tu 1Women ’j Paye Auxiliary Meets on Tuesday Mrs. Peterson New President Mrs. George Morlang called to crder the Tuesday meeting of the FFW Auxiliary at the National Guard Armory. Three new mem ber- were initiated. They were Mr-. Lottie Pierson, Mrs Conda letmer and Mrs. Lettie Tucker, Ml of Ewing. The group voted not to sponsor ■ collection drive for the Red Cross. Mrs. Morlang gave a report M the Crusade for Freedom films diich were shown at the PTA nee ting last week. Election of officers was held with the following elected. Mrs. ferlyn Peterson, president; Mrs. fieorge Morlang, senior vice pres cient; Ms. Raymond Re veil, jun ta vice president; Mrs. Otto Spra gue treasurer; Mrs. Louis Wray, chaplain; Mrs. Ray Tucker, guard; Mrs Anna Brown, trustee; and Mrs. Joe Schmidt, conductress. Lunch was served by Mrs. Ray Tncker and Mrs. Raymond Revell. Merrimyx Merrimyx members met Tues ta, afternoon for a no-hostess tau heon at the home of Mrs. Paul Sha rk. Bridge winners were Mis. Ted McElhaney and Mrs. Shierk. Mrs Arlo Hiatt was a guest. Next npeting will lie March 31 at the tame of Mrs. J. D. Osenbaugh. Efkluirn Project Members of the Elkhom Project vet Tuesday evening at the Mrs. Frank Grenier home. Mrs. Rosa Bowers and Mrs. Minnie Higgins were assistant hostesses. Mrs. Rutty Wayman amt Mrs Bowers gave the lesson on color. Mrs. Hazel Boatman won the gues sing game. A white elephant sale was held with the proceeds going to different health drives. April 14 meeting will he with Mrs. Hazel Boatman. Bridge Club Bridge club members enjoyed an 8 p.m. dessert at the Mrs. Virgil Laursen home Tuesday evening. Prizes were won by Mrs.Marjorie Stuifbergen and Mrs. l.eigh Rey noldson. Guests were Mrs. Ben Grady and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka. March 24 meeting will he at the home of Mrs Reynoldson. Coffee Entertainment Mrs. Dwayne Philbrick enter tained last Thursday afternoon with a coffee in her home. Guests were Mrs. H. Gydeson, Mrs. Joe Sivesind, Mrs. K. L. Moore, and Mrs Dwight Philbrick. TO SIOUX CITY Mary Dusatko accompanied the Jerome Aliens of Page to Sioux City Sunday for the capping of Miss Jonelle Allen, who attends St. Vincent’s school of Nursing. The Come Double C. A.’s met Friday night for their monthly meeting at the Merlyn Anderson home. The group of young mar ried couples sang hymns and Rev. Robert Paul led the devotions. DL Social Thursday, .March 12 Order of Eastern Star (District Supervisor present) Jeudi Club, Mrs. A. P. Jaszkow iak WSCS, Methodist church What Not Extension, Mrs Ver non Carpenter. Lutheran Indies Aid, Lutheran church Delta Dek-Martez, Mrs. H. J. Lohaus Friday, March 13 Women's Missionary Council, As sembly of God Monday, March 16 Methodist Wesleyan Service Service Guild Starlight Extension, Mrs Jay McConnell Chez-a-Mari Tuesday, March 17 Friendly Neighbors Extension O’Monde Club Catholic Daughters Social Meet ing, Knights of Columbus Hall MM Club, Mrs L. A. Burgess They're New In Town [ O'Neill Commuters on Farm A redecorating job and a seven nonth old baby are keeping Mrs. Sen Sehmit occupied these days, rhe Schmits moved to a farm nor th of O'Neill just two weeks ago twn Atkinson. Although Mr. Sehmit is still employed on a farm in Atkinson toe couple welcomed the chance t> move on to the O'Neill farm. Not only are they happy to live ■ear O’Neill, but they now have ■ place for their livestock. Although new to O'Neill, the Schmits have both lived most of tieir lives in this part of Nebras «a. Both are members of the Satholic church. Mrs. Sehmit be Stioged to the Altar Society in At tinson and hopes to become ac tive in church work here when they are settled. Ben has more than enough to io now with his job in Atkinson aid his farm in O’Neill but both *ijoy dancing and playing cards when they find time