Legal Notices < First pub. Jan. 8, 1959> AKTKa.FS OF INCORPORATION Articles of incorporation erf FARMERS STATE BANK Ewing, Holt County, Nebraska. Charter No. 1600, as AMENDED on the 26th day of December, 1958 We, Richard S. Brion, President and Secretary, and Maud M. Brion, Vice President, of the Farmers State Bank, County of Holt, State | of Nebraska, do hereby certify, to wit: That, at a special meeting of the stockholders duly called and held on this 26th day of December, 1958, pursuant to the lawful notice ' thereof duly given, the Articles of Incorporation of said bank, upon resolution regularly made and ac cepted, were amended by striking out all of the Articles of Incorpor ation of said bank heretofore pro vided and existing and by adopt ing in place thereof the following Amended Articles: "ARTICLE I. The name of this corporation shall lie FARMERS STATE BANK. "ARTICLE H. The principal place of business of this corpora tion shall lx? Ewing, County of Holt, State of Nebraska. "ARTICLE IU. This corporation is formed to transact u commer cial banking business as provided by the laws of Nebraska. "ARTICLE IV. The authorized capital stock of this corporation shall be $75,000.00 of which $50, 000,00 has been paid in. It is represented by shares of the par value of $100.00 each. No transfer of the stock of this corporation shall lie operative until entered on the books of the corporation. ‘‘ARTICLE V. This corporation commenced business on the 1st day of September, 1927, or as soon thereafter as authorized by the Department of Banking of the State of Nebraska and shall have perpetual existence. "ARTICLE VI. The affairs of this corporation shall be managed by a Board of Directors consisting of no less than three nor more than 15 shareholders whose term of office shall lie for one year or until their successors are elected .and qualified. The Board of Di rectors shall elect from its num ber a president, a vice-president and a secretary. The Board of Directors shall select, annually a cashier and such additional officers and employees as are needed to conduct the business of the cor poration. By-laws for the control of the corporation may be adopted by the Board of Directors. RICHARD S. BRION, President & Secretary. MAUD M. BRION, Vice President. (BANK SEAL) STATE OF NEBRASKA ) ) ss. HOLT COUNTY ) On this 26th day of December, 1958, before the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for the Coun ty of Holt, State of Nebraska, per sonally appeared Richard S. Brion and Maud M. Brion to me known to be the identical persons whose names are affixed to the foregoing certificate and each for himself acknowledged the same to be his voluntary act and deed. _ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and notarial seal this 26th day of De cember, 1958, at Ewing, Nebraska. DOROTHY SOJKA Notary Public ‘SEAL) , „ . (My commission expires Feb. 10, 1962). 37-39c LEGAL NOTICE The Paid-in Capital Stock of the Farmers State Bank, Ewing, Ne braska, was increased December 31. 1958, from $25,000.00 to $50, 000 00 FARMERS STATE BANK Richard S. Brion, President. 37-40c (First pub. Jan. 15, 1959) Julius D. Cronin, attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 4.W. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA, > —— JANUARY 8TH. 1959 LN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF GEHAHD D. JANZING, DECEASED. