The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 12, 1959, Image 9

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    Page News
By Mr*. N. D. lrkr«
Bid or Bye Club
Entertain* Husband*—
Members of the Bid or Bye club
entertained their husbands Sunday
evening at the Page Improvement
club building
At cards Mrs Harold Kelly and
Jerome Allen held the high scores.
Mr. and Mrs, Allen played in
the place of Supt. and Mrs Wil
liam Hock who had a previous en
Lunch was served.
Faculty and Team
Celebrate Victory—
The members of the High school
faculty and their wives and the
first ten boys on the basketball
squad celebrated their victory
over St. Mary's team and the
fourth place position in the Holt
county tournament by having sup
per at the Town House at O’Neill
Saturday evening.
Those in attendance were Supt.
William Hock, Coach and Mrs.
Ron Park, assistant coach and
Mrs. William Schiltz and Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas Goodart.
The t>asketball honorees were
James Nissen, Clair Parks, Den
nis Kemper, Dennis Cork, Ralph
Simmons, Ronnie Parks, Dennis
Ickes, Fred Cronk, Rodney Ken
nedy, Jon Cork and Leroy Clasey,
Salvation Array Drive
Net* Total of *125—
Mrs. J. R. Russell, treasurer of
the Salvation Army unit at Page
was in charge of the drive for
funds in behalf of that charity.
A canvas was made of the town
and the out-laying school districts
which resulted in a total of $125.
$100 was sent to Omaha division
and the balance kept to be used
in emergencies at the discretion
of the local officers.
Carl Mux is the chairman at
Thanks are due to the district
representatives and to Mrs. C. P.
Leach who assisted with the town
canv ass.
Polio Drive
Brings $253.86—
PAGE Cordes Walker announc
es the grand total of $253.56 in the
1959 Polio drive. The following or
ganizations donated: Individual
gifts $12.35, The American Legion
auxiliary Help-U club, Neighbor
hood club, RNA and Kensington,
Get Together club, Rebekah Uxlge
and Page extension club-totaling
A Sports event including a $20
sale of peanuts $90.87; Two Coffee
Hours, sponsored by Mesdames
Harry Harper, Allen Haynes, C, P.
Leach and I. O. Wood and the
benefit card part sponsored by the
Pago Improvement club totaling
The chairman wishes to thank
the Page school and the I O O F
lodge for the rent ree accomoda
tions and their support, the town
treasurers, the Y'olley Ball Gals
and any and all who helped in any
way to make the drive a success.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Trow
bridge and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Trowbridge and children
and Mrs. A. O. Weber were Sun
day dinner guests in the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge
in honor of Mrs. Trowbridge s
birthday. »
Mr and Mrs ft. F. Park were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr and
Mrs Seven Ickes, jr,, and child
ren. In the afternoon the group
went to Orchard for a short visit
with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Park and
daughters of Kearney who came to
attend the 25th wedding anniver
sary observ ance of her brother- .
in-iaw and sister, Mr. and Mrs, ,
Charles The lander. '
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Harvey I
and sons, Mr and Mrs William
Neubauer and Mrs. Anna Soren
sen were Thursday evening sup
per guests in the home of Mrs.
Hester Edmisten.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pongratz
and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw
of O'Neill, Sonny Durre of Cham
bers. Mr and Mrs Dan Troshy- |
nski and Mr. and Mrs. N. D.
Ickes sr., and Dennis were Sun
day dinner guests of Mr and Mrs.
Oswald Goldfuss
Mrs. Kenneth Asher and child
ren and Mrs. Frieda Asher were
Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Hes
ter Edmisten while Kenneth join
ed a group for a coyote hunt.
Mesdames Emma Kemper, Frie
da Asher and Hester Edmisten j
were Mrs. Anna Sorensen's Fri
day evening guests for a few
hands of cards. Mrs. Sorensen has
been confined to her home since
her recent hospitalization.
Mrs Hester Edmisten earned
the high score Friday afternoon
when the memliers of the GGG&G
club were guests of Mrs. I. 0.
Wood for a pitch playing session.
Mrs. Anton Nissen took home the
low token and Mrs. Otto Mattsehul
lat received the traveling award.
Mrs. Bert Finley will be the Febr
uary 20 hostess.
Mr. and Mrs Jim Bridge moved
Monday to Orchard to the home
they recently purchased which was
the home of the late Mr and Mrs. .
Billy Harmon. Ronald Grass help
ed move the brooder house there
Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Ben Asher
are the buyers of the Bridge farm j
which adjoins them on the west.
A farewell party was held Saturday '
evening, January 31, at the A. T.
Crumly home in their honor. Cards
furnished the evening's interest.
