Page News Gene Goldfuss Sees Flood Disaster Area By Mn. D. li ke* Gene Goldfuss went by plane Wednesday to Pontiac, Mich., where he transported a truck and pick-up back to Neligh for Slav ers .Sales Service of Neligh. He drove in water up to the running board twice while on the edge of the disaster area where Highway 20 was closed to traffic because I of the floods In that area. } The commission on missions and | the official board meetings of the Page Methodist church will meet Monday because of the pastor’s absence at Ponca. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Asher and family and Mrs. Frieda Asher , 600 CATTLE FOR TODAY’S SALE The hog sale will start promptly at 12 noon. Make the O'Neill Livestock Market the place to buy some excellent replacement cattle today! There will be 500 to 000 head of cattle at the O’Neill Livestock Market, 400 of whrh will be calve* .mostly Hereford heifers and staters but alxait a hundred head will be choice black calves. From 150 ta> 200 yearling heifers and steers ranging from 600 to H«mi |Mtunds will also be sold. The ballance of these will be cows and baby calves and butcher cattle. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET l’HONE 2 Vern & Leigh Reynoldsou "NOTICE TO COMMERCIAL TRUCKERS" The Holt County ASC Committee wishes to announce that it will accept sealed bids from commercial truckers for trucking corn from the following CCC Storage Bin Sites to the various warehouses as listed: Bin Site No. 1, Page, Nebraska to Meuret Grain Company, Page, Nebraska, approximately 98.000 bu. Bin Site No. 2, O'Neill, Nebraska to O'Neill Grain Company, O'Neill, Nebraska, approxi mately 108,000 bu. Bin Site No. 3, Atkinson, Nebraska to J. F. Brady Co., Atkinson, Nebraska, approximately 14.000 bu. Any person interested must submit a sealed bid on a per bushel basis to the Holt ASC County Office, Box 551, O'Neill, Nebraska, no later than 9:00 a.m. February 26, 1959. Successful bidders will be required to furnish adequate cargo and liability insurance and also tarps for the trucks. The Holt ASC County Committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. ■ went to 0 Neill Sunday where i they were dinner guests of Mr and Mrs. Charles Switzer. The Ben Asher family were supper ami eve rung guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Wettlaufer that evening. Mrs. Gene Goldfuss was a mem ber of the Confirmation class Sun day at the St. Peter s Lutheran church at Orchard. Other mem bers of the class were Mrs. Ver non Schleusener and Le Roy Hen ry. A dinner was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss in honor of the event. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Poessnecker and ; family of Atkinson and Otto Seh wager of Orchard, joined mem bers of the Goldfuss family for dinner. Evening guests were Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schwager and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schwager. Messrs. Edward Sukup, Lee Fink . and William Sorensen and their [wives were Friday business visi tors in Norfolk where the men at* I tended the live stock sale and the iauies shopped. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Minchell were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trowbridge and fam ily. Rev. Lisle Mewmaw will go to Ponca Monday where he will as sist the local pastor, Rev. James Bell with the week of evangel ism program. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Heiss and family, Lincoln, and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Heiss and children and Mrs Heiss' mother, Mrs. Tony Miklich, Cut Bank, Mont., were Sunday More to kum of page dinner guests of Mr. nd Mrs, Ray mond Heiss. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Tikalsky attended funeral services for Carl Boelter held Monday afternoon at St. Peter's Lutheran church near Venus, with Rev. Walter Seefeldt in charge. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss, Mrs. Alta Finch and Mrs. Ethel Waring went to O'Neill Sunday where they w'ere dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring in honor of 4-year-old Barry and five year old Rodney’s birthdays. John Steinberg of Orchard ac companied his sister-in-law, Mrs. Vivian Steinberg to Creighton Sun day where they were dinner guests of Mrs. Marie Clemans. Dr. George Clinton of Los Ange les and his mother, Mrs. Bertha Reed were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Neubau er. Raymond Heiss took Ray McIn tosh to Omaha Friday where the former had an appointment for a re-cheek on the condition of his eyes. Returning home their car went into the ditch, requiring a wrecker’s services and the pur chase of a new door and bumper to put the car back into normal shape. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens hosted the Thursday evening meet ing of the EMC club for an even ing of pitch. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen will entertain the group February 26. