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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 19, 1959)
\\\\ w jr . x\\' WI "A/ yV IM. *// A\V V " S//>S FOR SALE Thiele’s Dairy Cattle TOP PRODUCING dairy cattle on hand at all times. Wiscon sin bred, fresh and heavy springers, first and second calf heifers. Arnold Thiele 2V6 miles southwest of Clear water, Phone 17 on 12. tf FOR SALE: Aerometer windmills, one—6ft at $55; 8 ft —$75. Both in good repair. — BRUNSWICK PLUMBING and HEATING. BRUNSWICK. 42—49c FOR SALE: To he moved 5 room house, 22x38 ft. located 10 miles north of Atkinson.—Contact Du ane R. Beck, Atkinson. 46-47p FOR SALE: Choice registered and grade Angus hulls Musil Bros. O’Neill. 46-51 p F< 11: S.M ,!■' Centrifical irrigation pump and 1,000 feet of 4 in. pipe. Complete unit ready for use. Maynard Steams, phone HU5 3300, Clearwater, Nebr. 46-49c FOR SALE: Four good Holstein cows, Just fresh —Otto F. Lor enz, O'Neill 43tf FOR SAI.E: Hampshire bred gilts to farrow in March and April, also fall boars ready for ser vice.—John Kaster, phone Hunter 3360, Clearwater. 44-49pd AUCTION OF 33 Hereford stock cows, calving. Reg. Hereford bull, 4 year old. Full line of late model farm machinery. 24 white feeder pigs. 6 stacks prairie hay. Monday, March 23, 1 p.m. 6 miles west on 18 and 116 south of Bone steel, S. D. John S. Rustemeyer. 47p FOR SALE, Two registered bulls: one 5 years old, the other 2 years. Lavane Hines, 19 miles east and 5M> miles north of O’Neill. 47-48c FOR SALE: A 1950 Iluick, two door, new rubber, very clean, phone 34, Inman, Mrs. Harvey A. Tompkins. tfc HAVE SAW-WILL TRAVEL Why let your big trees rot and buy your lumber! Have large portable saw mill with 56 inch blade and can handle long logs from 6 to 20 ft. See or call Herb Lane. Stuart, phone 3891. 47-48pd. FOR SALE: H. W. Tomlinson trail er court. See Mrs. James Cov entry, Inman, or Mrs. William Turner. Chambers. 47-48p FOR SALE: McCormick-Deering No. 3 cream separator; Allis Chalmers side rake; McCormick Deering No. 51 2 row corn lister, trail type; J-D disc tiller 10 ft . Alfred Hartens, Atkinson. 47-48p FOR SALE: NEW 3-BOTTOM PLOW, 14-in. NEW 14-ft. DISC Both with 3-point hitch for either Ford or Ferguson Tractors PRICED WAY UNDER WHOLESALE PRICE! NEW DEAL OIL CO. TONY ASIMUS West O'Neill I FOR SALE: State tested Nebraska No. 28 switchgrass seed. Grown in N.E. Nebraska from founda tion seed —C. G. Pratt, Bristow. 45- 48p FOR SALE: Sorrel, 3-yr.-old sad die horse. Well broke & gentle Joe Hambek, Bristow. 46-49p FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire fall boars and gilts. — Waltei Sojka and Sons, Page 45-49p HOUSE FOR SALE: To be moved or tom down—Phone 3255, In man. 450 FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, coming yearlings.—Phone 3255, Francis Anderl, Inman. 45ti FOR SALE: State tested Rushmore Barley.—Joe Hambek, Bristow 46- 49p FOR SALE: 100 tons 1958 alfalfa hay. Square bales, wire tied. In quire at The Frontier. 4547p FOR SALE: Ternflex vinyl tile Now earned in stocK. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctl FOR SALE: Blue spruce trees, 4 5, or 6 feet. Can see them at D H. Clausons, 808 E. Douglas. 430 FOR SALE: Holstein heifers heavy springers. — John Sojka. 1V4 ml. north, 4 east of Page. 390 SALT FOR SALE: Kanapolu $16.50 a ton; American $20.5C a ton' whRe block 75c—Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north ol traffic light. Everett Gorgan Ph 164. O’Neill. 5n1 FOR SALE: J-D 4-row Lister ir good shape -Joe Hambek, Bris tow._4M9P FOR SALE: 1956 4-door Custom V-8 Ford with O.D.. R&H.—Max Allen, Bristow. 46-48p I-— WE ARE TRADING WILD at Bur well. Specials on all new equip ment. Some of the Good Used Equipment on Hand: 1954 Super M Farmall, propane burner 1952 MD Farmall 1949 MD Farmall, complete over haul 1944 M gas Farmall, new overhaul 1947 M fuel, new guarantee 1948 H Farmall, good ! 1947 H Farmall fuel, overhauled 1946 H Farmall, fuel, good 1944 H Farmall, fuel 1952 H Farmall, gas, like new 1953 Oliver 88 Diesel line power 1949 John Deere B, perfect 1950 John Deere A, very nice Used Trucks and Pickups 1955 V8 cab over Chev. 2 ton, new motor, 16 ft. box new 1955 LHC 2 ton, no box, new motor 1956 Chev. Vi ton pickup, new tires, long box 1952 GMC Vi ton pickup, very clean 1949 KB6 IHC, 16 ft. box with hoist Used plows, listers, planters on all types of farm machines. Tires, oil and grease at lowest whole s^ie prices Come to Burwell and save dollars. Every tractor tested on dyna mometer. We appreciate your business! Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! PHONE Diamond 6-7185 BURWELL NEBR. Machinery 300 IHC Tractor, quick hitch, T.A. live clutch, 400 hours 1951 AC Combine 1950 AC Combine 1948 AC Combine niC 62 Comhine IHC 64 Combine with motor 1950 AC W.D. j2 -AC W.D. I .asters 2 IHC 238 Cultivators W.D. Loader with Hay Hoorn Oliver string-tie Haler, demonstra tor. A rela good buy on this AC 4-14 Plow, demonstrator, good discount Cleveland Farm Supply ALLIS CHALMERS — OLIVER NEW HOIXAND — DU-ALL Phone. 1W 3-2905, Orchard, Nebr. 46-49c WISCONSIN’S FINEST Dairy Cat tle. Shores Certified—Fresh and Springer 1300-lb. Holsteins, Guer nseys, Swi^s, Ayrshires, Short horns, Jerseys. $2,000.00 in Shores Wisconsin Dairy Cattle brings $400.00 cream monthly for Sand hill rancher. Calves $45.00 up. Yearlings $100.00 up. Lepto Bang’s-shipping vaccinated. De livered. No sale bam or Nebras ka cattle. Travele xpenses re funded. Harold P. Shores, Neligh, Nebraska. Phone Tu 7-4060. 46tf forTsale A top quality 100 cow, all grass ranch; bottom meadow & alfalfa, good improvements—abundance good shallow water, winter pro tection, school Vz mile, REA, telephone, mail. Sale by con tract and priced right. Selling be cause of age. 640 acre estate ad joining can be bought. Several other larger ranches, too. Tele phone today for appointment. M. R. KELLER, Broker Tele. 455 Chamberlain, S.D. 46-47c MACHINERY 12 ft. M and M disc 15 ft. IHC disc 15 ft. G1 disc 15 ft. Allis disc Post Hole digger 1IIC IIM 238 cultivator John Deere cultivator Planter to fit C tractor 50 Farmall M 46 Farmall H 42 Farmall H 48 Oliver 70 53 Super II 41 John Deere B 2 row IHC Eli 10 ft. Fertilizer Spreader 2 wheel spri ader on rubber Sargent loader with hay basket IHC pull lister Appliances RCA Whirlpool New RCA Whirlpool Used all makes Shelhamer Equipment O’NEILL, NEBR. me — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool DAIRYMEN A cow will only produce as much milk as her breeding allows. No amount of feed will increase it. CURTISS breeding will utilize your feeding to a better advant age. Duane Gray Call 470 O’Neill 45 tf FOR SALE: Aeromotor mills, pump jacks, presure systems, stock tanks—10 ft—bottomless. Ph. 435, Inman. Ciff Sobotka. 45odtf MOBILE HOMES We trade, finance, deliver any where. Set them up and service them. We have one of the finest selec tions of new and used Mobile Homes in Nebraska. OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Phone EX5-2170 45tf FOR SALE: Seven room dwelling in north part of town See George C. Robertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 44 tf '55 Mercury Monerey, plain 55 Plymouth, 4 dr. ’55 Studebaker hardtop ’53 Plymouth, 4 dr. ’50 Plymouth, 4 dr. SMITH MOTOR CO. Phone 562 O'Neill, Nebr. OUTBOARD MOTORS FOR SALE 40 H P. Scott Electric, with con trols. 30 H P. Hiawatha Electric, with controls. 45 Mercury electric, with controls. O'NEILL AUTO SUPPLY Phone 580 FOR SALE: Blue grass seed, fancy, high germination, weed free, 50c per lb.—Lloyd Gibson, east of O’Neill sale bam. 47-50p NEW COMFORT COVERS TRACTORS Model 50 J-DA 1953 Model 60 J-D 1954 Model G J-D 1949 «j A J-D 48 B J-D 40 B J-D 45 B J-D 46 B J-D_ 1952 GMC % ton pickup J-D tractor spreader j-D 15-ft. disc AC 15-ft. disc .'30 J-D lister Farmhand Loader, complete )-D No. 9 cornsheller Flows, all sizes 4-sec. Harrow with Evener A ANTED to trade for Brome and AJfaita seed. Harry R. Smith Imp. for John Deere tractor Phone 562 _ O’Neill FOR RENT FOR RENT: Modem apartment. A E. Bowen, 705 E. Douglas. O'Neill, phone 51T. 12tf FOR RENT: Nice furnished apart ment, available March 1. Auto matic washer.—O. E. Davidson, phone 126. 43tf FOR RENT: Apartment. 4 rooms and bath. Utilities furnished. call 537 O’Neill_46tf ONE-HALF SECTION: 320 acres of grass land for rent—with or without buildings. -Contact: Ron ald M. Shonka, Realtor, Atkin son, Nebr. 47c FOR RENT: April 1st furnished apartment. Hot water, heat, auto matic washer and dryer.