The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 05, 1959, Page 2, Image 2

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Holt County Supervisors
O'Neill, Nebr
Jan 13, 1959
10 00 A M
Holt Country Board of Super-1
visors met on this date as required j
by Statute for the purpose of reor- 1
gamzation, with the following
members present: Flood, Ijindreth, |
Ernst, Cronk, Dierking. Smith and
First Order of business was elec
tion of Chairman. Nominations
were in order Cronk was nomin
ated by Flood Motion by landreth,
seconded by Smith, that the nom
inations cease. Motion carried
Therefore Cronk was elected Chair
Chairman Cronk appointed Ernst
as Highway Commissioner and he
in turn appointed each Supervisor
as Commissioner of his own Dist
The Chairman appointed the fol
lowing Committees for the ensuing
FOR 1959
Court House: Flood, Ernst, Land
reth; finance: Dierking, Smith,
Landreth; printing: Dierking,
Smith, McConnell; tax: Flood,
landreth, Ernst; bonds: Dierking,
Smith, McConnell; bridge: Mc
Connell, Landreth, Ernst; road;
Dierking, Smith, McConnell; set
tlement of Co Officers: Flood and
Entire Board; claims: Dierking
and Entire Board; insurance:
f-andreth, Ernst, Flood.
Motion by Ernst, seconded by
Dierking to adopt the following
Wage Scale Motion carried.
Common Bridge Latxir, $1.10 per
Foreman Bridge Workers, $130
per hour.
Truck Driver, Tractor & Grader
Operators, $1 00 to $1.10 per hour.
Experienced Operator or Me
chanic, $1.25 or Minimum wage of
$200 00 per month, during Dec.,
Jan. and Feb.
Tractor & Operator, $3.00 per
Tractor Loader. $4.00 per hour
Exp. Drag Line Operator, $1.75
per hour
Truck and Driver, $3.50 per
Motion by Landreth, seconded
by McConnell that the Holt County
Independent he declared the offic
ial newspaper for the year 1959.
Motion carried.
Motion by McConnell, seconded
by Smith, that the Frontier and
The Atkinson Graphic be given
the publication of the Supervisors
Proceedings for the year 1959 Mo
tion carried.
Motion by Ernst, seconded by
Smith that the Clerk be instructed
to advertise for Liability Insurance
on County Owned Equipment. Mo
tion carried
12:00 Noon: On motion the Board
adjourned until 1:00 P M.
O'Neill. Nebr.
Jan. 13. 1959
1:00 P M.
Holt County Board of Supervis
ors met as per adjournment. All
members present.
Flood was nominated by Land
the original
glass-lined uialer heater
Right now, big savings are being
offered by your nearby Kantas
Nebraska store. You'll get extra liberal
trade-in allowances for your present
water heating equipment.
And once your new Permalgas Water
Heater Is installed . . . more savings are
yours. Exclusive Permalgas Heetwall
means faster, more efficient heating. Guaranteed
can't rust. And gas means the lowest possible
cost for heating water.
Trade Now and Save!
Easy Payments
On Your Gas Bill...
Tklt same appliance may also be purchased
from your favorite gas appliance dealer.
For Oopondablo GAS Sarvica
reth for Chairman of the Welfare
Board Motion by McConnell sec
onded by Ernst, that the nomina
tions cease. Motion carried There
fore Flood was declared elected as
Chairman of the Welfare Board.
Motion by Smith, seconded by
Dierking, that Lyle McKim be re
hired as Elegrader Operator for
the year of 1959, same was as in
the year of 1958. Motion carried.
Motion by Ernst, secohded by
Flood, that John L. Blair be hired
as Janitor of the Annex at $225 OC
per month Motion carried.
Motion by Smith, seconded by
Landreth, that Anton Weichmar
lie rehired as Bridge Foreman for
the year 1959 Motion carried
Two applications were received
for Dragline Operator. After dis
cussion by the Board, motion was
made by Ernst, seconded by Mc
Connell that Floyd Gettert tie hir
ed at $1.75 per hour, plus driving
time one way, and $1.50 per day
as time keeper for trucks for the
Calendar year 1959. Motion car
Motion by Landreth, seconded
by Ernst, that the County partici
pate to extent of $500.00 per year
for 4 years for the establishment
and maintenance of County Law
and General Library’. Motion car
Motion by Smith, seconded by
Flood that the following Resolu
tion be adopted Motion carried.
