The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 26, 1959, Image 9

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    lynch News
8th Annual Banquet
for Lynch Alumni
By Mrs. Albert kalkowski
The eighth annual Lynch high
school alumni banquet will be held
Saturday June 27 at the Lynch
Ball Fioom. A public dance will be
held following the dinner.
Mr. and Mrs Jerry Sixta were
Omaha visitors last week.
Margaret Stenger, Mrs. Dennis
Kube, Mrs. Charles Courtney and
Mrs. Clarence Kolund spent Feb
ruary 19 with Mrs. Frank Weeder.
Mrs. Delbert Ilaselhorst and
children, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Au
dios of Anoka, Mr and Mrs. Mel
vin Ilaselhorst of O’Neill and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Vonasek of Ver
del, were February 18 evening
guests at the C. L. Ilaselhorst
home in honor of Mr. Haselhorst's
Mr and Mrs. Frank Weeder
visited at the Bob Krotter home
Friday evening to get acquainted
with the new daughter, Janet Le
The Highland Club met at the
Harold Micanek home February
19 Thirteen members were pres
ent Mrs. Fern Grass and Mrs.
Dwight Micanek were visitors.
Mrs. Frank Weeder presented the
lesson "Shoes That Fit”.
Mr and Mrs. Robert Conklin
visited Thursday wdth relatives in
Mrs. Glen Hull and Mrs. Peter
Mulhair were Tuesday O'Neill vis
Mr and Mrs. Beryl Moody and
family spent Friday evening at the
Howard Anderson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Edumnd Rohde
visited their daughter Mrs, John
nie Svatos and family in Cheyenne,
Mr. and Mrs. Emil Micanek left
for Omaha Friday to spend several
days with their daughter, Mrs. Al
don Zink and family. Emil also
plans to attend an REA meeting,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Crooks and
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mulhair play
ed cards Sunday evening at the
Frank Carstene home.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Nelson and
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Tonner were
February 19 Spencer visitors.
Mrs. Pete Mulhair visited Mrs.
Glen Hull February 19.
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and
family spent Sunday at the C. L.
Haselhorst home.
Sunday dinner guests at the
I.orie Micanek home were Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Streit and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Beryl Moody and
family and Mr. and Mrs C. L,
Mrs. Earl Moody of Wheaton,
Minn , visited Friday at the Beryl
Moody home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Streit and Mr. and Mrs.
Lorie Micanek called that eve
Everett Hasenpflug returned to
his home in California February
10 after a visit with relatives
Gail Heiser and Francis Fisher
were Friday business visitors in
Loren Pinkerman of O'Neill vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. John Hurd Feb
ruary 18.
Duane Fish of Sioux City was a
February 19 overnight guest at
the Herman Heiser home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France
• Improved Sucaryl brings delicious nat
ural sweetness to sugar-restricted diets
without adding calories. You can sweeten
beverages, cook, bake, can and freeze
with It... it stays sweet, without bitterness
or aftertaste.
Ask us for the new Improved Sucaryl
recipe booklet. It contains dozens of deli
cious calorie-saving recipes to bring variety
to diabetic and reducing diets.
Improved Sucaryl Tablet.**
100, «5c; 1000, $3.49
* Improved Sucaryl Solution
4 oz., 89c; pint, $3.98
Gilligan’s Rexall Drug
Ben Gilligan Robert T. Devoy
Phone 87 — O’Neill
were February 19 business visitors
in O'Neill.
February 15, Mr and Mrs
Dwight Mica nek were sponsors for
the Baptism of the twin sons of
Mr and Mrs Bill Bentz at the
Lutheran Church in Spencer. They
were also dinner guests at the
Bentz home.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd France were
! in Spencer one day this week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. VV. Christensen
were February 19 Spencer vis
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tarr were
O’Neill February 19 visitors.
Mrs. Gerald Lee and Family
visited Mr and Mrs. Veldon Lee
February 19 at Bristow.