for recrea tion Mrs. Schmit’s hobby is sewing which comes in handy with their ■even-month old daughter, Peggy Marie. She makes many of her own clothes and also does embro idery’ and other fancy work. The farm which the Schmits ive on is located one mile north ,af O'Neill on highway 281. They mre looking forward to new acqua intances and friendships in O’ Seill. ' S ATKINSON MEMORIAL DCHENDEFER—The Blair Rich andifers, Atkinson, son, Martin Lewis, 9 pounds, 3 ounces, March X SAWYER—The Larry Sawyers. Atkinson, daughter, Jo Anne Kae, A pounds, 1 ounce, March 5. RAMM -The Robert Ramms, Stuart, son, John Patrick, 7 pounds X ounces, March 8. NEWBANK—The Harold New Aanks, Stuart, son. Larry Leroy, t pounds, 7 ounces, March 8. ST. ANTHONY’S KNUTSON—The L. F. Knutsons ffcge, daughter, 8 pounds 6\4 ourv «s. March 11. SACRED HEART ANDERSON—The Melvin Ander eons, Bristow, daughter, 7 pounds 13 ounces, March 6. ELSEWHERE PERRY—The E. E. Perrys, Oakland. Calif., son Mark Eugene, If pounds 2 ounces, February 22. The grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Otto Greenstreet of Mount Xemon, Wash., and Mr. and Mrs. £. E. Perry of Sedro Wooley, Wasn. Great grandmother is Mrs. MSI Medcalf of Chambers. Mrs. Ikiiy is the former Shirley Green atreet and formerly of Chambers. BAUER— The Kenneth Bauers, Mambisanda, New Guinea, son, 7 founds 9 ounces, March 5. Mrs. Bauer is the former Vivian liar Iry, of Chambers and are mission aries in New Guinea. I The Ben Schmit Family The Ben Schmit family have a bin job on their hands as they repair their new farm homo and care for their seven-month old child. The home is located just one mile north of O’Neill. County Legion Auxiliary Will Celebrate Birthday In Atkinson, March 22 The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary Si monson Unit No. 93 was held Mar. 4 in the lounge of the Legion hall with 19 members present. Mrs. Deraid Graham, poppy chairman, reported that she is "■ .. t Selling at Auction—COMPLETE HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE The following described personal property belonging to Mary Jones will be sold at Public Auction at the residence at 405 East Everett St. (first house east of Spelts-Ray Lumber Co.) on . . . Friday, March 20 SALE STARTS AT 1 P.M. G.E. Electric Stove, Records nearly new 2 chairs Norge Refrigerator, Tubs nearly new Silverware Dining room set Drapes Bedroom set Linens of all kinds Washing machine Small electrical appliances 2 end tables Dishes 2 lamp tables Cooking utensils 1 cocktail table Pictures Gossip bench Mirrors Lamps Radio-phono (table model) Floorlamp 2 hassocks 2 chest of drawers I"* GARDEN TOOLS, AND OTHER MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. TERMS: Cash. Col. Wally O'Connell, Auct., Ed Murphy, Clerk Well Known O'Neill Couple Feted^ 50th Wedding Anniversary Held Cher 100 friends, relatives and guests met in O'Neill Sunday to help Mr. and Mrs, Andy Johnson celebrate their 50th wedding an niversary. The day was a particularly Joyous one for the couple when they found that all of their chil dren and most of the grandchil dren were present for the oc casion. The Johnsons, who were mar ried on the 10th day of March, 50; years ago, celebrated on the eighth at Slats Supper Club in O'Neill. Their children who attended, in cluded sons, Vomie of Neligh and Hiram of O'Neill: daughters, Mrs. Jim Donlin of O'Neill, Mrs. Andy Kurt-/ and Mrs. Stacy Hill, both of Pasadena, Calif., Mrs. Dale Curan of O’Neill and Mrs. Dugan Easier of Hot Springs, Ark. The couple spoke of many years of happiness—all of which were spent at their farm north east of O’Neill. Mrs. Johnson, who has also spent all of her life in this com munity was Mertyle Henifin be fore she was married. The Johnsons have raised race horses for 22 years and plan to tour the