Mrs. O. Wiseman and Charles
Wiseman held high scores while
Bonnie Crumly and Ronald Grass
were the winners of the low score
W.S.C.S Meet At j
Methodist Church
Mrs, Jessie Cronk and Mrs. N. D.
Ickes. sr.. were coffee hostesses |
Thursday when the memliers of the |
WSCS met at the Wesleyan room
of the Methodist church for an all
day meeting. Mesdames J. W.
Finch, Jesse Kelly and Fanny i
Stewart also shared the kitchen
Mrs. Raymond Heiss had the de
votions and the lesson on “liter
acy and Christian Literature”. Rec
ognition was given of the need for
literature to follow up the ask of
learning to read among the under
priveleged countries.
Mrs. Elmer Trowbridge explain
ed the work of Frank Laubach in
simplifying the reading process
and the slogan that "each one
teach one'' which quickly reduced
i a group’s illiteracy, leaving a need
for the right land of reading mater
ial which of necessity, needed to
include methods of cooking, nurs
ing and general living as well as
that of a religious nature
Mrs. J. W. Finch also cited the
work of a deaconess In preparing
the natives for a more satisfactory
way r>.' life.
Mrs. Jesse Kelly presided over
the business meeting when an
nouncements were made as fol
lows February 13- A quiet hour
will be observed at the Wesleyan
room lie tween the hours of 2:30 and
3:30 in conjunction with the World
Council of Churches program
Mrs. Lisle Mewmaw announced
that the study of the Prophet Isia
ah will begin February 19 The
class will be held in the chapel
from 10 to 11:30 am. with Mrs.
Mewmaw in charge of the study.
A covered dish dinner will be
served at the Wesleyan room that
day at noon. Emphasis will be giv
en to the work of quilting
Mrs. Kelly read a letter from
the national president of the Wom
an's Division of Christian Service,
Mrs Fount Tillman, concerning
crusade scholarships, asking that
the collections taken during the
week of evangelism and dedica
tion be allocated to this fund for
the education of students who
would go back to their country as
The annual meeting of the WSCS
will be held at the Trinity Meth
odist church at Lincoln, March 17,
18 and 19. Members are urged to
Rev. Bell of Ponca will be in
charge of the evangelism program.
Supper will be served to the par
ticipants at the church by mem
bers of the King's Daughters
A vote was taken on a choice of
patterns of dishes in the process
of being purchased. The final de
cision was left to the members of
the dish committee. Fifty place
settings will l>e purchased by the
WSCS, the same by the King’s
Daughters and a dozen by the
Some discussion was held on
the matter of the presentation of a
membership pin, the identity of the
honored member to remain anon
ymous for the present.
A card was signed for Mrs. Elsie
Cork on her birthday anniversary
and one was sent to Clifford Leach
with good wishes for his better
Mesdames Harry Harper, Allen
Haynes, Clarence Stevens, Jessie
Cronk and Leila Snell were guests
of Mrs Jesse Kelly Wednesday af
ternoon, February 4, for a quilt
ing session. Lunch was served.
Members of the RNA lodge met
in regular session at the IOOF hall
Wednesday evening, February 4.
A card shower for Mrs. Elsie
Cork, a patient at St. Anthony’s
hospital, was announced for her
birthday anniversary Thursday,
February 5. Mrs. Frieda Asher and
Mrs. Anton Nissen served refresh
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Kelly and
daughters, Ruth, and Mrs. Anna
Thompson were Thursday supper
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Grass
and family. The occasion was their
13th wedding anniversary, and the
birthday anniversary of Mr. Grass.
Mr and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr.,
and daughter, Kathy, of Ash Grove
and Mr. and Mrs. N. D. Ickes, sr.,
were Friday dinner guests in the
home of the latter’s son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Neven
Ickes, jr. The men attended the
Martin Mosel sale in the after
Mr. and Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss
and daughter, Pauline, and Mr.
and Mrs. Gene Goldfuss and
daughter, Debra, were Saturday
Norfolk visitors.
Legal Notices
(First pub. Jan. 29, 1959)
TO: Omer Eppenbach, Howard
Eppenbach, Nellie Eppenbaeh, Jul
ia Lore, Elbert Eppenbach, Rachel
Eppenbach, Mattie Eppenbach Pri
mus, Carl Primus, David Barney
Stanton, James Alvah Stanton, El
liot Stanton, Nellie May Sanders,
Eliza Kate Smith, F. C. Stanton,
Ernest D. Henry, Birdie S. E. Hen
ry, Paul Henry, Mary Henry, rea
i name unknown, Elizabeth Henry
Harbottle, John Harbottle, Lee
i Henry, George M. Henry, Mable
Tomlinson, Weston Cram, and a!