Mr. and Mrs, Herman Heiser
spent Sunday evening at the Leo
Jergenson home
Word from Mrs. Birdie Melsha
Gordon, who lives in the West Val
ley Nursing Home in Yakima,
Wash., to her friends here, states
that she is in fair health and thinks
of her many friends in Lynch often
and would enjoy hearing from
Mrs. Jerry Sixta visited Mrs.
Wallace Courtney Monday evening.
Herman Lindgren and Marlin
Lewis played cards February 19
with Harry Moffett.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Rohde
attended the Farmers Institute
February 19 at Spencer.
Mrs. Earl Moody and twins of
Wheaton, Minn., spent the past
week visiting friends and relatives
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wendt have
moved to Spencer.
DeLynn Pickering spent Febr
uary 19 at the John Hurd home.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Jensen
of Spencer visited February 19 at
Dwight Mieanek's
The Eastern Star Chapter meet
ing was held at the lodge rooms
February 17. After the regular bus
iness meeting, plans were made to
entertain the district supervisor,
Mrs. Phyllis Dobrovolny, of O'
Neill February 26.
Mr. and Mrs. Omar Tonner,
Gordon and Linda, Mr. and Mrs.
Wallace Moffett, Russell and Har
ry wrere dinner guests at the Frank
Mulhair home February 15 in hon
or of Omer Tonner's birthday
which occurred February 16 and
Harry Moffett’s birthday which
w'as February 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Purviance,
jr. arrived here late February 18
for Leroy's extended furlough fol
lowing several weeks of hospital
Harlene Holtz of Gordon spent
the February 21-22 with home
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Havran
ek and family, and Mrs. William
Havranek visited at the Jack Sam
uelson home February 15 to cel
ebrate the birthdays of Stevie
Samuelson and Davey Havranek.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Heiser at
tended the farmer-businessmen's
banquet February 16 sponsored by
the Boyd County Farm Bureau.
The entertainment consisted of vo
cal music by Jack Roberts and the
Lynch Boys Glee Club.
By Jerome Miller
The Happy Hollow 4-H Club
met with Francis, Carolyn, and
Mary Bergstrom February 17.
Sharon Mott became a member
of the club.
The following officers were lec
ted: president, Faye Scheer; vice
president, Jerry Taylor; secretary
Treasure-Sharon Mott.
Faye Scheer was presented a
pin for her outstanding work in her
clothing project last year.
Carolyn Bergstom, Charlene
Miller and Susan Taylor gave a
demonstration on “Cutting Tools”.
Sharon Mott and Faye Scheer
judged yeast breads.
Brenda Rotherham was a guest.
Our next meeting will ge with
Jerry, Douglas, and Susan Taylor
March 17.
With an All-Electric Clothes Dryer
The entire laundry operation is all
on only one bill!
11 7 .9 ci prTDir
All auiuiiiaiu. ““ /
COSTS LESS when you buy it—COSTS
LESS to install—COSTS LESS to main
tain. ELECTRIC dryers even last longer
than any other type!
CLEAN, gentle ELECTRIC heat dries
everything smooth and wrinkle-free be
cause the controlled-heat lets you select
any temperature you desire. SAFE be
cause there is no open flame!
Of all the amazing new home appli
ances, an ELECTRIC washer dryer can
do the most for your health, energy, and
peace of mind. SEE YOCR ELECTRI
let him show you the advantages of an
ALL-ELECTRIC laundry. It's a smart
investment in years of better living.
Orchard News
To Omaha
By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinnison
motored to Omaha February 17
to see their daughter, who is a
patient at tire Children's Memorial
hospital there.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jenkinson of
Plainview were February 16 sup
per and evening visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
Mrs. Gerald Waring entertained
the Help U club at her home
February 17 with 13 members pre
sent The hostess served dinner at
noon. The afternoon was spent in
doing needle work. Mrs. Vincent
Jackson drew the lunky Valen
tine favor and received the door
prize. Mrs. George Jeffrey will
have the next meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Held were
February 12 supper and evening
guests at the Melvin Held home
at Norfolk.
A large number of friends and
relatives attended the funeral
February 16 of Carl Boelter.
