FOR SALE FOR SALE: Aerometer windmills one -6ft at $55; 8 ft.—*75 Both in good repair. — BRUNSWICK PLUMBING and HEATING BRUNSWICK. 42—4oars ready for ser vice John Kaster, phone Hunter 3360. Clearwater. 44-49pd FOR SALE OR RENT: Improved 40 acres at Inman-Fred Tim merman, O’Neill 44-45p FOR SALE: One 15-ff. McC. Deer ing disc, also 2-bot. 16” tractor plow. Frank Detterman, Atkin son. 45-46p FOR SALE: 1 Upright grand piano, price $40 —Mrs. Perry Lichty, Royal. 45p FOR SALE: State tested Nebraska No. 28 switchgrass seed. Grown in N.E Nebraska from founda tion seed.—C. G. Pratt, Bristow 45-48p FOR SALE: Purebred Hampshire fall toars and gilts. — Walter Sojka and Sons, Page. 45-49p HOUSE FOR SALE: To be moved or tom down -Phone 3255, In man 45tf FOR SALE: Registered Hereford bulls, coming yearlings.—Phone 3255, Francis Anderl, Inman. 45tf FOR SALE: 100 tons 1958 alfalfa hay. Square bales, wire tied. In quire at The Frontier. 45-47p FOR SALE: Terriflex vinyl tile. Now carried In stock. Select your color.—Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. 47ctf FOR SALE: Blue spruce trees, 4, 5, or 6 feet. Can see them at D. H. Clausons, 808 E. Douglas. 43tf WE ARE TRADING WILD at Bur well. Specials on all new equip ment. Some of the Good Used Equipment on Hand: 1954 Super M Farmall, propane burner 1952 MD Farmall 1949 MD Farmall, complete over haul . , 1944 M gas Farmall, new overhaul 1947 M fuel, new guarantee 1948 H Farmall, good 1947 II Farmall fuel, overhauled 1946 II Farmall, fuel, good 1944 H Farmall, fuel 1952 II Farmall, gas, like new 1953 Oliver 88 Diesel line power 1949 John Deere B, perfect 1950 John Deere A, very nice Used Trucks and Pickups 1955 V8 cab over Chev. 2 ton, new motor, 16 ft. box new 1955 IHC 2 ton, no box, new motor 1956 Chev. Vz ton pickup, new tires, lung wa 1952 GMC Vt ton pickup, very clean 1949 KB6 IHC, 16 ft. box with hoist Used plows, listers, planters on all types of farm machines. Tires, oil and grease at lowest whole sale prices Come to Burwell and save dollars. Every tractor tested on dyna mometer. We appreciate your business! Storjohann Equipment Co. Lowest equipment prices in USA! PHONE Diamond 6-7185 BURWELL NEBR. FOR SALE: Model T Ford motor complete with radiator, price $5 00 —C. J. Fleming, Ewing. 45-46p FAR RAT.F.; Warm Morning coal and wood heating stove.—Mrp Emma Fleming, Ewing. 45-46p FOR SALE: A near new 6-ft. Aero motor windmill-Clarence Sch miser, rte. 1, Ewing._45-46p FAR RAT.F: Registered Hereford bull, 6 years old.—Rudolph Pro kop, Bristow. _ 45-46c SINGER SEWING MACHINE — Take over 6 payments of 5.35 each on Electric Singer, com plete with attachments.—Write Credit Mgr., 409 Pearl St, Sioux City, la. It can be seen in O Neul. FOR SALE: Holstein heifers, heavy springers. — John Sojka, IVi mi. north, 4 east of P®**^ SALT FOR SALE: KanfP?^® $16.50 a ton; American a ton; white block 75c-Located 3 blks. east, 4 blks. north ol traffic li^ht. Everett Gorgan, Ph 164, O’Neill. FOR SALE; 30 weanling pigs from registered Hampshire herd, $15 each; also registered Polled Here ford bull coming 4-year-old. Norbert Dobias, phone 7056, At kinson. _ FOR SALeT~640 acres in Wheeler county. 3 quarters good upland pasture, balance in fanr!.‘™ lots. REA Good house with wa ter in the house. 2 wells with good soft water. On state highway with daily mail service within 200 yds. of house. Pnced to sell call 525, O’Neill or write Bos 487. 