RESOLUTION is necessary and
required that the Board of Sup
ervisors set and fix the popula
tion of the County of Holt, for
the County and other purposes
for the year 1959
public hearing be held for such
purpose in the office of the
Board of Supervisors in the
Courthouse in O’Neill, Nebraska,
on the 16th day of Jan., 1959, at
2:00 P.M. when all persons in
terested may attend.
Motion by McConnell, seconded
' by Inndreth that the following
Resolution be adopted. Motion car
by the Board of Supervisors of
Holt County, Nebraska, that C.
N Gonderinger, an attorney at
Law of O’Neill, Nebraska, be,
and he is hereby appointed and
designated as Special Attorney
for the County of Holt to repre
sent the County of Holt in in
heritance tax matters before the
County Court and such otner
courts as may be necessary, in
cases where the regular County
Attorney is disqualified; that the
compensation of such special at
torney be set and fixed by mu
tual agreement of the Board and
said attorney in each such case
or proceedings.
4:00 P.M. On motion the Board
adjourned until Jan. 16, 1959, at
10:00 A M.
County Clerk.
O’Neill, Nebr.
Jan. 16, 1959
10:00 AM.
Holt County Board of Supervisors
met as per adjournment. All mem
bers present. Meeting called to or
der by the Chairman. Minutes of
the previous meeting were read
and approved as read.
Motion by Smith, seconded by
Landreth that Floyd Frahm be
paid the regular guarantee from
December 15, 1958 to March 15,
1959. Motion carried.
Motion by Landreth, seconded
by McConnell, that the following
Claims be allowed and Warrants
ordered drawn on the General
Fund in payment of same. Motion
Kieth Abart, expenses for
attending Veterans Ser
v i c e Committee meet- _
ings 5 3.00
Atkinson Graphic, printing
the ballots for General
and Primary Elections 2,208.95
John L. Blair, salary 191.54
Delores Boyle, salary 200.00
Edw. T. Campbell, bond
tees 12.50
City of O’Neill, Water De
partment 21.90
Consumers Public Power
District, electric service 92.64
Frank Cronk, mileage- 31.71
Harlan A. Dierking, mile
age 37.38
Clarence Ernst, salary
Clarence Ernst, mileage 14 70
Alice L. French, salary — 383.33
Friden Agency, repair
ing on office machines 29.25
J. B. Grady Insurance Co.,
bond fees ----
J. Ed Hancock, salary 383 33
Mildred Hancock, salary UO.OO
Esther Harris, postage — 5.50
Alvin H. Heese, salary 300.00
Alvin H. Heese, service of
ficer, postage & Mileage 13.60
Holt County Extension
Service_ 274.90
Johnson Drugs, supplies for
Kansas Nebr. Natural Gas
Co., gas service for
courthouse- 353. o
f COND NSfl-dldd
... is a natural fed for HOGS, POULTRY, TURKEYS!
Available for immediate delivery in 5-gal. containers and 400
Lb. Drums
Made from pure creamery buttermilk with nothing removed but the moisture. Ex
perienced hog and poultry raisers know there is no supplement that can provide the
high quality protein and other food elements that nature has put in buttermilk!
Here is a feed that is unrivaled in economy and in RESULTS !
Manufactured by —
Available at our O’Neill plant and at our dealers
throughout the area!
* ***** # .° V *„ * w * *. • * ,* ## »*’ *
M V. Landreth, mileage 13 ft
Howard D. Manson. salary 366 6*
Virgnia Morrow, salary' . 200 0*
James Mullen, salary* 250 0(
Nora Mullen, salary _ 225.0*
Ted McElhaney, recording
services in County Court 18.0*
Northwestern Bell Tele
phone Co , telephone ser
vices _ 207.5*
Elizabeth O'Malley, salary
for reporting births and
deaths for Holt Cbunty 49 5*
Claresse Ankney, salary 200.0*
Antelope County District
Court, mental hearing 20 6*
The Atkinson Graphic, pul>
lishing fees 107 5"
Elwood J. Brady, Polaride
Camera & supplies 281.0*
Cobbs Mfg. Co., auto cer
tificate holders 110.0C
Frank Cronk, salary' 137.5C
Harlan A Dierking, salary 137.5C
, Lyle P Dierks, expenses
for attending Veterans
Service Committee meet
ings 2.94
i Edw. N. Flood, salary 137.5*
Alice L. French, box rent
postage 16.7!