—Marie Crook, 129 E. Clay St. 47-48p FOR RENT: Unfurnished apart ment, 3 large rooms with shower, all tile floors, $20 per mo. One block west of hospital.-Roy Shull, phone 517J, O'Neill. 47-48p LOST: A tackle box at the Delbert Boelter dam on March 1. Re ward.-Charles Thelander at Orchard. 47p PASTURE FOR RENT: Will handle about 75 head yearlings. - Contact Mrs. Clarence Wrede or Kenneth Wrede, oppty. rte., O'Neill._• 47-18p FOR RENT: Modern 2 lied room house in O'Neill._47-18 WANTED SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. vVrue or phone Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf WANTED: Sebum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.—Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph, 3741. tf EXPERT REPAIR SHOP Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jeweiry Phone 166 O Neill Wick’s BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Jlass Installed—Towing Service Phone 211W - O'NEILL — for Any Job 25tf L. Guthmiller Half Block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo —Clinton. WANTED: Reliable party in this vicinity to take over payments on Free-Westinghouse automatic sewing machine, half paid for or will sell for cash; also Singer can take over for $9.00 per mo., (out only 3 mo.), will sell for cash.—Write Finance Mgr., box 4,O'Neill. 45-47p WANTED! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctl Money To Loan on ranches and town properties—See Virgil L. Laursen Agency, Phone 434, O' Neill. 45tf WANTED: 200 yearling steers for 1959 pasture season l^eo Ohri. Spencer, Phone 7328 Bristow, 47tf SELL KNAPP AEROTRED SHOES FULL TIME OR PART TIME Earn up to $200 weekly selling famous nationally advertised Knapp Air-Cushioned Shoes. Established trade. Complete line of Sport, Work, Dress Shoes for Men and Women. Big daily com missions plus monthly profit sharing plan and insurance pro tection under new liberal Secur ity Benefit Plan. Finest factory fitting service in America. Here is your opportunity to enjoy fi nancial independence in a sound, profitable business of your own Complete selling equipment furnished free. Write today to E. M. Bistow, Knapp Bros., Brockton 61, Massachusetts. 46-47c Reliable Party to service wholesale cigar route. No selling or soliciting. Full or part time. $800 to $1500 invest ment required which is secured. Must bo able to secure necessary capital and l>e sincerely inter ested in eventually operating a $20,000 annual business. Give full particulars. Write Tobacco Division. Atco Products Co., 5009 Excelsior Blvd., Minneapolis 16. Minn, for information and inter view^_47t | WANTED: Good used baby play pen -Call 222 after 5 p.m. 47c WANTED. Waitresses and general help Town House, O’Neill 47c WANTED, 25 yearling steers tc pasture— Herman Meyer, phone 6845 Atkinson._47~48c SALESMAN or AGENT WANTED: Want to make $15 to $25 in a day? Many are doing it. Pleasanl work for man or woman. No ex perience needed. Spare or full time. Will teach and finance you Only applicants over 21 will lie considered. Write R. BLR HENKE, 128 E. Clark St., Free port, 111.__ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Responsible person from this area to service and collect from ele tric cigarette dispensers. No sell ing. Car references, and $499 to $2,495 investment necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent return. Possible full-time work. For local interview give phone and particulars. Write Okla. In ternational Sales and Mfg. Co. of 111., Inc., P.O. Box 6213, Chi cagoJKLIll._ MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J SPRAGUE WELL CO.. O'Neill 3 blks W & 3M> blks N stoplight^ IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf. AUCTIONEERING Real tiSiate Broker Pnvate Listings and Pnone 2C7 — O Neill jiuciions ED THORIN_ A D L E R .Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O'NEILL, NEBR. — PH. 269 I CARDS of THANKS ■ i i WE WISH to take this opiwrtunitj to thank everyone for the cards, letters and floral offerings, and those who served the dinner and helped in many other ways at the time of the death of our beloved daughter and sister. A special thanks to Dr. Wilson, the stafl and nurses of St. Anthony's hos pital. Russell Foree, and George Winkler.