The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 12, 1959, Page 7, Image 7

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The Cards stopped him . . . and beat Inman <i'~-4ti readily Monday
light. It.>k Appleby, No. 34, didn’t make the shot. No. 50, Bert
Amith , and No. 80, Bob Kuther, both O’Neill boys ran be seen in the
i:at 2 News
£a!ifornir.:i Leaves
Page After a Visit
Mr Jo!in Soukup of Lafayette,
Xiilif lefi Sunday for her Calif
x-ni i hi>m her spending a week
in the horn of her parents, Mr.
hi Mr ,1 i.n Gray, and with her
i m-law, Mr. and
\ >u . Gray. Robert Gray
md An) >' Stewart took her to
Jran Irlr th where she entrained
"Sir h ,ne
T! > n )i!v rroup e Wednos
i hey 4, guests of Mr.
m i M 11 ry Snyher. Thursday
fiey went ! . O’Neill where Mrs.
■4 ukup vi her sister-in-law,
Josie i: ward.
Thi Hi v. nt to Norfolk Fri
i Jray consulted an
tye in regard to his
refit i. Mr. and Mrs.
4arr. .- ' v re dinner guests
it Ui Jo., iln:y home and the
jroup i ; i on friends in the
Mr and Dai win Murfin of
la ito hr Mrs. Soukup to
,» .:, . mined until Tuesday
»ith h. . and uncle, Mr. and
'.•Irs. Jolin iy.
Mrs. Otto Matsehullat was Wed
nesday, February 4, hostess to the
members of the Help-U club for
The ladies made doll clothes for
the hostess while the noon meal
was being cleared away. Cards
furnished the afternoon's interest,
Mrs. Alta Finch received the prize
offered for the high score. Mrs.
George Jeffries received the floor
prize. Mrs. Gerald Waring will be
the February 18 hostess, exchang
ing hostess dates with Mrs. Clar
ence Finch.
Mesdames Lyman Park, Ray
mond Harmon, Kenneth Wettlauf
er, Paul Hartigan, William Bux
ton, and Miss Lura Grass were
initiated into the Woman's Auxil
iary of the American Legion Mon
day evening when the members
met. at the Legion hall for their
February meeting.
Mrs. Calvin Harvey, Mrs. Otto
Matsehullat and Mrs. Lee Fink
acted in the absence of Mrs. Don
Nissen, Mrs. George Wettlaufer
and Mrs. Leo Neubauer in the in
itiation ceremony. Mrs. M. L.
Landreth was initiation officer.
Hostesses were Mesdames J. H.
Beelaert, Benard Kornock and
Evelyn Gray.
Mrs. Calvin Harvey received
both the door prize and the file
fund prize.
A five dollar donation was sent
to the Little Red School House
fund as requested.
Mrs. Don Nissen is chairman of
die Heart Fund Drive. A benefit
card party will be given at the
Legion Hall February' 20 when
pitch and pinochle games will be
A Valentine box was packed for
Tony Coenen, their local Child
Welfare interest, and sent.
A vote was taken for the 19j>9
Girl s Stater.
Lunch plans were made for the
Tony Mudloff sale.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Finch, jr.,
were supper and evening guests
Friday of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs Larry Tay
lor at Wayne. Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Tyler of Fremont were also
evening guests there on their way
to Creighton where they were
overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Merle Tyler.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Tyler of
Fremont were Sunday visitors in
in the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clarence Finch
Mr. and Mrs. Larry' Taylor of
Wayne were weekend guests of j
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Taylor.
Duane Finch of Osmond was a
Saturday night and Sunday guest
in the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W. Finch, jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlauf
er and family were Sunday din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ger
ald Wettlaufer at O’Neill.
Teri and Gaylene Anthony were
weekend guests of their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschul
lat, while their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A1 Anthony of Inman, attend
ed a Wholesale Grocers meeting
Sunday at Norfolk
George Clinton, son of Mrs.
Bertha Reed, arrived Saturday to
spend two weeks with his mother
and visit other relatives and
Virginia and Tommy Sojka re
main i lie only pupils in the district
55 school who have escaped the
chicken pox contagion.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Summers and
children of Snyder spent the week
end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Leslie Summers, and with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Park.
The members of the Golden Rule
Club entertained their husbands at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H.
Beelaert Sunday evening for a
ham supper. Eleven couples at
tended. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Mat
schullat were guests.
A pitch game was in prograss
in the evening when Mrs. Ivan
Heiss and Harrison Hallman held
the high scores and Mrs. R. V.
Crumly and Lorenz Riege were
the contenders for the low tokens.
Mr. and Mrs. Mervvyn French,
Mrs. William Ragland and daugh
ter, Vivian, Donna Crumly, Con
nie Riege, Charlene Fussclman,
Caroline Max, Mr. Marvin Stauf
fer and Mrs. L. F. Knudsen and
William Hock attended the Com
munity Concert program at O’
Neill Sunday night.