44^K DAIRYMEN A cow will only produce as much milk as her breeding allows. No amount of feed will increase it. CURTISS breeding will utilize your feeding to a better advant age. Duane Gray Call 470 O’Neill 45tf MACHINERY 49 Farmall C 46 John Deere A 47 VVC Allis 48 Oliver 70 50 Farmall M 41 Farmall M 46 Farmall H 42 Farmall H 54 Super C 15 ft. Disc 10-ft. Fertilizer Spreader Rotary Hoe IHC 200TW Spreader Sargent Loader with Hay Basket Oehl Cornstalk Shredder John Deere Cultivator Massey Cultivator IHC C Cultivator IHC HM Cultivator IHC Lister M&M Semi Mounted Listei RCA Whirlpool Appliances Shelhamer Equipment O’NEILL, NEBR. niC — Gehl — RCA Whirlpool FOR SALE: Aeromotor mills, pump jacks, presuro systems, stock tanks—10 ft.—bottomless. Ph. 435, Inman. Ciff Sobotka. 45odtf MOBILE HOMES We trade, finance, deliver any where. Set them up and service them. We have one of the finest selec tions of new and used Mobile Homes in Nebraska. OPEN SUNDAYS & EVENINGS MILLER TRAILER SALES Albion, Nebr. Phone EX5-2170 For Sale: .22 Winchester automa tic model 77 in perfect condi tion with or without scope—Mau rice Graham, O'Neill Rt. 1 45p35 FOR SALE: Seven room dwelling in north part of town. See George C. Robertson, phone 534, O’Neill. 44tf THOENE’S NINTH ANNUAL Reg istered Polled Hereford Auction, Bonesteel, S.D., Saturday, Mar. 7th, 1:30 P.M. 46 2-year-old Bulls, 5 Open Yearling Heifers. 44-45p NEW COMFORT COVERS . ■ 11 TRACTORS— Model 50 J-9A 1953 Model 60 J-D 1954 Model G J-D 1949 48 A J-D 48 B J-D 40 B J-D 45 B J-D 46 B J-D _ 1952 GMC \ ton pickup J-D 15-ft. disc AC 15-ft. disc 730 J-D lister Farmhand Loader, complete I-D No. 9 cornsheller Plows, all sizes 4-sec. Harrow with Evener. WANTED to trade for Brome and Alfalfa seed. Harry R. Smith Imp. for John Deere tractor Phone 562 O'NetU FOR SALE: Sand Love grass seed. State tested for purity and ger mination. — Albert Pospeshil, Orchard, Nebr., 13 north, 1 west of Orchard. ***» Dairy Cattle Buyers This ad is worth $35.00 per head on Shores’ Wisconsin Springers during February and March. Shadow Lawn Farms, Neligh, phone TU74060 or TU74850 4446c FOR RENT FOR RENT: All modem house in south west section. R. M. Pease, phone 543R, O'Neill_44tf FOR RENT: 260 acres of pasture and hay ground. Buildings are going to be wired, also the house. There is a phone in the house. Will pasture 55 cattle 9 miles no. of O'Neill.—See T. F. Mat thews or Ed T. Campbell. 4445p FOR RENT: Floor Sander and Edger. Do that floor refinishing job yourself, Save Money! Also a flat sander for rent.—Coast to-Coast Store, O’Neill. 43c35 FOR RENT: Modem apartment. -A. E. Bowen. 705 E. Douglas, O’Neill, phone 51f._ FOR RENT: Nice furnished apart ment, available March 1. Auto matic washer.—O. E. Davidson, phone 126. ^3tf FOR RENT: Three - room apart ments on ground floor, $27 per month, Vt block north of New Deal Oil Co. — Tony Astmus, O’Neill, phone 510. 19tl FOR RENT: Six room house in O’Neill. Gas heat and bath. Con tact Mrs. Leslie Repenning 12 miles south, % mile west of O’ Neill, evenings.45p35 WANTED SEE US for new SPARTAN or SAFEWAY mobile homes, 25% down, 5% int.; up to 84 months to pay. Write or phone: Contois Motor Co., Neligh. 30tf WANTED: Married couple for year around (arm job. Separate house, electricity, plumbing be ing installed, good location. For information write or call The Frontier. 45-46p WANTED. Pasture for 30 head of I calves for the coming season — j Arthur Masden, Verdel. 44-46p WANTED: Serum pigs: Loading days, Monday, Tuesday and Thursday each week.