Mr and Mrs. Marvin Vavak
and Pamella of Verdigre were
out checking on the coyote sets
in this vicinity February 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Ora Caskey and
sons were February 14 supper
and evening guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Caskey. February 15 they
were dinner guests at the Stan
i ley Porter home at Neligh
Iceland Caskey spent the week
end with his parents. Mr and Mrs.
Ora Caskey and twins. Lei and is
i attending business college at Onv
1 aha
Weekend visitors at the home of
1 Mr. and Mrs Ralph Brookhouser
were Mr and Mrs Larry L. Brook
houser of Cbtesfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser
motored to Brunswick February
IT where they visited at the Fred
Hanneman home. Mrs Hanneman
returned to her home February
j 1 from the Neligh hospital where
she had undergone surgery the
previous week She is getting
along as well as can be expected
Eagle Belles met February 17
at home of Mrs. George Mellor.
Eleven memtters answered roll
call by naming their favorite flow
We drew names for mystery
sisters and Mrs. Cecil Miller and
Mrs. Richard Doty joined our club.
Mrs. Cecil Miller was elected
song leader.
Mrs. Neil Hipke gave the lesson
on "Food facts and fallacies” and
some ladies worked on wood filler
The next meeting will lie March
17 at Mrs Cecil Miller’s.
A lunch was served by the
The Golden Rod extension club
met at the home of Mrs Neil
Daw'es at 8 p m. February 11
A very interesting lesson on
“Food facts and falacies" was
given by Mrs. Esty Nelson and
Mrs. Dawes.
A Valentine hankie and card
exchange was held. Mrs Dawes
had made a very clever Valentine
Lunch was served by Mrs. Dal
las Berhens and Mrs. John De
Mrs. Johnnie Graves
Sand Hills Shriners
Appoint Committee
At the regular February meet
ing of the Sand Hills Shrine Club
of North Central Nebraska held
Sunday evening, February 22, in
Valentine, president Arthur A.
Wetter of Bassett, made his com
mittee appointments for the com
ing year.
The group met at 4:00 p.m. at
the Masonic Temple in Valentine
with the evening’s dinner being
served by the members of the
Valentine Order of the Eastern
Director’s Meeting
President Weber announced
that a regional directors meeting
will be held March 8 at 2:30 p.m.
at the Commercial National Bank
in Ainsworth at which time the
program for the year will be set
up. Following this meeting, the Lo
cation of the Marcn 29 meeting
will be announced.
Regional directors, as appointed
by President Weber and approved
by Harry D. Severns of Cody as
vice president, Gerald Barry of
Valentine as secetary, Roger S.
Thorley of Ainworth as treas
urer, and J. E. O’Halloran of
Wood Lake as director at large,
were W. Harold Allen, Bassett;
T. E. Ritter, Ainsworth; H. H.
Kirkman, WckxI Lake; H. L. Sev
erns, Cody; T. G. Weddel, Spring
view; John Joseph, Valentie;
Frank J. Brady, Atkinson; Paul
Shierk, O’Neill; Orville Barry,
Mission, South Dakota; D. J. Cole,
Merriman, and Cecil Mills, Long
Membership Committee
Chairman of the membership
committee is Paul Sellars Ains
worth, with Dean Jamison Bassett;
Kreycik Wood Lake; Albert C.
Lemmer, Atkinson; C. M. Fre
derick, Ainsworth, and Paul
Shierk,O’Neill, as committee mem
Heading the entertainment com
mittee is J. Lyle Brown of Ains
worth. Members of the committee
are Tom Gallagher, Bassett; Dick
Mauch Bassett; Gerald Barry,
Valentine, and B. C. Ricedorf of
Ainsworth. _
Robert H. Tyler of Ainsworth
is chairman of the publicity com
mittee with members, John M.
Ptxiersen, Wood Lake; Edmun D.
Shaw, Bassett; Troy Cox, Merri
man, S. C. Bloom, Jr., Valentie;
Paul Shierk, O'Neill; Ralph Randle,
Ainsworth; Frank J. Brady, At
kinson, and Don Smith, Oomaha.
