People" 11 a.m. Youth Group 7 p m. Mr. and Mrs Butterfield, Sponsors Junior meeting. 7 p m Mrs. Ral ph Shrader, Sponsor. METHODIST LADIES Will Hold a FOOD SALE at Shelhamer's JACK & JILL Saturday, March 28, 10 a.m. Stngspi ration S pm Sermon I "Guided by God", Monday Men's Council. S p m Tuenday Congregational dintu r at Mac* Lachlan homo. r — - — iM * WMlm'vliy Prayer ami study of Romans 11 !S pm William 11. Rues, leader. Phone Your News To The Frontier— " -1 O’NEILL TRANSFER JOHN J. TTONiat, Prop. Call Us for Prompt, Efficient Service DAILY direct service to and from Omaha Pick up & door-to-door Delivery in O’Neill Also: Emmet. Atkinson, Stuart, Bassett, Newport and Sprtngvlew Moving our specialty anywhere tn Nebraska (U. S. and Canada by agents interline) If You’ve Got It — A Truck Brought It Patronise a Home Owned and Operated Firm Your baslnoM will be appreciated Phone: O’Neill 078 Omaha ATOM* Leading The Faster Parade... DRESS and DUSTER ENSEMBLE! Fashioned with distinctive simplicity in fine Shandero I Slim-lined dress has cap sleeves and polka dot bow c. matching the duster lin ing. Fully-lined duster is full length. Navy or black. The Final Touch... A r LOVELY NEW COAT! An Annshire” Original . . . all wool Botany flannel This full length spring coat is exquisitely tailored in all wool Botany flannel. It has button closure, push-up sleeves. 8 to 16 in light or dark grey, navy, or red. Easter Bonnets For All . . . From Tots to Grandmas! i * 199 to 499 ^ McDonald’s have a wonderful selection ol new spring styles. Make your choice soon! Colorful New Jewelry by Coro $1 and $2 plus tax A glorious array of new cos tume jewelry . . . earrings, bracelets, necklaces, pins. Washable Worsted FLANNEL SLACKS! Men’s Sizes 28 to 40 Handsomely tailored Donfield wash n wear slacks are fine Cworsted flannel of 70% Acrilan1"’ & 30% Acetate. Two Piece SUIT ENSEMBLE I for Men! Mix and Match! $35 Versatile ensemble consists of a Sport Coat and contrasting slacks. 100% wool. 36-44. W) SPRING GLOVES Sizes 6 to 8|/2 $ J Women’s gloves that are always in good taste! Made of double woven Nylon in white and rad iant colors. SPRING HANDBAGS New Styles 298 up Choose from black patents or plastic calf in brown, black, bone, red, navy. AMBASSADOR” TIES Repel Stains! Treated with Scotchgard1** stain repeller to resist all oil and water spots! DONFIELD HATS 595 to 795 Soft fur felt hats in new styles for Spring. Water repellant. 6%-7 3/8. MEN'S DRESS SHIRT 14tol7 298 Fine combed broadcloth to wash ’n wear! White and soft pastel colors.