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time lim ited for presenting claims against said estate is May 5th, 1959, and for the payment of debts is Jan uary 8th. 1960. and that on Feb ruary 5th, 1959, and on May 6th, 1959, at 10 o'clock A.M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, ex amine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER. County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL* 3840c (First pub. Jun 15, 1959) ROAD PETITION TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA: We, the undersigned, electors of Holt County, Nebraska, residing within five miles of the following i described road, hereby petition j your honorable bcxiy to establish a County Road 66 feet wide, de scribed as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Southwest Comer of Section 33. Town ship 29, Range 16, running j thence East a distance of 4 miles to the Southeast Corner of Section 36, Township 29, Range 16, to connect with present County Road, running south from Stuart, Nehr. Hearing will be held on the above Road Petition on January 30, 1959, at 2:00 PM.. at the Su|v ervisors Room. Holt County Court House, O'Neill, Nehr. KENNETH WARING. Holt County Clerk 3840c Davis Graduates from Non-Com Academy— Army Spl Lyle E. Davis. 22. son of Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Davis of O’Neill, recently was graduated from the non-commissioned officer 1 academy in Bad Tolz, Germany. Specialist Davis received four 1 weeks of refresher training in map reading, combat tactics and lead- i ership. He is regularly assigned as wire chief in headquarters battery of the 17th artillery's third howitzer battalion in Schwabisch Gmund. Davis entered the army in 1955 and has been in Europe since May, 1958. He is a 1954 graduate of O'Neill high school and attended Nebraska State Teachers college at Wayne. Osborne Is Fire Team leader— ATKINSON Army Pfc. Jack M. Osborne, 23, son of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Osborne of Atkinson, re cently participated with the Fourth armored division’s 51st infantry in combat efficiency training tests in Germany. Osborne, a fire team leader in the infantry’s company D in Ulm, entered the army in May, 1957, completed basic training at Ft. Hood, Tex., and arrived in Europe the following November. He is a 1954 graduate of Atkin son high school and is a former employe of Atkinson Co-op Cream ery. MNO flub Meeting Next Tuesday— The MNO club will hold its first meeting of the year at 8 p.m. Tuesday, January 27, at the home of Mrs. William Mattem Mrs. Amott Buxton will be cohostess. New officers for the year are: Mrs. Leonard Davis, president; Mrs. Melvin Marcellus. vice-pres ident; Mrs. Laurence Haynes, sec retary-treasurer. The year book will be completed. The lesson, “Food Facts and Fallacies”, will be given by Mrs. C. R. Hill and Mrs. Matt Beha.- Mrs. Matt Beha, reporter. The Misses Lu and Barbara Birmingham spent the weekend in Omaha with their brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Riley. They called on T. Joe Biglin at Clarkson Memorial hos pital. Use Frontier Classified Ads for quick results! - ■ | Horse Sale Our next horse sale will be — Wednesday Night, January 28th HORSES OF ALL KINDS . . . INCLUDING QUARTER HORSES . . . BEING BROUGHT IN FROM A WIDE TERRITORY. ALBION SALE PAVILION RAY FLANIGAN AND LEON NELSON. Owners- M*nn«er^ DAN FULLER, Auctioneer ———————* Investment Diamonds Vs. “Bargain Diamonds” _ Diamonds, along with gold and silver, are universally recog nized as having standard investment value the world over. It follows that when one sees an advertisement such as this— "Diamond Ring Sale—Reg. Price $400.00 Sale Price $200.00—You Save $200.00” one wonders how the "so called” regular prices could offer much of a sound investment. Like gold and silver-diamonds too must have an established and recognized value the world over. At McIntosh’s we no not sell "the price tags”, we offer sound dollar value in every diamond, proven by careful use of approved diamond laboratory instruments. Learn and compare before you buy any diamond—no obligation, of course. McINTOSH JEWELRY 407 E. Douglas Phone 1M A Trusted Jeweler Is Your Best Advisor *••.