Circus in Valentine
Circus committee chairman is
John Joseph of Valentine. Mem
bers of his committee are Ray
Carr. Valentine; P. H. Young, Jr.,
Valentine; J. M. Kennedy, Ains
worth; James S. Kreycik, Wood
Lake; George Lang, Valentine;
Fred Ritter, Wood Lake, Harley
Sullens, Wood Lake, Frazier Gil
christ, Ainsworth; Leon Prang,
Valentine; Paul Bass. Valentine,
and Sam Metcalf, Valentine. The
annual Shrine circus will lie held
this year in Valentine during
Dr. George Racety of Valentine
is chairman of the children’s
committee. Committee members
are Vance Butler, Ainsworth; Vern
Van Norman, Bassett; George M.
Bailey, Winner, South Dakota:
F. C. Wales, Ainsworth; T. G.
Weddel, Springview; P. H. Young,
Sr., Valentine.
Sunshine ana memorials com
mittee chairman is C. M. Fredrick
of Ainsworth. He will be assisted
by Howard Tetherow of Wood
Lake; Dan Thomas, Valentine;
Hans Rohwer, Ainsworth; Harry
Severns, Cody; Harry Titus, Bas
sett; William C. Smith, J,., Ains
worth, and Paul Hefti, Chadron.
Club Projects
Dick Mauch of Bassett is chair
man of the projects committee.
Assisting him as committee mem
bers are Dale Masters, Ainsworth;
Dean Jameson, Bassett;; Roger
Thorley, Ainsworth; J. F. Morris,
Wood Lake, and E. J. Eddie, Val
Phone Your News To
The Frontier
Phone 51
^ Come on and get acquainted with the only penny pincher in the
world with a charming personality all its own. Here’s a miser you’ll love
because it’s so stylish, so chic, so individual —nothing like it on wheels.
^ Three feet shorter outside, room for six inside, delivers miles and
miles on a hatful of regular, low-cost gas. ^ Has rich, luxurious styi*
ing, so complete, neat and replete, it’s approved by Harper’s Bazaar.
And, what a joy to drive—turns, parks, corners, scoots like no
other car you’ve ever sat behind the wheel of. ^ It’s worth a try—a
Fun Drive Demonstration. Come in for a trial today —at your Studebakerj
Dealer’s. Or, better yet, call lor an appointment.
Tra n s portatl on, I ocat taxes, wh It*
walls and any other extra*
plainly labeled on every car.
Fun drive the LARK today at
Smith Motor Co., 228 East Douglas, O'Neill
f , ’ , « #
Peloit News
Early Pioneer Dies
at Coiner Rest Home
THE FRONTIER, O’Neill. Nebr..
Thun*., Fobr. ?«. UKiw-FAoE
her son am! daughteivin-law, Mr.
and Mrs l\m Hopkins at Ana
heim, Calif The Hopkins', former
ly of O'Neill, are parents of a
bahv boy bom February 20. Mrs.
Hopkins will visit other relatives
and friends before returning to O'
: Neill
Unexpected overnight guests at
the Hob Prouty resilience on Sun
day were Mr and Mrs Ed Prouty
anil Mrs H S Prouty of Spencer.
Enruute to Spencer, the Prouty s
stopped in O'Neill for the night
liecause of hazardous driving con
ditions brought on by the snow.
On Sunday, Mr and Mrs John
Johnson of Kilgore returned their
children to St Mary's Academy
from a weekend at home. Mr. and
Mrs Johnson attended the pro
: gram at the school Sunday eve
ning _
By Mrs. Ilenry h*inier
Mrs Minnie Reimer. age 95,
passed away Saturday at the
Coiner Rest Home in Neligh. She
is survived by a son. Henry Rei
mer, Mrs. Fred (Martha' Harp
ster of l>eloit. Judge Louis Reimer
of O'Neill. Mrs. Roy (Emma)
Johnson of Neligh, Mrs. Scott
(Elsie) Clous of Denver, Otto Rei
mer of IJncoln and Anita lee of
Ewing. A sister. Mrs. Bertha
Owens of Crook, Colo., a number
of grandchildren and great grand
children. Her husband and 3 sons,
Sammy, Virtus and John, preced
ed her in death.