persons having or claiming any in
terest in Lot Fifteen, Block Nine
of Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska
real names unknown, Defendants
You and each of you are hereby
notified that on the 26th day o
i January, 1959. Ray S. Butler ant
Addie B. Butler, as plaintiffs filet
their petition in the District Cour
I of Holt County, Nebraska, agains
; you as defendants, the object ant
j prayer of which is to quiet ant
confirm the title in them, the sait
Ray S. Butler and Addie B. Butler
1 as joint tenants, to the followinf
described real estate, to-wit: Lo
| Fifteen, Block Nine, of Ewing
Holt County, Nebraska, as agains
you and each of you, and to secur<
a Decree of Court that you hav<
! no interest in, right or title to, o
lien upon said real estate or any
part thereof; and for genera
equitable relief.
You are required to answer sai<
petition on or before the 9th day o
March, 1959.
Ray S Butler and
Addie B. Butler,
Their Attome;
(First pub. Feb. 5, 1959)
February 3, 1959 O'Neill, Nebi
Holt County Rural School Board
will meet Friday, February 13, a
1:30 p.m. in the Legion Hall a
O’Neill. This is a very importar
meeting considering legislation c
the 1959 session..
Holt Co. Rural School Board
Electric Motor*
Rewinding — Relmlldin*
Call 245 W — 24-hr. Service
Northwest Electric
'59 Philco Duomatie
A Washer Will
Washes and dries In as little as an hour
Costs less than many washers alone
Terms to fit any budgetI
Before you buy . . . fry the new 1959 Philco Duo
mcrtic in your own home lor 30 DAYS FREE • • • no
obligation ... no installation charge.
For Dependable CAS Service
Amelia news
By Ml" Florence IJndsey
Mrs. Elmer Coolidge attended
the Garden club at the home of
Mrs. Van Robertson Tuesday eve
ning. February 3, and presented
the lesson on making of wood fibre
flowers to the club. She_ was an
overnight guest of Mrs. Vem Sag
Mr and Mrs. Bemie Kennedy
went to O’Neill Tuesday. February
4. to see their new little grand
daughter, bom that morning to
Mr. and Mrs Arlen Miles Mrs.
Miles is the former Colleen Ken
nedy The little one has been
named Michelle Colleen.
Mr. and Mrs Walter Slay
maker and Donnie of Scottsbluff
came Friday and visited her par
ents. Mr and Mrs. Elmer Fix. a
few days.
A nice crowd attended the chili
dinner sponsored by the WSCS at
the annex Thursday noon. It netted
about twenty dollars.
The films and lunch at the
schoolhouse Friday evening for the
ed. About *— nM
Stella Sparks was the chairman
for Amelia.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Berry
went to Grand Island Friday to
meet Vern Sageser who was re
turning home from Lincoln where
he had attended an REA meeting
that week They visited Mrs Ber
ry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. August
rioltz. while there.
Mrs Darrel Slay maker of Albion
Thursday \ isited her sister, Mrs.
Arlen Miles and baby daughter at
St. Anthony's hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston ;
were visiting Friday at the Clyde
VVidman home.
Mrs Rose Monahan of Atkinson
is visiting her daughter. Mrs Gene ,
Hansen, and family since her dis
missal from the Atkinson hospital
Mr and Mrs. Roy Fullerton and
family went to Atkinson Sunday
evening to visit her brother. Bud
Small of Lamed. Kans. He was at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. F Small, in Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Doolittle
i Cathy. Joyce. Vicki and Sue; Mr.
and Mrs. Dick Doolittle, Jacky.
Bill and Terry; Mr. and Mrs.
and Hem, wvi k
guests at the parental Tom Doo
little home The occasion was m
honor of Mr. Doolittle’s birthday
Mr. and Mrs Clyde Burge Ro
bert, Joyce and Bruce, and Jerry
Dickerson were guests Sunday at
the Glenn White liome.
Mr and Mrs Lew Backhaus and
Mr and Mrs. Lew Mackhaus and
Mr. and Mrs. Eamie Johnston
were Sunday dinner guests at Mrs.
Edith Adersens
Misses Cleta and Pemaris Mur
ry and their father. Tom Murry,
of O'Neill, were dinner guests Sun
day at the Floyd Aadms home.
Mr and Mrs. Edgar Peterson.
Pat Kennedy, and Mr and Mrs
Bob Adair and children were vis
itors Sunday evening at the Art
Doolittle home.
Mr. Lech anif son of Jackson
Hole. Wyo.. were Tuesday, Febr
uary 3, overnight guests at the
Dunk Petersons.
Don Peterson returned to Cas
per. W'yo., Tuesday. February 3,
where he attends school.