**• • • * ♦ . . Deloit News Mr. and Mrs Glenn Harpster and sons, Terry and Willard, went to Neligh Saturday. Mrs. Fred Harpster returned home with them after spending the past week with her mother. Mrs Minnie Reimer. at the Coiner rest home in Neligh. Frank Miller shelled com Sat urday. Temperature ranged last week from 55 degrees above zero Tues day, January 13. to 6 degrees be low zero Friday. Mrs. Fred Steams and Mrs. Maynard Steams attended a meet ing at Park Center Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. John W u 1 f have sold their farm to Mr. Stokes and will move to Neligh where they will make their home. Leonard Larson of Anchorage. Alaska, plans to attend the inaug uration at Juneau. Alaska, Feb ruary 1. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Larson. Mrs. Harold Spahn and son were Norfolk visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Ralph Tomjack were Sioux City visitors Sunday. Mary. Robert and Leonard Mil .. ""B' ler spent the weekend at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller Mrs. Mike Bom of Plainview and Mrs. Henry Reimer were Nor folk visitors Saturday. Mrs Ralph Tomjack and Mrs Pete Heims were Omaha shoppers a few days this week. Joe Rosno from near Salem.; Ore., visited the Frank Miller home Saturday' Mrs Ewald Spahn and Mrs. L : L. Bartak attended a chib meet ing at O'Neill Tuesday. January I13' A birthday anniversary dinner i was held Sunday, January 11, at the Larson home in Ewing in hon or of Mrs. Carl Christon of Den ver, Colo., and Henry Reimer, whose anniversaries are in Jan uary. Guests were Mrs Carl Chris ton of Denver, Colo., Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reimer. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Born and family of Plainview, Mr. and Mrs. Don Larson and Mr. and Mrs Bill Fry'. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Bartak and baby went to Norfolk Saturday. Mike stayed at the Lambert Bar tak home. Mrs. Tommy Razor was a guest Thursday. January 8, at HEO club I at the Schmiser home. The Pinochle club held their January meeting at the Werkmeis ter home Tuesday. January 6 Mrs Sisson warn high score. Mrs. Frank Bohn, low. and Mrs Werkmeister, traveling. Mrs, Frank Bohn be came a member of the club. Mrs Bohn's mother, Mrs Beel aert, is spending the winter with her daughter and family in Omaha Leonard Miller, eldest son erf Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller, is at tending a trade school in Omaha. He recently returned home from Germany, where he was in ser vice His sister, Mary, and brother, Robert, are employed in Omaha. The llEO club met Thurstiay, January 8, at the Clarence Schm iser home. All but two members were present An art lesson was given by the hostess. Most every home has l>een en tertaining (?l the flu bug. Ralph Tomjack had fat cattle on the Sioux City market recently. Two carloads of fertilizer ar rived in Cleai-water last week and farmers are busy hauling it out to their farms Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack were Sioux City visitors one day last week. Use Frontier Want Ads! Ewing News Floyd Butterfield returned home Friday from Chicago. 111., where he attended a training school of the Allied Mills for a few days Guests at the Floyd Butterfield home recently were her brothers. Gary Roberts, stationed in New foundland in the armed forces, and Corporal Bud Roberts, from Texas Mrs Floyd Butterfield enter tained the classmates of Miss Sharon Johnston on Wednesday evening, January 14, at her home, honoring the birthday anniversary of Sharon. Games were played for amusement. The honored guest re ceived some nice gifts. Lunch was served by Mrs Butterfield. Mrs. Eva Kaczor and Mike Nickolite attended the funeral of their aunt. Mrs. Sophia Haun, 99. held at Columbus Saturday. Jan uary 10, Others in attendance were Mrs. Joe Nickolite. Mr and Mrs. Frank Nickolite of O'Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kimcek of Plain view. Mrs. Edward Yelli of Royal. Dr. William II. Ross, Willie Shrader and Richard Napier at tended