—Mr. and Mrs. Martir Pofahl, Tommy, Peggy, Lee and Shellie. 47c I WISH to express my appreciation and thanks to all my friends and relatives for the cards and visits while I was in the hospital. A special thanks to Dr. Carstens the sisters and nurses of the hos pital. Thanking you again.—Huge Holz.47f WE WISH to extend our thanks tc our friends, neighbors and rela tives for their expressions oi sympathy, floral offerings, and other acts of kindness extended to us during our recent bereave ment.—Mrs. Henry Tomlinson and family. WE WISH to express our sincere thanks to the sisters, nurses and aids at St. Anthony’s hospital and to Dr. Finley for their won derful care and kindness given to Mac while in the hospital. And our thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbors for the beautiful floral offerings, memorials, food, cards, dinner and lunch and other acts of kind ness extended to us during the illness and after the death of our husband and father.—Mrs. James McMahan and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Mattson. 47c MY SINCERE THANKS to all my relatives and friends, for cards and gifts received in honor of my St. Patrick's day birthday.— Mrs. Anna Donlin. 47c Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays ! I Amelia News Womens Society Meets By Miss Florence Lindsey The Women’s Missionary Socie ty met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemens March 11. Mrs. Cle mons prepared dinner for the mem bers, neighbors and their families at noon. After dinner the ladies quilted on a quilt for little Donald Kay Joy, little grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn White. Mrs. M. H. Madsen visited with Mrs. Lindsey and Florence Friday while Mr. Madsen was being asses sed. Several friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Darrel Carr March 2 to help Dary celebrate his birthday. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burgett and Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge, Robert, Joyce, and Bruce; Linda Freeouf. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dickerson. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemens and Don. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Svatos and Da vid, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Madsen and Neal. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fis her and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Carr. Gene, Jim and Pat of O’Neill. They spent the evening visiting and play ing games and late in the evening enjoyed a luncheon of sandwiches, cake and coffee. Mrs. B. W. Waldo was guest of honor at a supper Friday even ing at the home of her son, Lloyd, and family. Those present besides the honored guests were B. W. Waldo, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Werner of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo, Roger. Darla, Debra, Bruce ana l^arry, anu George ruiimun. Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston and her mother, Mrs. Tressa Wagner called on Mrs. Edith Andersen Friday afternoon. Guests for Sunday dinner at the Lew Backhaus home were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blackmore, Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston, Mrs. Tressa Wagner, Mrs. Edith Andersen, Mrs. Lindsey and Florence Lindsey. Jack Gilman was home over the weekend from Omaha. Miss Beth Watson also rode up with him to spend the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierking accompanied Mr. and Mrs. William Pike of Broken Bow, to O’Neill Sun day evening. Mr. Pike is a salesman of road equipment. He entertained all the supervisors at dinner at the Town House. Cynthia Dierking stay ed with Mrs. Andersen. The Helping Hand club met March 12 at the home of Mrs. Ar thur Hiatt. There were 14 mem bers and five visitors present. Mrs. Link Sageser took charge of the business meeting in the abscence of the president, Mrs. Charlie Pe terson. Mrs. Blake Ott gave a com mentary on a cook book issued in 1900. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Elmer Coolidge. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bilsien and Dick entertained at a supper Fri day evening the Tommie I'toolittle and Eldon Ballagh families. The supper was in honor of the birth day of Mrs. Doolittle and Mrs. Ballagh. It >b Adair was home for the weekend from Minneapolis, Minn, where he is a patient in the Ve teran’s hospital. He returned to the hospital Sunday and will un dergo surgery whenever it is thought best bv the doctors. Pat Kennedy onserved his 86th birthday Friday. His son, Morris, of Riverside, Calif., phoned him to wish him a happy birthday. His daughter, Mrs. Gladys Moore, Springfield, 111., planned to be here but had to return from Sioux City due to the storm. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Blackmore made a business trip March 11 to David City. Mrs. George Fullerton visited her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moore and Jackie at Rapid City, S. D. from March 10 until March 15. Mr Moore brought her to Ainsworth by plane Sunday, and Mr. Fullerton met her there. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schade were March 10 supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierces. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan IJIerklng attended a supervisors meeting at Norfolk Friday. Leon Thompsons have a new j Ford Pickup. Mrs. Elmer Oetter and daugh I ters, Lana and Janeth. were O I Neill callers Friday afternoon. The I girls had dental work done. Mrs. Delia Ernst received word of the death of her son, Charlie, 58, of Wichita, Kan.. Monday. He was found dead in bed by his wife. Mrs. B. W. Waldo and her bro ther, John Zinkon, left from Grand Island to go to Chico, Calif. They were called there by the death of their brother, Vorris, Zinkon Mr. Zinkon had been suffering a heart ailment for sometime, but was on ly ill for about 15 minutes at the time of his death. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Oetter at tended the funeral Monday of Mr. Oetter's uncle at Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman went to Lincoln Tuesday. Mrs. Widman attended the Annual Wo men's Society of Christian Service at Trinity Methodist church. Mr. Widman attended a school meet ing. pine Grove Hustlers 4-11 dub met at the home of Donald and Janette Clemens for their reorgan iation. The following officers were elected: Cathy Doolittle, presi dent; Darla Waldo, vice-president; Janette Clemens, secretary-treas urer; Darla Waldo, song leader and Venita White, reporter. The following projects were se lected : baby beef stocker feeder, range mangement, roi>e. skirt and blouse, school clothes and yeast breads. New members this year are Ca thy, Joyce, Jacky and Billy Doo little. Next meeting will be Friday with Roger, Darla and Debra Wal do. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Bethany WMS met at the home of Mrs. Milton Clemens for a work meeting. A quilt is l>eing quilted for Donald Joy of Wash ington. The hostess served dinner to all the members and their families. The school children of the members .joined the group for the evening meal. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Clemens and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clemes were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Clemens and family of Wiggins, Colo, atriv ed at the Milton Clemens home Saturday evening. Sunday they were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Clemens and supper guests at the Frank Jungman home near Atkinson. Sunday eve ning they left for Ogallala to pick up their trailer house they had to leave because of the stormy wea ther. From there they are on their way to Lockport, N. Y., where he has employment. Amelia Activity Club The meeting was called to or der Monday by the president. We all answered roll by naming a flower and a report on it. Our pro ject was making a flag of one of the states in the Unites States. Next meeting we will answer roll by a famous athlete and our project for the next two weeks will be collecting different kinds of wood. Reporter, Darla Waldo Circle Ten Club The meeting was called to order by the president, Debra Waldo. We answered roll call by naming our favorite pop. We collected I>op bottle caps and put them on a piece of material. Next week we will draw a state, color and label it for our