She was one of the early pioneers
to the Deloit community.
Mr and Mrs. Clinton Taylor
have sold their farm and are hav
ing a sale and moving to town.
Sold to Kenneth Clark of Wisconsin
and are moving to Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Reimer of
Lincoln arrived at the Sisson home
Sunday to attend the funeral of his
mother Mrs Scott Clouse of Den
ver, Colo, also came to her mother's
home to attend the funeral.
Mrs. Mary Stearns and Maynard
attended a Farm Bureau meeting
in eNligh Thursday evening.
Mrs Keith Bartak underwent
major surgery in an Omaha hospi
tal Friday morning Her husband
reported her condition as satis
Mrs. and Mrs. Maynard Stearns
attended a basketball and volley
ball game at Brunswick Friday
Dean and Roger Pofahl won the
Golden Gloves at Omaha Friday
evening -by decision- Butch was
slightly over weight. Martin attend
1 eu uitr liquid.
Mr. and Mrs, Fred Harpster,
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Harpster and
Mr and Mrs. Henry Reinier
visited Mrs, Mamie R e i m e r Sat
urday in Neligh.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer
were Sunday dinner guests at the
Don I^arson home in honor of Mrs.
Albert Larson’s birthday.
Star Community News
Willowdale Club
Meets Feb. 11
at the Hibbs
By Mrs. Ewalt Miller
The Willowdale Club met with
Mrs. Bill Hibbs as hostess at her
home. February 11. Guests were
Mesdames Ben Miller. Nels Lin
quist and Fred Limmerman.
Mrs. Rolland Miller will enter
tain the club members and their
families with the monthly special
The March meeting will be at
the home of Mrs. Ewalt Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller spent
February 15 at Colome, S. D. to
honor the 25th wedding anniver
sary of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Miller.
Ben and Ed are brothers.
Mrs. Nels Linquist and Beverily
spent February 12 shopping in
Mr. and Mrs Ben Miller visited
with Mr. and Mrs Lysle Johnson
and family February 13
Mr. and Mrs Ewalt Miller called
at the Lysle Johnson home,
February 18th
Mrs. Nels Linquist and Vicki
visited with Mrs. Rebecca Butter
field in O’Neill February 19
and family one evening last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Nels Linquist en
tertained at a club card party at
their home. Saturday evening with
three tables of progressive pitch.
High prize winners were Mrs.
Merle Spangler, and Tom
Zakrzewski. Low winners Claude
Cole and Mrs. Fred Timmerman
and the traveling by Fred Tim
1 merman. _
O'Neill Locals
Mrs V. H Magwire, Tilden and
Mrs Eugene Martin and Linda,
Neligh, mother and sister of Mrs.
Edwin Paulsen, spent Wednesday
at the Paulsen home. They came
especially to see the Paulsen baby
who has neen in the hospital.
Mrs. Ivu Hopkins is now \isiting
To Dissolve Partnership
LOCATION: From Verdlgre— 6 miles west, 6 south, l*a west.
From Orchard—9 ml. north, 8 east. 8 north, '2 east.
From Walnut Store—8 miles south, I1 a east.
Starting at 11 a.m. Lunch by Lutheran Indies Aid
85 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 85
8 TRACTORS—1919 John Deere A, 1950 John Deere A, 1951 John
Deere B; all with powr-trol, all good.
To go with tractors. Including Hay Sled with 86-lb. beams, 180 bu.
capacity Auger Wagon, etc.
Including 1600 bu. Ear Corn, 1790 bu. Marlon Oats. 25 tons Oood
Bottom Hay, 1st cutting; 86 tons Good Bottom Hay, .3rd cutting,
and other.
Notice To Taxpayers
All property except Motor Vehicles and Seed and Grain are
assessable as of March 1st.
Motor Vehicle taxes are paid when registration is made.
Motor Vehicles that are not licensed by March 1, should be
assessed on Personal Property schedules as unlicensed vehicles.