Alex Frickel, mileage 20.3'
Gant Publishing Co., of
fice supplies 18 0*
William W. Griffin, salary 283.3*
J. E. Hancock, Co. Treas.,
postage 14.5?
Esther Harris, salary 250.0*
Esther Harris, Scandal
sheet for Assessor Of
fice 110*
E. V. Hickok, expense for
attending Veterans Ser
vice Committee meetings 2.8*
M. B. Huffman Agency,
bond fees 5.0*
Helen Ann Johnson, salary 200 0*
Joy Kennedy, salary' 225.0*
M V. Landreth, salary 137.5*
Joanne Lansworth, salary 200 0*
Howard D. Manson, Clerk
of District Court, court
court costs 10.5f
prt*stc i n v
Eli McConnell, salary' 137^5*
Mabel McKenna, salary 190.0*
Northeast Nebr. Associa
tion of County Officials,
i.._ 1 f\ nr
V«UV. 1V.W
I Omaha Printing Co , office
supplies 20.&
| O'Neill Photo Co., office
| O’Neill Insurance Agency,
bond fees . _ 5.0C
I supplies 18.71
(Continued next week)
Area Represented in
Midyear U of N Class
Mid-year graduates from this
area at the University of Nebras
ka in the College of Agriculture
were: Dwain Lloyd Hoffart ol
Creighton and Warren Merle Mit
chell of Stuart, bachelor of science
in agriculture: Kay LaRee Hend
erson of Orchard, bachelor of
science in home economics, Col
lege of Arts and Sciences was:
Richard D. Bohn of O’Neill, bach
elor of arts. College of Engineer
ing, Architecture was Ronald R.
Reed of Orchard, bachelor of
science, civil engineering. Teach
ers College was John F. Johnson
of Verdigre, master of education.
January 24-31
Mrs. Oscar Thomas of Center;
John Lofgren of Wausa; Mrs. Er
nest Sandoz of Center; Mrs. John
C. Heidbreder of Niobrara; Mrs.
Bessie Kreycik of Niobrara; Mrs.
Charley Brandt of Creighton; Mrs.
Fred Milne of Creighton and
Mrs. Delores Hansen of Creighton.
Mrs. Dale Neumann and son of
Winnetoon; Mrs. Faye Fredrick
son of Winnetoon; Mrs. Oscar
Thomas and daughter of Center;
1 Mrs. John Heidbreder and daugh
ter of Niobrara; and Mrs. Charley
Brandt of Creighton.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Nesbitt and
sons spent the weekend in Fuller
ton with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. E. Nesbitt.
Ewing News
Mr. and Mrs. Francis I^ilzel
and daughter, who have made their
home in the Savidge apartments
for several weeks, moved their
household goods Monday, Febru
ary 2, to Osmond where Mr. Lat
zel has employment.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd West, jr., were
her sister and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Logan Thoene, of Bonesteel,
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings vis
ited her mother, Mrs. Myrtle
Kimes, Sunday at Clearwater.
Mrs. Kenneth Arehart of Nor
folk, Mrs. Gladys Syeskal and
Miss Shirley Wright of Ewing
were guests Sunday evening at the
John Steskal home.
Mrs. John Steskal, jr., and sons
were Wednesday, January 28, vis
j itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Steskal, sr.
Recent guests at the home of [
| Mrs. Edna Lofquest were her
daughter and husband, Mr and
Mrs. Reuben Meyer, of Neligh.
Mrs. Edna Lofquest accompan
| ied Mr. and Mrs. Walter Miller
| and Danny and Mr. and Mrs.
j Howard Miller to church service
j Sunday at Amelia.
Alfred Doud went to Norfolk
Monday to attend a dealers’
meeting of the Watkins company.
Monday afternoon guests at the
Alfred Doud home were Mrs. To
ny Rothleunter and daughter, Ric
kie, and Mrs. George Latzel.
The Ewing-Clearwater Pinochle
club met Monday evening at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Art Jaake
at Clearwater.
Mrs. Edith Rusie and sons of
Omaha were Friday overnight
guests at the home of her aunt,
Mrs. James Mlnarik, and family.
Miss Donna Mlnarik and Don
Mackel of Elgin were guests Sun
day afternoon at the home of Mr. ,
and Mrs. Dick Cunningham and j
family at Page.