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith and daughter, Linda, surprised Mrs. Roy Stewart Thursday even ing. The occasion was her birth day. Ice cream and cake were served. The previous evening the same group were entertained at ■ FARMERS & RANCHERS in Holt County Are Establshing Their Own County-Wide CO-OP PROPANE SERVICE and Co-Op Nitrogen Solution Bulk Plant • We want to own our source of heat, power and plant food. • We need to bring back to our community the factory profits of these commodities. I • Our CO-OP is an "off-the-farm" tool that is building a future for agriculture. Here Is Our Opportnuity! CO-OP DAY Wednesday, Feb. 25 On this one day 50 volunteer Co-op farmers and ranchers will be calling on farmers in Holt County to join and invest in the county wide Farmers and Ranchers Cooperative Association. PERMANENT MEMBERSHIP IS $50.00. j INVESTMENTS: We Are Investing Our Dollars to Serve and Protect Our Farm Business. THE "FARM PROBLEM" WILL BE SOLVED AT THE MARKET PLACE ! | dinner in honor of Mr, Stewart’s ' birthday. The members of the Golden Rule extension club gathered at the home of Mrs. Harold Free my - jer Thursday morning in a unique ! manner. Mesdames Roliert Nissen, Har old Freemyer, Don Nissen and R. V. Crvimly were guessed-correct l> on the day when secret pals were revealed so it became their duty to entertain the others. Thursday morning, the losers called at the winner's homes ami took them as they found them to the Freemyer home for a morn ing session of pitch. Light refreshments were served at the morning s close. Mrs. Elton Grass, Roseburg, Ore., attended a Douglas Ellectrie i sponsored dinner and w as the winner of an electric toastmaster. Mrs. Grass is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Vurney Copple of Randolph were Saturday supper and overnight guests of Elmer Trowbridge and family and attend ded church together. Mr. and Mrs. George Clasey were Sunday dinner guests in the William Ragland home. Mrs. Owen Parks was hostess to a group of friends Thursday for a social evening. Small gift tokens were awarded to the winners of the contest games with Miss Al t’! ha Rutherford and Miss Maude Martin the recipients of special gifts. Venus News By Mrs. Ralph Brookhouser Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kinnisson, who took their infant daughter to Children's Memorial hospital in 0 maha on Wednesday, tell us that the baby has been a patient at the Creighton hospital for several days with a severe cold, and a heart condition has been diagno sed. Clrence Finch is quite ill at his home with the flu. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Butterfield were Tuesday evening dinner guests at the home of the latter’s [sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Pospeshi 1 Mr. and Mi's, Butterfield had visited at the Ir vin Miller home at Verdigre that day. Alice and Charles Cook have been spending the past week with their grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. i F. E. Pierce. Work and Fun club met Wed 1 nesday at the home of Vlasta Pos peshil. All 14 memtx'rs wen' pn' sent. Fancy work and artificial flowers were made during the af i temoon. The hostess served lunch I at the close of the afternoon. ■ , Viola Pospeshil will have the j March meeting. I Frank Grosse was taken to Creighton Sunday by his brother, ' Otto, where he entered the Lund i l>crg Memorial hospital. Vlasta and Viola and Rita Pos peshil were dinner guests at the Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Zetterman home at Osmond on Sunday in iionor of Mrs. Zetterman’s birth day. Other guests included Mr. and Mrs, Fred Soucek of Norfolk Joanie Dorr, youngest daughter 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Dorr, has the chicken pox. -j Tomorrow, Friday, February 20th EXTRA SPECIAL CATTLE SALE With 1000 to 1200 Cattle 600 to 800 Calves—Good to choice quality-: 50 to 100 Dairy Heifers, Hulls, Milk Cows and Stock Cows: 200 to 300 Mixed Cattle includ ing some Warmed up Cattle and Butcher Cows. 18 Fancy Bred Gilts. PLAN TO BE IN VKKI)1(. ^ uAppu t,aie ip^m^APPlLlS ^ ;-, VM r*W/ JT. / ^X. *“"#• Kaiser kJ /—_r^/JmhLa,' n4t/ XW/) anqjmcy strained aluminum ^-'S^jpgyp /WASHINGTON STATE \ BABY FOOD -IL ^^^^/dELICIOUS \ 6«65c ■i47il Saks 2-29' ^steak \ WE r X^ox I 1 riou CT1QKS "'S’ A I I •—KETCHUP CONTEST f sSp I f CODFISH FILLET.’.«'.•»» VS— 1 I I CATFISH FILLET .VS'*'* VS"* I < I , I HADDOCK FILLET.!VS'5" 5S59' 1 I I I REGULAR SIZE...” 27'I SHRIMP 5».°.d"4. ni- 69C I I I FAMILY SIZE....” 39' 1 SHRIMP E£ta.lV-«».■V? 89c I I l _ haddock .rasfu..’vs « I I -— HOT KETCHUP...01 «,. (.«» QTP4Y lWh. 79, I H 7CCT Deodorant /) Bath I 1r O Reg .OQc flRFFT lf’s Lo,io" GiantnQc OALMUN OlILftlV .Phg. /■ 3 LLOl Beauty Bar L Site T C L Site t J Until Pink.Pkg. OZ f^QRTHFRN PIKF Vt**' 5 5C g I CAMAY 5ST..2VS29*25221* OXYDOL 2S>.G£'84' ' H ™e ©§ I I IVORY SOAP 2 Size' 21C 2 soap 33' IVORY FLAKES Instant Pkg. 3 J ' WHITING FISH / I I COMET CLEANER.2'SS 49' IVORY SNOW.n I I CHEER Whiter*. .6,‘;;'82' SPIC-SPAN Over” Cleaner . . Pkg. 97^ I I LAVA SOAP ..2S23C2&33C DASH SKST?..'°**T I I nil7 m«H- White Giant Qlr lUnDV Mild, White 22.O1.7Pr I UUl Soap.Pkg. Ot llUlll Liquid Detergent.Tin I D I JOY K** .22™ 71c TIDE G£*82c I I Grade A—Fresh Wisconsin Cheddar Creamery Solids 1 LARGE EGGS_doz 39c CHEESE_per lb 59c BUTTER_per lb 67c | I OLEO_4 lbs 79c CHEESE_12-ozpkg24c CRUMBLES_cwt$3.95