pari-mutual system soon. Vacation Family Return Returning to O’Neill this week from a ten-day tour of Mexico were Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherbah. The Sherbah’s drove to San An tonio, Texas, and flew from there to Mexico City where they joined the tour. The group of twenty U. S. cit izens made the trip to the coast of Mexico in touring cars on the new Pan American highway. The return trip to Mexico City was made in a large bus on the old highway. One of the highlights of the tour was the city of Tasco which is built on a hillside with rows of white houses set against the moun tains. One of the most beauti ful sighs, according to Mrs. Sher bahn, w’ere the fertile vallies pro ducing hundreds of citrus trees. Mexico is noted for its outstand ing cathedrals and churches and many of these stops w’ere for the group. The Sherbahn’s report a very warm climate in Mexico, some times going as high as 90 degrees during the day, and an ideal win ter vacation for Nebraskans. contacting both O’Neill schools to learn whether or not they will be interested in entering post ers for a poppy poster contest. Prizes will be given to the win ners of the contest. The American Legion and Aux iliary will celebrate the Legion’s birthday March 22, with a Pot Luck supper at six. Ham, rolls, coffee will be furnished by the aux iliary. The Holt County American Le gion and Auxiliary meeting will msn-anosdko be held Sunday in Atkinson. The O’Neill unit will furnish the en tertainment. Members of the Auxiliary ser ved coffee and doughnuts to the Wool Growers Association Wed nesday. The unit will serve the Good year Rubber and Tire Associa tion luncheon March 25. Two boxes of all occasion cards will be sent to the Veterans Hos pital from the unit. The auxiliary will send a dona tion to the Crusade for Freedom Foundation. Mrs. Robert Devoy, Mrs. Ed Gleeson, Mrs. Joe Stutz, and Mrs. John McCarville were hostesses. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Heiss of Page announce the engagement of their daughter, Marian La Vonne, of Lincoln to Joseph Price, son of Mrs. and Mrs. Henry Price of Lincoln The bride-elect attendded Nebraska Weslyan University where she is affiliated with Alpha Felta Soror ity and is now a senior at Bryan Memorial School of Nursing. Her fiance also was a student at NW U. A June 27 wedding is plan ned. _ Two Women Honored At Recent Baby Showers Mrs. Paul Shelhamer was host ess Saturday evening at a baby shower for Mrs. Melba Caskey. Nine guests were present to show er Mrs. Caskey with baby gifts. Mrs. John Watson was guest of honor at a surprise baby shower Friday morning. Mrs. Bill Mc Intosh was hostess at the coffee. Eight were present and Mrs. Wat son received many baby gifts. Mrs. Melvin Klingler Installed Vice-Grand of Eden Rebekah Mrs. Melvin Klinger was in stalled as vice-grand at the reg ular meeting of Eden Rebekah I,odge No. 41 Friday night at the IOOF Hall. Mrs. Morris Harmon was wel comed as she re-joined the lodge. Plans were discussed for the friendship meeting on April 17 and for seating of district officers Just 50 years ago, Mr. and Mrs. Andy Johnson were married in a private home. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary Sunday in O’Neill.—The Frontier photo. at Page, June 5. Lunch tv as served hy Mrs Ken neth Moore anil Esther I1arris. At the next meeting, March 20t a (take auction will l»e hold afhong the members. St. Anthony’s Xdmitted during the past week: Re veil R.ivmond, (don Jonkms. Mrs Dale Fi^noh. Mi’s Vomon Lorenz, Mrs. Louis Baumeister. Butte; George Munger. Mrs Gen evieve Harty. Mrs. Melvin Hasel horst, Carlyle Washeehcck. Mrs, Jack Taylor. Mrs L. F. Knudsen. Page; Mrs, Aarthur Retzloff. Lynch: Mrs. Frank Froolich. Mrs. John St relaw, Bassett; Mrs. Rich ard Nelson. Tonya Hurley. Mrs. Pauline