Mrs. Gladys Steskal, Mr. and
Mrs. Francis Latzel of Ewing and
Joe Micenak of Lynch transacted
business Saturday in Norfolk and
Marjorie Rahn,
\\ alter Miller Are
! 1
United at Atkinson !
[ i
ATKINSON Miss Marjorie 1
Rahn, daughter of Mr. and Mi's, j ‘
David Rahn. of Atkinson, and j1
Walter Miller, son of Mr. and Mrs. 1
Claud Miller, also of Atkinson, ‘
were united in marriage Saturday !
evening. January 31, at 7:00 The
couple took their vows under a j(
white arch trimmed with pink and ;
blue carnations and topped with ]
a white bell. A bouquet of pink
roses was placed on both sides of *
the arch The ceremony took
place at the Wesleyan Methodist 1
church with Rev. Walter Stien
kamp officiating. 1
Miss Josie Adams was pianist *
and accompanied Jim Hendricks,
soloist fi-om Hastings, as he sang 1
"Because" and ’The Lord’s Pray- *
er." Mr. Hendricks is a cousin of •
the bride. *
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a blue princess 1
street length dress of rayon tweed
and carried a white Bible covered >
with small pink flowers and white J
ribbon streamers. The Bible was •
a gift from Rev. and Mrs. Walter
Stienkamip. f
Miss Mavis Rahn, sister of the
bride, was maid-of-honor. She t
wore a pink princess street length |
dress with a corsage of small blue j
flowers. (
Rev. Milliam Miller, of Wayne, s
brother of the bridegroom, was t
bestman. Jerry Hendricks was the .
candlelighter and James Hupp and j
Joe Hendricks were ushers. All 4
the gentlemen in the wedding party {
wore white carnation boutonniers
The bride’s mother chose a teal
blue dress and wore an American
Beauty corsage and her grand
mother, Mrs. Sadie Hupp, wore
navy blue with a red rose corsage.
The bridegroom’s mother wore
a blue sheath dress and a desert
rose corsage.
A reception for about 130 guests
was held in the church basement,
which was decorated in the bride’s
Three Good Reasons
for Preparing
Colorful Molded Salad
Now that canned cranberry
juice, frozen cranberry-orange rel
ish and cottage cheese are so plen
tiful in markets, you have three j
good reasons for preparing this !
colorful molded salad, says Bill
Perry, local supervisor of the j
Meadow Gold Dairy. It is a tart
bland salad that goes nicely with
all poultry or beef entrees.
It has a layer of creamed cot
tage cheese sandwiched between
two layers of bright, crunchy cran
berry mold. A sprig of parsley is
all that's needed to enhance its
appearance, according to Beatrice
Cooke, director of the Meadow
Gold test kitchens in Chicago,
where the recipe was developed.
(Six to eight servings)
1 package lemon flavored gelatin
l cup hot water
1 cup cranberry juice cocktail
L 10V2-ounce package frozen cran
berry-orange relish, partly thaw
V2 cup diced celery j
V2 cup chopped pecans
M4 cups cream«i cottage cheese
3 tablespoons mayonnaise.
Dissolve gelatin in hot water, ;
Stir in cranberry juice cocktail
and relish. Chill until partly
thickened. Add celery and pecans.
Lightly oil individual salad molds.
Fill one-third full with gelatin mix
ture. Chill until partly set. Beat
together cottage cheese and may
annaise until well mixed. Spread
about 3 tablespoons cheese mix
ture over each gelatin layer. Top
with remaining gelatin mixture.
Chill until firm. Unmold. ;
■olors of pink and blue. Mrs Joe
Iendricks was the hostess.
The bride's table was centered
vith a four tier wedding cake,
>aked by Mrs Walter Stienkamp
md decorated by Mrs Joe Hend
■icks. The cake was tipped with
i miniature dove carrying the
ings in his mouth and perched
tnder a white bell on an arch. The
ake was cut by Mi's. John Ue
Miss Sharon Thurlow and Miss
foraldine Rittel of Butte served
it the bride’s table Mrs, Celia
laekhaus poured the coffee and
drs. Lawrence Thurlow served
he punch.
Miss Markita llendrieks had
barge of the guest lxx»k and the
>lisses Charlene Desieve and
■'ranees Chaffin presided at the
;ift table.