project. For roll call we will show the state we have drawn. Jackie Doolittle, reporter Hospital Notes Ll'NDBERd MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Admitted: Mrs. Raymond Soucek, Verdi FARM AUCTION We have purchased another business and will dispose of our farm machinery and livestock on— WEDNESDAY, MARCH 25 At the Thramer Farm 1 mile south and 4 west of Nellgh; 5 miles south und 4 east of Clearwater; 1 mile west and 8 north of Elgin. SALE STARTS AT 11 A.M. SHARP 90 - HEAD OF LIVESTOCK - 90 13—Holstein Cows, ranging in age from 3 to 8 years, some milking others to freshen soon; 2—Holstein Heifers to calf this spring; 6—Holstein long yearling Heifers; Brown Swiss Cow, 3-year-old, fresh in June; Angus-Holst. Cross, 4-yr-old,milking,fresh 7-14; Black Cow, 6-yr.-old,fresh in April; 2—Gurnsey 3-yr.-old. Cows, 1 milking other fresh in June; Black Cow, B-yr.-old, fresh in May; 2—Black White-Face Heifers, calf in spring; 5—Wisconsin Heif ers, 2 milking, 3 to calf in July; 12 Angus Cows; Many others. EXTRA GOOD MACHINERY ’55 “60” J-D Tractor, power steering, mounted 227 2-row J-D Corn Picker, 3 years old, used very little; Mounted 2-row J-D YIster with fertilizer attachment and rotary mow board, 3 years old;8-bottom Plow; 4-row Eli; 2-row Cultivator; 15-ft. Disc; 3 sec. Harrow; Power Take-Off Grinder; 6-ft. One-Way; Pull Lister; ’56 A-C “66” Combine, straw spreader and pickup attach., like new; And much, much more good machinery! MISCELLANEOUS Milking Equipment; Electrical Wiring Supplies; Feed A Seed; Chickens; Television Sets; And Other Items Too Numerous to List. Alex Thramer & Robert Walnofer CLINT HOPKINS and JOHN DONNER. Auctioneers _BANK OF ORCHARD and CHICK RETHMEIER. Clerk gre; Jill Bartak. Plalnview; Dm Pierce, Verdigre; Joe Sladek, Ver digre; Perry Hammarley, Creigh ton; Mrs. Gordon Smolek, Verdi gre Dismissed: Jill Bartak, Plainview; Dennis Pierce, Verdigre. r— Deaths: J. J Horn, Creighton; Mrs. Mar tha Red Owl, Niobrara, nis Pierce, Verdigre; Mrs. Dean Try The Frontier Want Ads — It Pays 1 i BARGAINS In Used Merchandise 6-Pc. Walnut Dining Suite . 19.95 54-in. Walnut Bed . 12.95 5-Pc. Chrome Dinette 36x48x60-in., 4 chairs . 44.95 5-Pc. Chrome Dinette Drop Leaf Table . 24.95 5-Pc. Wood Dinette . 24.95 4-Burner Electric Range Nearly new, excellent condition. 124.95 4-Burner Gas Range good condition . 44.95 Apartment Size Electric Range. 19.95 21-in. Coronado TV Slightly used . 149.00 Combination Refrigerator-Freezer 15-ft. Upright-1958 Model . 324.95 ALWAYS BETTER BUYS AT GAMBLES ! i SEE KROTTER’S FOR - New & Used Machinery: Used MM Model E CORN SHELLER (Completely Reconditioned) Used MM Model D CORN SHELLER (Completely Reconditioned) Used IHC 2-Row MOUNTED LISTER (With Loose Ground Attachment) Used MM MANURE SPREADER Used NEW IDEA CORN PICKER (2-Row with Rear Elevator) Used NEW IDEA CORN PICKER (2-Row with Side Elevator) MM 12' & 15' DISC HARROWS (Weathered and Priced to Sell) MM ROTARY HOES (Any Size) CASE 2-14 PLOW CASE Mounted LISTERS, CULTIVATORS, PLOWS (Bargains) NEW IDEA MANURE SPREADERS NEW IDEA MOWERS With 10' Cutting Bar NEW IDEA-HORN HYDRAULIC LOADERS New & Used Appliances: Many Used MAYTAG Conventional WASHERS (All Prices and Descriptions—All Guaranteed) Used HOTPOINT AUTOMATIC WASHER (Ready to Go and Wash for You) Used BENDIX CLOTHES DRYER (Runs Good and Dries Too!) Used MAYTAG AUTOMATIC WASHER (Guaranteed Like a New' Machine) New DeLaval SEPARATORS & MILKERS Used DeLaval TABLE MODEL SEPARATOR Used IHC S-3 SEPARATOR with Elec. Motor Used HOOVER VACUUM CLEANERS New & Used Cars: New 1959 PONTIAC 4-Dr. SEDAN (On Hand) New 1959 VAUHALL 4-Dr. STATION WAGON (On Hand) Used 1958 FORD 6-Pass. 4-Dr. STA. WAGON (20,000 Mliles & Like New) Used 1957 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF Cust. Sta. Wag. (20,INK) Miles and I.oaded with Extras) Used 1955 PONTIAC 2-Dr. SEDAN (V'ery Clean) Used 1956 PONTIAC 4-Dr. SEDAN (To Arrive Shortly) Used 1957 PONTIAC 2-Dr. SEDAN (Cleanest ’57 in Town) Used 1950 PONTIAC 4-Dr. SEDAN (With Hydramatic—A $145 Bargain!) WM. KROTTER CO. WEST O’NEILL G.M.A.C. FINANCING Pontiac — Minneapolis Moline — New idea — Maytag — Dei I^ival — Forney — Sioux — A&M Irrigation — Kilby Dryers _"THE NAMES YOU KNOW"_