Malona, Amelia: Mrs. Herman Ellermeier, Spencer; Mrs. 1 X'lbort Robert scat. Carmen Tenborg, Henry Winkler. Dismissed during the past week: Robert Perry. Emmet; Robert Johnson. Bristow; Mrs. David Morsbach, Inman; Glenn Jenkins. Raymond Revell, Mi’s James Ste wart, Page; Mrs Lisle Mewmaw. Page: Hugo Holz, Carlyle Washa check. Mrs. Fannie Slawson, Ew I » --1 DANCE to BATTLE OF MUSIC Gene Bierman VI. Jimmy Hauf SUMMERLAND BALLROOM St. Patricks Tue. Mar. 17 ADM.: $1.00 mg. Mrs. Richard Nelson, Michael McManus. Mrs. Louis Raumelster, Butte? Mrs 1 >nh' French. Jake Urauo, Atkinson; Mrs Bill Ste vens, * liimsmg. Mich Lana Sue Mosel, Page; Mrs. Melvin Basel horst. Mrs. Vernon Lorera. Mrs. Nellie McIntosh, Page. NOTICE! Lee's pre-Easter Shopping Event Wed. March, 18 Starting 6:30 p.m. ADMISSION BY INVITATION Special Discount on All Purchases Daring Invitation Ask for your Invitation Card Today at LEE Store Here are just the right ^ shoes for your boy or girl to look their best on Easter. Fine fit, style and long wear. jpz:. McCARVILLES CLOTHING - SHOES For the Entire Family! SPECIAL BULL S BREEDING COW AUCTION ATKINSON, NEBRASKA Tuesday, March 17th In Conjunction with our Regular Tuesday Sale— 30 - BULLS - 30 15 head of fancy Hereford hulls from the Sunny Slope Ranch of Ed Jungmans, Amelia, Nebr. 12 head are strong aged two year olds with a world of size, color and bone, plus the days most popular bloodlines. The sires of most of these bulls are sons of the Wyoming Hereford Ranch Imported Vern Diamond or WHR Target. Also selling are 3 three year old bulls from the same herd. In addition wo have consigned 42 head of Hereford bulls & 4 Angus bulls ranging in age from 2 to 5 years old. Proven sires from some good local herds. Three consignments of Hereford Breeding cows In groups from 50 to 8 head. Several are Bangs tested other test guaranteed. All are close to calving and the right kind. Plus the usual run of replacement cattle.—Spend next Tuesday In Atkinson.—If you have cattle to sell bring them In.—There’s plenty of buyers for till r>l'i uanu PHONE 5141 ATKINSON, NEBR. ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET Atkinson, Nebr. to those who have been considering wall-to-wall carpet! Almost everyone, sooner or later, wants to enjoy the beauty end luxury of wall-to-wall carpet. When the day of final decision arrives, we want to be sure you will not be disappointed. Wall-to-wall carpet should be considered as an investment in good living, but price per yard alone does not necessarily mean you will get your money’s worth. Other very important factors make up the retailer’s contribution to the wall-to-wall carpet transaction 1 These factors include: Trained decorator advice... a choice of a large selection of colors, patterns and weaves from the finest mills in America ... personalized service and flawless installation. We stress these factors — rather than “distress” merchandise sold on a “buyer beware” basis. Economical fitting, careful seaming, proper padding, even stretching and elimination of tack marks are all elements of value to be oonsidered for longer carpet wear and added home beauty. And, these are the elements emphasized by our carpet installation expert* There is a great deal of difference in installation techniques. Inexpensive carpet can be properly installed to last longer and yet the most expensive carpet in the world can be hopelessly marred by improper treatment. If you have been considering wall-to-wall carpet, you owe it to yourself to investigate the many “plus values** to be found in our fine quality installation and permit us the opportunity to guarantee your lasting satisfaction. where fine carpet gains added value through flawleet installation! ftieWi feature genuine Smoothedoe Tackleu Installation Joe Tennis George Hammand