Mrs. Raymond Heiss, Mrs. Roy
Zellers and Mrs. John Gray called
Monday afternoon on Mrs. Rose
SANTA ANA, Calif. — Marine
Sgt. John M. Anderson, son of Os
car Anderson of Butte is serving
with the Third Marine Aircraft
Wing at the El Toro Marine Corps
Air Station, Santa Ana, Calif. _
Waldh for JAjjNew[)Face
Next Week For
Special awards presented at the annual Angus
association banquet went to Robert Beelaert (left),
1‘urina award; Xick Hammerlun and Marlene Or
wood, 4-11 wards. Frank Beelaert of Page, associ
ation president, was honored as the outstanding
Angus breeder for the year.—The Frontier Photo.
Fete Thelander Couple
On 25th Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thelander
of Orchard celebrated their 25th
wedding anniversary Sunday with
open house. One hundred sixty
five guests registered. The couple
received many nice gifts.
Mrs. Thelander was formerly
lone Iekler, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Iekler of Orchard.
The couple have 3 children, Mrs.
Virgil (Lorraine) Yelli of Detroit,
Mich., Mrs. Teddy (Wanda) Kall
hoff, recently married, and Larry
Thelander, 8 years- old.
The Thelanders have three
grandchildren .
Wanda Thelander
Wed in Plain view
By Fr. Wilwerding
The St. Paul's Catholic church in
Plainview was the scene Tuesday
morning of the wedding of Wanda
Thelander, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Thelander of Orchard
and Teddy Kallhoff, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Ted Kallhoff of Elgin.
Father Wilwerding officiated.
The bride, escorted to the al
ter by her father, wore a gown
of white nylon with accents of
pearls and sequins. She carried
a colonial bouquet of white car
nations with accents of yellow
and lavender.
The maid-of-honor, Mrs. Ro
bert Fritz, a sister of the bride
groom, wore a lavender lace gown
and carried a colonial bouquet
of lavender flowers.
Miss Delores Kallhoff, sister of
the bridegroom, was the brides
maid. She was dressed in a gown
of yellow lace and carried a
colonial bouquet of yellow carna
Elizabeth McMahon furnished
organ music.
The best man was Vincent Kall
hoff, brother of the bridegroom.
Melvin and Raymond Kallhoff, al
so brothers of the bridegroom,
were ushers.
Following the wedding a dinner
and reception were held for 86
guests in the Orchard Legion club
The five tier wedding cake was
baked and trimmed by the bride’s
The couple will reside in Oma
ha where Mr. Kallhoff is employ
ed by a construction company.
Reta Auman Married
To David Newhause
VENUS—Miss Reta Auman be
came the bride of Arvid New
hause at an 11 a.m. ceremony
Monday, February 2, at the Luth
eran church at Yankton, S. D.,
j with the Rev. Larsen officiating.
i k
The couple was attended by
Ray Brookhouser and I>hs Miller.
The bride wore a white baller
ina length dress.
Mrs. Newhause is the daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Auman of
Orchard. She is a graduate of the
Orchard high school and has been
employed as a telephone operator
at Norfolk.
Mr. Newhause is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Newhause of Ve
nus. He graduated from the Orch
ard high school, and served three
years in the service spending two
years in Korea.
The couple will reside on the
Andrew Sukup farm, which his
father recently purchased.
The engagement of Miss Le
ona Sehmit, (above) to Leonard
Troshynski of Omaha, has been
announced by her father, Nick
Sehmit of Atkinson. Miss Sehmit
is employed as a dental assis
tant for Dr. L. E. Myers of
Omaha. Mr. Troshynski, a son
of Mr. and Mrs. August Troshy
nski, is employed at Wilson
Packing company in Omaha.
Both Miss Sehmit and Tros
hynski are graduates of St. Jo
seph’s Hall in Atkinson. A May
30 wedding has been planned
Hospital Notes
February 4—Henry Hesse, Page
Mrs. Marlin Wichman, O’Neill
February 5—Mrs. L. A. Carter
O’Neill; Richard Anderson, Bris
February 6—Mr. Ed Trenepohl
February 7—Mrs. Duane Lind
enberg, O’Neill.
February 8— Mr. M. F. O’
Donnell, O’Neill; Mavis Kay Chris
tensen, Monowi.
February 9—James Renzo, O'
Neill; Mrs. William Kelley, sr.,
Inman; Mrs. Peter F. Morgan, O’
Neill; Mrs. George E. Alexan
der, Naper; Mrs. Harold Tarr, St,
Charles; William N. Spence, O
February 10 Mrs. Melvin Ruz
icka, O’Neill; John Eugene Bink
erd, O'Neill; Mrs. J. Wintermote,
Chambers; Henry J. Butterfield,
Inman; and Mrs. John Alder, In
February 11 David Max, Page;
Mrs. Sam Schoberg, Sj>encer;
James Meyer, Page and Diane
Cork, Page.