Others assisting with the serv
ing were Mrs. James Hupp. Mrs.
h'ville. Orr. Mrs. Leonard Chaffin
rtrs. Merrill Anderson and Mrs
lob Lewis.
The bride is a graduate of the
itkinson high school class of ’57.
The bridegroom attended school
a Atkinson and Plattsmouth and
ins served 4 years with the U.S.
Tarine Corps.
The couple will reside at Nor
Relatives from out-of-town in
luded Mr. and Mrs, Theodore
tiechmann and Bonita of Norfolk;
Tr. and Mrs. Leslie Repenning of
i’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jen
en, Mr. and Mrs. William Riech
mann and Mi's Herman Tollner.
11 of Bloomfield; Mr. and Mi's,
toliert Rieser and family of Butte
nd Rev. and Mrs. William Miller
nd family of Wayne.
Joan Lois Plugge,
LeRoy F. Brittian
Wed at Chambers
CHAMBERS Miss Joan Ijos
Plugge, daughter of Mr and Mrs.
Waiter Plugge of Bartlett, and Le
Roy Francis Brittian of the Ijn
coln air force base were married
Saturday, January 31, at the Meth
odist church in Chambers, with
the Re\ Charles Cox. pastor, of
ficiating at the 3 o'clock double
ring ceremony.
The bride, given in marriage by
her father, wore a white gown and
veil. The bridesmaid, Shirley
Plugge, sister of the bride, wore
a pink gown.
The bridegroom was attended
by Eldon Stewart of Lincoln.
A reception was held following
the wedding in the church parlors
for 50 relatives and friends. Indies
of the Women's Society served
The young couple will I*' at
home in Lincoln following a short
wedding trip.
Chambers News
Mrs. Evelyn Barelman of Wlsner
is assisting her son. Russell, and
family while her daughter-in-law
is in the hospital. Mrs. Erna Tuck
er was a Sunday visitor in the
Barelman home.
Jack Adams of Austin. Tex., has
been visiting his brother, Glen
Adams, and family and his sistei-s,
Mrs James Grimes and Mrs.
Arthur Walters, and other relatives
and friends.
Northwest Nebraska Hereford Assn.
SHOW — FRIDAY, 1 p.m., CST
FEBRUARY 13th & 14th
At the Fair Grounds — Valentine, Nebr.
Selling 62 Top Bulls
Included will be several herd bull prospects, all of pop
ular bloodlines. Most are old enough for service now. Con
signed by the following breeders:
W. Everett Brown _ Valentine
Rex Coffee, Jr. ......... Harrison
Harley DeHaven ___ Hay Springs
R. R. Daniels ______ Valentine
Drybread Herefords ..... Valentine
Chas. Dorsey & Sons _ Newport
Rex and Kenneth Chase __ Elsmere
Furman Hereford Ranch __ Marsland
Gue and Slider ___ Crawford j
Harold Harms _ Valentine
Kenneth Lei strife __ Lakeside 1
Earl G. Wobig _ Cody
Floyd Tucker & Sons _ Rose ;
For catalog or other information, write
Valentine, Nebraska
BOB VAN HORN, Page, President
JOHN FURMAN, Marsland, Vice-President
CHARLES CORKLE, Norfolk, Auctioneer
The annual banquet will be held the night of the show. All
persons interested in good cattle are welcome.
Precision, perhaps more than any one factor, has placed
Cadillac above and beyond other motor cars. In every
phase of design . . . manufacture . . . and assembly, meticu
lous care is devoted to even the most minor of details.
The result of this untiring effort is evidenced on every
highway of the world—Cadillac motor cars—ten or fifteen
or twenty years old—still providing pleasure and prestige.
Visit your Cadillac dealer to drive the 1959 Cadillac
. . . and to experience motordom's most convincing hour!
Ship Commissioned
Serving aboard the attack air
craft carrier USS Independence,
i commissioned January 10 at the
Brooklyn naval shipyard, is
Navy Cdr. Albin J. Koenig >
(above), son of Adam L. Koenig i
and husband of the former Miss
Dorothy Brodersen, all of Spenc
er. The navy's newest attack
carrier is the fourth of the For
restal class. The 60.000-ton ship
with its 3,500 man crew is fur
nished with modern living ac
comodations and the newest
equipment available. The Inde
pendence will undergo sea trials
in preparation for a Giribbcan
cruise this spring, under her
first commanding officer, Capt.
Rhodam Y. McElroy, jr., of Leb
anon, Ky.