- Dwaine Lockman, Stuart, ph 3741. tf EXPERT Watch Repairing! McIntosh Jewelry Phone 166 O’Neill Wick's BODY SHOP Complete Body and Fender Repairs and Painting Glass Installed—Towing Service Phone ?i 1W O’NEILI. - for Any Joh 250 WANTED: Married or single man experienced in livestock feeding and farming—Herbert Jessen, Bloomfield, Nebr. 43-45c90 L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half Block East of Tnvann CtQ linn SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair Acetylene welding. LAWN MOWER repairing. Also repair parts for Lawson — Reo -Clinton. FULL TIME EARNING OPPOR- j TUNITY: Immediate Placement j for mature woman who needs substantial earnings. Pleasant, dignified work calling on Avon customers. Write Miss Alice Dial, District Manager, P.O. Box 365, North Platte. 45c WANTED: Elderly lady wants housekeeping. — Bertha Fowler, O'Neill. 45p35 WANTED: Reliable party in this vicinity to take over payments on Free-Westinghouse automatic sewing machine, half paid for or will sell for cash; also Singer can take over for $9.00 per mo., (out only 3 mo.), will sell for cash.—Write Finance Mgr., box 4,O'Neill. 45-47p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY MAN OR WOMAN Responsible person from this area, to service and collect from elec tric cigarette dispensers. No selling. Car, references, and $499.00 to $2,495.00 investment necessary. 7 to 12 hours weekly nets excellent return. Possible full-time work. For local inter view give phone and particulars. Write Okla. International Sales & Mfg. Co. of 111., Inc., P. O. Box 6213, Chicago 80, HI_45p ~’ WANTED ! DRY CLEANING OF ALL KINDS! Ideal Cleaners Phone 775-W for Pickup and Delivery! 47ctf Money To Loan on ranches and town properties—See Virgil L. Laursen Agency, Phone 434, O’ Neill.45tf CARDS of THANKS We wish to take this means of thanking the friends, neighbors and relatives for their express ions of sympathy, cards, flow ers and for any acts of kindness extended to us during the illness and death of our mother, Mrs. Rose Chichester— The Children 45p A SPECIAL THANKS to Dr’s Wat ers & Wilson, Father Kucera, Rev. Kennicott, and all of the Sisters, nurses and hospital staff, while I was a patient in St. An thony’s Hospital. Also thanks to all of my relatives and friends for their visits and cards. — Frank Summers. 45p A SINCERE THANKS to all who helped during the illness and death of our dear wife and moth er. Your care, visits, flowers, cards, prayers, expressions of sympathy and contributions to her memorial are deeply appre ciated—Clay Johnson, sr., Mr. and Mrs. Clay Johnson, jr., and son, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson and family, Mr. and Mrs. Don Loy and family. 45p50 I WISH TO THANK everyone who remembered me with "get well” cards and birthday cards, visits and gifts both during my stay at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Sioux City and St Anthony’s Hospital in O’Neill and also Dr. Carstens and all the hospital staff at St. Anthony’s. All was greatly ap preciated and long will be re membered.—Mrs. Elsie M. Cork. 45p50 WE WISH TO THANK all the rel atives, friends and neighbors for their help, acts of kindness, food, flowers and cards during the re cent illness and death of our husband and father.—Mrs. Lee Conger and family. 45p50 MISCELLANEOUS WELL DRILLING and well and windmill repair. — Write Box 562, phone 553-J. SPRAGUE WELL 00., O’Neill 3 blks W & 3% blks N stoplight I WILL BE IN the basement of the i courthouse all of the time except | Wednesday forenoon and Satur day afternoon starting March 2. Cards will be mailed out notify ing taxpayers when to come in to be assessed.— Marvin Clouse 44-45p WANT TO MAKE $15 to $25 in a day? We will train and finance dependable man or woman, over j 21, for part or full time route work. Write R BERHENKE. 