Grain and Seed dealers are assessed on separate schedules.
If you raise grain or seed, the total production is assessed. If you
are a dealer, you are assessed on the amount handled during the
year. (This includes truckers who buy and sell grain.) Dealer
must report to their County Assessor and the State Tax Com
Personal Property schedules must be filed by everyone who
owns property or has custody of personal property, and by all
people between the ages of 21 and 50. The Law places the re
sponsibility on the taxpayer to list their property.
All schedules are due not later than April 20 and are subject
to penalties provided by law, for delinquent schedules. (Accord
ing to a recent Attorney Generals opinion, penalties are manda
tory and must be applied by the County Assessor.)
Everyone who is a Guardian of a minor or incompetent per
son, Administrator or Executor of estate, must file a schedule for
the state if there is any Monies or Personal Property involved. j
1 — --- ■— ■. • I I n_i_ .
A hew words Regarding inianyiuie nu^ny
For Your Information
Intangible Property is divided into two classes, Intangible A
& B, Intangible A is Money, U.S. Legal Tender Notes, Checking
Accounts, U.S. Securities, payable on demand, Book Accounts
(Accounts Receivable: Savings Accounts, Checks & Drafts).
These are taxed at the rate of $2.50 per $1000.
Intangible B—Consists of Shares and Stocks in Corp.; Stocks
& Shares in Building & Loan; Securities & Debentures, Bonds
(except those of US. & Political subdivisions of the State). i
Notes (except notes secured by Mortgages on Nebraska Real
Estate), Due Bills, Annuities, Royalties, Judgements, Claims &
Demands for money. These are taxed at the rate of $4.00 per
$1000. , ,
There will be considerable checking on this class or pro
perty this year, by local and State taxing officials.
The penalty for omission of this class of property is 50% of
the valuation, if done by the County Assessor. If the penalty is
added by the State Tax Commissioner, the property changes from
Intangible to Tangible property and the mill levy is applied.
It would be my advice to taxpayers to see to it that an ac
curate return is made of your property. There could be some
change in the law by March 1, and if there is, you will be advised
as soon as we know. Business Schedules will be mailed out.
Individual personal schedules can be obtained at the assessors
office or from any precinct assessor.
For your convenience the following precinct assessors have
been appointed. Please get your assessing done as soon as
Antelope-Iowa Roger Bowen Page
Atkinson Pre.
Atkinson Vil. Walter Puckett Atkinson-Fire llpuse
Belle-Rock Fails Levi Hull O’Neill
Chambers Pre.
Chambers Vil. (jnamDers- ixew
& Conley H. R. Farrier house Sundries
Cleveland-Dustin Chas. Mulford Stuart
Coleman Francis R. Rohde O’Neill
Deloit Albert Latzel Ewing
Emmet Pre.
Emmet Vil. Paul Newton Emmet
Ewing Pre- Ewing Ewing-Gamble
Vil.- Golden Prec. Archie Tuttle Store
Fairview . Harlan Kubart Amelia
Frances Iceland Anderson Atkinson
Green Valley Robert Le Munyan Atkinson
Holt Creek Earl E. Dickau Atkinson
Inman Prec.- O'Neill-Watson
Inman Vil. Vernon Davis Hay Co.
Josie R. E. Bly Amelia
Lake-McOure Omer McClenahan Ewing
Paddock Fred Lindberg O’Neill
Pleasant View Joe Wagman Atkinson
Sand Creek Quintin Hickok Stuart
Saratoga Ralph S. Cobum Atkinson
Scott Howard Wells Redbird
Shamrock Bernard Cavanaugh Chambers
Sheridan Charles Kubart Atkinson
Shields Francis Sullivan O’Neill
Steel Creek C. L. Brady Lynch
Stuart Pre -
Stuart Vil. A. Max Karo Stuart-Fire House
Swan-Wyoming R. E. Bly Amelia
Verdigres-Page Vil. R. G. Gray Page-Page Coop
j Willow Dale Bob Tomlinson Star
Gratton Marvin Clouse O’Neill-Court House
O’Neill Ed Quinn O’Neill-Court House