the Niobrara Presbytery held at Wayne Thursday, January 15 They were accompanied by Mesdames Willie Shrader, Richard Napier, Vearl Tuttle, who visited churches at Wayne and Norfolk The Sunday-school departments were of special interest to the group. Tin* Holt and Antelope County Co-Op Council held an annual meeting Thursday evening, Jan nary 8, at the parlors of First Methodist church Sixty members and guests were in attendance. Gale Anderson of Lincoln, ex ecutive secretary of the Nebraska council, was guest spenker. A film strip was also used in his address on "The Story of the Co-Op". Group singing preceded the seven o'clock banquet served by the Women's Society of Christian serv ice. Carol Sum merer of Ewing, chairman, was mastor-of-eoremon ies. The following program was presented: “Sing with Stan" in cluded several popular song of Co Op meetings: a brief explanation of the Holt and Antelope county council was given by Mr Sumrqor er followed by an introduction of employees from Ewing, Orchard, Elgin. Oiambers and Atkinson. "Out Talking the Talkies” was a skit by the young people; vocal selections by Tom and Stanley Lambert At the tnisiness session, the fol lowing officers were elected: Lyle E Dierks of Ewing, chairman; Stanley l»amhcrt of Ewing, co chairman, and Carol Summer of Ewing, secretary, Mrs. Robert Tams and children were guests of Mr and Mrs. Fred Tams at Clearwater Tuesday, Jan uary 13. where they viewed pic tures of Alaska Mr. and Mrs. Dale Kropp and son of Randolph, spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Arthur Kropp, and family. Paul Shierk INSURANCE AtJENOY O'NEIIJ,, NEBR. Insurance of All Kinds . I Money-Raising Auction! AND WE DON’T MEAN MAYBE! Near-New & Used TRACTORS, FARM EQUIP., AUTOMOBILES SELL TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER IN ONE GRAND AUCTION ! 8UR WELL, NEBRASKA Monday, January 26th, 1959 Sale Start* at 12:30 O’clock — On Property Located Immediately North of Rodeo Grounds East of State Hi way 11 - --- NEAR-NEW . . . USED . . . NEW 35 - TRACTORS ■ 35 4M International Gas Tractor, absolutely tops 1982 Ford Tractor, six cylinder * tftft International Diesel Tractors, Uke- 1946 John Deere A Tractor new guarantee 194© John Deere A Tractor, road gear 400 International Gas Tractor, a good one 1960 Farm all C Tractor Igg M-D International Tractor, overhauled 1946 Farm all B Tractor 1961 M-D Tractor 1*HI New 1-980 Tractor 1961 M Tractor, gas 1*5* New 1-390 Tractor 1947 M Tractor, fuel 19*9 John Deere D Tractor, Ng tires 1963 Super M Tractor, LP Gas 1966 M M Power Unit, 46 hp 1966 400 IHC Tractor, gas 1943 John Deere G Tractor 1944 M Tractor, gas Late F-20 Reverse Sweep, complete hydrau 1946 H Tractor, fuel Uc ©octroi and back, road gear 1944 H Tractor, gas 1949 VAC Case Tractor with cultivator UM4 H Tractor, gas and plow 1946 M Tractor, reconditioned Nearly all of these tractors have been 1941 M Tractor, wide front put through our shop and are in A-l shape 1949 John Deere A Tractor SADDLE HORSE, 4-yrs.-old, very gentle 1940 John Deere A Tractor SHETLAND COLT We are not bankers or finance company people . . . but we are recognized INTERNATIONA!, farm equipment and FORD and MERCURY dealers. So many of our customers have tnuk'd for new 1959 models that we are loaded with trade-ins, and have decided to CASH them! Many are late models and will cairy our regular guarantee; some of necessity will be sold as la. But, In either case, your CASH will effect a big savings for you! WE NEED THE MONEY! FARM & RANCH EQUIP. 