February -1 Mrs. John Harkins,
Ewing; George Latzel, Ewing;
Mary Lou Zirnig, Norden; and
Frank Wilson, Ewing.
February 5- George E. Eickoff,
O’Neill; and Mrs. Art Reiser, But
February 6—John Wright, Ano
ka; and C. F. W. Lehman, Cham
bers, expired.
February 7 Henry Heese, Page
Steven Meyer, O’Neill; and Irvin
February 9—Mrs. Marlin Wich
man, O’Neill; Richard Anderson,
Bristow; and James Renze, O’
Neill. C. N. Bigelow, expired.
February 10— Mrs. Roy Way
man, O’Neill.
February 11 Mrs. Duane
dent*'rg and daughter, O'Neill;
Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka, O'Neill;
Mrs. G. Arlen Miles and daugh
ter, O’Neill; John Eugene Rink
ei-d, O'Neill; and Henry Butler
field was transferred to St. Jo
seph's in Sioux City.
County Court
February 5 Hollo G. Day, dri
ver for Frankie l .ee Buckles of
Ralston. Nebr., overgross weight,
fined $50 and $4 costs; officer
Clifford L, Klzzire.
February 5 Donald Bryan Al
exander of Waupaca. Wise,, no re
ciprocity, fined $10 and $4 costs;
officer Clifford L. Ki/zire.
February 6 William Rurel Koi
fer, driver for Consolidated
Freightvvays of Chicago, 111 , over
weight, fined $50 and $4 costs;
officer Donald F. Richardson.
February 7 Joseph Arthur
Chapman of Bassett, speeding
night, fim-d $10 and $4 costs; of
ficer. R. L. Glide.
February 10 Beatrice O lloof
ener of Pierce, reckless driving,
fined $60 and $4 n>sts; officer,
E. M. Hastreiter.
February 11 Francis Obermirc
of Stuart, operating motor vehicle
without driver’s license, fined $S
131.6 CWT (235 bu) of corn at
the O'Neill binsite. Bids will
be opened, Thursday, Febru
ary 19th, 2:00 p.rn. Holt
County ASC Committee, Box
551. O'Neill, Nebraska. 42c
j and $4 costs; officer. Sgt. R. R
February — Max Kipple of
and $4 rests; officer, R. L. Gudo
Inman, faulty brakes, fined $5
For Sale:
5 J-pc living Rixun Suits
i starting at 17.50
Also 1 3-pe Sectional in excellent
4 Studios to make into a lied.
G<xxi condition, starting at $10 (X)
5 Chairs and Rockers starting at
2 Buffets starting at $10 00
3 Dining Room Tables starting at
Hi Dining Room side Chairs to
choose from
5-jH' Dinette Set in excellent con
dition $17.50
Also 2 Dinette Tables in excellent
Dressers and Chests starting at
Hollywood Bed complete, like new
only $17.50
Meyers Midwest
Furn. & Appliance
• Phone 346-J O’Nlell
Small Ad
Small Profit
Only 139.95
Meyers Midwest
F urn. Appliance
O'Neil, Nebr.
■" '"—I
700 Cattle for Today’s Sale
There will be 600 to 700 head of cattle at the O’Neill livestock
market today, Thursday, with a number of good consignments.
These will Include 32 head of black and blaek-w’hlte^face
heifer calves weighing from 400 to 500 pounds; 35 head of choice
black steers weighing 375 pounds; one consignment of 125 head
of light steer and heifer calves (some black) from 325 to 400
There will be one load of 750 pound green yearlings In addi
tion to other consignments.
Vera * Leigh Reynoldson
One of O’Neill’s better homes and locations,
on east Douglas. Three bedrooms, finished
basement with another bedroom, bath and
shower. It has a living room, dining room,
big kitchen with plenty of cabinets, lots of
closets and carpet and drapes included
Beautiful Big Yard!
You Are Invited
Revival Meeting
O’Neill, Nebr.
February 17 thru
February 27
of Sidney, Nebr.
will speak every night at
8 o'clock
Everyone Welcome!
Robert A. Paul, Pastor
A Valentines Day Gift For Her... From You
A Gift In Money Saved For You... From Biglins
So that you may give her the LANE CEDAR CHEST she has al
ways wanted, Biglins offer you these fine momentos at a special
Valentine’s Day Sale Price. Come in today and price these Lane
Cedar Chests . . . you’ll be glad you did and so will she!!
Modem chest with self-rising tray. Clean
cut design. Pearl Gray, Seafoam and Oalc
tone Mahogany, also In Walnut.
Lane modern in Pearl Mahogany. Clean
lined design, simulated drawer front. A big
chest at a big saving.
Staled for modern living. This Lane cedar
chest has self-rising tray, is available in
Softone Walnut or Blond Oak.
Scandinavian style with distinctive lou
vered fronts and base drawer. American
Walnut finish.