Venus news
By Mrs. Ralph Uhsikhouvr
Mrs, Otto Matcshallut enter
tained the Help U Club at her
home Wednesday. February 4.
There were 12 members present.
The liostess served dinner at n<x*n
Some sewing was done in the
After a business meeting, cards
were played at 3 tables Mrs. Alta
Finch received the high score in
tiie 10 point pitch and was awarded
the consolation prize Mrs.George
Jeffrey, who received the low sc
ore was awarded the door prize.
Mrs. Gerald Waring will have the
next meeting in place of Mrs. Clar
ence Finch, who recently under
went surgery. The February card
party was held Tuesday, Febru
ary 10.
Mr. and Mrs Ora Caskey were
Saturday, January 31. evening vis
itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kenneth Caskey and daughter.
thur Sufficooi hiki v.><>Mk .....
Tuesday. February 3, supper
guests at the Clarence Finch
The little daughters of Mr. and
Mrs. Yeldon Godel are hat ing the
chicken pox.
Mrs Aurthur Sufficooi is anted
ical patient at the Creighton hos
pital She is the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs Clarence Finch.
Pvt. Dennis Von Seggren is
now stationed at Ft l-ewis. Wash.
He is the son of Mr. and Mrs,
Arthur Von Seggren of Venus.
Friends of St. Mary *s card
party at S, Sunday, Febru
ary 15, at St. Mary's gym. 4*e
Michael MoFarville Is t»—
Michael MeCarville. son of Mr.
and Mrs John H MeCarville, cel
ebrated his ninth birthday anniver
sary Monday evening at a party
for a few neighborhood boys.
As I have decided to quit farming 1 will dispose of all my personal property at the farm located /i mile east and
4*4 north of Emmett. . . OR. . . 7 miles west on old Highway 20 and 4* 4 miles north of O’Neill. . . OR. . . 9 miles
east and |4 north of Atkinson on. . . !/"H"?!!!!!?
"Wed., February 18th
Sale starts at 12:30 p.m. * Lunch on grounds \
28-Head of Cattle-28
23 I >c: 1 Hereford cows to start calving middle 4 Hereford Heifer Calves-about 450 lbs. I
of March 1 Hereford Steer Calf-about 450 lbs
Machinery & Equipment
II 949 G. John Deere tractor with
power lifts
1 939 B. John Deere ractor
1937 B. John Deere tractor
Mounted cultivator for John Deere
1 0 ft. John Deere disc
3 bottom International Harvester
2-10 ft. International Harvester
Hay rakes.
1-12 ft. IHC Hay rake, new last
3 rake hitch for John Deere tractor
Stock rack for 1 950 Chevrolet /i
Ton pickup
Wagon with box, on rubber
Clipper fanning mill
Rear mounted sweep for John
Deere B tractor
Fuel tank on stand
Fuel barrels
John Deere mounted mower no. 3
7 ft. IHC no. 9 trail mower
Trail mower hitch to fit JD
Slide Stacker
Pump jack with Yl H. electric
Single row Woods Brothers corn
3 section harrow
Set of tractor chains for I 2 x 38
Tractor jack
A.C. Combine Mod. 60, complete
New Idea tractor manure spreader
on rubber
Steel wheel wagon
Hammer mill 2 row Eli I
IHC 2-row pull type lister, very
good • |
7 ft. Grain drill
Comfort cover for JD tractor, near j
Heavy Duty undersling, good rub
Brooder House 10 x 14, good
2-bottom, 1 4 inch JD plow on rub
15 - HOGS - 15
1 5 Bred Gilts. These gilts, all veteri
nary vaccinated, will start farrowing
in March.
—> I. i ■■ ■ ■
Frigidaire Automatic washer
Kitchen table and four chairs, good
Serval Gas refrigerator, 9 cu. ft.
r 500 gal. gas tank a year old
Skelgas range Floor Lamp
Eagle brand heating stove, 45,ooo
BTU, fully automatic, nearly new
Bed — Springs — Mattress
s Coffee table
Hay, Alfalfa & Grain
1 20 Tons of Alfalfa in stack.
50 Tons of Prairie hay in stack.
250 Bushels of ear corn
400 Bushels of Oats
1 50 Bushels of Barley
Square bales of Alfalfa
Shop Tools & Misc. Equip.
Sickle grinder Cream Separator
Electric drill Vise
Cement Mixer
Roll new woven wire 1
Lincoln Electric welder, complete
Used pipe and scrap iron
Forks, scoops, shovel and other items
too numerous to mention
i TERMS: Strictly Cash. No property to be removed until settled for.
Col. Wallace O’Connell, O’Neill, Auctioneer Ed Murphy, Clerk
| __
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