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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1959)
Atkinson Feature Atkinson Man Finds Horses 'No Hobby' Turns Interest To Profit at Fairs <«io(l entertainment is provided by Hanson’s team of miniature mules. They measure 43 inches high. This pair of sorrels have been seen at various count * fairs and at local hay day celebrations. Photo Courtesy of Atkinson Graphic. ranch. 16 miles southeast of At kinson lives with his wife, daugh ter, Carol, and son. James, near Highway 20 in Atkinson. The llansons yard just a few of their prise stock here. Before coining here Hanson 1 was president of a saddle club at Vermillion, S. D., where he also trained horses and rode some l> rones. Horses, having long been his favorite hobby and having a few of his own, he brought them along to the raneh in 1950. With an eye on the future tind a i I strong impulse to work with horses, j Harvey decided to enlarge on his I hobby. Going to Eldora. Iowa, the pony |eapitol of the world; he purchased Snow Hob; a snow white pa la mint) bred sire. A year later, a sorrel I sire "Maple City Golden Sunlight" was added to the Hanson's regi stered Shetland herd. They have taken several top ho nors in the sale ring with their show ponies. Snow Bob sold for 51,175. at the Reppert pony sale at West Point. A yearling filly, daughter of Snow Bob, brought a top price in her devision a* the same sale. Four fillies, four months of age, direct dependents of Snow Boh and Maple City Gol den Sunlight topped their class the previous fear. Hansons Interests do not end there. He recently returned from , Fort Smith, Ark., where he pur | chased Ding Dong Dun, a regi | stored quarter horse. His inten ( tions are to produce a rangier j pony by cross breeding. Carol, 13 is an active partner in her Dad’s business and rides the ponies in the show ring. James, 18, a freshman at the University of South Dakota is more interested in music. As an interesting side-line, Han son provides good entertainment with his team of miniature mules, measureing 43 inches high. This pair of sorrels have been seen at various county fairs and at local Hay Day celebrations Their his tory dates back to appearances in Europe, the Rose Bowl parade in Pasadena, Calif., and in a cir cus act. The “Shetland hitch’’ which con sists of four black geldings, 38 inches high, was at one time a part of Hansons novelty act, which preformed on many ocassions. The Hansons travel many miles each year in the interest of their expanding interest in horses. BOWLING RESULTS: STREAMLINE Splits 21 9 Splits 21 9 Paj e Oilers _ 19% 10% Methodist Men ._ 16 14 Pepper Uppers 14 16 Legion Blue 14 16 Farmers Store . _14 16 Heinz 57 13 17 Fehrs Tract. & Eqpt. 8% 21% HIG—Harold Mlinar, Heinz 57, 211. HIS Frank Polacek, Page Oil ers, 596. HTG—Splits, 882. HTS—Splits. 2451. BOOSTER W L Caterpillar __ 51 27 Ten Pin Lanes ___ 47 31 I Dick's Bar __ 44 & J M. McDonald 39 3i ’Pawn House 38 4< Nite Owls 33 4; Hunt's Plumbing 31 4' 1 Pin Pals 29 4i HIG- Olive Tomlinson. Dick's Bar. 182. HIS Olive Tomlinson. Dick's Bar. 481 HTG Dick s Bar, 725. _HTS -Ten Pin Lanes, 2102, XV XRRl.F.RS XV L Wrens 11 4 Canary's 8 7 Meadow Larks 74 74 Jays 7" 8 Robins 6 9 'Blue Birds 54 94 HIG liona Harmon, 173. HIS Dona Harmon anti Joar | Wecker (tied», 445, HTG Meadow Larks, (SI HTS Meadow Larks, 1949. VARSITY XV I, O'Neill Cleaners 20 10 