124 E. Clark St., Freeport, HI. 44-45p UPHOLSTERING and furniture repair work wanted. Call The Frontier or Write Wayne Know les. Box 132. Rt. 1 O’Neill 43tf IS YOUR insurance costing too much? Are you properly in sured. — See Ed Thorin, agt., O’Neill, Nebr. 34tf. AUCTIONEERING Real Estate Broker Private listings and Phone 207 — O'Neill Auctions ED THORIN ADLER Sewing Center SALES OF NEW AND USED SEWING MACHINES O’NEILL, NEBR. — PH. 2G9 Wr REPAIR all makes We un dersell anybody in price and outsell anybody in quality. I. rp|._ nnminl twaalinfr rtf the Ewing Rural Fire District will be held, Wednesday, March 18, at 8 p.m at the Town Hall in Ewing.—Melvin Rexin, presi dent. 45-46c Happy Family Loans $50 to $1,000 UP TO 2 YEARS TO PAY! Private, Confidential O'NEILL LOAN CO. Phone 434 O’Neill REAL ESTATE TO SETTLE AN ESTATE: One five room, three bedroom house on pavement, sewer and water. Selling for a reasonable price.— Call 408-W or see Harry Larsen at 118 South Madison, O’Neill. 42-44p HOMES FOR SALE: Six room, three bedrooms, modem except heat, on pavement, close to a grocery store, newly decorated. Can be seen anytime. Priced to sell.—Call 408 or see Harry Lar sen, 118 So. Madison, O’Neill. _ 42-44p Houses for Sale 3 bedroom, all modern, located 2 blocks south Krotter’s 3 bedroom, very good condition, 5n pavement block south Nu-Way cafe. Extra Lot and house may lie had at a small additional figure. \ real buy for some one and good terms. 1 bedroom home, all modem, in south east part of O’Neill. Acerage located at Page, Nebr., good improvement priced for quick sale. For Rent 3 bedroom home, all modem, SE O’Neill. Apartment, 3 room, Adults only. 2 bedroom home, all modem, SW O'Neill. Cafe for sale, some equipment and will inventory stock, good terms and possession may be had right away. Good location. Virgil L. Laursen Member North Central Board of Realtors Phone 434 O’Neill BIG 11 CU. FT. Hotpoint Refrigerator SPECIAL THIS WEEK! $199.50 Regular $249.00 See them at— DANKERTS SERVICE Phone 410W O’Neill I BAKER'S WHEEL ALIGNMENT SHOP IS CLOSED FOR TWO WEEKS WHILE DARREL TAKES A VACATION! Coop Fertilizer Clinic MONDAY, MARCH 9 PAGE. NEBR. 8:00 PM. SCHOOLHOUSE or ODD FELLOWS HALL Fertilisers In General Nitrogen Solutions in Particular NOTICE All dogs MUST have a 1959 license or be picked up and disposed of. LICENSES CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE Police Station CHRIS McGINN CHIEF OF POLICE I 45c I WANTED to RENT TWO BEDROOM HOME As Soon As Possible. Family with 3 Children 45p Write Box 423 Norfolk, Nebr. MOTORCYCLES NSU—250 cc—NEW j ROYAL ENFIELD—700cc— NEW Other New & Used Cycles Dwight Micanek BWW - NSU SALES Lynch, Nebr. 45-46c Alice’s Beanty Shop Sen. S door* west of Texaca 128 East Douglas Phone 283 — O’Neill Try The Frontier Want Ads. For quick results telephone 51 and place your Want Ad today! Amelia News Methodist j Meeting Attended By Hiss Florence Lindsey Clyde Widmau and Eamie Johnston attended a Methodist mens meeting at the Atkinson Methodist church Sunday after noon and e\ ening. Dode Sageser entered the At kinson hospital February 24. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sammons went to Ainsworth Monday to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Sammons grandmother. Little Mark Sam mons visited Mrs. Blake Ott while his parents were away. Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus called on Mr. and Mrs. Marry Winings Sunday afternoon. Clayton Burge returned home Monday from a visit with friends at Kansas City, Kan. Me came home by way of Omaha where he visited his brother, Dean Burge, and family. IV 4T nrwl IVf i»o Poli'in ^/wv! frn and sons of O’Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cool id ge and Ken neth of Chambers were Sunday dinner guests at the parental El mer Coolidge home. Mrs. Link Sageser was ill with flu this week. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Sageser and daughters left Sunday morning to return to their home at Kansas City, Kan. They had visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sa geser, a few days Mrs. Gertie Adair came Mon day from Des Moines, la. to visit her sons, Ralph and Bob Adair, and their families. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everett and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sammons and Mark visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Adair and family February 26. Mr and Mrs. Ralph Rees, Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo and Mr. and Mrs. Art Doolittle were Febru ary 26 O’Neill callers. Mrs. Marvin Doolittle, Mrs. Charles Everett, Mrs. Lee Gilman and Mrs. Harold Fullerton were guests at tea of Mrs. George Full erton Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Burge and Bruce. Glenn White and Venita spent Saturday evening at Louis Burgetts. They enjoyed ice cream and cake. Sam Gilman plans to go to Co dy, this week to visit his brother, Bill, and also do some fishing if weather permits. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton and Phillis. Mrs. Leon Skalla and Gene of Howells were Sunday din ner guests at Marvin Doolittles. Mrs. Rose Monahan, who has been visiting her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Han sen. since her recent illness, left Fehruary 26 for the home of a nother daughter, Mrs. Simon Tim- | merman, at Stuart. use our convenient Meyers Midwest Furniture & Appliance MONTHLY BUDGET J PAYMENT PLAN! West O'Neill Phone 346J FREE DELIVERY THE RIGHT CARPET Can Make ~j YOUR HOME! jfe Ask for a Home Showing Such Famous Names as: Gulistan - Downs - Barwick - Callaway and Others. Select from a wide array of quality carpeting at moderate price. These are plains, textures, florals, etc. In Wools, Nylon, Acrilan and Chromspun. GOLDSEAL NO. I INLAID 6-FT. WIDTH LINOLEUM at ONLY $1.00 Per Lin. Ft.!! 3 Rolls!! GOLDSEAL NO. I CONGOLEUM at ONLY 82c Per Sq. Yd. ALSO-GOLDSEAL NO. I FORECAST VINYL - 7 Rolls to Choose From! Meyers Midwest Furniture Just A Few Of Our Low, Low Prices! All Wool Tufted PLAIN or TWEED At Only 6.95 sq. yd. Nylon-Viscose TWEEDS At 3.95 sq. yd. 70 per cent Wool SO per cent Nylon. High and Low Loop TWEEDS Choice of Colors 6.95 sq. yd. 100% Nylon TWEEDS Choice of Colors 5.95 sq. yd. Exclusive tiullstan Process Moth and Beetle Proof Tested and Certified The Most Luxurious ACRILAN NO MONEY DOWN 36 MONTHS TO PAY ON ALL CARPETINO —I--— R.die Hansen accompanied Mrs Steli Sparks and l*>nnio to Atkin son Sunday afternoon to attend the show. The Sparks then spent the evening at Hansens watching tele vision. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie lkxilittle and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin IVxilittle and family \ isi ted at T. S. Doolittles Sunday eve rting. Mrs. Ken Werner and daughter, Connie. Miss Carol Tracy, Miss Kdith Grimes and Miss Joan Full erton sjxMit Saturday evening at the George Fullerton home to help Miss I’htllis Fullerton celebrate her birthday. Mr. and Mrs Delbert Edwards and Arlis visited her mother Mrs. Rosa Snolson Sunday in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton, Joan and Beth, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bilstien and Dickie s|>ent Fri day evening at the Tommie l>xv little home. They were helping Cathy lAxilittle celebrate her l*lth birthday. Mrs. Lindsey and Florence were dinner guests Sunday at the Charles McMtllen home in Atkin son. Mrs. Julia White, and Mr. and Mrs. Ira Goodwin of Ixtng Pine were also guests. Mrs. While re turned to Amelia with the Lind seys for a few days visit, and help Mrs. Lindsey with quilling. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gilman en day evening. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Dunk Peterson, Mr. and Mi's. Harold Fullerton came later in the Dick Doolittle, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ninham, Mr. and Mrs. Hol land Everett, and Mr. and Mrs, Charles Everett. Mr. and Mrs. George Fullerton came later in the evening to play cards. Mrs. Charles Spath of Omaha, and her brother Elmer Swengel, of Kansas City, Kan. were over night guests February 26 at the George Fullerton home. They at tended the funeral of their uncle, 1 x*e Conger Friday at Inman. Mr. and Mrs. William Fryrear, Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston, Mr. and Mrs. Lew Backhaus and Mrs. Edith Andersen were supper guests Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry were dinner guests February 22 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Or land Fryrear. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Mr. and Mrs. William Fry rear were February 22 dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. FI. Young near Chambers. Mrs Blake Ott. Mrs. Floyd Adams ami Mrs, Edith Andersen attended the show "A Man CalImi Peter" at the Atkinson theater February .'ti Mrs Dona Carson, teacher of the upper room in the Amelia school, took her pupils to Sioux City Saturday to attend the Ice Capades Mrs. Stell Sparks fur nished a car to take part of the group Mrs Blake Ott accompan ied Mrs. Sparks and visited her niece Mrs. Andy Ilobak and family. Mr. ami Mrs. Frank Pierce re ceived word of the death of their niece s, Mrs l,oo I^yden of Ewing, little granddaughter in a ear ac cident near O’Neill Saturday Mrs. Lydon is the former Tiny McCaf frey. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil David and family moved to their new home near Ord, Saturday, B. W. Waldo took a load of cattle for them Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Uoyd Waldo and family and Mrs. B. W. Waldo were Sunday guests at the Ken Werner home in Chandlers Sunday. Mrs Edith Andersen and Mrs. S. C. Barnett called on Mrs. Cox Sunday afternoon Mrs. Cox is the wife of the Amolia-Chamliers Meth odist minister. Mr. and Mrs S. C. Barnett called on Mr. and Mrs. John Shipman and Neal, Sunday afternoon. The Shipmans hought the Walter Brown property in Chambers and planned to move there Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dickerson and Joyce Burge were Atkinson and O’Neill callers Saturday They visited at the Hugh Carr home while in O’Neill. Monuments of lusting beau** from the factory to the con sumer.—Emmet Orahb. O’Neill, ■mule by skilled craftsmen of U» -I. F. Bloom On. . . . monuments INCOME TAX For assistance in filing your self employment and tax reports, call on — Geo. C. Robertson AGENCY We work for your interest and appreciate your business. Downey Building, O’Neill, Nebr. Fh. 5S4 — Res. Pta. 161W I FOR SALE OR RENT Moore Hotel GOOD TERMS EITHER WAY ! I block south of the stop light in O'Neill IMMEDIATE POSSESSION See or Call Bob Moore, O'Neill Phonn 27CW