1951 Aids Round Baler Two- and Four-Row Planters 2—Rake Hitches for pulling two rakes Threshing Machines AH Case Combine No. 76 IHO Combine, like new Four-Bottom Plow with tandem wheels Kewanee Disc, 14-ft., new 1952 2-M Picker No. 16 IHO Baler 56 AW IHC Baler with motor Hay Rake — Dump — Side Delivery J-D No. 72 Field Chopper, corn head i AUTOMOBILES NEAR-NEW . . . USED 1968 Ford Fak-lane 500 CTnb Sedan V-8, Fordomatie, radio, heater, near-new 1868 Ford Fairtane 500 Fordor Sedan, V-8, radio, heater, Ornlsmatlc, tinted glass, air suspension, white wall tires, low mileage 1867 Chevrolet *10 4-Dr. Sedan V-8, radio, heater, overdrive, very clean 1967 Ford Custom 806 Fordor Sedan V-8, radio, heater, Fordomatie, tinted glass, ooe owner 1866 Ford GUstom 880 Fordor, radio, heater, overdrive 1966 OidsmobUe 8-88 4-Dr. Hydraraatto, radio, heater, power steering, power brakes 1866 Ford Tndor Victoria, radio, bonier, OD 1866 Ford Tndor Victoria, radio, healer, Fordomatie, Continental deck, white wall Urns ... a honey 1864 Ford Custom Fordor, radio, hector, V-8 eagtae 1864 Plymonth 4-Dr., rmdto, heater 1886 Ford Fordor, radio, heater, overdrive 1864 Chevrolet 818 8-Dr., rafflo, header 1864 Chevrolet Bekdre 4-Dr., radio, his tor 1864 Ford Onstam V-S Tndor, radio, bandar 1961 Ford Victoria, radio, healer, wwMn with rebadlt '56 Cher. V-8 eag„ sastorndnsd 1868 Btodsbaker V-8 land Cruiser, B, ■, OD 1866 Ford V-8 MalnBaor Fordor, R, H, OD 1861 Chevrolet t-Dr., BIB 1861 Chevrolet t-Dr. Hardtop, RAH 1968 Btndsbaker dab Oonpe. R, H, OO 1900 Ford V-K Tudor, RAH 1901 Mercury Fordor, RAH, new automatic trims. 1900 Ford Chistom Fordor, RAH 1904 Chevrolet 2-Dr, RAH 1900 Ford VS Tudor, RAH 1009 Chevrolet 8-Dr. Deluxe, RAH 1001 Ford Fordor Custom Tudor, R A H, VS 1001 Chevrolet 8-Dr., RAH 1054 Plymouth 4-Dr., RAH 1000 Plymouth 4-Dr., RAH 1001 Plymouth 4-Dr., heater 1000 Plymouth 4 Dr.. RAH 1001 Chevrolet 8-Dr., RAH 1004 Ford Fordor, RAH, 0-eyl. 1004 Ford Fordor, RAH. VS 1001 Ford Fordor, RAH 1000 Momfj Club Coupe, RAH 1000 Bulek 9-Dr., RAH 1000 Ford Tudor, RAH 1000 Ford Tudor, RAH, VS 1001 Ford Fordor, RAH 1904 Chevrolet 1001 Ford Tudor, 0-eyl. 1001 Mormrj Ch4> Qoupn 1004 Ford Tudor, V-0, R * H 1800 Chevrolet Bolalre, w/s, R, PS 1040 BuUk 8-Dr. 1000 Bulek S-Dr., RAH 1000 Ford V-0. Club Coupe, RAH 1001 Ford V-0 Fordor Sedan, RAH 1000 Finlhr 4-Dr., RAH 1000 Mereary Fordor. RAH. O.D., very eleen 20—MOWERS, aU Idnda - - DISCS, 10-ft. thru 15-ft. 10—Used No. 24 PICKERS Several Fanning Mil 1m 1030 AC Koto Baler 1056 Oliver One-Row Pull-Type Picker New Idea Mower with engine and PTO 1956 M-M One-Row Pull-Type Picker Ford Plow, one-way i 4966 Oliver Field Chopper Tool* — Paint C AIUm Cultivators Listers Oliver Cultivators Many other Items too numerous Tractor Tires to mention Oils — Grease 15—USED PLOWS, 14- and 16-in., 2- and 3-bottom PICKUPS & TRUCKS 1996 ISO INTERNATIONAL, new 16-ft. combination stock and grain body 1963 FORD THREE-QUARTER TON, three-speed 1960 JEEP, four-wheel drive — 1961 JEEP PICKUP, four-wheel drive 1947 CHEVROLET THREE-QUARTER TON PICKUP 1949 JEEP PICKUP, four-wheel drive 1949 FORD V-8 TUDOR 1949 CHEVROLET TWO-TON DUMP TRUCK 1968 INTERNATIONAL PICKUP, three-quarter ton, four-wheel drive 1957 FORD C-800 TILT CAB, V-8 engine, low mileage, 2-speed axle 1997 FORD V-8 HALF-TON, vary oleen 1966 FORD 6-CYL. HALF-TON, like new 1964 FORD V-8 THREE-QUARTER-TON, 4-speed transmission 1963 FORD HEAVY DUTY THREE-QUARTER-TON, Aupeed 1963 CHEVROLET HALF-TON, A speed transmission 1960 FORD V-8 TWO-TON, ooauplete with 14-ft. Wileon box, hoist, new 8:36 One 1949 FORD V-8 THREE-QUARTHR-TON, 4-speed trunsmiselan 1948 CHEVROLET HEAVY DUTY THREE-QUARTER-TON, 4-speed treaentinten 1948 IHC HEAVY DUTY THREE-QUARTER-TON, 4-speed transmission 1948 CHEVROLET TWO-TON, 4-speed transmission, with box 1948 WILLYS JEEP, Awheel drive 19M FORD V-8 ONE-TON, with duel wheels, combination stock rack 1964 CHEVROLET TWO-TON, with 13combination box 1967 FORD F-100 ONE-HALF TON PICKUP, style side box TERMS: STRICTLY CASH. No property to be removed until aettled for. — Dealers Invited I I ERNIE WELLER & DEAN FLEMING, Auctioneers I Storjohann Equip. Co. Mayberry Motors INTERNATIONAL FARM EQUIPMENT FORD - MERCURY BURWELL, NEBR BURWELL, NEBR.