Orchard Legion 20 10 Legion Gold 15 15 Bright’s Store 14 16 Drayton Elevator 144 154 Old Home Bread 13 17 Coast-to-Coast 114 184 Johnson Jewelry 12 18 HIG—Frank Polacek, O'Neill Cleaners, 238. HIS—Emil Adamson, I^egion Gold and Frank Polacek, O’Neill Cleaners (tied), 570. HTG- Johnson Jewelry, 871. HTS- O’Neill Cleaners, 2553. ROUND UP W L Ye Okie Farmers 53 31 Hay Makers _ 48 36 New Outlaw 43 41 Razelman’s Service 42 42 Dick’s Bar 42 42 K of C Red 40 44 Shelhamer Oil 344 494 Prouty Bros. 334 504 HIG—Ralph Hoffman, Ye Olde Farmers, 233. HIS Ralph Hoffman, Ye Olde Farmers, 594. HTG Bazelman’s Sendee. 884. HTS Prouty Bros., 2442 STR1KETTES W L Candy Bill’s Cafe 49 29 Pinkerman’s TV 42 36 O’Neill Auto Supply . 39 38 Chambers Chix 384 394 Rollettes 384 394 Melcina’s Povvd. Puffs 38 40 Pin Quins 35 4 42 4 Hardings Creamery 314 464 HIG Erma Clark, Rollettes, 179. HIS Erma Clark. Rollettes, 486. HTG—Candy Bill’s Cafe, 730. HTS—Candy Bill’s Cafe. 2081. SHAMROCK XV I, Shonka Agency 19 11 Marcellus Chevrolet 18 12 Virg Laursen Ins. 17 13 Ash Grove _ 16 14 O’Neill Lockers 15 15 Hamm's 12 18 O’Neill National Bank 12 18 Western Auto 11 19 HIG- A. P. Jaszkowiak, Western Auto, 206. HIS—Roy Gilg, Shonka Agency, 561. HTG—Marcellus Chevrolet, 848. IITS Shonka Agency, 2407. ' 1 ■ MYRT'S CAFE Open For Business Thursday, March 19 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK % From 6 a.m. to 1 a.m. the following morning GRAND OPENING SATURDAY, MARCH 21ST FREE Coffee ft , P 213 West and Donuts l® y Pi*“* Douglas fU BUILDING or REMODELING? ft Provide Your FamiSy the Utmost in Cohort ...HEAT ELECTRICALLY! As modern as tomorrow, an ELECTRIC house heating system is the choice of more and more homeowners as a means of providing more comfort and more gracious liv ing because it offers cleanliness, convenience, flexibility, economy and efficiency which cannot be obtained in " ;r way. t . RADIANT CEILING CABLE. In- I RADIANT PANEL. Can ba sulated wire covered with non- mounted in sidewalls or can be ELECTRICAL Insulating celling plaster or dry used as portable units anywhere wall construction beams sun- In the home, lllend with room HEATING like warmth. decor. BASEBOARD. This can be in stalled as a wall or baseboard FORCED WARM AIR. This type unit. Gentle, draft-free heat Is usually mounted in walls or radiates naturally to all areas of ceiling — is ideal for basement the room. playrooms or workshop areas. See Your Electrical Contractor The same type of electric circuits already serving your range, water heater or dryer are adequate to supply the current needed for electric heat. Your competent electriral contractor or Consumers representative can show you the best electric heating installation to suit your needs. No obligation. CONSUMERS is Nebraska's Self-Supporting, Efficiently-Managed Source of Dependable, Low-Cost Electricity Open Thursday Nights Instead of Saturday Nights ! Rogers Specials! — COMPARE THESE PRICES — A 1 FEEDS — GUARANTEED ANALYSIS 32% Soy Cot Cubes. 86.50 32% Tri-Way Cubes.73.50 40% Natural Cubes . 80.50 5-D For 5-Duty Stlb. 95.00 20% Lay Pellets . 3.70 40% Hog Supplement. 4.95 32% Poultry Concentrate. 5.00 Hi Lass Cattle Fattener. 57.00 20% Chick Crumbles.4.35 cwt 32% Dairy Concentrate. 3.80 cwt Get Wise & Fertilize! SEE ROGER’S PRODUCTS TODAY! ROGERS MINERALS i Cudahy Gold Bricks — Mineral Blocks and All Purpose R 12P — R 8P — 13% Phos. Range — 6% Range CALF MANNA — SUCKLE — SCOTCH O LASS — BRAN SHORTS — MEAT SCRAPS — ROLLED OATS ROILED BARLEY_ Linseed — Soybean — Tankage Veterinary Supplies TRI-BACTERIUM — ANTI BIOTICS MYZON PLUS WORMER — CATTLE SPRAYS % Buy and Save at ROGERS PRODUCTS WHEN BETTER FEEDS ARE MADE . . . ROGERS WILL MAKE ’EM ! North of Burlington Depot Phone 771 Jack Bailey, Mgr. By Mrs. Merrill Anderson Although this is primarily a Beef Umpire, some of the ' best bred horses are still raised in thi« prairie country. Just ask Harvey Hanson. ^Hanson, (he foreman of the l^ee I CHAMPS i W L i Gas House Gang 494 284 , Meadow Gold 43 35 Court House 42 36 i Harding Creamery 38 40 ! iXxids Oil 38 40 Ewing Conoco 354 424 i Post Office 34 44 Gambles 32 46 HIG Russ Foree, Hardings Creamery. 201. HIS Willis Hockey, Ewing Con oco, 329, HTG Ewing Cbnoco, 833 HTS Meadow Gold. 2352. BEEF W L Early Oil Co. 46 32 Page Oil Co. 43 35 New Deal Oil Co. 41 37 1 Wick's Body Shop 39 39 Sam's Bar 39 39 Lohaus Motors 364 414 O’Neill Auto Supply 344 434 Force Tire & Sup. 33 45 * HIG Gene Brd. Force Tire & I Supply, 227. HIG Gene Bird, Foree Tire & Supply, 571. HTG Lohaus Motors, 909. HTG Lthaus Motors, 2586. MAJORETTES * W L League ties 18 9 Orchard Orioles 15 12 Krazy Kats 144 124 Dodds Oil Co. 14 13 Bowlerettes 14 13 Sandburrs 114 154 Ashgrovettes _ 11 16 Keglers 10 17 HIG Helen Wilson, Krazy Kats, 186 HIS—-Helen Wilson, Krazy Kats, 497. HTG Krazy Kats, 735. HTS Krazy Kats, 2058. CLASSIC W L Legion Post 86 53 28 K of C Green 524 284 Dick’s Bar 49 32 Ideal Cleaners 42 39 Ten Pin Lanes 37 44 Fuller Gravel 344 464 Fox Bros. Hay Co. 324 484 Cudahy Hams 23 4 57 4 HIG Fritz Yantzi, K of C Green, 211. IBS Joe MeCarville, K of C Green, 526. HTG K of C Green, 875. HTS—K of C Green, 2420. I Inman News By Mrs. Carrie McMahan Mrs. Ray Siders accompanied Dale and Verna Revell to the An gus sale March 11 at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. Gerold Snyder and Kathy of O'Neill visited Sunday with Mrs. Ray Siders and Marilyn. Mrs. flay Siders and Marilyn attended the funeral services March 10 fur Mrs. Oliver Boss in O’Neill. Mrs. Mary Tomlinson has re turned to Sidney where she is em ployed after spending a week here looking after business interests. Sgt. and Mrs. Ervin Sobotka anil family returned to their home in Niagara Falls, N.Y. after visiting Mr. Solxdka’s mother, Mrs. Rose Sobotka. Several carloads from here at tended the State Tournament In Lincoln Saturday. One to the storm they returned Sunday in stead of Saturday evening as ex peeled. Mrs. I. L. Watson left Saturday for Lincoln \yhere she will spend a few days visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Langley, and also her son, Sam. Phone Your News To The Frontier— . Phone 51 I Warranty Deeds WO Joseph E Rvan to Neil B. Ryan 2-27-59 $1 Lot 8 Blk I Eahys Park Add O'Neill. QCO Clarence Joseph McCJurg , to Charles Elmer McClure 1-9-59 j$l Mineral and oil rights in 'Sl-.'SEl4 NELSEL an.. L»ts t! and 7 Sec 8 SG Lo s 1-2-3-4 Sec 9-33-15. | WL> Glenn Edward McClure, et hi! to Elmer Allvn ami wf 12 .’9-38 I $32,400 SGSE'4 NE»4SE>4 L *! s 6 and 7 Sec 8 S1 _• Lits 1-2-3-1 See 9-33-15. WO William H Ki>tm to Troxel K. Green and wf 3-2-39 $23,000 SG 6-25-11. H O Lima Halstead to Charles tV Crufw illader and wf 3-10-59 $125 L>ts 8 and 9 Bik 13 Inman WO Troxel E. Green to Ken neth N. Weller and wf 3-7*59 $14,000 EG 4-25-13. HO Alonzo llemlv Boyd to IXiane R Reek 2-21-59 $1 ' SW'4 32-32-14 Executors Deed James W. R o o n e v. Ex to O u a n e K Beck and wf 3-2-59 $53,000 SO NW'i 8-31-14 SEGNUG SWV4NEV4 EG-SW'4 W'2SE*4 SE'sSK1* 27 NK'mNKW 34-32 14 WO Lon M Hubbard to Jim and Phyllis Salem .5-1 l-:*ii $2600 So 20 ft lot 10 Blk 1*- Cham Iters. "'I* Hugh K Ray to 1 Vita Id A. MeKarm and wf 3-10-59 $18,500 \l! lots 23-24 and 25 Blk E Eahys 2nd Add O'Neill except west 12 f lot 23. WO Rena Libby to Francis I . ileunn sset and wf 1-27-58 $1850 1 is S 8-10 Blk A Rolls Add Ewing. WO Neil B By an to Etta I. Brit 11 3 3-58 51900 No 85 ft lot 8 ana No 85 ft of west 15 ft lot 7 I Blk. Eahys Park Add O'Neill WO Vs H Oastd to Anton Sva i tos and Laura Svntos 2-27-59 $8800-E'NR'4 11 IV11 26 Range 14 WO Mary J Howard to Stan ley Sojka 113-58 $1 NEl< 35 ' 28-8. WO Carl Gettert to Albert E. Trowbridge 12-17-58 $4000 SMi NWh 30-31-13. REASONS Why YOU May Need A LAND BANK LOAN Check Your Needs — There's a low cost, long Q To Consolidate Debts term Land Bank Loan on q jc Modernlxe your land available for you Buildings M you need money for any p To B N#w * Ae~ rcmmytiA Make ap- Equipment plication to your local . HFLA. owned by farmer* □ To Buy Uve.tock —(la- farmers, where you I ! To BuV Lood can borrow with confi- Q For Any Constructive dence. Contact — Purpose ELKHORN VALLEY NATIONAL FARM LOAN ASSOCIATION Lyle P. Dirks, Secretary-Treasurer Phone 91 O’Neill I OFFICIAL "COUNT THE FRECKLES" CONTEST ROLES 1. "Count the Frarklae" an Ikir famihaa You may tha boy in thk ad. enter aa many limes as you % Enter your total frachk w'*h "count" in space provided on Official Entry Hknk A. Winners will be nottffcad by below. (Additional entry mail Derision of Judaea blanks avails bis at our will be Anal. All anlnaa be atom.) come the property of Deal 1. Complete the euumeel * •"* wal S? d tm 25 word* or 1m) "I turned I'rtree wdl be like the New Metic' Be- ewerded on beele of correct mote Control leetore la frmclrtete count . rwifranJ new Philco Slender Seven. Mr •"? eptnete of etebr. teener Porteble TV bw •" ““of lie. d“''L" reoee . . . " <m the OBciel cete (cure wdl be ewerded. «. - //^ gpjs 5. Contest open to any adult L eicept employees of Deal er. Philco Distributor er JUST MAIL TH S ENTRY BLANK ^ OfFICUU. ENTRY HANK-COUNT TRE FKCKliS CONTEST There are freckles on the Philco boy YOON KAMI- ■ ■■■ .. . a i ADORUt- . - ■ ■ ■■■- ■ ■ ■ ■■■ cut- , -»taw , . . - ftooou-- ' — ■ ■ ■■ ■ — ■— ■ - ' —I tm m.4m. - ewM, yee mw* COSAPUTt TM* WUOWNO STATUS** M M woaot o« tits. I M« aw "He-AAofc’ loams taper* lii*n to aee Mss Maatose li Mi i a fweeWa lotoUeon Secerns ■ —--1 I Just count the freckles on the Boy In this ad! **'• •o*y| **'• ' ^n,8r ten! Help us celebrate the orrival of Philco's new "Brief-Case" Portable TV with Built-in RCMOTI CONTROL. No extra cast I this , Brand New Preaf/'cta PHILCO TV NewPhHco Stereophonic Hi-Fi New Phitco Transistor PaJ/o ^ _ we've got em z PHILCO , '2'br- Slender Seventeener “Brief-Case” Portable TV with built-in Meuj-Mofo/ REMOTE CONTROL NO EXTRA COST! • lwn»M C antra I him Ml an-ai, • M 1*9 f trail. Iwiii-ln oniMaa (Kongo* choanal* froa* ocrati Iho roam • Chok# *4 kaawillvl color* mm4 • Aaarica'i mat# tlo**4ot TV. Oatfy **l*h**' IIVi'lMal - ^ -u ■ ! ,-ff • Com plotot y Arwahod hock. pillar*. Fat Hadroomt, Sickroom*. Polio* QflCfS :Xa“ HURRY! ENTER OUR CONTEST NOW! TELEVISION SERVICE CENTER philco Dealers Phone 2130 Atkinson, Nebr. ^__ __